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‘Evolution of Public Financial Management in Bangladesh’

wmGwR g‡nv`‡qi ‡jKPvi wmwi‡Ri e³e¨gvjv

Clr ms‡ÿwcZ I m¤úvw`Z

[ZvwiLt 25 Rvbyqvwi, 2019 wLªt]

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Session: ONE

Dcw¯’Z wmwRG g‡nv`q, GwWwR (dvBb¨vÝ), wewfbœ wWcvU©‡g‡›Ui huviv †nW Av‡Qb Zuviv Ges Avgvi
Ab¨vb¨ mnKg©xe„›` Avmmvjvgy AvjvBKzg| Auditor General wn‡m‡e Avgvi appointment Gi c‡i this
will be the first time that I will be meeting all the cadre officers under the same roof.
GUv mn‡RB Aby‡gq †h, Avgv‡`i GLv‡b Kg©KZ©v ch©v‡q huviv Av‡Qb Zvuiv wewfbœ iK‡gi qualifications
wb‡q‡Qb| A‡b‡K Av‡Qb hvu‡`i professional qualification Av‡Q, A‡b‡K Av‡Qb hvuiv through
experience qualified Avevi GgbI A‡b‡K Av‡Qb hviv beginner GB wWcvU©‡g‡›U| GB wWcvU©‡g›U
GKwU professional wWcvU©‡g›U| Public Financial Managmant (PFM)-G GB wWcvU©‡g‡›Ui
importance ev ¸iæZ¡ A‡bK †ekx| ïay ZvB bq, GwU GKwU prestigious wWcvU©‡g›UI e‡U| GB
wWcvU©‡g›U standard A_ev example create Kivi g‡Zv GKwU wWcvU©‡g›U, hv‡Z K‡i public service
Gi Ab¨vb¨ A½ cÖwZôvb¸‡jv GB wWcvU©‡g›U‡K AbymiY ev AbyKiY Ki‡Z cv‡i, Ges Gi professional
environment ‡K value K‡i Ges respect K‡i|
Avwg ‡f‡e †`Ljvg †h, PFM Gi evolution Ges Gi wewfbœ c_-cwiµgvq wewfbœ mgq wewfbœ
cwieZ©b G‡m‡Q| G cwieZ©‡bi A‡bK¸‡jvB nq‡Zvev fv‡jvi Rb¨B n‡q‡Q, wKš‘ A‡bK¸‡jv Avevi nq‡Zv
g›`I e‡q G‡b‡Q| d‡j †Kvb †Kvb RvqMvq PFM-†K Avgiv more streamlined K‡iwQ, Avevi †Kvb
†Kvb RvqMvq ÷ªs joint †K disjoin K‡iwQ| GUv mgMÖ wWcvU©‡g‡›Ui mevi Rvbv `iKvi †h, †Kv_vq †Kv_vq
M¨vc m„wó n‡q‡Q Ges †Kv_vq †Kv_vq advancement n‡q‡Q| Gi gva¨‡g mew`K wgwj‡q Avgiv GKwU
homogeneity of knowledge m„wó Ki‡ev hv‡Z K‡i Avgiv mevB GKUv unified view wb‡q Pj‡Z cvwi
Ges GKR‡bi †hUv view (in terms of regulatry framework) Av‡iKRbI hv‡Z GKB view cÖKvk
K‡i ev †hb Zvi mv‡_ Zzjbvg~jK Kg differ K‡i| Avgiv mevB †hb GKUv uniform basis wb‡q K_v
ej‡Z cvwi, gZvgZ w`‡Z cvwi| hLb Avgiv K_v ej‡ev (†hgb †Kvb GKUv meeting situation G), mevB
†hb conceptually strong base wb‡q K_v ej‡Z cvwi|
Moreover, all around the world eZ©gv‡b PFM-G (like any other sector)
technology-i intensive use ‡e‡o‡Q | GB intensive use of technology A`yi fwel¨‡Z Avgv‡`i
working environment-Gi g‡a¨ GKUv sea of change wb‡q Avm‡e Ges Avm‡Q| GB change Uvi
mv‡_ Avgv‡`i wb‡R‡`i‡K wjsK Ki‡Z n‡e Ges Avgv‡`i KvRK‡g© technologyÕi extensive use evov‡Z
n‡e| †hUv technology Ki‡Z cv‡i †mUv human being ‡Kb Ki‡e ? Technology ‡hUv handle
K i‡Z cv‡i †mUv Avgiv K i‡ev bv t that should be our first lesson| Zvn‡j technology

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extensively use Ki‡Z n‡e Ges technology based solution ‡K Avgiv heartily welcome
Ki‡ev| Avgiv concentration (in terms of accounts and audit) ïay H RvqMvq Ki‡ev ‡hB RvqMvq
technology solution w`‡Z cvi‡e bv|
Zvn‡j †evSv hv‡”Q, Avgviv human judgement apply Kivi Gwiqv¸‡jv Qvov, other
mundane and mechanical works should be lapsed with the technological solutions|
Avgiv Gwel‡q †Kvb reservation ivL‡ev bv Ges this is a sheer nonsense and stupidity not
inviting the technology, or not welcoming the technology in our working
environment| Avgv‡`i GUv fvev DwPr n‡e bv †h, if we welcome the technology, our jobs
will be at stake| That cannot happen Ges Gai‡bi wPšÍv KivI Aciv‡ai kvwgj| Now the big
question comes that if technology prevails, wether my job will be at stake or not? My
answer to this question is ‘No’| ‡UK‡bvjwR †Kvb mgm¨v bq, rather the traditional
contamination of the audit & accounts people is more dangerous| ‡UK‡bvjwR ïay Avgv‡`i
IqvwK©s cÖ‡m‡mB cwieZ©b Avb‡e bv, Avgv‡`i Kg©‡ÿ‡Î †h ticking & checking msµvšÍ `~b©vg i‡q‡Q Zv
†NvPv‡ZI mnvqZv Ki‡e|
GLb total evolution cÖ‡mm ev genesis of PFM wb‡q ej‡Z wM‡q Avwg Avgvi e³‡e¨ wZbwU
wel‡q ¸iæZ¡v‡ivc Ki‡ev| G¸‡jv n‡jvt (1) historical background of PFM A_©vr evsjv‡`‡ki
Kb‡UK‡÷ PFM-G †Kvb mg‡q †Kvb wcwiq‡W wK change G‡m‡Q; (2) eZ©gv‡b †h change ¸‡jv Avm‡Q
ev kxNªB Avm‡e Zvi d‡j †mLv‡b †Kv_vq gap m„wó n‡q‡Q - GB gap-¸‡jv wKfv‡e identify Kiv hvq Ges
(3) H gap ¸‡jv minimize or wipe out Kivi Rb¨ Avgiv wK courses of actions wb‡Z cvwi| GB
e³…Zvgvjvi ga¨w`‡q Avgiv G¸‡jv m¤ú‡K© Rvb‡ev, Z‡e me‡P‡q ¸iæZ¡cY~ © n‡jv †h Avgiv mevB GKB
wave-length G welq Rvb‡ev|
GB series of lecture sessions Gi feedback †bqv n‡e individual basis-G | GB
session-¸‡jv m¤ú‡K© individually mevB GKwU K‡i paper ˆZix Ki‡e, Ges that will be assessed
by a team hv‡Z K‡i e¨w³MZ ch©v‡q level of knowledge G¨v‡mm Kiv hvq| Kv‡RB Avwg mKj‡K
AvnŸvb Ki‡ev to be careful and to listen attentively since you have to, on your own, write
a paper on PFM evolution| GKwU comprehensive paper ˆZix Ki‡Z n‡e individually|
Kv‡RB `iKvi n‡j note wb‡Z n‡e, †jLvcov Ki‡Z n‡e, cÖ‡qvRbxq literature reviw Ki‡Z n‡e,
Av‡jvPbvi gva¨‡g ev Ab¨‡Kvb Dcv‡q cÖ‡qvRbxq Bbdi‡gkb msMÖn Ki‡Z n‡e| It might be the case
that, it will be one of your performance evaluation criteria for some placements,

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postings, even may be for any travel or training abroad. All these might be linked. I
am not sure how to do this but I have in my mind that somehow these criteria should
be linked to the reward system| ZvB AveviI ejwQ †h, cÖ‡Z¨‡KB paper ˆZix Ki‡e
individually, Ges GUv w`‡qB ïiæ Kijvg t
Avgvi †Kvb plan †bB, †Kvb QK †bB| As I go along, PFM-Gi Kb‡mcPzqvj †d«gIqvK©Uv ˆZix
Kivi †Póv Ki‡ev Ges Gi evolution-Gi K_v ejvi †Póv Ki‡ev †h †Kv_v †_‡K Avgiv †Kv_vq G‡mwQ|
PFM framework-G Avwg wKQz panel emv‡ev| Panel number-1 n‡jvt Executive Panel.
Technically it is not exactly the government panel (as we may think). Avwg hw` GKwU cÖkœ
w`‡q ïiæ Kwi †h, what is the difference between the ‘government’ and the ‘executives’?
When do you call it a government? – Avm‡j hw`I the government includes many things
but in terms of PFM Mf‡g©‡›Ui evB‡iI G‡·wKDwUf _vK‡Z cv‡i| What I am saying that, the
term exceutive means a person who is a budget holder and who renders the public
services and to render the public services who spends the budget. Avwg AveviI ejwQ, Who
are the executives? – The executives are the people, who execute the budget for
rendering the public services. An executive is not exactly any particular organ of the
state, like government or legislature or judiciary as we often may think. This is much
deeper than it simply means. The government itself has so many divisions or
departments which render various public services. When we think of an ‘executive’ in
terms of PFM, it means any organization which spends the budget to render public
services. For example, the judiciary is an executive, because to render the judicial
service it spends the budget. Therefore, in terms of this Panel – One judiciary is also
an executive, parliament is also an executive. Why? -- Because they are budget
holders. So, in terms of genesis of PFM or in terms of PFM framework executive is a
person / organization who/which is the budget holder. And what is the job of a budget
holder? -- He prepares a plan (his operational plan) linking with strategic plan like
five-year plans or ten-year plans. He also prepares the Annual Plan and Operational
Plan, and based on those plans he prepares his budget. And after the approval of the
budget by the parliament he spends the budget to render public services.
As he spends the budget, he is accountable for regularity and propriety of the
expenditure. That means, he procures goods and services following some rules and

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regulations for providing public services. Thus he incurs expenditure. I repeat ‘incurs
expenditure’ not Ô pays the money’. This is very inportant. ‘Incur expenditure’ is little
tricky or a technical term. You have to be professionally equiped with the difference
between ‘expenditure’ and ‘payment’. And if anyone of you fumbles with these
terminologies, it in no case will be acceptable. You have to be professional and
whenever, wherever you use these terms, you have to use them professionally. You
should not mix up one term with another. In the executive panel all together we can
narrowly call it budget holder.
This executive panel starts with the PAO (Principal Accounting Officer). This
PAO not necessarily is the secretary to the government; he/she might be any other
official as well. In case of judiciary there is no secretary, but there is a Registrar
General who acts as a PAO. For the Supreme Court there is a Registrar General and
for the High Court there is a Registrar who acts as the budget holder. So, in case of
judiciay the Registrar General is the PAO. But for a ministry a PAO is the secretary.
In terms of Comptroller & Auditor General's office who is the PAO? -- It is a matter
of debate. I am not quite clear yet, whether the Auditor General himself is the PAO or
not. I am not sure about it. One can not be sure of everything. If we can conclude
everything, we would be gods| But we are not. So, there will be confusions always
though we have to resolve these sorts of confusions in a reasonable way. Sometimes,
there will be compromises and sometimes there will be straight-line solutions.
However we cannot solve everything the way we want to solve it. To have a favorable
solution our external environment should have to be conducive as well. If our external
environment and governance atmosphere is not conducive, then unfavorable external
governance may affect our internal governance. So, because of the external
environment we cannot find solutions for all the problems. But it should not be the
case that we do not try to find a solution and we remain idle or inactive. We have to
try to find the ways out.
All powers (even executive power, financial power) of PFM come from the
Constitutional articles. The whole of the executive government is designed to render
the public services and also for the PFM. The powers of public services and the PFM
eminently derived from specific articles of the constitution including that of auditing.

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If you look into the constitutional schemes, you find all executive powers and the
financial powers lie with the President. And that is why when you issue cÖÁvcb (a
circular) you have to issue it ‘by the order of the President’. The officer who issues the
(circular) cÖÁvcb does not even see or meet the President. Moreover, if you ask the
officer: “did you send the file to the President?” The answer would be ‘No’! Yet the
officer is mentioning it.
So you have to revisit the constitutional schemes including the schemes about
financial powers. I have already mentioned that all powers lie with the President. As
an auditor you have to know the legal framework. Otherwise, you are a mere (Clark)
†Kivbx| And that is where you have to concentrate more, not to the individual
transaction levels. Individual transactions now-a-days have been taken over by
technology. The technology can bring a sea of changes in transactions.
This is not your class in the university. So, I do not want to see any sleeping
face here. If anyone sleeps, I am warning you that sleeping is not acceptable. You are
the officers of the Auditor General and your Auditor General is taking the sessions.
So, be alert! And as I have already mentioned, you have to submit a paper based on
the discussions and understanding delivered through these sessions.
Let us get back to the discussion. So, all financial powers and administrative
powers are given to the President directly from the constitution. But how does the
government system work? Can the President take every responsibility? Or should the
system work through a process of delegation? And that is why constitiutional schemes
say business of the government should be allocated to different executive
functioneries (please note that these not necessarily are the ministries / divisions only)
by framing the Rules of Business (Article 55 – 6)1. And it is said that the businesses of
the government should be allocated as per the Rules of Business framed by the
President. By utilizing the powers of the articles of the Constitution the President
framed the rules accordingly. The rules stipulate: how the government functions, how
the public services are rendered, and as part of the Rules of Business they also define
‘which ministry is given responsibility of which part of the public services’. The

Article 55(6) of the Constitution stipulates: ‘the President shall make rules for allocation and transaction of
business of the Government.’

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allocations of duties for the ministries and divisions are attached in the schedules
under the Rules of Business which are called the Allocation of Business.
So, the government starts functioning by taking the power form the President
through the delegation of power of the President. The President delegates his/her
powers by framing rules. And in those rules all executive powers (all except a few) are
delegated to the executive government so that the President gets releaved of the
executive functions. Sometimes our (incumbent) President says, ÔÔ I do not like the
Bangabhaban. Why do I not have much work to do? So I get bored, d vci jv‡M|ÕÕ We
could have advised the President, “Sir, you can do one thing, you abrogate the Rules
of Business.” Then all executive functions will have to be performed by the President
For an auditor, it is also an important task to check the Rules of Business. You
can comment on whether some ministries are working beyond their allocation or not.
You can also pin point the questions of allocational boundary. If any ministry /
division performs beyond its allocation, then you can raise these questions tacitly and
advise the government so that either the government should change the allocation of
the ministry or the ministry should stick to the allocation without encroaching its
boundary. The question may come that: ‘am I raising a policy question? – No!’ You
are not raising a question regarding a policy matter rather you are raising the point that
the government is not following its own policy. The Rules of Business is an important
piece of document which is needed to be consulted and is needed to be in our master
file of audit.
iæjm& Ae weR‡bm ministry-¸‡jv‡K Zv‡`i cÖk vmwbK KvR fvM K‡i w`‡q‡Q Ges Mf‡g©›U Rules
of Business Abyhvqx Zvi dvskb Ki‡Q| wKš‘ ïay wbe©vnx ÿgZv bq, Financial power also lies with
the President. Z vn‡j financial power-G i G B †W wj‡Mk b¸‡jv wK fv‡e n‡”Q? Delegation of
Financial Power issue K‡i Ministry of Finance (MoF) Avi the General Financial Rules
(GFR) might be another document issued by the MoF with the approval of the
President. GFR GKmgq Governor General Aby‡gv`b Ki‡Zv, GLb President K‡i| Zvn‡j welq
n‡jv ‡h Finance Ministry wK f v‡e , †K vb ÿ gZ v e‡j Delegation of Financial Power G i order
R vwi K ‡i? †hwU President G i power ‡mwU Finance Ministry wK f v‡e exercise K ‡i? --Gi DËi

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n‡jv, financial alloaction ev Avw_©K ÿgZv e›U‡bi mgq †cÖwm‡W›U MoF ‡K GB ÿgZv w`‡q w`‡q‡Qb
A_©vr Allocation of Business-G government-Gi finance matters are vested with the
Ministry of Finance. Zvn‡j ‡evSv hv‡”Q †h, President Zvui financial power-I wb‡Ri Kv‡Q iv‡Lb
wb| GB †Wwj‡Mkb cvIqvi c‡i Finance Ministry hw` Avevi me power ‡i‡L †`q Z vn‡j wK
government function K i‡Z cvi‡e? cvi‡e bv, GB Rb¨ MoF-I Zvi financial power delegate
K‡i‡Q wewfbœ cÖwZôv‡bi gv‡S| Pakistan Ges India ‡Z GB †Wwj‡Mkb c×wZ completely different.
‡mLv‡b President mivmwi Delegation of Financial Power (to the ministries / departments)
Rule Rvwi K‡i‡Qb| Zvn‡j Avgiv †h †Wwj‡Mkb MoF Gi order w`‡q Rvwi KiwQ, India I Pakistan
mivmwi †mUv ‡cÖwm‡W‡›Ui rule w`‡q Ki‡Q|
Avw_©K I cÖkvmwbK delegation President ‡_‡K Ministry of Finance Gi Dci b¨v¯Í, then
Finance Ministry order w`‡q Zv Avevi delegate K‡i‡Q executive-‡`i| Executive (ev
administrative) delegation hLb wM‡q‡Q, mv‡_ mv‡_ financial ‡Wwj‡MkbI fvM n‡q wM‡q‡Q|
Finance Ministry ‡Wwj‡MU Kivi mgq wb‡R wKQz ÿgZv reserve ‡i‡L w`‡q‡Q| Avevi ministry ¸‡jv
Gi wb‡P GB ÿgZv sub-delegation K‡i‡Q| Avm‡j Finance Ministry e‡j w`‡q‡Q Ab¨vb¨
ministry-¸‡jv Avw_©K ÿgZv‡K sub-delegate Ki‡e| hw`I GwU GLb Finance Ministry GKB mv‡_
K‡i †d‡j‡Q GKwU format w`‡q| dvBb¨vÝ wgwbw÷ªi H format Abyhvqx cÖ‡Z¨K ministry order Ki‡e|
wKš‘ e¯‘Ztc‡ÿ GB order ‡KD K‡i bv, mevB A_© wefv‡Mi format w`‡q P‡j ZvB GwU GLb GKmv‡_
Ministry of Finance K‡i w`‡q‡Q e‡j g‡b nq| A_v©r PAO level G President Gi KvQ †_‡K
executive and financial powers `yÕ‡UvB ‡Wwj‡M‡UW n‡q Avm‡Q| Delegation of financial
power and delegation of administrative power `yB power B GLb executive panel G Xz‡K
†M‡Q| Ges broad principles of finance Gi Rb¨ GFR (compilations of the General
Financial Rules) Rvwi Kiv n‡q‡Q|
Z‡e GFR wb‡qI GKUv confusion Av‡Q| GUv wK executive instruction, bvwK rule?
†cÖwm‡W‡›Ui cwie‡Z© hLb Governor General wQ‡jb ZLb Zuvi executive instructions was much
more higher than the current executive orders. GB AW©v‡ii gh©v`v AvBwb gh©v`vi KvQvKvwQ wQj|
cvwK¯Ívb nIqvi c‡i Governor General Gi RvqMvq President jvMv‡bv n‡q‡Q wKš‘, the General
Financial Rule-Gi gh©v`vi K_v D‡jøL Kiv nqwb †Kv_vI| GgbwK Gi source of power is also
missing KviY ZvI D‡jøL Kiv nqwb ‡Kv_vI| If you look at the GFR, you will find that the
source of power is missing. Gi d‡j GwU‡K †Kvb AvBb ev constitution Gi Aax‡b †Kvb rule bvwK

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Zvi wb‡P ‡Kvb wbe©vnx Av‡`k ejv n‡e Zv wVK †evSv hvq bv| Z‡e Avgvi avibv GwU‡K wb‡Pi Uv bv a‡i
Dc‡iiUv (A_©vr AvB‡bi mgch©vq) aiv DwPZ Kvib GwU general PFM Gi guidance.
Does the GFR deal with money? Or does the GFR deal with funds? –Funds of
course. And it also deals with expenditure not with payment. The GFR deals with
general framework for the management of the public expenditure (public receipt
included as well)| GB Rb¨ GFR scheme-G †Kvb RvqMvq money’ i K_v †bB| It is a rule
framework, guiding Mf‡g©‡›Ui expenditure framework Ges Mf‡g©‡›Ui receipt framework|
How do you account for the receipts that are not part of the banking treasury? – And
these sorts of things are there in the GFR. And below this there are departmental
manuals for each department which are also very important for the auditors.
One more thing, everybody has to collect all the old rule-books and in the
individual papers you have to write all these names and brief discussion about those
rules, manuals, codes; G¸‡jv m¤ú‡K©I ej‡Z n‡e individual report-G| GKUv n‡e individual
report Avi GKUv report-Gi Rb¨ group K‡i †`qv n‡e| ‡hgbt Works Audit Directorate Gi DG
(Director General)’i mv‡_ CAO2 – Public Works Division, CAO – Roads and
Highways Division Ges Ab¨vb¨ related CAO wg‡j hviv GKB account jurisdiction-G Zviv
GKUv team Ki‡e headed by DG, Works Audit Directorate| Ges Zviv GKUv paper ‰Zix Ki‡e
H domain-Gi Dc‡i| G‡Z _vK‡e H †Wv‡gB‡bi history wK wQj, wK wK eB GLb Av‡Q , wK wK eB Av‡M
wQj, G Lb wK wK change Avm‡Q , G B change G i g ‡a¨ for better wK Avm‡Q, wK wK change g ›` wb‡q

Avm‡Q, - GB change ¸‡jv identify Ki‡Z n‡e| Then concluding recomendation w`‡Z n‡e †h

Avgv‡`i audit improvement-Gi Rb¨ wK wK KvR Ki‡Z n‡e (including automations)| †mB mv‡_
GUvI ej‡Z n‡e †h, wK wK Ki‡Z n‡e automations Gi Rb¨| G B message Uv wK clear m evi K v‡Q ?
AveviI ejwQ, grouping-Uv n‡e related t ‡h audit ‡h accounts Gi Dci fi K‡i m¤úbœ Kiv
nq ‡mB accounts group and that audit group wg‡j GKwU wUg n‡e headed by the DG| Ges
they will prepare the paper for that domain. You can call it a circle Ges individual
paper Gi evB‡i group paper ‰Zix n‡e| Ges H group paper Gi g‡a¨ _vK‡e cyi‡bv structure wK
wQj, H structure ‡_‡K K‡e †f‡½ wK n‡q‡Q Ges fvOvi c‡i GLb current working process Uv wK
n‡q‡Q, process Gi g‡a¨ wK wK myweav n‡q‡Q, wK wK Amyweav n‡q‡Q Ges GB process-G

CAO stands for Chief Accounts Officer & DG stands for Director General.

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improvement Gi Rb¨ in terms of audit improvement and accounts improvement AviI wK
wK Ki‡Z n‡e (including the required technological changes)| Every group has to submit
its report. Gi Rb¨ deadline ‡`qv n‡e| I will not be that much harsh, ej‡ev bv †h 7 w`‡bi g‡a¨
wi‡cvU© w`‡Z n‡e| Gi Rb¨ reasonable time †`qv n‡e Ges GB time Gi g‡a¨ G¸‡jv Ki‡Z n‡e, Ges
everybody in the team has to be involved| GLv‡b †h‡nZz GKwU wU‡gi 5 R‡bi g‡a¨ ïaygvÎ
GKRb KvR K‡i ZvB Avwg Avgvi team w`‡q `iKvi n‡j interview wbe individual team member
Gi knowledge level wK Av‡Q Zv Rvbvi Rb¨| Just GKRb paper evbv‡e Avi Ab¨Rb ïay sign Ki‡e
GUv allow Ki‡ev bv| Everybody has to be involved| cÖ‡Z¨K wUg †g¤^vi conceptually wK ey‡S‡Q
Zv Avgv‡K ej‡Z n‡e Ges individually present Ki‡Z n‡e|
Zvn‡j Avgiv constitution ‡cjvg, constitution †_‡K the Rules of Business ‡cjvg, the
Allocation of Business ‡cjvg, the GFR ‡cjvg (for fund or budget management)| GLb
Ab¨ GKwU cÖm‡½ Avwm| Why the GFR is not issued by the Auditor General? If you go
through our constitutional provisions (article 127 to 132), do you have any provision
that you (Office of the CAG) would be inside the government or over the government?
mn‡RB †evSv hvq †h, government Gi mechanism Gi g‡a¨ Avwg _vK‡ev bv (A_©vr, AwWUi
†Rbv‡i‡ji Awdm _vK‡e bv)| Z‡e, government Gi mechanism G hw` †Kvb flaw cvB H flaw
Avwg identify Ki‡ev| Compliance Avi Financial audit ‡ek `vgx `vgx K_v| Avwg H `vgx K_vq
GLbB hve bv| Av‡M base Uv ˆZix †nvK, H `vg c‡i link Ki‡ev| ‡KvbUv Compliance, ‡KvbUv
Attestation Compliance, ‡KvbUv Avjv`v Compliance, ‡KvbUv Compliance Kijvg GK RvqMvq
Avi accounts †K †i‡L w`jvg Av‡iK RvqMvq, BZ¨vw` Avgiv c‡i wjsK Kie| Avwg hLb ewj (wR ‡Á m
K wi) accounts KB? Avgv‡K e‡j, “m¨vi, Gi g‡a¨ accounts bvB|” Accounts bvB! Avcwb

Compliance AwWU Ki‡Qb - hw` GKvD›Um& Qvov Kgcøv‡qÝ AwWU K‡ib Zvn‡j Avcbvi AwW U report-G
wK Avm‡Q ? †K v_v †_ ‡K Avm‡jv G¸‡j v ?
hvB ‡nvK, GK_vq c‡i AvmwQ| Zvi Av‡M ewj †h, GKwU aviYv Av‡Q, “m¨vi Avcwb Accounting
G c‡o‡Qb e‡jB eyS‡Qb| Avwg †Zv Accounting G cwo bvB|” Do you know that 90 percent of
the Indian Civil Accounts Service (ICAS) or Indian Audit & Accounts Service (IA&AS)
G i hviv excel K ‡i‡Q, hviv IMF wK sev World Bank G Av‡Q, most of them are not from

accounting background? Because accounting G c‡o GB mg¯Í RvqMvq Avm&‡j gvbyl Av‡iv

IMF stands for International Monetary Fund.

