Full English

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Deasy : Assalamualaikum, Good afternoon everyone, how are you?

Siswa : Waalaikumsaalam, Good Afternoon miss, I’m good miss. How about you?

Deasy : I’m fine too, thank you. Students, in this situation, with pandemic condition, I hope
all of you always keep 3 M. Do you know what 3M?

Siswa : Washing hands (Mencuci Tangan), Wearing mask ( Memakai masker) and Keeping
a distance ( Menjaga Jarak)

Deasy : Very Good students, before we start our lesson today, please Leni leads the prayer.

Leni : Before, we start our lesson let’s says “bismillah” together.

Semua : Bismillahirrohmanirrohin

Deasy : And then, I will check your attendance list. When I call your name, please turn on
your camera and your microphone.

Siswa : Present

Deasy : todays topic is ...... the purpose of this topic is....

Deasy : Do you still remember about our material in the previous meeting?

Siswa : Yes miss, about procedure text

Deasy : Excellent, what is procedure text?

Leni : procedure text is a text tell about how to make something

Deasy : Very Good, how about the generic structure?

Yati : Goal, Ingredients or material and steps or instructions

Deasy : Excellent, how about the language features?

Dini : Using conjunction, command, adverb, action verb and simple present tense

Deasy : Very Good. In the previous meeting, I was asking you to find out the “verbs “ that
are often used in the procedure text. So, I’m going to check, is everyone looking for the
“verbs” or not. I’m already give you a worksheet. There’s a picture and a verb. What you
need to do, just match the picture with the verb.
( students read the result of their work)

Deasy : Do you still remember what text that we discussed last week?

Anas : How to make Egg Roll

Deasy : Perfecct... In this meting, I will give you another text. Last week, I also give you a
clue. So, is anyone remember what is it?

Leni : a recipe that consist of variety of vegetables

Deasy : That’s right, can someone guess what is it?

Agung : Soup

Anas : Sayur Lodeh

Dini : Sayur Asem (Tamarind Soup)

Deasy : All the answers are correct, but today we only focus of how to make sayur asem
(Tamarind Soup). Same, as we did in the last meeting. Firstly, we read all the text and then
identify the generic structures also the language features of the text. This assignment, you
will do it in groups via googledoc link. Do you understand?

(I will divide you into groups in breakout room)

All students discuss. After the students finish the assignment, they go back to main room.

Deasy : Alright, please group 1 and 2 present the result of your discussion.

Leni :

Dini :

Who want to share about the “Language features” of the text

(The students answer).

Deasy : Is there any difficulty about today’s material?

Risa : I find a lot of “words “ that i dont know about the meaning miss. But, fortunately i
was helped by the dictionary.
Deasy : How about the others?

Anas : the text is too long miss.

Deasy : it’s okay we still learning and sometimes we find a struggle too. What we have to
do is we have to keep learning. So that our skill continue to grow. Is there anything else? If
there’s not any difficulty. How your feeling of learning today?

Siswa : Happy and interesting miss.

Guru : I’m very happy and proud to all of you because you are very active and you can
complete the worksheet well.

Alright, in your opinion. Have we achieved our learning objective?

Siswa: Yes miss

Guru : To increase your knowledge about recipe, you can watch a lot of interesting recipes
on youtube. Especially fresh and healthy drink that’s good for our disgestion.

Siswa : Alright miss

Guru : That is all from me. Before we end the lesson today. let’s say “ Hamdalah”together.
Thank you so much for your attention and always take care of your health.

Good Afternoon,Wassalam.....

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