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Plant and Animal Cells: known as intercalary, lateral, and apical

-Plant cells are eukaryotic organisms with -Apical meristems are present at the tips of
unique characteristics. stems and roots, causing plant length to
- the volume of water filled is enclosed by a increase.
membrane known as tonoplast, they have a -Lateral meristems increase plant thickness in
tonoplast membrane at the center, vacuoles the stem or root radial section,
are present, and which regulates molecule -intercalary meristems increase internode size
movement, stores material, and digests waste at the base of leaves.
protein and organelles.
-The cell wall, covering the plasma Permanent Tissue
membrane, consists of cellulose,
hemicellulose, and pectin, often secreted by a -Permanent tissues in plants contain non-
protoplast. dividing cells that are modified to perform
specific functions.
-The cell wall is divided into primary and -These cells are extracted from meristematic
secondary cell walls, with the primary wall tissue and differentiate into permanent tissue
being highly elastic and the secondary wall cells.
forming around it after growth. -These cells are large, have intercellular
spaces, and contain large vacuoles.
-Turgid controls are essential features of the
-The metabolism in permanent tissue cells is
cell wall.
relatively low.
-Plasmodesmata, a pore in the primary wall, -Overall, plant tissues play a crucial role in
connect neighboring cells' plasmalemma and plant growth and development.
endoplasmic reticulum.
-Plastids, which contain chlorophyll and
biochemical structures for photosynthesis and
light-harvesting, are essential for plant cells.
-A typical plant cell may contain up to 50
-amyloplasts for starch storage.
-adipocytes for fat storage.
-and chromoplasts for pigment synthesis and

Plant Tissue

-Plant tissues are clusters of identical cells

that work together to accomplish a specific
purpose. Permanent and meristematic tissues
are types of plant tissues, with meristematic
tissues being the most significant in growth.

Meristematic Tissue

-By swift division, these tissues have the

potential to grow. They assist in the
vegetation's significant growth. These tissues,

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