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confused n‡q hvq| GKRb GKvDw›Us MÖvRy‡qU H GKvDw›UsUv G‡b GLv‡b XzKvq, Avi GUviUv HLv‡b †bq|
GBRb¨ non-accounting background-Gi Rb¨ it is a best place to understand PFM.
Because Zv‡K unlearn Ki‡Z nqbv| hviv accounting G c‡o‡Q, management accounting G
‡ek wKQz terms wQj ‡hgb IRR, NPV, Cash Flow BZ¨vw`| Avevi A‡bK Uvg©m& i‡q‡Q †hgbt profit
‡_‡K plus-minus Ki‡Z nq-GiKg wK GKUv Av‡Q bv, †Zvgiv A‡b‡KB nqZ Rv‡bv| Z‡e non
accounting background Gi ‡jv‡Kiv GUv †h wR‡ÁmI K‡ibv ‡h, plus Ki‡e bv minus Ki‡e| †h
accounting background-Gi †m confuse K‡i †d‡j| wKš‘ †h accounting R v‡bbv †m wK confuse
K i‡e ? So Zvi fyj Kg n‡e| GB Rb¨ PFM is an area for non accoutants, in other words for

non-accounting graduates. I tell you one thing or I can guarantee you that PFM is an
area for non-accountants. Indian Civil Accounts Services-Gi ICAS ev IA&AS Gi huviv
World Bank G Av‡Q Avwg K‡qKRb ‡K Rvwb huviv Physics, Chemistry, ev Botany ‡Z MÖvRy‡qkb
K‡i‡Qb| Guiv PFM expert now. cyiv `ywbqv Ny‡i †eov‡”Qb Guiv| Kv‡RB G¸‡jv non-sensical K_v †h
PFM expert nIqvi Rb¨ Avgvi accounting background jvM‡e|
GFRG establishment related K_v Av‡Q| Budget head wb‡q chapter Av‡Q, Grants-in-
Aid Gi Rb¨ P¨vÞvi Av‡Q| Then supply services Gi Rb¨ Avjv`v fvM Kiv Av‡Q| Store Gi Rb¨ H
Lv‡b wKQz accounting-I Av‡Q †h - GB wnmve ivL‡Z n‡e, H wnmve ivL‡Z n‡e| Z vn‡j GFR-G Avevi
accounting Xz‡ K †Mj †K b? wcøR remember accounting proper GLv‡b †bB| GLv‡b Av‡Q
executive-Gi departmental record ivLvi, Zvi e¨‡qi record ivLvi, Zvi store Gi record ivLvi
wnmve| G¸‡jv wKš‘ executive panel Gi KvR| Avi GB Rb¨ GFRGi g‡a¨ accounting Av‡Q wKš‘ Zv
accounting proper bv| GUv proper account-Gi accounts bv| GUv n‡jv keeping track
record of expenditures and consumption of stores, Ges stocks of assets. G Uvi (GB
wnmv‡ei) iÿ bv‡eÿ ‡bi `vwqZ ¡ K vi ? GUv executive domain Gi KvR| Zvn‡j Avgvi domain Gi KvR

n‡jv Zvui (executive Gi) KvR ‡evSv Ges ‡m Zuvi KvR bv Ki‡j observation raise Kiv|
If you check our audit observations, you will find that we concentrate more on
establishment related issues. Now-a-days, with an automated environment HUv
(establishment m¤úwK©Z Bm¨y) computerized system G P‡j hv‡e| HUv (automation) B‡Zvg‡a¨
start n‡q ‡M‡Q| You should be aware of that. You have to concentrate more on
procurement of goods and services. wKš‘ procurement of goods and services ‡hUv GFR
Gi handle Kivi K_v wQj HUv GLb Avevi off ev eÜ n‡q wM‡q‡Q| Because procurement is now

Page 11 of 196
handled by PPA4 Ges PPR hvi Kvi‡Y GFR Gi GKUv part i‡q †M‡Q accounts keeping Gi
Rb¨| KviY PPA Ges PPR-G accounts keeping Gi issue / provision bvB| wKš‘ procurement
process wb‡q GFR G †h chapter Av‡Q Zv redundent n‡q †M‡Q| Tender related all these welq
GLb Avi GFR Abymv‡i n‡ebv| wKš‘ Avwg audit observation GgbI †`‡LwQ ‡h GFR Gi aviv quote
Ki‡Q procurement Gi †ÿ‡Î| When you already have the PPA / the PPR, GFR Gi aviv
Avm‡e ïaygvÎ only accounts keeping related AeRvi‡fk‡bi †ÿ‡Î| GB accounts keeping
means different process not the accounts keeping in true sense, ‡mUv Ab¨ panel G Avm‡e|
Zvn‡j Avgiv the Constitution ‡cjvg, the Rules of Business, the Allocation of
Business ‡cjvg, GFR, PPA / PPRI ‡cjvg| GQvovI Gi c‡i †Kvb †Kvb departmental
peculiarity'i Rb¨ separate departmental ruleI Av‡Q| I¸‡jvI mevB‡K Ly‡u R †ei Ki‡Z n‡e|
hw`I Avgvi g‡b nq I¸‡jvi g‡a¨ A‡bK RvqMvq practicality GLb Avi †bB| Zvic‡iI Luy‡R †ei K‡i
†`L‡Z n‡e| Avgiv †`L‡ev because †`LviB KvR Avgv‡`i| Avgv‡`i KvR G¸‡jv †`‡L government ‡K
guide Kiv| Not necessarily mewKQz Parliament-G wb‡q †h‡Z n‡e| Our responsibility is to
guide the government. Government bv ï b‡j Avgiv Avi wK K ie ? miKvi bv k~b‡j bv ïbyK !
fwel¨‡Z Avgiv ej‡Z cvi‡ev †h, GB department Gi professional group ‡Zv GUv e‡jwQj| AšÍZt
history ‡Z archiving ‡Zv n‡jv| c‡o _vK‡j c‡o _vK|
The Principal Accounting Officer (PAO) is the top man in the executive panel.
I am not naming him a secretary. If you look at our government structure, GB structure
G cÖwZwU government officer Gi PvKwi wZbUv, †eZb GKUv - our PFM structures Ges
executive structures are designed in such a way. And that is why you find one position
with three different designations (responsibilities). One is administrative, ‘Secretary to
the government’ hv President Gi KvQ †_‡K cvIqv executive function Gi Rb¨ Ges wØZxqZt
finance function Gi Rb¨ PAO. It will be clearer if you look at the designation of a DC.
A D.C. has got three seperate designations: District Collector, Deputy Commissioner
and District Megistrate (though now-a-days there are some issues in the DM
designation). GB 3Uv wKš‘ distinct PvKwi wKš‘ c` GKB| GKvi‡Y same way ‡Z PFM G
secretary bv e‡j PAO ejwQ finance function Gi Rb¨|

PPA stands for Public Procurement Act, 2006 & PPR stands for Public Procurement Rules, 2008

Page 12 of 196
The PAOs in executive panel are accountable for their budget expenditure |
KviY, GFR G †jLv Av‡Q executive has to maintain their own accounts. Zvn‡j G Uv‡K initial
accounts ejv hv‡e wK bv ? GB‡h terminology ¸‡jv use KiwQ, GB term ¸‡jv hLb eBcÎ co‡Z hv‡e
ZLb eB‡qi g‡a¨ cv‡e| GUv‡K Avwg initial accounts ejwQ bv| Zvn‡j wbðqB initial accounts e‡j
GKUv term Avgiv cv‡ev| Raise your hands (`k©K‡`i D‡Ï‡k¨ GKwU eB Zz‡j a‡i) G B eB Uv †K c‡o Q
? eBUvi bvg n‡jv - An Introduction to Government Audit and Accounts . GB eBwUi last

version cÖKvwkZ n‡q‡Q 1952 ‡Z| R xe‡b †`L bvB ev bvg I †k vb bvB - †K †K ? Feel free to answer
my question. But it is a sin not reading this book while serving in this department for
30 years. GUv KLbB nvjvj (b¨vqm½Zt) n‡ebv, GB eB c‡owb wKš‘ PvKzwi K‡i‡Q 30 eQi, Zvi PvKzwi
nvjvj (b¨vqm½Zt) n‡ebv| This book is called the bible of the audit department. Ges This
book is a MUST READ book for every officer in the audit department Ges GUv bv covi
Kvi‡YI wKš‘ chaos-confusion ‡ekx nq|
A_©vr Avwg GK K_v ewj; Avgvi colleague Av‡iK K_v e‡j; Avgiv wZbR‡b wZbwU view wb‡q
UvbvUvwb Kwi| Avevi †Kvb&Uv pre-audit, †Kvb&Uv post-audit, †Kvb&Uv initial accounts, †Kvb&Uv final
accounts, †Kvb&Uv Auditor General Gi under G wQj, †Kvb&Uv GLbI Av‡Q, †Kvb&Uv bvB, BZ¨vw`
mewKQz wb‡q Avgiv KbwdDkb ˆZix K‡iwQ| ‡mBme wKQzi GKUv historical link GB eB †_‡K cvIqv
hv‡e| wKš‘ Avgv‡`i AwdmviMY GB eB c‡o bvB A_P it is a must read for every government
official. I have gone through an article written by W. gwkDi ingvb6 30 years back. Dwb
wb‡RI wj‡L‡Qb It is a must read book for every government official. Avi Avwg ejwQ Audit
and Accounts srevice Gi every officer-Gi Rb¨ GUv must read.
Government officials A‡bK mgq m¯Ív ZK©, D‡ëv-cvëv ZK© K‡i| GB ZK© A‡bK mgq
knowledge-Gi NvUwZi Kvi‡YB nq| Avgiv hw` GB eBUv co‡Z cvwi Zvn‡j gap A‡bK K‡g hv‡e| ZK©
I K‡g hv‡e| I have insructed my officers to scan this book and send it to every officer
through an email and your duty is to print it and make it a hard-cover binding like this.
And it is a must read one. ‡mKvi‡Y GUvI cov n‡q‡Q wKbv Zv Rvb‡Z †Kvb GKUv mechanism †ei
Ki‡ev| GUvi DciI presentation n‡Z cv‡i| G¸‡jv me AvMvgx 6 gv‡mi g‡a¨ n‡Z n‡e| 6 gvm c‡i I
want to see that we are different people. `ywbqv Avgiv change Ki‡Z bv cvi‡jI wb‡R‡K

The title of the book is ‘An Introduction to the Audit and Accounts of the Government of Pakistan.’
W. gwkDi ingvb, gvbbxq cÖavbgš¿xi A_© welqK Dc‡`óv Ges mv‡eK A_© mwPe |

Page 13 of 196
change K‡i †dj‡ev| †R ‡b fraustrated nI qv Avi bv †R ‡b fraustrated nI qvi g‡a¨ cv_©K ¨ †K v_vq
R v‡bv ? †R‡b fraustrated n‡j Gi advantage n‡jv GB fraustration drive †`qvi incentive wn‡m‡e

KvR K‡i| Avi hw` drive w`‡Z bv cvwi Zvn‡j Kó cvB| nqZt drive w`‡Z bv cvi‡j Avgvi †mB `ÿZvi
level bvB e‡j Pzc _vK‡ev, †ekx Ave`vi Ki‡ev bv, Avi level _vK‡j drive w`‡q Dc‡i D‡V hv‡ev|
Ab¨w`‡K, bv †R‡b fraustration Gi eoB myweav| Kó Kg cvIqv hvq| Rvwbbv e‡j KóI cvBbv| So, this
is a must read book and this will be supplied to you. You should go through every
term, every word of the book. G¸‡jv wb‡q K_v n‡e, Av‡jvPbv n‡e|
wd‡i Avwm c~‡e©i Av‡jvPbvq| GUv initial accounts bq, GUv‡K ejv nq subsidiary accounts,
because it is not a part of the main account building process. GL v‡b ( executive c ¨v‡b‡j)
†h store account Av‡Q, block asset register Av‡Q G Uvi figure wK miK v‡ii accounts-G hv‡e ?

miKv‡ii accounts-G hv‡ebv, Kv‡RB GUv initial accounts bq| Initial accounts K v‡K e‡j? Pre-
audit before payment K v‡K e‡j ? Pre-audit after payment K v‡K e‡j ? Post audit ‡K vbUv ?
Accounts G i m v‡_ audit report _ vK‡e ? bvwK audit report Gi g‡Zv audit report hv‡e Avi
accounts Gi g‡Zv accounts hv‡e ? BZ¨vw` cÖkœ¸‡jv wb‡q Av‡jvPbv Ki‡Z n‡e|
Even Avgv‡`i the CAG’s (Additional Funtions) Act7 wb‡qI K_v n‡e| ‡mB Awdmvi‡K
Aek¨B bv‡Rnvj n‡e hw` Zv‡K wR‡Ám Kiv n‡j †m explain Ki‡Z bv cv‡i | GB wWcvU©‡g‡›U PvKwi K‡i
explain Ki‡Z bv cvivi †Kvb AwaKvi Kv‡iv bvB| Either you explain or you quit. AwWUi
†Rbv‡i‡ji wbixÿv cÖZ¨qb †`qv n‡”Q AvBb Abyhvqx ! AvB b Abyh vqx wbixÿ v cÖZ ¨qb nI qv D wPr bvwK AvB‡bi
wbw`©ó aviv Abyh vqx nI qv D wPr ? GB ai‡bi ZzNjwK KvÛ Pj‡Z cv‡i bv| me aviv wg ‡j cÖZ ¨qb ‡`qv n‡e

bvwK myw bw`©ó aviv e‡j c ÖZ ¨qb n‡e ? This proves wWcvU©‡g‡›Ui †`DwjqvZ¡| AvBb Kvby‡bi fvÛvi nevi

K_v †h department Gi, H department AvBb Kvbyb Rv‡bbv| The CAG’s (Additional
Functions) Act Gi †Kv_vq flaw Av‡Q ej‡Z cv‡ibv| G¸‡jvi cviv A_ev bv cvivÕi mv‡_
performance Gi link K‡i reward system-I Pvjy Ki‡Z n‡e|
Zvn‡j subsidiary accounts maintain n‡e executive panel-G| GB welq¸‡jv Rvbvi mv‡_
audit Gi access / coverage m¤úwK©Z| You have compiled accounts, you have initial
accounts, you have subsidiary accounts, GKUv audit party gvV-ch©v‡q G‡·wKDwUf Awd‡m wM‡q
subsidiary accounts ‡`‡L Avm‡Q| ‡mB AwWU cvwU©‡K hw` wR ‡Á m K iv nq ‡h Avc bviv initial
accounts ‡`‡L‡Qb wK bv ? Zviv ej‡Q “GUv Avevi wK wRwbm ?” Audit K i‡Z wK subsidiary ‡Z

The Comptroller & Auditor General’s (Additional functions) Act, 1974. To download the act please visit

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(mvewmwW qvwi GK vD›Um& G ) hvevi K _v bvwK much more assurance G i R b¨ subsidiary accounts

gv‡S g‡a¨ ‘test’ K ivi K _v ? Compiled accounts ev` w`‡q Avwg P‡j hvw”Q ‡j‡R| gv_v m¤ú‡K©

Rvwbbv, body m¤ú‡K©I Rvwbbv| Then I prepare my report without having any idea of initial
accounts. Is it an audit? What does your common sense say? If you have any common
sense you should say ‘this is simply a stupidity.’ Without checking/inspecting your
accounts, how can you claim that you are forming audit opinions or raising the audit
Moreover, if you concentrate on your audit Zvn‡j wKQz wRwbm †Zvgvi g‡b Avcbv †_‡KB
D‡V Avm‡e| †hgbt subsidiary ‡Z (m vewmwW qvwi G K vD›Um& G ) wM ‡q opinion form K i‡ev ? bv wK
subsidiary accounts w`‡q AwW U assurance †K reinforce K i‡ev / confirm K i‡ev? Zvn‡j (Avwg
hw` reverse journey Kwi) †hLv‡b inspection nIqvi K_v HLv‡b hw` audit Ki‡Z hvB Zvn‡j AwWU
m¤úbœ n‡e bv| GKvD›Um& †K AwWU Ki‡Z wM‡q AwW‡Ui G¨vmy‡iÝ evov‡bvi Rb¨ inspection Ki‡Z n‡e|
Audit Avi inspection wK G K wRwbm? bv GKwRwbm bq| GBme co‡e, mevB co‡e| hw`I co‡Z †M‡j
wKQz gyÝxqvbv jvM‡e, GKUz Kó n‡e| Z‡e Kó bv Kivi †Kvb scope bvB| KviY I will not spare
anyone. You have to build your knowledge-base and you have to be professional.
‡Zvgvi K_v ï‡b Ab¨‡`i eyS‡Z n‡e †h, you are talking sense and you are behaving
hLb Parliament budget ‡`q PAO-‡K A_©vr hLb Parliament-G Zv voted nq, ZLb
voted n‡q hvIqvi ci budget Uv PAOÕi Dci b¨¯Í nq| GLv‡b GKwU welq jÿ¨ ivL‡Z n‡e †h the
Rules of Business G hw`I minister †K executive ejv n‡q‡Q, Avm‡j GB executive kãUv
confusion create Ki‡Z cv‡i| Avgiv GUv‡K Gfv‡e settle K‡i wb‡Z cvwi †h, H executive gv‡b whwb
policy decision-Gi approval ‡`qvi ÿgZv iv‡Lb| But mundane administrative function Gi
Rb¨ responsibility (even for spending the budget) lies with the PAO. And that is why
in the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) meeting the minister does not have to
explain for his/her actions rather the PAO / The Secretary explains for what he has
Government process-G PAO GKvB me KvR Ki‡Z cvi‡e bv| wKš‘ he is accountable to
the Parliament though he will be doing his work or performing his duties through his
arms and machinaries under him, A_©vr GB executive panel-G ïaygvÎ PAO bb AviI ‡jvK
Av‡Q| The PAO is the budget holder hw`I regulatory framework G budget holder e‡j

Page 15 of 196
†Kvb term ‡bB| Audit people wn‡m‡e preferably Avgiv †mB k㸇jv avoid Ki‡ev †h¸‡jv
regulatory framework-G †bB| Avgiv guide-I Ki‡ev †hb auditee †mB k㸇jv Kg use K‡i|
Budget holder is the terminology for international PFM practice. Avgv‡`i regulatory
framework-G GB ev‡RU †nvìvi‡K e‡j controlling officer (CO). The PAO is the super
controlling officer of the ministry. And the total budget allocation is given to him. But,
does he spend?
DoFP8 Abyhvqx GB budget allocation¸‡jv gš¿Yvjq n‡Z ïiæ K‡i wewfbœ level-G e¨envi Kiv
nq A_©vr e¨q Kiv nq| µq Kv‡Ri Rb¨ mevB PPA / PPR follow K‡i e¨q K‡i, Avi hw`
establishment related nq Zvi Rb¨ wewfbœ order follow K‡i Giv LiP K‡i| Giv G·‡cwÛPvi incur
K‡i, payment K‡i ejwQ bv| Fund utilize K‡i ev fund spend K‡i| Spending the fund is not
the same as spending the money. Fund spend Kivi Rb¨ me sanction of expenditure-I
PAO †`q bv, delegation Abyhvqx Zuvi wb‡P AviI Ab¨ †KD w`‡Z cv‡i| Z vui ( PAO -G i) wb‡P K viv
_v‡K ? Zvui wb‡PI mevB GKvwaK dvskb K‡i| Auditee wnmv‡e Zvui wZb iƒc Avgiv †`L‡ev| Z‡e

administrator iƒ‡c Avgiv Zuv‡K †ekx †`L‡Z hv‡evbv, eis Zvui financial responsibility i w`KUvB
†ekx †`L‡Z hv‡ev| Avi accounting responsibility ‡`L‡Z subsidiary GKvD›U‡mI hv‡ev| Zvui
asset Gi record bvB, block asset register bvB, G¸‡jv AeRvi‡fkb raise Ki‡ev| Executive
government system †K bv eyS‡j PFM †KI Kg †evSv nq| PAO Õi GKUv Awdm Av‡Q| iæjm Ae
weR‡bm Abyhvqx PAO Õi hw` 5Uv Re _v‡K Z‡e Zvi g‡a¨ 4wUB policy related| GUv g~jZt policy
office. PAO'i secretariat n‡jv policy secretariat. wKš‘ eZ©gv‡b policy Ges implementation
secretariat mix up n‡q †M‡Q|
Mix-up Gi welqUv Avgiv tacitly Zzj‡Z cvwi| Government Gi given policy †K Avwg
contest Ki‡Z cvi‡evbv, wKš‘ given policy g‡a¨ practice Gi difference _vK‡j contest Ki‡Z
cvi‡ev| Policy itself is wrong GUv ej‡Z cvi‡ev bv| KviY †m‡ÿ‡Î you are encroaching your
limit. Zvn‡j (memgq encroach Ki‡j) governance system function Ki‡ebv Z‡e implication
wise problem n‡j †mUv ejv hv‡e| PAO’i wb‡P _vK‡e implementing offices. Implementation
Gi mechanism n‡”Q either Awa`ßi A_ev cwi`ßi Gi gva¨‡g Kvh©m¤úv`b Ki‡Z n‡e|

DoFP stands for the Delegation of Financial Powers. To download the document please visit the website

Page 16 of 196
Rules of Business Gi gva¨‡g †Wwj‡M‡UW ÿgZv w`‡q Prime Minister wewfbœ ministry /
division create Ki‡Z cvi‡Qb| Zvn‡j department create n‡e wK w`‡q? A vBb w`‡q bvwK Av‡`k
w`‡q ? A vBb w`‡q implementation unit (department) create K iv hv‡e wK bv? Fundamental

Rules (FR) G provision Av‡Q government can create departments A_©vr government by
order department create Ki‡Z cv‡i| GB process Av‡Q| Department is an implementation
unit Ges GUv miKvwi Av‡`‡ki gva¨‡g ˆZix Kiv m¤¢e| wKš‘ hw` wWcvU©‡g›U AvB‡bi gva¨‡g m„wó Kiv nq
Zvn‡j wK n‡e| Audit point of view ‡Z `yÕ‡Uvi g‡a¨ mismatch †`L‡j Avgiv observation raise
Ki‡Z cvwi| But we have to raise this sort of observations in a very polite manner.
G‡·wKDwUf †K just alert Ki‡Z n‡e| G¸‡jv A‡bK mgq sensation-I create Ki‡ebv, KviY
sensation KZLvwb n‡e Zv external governance Gi Dci depend Ki‡e| External Mf‡b©Ý wVK
n‡”Q bv e‡j KvR Ki‡ev bv Zv bq, Avgv‡`i KvR Avgiv Ki‡ev|
Department create Ki‡Z AvBb jv‡Mbv, Z‡e there is a tendency now-a-days, †Kvb
AvBb cwiPvjbvi Rb¨ H AvB‡b e‡j †`q GKwU Awa`ßi _vK‡e| Unnecessary GKwU AvBb Pvjy nq
†hLv‡b GKwU Mf‡g©›U AW©vi h‡_ó wQj| Avevi H AvB‡b hw` BwgwW‡qU B‡d± w`‡q Awa`ßi Pvjy Kivi K_v
ejv _v‡K Zvn‡j †M‡RU †bvwUwd‡Kkb †_‡K Awa`ßi Pvjy Ki‡Z wZb gvm mgq jvM‡j, H wZb gvm AvB‡bi
Agvb¨ K‡i Pj‡Z nq| ZvB Kvh©Kix legal framework n‡jv Ggbfv‡e law Kiv DwPZ hv‡Z †Kvb †Kvb
aviv cÖ‡qvRb ‡ev‡a pending _vK‡e| †M‡RU †bvwUwd‡Kkb G H aviv ev` w`‡q notification n‡e| KviY,
†M‡RU †bvwUwd‡Kkb nIqvi c‡i AvB‡bi cÖ‡qvM bv Ki‡j non compliance Gi issue P‡j Avm‡e|
B`vwbs Kv‡j wKQz AvB‡b mgm¨v ‰Zix n‡q‡Q| Avgiv tacitly Gme welq D‡jøL Ki‡Z cvwi| KviY †M‡RU
†bvwUwd‡Kkb nIqv gv‡b peoples’ conscent cvIqv wM‡q‡Q e‡j a‡i †bqv nq, Ges Gi c‡i AvB‡bi
cÖ‡qvM bv Ki‡j AvBb Agvb¨ Kiv nq| myZivs department ‰Zix Kiv DwPZ AvB‡bi g‡a¨ bv †_‡KB|
Avevi AvBb Awej‡¤^ Kvh©Ki bv e‡j †M‡RU †bvwUwd‡Kk‡bi ZvwiL †_‡K Kvh©Ki ejv DwPZ| Z‡e
ordinance Rvix n‡j †M‡RU †bvwUwd‡Kk‡bi date n‡Z Kvh©Ki bv n‡q Awej‡¤^ Kvh©Ki n‡Z n‡e| ‡Kbbv
issuing an ordinance is an exceptional route. ZvB, ordinance Gi ‡ÿ‡Î †M‡RU †bvwUwd‡Kk‡bi
ZvwiL †_‡K Kvh©Ki Kiv illegal ev H ch©v‡qi wKQz| Riæix cÖ‡qvR‡b ordinance n‡j Zv mv‡_ mv‡_B
Kvh©Ki n‡Z n‡e| Gi ¸iæ‡Z¡i cÖgvY n‡jv Parliament session G bvB wKš‘ GB AvBb bv Ki‡j public
service gvivZ¥Kfv‡e hamper n‡Z cv‡i| Kv‡RB Awej‡¤^ GB AvBb Kvh©Ki Ki‡Z nq|
The PAO is a super controlling officer. A controlling officer (in this
conotation) has two functions: administrative and financial. PFM matter G finance

