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Attendant: Good morning, Thank you for calling room service department.

This is _____________ speaking how may I help you?

Guest: Can I have breakfast?

Attendant: Yes you can. But before that may I know your name and room

Guest: I am ________ at room _________.

Attendant: Okay sir_________ at room __________,May I offer you a set of


Guest: Yes please.

Attendant: Sir for your breakfast we have American/Continental and Filipino

breakfast, what would you prefer sir?

Guest: I prefer American.

Attendant: Ok sir for your American breakfast it goes along with chilled fresh fruit
or fruit juice in season. What would you prefer sir?

Guest: I like to have fruit juice.

Attendant: Ok sir for fruit juice we have ___________, What would you prefer

Guest: I like _______.

Attendant: Ok sir you ordered _______ for your fruit juice.

And for your breakfast plate we have a good set of two sunny side up eggs with
corn beef hash or plain scrambled egg with sausages, what did you prefer sir?

Guest: I prefer sunny side up egg with corn beef hash.

Attendant: Ok sir and your breakfast will be served together with plain bread and
butter with choices of jam. Sir for jam we have strawberry and mango jam, what
would you prefer sir?

Guest: I prefer mango jam

Attendant: Ok sir, how about for your hot drinks. I think our hot steaming ______
is good for your breakfast set. Would you like to have it?

Guest: Yes please.

Attendant: OK sir you’ve ordered _______ for your hot drinks. You already had a
complete set of breakfast. Is there anything else sir?

Guest: None

Attendant: May I repeat your order sir?

Guest: yes you can.

Attendant: Ok sir you ordered one set of American breakfast with two sunny side
ups egg and corn beef hash, for your fresh fruit juice you have _______, for your
jam you choose ______ and for your hot drinks you order _________.

Did I repeat your order correctly sir?

Guest: Definitely

Attendant: Anyway sir how would you like to settle your bill? Do you like cash,
credit card or charge to your room?

Guest: I’ll settle in cash

Attendant: Okay sir, your bill is php.250 pesos. May I know how much is your cash
to be pay, for me to bring on your change?

Guest: I have php.500

Attendant: Okay sir your order will be served at room _______ after 20 minutes.
Please feel free to call the Room Service Department if you have any additional
order or request. Thank you, have a nice day sir.


Attendant: Good morning kitchen is _______ of room service department, may I

place the order of _________ at _________?

Room _____ ordered one set of American breakfast with ______.

Did you get it correct?

The order is expected to be delivered at ______ after 30mns.

Thank you very much.


Attendant: “Knock 3x Room service department!

(DOOR OPEN) Good morning sir I’m ______ your room service attendant and
here with me is the food order of Mr._________. May I come in?

Guest: Yes come in

Attendant: Okay thank you sir, excuse me

Would you like me to leave your door open or close?

Guest: Leave it open

Attendant: Okay sir, would you like me to set your breakfast on the table or just
leave it on the trolley?
Guest: On the table please.

Attendant: Okay sir, excuse me.


Attendant: Excuse me sir your breakfast is now ready , would you like to have it
now ?

Please have a seat.

Guest: Okay thank you.


Attendant: Okay sir here is your 1 set of _____________ breakfast that goes
along with ________, _________.

Guest: Okay thank you

Attendant: Is there anything else sir?

Guest: No.

Attendant: Okay sir may I present the bill?

Guest: Sure

Attendant: Excuse me sir, here is your bill.

Sir I received 500 pesos, excuse me, here is your change. When would you like me
to come back to clear your table?

Guest: After an hour.

Attendant: Okay sir I’ll be back after an hour to clear your table.

Don’t hesitate to call room service if you have any additional order or request.
May I leave your room?
Guest: Okay.

Attendant: Please enjoy your breakfast sir. Have a nice day, Goodbye.


Attendant: “Knock 3x” Room service good morning.

Sir, I'm here again to clear your table.

May I come in?

Guest: Of course yes.

Attendant: May I clear your table now?

Guest: Yes.

Attendant: Okay sir, Excuse me.


Attendant: Excuse me sir your table is now clear.

Is there anything else sir?

Guest: Nothing.

Attendant: Okay sir, how do you find the food?

Guest: It’s nice food.

Attendant: How about my service?

Guest: Very good service.

Attendant: Okay sir. Thank you for the compliment, it’s my pleasure to serve you;
I hope you enjoyed stay with us. Just feel free to call room service if you need
anything else. Good bye


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