Page 17 of 196
matter is important A_©vr sanctioning of expenditure, store receipt confirmation, bill
preparation BZ¨vw`| The controlling officer is the person who is empowered to
authorize expenditure. The authorisation comes from the delegation of financial
powers and PPR/PPA. Department-G mvaviYZ GKRb DG _v‡K| The DG is not a
financial delegate. He is a controlling officer. The PAO is the super controlling
officer. Then the DG is controlling officer (CO)-1, Director is the controlling officer
(CO)-2, and so on up to the field level. Regulatory framework G field office e‡j †Kvb
kã †bB eis subordinate office Av‡Q| Department, directorate Ges subordinate office
Av‡Q| GB n‡”Q layers. Layers Abyhvqx cÖ‡Z¨‡KB controlling Awdmvi|
Avwg hLb AwWU Ki‡Z ‡Kvb GKwU GbwUwU‡Z hve ZLb Kvi KZUzKz †Wwj‡Mkb Av‡Q Zv Av‡M
†`L‡ev| ‡UK‡bvjwRi Kj¨v‡Y centralized system of database Gi Kvi‡Y audit cost minimize
n‡e| AwW‡Ui myweavi Rb¨ centrally database‡K †`L‡ev| Gi A_© GB bq †h Avgv‡`i KvR K‡g hv‡e,
Avi †mRb¨ jobs will be lost| eis jobs will be relocated, and the relocation is for better.
You will be absorbed in the overall domain. Indian CGA has taken over the IMED
like organizations, KviY centralized system Gi gva¨‡g CGA can provide financial
positions of the whole government.
The PAO is a super controlling officer. He is responsible for all these
controlling officers under his authority. So, in a parliamentary accountability concept
(or system), the PAO cannot skip his responsibility by saying †h Avwg †Zv Rvwbbv, Avgvi
DG K‡i‡Q, Avgvi director K‡i‡Q, Avgvi subordinate K‡i‡Q| Is it acceptable? ‘No’. Zvn‡j
Dwb Ggb GKwU monitoring Ges internal control system create Ki‡eb in such a way that
Dbvi subordinate iv power exercise Ki‡e under his delegation but they will not absorb
the responsibility of the PAO. And that is why theoritically speaking PACÕ i Kv‡Q
(cvewjK GKvD›Um KwgwUi mfvq) wKš‘ support officer wb‡q hvIqvi K_v bq| PAO himself needs
to go. wKš‘ Avgiv GB culture GLbI develop Ki‡Z cvwiwb| PAO has to explain his actions
without taking any aid from his subordinates. GB executive block miKv‡ii single
treasury system Gi part, TSA9 Gi part| That is GB block Uv expenditure incur Ki‡e

TSA stands for Treasury Single Account, which is also known as Single Treasury System. In many emerging
market and low-income countries Mf‡g©‡ ›Ui wiwmÞ I †c‡g›U wew”Qbœfv‡e wbqwš¿Z nq, hvi d‡j government is lacking
effective control over its cash resources. GKvi‡b Mf‡g©‡›Ui wewfbœ GKvD‡›U GKw`‡K A_© Ajm c‡o _v‡K Avi Aciw`‡K ev‡RU

Page 18 of 196
sanction of expenditure w`‡e, wKš‘ Zviv †Kvb bank account ivL‡e bv| (Z vn‡j G Lv‡b G K Uv
point n‡j v Avgiv holistically hL b entity†K †`L‡ev Z Lb G B R vqMvq †h e¨Z ¨q _vK ‡Q †m¸ ‡jv
repeatedly ej‡Z _vK ‡ev|) GB block Gi †Kvb bank account _vK‡e bv, wKš‘ hw` _v‡K Zvn‡j
†KvbUv _vKv DwPZ, †KvbUv DwPZ bq, †m m¤ú‡K© GKUv fair knowledge _vKv Avek¨K| Z‡e Aek¨B G
msµvšÍ articulation very precise n‡Z n‡e|
GB block-G miKv‡ii public service delivery’i Rb¨ 2wU unit Av‡Qt policy unit Ges
implementation unit. Ges Giv budget spend Ki‡e without issueing any checques. They
do not have the power to handle money. Avgv‡`i PFM system is very robust, very
sound. Colonial administration Avgv‡`i A‡bK vice †hgb w`‡q‡Q †Zgwb virtueI w`‡q‡Q| GUvi
Kvi‡Y Avgiv inherit K‡iwQ GKUv robust system Ges GB system Gi distortion ¸‡jv ‡Zvgv‡`i
individual paper-G Avm‡Z n‡e| Gi d‡j consequence wK n‡q‡Q Ges PFM context G wK n‡q‡Q
ZvI paper-G Avm‡Z n‡e|
There are some exceptions, for example – Roads & Highways Department
(RHD). That does mean the exception is wrong. Av‡M general framework eyS‡j H
exception eyS‡Z myweav n‡e| Z‡e control mechanism KvR Ki‡j H exception †K AviI
expedite Kiv hv‡e| control KvR bv Kiv‡Z ev bó n‡q hvIqv‡Z system †K Avgiv AviI †ekx †`vl
w`w”Q| control ‡K Avgiv reinforce Kivi K_v ejwQ bv| Public service GB mechanism G
delivery Kiv n‡e Ges Zviv budget spend Ki‡e following the Rules of Business, the
Allocation of Business, the Delegation of Financial Powers, GFR, PPR/PPA Ges other
rules, departmental rules BZ¨vw`|
Subordinate office geographically ‡K v_ vq _vK vi K _ v ? G iv wK D c‡R jv ch©vq ch©š Í
( peripheri ch©š Í) _ vK v D wPr ? eZ©gvb legal framrwork G Dc‡Rjv ch©šÍ subordinate office _vKvi

K_v gvÎ K‡qKUv department-G| Most of the department-Gi subordinate office central
government Gi subordinate office wn‡m‡e _vKvi K_v bv| H context-G ‡h `y‡Uv KvR central
government Gi retained function wn‡m‡e Av‡Q, by law Dc‡Rjv cwil`, †Rjv cwil`, wmwU
K‡c©v‡ikb AvBb G cwi®‹vi ejv Av‡Q GB functions ¸‡jv central government-Gi dvskÝ bv,

execution-Gi Rb¨ Zv‡K FY wb‡Z nq| GB mgm¨v DËi‡Y TSA is a unified structure of government bank accounts that
gives a consolidated view of cash resources. we¯ÍvwiZ Rvb‡Z IMF Working Paper wU wfwRU Kiæbt

Page 19 of 196
including executive Gi finance function mn Dc‡Rjv cwil‡`i KvR| Dc‡Rjv cwil‡` †h¸‡jv
vested Kiv n‡q‡Q by the central government, is called the transfer subjects10| Existing
law Abyhvqx central government Gi subordinate office HLv‡b _vK‡e bv| H Awdm ¸‡jv _vK‡e
cwil‡`i under-G Ges †m Abyhvqx order-I n‡q‡Q|
eZ©gv‡b by law subordinate office Dc‡Rjvq _vKvi K_v gvÎ 4/5wU wKš‘ subordinate
office Gi g‡Zv behave Ki‡Q almost all the departments. Gi cÖgvY n‡jv GLbI central
government Gi budget delegation w`‡q Dc‡Rjv mgvR‡mev Awdmvi, Dc‡Rjv wkÿv Awdmvi G me
Awd‡m hv‡”Q| GUv Dc‡Rjv cwil‡`i law †_‡K deviate Ki‡Q| GB deviation ¸‡jv AwWU
AeRvi‡fk‡b raise Ki‡Z mgq jvM‡jI Avgv‡`i‡K eyS‡Z n‡e| Legal framework Abyhvqx budget
management XvKvq Qvov XvKvi evB‡i _vKvi K_v bv| ev‡RU g¨v‡bR‡g›U _vK‡e only for retained
subjects| hviv budget LiP Ki‡e Zviv law †g‡b, expenditure sanction ‡`‡e, Ges dvBbvwÝqvj
m¨v¼kb †`‡e| wKš‘ financial sanction w`‡”Q `yB fv‡e| (1) wb‡Ri Rb¨ †bqv (‡eZbfvZv) Avevi (2)
goods and service procure K‡i‡Q †mUvi Rb¨ †bqv| GKUv MÖæ‡ci g‡a¨ gazetted self drawing
Kg©KZ©vMb Av‡Qb| Self drawing-Gi Kvi‡Y Dwb wb‡Ri wej wb‡R sign K‡i submit Ki‡eb|
GLb msMZ Kvi‡Y GKUv bZzb panel Avm‡e| KviY government Gi expenditure
complete nIqvi Rb¨ single panel is not enough. There are more panels required to
complete the total process. These two panels are in a sense independent panels but
they are interdependant. In terms of processes they talk to each other. They interact,
almost on a daily basis. That is why interdependency is there. But cÖ‡Z¨K panel Gi
individual GKUv heirarchy Av‡Q Ges GB heirarchyÕi g‡a¨ GKUv independent feeling Av‡Q|
GLv‡b (c¨v‡bj-1) †hgb PAO Av‡Q, †mLv‡b GB panel – 2 Gi top boss n‡jv CGA11| Railway
and defence ‡K hw` (for the time being) Avjv`v ivwL Zvn‡j GB `yÕ‡Uv panel (1 I 2) G‡K Ac‡ii
mv‡_ interact Ki‡e| PAO Gi cÖwZwbwa †h‡nZz country wide Av‡Q Ges daily basis G †h‡nZz

Dc‡Rjv cwil` (ms‡kvab) AvBb, 2011 Abymv‡i 17wU gš¿Yvjq/wefv‡Mi KvR Dc‡Rjv cwil‡`i wbKU n¯ÍvšÍwiZ n‡q‡Q| G¸‡jv nÕjt (1)
RbcÖkvmb gš¿Yvjq A_©vr BDGbI Ges Zvi Aaxb mKj ÷vd, (2) ¯^v¯’¨ Awa`ßi, (3) cwievi cwiKíbv Awa`ßi, (4) K…wl m¤úªmviY
Awa`ßi, (5) grm¨ Awa`ßi, (6) cÖv wYm¤ú` Awa`ßi, (7) Lv`¨ I `~‡h©vM e¨e¯’vcbv Awa`ßi, (8) mgvR Kj¨vY Awa`ßi, (9) cÖv_wgK wkÿv
Awa`ßi, (10) gva¨wgK I D”Pwkÿv Awa`ßi, (11) gwnjv Awa`ßi, (12) ¯’vbxq miKvi cÖ‡KŠkj Awa`ßi, (13) Rb¯^v¯’¨ cÖ‡KŠkj Awa`ßi,
(14) hye Dbœqb Awa`ßi, (15) cwi‡ek I eb gš¿Yvjq, (16) cjøxDbœqb Awa`ßi I (17) mgevq Awa`ßi|
CGA A_©vr Controller General of Accounts was set up in 1985, previously known as Accountant General
(Civil). The CGA is responsible for compiling and consolidating the government accounts of Bangladesh. For
more information please visit

Page 20 of 196
interact Ki‡Z nq ZvB CGAi cÖwZwbwaI country wide _vK‡Z n‡e| GUv‡KB technical term G
ejv n‡”Q Ôdecentralized fiscal administration or fiscal system’.
Unlike the U.K. Avgv‡`i decentralized fiscal system Pj‡Q 200 eQi a‡i| U.K. †Z
200 eQi Av‡M ‡_‡KB centralized fiscal system we`¨gvb| Avgv‡`i wdmK¨vj wm‡÷g decentralized
_vKvi Ab¨Zg KviY ‡UªRvwi¸‡jvi remoteness and geographical dislocation. Expenditure Ges
payment point G †h‡Z Avgv‡`i A‡bK mgq jvM‡Zv| Bank wn‡m‡e KvR Ki‡Zv sub-post
office¸‡jv| ‡Kvb banking system wQ‡jv bv| wKš‘ GLb fvevi mg q G ‡m ‡Q 2 00 eQi c‡iI wK G K B
system Pvj y ivL‡Z n‡e wK bv ? Ges GUv ivLv bv ivLvi mv‡_ Avgv‡`i AwW‡Ui quality improvement
Gi cÖkœ RwoZ| Avgv‡`i fiscal management G wK wK improvement RwoZ GB wRwbm wPšÍv Ki‡Z
n‡e public service Dbœq‡bi ga¨ w`‡q| Post Gi msL¨v ev gh©v`v evov ev Kgv w`‡q bq| I confirm
you that GUv w`‡q post Kg‡e bv| Post Gi quality evo‡e Ges your job will be more
sophisticated. Just think out of the box. Avgv‡`i fiscal system Zvn‡j decentralized.
Fiscal system Gi `yÕ‡Uv branch Av‡Q| GKUv n‡jv expenditure branch Avi GKUv n‡jv treasury
branch or accounting and treasury branch. GB wØZxq branchwU CGAÕi under G|
GLb Avgiv history †`L‡ev Zvici eZ©gv‡b Avm‡ev| Avgiv GB (accounting and treasury)
domain Gi gvbyl| GB domain Gi history, Gi eZ©gvb, deviation / change, way of
improvement, future reforms meB Av‡jvPbv Ki‡Z n‡e| Outside world G ‡h mKj
improvement n‡q‡Q †m¸‡jv wKfv‡e capitalize Ki‡ev ZvI ‡f‡e †`L‡Z n‡e| Zvn‡jB both
accounting Ges auditing Gi improvement Avgiv Ki‡Z cvie| History e‡j CGA wQj
Accountant General (AG). AG wK payment process-G i g‡a¨ wQ‡jb 19 83 m ‡bi Av‡M ch©š Í ?
Dwb payment process Gi g‡a¨ wQ‡jb bv (with the one exception, Z‡e ZvI †Kvb rule
framework Gi under-G bv)| Throughout the country both East Ges West Pakistan or
you may say in all over the subcontinent before 1947 Dwb (GKvD‡›U›U †Rbv‡ij) payment
process-G wQ‡jb bv|
mg¯Í payment system was used to be done by the Treasury system Avi †mKvi‡bB
the Treasury Rules Gi cÖ‡qvRb n‡q‡Q Ges remotest GjvKvq wQj sub-treasury system
(treasury'i wb‡P sub-treasury)| Payment †K †`vi †Mvovq †bqvi Rb¨, †h‡nZz banking system
wQjbv ZvB UvKv cqmv †hb †mLv‡b †bqv hvq ‡mKvi‡Y G c×wZ Pvjy wQj| miKv‡ii receipt-I Rgv n‡e,
miKv‡ii paymentI cwi‡kva n‡e| mvivw`‡b hv Rgv n‡e H¸‡jv currency chest G _vK‡e| A_©vr

Page 21 of 196
resuorce / UvKvi management Gi Rb¨ mvivw`b hv UvKv Rgv n‡e HLvb †_‡K miKv‡ii hv payment
†mUv cwi‡kva Kiv n‡e| Executive panel n‡Z bill submit n‡e| Bill submit Ki‡e DDO12, who
is appointed by the controlling officer and who is (surely) under his authority. Any
controlling officer can appoint one responsible officer as a DDO or even if he does not
rely on any officer (to shoulder the responsibility), he himself can be the DDO.
Generally, in a big department, the DDO signs the bill. So AG panel Gi mv‡_
controlling officer Gi cwiPq bvB, bill submit K‡i DDO wKš‘ sanction Av‡m controlling
officer Gi KvQ †_‡KB|
‡Kvb wej submit Ki‡Z †M‡j prescribed form jvM‡e, Avevi mv‡_ hv hv document †`evi
K_v †hgb: sanction letter, store record, reciept certificate BZ¨vw`I w`‡Z n‡e| A treasury
used to be under a District Collector (DC). DCÕ i under-G Treasury Officer, Treasury
Accountant, Treasurer GB wZb Awdmvi wQj| †h‡nZz cash handle Ki‡Z n‡e, ZvB †mUv handle
Kivi Rb¨ Treasury Officer wQj Avi GB Rb¨B the Treasury RulesGi cÖ‡qvRb n‡qwQj| TR wK
Auditor General G i forms and manner G i Ask wK bv ? GFR †hgb forms and manner Gi
Ask bv, †Zgwb TR I forms and manner Gi Ask bv| GUv Rvwi Kivi ÿgZv government-Gi|
Kvib, treasuries are under the government GB Rb¨ TR is issued by the Ministry of
Finance (MoF) but not by the Auditor General. Z‡e GK mgq Civil Accounts Code
(CAC) G TR, GFR, Account Code (Vol: 1, 2, 3, 4) meB GK‡Î wQj †hUv issue K‡iwQ‡jb
Auditor General of India.
System evolution Gi Ask wn‡m‡e cÖ_‡g c¨v‡bj¸‡jv combined wQj c‡i †`Lv †Mj
combined gv‡b panel bó n‡”Q, A_©vr c¨v‡bj¸‡jv‡K identify Kiv hv‡”Q bv| ZvB, c„_K-c„_K panel
evbv‡bvi Rb¨ GFR, TR, Account Code †K Avjv`v Kiv n‡q‡Q| wKš‘ GBme panel ˆZix nIqvi Av‡M
ch©šÍ Auditor General was supreme in financial matters; Dwb treasury †K control Ki‡Zb,
Dwb account matter control Ki‡Zb, Dwb GFR control Ki‡Zb| cieZ©x ch©v‡q `y‡Uv c¨v‡bj ˆZix
n‡jv, GUv (this) was an improvement| Second panel Gi mv‡_ first panel Gi connecting
route ‰Zix n‡jv through the DDO, not through the controlling officer (CO). wKš‘
document/bill Gi g‡a¨ Zvi wbqš¿YKvix Kg©KZ©vi sanction _vK‡Z n‡e| Avevi KLbI Avgiv cÖ‡Z¨KwU
expenditure Gi Rb¨ sanction LyuwR| wKš‘ GFR Abyhvqx sanction not necessarily cÖ‡Z¨KwU

DDO stands for Drawing and Disbursing Officer.

Page 22 of 196
expenditure Gi Rb¨ jvM‡e| Yearly order-I sanction wn‡m‡e KvR Ki‡Z cv‡i| DDOÕi
signature 2nd panel G msiÿY Kiv _v‡K| Controlling officer (CO) Gi signature _vK‡Z n‡e
Zvi †Kvb eva¨evaKZv †bB| wKš‘ CO wb‡R DDO n‡j Zvi specimen signature _vK‡e| Generally
lower level G CO Ges DDO merge n‡q †M‡Q KviY †mLv‡b officer (Gi msL¨v) Kg| Drawing
and Disbursing GB terminology e„wUk‡`i wbKU †_‡K G‡m‡Q| Gi gvnvZœ¨ n‡jv he will draw the
money from the treasury. And other part is to disburse it to the rightful claimants. This
is truer for cash handling. But cheque wm‡÷‡g Dwb Avm‡j drawing officer bv, only
disbursing Awdmvi| KviY we‡ji g‡a¨ payeeÕi bvg w`‡Z nq Ges H cheque Zvui account G hvq |
Zvn‡j fwel¨‡Z electronic system-G GKevi wej submit n‡j UvKv mivmwi claimants Gi
accounts G P‡j hv‡e| Public service improvement Gi Rb¨ Avgiv wb‡RivI G‡Mv‡ev| G¸‡jv n‡j
audit Gi mechanical/maual w`K n‡Z shift K‡i system based AwW‡Ui w`‡K †h‡Z cvi‡ev|
Accounting history e‡j DDO wej submit Ki‡e treasuryÕi Kv‡Q (treasury or sub treasury),
Collector Gi under G GB treasury _vK‡e, not AGÕi under G| wKš‘ Collector himself is
under AG. GB Rb¨ GLbI CGAÕi Kv‡Q A‡bK DC ey‡S †nvK bv ey‡S †nvK wKQz wKQz statement
Treasury G es sub treasury ‡h payment K i‡e, †mB †c‡g ‡›Ui R b¨ ‡UªR vwi¸‡jv UvK v cv‡e
†K v_vq ? †mB †c‡g‡›Ui Rb¨ Giv GKUv resource management Ki‡Zv| TR challan w`‡q UvKv Rgv

n‡e ‡UªRvwi‡Z| †mLv‡b †h Treasury Officer wQj, Zviv generally EPCS (East Pakistan Civil
Service) wQj| Generally Bqs CSP (Civil Service of Pakistan) iv Treasury Officer n‡Zv bv,
n‡Zv ranker iv, circle officer iv n‡Zv Treasury Officer (TO). TO Gi wb‡P Av‡iv 2Uv post wQjt
Accountant Ges Treasurer (†h Avm‡j cashier)| KviY †m central government Gi money
handle Ki‡Q GB Rb¨ cashier bv e‡j treasurer ejv n‡Zv| Treasurer UvKv †`qv I †bqv handle
Ki‡Zv| UvKv †`qv-‡bqvi wnmv‡ei Rb¨ Zvi cash book wQj| GLv‡b GKwU internal control Gi sense
Av‡Q, division of labour Av‡Q| Zvi (treasurer) Dc‡i Treasury Officer Ges Zvi Dc‡i
Collector. And the Collector was responsible to the Accountant General (AG). Sub-
treasury †Z only Av‡Q treasurer, ZvI A‡bK †ÿ‡Î formal bvI n‡Z cv‡i| Ab¨ Kv‡Ri cvkvcvwk
Zviv G KvR Ki‡Zv| mve-‡UªRvwi †_‡K monthly basis G mKj voucher ‡UªRvwi†Z cvVv‡bv n‡Zv Ges
treasury me¸‡jv †hvM K‡i wbZ| Payment Gi UvKv wKQz Avm‡Zv chalan Gi receipt n‡Z, payment
hw` receipt-Gi †ekx n‡Zv Zvn‡j resource manage Ki‡Z n‡Zv|

Page 23 of 196
GB Rb¨ Treasury Officer ‡m›Uªvj e¨vs‡Ki under-G wQj| Central bank Gi GKwU post
Av‡Q hvi bvg currency officer| cÖ‡Z¨K district Gi treasury †Z currency chest _vK‡Zv, Z‡e
GUv central bank Gi Aax‡b wQj| mvivw`‡bi UvKv w`‡bi †k‡l chest G XzK‡j money supply †_‡K
†mUv ev` †hZ| Avevi c‡ii w`b GUv use Ki‡j money supply †Z Avm‡Zv ev †hvM n‡Zv|
GKUv D`vniY w`B| mvivw`‡b ‡Kvb GK †UªRvwi 5000 UvKv †cj, Gi g‡a¨ 4000 UvKv LiP n‡jv ,
1000 UvKv Kv‡iwÝ †P‡÷ _vK‡jv | ZLb ‡UªRvwi Awdmvi telegram w`‡Zv currency officer Gi Kv‡Q,
currency officer ‡m †gvZv‡eK 1000 UvKv ev` w`‡q money supply wnmve Ki‡Zv as if †mUv (UvKvUv)
central bank-G Av‡Q| Avevi hw` †Kvb †UªRvwi‡Z payment †ekx Ki‡Z nq Zvn‡j surplus currency
chest Gi mv‡_ telegram G †hvMv‡hvM K‡i currency officer ZLb surplus currency chest †_‡K
UvKv G‡b H Lv‡b treasury †K w`Z| ZLb stock †_‡K minus K‡i money supply †Z add n‡Zv|
Avevi †h Lv‡b surplus Av‡Q †mLvb †_‡K deficit fill up n‡Zv| Treasury payment Ki‡Q,
currency officer Ges currency chest Gi gva¨‡g resource management n‡”Q, payment K‡i
voucher, cash book ˆZix n‡”Q|
History i mv‡_ eZ©gvb link Ki‡Z †M‡j †`Lv hvq GLb AG payment process-Gi mv‡_
RwoZ| wKš‘ payment process was not handled by the Accountant General (with the
exception only in the Presidency)| Bill scrutiny Ki‡Zv treasury i †jvK| Are they part of
the accounts people or outside accounts people? Commercial world Gi g‡Zv accounts,
payments, audit, historically Avgv‡`i wm‡÷‡gI Avjv`v wQj|
‡UªRvwi¸‡jv transction n¨v†Ûj Ki‡Q outside Accounts and Audit people, Zviv Avm‡j
treasury official | Zvn‡j pre-audit ewj Avi pre-check ewj that was all done by treasary
officials, not by the accounts people. That was treasury scrutiny | Gevi payment Kivi
ci †m cash book G record Ki‡Q daily basis G| Zvici cÖwZ cÖ_g `kw`‡bi ‡iKW©Uv 11k w`‡b AG
i Kv‡Q cvwV‡q w`Z| All vouchars including list of payments and all these. Payment K‡i
1gvm A‡cÿv Ki‡j †Kvb irregular payment n‡j GUv ai‡Z ‡`ix n‡e ZvB gv‡m 2 evi cvVv‡bv n‡Zv
AG ‡Z| 1g installment AG †Z Avm‡j GUv AG ‡Z open Kiv n‡Zv| open K‡i †`L‡Zv treasury
‡h scrutiny K‡i‡Q †mUv mwVK K‡i‡Q wKbv, rule / order ¸‡jv wVK g‡Zv ‡g‡b‡Q wK bv?
Zvn‡j conceptually accounts Ges audit †h seperate (not human resources) Zv
more robust wQj| Preliminary scrutiny K‡i Zvici payment Ki‡Q treasury officials, Zviv
voucher cvVv‡”Q AG i Kv‡Q| AG i wewfbœ section G voucher ¸‡jv check Kiv n‡”Q †h,

Page 24 of 196
sanction Av‡Q wK bv, store-G i record wVK Av‡Q wK bv, BZ ¨vw` | In order †h¸‡jv (fvDPvi¸‡jv) cvIqv
hvqwb †m¸‡jvi Rb¨ GKwU objection note ˆZix K‡i AG Awdm treasury ‡Z cvVv‡e Ges treasury i
KvQ †_‡K Gwel‡q reply wb‡e| In the meantine †h¸‡jv wVK Av‡Q †m¸‡jv compile Ki‡eb, GUvi
bvgB keeping of accounts|
GLb wcÖ-AwWU ev †cv÷-AwWU hvB ewj bv †Kb GB KvR¸‡jv‡K PviwU fv‡M fvM K‡i wbB hv‡Z
e¨vL¨v Ki‡Z myweav nqt
· Pre Audit before payment.
· Pre Audit after payment.
· Post Audit before compilation.
· Post Audit after compilation.
ISSAI wb‡q K_v eje c‡i| Av‡M wb‡Ri base Uv wVK K‡i wbB, ISSAI ‡Kv_vq wK K‡i ‡mUv
c‡i †`L‡Z n‡e| Not necesarily Avwg †hUv ejwQ †mUv conclusive, you can contest. But Ah_v
`uvwo‡q ‘m¨vi GUv Gfv‡e n‡e’ Gai‡bi hyw³ bv †`qvB fvj n‡e| hw` †Kvb hyw³ `vI Z‡e Aek¨B †idv‡iÝ
(KvMR) †`LvI, †Kv_vq †jLv Av‡Q †`LvI| AG ‡hUv Ki‡Zv †mUv (Dc‡ii ZvwjKvq) wZb b¤^i KvR| ‡Kbbv
AG i Kv‡Q voucher G‡m‡Q payment Gi c‡i| fvDPvi Avmvi c‡i AG GUv post-audit KiZ| †h
concept G‡ZvÿY Av‡jvPbv n‡jv Zv‡Zv pre-audit e‡j wKQz wQ‡jvbv| 1983 i Av‡M pre-audit wQjbv;
generally wQjbv Z‡e GKUv exception wQ‡jv| Treasury ‡Z cash book _vK‡Zv, expenditure
schedule _vK‡Zv| Tresury †hUv ivL‡Zv †mUv initial accounts †hUvi Dci wbf©i K‡i final
accounts n‡Zv| GB department-Gi degradation-Gi wcQ‡b poor knowledge base Ges poor
dissemination of knowledge KvR K‡i‡Q| This is totally undeserving|
Initial accounts is the account which forms the source for final accounts. Store
Gi account †hUv 1g c¨v‡b‡j †mUv initial accounts bv Kvib †mUv source for final accounts bv|
Zvn‡j initial accounts Gi forms Ges manners AwWUi †Rbv‡ij prescribe Ki‡e bvwK
department Ki‡e ?
The exception was in the headquarters of the centre (Presidency) ‡hLv‡b
government (what a rich relationship between the government and the Auditor
General) Auditor General †K request Ki‡jv ‡h, wbixÿvi cvkvcvwk payment-I Auditor
General ‡KB Ki‡Z n‡e| †hUv‡K ejv n‡Zv presidency wnmve| GUv †Kvb rule framework Gi
gva¨‡g bv n‡q GKwU gentlemen agreement between the government and the Auditor

Page 25 of 196
General Gi g‡a¨ n‡qwQj| Presidency ‡Z Auditor General (AG) ‡K payment process G
involve Kivq treasury systems Gi loss minimize n‡q‡Q| Kvib wrong payment e‡j
treasury i against G objection n‡Zv wKš‘ Zv settlement Ki‡Z A‡bK mgq jvM‡Zv| ZvB
presidency †Z treasury systems KvR Ki‡e bv| AG Õi office wb‡R paymant Ki‡e, wKš‘
treasury _vK‡e Kvib UvKv Rgv n‡e, challan Rgv n‡e| XvKv kn‡i presidency payment AG
Ki‡Zv Avi recipt n‡Zv treasury †Z, ZvB XvKv‡ZI treasury Av‡Q|
Zvn‡j XvKv‡Z AG KiZ pre-audit before payment GUv n‡”Q 1 b¤^i Uv| ZvB AG i
accounts compilation Gi source n‡”Q post-audit before compilation Ges pre-audit before
payment (only in Presidency)| Pre-audit after payment Gi example Gi Ly‡R †`L‡Z n‡e|
Av‡jvPbvi myweav‡_© Defence Ges Railway a‡i wbw”Q Avgv‡`i eZ©gvb Av‡jvPbvq †bB| Pre-audit
system Uv G‡mwQj ïay GKUv concordat Gi gva¨‡g A_©vr GKUv aggrement Gi gva¨‡g|
Compilation of the accounts was done by the Auditor General based on two
sources: one is at the headquarters (presidency) through pre-andit and the other is
post-audit before compilation. Pre-audit Gi myweav n‡jv expenditure nIqvi Av‡M Zv †iva Kiv
hvq| Avi Amyweav n‡jv compromising the basic tenancy of accounting and auditing.
Without hampering our interest G `yÕ‡Uvi g‡a¨ wK fv‡e balance Kiv hvq Avgiv Zv †f‡e †`L‡Z
cvwi| AZxZ BwZnvm e‡j after compilation †h aggregate account ˆZix Kivi c×wZ i‡q‡Q †mUvi
bvg ‘Keeping of Accounts’|

Page 26 of 196
Session: TWO

At the beginning of this session I want to stress upon the same thing once again
that cÖ‡Z¨K‡KB paper ‰Zix Ki‡Z n‡e ‘about the total PFM of the government’ Ges
cÖ‡Z¨K‡KB Zvi paper defend Ki‡Z n‡e| Avwg ‡WcywU wmGwR (Senior) ‡K wi‡Kv‡q÷ Ki‡ev †h GKUv
wUg dg© K‡i paper Gi structure w`‡q w`‡eb Ges H structure Abyhvqx cÖ‡Z¨‡KB paper wjL‡e|
Paper individually defend Ki‡e upto Grade-3 officers. Minimum ‡h literature review
Ki‡Z n‡e Zv n‡jvt (1) Bangladesh constitution; (2) the CAG’s (Additional Functions)
Act, 1974; (3) An Introduction to Government Audit & Accounts (Bangladesh) &
(India-5 th edition): ‡h‡nZz Avgiv GKB historical background ‡_‡K G‡mwQ (to make your life
easy) country comparison _vK‡e ïay India’i mv‡_; (4) CAG & CGA India’i website; (5)
Audit & Accounts order 1952; (6) Analytical History of CAG India (1947-1989); (7)
the Government of India Act, 1935Gi relevant portions ‡h¸‡jv Audit & Accounts Gi
mv‡_ m¤úwK©Z; BZ¨vw`| mevi Kv‡Q mail Gi gva¨‡g G wjUv‡iPvi¸‡jv hv‡e| G †idv‡iݸ‡jv n‡jv
literature Gi boundary, GB boundary ‡Z †_‡K ‡h wbw`©ó mgq †`qv n‡e †mB mg‡qi g‡a¨ mevB
paper ‰Zix Ki‡e Ges submit Ki‡e| Avi GUv (GB †jKPvi †mkb¸‡jv) mK‡ji Rb¨ Zv‡`i capacity
building Gi part| GUv Abygvb Kiv hvq ‡h GLbB co‡Z †M‡j A‡bK wKQzB Avgiv eyS‡ev bv| ZvB
†evSvi Rb¨ b~¨bZg hv `iKvwi †mUv GLv‡b (GB †mkb¸‡jv‡Z) e‡j †`qv n‡”Q|

Actors of PFM
Comptroller &
Ministry of Finance
(Segment – 1)
Auditor General
(Segment – 2)
(Panel – 1) (Panel – 2) (Panel – 3) (Panel – 4)
Executive Panel Pay & Treasury Audit Panel
Accounts Panel
Principal Accounting Officer (PAO) Panel
Controlling Officer (CO1)

Controlling Officer (CO2)

Controlling Officer (CO3)

wPÎ-1t Public Financial Management Gi 4wU c¨v‡bj

Page 27 of 196
As we go along, it will be evident that in the PFM framework, both the
Ministry of Finance and the Comproller & Auditor General play pivotal roles to make
efficient use of taxpayer’s money. They are the two wings of the Parliament by which
the Parliament guides the executive government through the avenues of the PFM. One
wing i.e. the Ministry of Finance (MoF) formulates the policy document ‘Budget’ on
behalf of the Parliament, while the other wing i.e. the Comptroller & Auditor General
makes the government accountable for non-performance of the policy set out by the
Parliament. The non-performance of the previous year affects the budget of the
current year and thus the cycle of PFM continuously propelled by these two wings.
msweav‡bi 90 Aby‡”Q` Abyhvqx cvj©v‡g›U Appropriation Act cvk K‡i| iæjm& Ae cÖwmwWDi Gi
(Aa¨vq 16) iæj 111 n‡Z 129 G D‡jøwLZ c×wZ AbymiY K‡i cvjv©‡g‡›U `ywU G¨v± cvk nqt
Appropriation Act I Finance Act| Appropriation Act cÖ¯‘‡Zi Rb¨ mvwe©K Kvh©vewji `vwqZ¡
Ministry of Finance Gi| iæjm& Ae weR‡bm Gi wmwWDj 4 Gi iæj 34 n‡Z 37 G ev‡RU ˆZixi KvR
A_© wefv‡Mi Dci b¨v¯Í Kiv n‡q‡Q| GQvovI Allocation of Business Gi 4 aviv Abymv‡i evsjv‡`k
miKv‡ii Avw_©K welqvw`i Rb¨ A_© wefvM‡K `vwqZ¡ †`qv n‡q‡Q|
The Ministry of Finance Gi gva¨‡g cvj©v‡g›U G‡·wKDwUf‡K ev‡RU †`qvi ci, G‡·wKDwUf
hLb cvewjK mvwf©‡mi Rb¨ e¨q wbev©n K‡i, ZLb †mB e¨‡qi A_© cwi‡kv‡ai Rb¨ †UªRvwi †K wb‡`©kbv w`‡q
e¨‡qi wnmvefzw³ K‡i K‡›Uªvjvi †Rbv‡ij Ae GKvD›Um (wmwRG)| myZivs overall PFM Gi †d«gIqvK©wU
Avgiv cÖ_gZt `y‡Uv DBs ev †mM‡g‡›U fvM Ki‡Z cvwi| †mB `y‡Uv DBs n‡Z Avevi PviwU c¨v‡b‡ji m„wó|
cÖ_g c¨v‡bj executive, wØZxq c¨v‡bj pay and accounts, Z…Zxq c¨v‡bj treasury / bank, Ges
PZz_© c¨v‡bj external audit|
This is (the first panel in Figure - 1) the executive block or in the context of
audit it is the auditee block| GB eø‡Ki g‡a¨ Judiciary Av‡Q, Legislative Av‡Q, Executive
organ-I Av‡Q (A_©vr iv‡óªi wZbwU A½B GB eø‡K Av‡Q)| Auditor General Gi Kv‡Q GB cÖ_g block-
G 3wU organB Av‡Q| GLv‡b (cÖ_g eøK/c¨v‡b‡j) budget execution n‡jv public service cÖ`v‡bi
Rb¨ ev‡RU n‡Z e¨q wbe©vn Kiv| GB budget spend K‡i G‡·wKDwUf but payment authority Gu‡`i
nv‡Z _v‡K bv| And they do not even have any cash management capacity or function.
The responsibility of cash management of the government lies with some other panel,
GLv‡b (G‡·wKDwUf c¨v‡b‡j) ïay fund management n‡q _v‡K|

Page 28 of 196
dvÛ g¨v‡bR‡g›U ev ev‡RU spend Kivi Rb¨ A_ev cvewjK mvwf©m †Wwjfvwii Rb¨ the top most
controlling officer is the Principal Accounting Officer (PAO) and all other controlling
officers under it enjoy delegated administrative and financial power of the PAO. The
boundary of the delegations of the powers is up to the subordinate offices. I have said
before that, the subordinate offices are not supposed to disperse geographically all
over the country. wKš‘ for some reasons and some other local fund laws ‡hgbt Dc‡Rjv
cwil`, †Rjv cwil` BZ¨vw`; somehow the subordinate offices GL‡bv dispersed n‡q Av‡Q|
AwWUi †Rbv‡i‡ji Rb¨ GUv GKUv AwWU point n‡Z cv‡i †h, for the guidance of the government
this issue can be raised tacitly. However, it should not be an administrative issue only,
rather Gi mv‡_ financial matters wjsK K‡i AwWU observations raise Kiv †h‡Z cv‡i|
Moreover, I want that within six months from today there will be some PFM
experts created in the department who can be bought like hot cakes by IMF and World
Bank. You can compete for the positions in the World Bank and IMF in Washington.
Because, now-a-days, the demand for the PFM experts is very high. And even China
is moving towards PFM reforms and China is vast country. They require more experts
in PFM. So I want that, from this department, there will be a handful of young experts
who are competent enough to compete for those types of positions. I will encourage
forming a study group of twenty officers. I have seen a file on my desk this morning
for the study group. But now I have changed my mind. Instead of dictating you first, I
would like to ask you to volunteer for the group. GB 20 Rb †mB officer n‡e hviv GB paper
¸‡jv analysis Ki‡e Ges Zviv wb‡RivI paper ‰Zix Ki‡e| Volunteer bv Ki‡j impose Kiv n‡e ‡h
Kviv GB ÷vwW MÖæ‡ci m`m¨ n‡e|
g~j Av‡jvPbvq wd‡i Avwm| Up to this point they (executives / budget holders) do not
have any cash and they transact in Treasury Single Account (TSA). The term ‘TSA’
implies that nobody (no budget holder) will have an individual bank account. There
will be one bank account for the whole government. Everybody (every budget holder)
will have access to the treasury for receipts and payments through the second block.
And when we came to this second block (pay & accounts block), we should start
talking about it from the history.

Page 29 of 196
As I have said earlier that the conception of pre-audit is a subsequent
phenomenon. It was not a part at the beginning of the history of our government
accounting. Our history says that, a treasury used to make payments after scrutiny. I
am not calling it ‘pre-audit’. After scrutiny by the Collector (who used to be in charge
of the treasury) himself and his staff, he used to make the payments and prepare the
initial accounts. And the initial accounts were submitted monthly (or twice in a
month) to the Accountant General’s (AG) office. The AG used to audit the accounts
including the vouchers attached. GLb cÖkœ n‡jv †h, Can you call it ‘pre-audit’? Out of the
four types, this is the ‘post-audit before compilation’.
Now, let us talk about another term ‘keeping of accounts’. The responsibility of
keeping of accounts by the Auditor General does not mean the ‘keeping of accounts at
the field level’ rather it is the keeping of accounts at the central level. Therefore,
keeping of accounts at the treasury is not a part of the responsibility of the Auditor
General. This is the responsibility of the respective departmental authorities. But there
was an exception at the centre or at the presidency level: the agreement between the
government and the Auditor General to have a separate arrangement for accounting at
the centre. The keeping of accounts is the central compilation, and below this central
compilation, there is the initial account prepared in a treasury. To substantiate the
initial accounts if you keep anything (any records, books or registers) that is called
subsidiary account. Gi A_© n‡jv, initial accounts ‡K mv‡cvU© †`qvi Rb¨ subsidiary accounts
Gi cÖ‡qvRb| Treasury ‡Z initial accounts _v‡K, initial accounts Gi g‡a¨ primary or basic
account is the ‘cash book’. And all information is fed into the cash book. The cash
books are the primary books from where you build your accounts. D‡jøL¨, †ijI‡q I
wW‡dÝ wb‡q Avgiv AvcvZZt GLv‡b Av‡jvPbv KiwQ bv, cieZ©x‡Z Gwel‡q Av‡jvPbv n‡e|
GLb †`L‡ev subsequent development wK n‡q‡Q| evsjv‡`k nIqvi Av‡MB non-banking
treasury non-existent n‡q †M‡Q| Banking system development Gi mv‡_ mv‡_ treasury-i
‘cash’ arm ev` n‡q wM‡q‡Q| Cash P‡j wM‡q‡Q central bank-G Ges Gi agent wn‡m‡e Sonali
Bank-G| Historical evolution hw` †`wL Zvn‡j non banking †_‡K banking treasury is the
first step of conversion. hLb banking treasury wQj bv ZLb wQj ïay central bank. Field level
G cash business handle Kiv n‡Zv currency officer Ges currency chest Gi gva¨‡g| G Rb¨

Page 30 of 196
‡Rjv cÖkvm‡Ki (DC’i) A‡bK boss wQj †mmgq, Cabinet Division Gi mwPe ‡hgb boss, AGI
‡Zgwb DC’i Av‡iK boss GgbwK State Bank Gi Governor I DC i boss wQ‡jb| Historical
evolution-G GB boss m‡i wM‡q‡Qb| So, Gfv‡e conclusion draw Kiv hvq †h, A‡bK
development bóvwg development n‡jI A‡bK development n‡q‡Q for betterment| Avevi
GUvI ¯^xKvi Ki‡Z n‡e †h, development Gi bv‡g wKQz Kg©KvÛ haphazard n‡q‡Q| GUv n‡q‡Q
because of knowledge gap, specially in the Audit Department. So, I propose a time
period of six months and within this period every officer of this department should be
an expert on PFM of Bangladesh.
Second part of history n‡jv treasury ‡Z payment authority Ges accounting Avi
AG ‡Z ïay accounting| _vW© panel-G Av‡Q central bank, eZ©gv‡bI GUv exist Ki‡Q| GB wZb
c¨v‡bj every location-G exist K‡i| every location-G wZb c¨v‡bj Gi 3wU agent Av‡Q| wZbwU
c¨v‡bjB independent reporting panels rather independent administrative panels|
cÖ‡Z¨‡Ki Avjv`v administrative hierarchy Av‡Q| 3Uvi g‡a¨ Avevi interdependency Av‡Q| 1bs
panel G subordinate office, 2 bs c¨v‡bj G accounts office Ges 3bs c¨v‡bj G ‡mvbvjx e¨vsK|
Automated environment-G hw` Ggb †Kvb system _v‡K †h 3wU c¨v‡b‡j †h hv Ki‡Q real time-G
Zv‡`i reporting n‡”Q Zvn‡j wZbR‡bi activities-B A‡Uvg¨vwUK re-concile n‡q ‡hZ| Zvn‡j ‡mLvb
†_‡K GKUv major audit assurance Avm‡Zv, Avi †mB mv‡_ AviI wKQz ¸iæZ¡cY~ © Z_¨ Avm‡Zv
including the cash balance of the government.
Historically in Bangladesh and in Indian subcontinent, decentralized fiscal
administration wQ‡jv| Z ‡e c~‡ e© evsjv‡`‡k †h K vi‡Y decentralized fiscal administration wQ‡j v
†m K viY wK GL bI exist K ‡i ? Banking system development K‡i‡Q, automation n‡q‡Q|

Audit quality improve Ki‡Z PvB‡j accounts quality, payment process improve Ki‡Z
n‡e| d‡j audit assurance evo‡e| Mundane clerical audit will be wiped out and we will
be concentrating on so called performance or value for money audit. Without
strengthening your financial reporting and all these (accounts quality, payment
process) if you just go for performance auditing that sounds to me a sort of mismatch|
Avi GKUv c¨v‡bj evKx Av‡Q, Zv n‡jv Statutory Audit. You cannot improve your
statutory audit if you do not have a robust accounting system in place. Your payment
and accounting system should be robust (and now-a-days real time online). We (the
audit and accounts people) should work hard. Generally, the government is allergic or
Page 31 of 196
very slow in this type of movement or initiative. But the Auditor General cannot be
slow like the government. He should encourage, and he should advise the government
to do this (or to take these initiatives). These initiatives are needed for two reasons: (1)
to make our life easy and also (2) to make other peoples’ lives easy.
Why people should come to your office and fall in a long queue? In a situation
where technology is readily available, why pensioners should queue in front of your
office or in the counters of the bank? When there is an Electronic Fund Transfer
(EFT) process, why pensioners cannot get their money in their mobile bank accounts?
And while you send the money through EFT, at the same time you keep your
accounting records on a real time basis. By this way your statutory audit shifts from
ticking and checking approach to overall-looking entity-wide holistic approach.
Now the second leg of the story is that, evsjv‡`k nIqvi Av‡M AG (East Pakistan)
‡mwjgv Avi Avn‡g` Gi GKUv office order Av‡Q District Accounts Office (DAO), Comilla
msµvšÍ| †hLv‡b (hvi gva¨‡g) Kzwgjøv wWw÷ª± treasury ‡K convert Kiv n‡qwQj DAO/Comilla-G|
1952 mv‡j GKwU civgk©K cÖwZôvb wnmv‡e wb‡qvM cÖvß n‡q Price Waterhouse Coopers (pwc)
miKvwi wnmve e¨e¯’vi departmentalization Gi Dci ZrKvwjb Pakistan miKvi‡K GKUv report
w`‡qwQj| H Report Gi Dci base K‡i Auditor General’s office GKwU response w`‡qwQj hv
cieZ©x‡Z GKUv eB AvKv‡i cÖKvwkZ n‡qwQj| A_©vr controversy on separation of accounts from
audit eû eQi a‡i P‡j Avm‡Q|
What was the consequence of converting a treasury into a DAO? Apparently,
the treasury accountant lost his job. Dciš‘ the cashier lost his job earlier when banking
treasury was established| d‡j treasuryi me staff out n‡q wM‡q‡Q| Av‡M AGi supervision G
treasury KvR Ki‡Zv wKš‘ treasury’i officials iv Zvi AvÛv‡i wQj bv| GUv GKUv obstacle GKUv
hindrance to the system ‡hUv now-a-days Av‡iv cÖKU n‡q‡Q| d ‡j, GB change wK better n‡q‡Q
? Gi d‡j initial accounts DAO i Kv‡Q P‡j G‡m‡Q| Control gReyZ n‡q‡Q, cÖKviv‡šÍ AG i Kv‡Q

P‡j G‡m‡Q| d‡j accounts Avi outside the accounts department G bvB| Its a change for
better Ges H treasury staff iv Avgv‡`i GLv‡b Auditor/Junior Auditor wn‡m‡e absorbed
GB DAO conversion Kiv n‡qwQj experimental basis G| wKš‘ 1983 mv‡j hLb Dc‡Rjv
cÖeZ©b Kiv n‡jv ZLb ejv n‡jv “AvR †_‡K mKj treasury Ges sub treasury ‡Rjv wnmveiÿY I

Page 32 of 196
Dc‡Rjv wnmveiÿY Kvh©vj‡q iæcvšÍwiZ n‡eÓ| GKUv cwic~Y© accounting structure bv w`‡qB GB
conversion Kiv n‡jv| Gi d‡j Dc‡Rjv/‡Rjv‡Z accounting system Avi clear (my¯úó) _vK‡jv bv|
bv| ‡Rjv ev Dc‡Rjv accounts office m„wó nIqvUv wQj for better. KviY line of authority and
control DfqB same authority i Kv‡Q Avm‡jv| wKš‘ gap n‡”Q accounts ‡h decentralized n‡jv
Zvi Rb¨ ‡Kvb framework ˆZix Kiv nqwb| Zvn‡j audit point of view ‡_‡K audit Kivi Av‡M †h
framework-Uv enforce Kiv Riæix wQj Zv Kiv nqwb| Z‡e GB ‡d«gIqvK©Uv ejeZ Kiv †M‡j Gi d‡j
cost of audit K‡g hv‡e| Moreover, the auditor will not be a confused guy anymore. ‡m
framework Gi against-G Zvi observation raise Ki‡e|
Account code revisit K‡i GB framework-Uv cybivq develop Ki‡Z n‡e| Even the
Treasury Rules Gi Avi cÖ‡qvRb †bB, eis Receipt and Payment Rules ‰Zix n‡Z cv‡i| eZ©gv‡b,
second panel G treasury i cwie‡Z© Chief Accounts Officer (CAO), District Accounts
Officer (DAO), Upazilla Accounts Officer (UAO) ‰Zix n‡q wM‡q‡Q| Current status n‡jv
GLb treasury non-existent n‡q wM‡q‡Q| Only administrative treasury we`¨gvb †hLv‡b
question paper _v‡K, stamp _v‡K, wKš‘ ‡Kvb cash handling bvB| Kv‡RB accounts related
treasury Avi bvB, Z‡e subsidiary (stamp Gi) GKUv link Av‡Q accounts G †mUvI hotchpotch
n‡q Av‡Q hv †`L‡Z n‡e| d‡j eZ©gv‡b post-audit before compilation Avi ‡bB| PWD, Postal,
Defense, Railway, RHD, Forest, Foreign Affairs e¨ZxZ civil side G post-audit before
compilation ‡bB| GB cwieZ©b ev GB bv _vKv hv development Gi part, wKš‘ history bq | GLb
predominant n‡q‡Q pre-audit before payment, but this is not the legacy, it is a change|
eZ ©g v‡b G KwU UAO ev DAO †Z local level transactions G i complete accounts

generate K iv hvq wK bv? nu¨v, locally ‡Rbv‡iU Kiv hvq| KviY †mLv‡b receipt Ges payment Df‡qiB
accounting n‡”Q| Avevi local bank (branch), treasury’i mv‡_ reconcile Ki‡Q| ZvB audit Gi
improvement Gi Rb¨ accounting system disarrayed _vK‡j 50% investment accounts G
nIqv DwPZ| KviY accounts streamline bv n‡j audit cost evo‡e I audit Gi result n‡e sub
standard| d‡j complete accounts treasury ‡Z †hgb n‡Zv eZ©gv‡b UAO-‡ZI nq| Only
difference ‡h, Av‡M treasury ‡Z GKvD›Um Ki‡Zv GLb accounts office K‡i| Av‡M GUv‡K ejv
n‡Zv pre-scrutiny Avi GLb ejv n‡”Q pre-audit.
AG’i power has two sides: one is payment regulatory and the other is
accounting regulatory. Statutory audit generally comes with the certification of the

Page 33 of 196
accounts. Avg iv †`L jvg UAO G es DAO ‡Z complete accounts _ v‡K wKš‘ CAO ‡Z complete
accounts _ v‡K wK bv? ‘Complete accounts’ means which reflects all receipts and
payments and the balances. CAO i accounts GB definition Abyhvqx complete accounts bq
eis GUv ‘one-legged accounts’, which means the accounting of the payments only.
What about the receipts then? CAO ‡Z †mUv †bB| UAO Ges DAO Zv‡`i concerned bank
Gi mv‡_ reconcile Ki‡Z cvi‡e wKš‘ CAO Zv Ki‡Z cvi‡e bv| KviY Zvi ILv‡b receipt Gi Z_¨
‡bB| Another leg is in the DCAs through the DAOs.
These are all for ideas wKš‘ Avwg Auditor General wn‡m‡e †Kvb prescription w`w”Q bv|
(Prescription kãwU important KviY Auditor General is one of the few authorities in the
state who have rights to prescribe, of course with the approval of the president.) Audit
comes after the accounts, fq cvIqvi KviY †bB, Avwg audit cadre separate Ki‡Z ejwQ bv|
Human Resource (HR) wfbœ issue, ‡mUv Avjv`vfv‡e deal Ki‡Z n‡e| Functional separation
wb‡q KvR Kiv †h‡Z cv‡it that does not mean giving our work to others. Within ourselves
Avgiv function separate Ki‡Z cvwi| India state ch©v‡q †mUv K‡i‡Q| India state ch©v‡q AwWU I
GKvD›Um mvwf©m separate K‡iwb wKš‘ functions separate K‡i w`‡q‡Q| Accounting &
Entitlement Gi Rb¨ Accountant General (AG) Avjv`v Avi audit Gi Rb¨ Accountant
General (AG) / Director General (DG) Avjv`v| Avgv‡`iI Avjv`v n‡q‡Q wKš‘ streamline nqwb|
Audit report submit n‡”Q wKš‘ accounts Gi Dci †Kvb observation ‡bB| Accounting system
wVK Av‡Q wKbv †mUv wb‡q †Kvb K_v †bB| †QvU LvU observation ¸‡jv Avgiv centrally manage Ki‡Z
cvwi| ZLb system based approach follow Ki‡jB Pj‡e|
Second panel G historical evolution 3Uv part G Av‡jvPbv Kiv n‡q‡Q| Non-banking
treasury ‡_‡K banking treasury concept; convertion of treasury into accounts offices
Ges ministry level CAO| Avevi CAO ‡K ejv n‡”Q advisor to the PAO, wKš‘ advisor should
be ex-ante, ex-post G advise K‡i mvaviYZt †Kvb benefit ‡bB| D`vniY ¯^iƒc ejv hvq ‡h, true
advisory concept wQj Railway ‡Z|
Separation of function is not separation of service. Within the service G †_‡K
functions †K separate Kiv m¤¢e| Avevi AviI GKwU dimension n‡jv Separation Vs
Departmentalization. Zv hvB †nvK, Executive panel i budget Av‡Q wKš‘ UvKv †bB| Accounts
panel Gi UvKv †bB budgetI ‡bB| Banking panel Gi budget ‡bB wKš‘ UvKv Av‡Q| First panel

Page 34 of 196
Gi budget Av‡Q wKbv †mUv †`Lvi `vwqZ¡ Av‡Q second panel Gi| dv÷© c¨v‡bj e¨q wbe©v n Ki‡jI †mUv
†`‡L wnmve ivLvi `vwqZ¡ wQj wØZxq c¨v‡b‡ji| wKš‘ GK mgq Finance Division accounts wbZ
Bangladesh Bank Gi KvQ †_‡K †hUv wQj net accounts, hv †Kvb complete accounts wQj bv|
Bank G Avm‡j accounts ‡bB Av‡Q cash wKš‘ cheque ‡`evi mgq ïaygvÎ †nWmg~n bank record
K‡i _v‡K| Zv m‡Z¡I dvBbvÝ wWwfkb e¨vsK n‡Z wnmve wbZ Gi KviY wQj CGA n‡Z h_mg‡q accounts
‰Zix n‡Zv bv|
The government should receive the (monthly) fiscal accounts from the CGA,
given that, we can produce it timely. Even central bank Gi KvR nIqv DwPZ only UvKv †`qv
Avi †bqv, classification Gi KvR Bangladesh Bank Gi bv Ki‡jI Pj‡e eis wnmve w`‡e CGA|
CGA should play the active role in accounting improvement and in the separation of
accounting function from auditing function (not the separation in the sense of
institutions). This is the functional separation not departmentalization. The separation
of accounts means the creation of a separate authority to handle the payment and
accountings functions. But not giving this authority to the individual ministry. The
separation means separating the payments and accounting functions under an authority
(not necessarily that the authority is outside the purview of the Auditor General), it
might be under the Auditor General. But we make sure that the function is separated.
The departmentalization is one step further a different concept. In departmentalization
respective ministries will handle the payments and accounting functions by
themselves. Zvn‡j †Kvb ministryi hw` subordinate office _v‡K Zvn‡j H subordinate office
ch©šÍ accounting Ges payment handle Ki‡e H ministry (ev ZviB CAO/ZviB Advisor)|
Ab¨w`‡K, the separation means separation of the accounting functions, not
necessarily giving it to the other authority, keeping it within the same audit and
accounts people but handling it separately from audit. The departmentalization means
receipt and payment authority is given to each ministry up to grass-root level.
Henceforth, they will prepare their own accounts including Finance Accounts of those
particular ministries. In a very developed system with good governance structure
departmentalization is preferable and that exists in the UK for last 200 years. Please
remember separation and departmentalization do not necessarily mean the division in
Treasury Single Account (TSA). TSA will remain same in either of the cases.

Page 35 of 196
evsjv‡`‡k me wKQziB (ev me cwieZ©‡biB) gvSvgvwS wKQz GKUv n‡q‡Q| Gi d‡j audit Gi cost
I e„w× cv‡”Q| Historically wKQz wKQz department ‡K treasury i g‡Zv function Ki‡Z †`qv n‡q‡Q|
Av‡M †hgb treasury wQj Collector Gi under G, wKQz wKQz department G departmental officer
Gi under G treasury w`‡q †`qv n‡q‡Q| Collector Gi under-G GKUv wbw`©ó setup ‡i‡L †`qv
n‡qwQj; Treasury Officer, Treasurer, Accountant BZ¨vw`| ‡miKg Public Works
Department (PWD), Roads and Highways Department (RHD), Public Health
Engineering (PHE) BZ¨vw`‡ZI GKB iKg e¨e¯’v wQj| Z‡e cÖ_‡g PWD wQj bv, ïi‡Z wQj CB&I,
A_©vr Communication, Building and Irrigation department. cieZ©x ch©v‡q KwgDwb‡Kkb Avi
wewìs †f‡½ PWD, RHD n‡q‡Q, Avi irrigation wWcvU©‡g›U P‡j †M‡Q Av‡iKwU authority
(WAPDA) Gi under-G hv GLb TSAi evB‡i| WAPDA cieZ©x‡Z Power Development
Board (PDB) & Water Development Board (WDB) n‡q‡Q| WDB ‡Z PWD’i concept
Pvjy wQj, Ges wWwfkbvj GKvD‡›U›U (DA) cÖ_v cªPwjZ wQj| Ges Public health engineering n‡qwQj
main town ev` w`‡q gd¯^‡j KvR Kivi Rb¨| Avi main town G KvR Kivi Rb¨ n‡qwQj Water
Supply and Sewerage Authority (WASA). GB Rb¨ WASAI PWD-Gi system follow
K‡i| wKš‘ GLb WASA-I TSAi evB‡i (ev ev‡RU ewnf©~Z LvZ) P‡j wM‡q‡Q|
g‡b ivL‡e Avgv‡`i‡K Introduction to Government Audit & Accounts eBwU evbv‡Z (ev
cÖKvk Ki‡Z) n‡e| c~e© cÖKvkbvi new edition ‰Zix Ki‡Z n‡e| Avgiv Rvwb treasury i Rb¨ treasury
rules Av‡Q Avi Mf‡g©›U accounting Gi Rb¨ accounting form & manner Gi prescription n‡jv
Accounts Code. G ‡ÿ‡Î ¸iæZ¡cY~ © n‡jv †h, Accounts code: Volume 2 (hv treasury account
m¤úwK©Z wQj Zv) bZzb K‡i ˆZix Kivi mgq GUv‡K CAO, DAO, UAO-Gi GKvD›Um& evbv‡bv n‡q‡Q|
wKš‘ †KvbUv initial account Gi explanation Avi †KvbUv compiled account Gi explanation Zv
clear (ev my¯úó) bq| Dciš‘ H wZb wWcvU©‡g›U (PWD, RHD, PHE) c~‡e©i treasuryi g‡Zv GLbI
AGi wbqš¿‡Yi evB‡i i‡q wM‡q‡Q| wKš‘ Zviv account render K‡i AG ‡K| ‡mKvi‡Y GLv‡b GLbI
initial Ges subsidiary account Gi concept Av‡Q| GB wWcvU©‡gbU¸‡jv treasuryi g‡Zv
payment K‡i Ges receipt K‡i, cash book maintain K‡i| wKš‘ †UªRvwi‡Z Kv‡j±‡ii under-G
†hiKg setup wQj wWcvU©‡g›U¸‡jv‡Z engineer-Gi AvÛv‡i treasury-i g‡Zv †miKg setup ‡bB| d‡j
G me RvqMvi Rb¨ the Treasury Rules, the Accounts Code, the General Financial Rules
Gi me provisions wg‡j GKUv manual Gi g‡Zv evbv‡bv n‡q‡Q, hvi bvg the CPW-A Code. GB
wZb wWcvU©‡g›U CPW-A Code d‡jv Ki‡e| GB wZb department†K autonomy ‡`qv n‡q‡Q

Page 36 of 196
treasury-i †P‡q far-reaching, far-deep KviY Giv construction KvR K‡i, KvR †kl nIqvi Av‡MB
UvKv †`q, running bill ‡`q| Kv‡RB treasury-†Z †h †iKW© ivL‡e (hv simple cash book based)
Gi †P‡q †ewk †iKW© ivL‡Z n‡e wWcvU©‡g›U¸‡jv‡Z| hvi g‡a¨ Av‡Q Works abstracts, Muster roll,
Measurement Books BZ¨vw`| GB wZb department-†K †h cheque Wªwqs ÿgZv ev wb‡Ri receipt
wb‡R Ki‡Z cvivi ÿgZv †`qv n‡q‡Q, Zv treasury-i †P‡qI powerful| d‡j †`Lv hv‡”Q †h CPW-A
Code GKUv handbook Gi g‡Zv| GB wmwcWweøD †Kv‡Wi Rb¨ account code is a misguiding
term| It is a compilation of the extracts from the Treasury Rules, the General
Financial Rules, the Accounts Code, and the Audit Code. So, the CPW-A Code is not
an account code; it covers many things. The CPW-A Code is issued by Ministry of
Finance (MoF) because it is a compilation. myZivs GLv‡b ‡Kvb ai‡bi change Ki‡Z n‡j hvi
hvi (h_vh_) authority’ i permission wb‡q Zv change Ki‡Z n‡e|
GKRb divisional engineer ev sub-divisional engineer finance matter G finance
ministry’ i Kv‡Q responsible| At the same time accounts function Gi Rb¨ Auditor
General Gi jurisdiction G AG (WAPDA)i Kv‡Q responsible| Engineer-‡`i assistance-
Gi Rb¨ final accounts Gi Av‡M initial accounts ‡hb wVK g‡Zv ‰Zix Kiv nq Zvi Rb¨ wWwfkbvj
GKvD‡›U›U (DA)i e¨e¯’v Kiv n‡q‡Q| G‡ÿ‡Î wWwfkbvj GKvD‡›U›U Gi position LyeB tricky, DA-i
role n‡jv wWwfkbvj BwÄwbqvi‡K advise ‡`qv Avevi Auditor General (AG) ‡K represent Kiv|
Divisional Engineers of these three departments Zv‡`i works related hZ payments Ges
receipts Av‡Q me wKQz handle K‡i (before submitting it into the treasury)| d‡j GLv‡b ‡h
currency chest Av‡Q ev cash box Av‡Q Zv central bank Gi under G bq KviY GKwU wbw`©ó mgq
ci ci G‡`i RgvK…Z bM` UvKv †UªRvwi‡Z Rgv †`qv nq Ges †UªRvwi‡Z iwÿZ Kv‡iwÝ †P÷ †Kw›`ªq e¨vs‡Ki
Aax‡b _v‡K| Giv money receipt w`‡q UvKv Rgv †bq Pvjv‡b bq KviY Pvjv‡b RgvK…Z UvKv ‡Kw›`ªq
e¨vs‡K iwÿZ †UªRvwi wm‡½j GKvD‡›U Rgv nq| G ‡_‡KI ‡evSv hvq †h, G‡`i Kv‡Q iwÿZ Kv‡iwÝ †P÷
†Kw›`ªq e¨vs‡Ki Aax‡b iwÿZ Kv‡iwÝ †P÷ bq|
Money receipt ¸‡jv evsjv‡`k Mf‡g©›U †cÖm ‡_‡K wcÖ›U Kiv nq| money receipt Gi gva¨‡g
bM` Avq receive K‡i Ges cash book G entry K‡i| Avevi e¨q wbe©v‡ni Rb¨ payment K‡i
cheque w`‡q| †m (wWwfkbvj BwÄwbqvi) cheque issue K‡i Accountant Generali power wb‡q|
ZvB Accountant General (AG) Zv‡K cheque book n¯ÍvšÍi Ki‡e, †m Avevi †PK issue K‡i gv‡mi
†k‡l monthly account Gi mv‡_ cheque ¸‡jvi list w`‡e| Bank ‡_‡K ‡PK¸‡jv payment nIqvi

Page 37 of 196
ci †cBW †PK¸‡jv DAO n‡Z CAO ‡Z Avm‡e| GLv‡b GB wWcvU©‡g›U¸‡jv‡Z subsidiary account
A‡bK †ewk n‡e KviY Giv development (works) deal K‡i| gvwmK wfwˇZ wnmve ˆZixi ci †m
account submit Ki‡e CAO ‡Z| CAO ‡Z account keeping n‡e (A_©vr K¤úvB‡jkb Ae
GKvD›Um&) based on the initial account| Initial account Gi mv‡_ fvDPviI Avm‡e KviY †hLv‡b
initial account n‡e Zvi voucher ‡hLv‡b compilation Kiv n‡e ‡mLv‡b Avm‡Z n‡e| Av‡M
AG(Works)-G fvDPvi¸‡jv post-audit n‡Zv| AG(Works)-G 2Uv post-audit ‡mKkb wQj hviv
audit Ki‡Zv, observations list Ki‡Zv, then inspection party form K‡i division G †h‡Zv|
Executive domain Gi minimum legal document Gi requirement n‡jv the
Constitution, the Rules of Business, the Allocation of Business, the Delegation of
Financial Powers and Administrative Powers, the Public Procurement Rules (PPR),
the Public Procurement Act (PPA), the General Financial Rules (GFR) Rvbv| †m‡KÛ
domain Gi KvR n‡jv me panel Gi legal requirement Rvbv| Kv‡RB job structure-wise †m‡KÛ
domain Gi job is more harder and in another sense it is the store of knowledge| KviY
executive panel Gi Rb¨ Account Code, Audit Code bv Rvb‡jI Pj‡e wKš‘ †m‡KÛ panel Gi
Rb¨ me Rvb‡Z n‡e| First panel Gi Treasury Rules Rvb‡Z nq hw`I accounts office Ges
banking treasury nIqv‡Z GLb Treasury Rules Gi wKQz wKQz wRwbm obsolete n‡q †M‡Q| ZvB
Treasury Rules Gi weKí wK n‡Z cv‡i †m wel‡q Mf‡g©›U ‡K suggestion ‡`qv †h‡Z cv‡i| Even
treasury rules evwb‡q †`qv †h‡Z cv‡i|
†m‡KÛ domain ‡K Auditor General Gi forms and manners Gi wK wK prescription
Av‡Q ZvI Rvb‡Z n‡e| w` †ewmK eyK BR Account Code fwjDg 1-4| ‡m †ÿ‡Î Av‡Mi Ges eZ©gv‡bi
Account Code Gi gaps, flaws wK wK Av‡Q G¸‡jvI Rvb‡Z n‡e, cÖ‡qvR‡b amend Ki‡Z n‡e|
Third panel Gi Avevi Treasury Rules Rvb‡Z n‡e, Z‡e GFR bv Rvb‡jI Pj‡e| Even
Allocation of Business bv Rvb‡jI Pj‡e|
c~‡e©i 3wU wWcvU©‡g›U, ‡h¸‡jv wbR¯^ wnmve cÖ¯‘‡Zi †ÿ‡Î departmentalized ‡m¸‡jvi basic
book n‡”Q CPW-A Code Ges CPW-D Code| GB †KvW¸‡jv Abymi‡Y wWcvU©‡g›U¸‡jv‡Z initial
Ges subsidiary accounts iv‡L departmental officer| G‡`i †PK Bm¨y Kivi ÿgZvI i‡q‡Q GRb¨
G‡`i‡K disburser I ejv nq| Giv †PK eyK wb‡e Accountant General Gi KvQ †_‡K eZ©gv‡b CAO
i KvQ †_‡K| gvwmK Accounts Gi Rgv †`Iqvi mgq †PK Gi issue msL¨v ‡`Lv‡e, Pending Gi msL¨v-

Page 38 of 196
I †`Lv‡e| fwel¨‡Z CAO iv H †P‡Ki wnmve wb‡q‡Q wKbv Zv mswkøó CAO ‡K Revew`wn Ki‡Z n‡e|
Unpaid ‡P‡Ki list wbqwgZ pursue Kiv n‡e|
Gwel‡q A_©vr mswkøó wmGI wWcvU©‡g›Uvj GKvD›Um& ¸‡jv K¤úvBj Kivi c~‡e© h_vh_ AwWU Ki‡Q
wKbv †mwel‡q Director General (Works Audit) cÖwZ‡e`b cÖ¯‘Z K‡i wmGwR Kvh©vj‡q wi‡cvU© w`‡e|
Z‡e separation cy‡ivcywi n‡j (like in India) H accounts Gi Dci audit face Ki‡Z n‡e
Ministry of Finance ‡K| wKš‘ GLb Avgiv GKUz technically G welqUv handle Ki‡Z cvwi|
Administratively CAO i G ai‡bi lapses Gi Rb¨ cÖv_wgKfv‡e AvcvZZt CGA ‡K liable Kiv
n‡Z cv‡i| mswkøó DG `vwqZ¡cvÖ ß wmGI Gi evaluation performance report w`‡e Ges H report
audit report Gi part n‡e bv eis internal accountability report (within the domain) n‡e Ges
Gi mv‡_ performance link Kiv n‡e|
Divisional Accountant K vi K v‡Q report K i‡e? DG (Works) G i K v‡Q or CAO
(Works)G i K v‡Q ? GB 3 department Gi keeping of accounts CGA i Kv‡Q b¨v¯Í i‡q‡Q|
(GLv‡b keeping of accounts ej‡Z compilation of accounts ejv n‡”Q|) g~jZt works wi‡j‡UW
expenditure Gi Rb¨ †PK eB wWcvU©‡g‡›Ui Kv‡Q †`qv nq| Avi G÷¨vewjk‡g›U wi‡j‡UW expenditure
Gi Rb¨ treasury n‡Z ev accounting office n‡Z payment n‡q _v‡K| Z‡e contingency ev
supply services wi‡j‡UW G·‡cwÛPvi¸‡jv Rb¨ Indian subcontinent G †Kvb ‡Kvb state G
treasury i Kv‡Q †PK wb‡Z nq, Avevi ‡Kvb ‡Kvb state-G department n‡Z †PK w`‡q ‡`qv n‡Zv
Gai‡Yi e¨‡qi R‡b¨| evsjv‡`‡k i †ÿ ‡Î wefvMxq `ß i¸‡jv‡Z contingency ev supply services m sµ všÍ
e¨qm g~n wK CAO G i ‡PK w`‡q cwi‡k vwaZ n‡e bv wK divisional ‡PK w`‡q cwi‡k vwaZ n‡e †mUv †`L‡Z
Separation of accounting functions from auditing functions evsjv‡`‡k already n‡q
†M‡Q| (Within the [audit & accounts] domain the functions are separated.) Transition
path G Avgiv GLb functionally separated A_©vr separated accounting functions from the
auditing functions. Second stage of separation n‡jv institutionally separation of Audit
& Accounts (which might be resulted into separated accounts people)| H †ÿ‡Î
accounts Gi Dci observation w`‡j Zv audit report G AšÍf~©³ Kiv hv‡e|
Gi c‡ii stage n‡e departmentalization of accounts by ministry. GLb CGA-i role
n‡e like CGA India KviY India-‡Z cÖ‡Z¨K ministry-i pay and accounts office Av‡Q district
level-G, A_ev 2/3Uv ministry GKUv pay & accounts office ‡K share Ki‡Q wKš‘ wgwbw÷ª¸‡jvi

Page 39 of 196
accounts separated| evsj‡`‡ki governance structure GLbI cy‡ivcywi matured nqwb
departmentalization Gi Rb¨| G †ÿ‡Î D³ wZbwU department GLbI departmentalization Gi
level-G †cŠQvqwb, KviY keeping of accounts A_©vr compilation still centrally n‡”Q|
Departmentalization Gi †ÿ‡Î GUvI separated n‡Z n‡e|
GB wZbwU department-Gi evB‡i forest, foreign, postal Gi Rb¨ separate accounting
manual Av‡Q| Dciš‘ PÆMÖvg I Lyjbvq customs treasury Av‡Q Avi GB Kv÷gm& †UªRvwi¸‡jv Avevi
custom collector Gi under-G| PÆMÖv‡gi customs treasury is double legged A_©vr receipt
Ges payment DfqB Av‡Q GLv‡b| Receipt Gi UvKv n‡Z payment-I Kiv nq PÆMÖv‡gi Kv÷g
†UªRvwi‡Z| wKš‘ Lyjbv customs treasury only receipt treasury GB customs treasury i Dci
we‡kølY mK‡ji report G _vK‡Z n‡e|
Fiscal decentralization is costly. GKmgq Mf‡g©‡›Ui cash balance maintain Ki‡Zv
AG (Civil) eZ©gv‡b hv K‡i CGA wKš‘ AG (Works and WAPDA) miKv‡ii cash balance
m¤ú‡K© wKQzB Rvb‡Zv bv| ZvB AG (Civil) Ges AG (Works) Gi g‡a¨ Exchange account Gi
e¨e¯’v wQj| Decentralized fiscal administration was a compulsion KviY grassroot level G
banking system wQj bv| cieZ©x‡Z banking system Avmvi c‡iI GUv wQj KviY TSA maintain
Kiv nq central bank-G| ZvB Dc‡Rjv level-Gi GKUv payment central bank †_‡K payment
nIqv m¤¢e wQj bv| ZvB decentralized fiscal administration wQj banking treasury nIqvi ciI|
GQvov UAO/DAO nIqvi ci initial accounts Ges compiled accounts GLb Dc‡Rjv ch©v‡q n‡q
hv‡”Q| Voucher-I centre-G Avm‡Q bv| ZvB In terms of audit, there are too many audit
units. wKš‘, UK cÖvq 200 eQi a‡i GUv (centralized fiscal administration) maintain K‡i
Avm‡Q hw`I Avgv‡`i wW‡m›UªvjvBRW wdmK¨vj wm‡÷g weªwUk mv¤ªv‡R¨i DËivwaKvi wn‡m‡e cvIqv|
eZ©gv‡b already 2q Ges 3q panel Gi g‡a¨ iBAS++ Ges ‡Kvi e¨vswKs mdUIq¨vi / wm‡÷g
(CBS) introduced n‡q‡Q| iBAS++ Gi Ab¨Zg feature n‡”Q decentralized
service/payment, centralized record keeping. Technological development Gi part
wn‡m‡e 2q Ges 3q c¨v‡b‡ji system ‡K wb‡q hw` centralized fiscal administration ‰Zix Kiv hvq
Z‡e service ‡`vi-†Mvovq wVKB _vK‡e wKš‘ administration ‡m›UªvjvBRW n‡q hv‡e| G‡ÿ‡Î
UAO/DAO n‡e service delivery centre but accounts compile n‡e CAO-‡Z Ges GwU n‡e
real time online. Transaction n‡e UAO/DAO ‡Z; payment authority Ges payment n‡e

Page 40 of 196
Dc‡Rjv/‡Rjv ch©v‡q; wKš‘ mv‡_ mv‡_ ‡jb‡`‡bi wnmve cash book-G P‡j Avm‡e, Ab¨ K_vq hv CAO-
‡Z P‡j Avm‡e Ges CAO ‡_‡K Zv Avm‡e Ae‡k‡l CGA †Z|
So, account keeping `y‡Uv level G n‡et CAO level-G Ges CGA level-G Ges CGA
level-G †hUv n‡e (†h GKvD›U ˆZix n‡e) †mUvi bvg Fiscal Account| †mB mv‡_ GUv n‡e real time
basis. Decentralized voucher ¸‡jv automated environment-G system-G (iBAS++)
upload n‡Z _vK‡e d‡j audit cost K‡g hv‡e (ev AwWU wi‡mvm© g¨v‡bR‡g›U djcÖm~ n‡e)| d‡j
individual ministryGi account mswkøó CAO ‡Z cvIqv hv‡e Ges at the same time compiled
account in CGA ‡Z cvIqv hv‡e| AwaKš‘ 3rd panel G agent banking wn‡m‡e Sonali Bank Avi
_vK‡e bv| Central bank hw` EFT i gva¨‡g remote GjvKvq †c‡g›U †cŠ‡Q w`‡Z cv‡i Zvn‡j †mvbvjx
e¨vs‡Ki cÖ‡qvRb n‡e bv| d‡j miKv‡ii UvKv wewfbœ RvqMvq hold Ki‡e bv| d‡j mivmwi miKv‡ii
borrowing cost K‡g hv‡e|
Payment Gi †ÿ‡Î †PK system Gi cwie‡Z© central bank-G A_wiwU hv‡e, †hUv Kvjµ‡g
K›Uªv±i ev mvcøvB mvwf©‡mi payment Gi †ÿÎ ch©šÍ we¯Ívi jvf Ki‡e| Central bank Gi database
capacity e„w×i gva¨‡g all governmet payment handle Kiv m¤¢e| Receipt Gi †ÿ‡Î Sonali
Bank †K e¨envi Kivi †ÿ‡ÎI wKQz cost involvement Av‡Q| cÖ_gZt reliability of cash
movement me mgq ‡evSv hvq bv, wØZxqZt time lag ‡ewk n‡j government-Gi borrowing cost
‡e‡o hv‡e| Treasury Pvjvb ev K¨vk Gi wnmve Gi authority CGA-i Kv‡Q b¨v¯Í| KviY CGA is
also the Paymaster General (PG)13 of the whole government. UK‡Z Paymaster General
bv‡g GKUv post I Av‡Q|
India G Kvi‡YB district level Gi office ¸‡jvi bvg Pay & Accounts Office bvgKiY
K‡i‡Q| CGA i GLv‡b (website-G) hw` e-challan web portal _v‡K †mLv‡b mKj receipt Rgv
n‡Z cv‡i| B-Pvjv‡bi gva¨‡g already cvm‡cvU© wd Rgv Kiv n‡”Q| fwel¨‡Z GB e-challan portal w`‡q
mKj receipt (including tax receipt) I Rgv n‡e| Gi mv‡_ †mvbvjx e¨vsK Gi wjsK Av‡Q through
Core Banking System (CBS). E-challan portal ‡K branding K‡i hw` popularize Kiv hvq
Z‡e mKj cÖvwß B-Pvjv‡bi gva¨‡g Rgv Kiv m¤¢e| CGA i GKUv team e-challan portal wb‡q KvR
Ki‡e Ges Kg©m~Pxi KvQ †_‡K ey‡S wb‡q CGA-i property wn‡m‡e KvR Ki‡e, fwel¨‡Z GUv MoF-Gi

‡c-gv÷vi †Rbv‡ij hy³iv‡R¨ GKwU gš¿x gh©v`vm¤úbœ c`| Office of the Paymaster General (OPG) mKj miKvwi wefvM,
Awa`ßi, cwi`ßi, I Ab¨vb¨ cÖwZôv‡bi c‡ÿ e¨vsK Ae Bsj¨v‡Û e¨vsK wnmve msiÿY K‡i| GB e¨vsK wnmve¸‡jvi (OPG accounts)
gva¨‡g mshy³ Znwej n‡Z D‡ËvwjZ A_© miKvwi `ßi¸‡jvi Rb¨ available Kiv nq| e¨vsK Ae Bsj¨v‡Ûi GB D”P-ch©v‡qi e¨vsK
wnmve¸‡jv‡Z miKvwi wewfbœ wefvM/`ßi I Ab¨vb¨ cÖwZôv‡bi Rb¨ IqvwK©s e¨vjvÝ msiÿY Kivi cvkvcvwk, OPG G‡`i Ae¨eüZ A‡_©i
e¨vjvÝ cÖwZ iv‡Z b¨vkbvj †jvb dv‡Û mgš^‡qi gva¨‡g miKv‡ii borrowing cost Kgv‡Z mvnvh¨ K‡i|

Page 41 of 196
cÖcvwU© wn‡m‡e e¨eüZ n‡e bv| eZ©gv‡b scheduled bank G e-challan portal Gi gva¨‡g Rgv n‡j †mUv
†mvbvjx e¨vsK G hv‡”Q hv w`b †k‡l †m›Uªvj e¨vsK G wi‡cvU© Kiv n‡”Q| fwel¨‡Z Pvjvb MÖnYKvix n‡Z
mivmwi †m›Uªvj e¨vs‡K ‡M‡j time lag Av‡iv K‡g hv‡e d‡j miKv‡ii borrowing cost minimize n‡e|
Now 1g c¨v‡bj iBAS++ e¨envi Ki‡Q ev‡RU ˆZix I ev‡RU LiP, Df‡qi Rb¨| iBAS++ Gi
2Uv module: Budget Execution I Accounting gwWDj ‡hUv Auditor General Gi domain Gi
mv‡_ m¤úwK©Z| Budget Preparation module Uv executive Gi ev‡RU ˆZixi mv‡_ m¤úwK©Z| wKš‘
†m‡ÿ‡ÎI ideal situation G CGA-i KvQ †_‡K estimate (ev‡RU cÖv°jb) ‡bqvi K_v| History ‡Z
GKmgq budget estimate submit n‡Zv CGA ‡Z| CGA GKvD›Um& Gi wdMvi compare K‡i wi‡cvU©
ˆZix Ki‡Zv|
1g c¨v‡bj A_©vr G‡·wKDwUf iBAS++ w`‡q Zvi subordinate office ch©šÍ allocation mn
ev‡R‡Ui LiP real UvB‡g Rvb‡Z cvi‡e| 2q c¨v‡b‡j real UvB‡g expenditure Gi Rb¨ KZ †c‡g›U
n‡q‡Q Zv Rvbv hv‡e| Real time G e-challan portal use Ki‡j CGA-i Kv‡Q receipt-Gi wnmveI
P‡j Avm‡e| 3q c¨v‡bj already real time-G Av‡Q KviY all payment hit-Ki‡Q TSA-‡K all
receipt-I hit Ki‡Q TSA-‡K| Gi d‡j fiscal centralization n‡e, wKš‘ service decentralized
_vK‡e| DAO/UAO ¸‡jv mvwf©m counter wn‡m‡e KvR Ki‡e| Audit assurance evov‡bvi Rb¨
establishment †iKW© decentralized ivLv hv‡e bv| Kg©¯’j country wide n‡jI Zvi ‡iKW© _vK‡Z
n‡e centralized| cÖ‡Z¨K employee-i ‡iKW© _vK‡e centrally; including GPF, loans &
advances and other information. 2 nd panel-G hw`I DCA Av‡Q wKš‘ Gi g~j function Avm‡j
DAO i g‡Zv| iBAS++ hw` robust nq Zvn‡j 1g c¨v‡bj G real time consolidation n‡e Ges 2q
c¨v‡b‡j UAO/DAO n‡e service outlet / customer service ‡m›Uvi |
wKš‘ account consolidation n‡e CAO-‡Z ministry-wise Ges CGA ‡Z government
as a whole. 3 rd panel G central bank G centrally record _vK‡e| ZLb government Gi cash
balance ‡m›Uªvj e¨vsK n‡Z cvIqv hv‡e real time G| CGA ‡ZI cash balance Rvbv hv‡e wi‡qj
UvB‡g| System-B ‘CGA Ges central bank’ Gi cash balance reconcile Ki‡e| miKv‡ii fiscal
account, CGA weekly basis G government-‡K Rvbv‡e| Government-Gi revenue KZ;
cash balance KZ; borrowing KZ Zv CGA miKvi‡K Rvbv‡Z cvi‡e| Fiscal deficit KZ ZvI ejv
m¤¢e n‡e| Indian CGA-i website-G monthly fiscal account ‡`qv Av‡Q| Indian CGA
internal control Gi welqI deal K‡i KviY, India-i accounting system decentralized d‡j
Internal Control-i human resources CGA manage K‡i| GLb statutory audit concentrate

Page 42 of 196
Ki‡e system based audit Gi Dci; government Gi cash balance-Gi Dci; miKv‡ii
borrowing and public debt Gi Dci|
GB †mk‡b Av‡jvPbvi summary n‡jvt PFM Gi 4Uv panel Gi g‡a¨ 3Uvi discussion n‡jv|
executive panel G †Kvb cash bvB Z‡e fund Av‡Q| iBAS++ Gi gva¨‡g H fund Gi distribution
field level ch©šÍ hv‡e| ev‡RU †nvìvi fund _vKv mv‡c‡ÿ sanction w`‡e, goods procure Ki‡e| 2q
c¨v‡b‡j automatic fund checking n‡q hv‡e iBAS++ Gi gva¨‡g| Gi d‡j control mechanism
improve Ki‡e ev Ki‡Q| Ab¨Zg KviY n‡jv technology push Ki‡Q| so technology ‡K better
utilize Ki‡Z n‡e|

Page 43 of 196
Session: THREE

I welcome you all to this 3rd session on PFM evolution in Bangladesh. In the
last 2 days, out of four panels, 3Uv c¨v‡b‡ji wel‡q Av‡jvKcvZ Kiv n‡q‡Q| 1g c¨v‡bj wQj
exeutive c¨v‡bj or budget holder c¨v‡bj| In the context of PFM, the executive panel n‡”Q
budget holder ‡`i panel hviv budget execute K‡i| Budget holder iv g~jZ grant LiP K‡i|
mKj grant Avm‡j voted money, hv cvj©v‡g›U KZ©„K cÖ‡Z¨K gš¿Yvj‡qi Rb¨ grant AvKv‡i cvk n‡q
_v‡K| mvaviYZ cÖwZUv ministry GK GKUv grant ‡c‡q _v‡K hw`I GK gš¿Yvj‡qi Aax‡b GKvwaK grant
_vK‡Z cv‡i hv ev‡RU eB‡Z demand for grant wn‡m‡e D‡jøL Kiv nq| D‡jøL¨, GwU grant-in-aid bq|
Demand for grant Gi mv‡_ Av‡iv GKwU kã hy³ Kiv _v‡K Avi Zv n‡jv appropriation|
GUvi evsjv A_© Kiv n‡q‡Q gÄyix I eivÏ (grant and appropriation)| Avm‡j GB appropriation Gi
evsjv A_© eivÏ bq eis GUv ej‡Z eySvq higher level appropriation by the Parliament to the
ministries / divisions or departments| msweav‡b D‡jøwLZ `yai‡Yi expenditure h_vt PvR©W I
†fv‡UW G·‡cwÛPv‡ii g‡a¨ charged expenditure ¸‡jv‡K appropriation ejv n‡”Q| AwaKš‘ a
‘demand for grant and appropriation’-G demand k‡ãi mv‡_ public accountability’i m¤ú©K
Av‡Q| A demand for grants means a demand by the budget spender (in the form of the
President) to the people (in the form of the Parliament) for the public services.
Demand for grant Gi A_© n‡jv †cÖwm‡W›U demand Ki‡Q grants from the people for
discharging public service. A_©vr The President is demanding (budget or money) for
discharging of the public services. Demanding to whom? Demanding to the public
A_ev RbM‡bi c‡ÿ huviv cvj©v‡g‡›U Av‡Qb Zuv‡`i Kv‡Q| Zuviv ivóªcwZi wWgvÛ ev `vwei Dci Gi wewfbœ w`K
wb‡q RvZxq msm‡` debate K‡ib, Gici †ewkifvM m`m¨ mš‘ó n‡j n¨vu-‡fv‡Ui gva¨‡g Zuv‡`i m¤§wZ cÖKvk
K‡ib; Zuviv nu¨v Rqhy³ n‡q‡Q ejv gv‡b RbM‡Yi grant ev gÄyix cÖ`vb Kiv n‡q †M‡jv| ‡mLvb †_‡KB GB
kãUv G‡m‡Q demand ZvB GUvi bvg demand for grant and appropriation| wKš‘ ‘MÖv›U’ kãwUi
mvg‡b ‘wWgvÛ’ K_vwU em‡jI appropriation kãwUi mvg‡b demand K_vwU e‡mwb, Kvib GUv demand
bv| GB mg¯Í LiP ¸‡jvi (PvR©W expenditure) Rb¨ hv PvIqv n‡e ZvB †`qv n‡e e‡j GUv constitution
protect Ki‡Q| ZvB GUv‡K demand ejv nq bv|
Avgvi g‡Z, GB appropriation Gi evsjv A_© eivÏ Kiv mwVK nqwb ev nq‡Zv mwVK kã Pqb
nqwb e‡j Avgvi g‡b nq| GB appropriation Gi gv‡b budget appropriation bq| So c~‡e©i K_vq

Page 44 of 196
wd‡i Avwm †h budget holder Av‡jvP¨ 4 (Pvi) wU c¨v‡b‡ji g‡a¨ GKUv c¨v‡bj| ev‡RU hLb cvjv©‡g›U
‡_‡K cvk nq ZLb individual ministry GUv LiP K‡i| GLb ev‡RU cv‡ki proces Uv m¤ú‡K© eY©bv
†`qv n‡e hv mKj miKvwi Kg©Pvwi we‡kl K‡i AwWU‡ii Rbv `iKvi|
evsjv‡`‡ki msweav‡bi Chapter 2: Legislative and Financial procedure GKUv LyeB
¸iZ¡cY~ © chapter ZvB Avgv‡`i mK‡ji GUv Rvbv `iKvi| Public Financial Management Gi total
legal framework-B GB chapter-G Av‡Q| Fiscal year ïiæ nIqvi Av‡M hLb budget proces ïiæ
nq ZLb demand for grant ‰Zix Kivi Rb¨ ev‡RU ‡K wWfvBW K‡i public service-Gi Rb¨ ‡Kv_vq
KZ A‡_©i cÖ‡qvRb Zv wba©viY Kiv nq| Gic‡i cÖwZwU gš¿Yvjq A_© wefv‡M ev‡RU submit K‡i Ges A_©
wefvM KZ©„K wÎcÿxq, wØcÿxq mfv K‡i ev‡RU P‚ovšÍ K‡i demand for grant ‰Zix Kiv nq | D‡jøL¨,
demand for grant n‡”Q ïay gvÎ expenditure Gi Rb¨ wKš‘ ivR¯^ Av‡qi Rb¨ bq|
But demand for grant is only one part of the budget statement. Budget
statement ‡K constitution ej‡Q Annual Financial Statement (AFS) hv commerical world
Gi AFS Gi mv‡_ Zyjbv Ki‡j GKUv wgR‡bvgvi (misnomer) Kvib, commercial world G AFS
gv‡b Profit and Loss Accounts, Trading Accounts, Balance Sheets cÖf…wZ| Historically
Mf‡g©‡›Ui AFS came from the Government of India Act, 1935 †hLv‡b budget ‡K AFS ejv
nq| India Ges Pakistan Gi constitution-GI GwU ejv n‡q‡Q Ges Avgv‡`i constitution-G GB
AFS n‡”Q ex-ante (ex-post bq)| AFS is a comprehensive statement †hLv‡b total budget
‡`qv _v‡K| ev‡R ‡Ui Components wK wK ? ev‡R‡U revenue _vK‡e, expenditure _vK‡e|
Expenditure mvaviYZt `yB fv‡M _vK‡e †hgbt revenue expenditure Ges capital expenditure|
GQvovI Avi GKUv legal dimension Av‡Q †hgbt charged and voted expenditure; wKš‘ non-
development Ges development expenditure, G¸‡jv legal ‡Kv‡bv terminology bq| GUv
cultural terminology ‡hUv GKUv bifurcated process-Gi Kvi‡b n‡q‡Q| Real legal
terminology n‡jv revenue and capital expenditures|
Z‡e Constitution ‘capital expenditure’-I e‡j wb e‡j‡Q revenue I other
expenditure| AFS ev budget – GB document G total budget _vK‡e, total budget ej‡Z not
only expenditure ‡mLv‡b revenue I _vK‡e| The estimated expenditure is generally more
than the estimated revenue. That is why it is called a deficit budget hvi Kvi‡Y deficit
financing I _vK‡e (A_©vr, borrowing _vK‡e)| Borrowing Avevi `yB iK‡gi n‡Z cv‡i| GKUv
borrowing Avm‡e Consolidated Fund (CF) ‡_‡K, Ab¨Uv Avm‡e Public Account (PA) ‡_‡K|

Page 45 of 196
GLb Avgiv †`L‡ev CF I PA Gi ‰ewk󨸇jv wK wK ev G‡`i g‡a¨ cv_©K¨¸‡jv wK wK| CF I PA GB
terminology ¸‡jv the Government of India Act, 1935 G wQj bv| Z‡e HLv‡b accounts ev
finance structure ‡K 4Uv group G fvM Kiv n‡q‡Q h_vt (1) Revenue, (2) Capital, (3) Debt
Ges (4) Remittance| Total budget Ges accounts Gi structure-G GB Pvi MÖæ‡ci transactions
Av‡Q| Budget n‡j GUv n‡e ex-ante Avi account n‡j GUv n‡e ex-post, expenditure ev
transaction Gi wePv‡i| cieZx© ch©v‡q better accountability establish Kivi Rb¨ GUv‡K fund
concept G convert Kiv n‡q‡Q hv initially wQj group ev section concept hvi g‡a¨ ‡mKkb
Kb‡m‡Þ major head Ges minor head wQj, detail head, sub head I wQj, hv transaction level
ch©šÍ we¯Í…Z wQj| cieZx©‡Z evolution process G GB 4Uv fvM‡K fund concept G convert Kiv
n‡q‡Q| d‡j structure of budget Ges accounting G fund concept P‡j G‡m‡Q| Basically
cÖ_gw`‡K, fund concept was not prominent; cieZ©x‡Z, section concept Gi Dci fund
concept ‡K superimposed Kiv n‡q‡Q|
Gi d‡jvkÖæwZ‡Z evsjv‡`‡kI DËivwaKvim~‡Î dvÛ Kb‡mÞ Pvjy nq hv `yÕ‡Uv fund G wefvwRZ
n‡q‡Q| Z‡e †Kvb †Kvb †`‡k 3Uv fund i‡q‡Q, GgbwK ‡Kvb †Kvb †`‡k 4 Uv fund I Av‡Q| †hgbt UK
‡Z 3 Uv fund i‡q‡Q, Avevi India ‡Z I 3Uv fund i‡q‡Q| UK ‡Z borrowing ‡K loan fund wn‡m‡e
Avjv`v Kiv n‡q‡Q | evsjv‡`‡ki constitutional framework G 2wU fund Gi provision Av‡Q hv
wZbUv A_v©r UK Gi g‡Zv n‡j fv‡jv n‡Zv| GUv bv nIqv‡Z loan management wb‡q mgm¨v nq| ZvB
eZ©gv‡b budget process ev accounts ‡K eyS‡Z n‡j Av‡M fund-¸‡jv eyS‡Z n‡e, Gi intricacy ¸‡jv
eyS‡Z n‡e, Gi managment eyS‡Z n‡e|
Fund `yÕ‡Uv n‡jv Consolidated Fund (CF) I Public Account (PA) Ges H 4Uv
‡mKkb/wWwfkb ‡K `yÕ‡Uv fund Gi g‡a¨ fvM K‡i †`qv n‡jv| Fund Gi regulation (ev e¨e¯’vcbv)I
dvÛ ev Znwej `yÕ‡Uvi Rb¨ wfbœ| Revenue ‡mKkb/wWwfk‡bi g‡a¨ receipt Av‡Q, expenditure Av‡Q|
Abyiƒcfv‡e capital ‡mKk‡bi g‡a¨I expenditure Av‡Q, Ges wKQz receipt-I _vK‡Z cv‡i| Revenue
expenditure is the day to day expenditure to keep you (the government) alive and
Capital expenditure are those expenditures which create assets or diminish/reduce
future liabilities. For example: a big chunk of liability payment K‡i w`‡j †mUv Capital
Expenditure ev Capital Payment wnmv‡e aiv nq| Avevi Gi gva¨‡g asset creation I Kiv nq|
Asset creation is for the future generation ‡hUv g~jZt profitability and longevity evov‡Z
mvnvh¨ K‡i|

Page 46 of 196
Revenue ‡mKkb Ges capital ‡mKkb DfqB Consolidated Fund Gi Ask| Debt
‡mKkbwU g~jZt `yB fv‡M fvM n‡q CF I PA ‡Z hv‡e| †m mKj Debt CF-G hv‡e ‡hUv (net) revenue
Ges capital expenditure Gi gap (ev deficit) fill up Kivi Rb¨ miKvi plan K‡i borrowing
K‡i| Ex-ante budget ‰Zixi mgq revenue estimate Kiv nq, capital expenditure I estimate
Kiv nq| Revenue receipt, (revenue plus capital Dfq †mKkb n‡Z cÖvß †i‡fb¨y) mvaviYZt
expenditure ‡_‡K Kg nq, †h M¨vcUv fill up Kivi Rb¨ deficit financing Ki‡Z nq| GUv hLb
miKv‡ii cÿ n‡Z plan K‡i borrow Kiv nq ZLb †mUv CF Gi borrowing|
D`vniY¯^iƒc ejv hvq †h, Treasury Bill, Treasury Bond ‡Q‡o ivóª ev miKvi †h
borrowing K‡i Zv n‡jv CF Gi Ask| External agency i KvQ †_‡K †h borrowing ( project ev
budget support wn‡m‡e) ‡m¸‡jv CF Gi Ask (hundred percent of external borrowing will
be included in CF)| jÿ¨bxq †h, domestic borrowing can be of two types. One is
purposefully to meet the deficit of the budget (‡hgb treasury bill, treasury bonds)|
G‡ÿ‡Î †WwdwmU dvBb¨vwÝs Kiv nq w`‡q net debt i.e. debt receipt Ges debt payment Gi †h gap
‡mUv w`‡q expenditure gap meet up Kiv nq| †Kvb †Kvb †`k CF bv e‡j CRF e‡j ‡hgbt KvbvWv,
A‡÷ªwjqv BZ¨vw`| Avi debt ‡K w`‡q consolidated / central loan fund (CLF) ‰Zix K‡i like the
U.K. ‡Z G‡K b¨vkbvj †jvb dvÛ ev GbGjGd ejv nq| Z‡e mKj †ÿ‡Î debt gap w`‡q expenditure
gap c~iY bvI n‡Z cv‡i| Av‡iv A‡_©i cÖ‡qvRb n‡Z cv‡i| †mB ‡ÿ‡Î A_© Avm‡e miKvi †Kvb legal
compulsion Gi Kvi‡Y A_ev custodian wn‡m‡e wKQz fund management Gi Kvi‡Y miKv‡ii wbKU
†h A_© Mw”QZ _v‡K Zv †_‡K| †hUv miKvwi budgeting Ges accounting Gi g‡a¨ AšÍf©~³ n‡e| †hgb:
the General Provident Fund (GPF) Act, 1925; the Provident Fund Rule, 1979 cÖf…wZi
Av‡jv‡K employee ‡`i provident fund maintain Kiv miKv‡ii `vwqZ¡| Employee iv cÖwf‡W›U
dvÛ GKvD‡›U deposit Ki‡e Ges G‡Z interest accrue Ki‡e| ivóª cÖ‡qvRb‡ev‡a Zv‡`i‡K GB GKvD›U
n‡Z advance / loan w`‡Z cvi‡e, Z‡e finally wiUvqvi‡g‡›Ui mgq full payment Ki‡e|
H fund Uv (cÖwf‡W›U dvÛ) miKv‡ii GKUv liability Z‡e miKvi GUv deficit financing Gi
Rb¨ borrow Ki‡Q bv eis employee ‡`i‡K wKQzUv benefit ‡`qvi Rb¨ Ges Zv‡`i fund protect
Kivi Rb¨ GUv (borrowing) Kiv n‡”Q| wKš‘ tacitly H UvKvi credit balance ‡h‡nZz miKv‡ii Kv‡Q
Av‡Q Kv‡RB miKvi temporarily GUv deficit financing Gi Rb¨ e¨envi Ki‡e| GUvi
accountability framework Uv CF Gi g‡a¨ bv †_‡K PA Gi g‡a¨ _vK‡e KviY, PA is the
account for which the government works as a custodian, or a banker, or a remitter

Page 47 of 196
BZ¨vw`| Provident fund Gi inflow Ges outflow Gi gap Uv deficit financing-G e¨eüZ n‡e|
PA ‡Z G¸‡jv‡K payment Ges recipt ejv nq ev inflow / outflow ejv nq Kvib G¸‡jvi gap-B
asset ev liability create K‡i e‡j G¸‡jv expenditure bq| Z‡e †Kvb †Kvb eQi provident fund
Gi payment ‡ekx n‡j credit balance bv I _vK‡Z cv‡i| PF Gi evB‡i PA ‡Z Av‡iv GKUv item
_v‡K hv Saving Certificate receipt Ges Saving Certificate payment bv‡g cwiwPZ|
eZ©gv‡b banking system n‡Z miKv‡ii domestic borrowing A‡cÿv Saving
Certificate n‡Z domestic borrowing †ekx nq| A_©vr, domestic planned borrowing Gi
Zzjbvq saving certificate Gi borrowing A‡bK ¸b ‡ekx n‡”Q| G Kvi‡Y A‡bK mgq treasury
bill/bond Gi auction cancel n‡q hv‡”Q| wKš‘ saving certificate †K PA ‡Z AšÍf~©³ Kivi g~j
KviY n‡”Q Gi objective| Saving certificate Gi objective n‡”Q savings-‡K protect Kiv ZvB,
GUv‡K CF-G ‡bqv hv‡e bv| AveviI ewj, saving certificate Gi objective n‡”Q to protect the
lower or lower-middle income level people or poor people. wKš‘ saving certificate Gi
gap-Uv deficit financing G e¨envi n‡”Q hv A‡bK mg‡qB planned borrowing ‡K AwZµg K‡i
hv‡”Q| ZvB, auditor wn‡m‡e Finance Accounts AwW‡Ui mgq G¸‡jv observation wn‡m‡e Avm‡Z
cv‡i| Gi gva¨‡g miKvi‡K G g‡g© alert Kiv hvq †h, Zvi planned borrowing-†K Zvi unplanned
borrowing KLbI KLbI overtake K‡i hv‡”Q| GKB mv‡_ saving certificate Gi sale ‡_‡K cÖvß
money, central bank G idle c‡o _vK‡Q hv Mf‡g©‡›Ui borrowing cost evwo‡q w`‡”Q| Ab¨w`‡K
foreign grants are unrequited earnings hvi against-G †Kvb claim †bB and these grants act
like government revenues, ZvB foreign grant CF-Gi Ask| GQvovI Av‡iv wKQy legal
obligation ev government-Gi machineries run Kivi Rb¨ wKQz wRwbm (A_© ev Ab¨ †Kvb m¤ú`)
PA †Z ivLv nq (Like criminal and judicial deposit, contractors deposit etc.)|
[Budget and accounts classification G net e‡j wKQz †bB, d‡j net-lending e‡j wKQz
†bB, Z‡e management report ‰Zixi mgq user Gi understanding evov‡bvi Rb¨ net-lending
kãwU e¨envi Kiv n‡q _v‡K|]
Gi evB‡iI miKvi before assigning of expenditure, or before booking it into
expenditure wewfbœ A_© temporarily transfer Ki‡Q| †hgb: remittance cvVv‡bv n‡”Q wewfbœ
ˆe‡`wkK wgkbmg~‡n hv final expenditure bq| Final expenditure n‡j †mUv remittance n‡Z ev`
hv‡e| d‡j remittance cvVv‡bvi mgq PA †Z entry n‡”Q hv‡K ejv nq adjusting head| Gi evB‡i

`k©K mvwi‡Z Dcweó R‰bK Kg©KZ©vi cÖ‡kœi Rev‡e|

Page 48 of 196
PA Gi g‡a¨ Av‡Q miKv‡ii cash| †i‡fb¨y, K¨vwcUvj, †WU, †iwgU¨vÝ Ges K¨vk; G¸‡jv‡K ejv nq flow
Stock means balance (at a point in time) Avi flow means coming (inflow) and
going (outflow) †hUv n‡Z cv‡i †Kvb GKUv particular fiscal year Gi flow| GB flow †Z
revenue, capital, debt, saving certificate Gi receipt Ges payment Av‡Q, remittance Gi
adjustment Av‡Q Ges cash Gi increase ev decrease Av‡Q (cash balance bq)| KviY G ‡ÿ‡Î
cash Gi †Kvb opening balance †bB, Kvib GUv GKUv flow account.
Z vn‡j hw` cÖk œ K wi, revenue receipt ‡_‡K revenue expenditure †ek x nI qv DwPZ wK bv ?

A_ ©v r G‡ÿ ‡Î deficit nI qv D wPZ wK bv ? DËi n‡jv bv| KviY revenue receipt n‡Z operating

expenditures meet up Kiv n‡q _v‡K Ges GUv memgqB †ekx nIqv DwPZ| †h miKvi revenue
receipt †_‡K revenue expenditures meet up Ki‡Z cv‡i bv †mB miKvi ax‡i ax‡i financially
insolvent n‡q co‡e| Revenue deficit n‡j taka’i value K‡g hv‡e internationally A_©vr,
inflationary impact n‡e, Kv‡iwÝ wWf¨vjy‡qkb n‡e| India †Z Aek¨ revenue deficit16 n‡q _v‡K
Ab¨ Kvi‡Y| KviY BwÛqv‡Z federal concept KvR K‡i| Federal Mf‡g©›U †_‡K state Mf‡g©›U MÖv›U
wb‡q hvq asset create Kivi Rb¨ hv g~jZt †÷U Mf‡g©‡›Ui capital expenditure wn‡m‡e MY¨ nq wKš‘
federal MfY©‡g‡›Ui Rb¨ GUv grants-in-aid wn‡m‡e treat n‡”Q A_©vr revenue expenditure wn‡m‡e
booking n‡”Q| d‡j †dWv‡ij Mf‡g©‡›Ui revenue deficit †`Lv‡bv n‡”Q| hw`I Avm‡j GUv
interpretation Gi welq| GKvi‡Y India‡Z grant-in-aid †K `yB fv‡M wef³ K‡i †`Lv‡bv n‡”Q| One
for revenue Ges one for capital| miKv‡ii revenue expenditure meet up Kivi source n‡jv
tax Ges non-tax revenue| Avi capital expenditure meet up Kivi Rb¨ source n‡jv Revenue
Surplus, Planned Borrowing (CF Borrowing), Unplanned Borrowing (PA Borrowing)
/ Un-Funded Borrowing (‡hgbt Provident Fund n‡”Q unfunded), Avi jv÷ AvB‡Ug n‡”Q
cash balance| Treasury Single Account ev TSA-†Z †Kvb cash balance (accumulated)
_vK‡j GUvI capital expenditure meet up Kivi Rb¨ e¨eüZ n‡e (D‡jøL¨ cash ‡mKkb always
Public Account Gi part)|
Finance Accounts AwW‡Ui †ÿ‡Î cÖ_‡gB Gi reliability wb‡q cÖkœ ‡Zvjv DwPr, †hgbt cash
Gi balance ev increase / decrease Gi wel‡q TSA Ges CGAÕ i figures Gi g‡a¨ wgj Av‡Q
wKbv| A_©vr accounts Ges TSAi figure GKB wKbv Zv wgwj‡q wb‡Z n‡e| Avevi deficit financing

Revenue Deficit ej‡Z GLv‡b ‡evSv‡bv n‡”Q †h, †i‡fb¨y wiwmÞ n‡Z †i‡fb¨y G·‡cwÛPvi †ekx nIqv|

Page 49 of 196
G hZ UvKv borrowing n‡”Q Zvi g‡a¨ major portion hw` unplanned borrowing nq Zvn‡j eyS‡Z
n‡e financing is not working well| hw` unplanned borrowing †ekx nq Z‡e Zv basic tenets
of public finance Gi violation n‡q hv‡e| kay ZvB bq, it also hinges around violations of
our constitutional provisions. Avgv‡`i constitution e‡j‡Q miKvix borrowing-I shall be
guided by legal framework| So that unplanned borrowing KLbI cÖ‡qvR‡bi Zzjbvq †ekx n‡j
†mUv constitution Gi violation wn‡m‡e we‡ewPZ n‡Z cv‡i| Avi unplanned borrowing †ekx n‡j
deficit financing G e¨eüZ nevi mv‡_ mv‡_ treasury-†Z wKQz A_© idle c‡o _vK‡e hvi Rb¨
government †K interest w`‡Z n‡e| miKv‡ii ev‡RU hLb ˆZix nq ZLb demands for grants GB
mewKQz‡K cover K‡i bv, ïaygvÎ revenue Ges capital expenditure †K cover K‡i (on-lending
mn)| Demands for grants are only for voted expenditures which are segregated into
revenue and other expenditures (as per our constitution in which Ôother expenditure’
means Capital expenditure)| Non-development I development expenditures n‡jv
Mf‡g©‡›Ui practice-Gi Rb¨ e¨eüZ k㸔Q| Gi mv‡_ constitutional framework Gi m¤úK© †bB,
G¸‡jv superimposed terms| miKv‡ii demand for grant hLb Parliament-G submit n‡e ZLb
cÖwZwU ministry ev cÖwZwU type of expenditures Gi Rb¨ GKUv K‡i grant number ‡`qv n‡e, Z‡e
appropriation-Gi Rb¨ ‡Kvb grant number n‡e bv †h‡nZy GUv grant bq| mKj wgwbw÷ª / wWwfk‡bi
mv‡_ discuss K‡i MoF GwU ˆZix Ki‡e Ges Parliament-G GUv submit Ki‡e| Parliament-G
hLb demand for grant submit Kiv n‡e ZLb CF Ges PA-i evKx welq¸‡jvI Parliament G
submitted n‡Z n‡e|
Accounts-G GUv (CF Ges PA) GKUv ‘T’- d‡g© msiÿY Kiv n‡q _v‡K| wKš‘ hLb
Parliament-G submit Kiv nq, ZLb GUv _v‡K statement form-G (management report form-
G) hv‡Z GUv user understandability evovq| Demand for grant Gi mv‡_ mv‡_ GUvI submitted
n‡q hvq|

Page 50 of 196
Revenue Earnings (Tax & Non-tax)
- Revenue Expenditure (For day-to-day operations)
= Revenue Surplus
- Capital Expenditure (Asset creation/Liability reduction)
= Budget Deficit
Deficit Financing
(1) Borrowing (Planned) (Consolidated Fund)
(2) Borrowing (Unplanned) (Public Account)
(3) CashUse
wPÎ 2 t Deficit Financing
Demand for grants only covers expenditures (it does not cover the revenue
earnings)| Avi total picture UvB Parliament G place Ki‡Z nq hvi user friendly form n‡”Q
GKUv statement, hv‡K ejv n‡”Q Annual Financial Statement (AFS)| AFS Gi Rb¨ GKUv top
statement _vK‡e Ges Gi mv‡_ cÖwZwU item Gi Rb¨ Avjv`v Avjv`v statement _vK‡e| GUv‡KB ejv
n‡”Q ev‡RU| Total picture of finance for the next fiscal year Gi bvgB n‡”Q ev‡RU| cvj©v‡g‡›U
AFS submit nq wKš‘ GUv discuss nq bv ev ‡fvUI nq bv, KviY AFS-Gi Dc‡i ‡fvU nIqvi †Kvb
cÖwfkb †bB| AFS submit nIqvi c‡i demand for grants and appropriations I submit n‡e
k~aygvÎ expenditure cvU© wb‡q| e¨q-cÖv°jb¸‡jv cÖ‡Z¨KUv grant wise GLv‡b fvM Kiv _vK‡e| Gi
gva¨‡g cÖ‡Z¨KUv grant wise RbM‡Yi Kv‡Q e¨‡qi Aby‡gv`b demand Kiv n‡”Q| nu¨v Rqhy³ n‡j UvKv
e¨‡qi Aby‡gv`b †`qv n‡e †cÖwm‡W›U‡K Ges GB e¨qUv n‡e Consolidated Fund †_‡K| cieZx©‡Z
Avgv‡`i Constitution Gi scheme Abyhvqx (article 55(6)) †cÖwm‡W›U GUv †Wwj‡MU K‡i w`‡q‡Q
Principal Accounting Officer (PAO) ‡K Ges PAO GUv LiP K‡i| Z‡e cvj©v‡g›U Aek¨ GB
†Wwj‡Mkb PAO ‡K †`qwb, w`‡q‡Q †cÖwm‡W›U‡K|
PviwU MÖæ‡ci me‡k‡l i‡q‡Q †iwg‡UÝ †mKkb| Remittance ej‡Z GLv‡b economy’i
remittence †K eySv‡bv n‡”Q bv eis A‡bK mgq treasury †_‡K ‡h A_© †cÖiY Kiv nq (†hgbt we‡`k¯’
evsjv‡`k wgkb mg~‡n) †mUv‡K eySv‡bv n‡”Q| Accounts Gi fvlvq GB A_© †cÖiY‡K remittance ejv
nq| GB remittance cvVv‡bv n‡jI LiP bv nIqv ch©šÍ GUv Public Accounts Gi g‡a¨ ev within PA
movements| Remittance cvVv‡bv n‡j Mf‡g©‡›Ui K¨vk UvKv ‡hUv TSA-‡Z _v‡K †mUv K‡g hv‡e; GUv
Fiscal Accounts Gi cvU©| Avevi ‡iwg‡UÝ n‡Z LiP K‡i Cash Accounts Gi gva¨‡g Li‡Pi wnmve

Page 51 of 196
Chief Accounts Office (CAO) G †cÖiY Kiv nq †hUv CAO-‡Z revenue expenditure wn‡m‡e
accounts for Kiv nq Ges Gi d‡j ‡iwg‡UÝ K‡g wM‡q G·‡cwÛPvi e„w× cvq| Finance Accounts
AwWU Kivi mgq †`L‡Z n‡e †h unnecessary remittance unadjusted †_‡K hv‡”Q wK bv| It can be
a big issue KviY G‡Z K‡i miKv‡ii K¨vk TSA’i evB‡i ‡_‡K hv‡”Q|
AFS ev ev‡RU covers everything| The Government of India Act, 1935 G fund
concept wQjbv, wKš‘ India Ges evsjv‡`‡ki KÝwUwUDk‡b GUv CF Ges PA †Z wef³ Kiv n‡q‡Q (A_©vr
dvÛ Kb‡mÞ Pvjy Kiv n‡q‡Q)| GiciI g~jZt 4Uv divisions of accounts GLbI i‡q wM‡q‡Q|
wnw÷ªK¨vwj evwl©K ev‡RU fund wn‡m‡e MY¨ bv n‡q divisions of account wn‡m‡e me©Î †`L‡Z cvIqv
hvq| †Kv_vI †Kv_vI ‡i‡fb¨y I K¨vwcUv‡ji evB‡i debt, deposit Ges remittance GB wZbwU wWwfk‡bi
K_vI ejv n‡”Q| KviY debt ej‡Z planned debt †evSv‡bv n‡”Q †hUv GLb Consolidated Fund Gi
Ask Avi deposit ej‡Z unplanned borrowing (like GPF, contractor's deposit etc.) †evSv‡bv
n‡”Q hv Public Accounts Gi Ask| UK †Z total debt Avjv`v fv‡e loan fund G deal Kiv nq
(the National Loans Act, 1968)|
msm‡` AFS submit Ki‡Z n‡e wKš‘ AFS Gi Dc‡i discussion n‡e bv| Demands for
grants submit Kiv n‡q‡Q KviY constitutionally cvj©v‡g‡›Ui Kv‡Q Aby‡gv`b PvB‡Z n‡j purpose
D‡jøL Ki‡Z n‡e| cÖwZUv ministry Zvi Allocation of Business Abyhvqx Zvi Rb¨ wba©vwiZ Kv‡Ri
Rb¨ ev‡RU Pv‡”Q| A_©vr gš¿Yvjq ev wefv‡Mi Dc‡i b¨v¯Í KvR ev cvewjK mvwf©mB n‡jv GLv‡b purpose|
GB purpose Gi g‡a¨ both revenue Ges capital Av‡Q| GB purpose Abyhvqx cvj©v‡g‡›Ui Kv‡Q
submission-B n‡jv demand for grants|
Avgiv revenue (earning) Ges expenditure GLv‡b ex-ante determine KiwQ| GKB mv‡_
borrowingI K¨vjKz‡jU Kiv n‡”Q| ZvB Gi g‡a¨ †Kvb M¨vc _vK‡j †mUv wgjv‡bvi Rb¨ cash use KiwQ|
†mUv opening balance †_‡KI n‡Z cv‡i A_ev inflow-outflow n‡Z use n‡Z cv‡i| Cash Use
n‡”Q GKwU balancing figure|
Ex-post G (ev‡RU G‡·wKDk‡bi c‡i) Avgiv actual cash Gi position ev e¨envi Rvb‡Z
cvi‡ev| Finance Accounts n‡”Q ex-post of Annual Financial Statement (AFS)| AFS ‡K
follow K‡iB Finance Accounts Gi Top Sheet ˆZix Kiv nq| †h‡nZz Finance Accounts n‡”Q
accountability accounts Gi c‡i schedule _vK‡e cÖ‡Z¨K element-Gi Rb¨| ev‡RU n‡jv GKUv
accountability tool| Parliament-G Demands for grants and appropriations submit nevi
ci cÖwZUv grants wb‡q hv demand Kiv n‡q‡Q †mUvi Dci Parliament-G discussion n‡e| ev‡RU

Page 52 of 196
hLb msm‡` †ck nq A_©vr AFS Ges demands for grants hLb submit nq ZLb Parliament Gi
Estimate Comittee Ges wewfbœ msm`xq KwgwU ¸‡jv‡Z Gwel‡q discussion Ki‡Z cv‡i| Specially
estimate comittee GUv Ki‡Z cv‡i| G mKj welq tacitly forefront-G Avbv †h‡Z cv‡i| AFS
submit nevi mv‡_ mv‡_ expenditure Gi Rb¨ demand for grants Gi Dci discussion Kiv n‡e|
ZLb the Rules of Procedure Abyhvqx Av‡jvPbv †k‡l †fvU n‡e| D‡jøL¨ †h, Parliament ‡KI Zv‡`i
wel‡q enlightened Kiv audit Gi `vwq‡Z¡i g‡a¨ c‡o| cÖwZUv grant GKRb respective minister
†ck Ki‡eb Ges Gi ci vote Gi gva¨‡g Parliament G GUv cvk n‡e| hZ¸‡jv grant _vK‡e Z‡Zvevi
vote n‡Z n‡e Ges Z‡Zvevi cvk n‡Z n‡e| GB grant ¸‡jv‡KB audit entity wn‡m‡e we‡ePbv Kiv †h‡Z
KviY ‘entity’ not necessarily means institution| Vote G cvk nevi mv‡_ mv‡_B
President Kb‡mvwj‡W‡UW dvÛ n‡Z A_© Li‡Pi AbygwZ cvq bv| GUv‡K instrumented Ki‡Z nq GKwU
act w`‡q| Voting n‡”Q internal process of the Parliament, external world Gi Kv‡Q
communication Gi Rb¨ GKwU act cvk n‡Z n‡e, bill submitted n‡Z n‡e| GB G¨v± cvk Ki‡Z
wM‡q MÖv›Umg~n, †h¸‡jv vote G cvk n‡q‡Q †m¸‡jv schedule Gi g‡a¨ _vK‡e| Grant Abyhvqx
expenditures are divided into charged and voted expenditures, charged expenditure
¸‡jvi †ÿ‡Î vote n‡ebv wKš‘ discussion n‡e| Auditor General Gi charged expenditure wb‡q
Parliament G big debate n‡Z cv‡i, wKš‘ vote n‡ebv| KviY accountability framework G
Auditor General †K GB wcÖwf‡jR †`qv n‡q‡Q hv‡Z Zuvi overseeing A_wiwU‡Z †Kvb iKg
infringement bv nq|
Vote G cvk nevi ci hw` AvBb cvk bv nq Zvn‡j GB budget LiP hv‡e bv| ZvB total
budget (schedule G grants mg~n D‡jøL K‡i) including borrowing, debt receipt BZ¨vw` wej
AvKv‡i place Kiv nq hvi bvg appropriation wej| Demand for grants and appropriations Gi
appropriation Avi Appropriation Bill Gi terminology GK bv| Appropriation bill submit
nevi ci †mUv discuss Kivi my‡hvM †bB, KviY grant Gi / bill Gi purpose Avi change Kiv
hv‡ebv| ZvB, GB bill `ªæZ cvk nq Ges bill Gi preamble G †jLv _v‡K ... ... ... †KvwU UvKvi A_©
Consolidated Fund †_‡K LiP Kivi Rb¨ ivóªcwZ‡K AbygwZ †`qv n‡jv| GB cvkK…Z Appropriation
Act Gi †gqv` _v‡K 1 eQi (1jv RyjvB †_‡K 30†k Ryb ch©šÍ)|
GB Rb¨ cÖwZeQ‡ii †k‡l ejv nq fund lapsed n‡q‡Q| It means the fund is lapsed by
operation of the Appropriation Act| Appropriation Bill AvB‡b cwiYZ n‡jB †Kej ev‡RU

Page 53 of 196
wn‡m‡e †mUv LiP Kiv hv‡e| Revenue Gi †ÿ‡ÎI AvBb cvk bv Ki‡j ‡Kvb ai‡bi U¨v· collect Kiv
hv‡e bv| Revenue Gi g‡a¨ 2 ai‡Yi receipts Av‡Q| Tax revenue Ges non-tax revenue| As
per Article 83 of the Constitution Ôno tax shall be levied or collected except by or
under the authority of an act of the Parliament’| G Kvi‡Y AviI GKUv AvBb bill AvKv‡i
Dc¯’vcb nq| †mUvi bvg Finance Bill, GUv g~jZ tax revenue Gi Rb¨ NBR initiate K‡i Ges Gi
g‡a¨ hZ ai‡Yi tax rate wewfbœ AvB‡b Av‡Q Zvi wel‡q ejv _v‡K| It is an umbrella act, engulfing
act| Finance Act Gi gva¨‡g ‡Kvb tax impose Kiv nq bv, Z‡e it is a vehicle| Tax Gi Rb¨
different different AvBb Av‡Q (the Custom Act, the VAT Act, the Income Tax
Ordinance, the Motor Vechicle Ordinance etc.)| G mKj AvB‡bB tax Av`v‡qi ÿgZv †`qv
Av‡Q| G mKj AvB‡b hw` tax rate change Ki‡Z nq ev hw` †Kvb provision ms‡hvRb ev we‡qvRb
Ki‡Z nq Zvn‡j Avjv`v AvBb Parliament G place bv K‡i ev‡R‡Ui mgq GKUv umbrella act wn‡m‡e
Finance Act cvk nq| Gi gva¨‡g H mKj AvB‡b †h mKj cwieZ©b Ki‡Z n‡e Zv Kiv n‡q _v‡K|
Finance Bill pass n‡q †M‡j ZLb Finance Act nq Ges GUvi effectiveness cieZ©x
amendment/change bv nIqv ch©šÍ Pj‡Z _v‡K| Finance Act is a vehicle to amend many
other acts| Article 83 †Z ‘by or under the authority’ kã ¸‡jv e¨envi Kiv n‡q‡Q| Gi A_© n‡”Q
act G hw` e‡j †`qv _v‡K Zvn‡j NBR SRO Rvixi gva¨‡g tax rate G cwieZ©b Ki‡Z cvi‡e| KviY GB
authority NBR †K act Gi gva¨‡g †`qv nq; †h Kvi‡Y under authority ejv n‡q‡Q| Z‡e
Constitution Gi GB scope mZK©Zvi mv‡_ e¨envi nIqv DwPZ| Individual Gi Rb¨ SRO'i gva¨‡g
tax rate cwieZ©b Gi spirit bq eis group or section of society'i Rb¨ Kiv DwPZ|
There are two types of taxes: direct tax Ges indirect tax| Income tax and
corporate tax n‡”Q direct tax †hUv 1 RyjvB n‡Z Kvh©Ki nq| cÿvšÍ‡i indirect tax n‡”Q customs,
VAT BZ¨vw`; ‡h¸‡jv effective nq †hw`b ev‡RU proposal msm‡` †ck nq †mw`b †_‡KB| KviY,
indirect tax Gi mv‡_ comodity price Gi m¤úK© i‡q‡Q| Import cost, market price Gi mv‡_
m¤úwK©Z d‡j mv‡_ mv‡_ impose bv n‡j goods Gi extra-ordinary inflow n‡Z cv‡i A_ev Bb‡døv
stop n‡q ‡h‡Z cv‡i| G Rb¨ indirect tax Gi B‡d± immediate w`‡Z nq| Immediate tax Gi
provision G‡m‡Q the Provisional Collection of Taxes, 1931 ‡_‡K| H AvB‡b ejv Av‡Q †hw`b
bill submit n‡e A_©vr open to public n‡e †mw`b †_‡KB indirect tax ejer/Kvh©Ki Kiv hv‡e|
Appropriation Act Ges Finance Act Gi g‡a¨ Appropriation Act Av‡M cvk nq, KviY,
public finance Gi Ab¨Zg principle n‡jv Av‡M expenditure Gi estimate Av‡M Ki‡Z n‡e Zvici

Page 54 of 196
financing Gi estimate Ki‡Z n‡e| PA Gi AvB‡Ug¸‡jvi Rb¨ wbR¯^ AvBb Av‡Q †hgb the General
Provident Fund (GPF) Act 1925, Ges Saving Certificate Gi Rb¨I Avjv`v rules /
regulations Av‡Q| GB Rb¨ AwW‡Ui master fileG me-mgq G¸‡jvi AvBb / rule Gi copy _vK‡Z
n‡e| Constitution G borrowing Gi Rb¨ provision Av‡Q| UK †Z loan fund act Av‡Q, India
†Z fiscal responsibility act Av‡Q †hLv‡b planned borrowing Gi Rb¨ cap †`qv Av‡Q, celing
†`qv Av‡Q| Avgv‡`i Rb¨I ev‡RU management act i‡q‡Q|
Ex-ante demand for grants and appropriations msm‡` ‡ck n‡jv, Zvici
Appropriation Act Ges Finance Act cvk n‡jv| Gi gva¨‡g 1 RyjvB n‡Z ivóªcwZi nv‡Z A_© e¨‡qi
ÿgZv P‡j Av‡m †hUv the Rules of Business Gi gva¨‡g ivóªcwZ PAO ‡K w`‡q w`‡q‡Q| GLb cÖk œ
n‡jv exchequer / treasury G es Consolidated Fund G K wRwbm wK bv? DËi n‡jv ‘bv’| Treasury

means where the valuables are kept. Exchequer is synonymous to treasury and it holds
treasures. Treasure A_© miKv‡ii cash, gold BZ¨vw` Avi CF n‡”Q GKwU accounting entity|
Treasury Ges CF Gi g‡a¨ †Kvb m¤úK© †bB| D`vniY¯^iƒc ejv hvq, ‡mwfsm& certificate wewµ Ki‡j
UvKv treasury ‡Z hv‡e wKš‘ record n‡e PA ‡Z| Avevi treasury bill / bond wewµ Ki‡j UvKv
treasury †Z hv‡e wKš‘ record n‡e CF G| A_©vr CF Ges PA G¸‡jv accounting entity Avi
treasury n‡jv UvKvi entity| GK K_vq CF Ges PA Gi custodian CGA ev AG Avi treasuryÕ i
custodian Bangladesh Bank (‡Kw›`ªq e¨vsK)| Kv‡RB evsjv‡`k e¨vsK CF ev PA maintain K‡i
bv, ZvB Bangladesh Bank KZ©„K government-Gi classification structure e¨envi KivUvI
appropriate bq| d‡j Fiscal Accounts ˆZixi `vwqZ¡ CGA’i| ‡h‡nZz evsjv‡`k e¨vs‡Ki cash n‡jv
colourless Avi Gi colour †`qv nq CGA-†Z, GB Rb¨ Fiscal Accounts KL‡bvB banker
(central bank) Gi KvQ †_‡K †bqv DwPZ bq| AFS Ges Finance Accounts Gi g‡a¨ cv_©K¨ n‡jv
GKUv ex-ante (AFS) Ges Ab¨wU ex-post (Finance Accounts)|
Budget cvk nIqvi ci LiP ïiæ n‡e| Li‡Pi Rb¨ treasury †_‡K A_© †ei n‡Z n‡e, Avi
LiPUvi record keeping n‡e CF G| Simillarly, tax revenue, customs, income tax cÖf…wZ
collect n‡e Ges recorded n‡e CF G wKš‘ UvKv Rgv n‡e treasury †Z| A_© treasury-†Z wK cÖwµqv
Rgv n‡e, KLb Rgv n‡e, wKfv‡e D‡Ëvjb n‡e, †K cheque sign Ki‡e, eZ©gv‡b †K EFT w`‡e, EFT n‡Z
wKfv‡e A_© individual accounts-G hv‡e BZ¨vw` regulate n‡Z n‡e, Ges Gi Rb¨ AvBb jvM‡e|
Exchequer n‡Z A_© D‡Ëvjb Ges Rgv nevi Rb¨ mvaviYZ msm` KZ…©K AvBb cvk n‡Z n‡e| hZÿY cvk
bv nq ZZÿY ch©šÍ ivóªcwZ KZ©„K rule Øviv G¸‡jv regulate n‡e| †hUv British India †Z ˆZix n‡qwQj

Page 55 of 196
†mUvB Avgiv adopt K‡i e¨envi KiwQ hvi bvg the Treasury Rules, A_©vr LiP Kiv ev Avq Kivi Rb¨
Treasury Rules bq, eis G·‡PKvi n‡Z A_© D‡Ëvjb I Rgv †`qvi Rb¨ †UªRvwi iæjm& e¨envi Kiv nq|
LiP Kiv ev Avq Kivi ci UvKv treasury †_‡K D‡Ëvjb ev treasury-‡Z Rgv Kivi wbqg n‡jv
treasury rules| Treasury bvgUv g~jZ British India’ i treasury system †_‡K G‡m‡Q| wKš‘
eZ©gv‡b non-banking treasury system bv _vKvq GB ‘the Treasury Rules’ bvg MÖnb‡hvM¨Zv
nvwi‡q‡Q| India-†Z central government Gi treasury rule Gi bvg cwieZ©b K‡i the Recipts
and Payments Rules, 1983 ‡i‡L‡Q17| wKš‘ India-†Z treasury system GLbI ‡÷U / ivR¨¸‡jv‡Z
ejer _vKvq India †Z the Treasury Rules GLbI Av‡Q (Z‡e ïaygvÎ †÷U ch©v‡q)|
The reccipts and payments rules Gi authority nIqv DwPr Ministry of Finance
(MoF)-Gi, †hgb †UªRvwi iæ‡ji Rb¨ A_wiwU dvBb¨vÝ wgwbw÷ªi| Z‡e Avgv‡`i tresury rules-Gi g‡a¨
`yB ai‡bi rules Av‡Q| Main rules change Ki‡Z n‡j †cÖwm‡W‡›Ui Aby‡gv`b cÖ‡qvRb nq| Avi †UªRvwi
iæj‡mi Aax‡b the Subsidiary Rules ‡P‡Äi Rb¨ Ministry of Finance-B h‡_ó| GB tresury
rules mivmwi Constitution Gi provision †_‡K ˆZix Kiv n‡q‡Q| ZvB †h rules ¸‡jv primary
legislation (act) Gi Aax‡b ˆZix Kiv nq Zvi †P‡q G ai‡bi rules (TR) Gi gh©v`v A‡bK †ekx, A_v©r
Constitution-G ivóªcwZ‡K †h mKj rules ˆZixi ÿgZv †`qv n‡q‡Q †m¸‡jv secondary legislation
bq, eis G¸‡jv primary legislation ev AvB‡bi gZ gh©v`v m¤úbœ| D`vniY¯^iƒct the Rules of
Business, 1996 Gi K_v ejv hvq| Z‡e tresury rules Gi †ÿ‡Î ejv Av‡Q law cvk bv nIqv ch©šÍ
ivóªcwZ GmsµvšÍ rules ˆZix Ki‡Z cvi‡e| ZvB, the Rules of Business A‡cÿv wKQzUv `ye©j n‡jI
TR Gi status primary legislation Gi mgvb|
British India ‡Z Governor General Gi law making power wQj e‡j Zuvi executive
instruction-I ‡Kvb †Kvb act-Gi mgvb| Governor General executive order w`‡q wKfv‡e
expenditure Kiv n‡e, wKfv‡e procurement Kiv n‡e, wKfv‡e expenditure sanction †`qv n‡e
†m¸‡jv wba©viY Ki‡Zb| GQvovI cwi‡kv‡ai c~‡e© wKfv‡e store maintain n‡e, wKfv‡e tender Ki‡Z n‡e
ZvI wba©viY Kiv n‡Zv Mfb©i ‡Rbv‡i‡ji wbe©vnx Av‡`‡k| †÷vi †gB‡Ub¨vÝ, †UÛvwis cÖf„wZi Rb¨ RvwiK…Z
wbe©vnx Av‡`k¸‡jvi GKwU msKjb cÖKvk Kiv nq| GUvi bvg the General Financial Rules (GFR)|
hw`I GUvi source of power mywbw`©ó bq| Z_vwc ivóªcwZ †h ÿgZv e‡j the Allocation of

fviZxq msweav‡bi 283 Gi (1) Aby‡”Q‡` cÖ`Ë ÿgZv e‡j ivóªcwZ the Central Government Account (Receipts and
Payments) Rules, 1983 Rvwi K‡ib| mshy³ Znwej I Kw›Ub‡RwÝ dv‡Ûi iÿbv‡eÿY ev †ndvRZ, GmKj dv‡Û A_© Rgv Kiv, GmKj
dvÛ n‡Z A_© D‡Ëvjb, GQvov miKv‡ii c‡ÿ Ab¨vb¨ A_© (public money) MÖnb, miKvwi wnmv‡e Rgv cÖ`vb I miKvwi wnmve n‡Z D‡Ëvjb
BZ¨vw` welq GB wewagvjvi AšÍf©~³|

Page 56 of 196
Business Rvix K‡i‡Qb †mB GKB ÿgZve‡j GFR Rvix Kiv n‡q‡Q e‡j a‡i †bqv hvq Kvib GFR-I
GKai‡bi delegation and allocation of administrative powers| General kãUv GLv‡b e¨eüZ
n‡q‡Q †h, mevB‡K mvaviY fv‡e G mKj rules d‡jv Ki‡Z nq| Avevi GFR-†K compilation ejv nq
KviY wewfbœ mg‡q RvixK…Z rules / orders ¸‡jvB GFR-G compile ev msKwjZ Kiv n‡q‡Q|

Page 57 of 196
Session: FOUR

I welcome you all again to this fourth session on PFM evolution and I
especially welcome the new Probationers to this session. First of all, let me give you
the feedback on what Mr. Robiul has said. I really appreciate his attempt on recapping
the last three sessions but at the same time on a critical note (not to discourage him but
to alert him and others) that ‡jL vco vi level was not up to the mark. That proves,
literature review was not done properly though almost one month has been completed
(elapsed). So, I will alert you and others that, ‘please concentrate, and do the
literature review seriously!’ Mr. Robiul missed many points. Just to name one or two
of those points: he mentioned that, budget is approved by the Finance Act, which is
not true. Even in his drawing, the columns and rows were mixed up and many things
were entangled together. That proves, ‡jLvco vi level was very poor. So once again, I
am alerting everybody as you know that there are twenty people selected and you do
not know tomorrow who will be the catch among these twenty. So, with this reminder
let me continue with the sessions where I have left the discussion in the third session.
Please remember that in the last session, I was talking about the Constitutional
provisions regarding the financial procedures. And also remember that (in the last
lecture) I went to the Parliament with the budget documents and the Parliament
approved the budget. And after voting in favor of the budget saying Ôn¨uv Rqhy³ n‡q‡QÕ
the Parliament actually approved/passed two bills into acts. One of those bills is the
Appropriation Bill containing Voted and Non-voted expenditure estimates. But the
voted ones were passed in the Parliament by saying Ôn¨uv Rqhy³ n‡q‡QÕ in the form of
demands for grants and the non-voted ones were discussed (might have been
discussed) but were not voted. Both voted and non-voted ones were included in the
Appropriation Bill at the time of passing the bill. The other one is for the receipts,
which is submitted by the National Board of Revenue (NBR) under its allocation (of
business) through the Internal Resources Division (IRD) for the collection of tax
revenues. This bill is called the Finance Bill and when it is passed it becomes the
Finance Act. The difference between the Finance Bill and the Appropriation Bill is
that when they both are passed the lifetime of the Appropriation Act is only one year

Page 58 of 196
while the Finance Act has an indefinite lifetime. The Appropriation Act lapses at the
end of 30th June every year. Why? Because there is another bill, that will be passed in
the next year.
On the other hand, as far as the finance bill is concerned, if any provision is
made in the finance bill that remains in force for a long time . But for how long? – The
answer is until it is changed by any subsequent finance bill. The finance bill on its
own is not a bill for imposition of taxes. Rather it is a bill that has been brought to
cover up all the related laws relating to taxation. It is a cover-up bill or an umbrella
bill, to cover up all the changes in other tax laws (in the laws where provisions of tax
impositions are there: pre dominantly or popularly, in the Customs Act or in the
Income Tax Act18 which is an ordinance of 1984).
Why is it an ordinance? Why is it not an act? Does anybody have any idea?
The constitution says any ordinance (if required in case of any emergency) can be
passed with the approval of the President. But the constitution also warns that if in the
following session of the Parliament this ordinance is not passed into an act it would be
abrogated automatically. However, with a safeguard clause any action undertaken
by/under the ordinance (in the mean time) will be protected. So in any respect, the
ordinance should be passed into an act. If this is the constitutional provision, then how
could the Income Tax Ordinance 1984 (promulgated long 40 years back) remain as an
ordinance? The Constitution says an ordinance cannot remain as an ordinance
indefinitely. It should be passed into an act by the Parliament in the following session.
An Ordinance is issued only in the emergency period and for that matter in an
ordinance it cannot be said that ‘ the ordinance will come into effect after the gazette
notification’, it will come into force immediately.
Let me give you the solution (an explanation). Kbw÷wUDkb suspended _vK‡e,
martial law _vK‡e, †Kvb †`‡k Ggb †Kvb NUbv NU‡Z cv‡i bv | Legally Zv cv‡i bv, wKš‘ G NUbv GB
†`‡k N‡U‡Q| hLb Kbw÷wUDkb suspended wQj ZLbI‡Zv AvBb-Kvbyb Rvix Kivi cÖ‡qvRb wQj| GQvovI
H wcwiq‡W M„wnZ Kvh©µg‡K cieZ©x‡Z ˆeaZv w`‡Z n‡q‡Q| Avwg worried nw”Q Ab¨ RvqMvq| GUv bv
RvbvUv Audit & Accounts service Gi Rb¨ very shameful. Legal interpretation is one of

Income Tax law in Bangladesh is an Ordinance of 1984.

Page 59 of 196
the important tasks for this department. Definitely that should be linked with the
financial matters. Z_vwcI overall legal framework Rvbv `iKvi| Ordinance Rvix Kiv n‡q‡Q
martial law wcwiq‡W CMLA secretariate †_‡K, Kbw÷wUDkb suspended _vKv Ae¯’vq| KviY
martial law government ordinance wn‡m‡e AvBb Rvix KiZ| ‡Kbbv ZLb act nevi †Kvb scope
†bB| cieZ©x ch©v‡q hLb democratic process (so called) start K‡i‡Q, ZLb cvj©v‡g‡›Ui 1g
session-G wM‡q interim period G hZ ordinance n‡q‡Q †m¸‡jv‡K msweav‡bi protection article
G add K‡i‡Q ˆeaZv †`qvi Rb¨| A_©vr Parliament Gi GB session ïiæ nIqvi AvM ch©šÍ hZ¸‡jv
ordinance Rvix Kiv n‡q‡Q †m¸‡jv GB msweav‡bi Aax‡b †bqv n‡q‡Q e‡j MY¨ Kiv n‡q‡Q| wKš‘ cieZ©x
ch©v‡q msweav‡bi ms‡kvabx Øviv H period Gi mKj AvBb-Kvbybmn msweav‡bi mswkøó Aby‡”Q`¸‡jv evwZj
Kiv n‡q‡Q| d‡j cÖ‡UKkb AvwU©‡Kj¸‡jv ˆeaZv nvwi‡q †djvq G¸‡jv (AwW©b¨vݸ‡jv) Avevi act G iƒcvšÍi
Kivi cÖ‡qvRb nq| wKš‘ GZ¸‡jv ordinance ‡K GKmv‡_ act G iƒcvšÍi Kiv mgq-mv‡cÿ| ZvB cieZ©x
ch©v‡q GKwU umbrella AvBb K‡i H AvB‡bi schedule-G ejv n‡”Q GB mg¯Í ordinance¸‡jv‡K H
Parliament Gi Aax‡b ‰eaZv cÖ`vb Kiv n‡jv| GB Rb¨ G¸‡jv GLbI ordinance wn‡m‡e i‡q †M‡Q|
Z‡e †KvU© Gi decision n‡”Q G¸‡jv‡K AvBb G iƒcvšÍi Ki‡Z n‡e|
GLb Zvn‡j President’s Order vs Presidential Order m¤ú‡K© ejv cÖ‡qvRb| evsjv‡`‡k
msweavb adopt nevi Av‡M †Kvb msweavb wQj bv| Constitutent assembly n‡Z proclamation of
Independence Order Rvwi Kiv n‡qwQj| H AW©v‡ii Aax‡b GKUv Provisional Constitution
Order wQj| Provisional Constitution Order is the precursor to our constitution.
Provisional Constitution Order-G GKUv article/clause wQj †h, hZw`b ch©šÍ formal ‡Kvb
constitution bv n‡e ZZw`b ch©šÍ Provisional Constitution Order w`‡q ivóª cwiPvwjZ n‡e| Ges
hZw`b Avgv‡`i Constitution bv n‡e ZZw`b ch©šÍ Parliament †h‡nZz †bB, †m‡nZz AvBb ˆZix Ki‡eb
President. Legally GUv sequential progression for a country| BwÛqv-cvwK¯Ív‡bI GKB wRwbm
n‡q‡Q| Provisional Constitution Order-G President†K ÿgZv †`qv n‡qwQj RbM‡Yi c‡ÿ AvBb
ˆZix Kivi Rb¨| Government of India Act 1935-G Governor General-GiI GB ÿgZv wQj|

Provisional Constitution Order-Gi under-G President †K ‡h ÿgZv †`qv n‡q‡Q Zvi e‡j †h

AvBb Kiv n‡e †mUv n‡”Q President’s order| wKš‘ GB AvB‡bi bvg act n‡j GUv Parliament Gi cvk
Kiv n‡q‡Q g‡g© wb‡`©k Ki‡e, ZvB GUv‡K ejv n‡Zv President’s Order| GB Rb¨ Av‡Q Bangladesh
Bank Order 1972| c‡i hLb msweavb cÖYxZ n‡q‡Q ZLb G¸‡jv‡K AvB‡bi gh©v`v †`qv n‡q‡Q wKš‘ bvg
cwieZ©b Kiv nqwb| GKvi‡Y Bangladesh Bank Order-G GLb †Kvb cwieZ©b Ki‡Z n‡j †mUv

Page 60 of 196
Parliament-G act w`‡q Ki‡Z n‡e (amendment act)| GUv‡K ejv nq President’s Order| ZvB
Avgv‡`i AvB‡b GLb †ek KqwU terminology Av‡Qt order Av‡Q, ordinance Av‡Q, act Av‡Q| Even,
The CAG’ (Additional Function) Act 1974 n‡q‡Q Audit & Accounts Order 1952 evwZj
K‡i| evsjv†`‡ki msweav‡b A‡bK RvqMvq President by order K_vwU ejv Av‡Q, President by rule
K_vwU ejv Av‡Q| (PFM emanates from the legal framework – PFM does not come from
out of Blue!) evsjv‡`k msweav‡bi ‡Kv_vq †Kv_vq order Av‡Q †mUv ‡Zvgv‡`i †ei Ki‡Z n‡e| cÖ‡Z¨‡K
†h wi‡cvU© ˆZix Ki‡e †mB report Gi annexure wn‡m‡e GUv _vK‡e| †hLv‡b †hLv‡b rule Av‡Q †mUviI
GKUv annexure ˆZix Ki‡Z n‡e| msweav‡bi A‡bK RvqMvq ejv Av‡Q President order w`‡q wb‡`©kbv
Rvwi Ki‡e| †hgbt Clemency Order, GUv‡K ejv nq Presidential Order| ‡cÖwm‡W›U hLb
cvj©v‡g‡›Ui ‡mkb summon K‡i, GUvI President by order K‡i _v‡K| GUv‡K ejv nq Presidential
Order| The Rules of Business Rvwi K‡i President by article 55(6)| GB the Rules of
Business 1996 GKwU rule, GwU mother law Gi AvIZvq GKwU rule|
Act Gi Aax‡b †Kvb rule cÖYxZ n‡j Zv‡K ejv nq subsidiary/secondary legislation, Avi
mother law Gi AvIZvq rule n‡j †mUv primary law Gi gh©v`v cvq| G we‡ePbvq the Rules of
Business subsidiary law bv, GwU cÖvBgvwi †jwRm‡jkb| Zvn‡j Treasury Rule wK ? Avgv‡`i
Treasury Rules-Gi preamble G source of power ejv n‡q‡Q Article 85 of the
Constitution| Consolidated Fund-Gi e¨e¯’vcbvi Rb¨ msm` AvBb ˆZix Ki‡e wKš‘ AvBb ˆZix bv
nIqv ch©šÍ †`k Pvjv‡bvi ¯^v‡_© rule ˆZixi provision ivLv n‡q‡Q †hUv‡K e‡j stop gap
arrangement/measure| we‡k^i wewfbœ †`‡k Abyiƒc article Gi AvIZvq comprehensive public
finance act n‡q‡Q (D`vniY South Africa)| Withdrawal, deposit, budget management,
fiscal responsibility Ges financial procedure me wKQy comprehensively GKUv AvBb Gi g‡a¨
wb‡q Avm‡Z cvi‡j ‡mUv‡K e‡j Public Finace Management Act or Public Accountability
Act| †KD †KD Gi g‡a¨ audit matters-I G‡b‡Q| wKš‘ evsjv‡`‡k GwUi `iKvi †bB| KviY, evsjv‡`k
audit matters-G unambigious Article 128(1) Av‡Q| Ggb ÷ªs cwRkb mother law ‡Z _vKvq
primary legislation G Avi basic audit‡K Avbvi scope †bB| Additional audit Gi Rb¨ AvBb
n‡Z cv‡i| msweav‡b the Rules of Business GKwU mandatory rule but the Treasury Rules
GKwU stop gap rule| wKš‘ GUvi status subsidiary legislation bv, GUv AvBb Gi substitute|
GFR-Gi wel‡q confusion Av‡Q| G wel‡q An Introduction to Audit and Accounts G ejv
n‡q‡Q Article 85 Gi under G auxiliary matter wn‡m‡e GFR ‡K we‡ePbv Kiv hvq| India‡ZI

Page 61 of 196
GUvi source Gi K_v ejv nqwb| Avevi the Rules of Business-Gi under-G the Allocation of
Business Av‡Q| ZvB, the Ministry of Finance Gi allocation wKfv‡e handle Kiv n‡e ‡mUvi
Rb¨I GB GFR-G D‡jøL _vK‡Z n‡e| GUv we‡ePbvq wb‡q President rule issue K‡i‡Q e‡j a‡i †bqv
hvq| hw` GKwU engulfing Public Finance Act Kiv nq Zvn‡j †mLv‡b budget preparation ‡_‡K
ïiæ K‡i budget execution, accounting, even ‡Kvb †Kvb †`‡ki g‡Zv monitoringI Gi AvIZvq
wb‡q Avmv hv‡e| External auditing-‡K Avgv‡`i †`‡k H AvB‡bi AvIZvq Avbv hv‡e bv| KviY mother
law-G Gi †P‡qI powerful provision Av‡Q| Even Value for Money (VFM) or
Performance audit -Gi Rb¨I `iKvi †bB, wKš‘ matters of interpretation Gi Rb¨ GUv‡K
reinforce Kivi Rb¨ additional wKQz K_v _vK‡Z cv‡i| Basic audit Gi Rb¨ c„_K law Gi cÖ‡qvRb
Historically, Consolidated Fund I Public Accounts bv‡g GKvD›U‡mi †Kvb division
wQjbv| Division of GKvD›Um& wQjt Revenue, Capital, Debt Ges Remittance| Debt Gi g‡a¨
Avevi 2 fvM wQj, public debt Ges deposit| wW‡cvwRU Av‡Q 2 ai‡bit banking deposit Ges
regulatory deposit| Criminal and judicial deposit n‡”Q regulatory deposit but ¯^vqË¡kvwmZ
cÖwZôv‡bi personal ledger (PL) ev land acquisition (LA) Gi UvKv ivLv G¸‡jv banking
deposit A_©vr G‡ÿ‡Î cash management Gi Rb¨ government is working as banker|
cieZx© chv‡q fund concept G‡m‡Q GKvD›U‡mi division ‡_‡K| eZ©gv‡b accounting and
budgeting totally fund concept Abyhvqx n‡”Q| ZvB classification Gi GKwU segment _vK‡e
fund ‡mM‡g›U, GUv wjM¨vj requirement| Avevi wfZ‡i revenue, capital, debt, deposit Ges
remittance I _vK‡e|

Budget Accounts
(Ex-ante) (Ex-post)
Consolidated Revenue Flow Revenue
Fund Capital Flow Capital
Debt Flow Debt
Public Deposit Deposit
Account Remittance Remittance
Cash Cash movement

Page 62 of 196
Is ‘budget’ a flow or a stock? What is the difference between a flow and a
stock? Accountants never use the term ‘stock’ (Accountant’s stock means inventory
stock). But economists use a balance as a stock and a transaction as a flow i.e.
accountant’s balance is economist’s stock and accountant’s transaction is economist’s
flow. Budget is a flow. Why? because, for a particular fiscal year ‘how much is your
revenue & how much is your expenditure’ are estimated in your budget. So, budget is
a flow. But an accountant says a flow is a transaction. If budget is a flow then what
about the government accounts? When the budget is a flow and as the account follows
the budget, then an account is also a flow. And this is very true or very much true
when your accounting is based on mostly cash basis. Cash based transaction G ev‡RU
Ges GKvD›Um& DfqB †d¬v|
Avgv‡`i GKvDw›Us †Kvb †eRW ? cÖ_gZt dvÛ †eRW; wØZxqZt K¨vk †eRW| IFAC Ges IPSAS
Gi website n‡Z K¨vk, †gvwWdv‡qW K¨vk, †gvwWdv‡qW G¨vµzq¨vj Ges G¨vµzq¨vj †eRW GKvDw›Us Gi
wjUv‡iPvi wiwfD Ki‡Z n‡e| G¸‡jvi transaction ¸‡jv ‡`L‡Z n‡e| GKvD›Um& Gi classification n‡Z
Revenue, Capital Ges Debt wg‡j n‡q‡Q Consolidated Fund (Avgv‡`i wjM¨vj †d«gIqv‡K©) Ges
†W‡cvwRU, †iwgU¨vÝ Ges K¨vk P‡j wM‡q‡Q Public Account (PA)†Z| Avgv‡`i msweav‡bi AvwU©‡Kj
84(1) Abyhvqx all revenues received by the government, all loans raised by the
government and all moneys received by it in repayment of any loan, shall form part of
one fund to be known as the Consolidated Fund. AvwU©‡Kj 84 G ïaygvÎ wiwmÞ Gi K_v ejv
Av‡Q wKš‘ †c‡g‡›Ui K_v ejv †bB, KviY Consolidated Fund n‡Z ev‡RU Qvov A_© †ei n‡Z cvi‡e bv|
GB A_© †ei n‡Z n‡j ïaygvÎ Appropriation Act gva¨‡g †ei n‡Z n‡e|
AvwU©‡Kj 84(2) †Z ejv Av‡Q all other public moneys received by or on behalf of the
government shall be credited to the Public Account of the Republic (mostly deposits).
wK š‘ by or on behalf of †K b ejv n‡”Q ? miKvi †h loan Uv mivmwi AvBb Øviv wba©vwiZ c×wZ‡Z †bq

(†hgbt wRwcGd) †mUv n‡jv received by the government, Ab¨wU n‡jv on behalf of the
government ‡hUv miKvi e¨vswKs wm‡÷‡gi Rb¨ †bq (G¸‡jv n‡jv PAGi Ask)| Avgv‡`i GLb ev‡RU
nq GB wm‡÷‡g Ges GKvD›Um& nq †mB GKB wm‡÷‡g|
‡iwgU¨vÝ is a temporary or transitional account| AwWwUs c‡q›U Ae wfD †_‡K GUv‡K
†`L‡Z n‡e ‘Nil Balance’ wnmv‡e| ‘Nil Balance’ bv n‡j AwWU AeRv‡f©kb _vK‡Z n‡e| GUv n‡jv
artery; GUv A_© pass Kivi Rb¨ iv¯Ív| GB †iwgU¨vÝ Avi economy’i †iwgU¨vÝ GK bq| GUv cÖevmx‡`i

Page 63 of 196
cvVv‡bv †iwgU¨vÝ bq| GUv government accounting Gi g‡a¨ †iwgU¨vÝ| GB †iwgU¨v‡Ýi GKwU
glaring example n‡jv d‡ib wgwbw÷ª‡Z ‰e‡`wkK wgkb¸‡jv‡Z LiP Kivi Rb¨ hLb wmGI/d‡ib Kvh©vjq
n‡Z UvKv †iwgU Kiv nq|
G B †iwgU K iv wK LiP K iv bvwK d vÛ Uªv Ýd vi ? GUv transitional dvÛ UªvÝdvi, KviY GB UvKv

LiP bv Kiv ch©šÍ revenue ev capital †KvbUvi g‡a¨B Avm‡e bv| Z‡e d‡ib wgk‡b UvKv cvVv‡bvi mgq
AvMvgx wZb gv‡mi A‡_©i Pvwn`v assess Kiv nq| Ges we‡`‡k †Kvb mvicøvm dvÛ _vK‡j †iwgU¨vÝ cvVv‡bv
nq bv|
B‡Zvg‡a¨ wmGI/d‡ib G¨v‡dqvm©, wmGI/‡ivWm& GÛ nvBI‡qR, wmGI/IqvK©m&, wmGI/GjwRwW,
G‡`i GKvD›Um& wiwfD Kivi Rb¨ mswkøó AwWU Awa`߇ii gnvcwiPvjK‡K `vwqZ¡ †`qv n‡q‡Q| (The
accounts review is not a part of audit. GUv n‡”Q wmwRG Gi GKvD›Um& AwWU Awa`ßi KZ„©K wiwfD
Kiv)| †iwgU¨vÝ cwRkb, †P‡Ki cwRkb, AvDU÷¨vwÛs †P‡Ki cwRkb, e¨‡qi sanction hvPvB, cÖf…wZ wiwfD
Ki‡Z n‡e|
D`vniY¯^iƒct †Kvb wgk‡b †Kvb gv‡mi LiP hw` 500 UvKv nq, Zvn‡j †h‡nZz H wgk‡b UvKv †bB
ZvB Li‡Pi Av‡M †mLv‡b UvKv †iwgU Ki‡Z n‡e| GUv‡K ejv hvq shifting of exchequer| A_©vr
†UªRvwi move Ki‡e wmwRGÕi A_wiwU wb‡q| ‘UvK v †iwgU K iv n‡e ’ Gi A_© UvKv LiP Kiv bq, GB
†iwgU¨vÝ cvVv‡bv gv‡b ev‡RU LiP Kiv bq eis K¨vk P‡j hvIqv, d‡j miKv‡ii K¨vk K‡g hv‡e|
Generally, K¨vk K‡g revenue-†Z LiP n‡j, wKš‘ GUv LiP nqwb ZvB GUv †evSv‡bvi Rb¨ G‡K
separately ivL‡Z n‡e hv‡Z †iwgU¨v‡Ýi wnmve †evSv hvq| Gi accounting n‡e K¨v‡k †b‡MwUf †d¬v Ges
†iwgU¨v‡Ý cwRwUf †d¬v| Gevi G¨v‡¤^wm/wgkb UvKv LiP K‡i K¨vk GKvD›U cvVv‡e wmGI-‡Z|
wgk b †K b K ¨vk G KvD ›U e‡j Monthly Account e‡j bv †K b ? KviY †mLv‡b †h K¨vk †cÖiY Kiv

n‡qwQj wgkb Zvi K¨vk GKvD›Um& iv‡L| K¨vk LiP n‡j ‡i‡fb¨y G·‡cwÛPv‡i book n‡e| K¨vk †eRW
GKvDw›Us-G double entry Av‡Q wKš‘ accrual entry †bB| Avevi government accounting †K ejv
nq single entry wm‡÷g, hw`I GUv by definition mwVK Z‡e by practice GUv double entry
wm‡÷g (double entry wm‡÷g n‡jv GKwU Kw¤úª‡nwÝf wm‡÷g hvi g‡a¨ assets, liabilities BZ¨vw`i
wnmveI _v‡K; wKš‘ hw` ïaygvÎ entry’i wfwˇZ wba©vwiZ nq Z‡e government accounting-I double
entry wm‡÷g)| K¨vk GKvD›U Avmvi ci †i‡fb¨y G·‡cwÛPvi G cwRwUf †d¬v n‡e Ges †iwgU¨v‡Ý †b‡MwUf
†d¬v n‡e| wgk‡b †iwgU¨v‡Ýi †h e¨vjvÝ Aewkó _vK‡e Zv K¨v‡ki mgZzj¨ (G Kvi‡Y wgkb AwW‡Ui mgq
†iwgU¨v‡Ýi e¨vjvÝ Gi mv‡_ K¨vk-e¨vjvÝ wgwj‡q †`L‡Z n‡e)| d‡j K¨vk GKvD‡›U †h LiP †`Lv‡bv n‡q‡Q
†mUv Consolidated Fund-G PvR© Kiv n‡e| G¨v‡¤^wm †Kvb Avq Ki‡j †mUv K¨vk GKvD‡›U AšÍf©~³ n‡e|

Page 64 of 196
Historically, dvÛ Kb‡mÞ wQj bv A_©vr Consolidated Fund Ges Public Account wQj
bv, GLb accounting Gi mv‡_ dvÛ linked Kiv n‡q‡Q| ZvB ev‡RU Ges GKvDw›Us GLb CF Ges PA
†Kw›`ªK n‡e Z‡e CF Ges PA Gi g‡a¨ GLb accounting Gi wWwfkb¸‡jv _vK‡e (†i‡fb¨y, K¨vwcUvj,
†WU, wW‡cvwRU, †iwgU¨vÝ I K¨vk)| Zvn‡j †h‡nZz ev‡RU GKwU †d¬v, ZvB ev‡R‡Ui g‡a¨ me wWwfkbB †d¬v,
GgbwK K¨vkI †d¬v| KviY U¨v· †c‡j †i‡fb¨y evo‡e, K¨vk e„w× cv‡e, Avevi G·‡cwÛPvi Ki‡j †i‡fb¨y n«vm
cv‡e, ev K¨vk n«vm cv‡e| cÖwf‡W›U dv‡Û wW‡cvwRU ivL‡j wW‡cvwRU e„w× cv‡e, wKš‘ K¨vk e„w × cv‡e bv KviY,
cÖwf‡W›U dvÛ KLbI K¨vk-G wW‡cvwRU Kiv nq bv - wej ‡_‡K deduction Kiv nq| ZvB cÖwf‡W›U dv‡Ûi
decuction K¨vk-G impact K‡i bv| wW‡cvwRU evo‡e Ges †i‡fb¨y G·‡cwÛPv‡ii g‡a¨ GUv mxgve×
_vK‡e| gv‡K©›UvBj GKvDw›Us Gi sense G double entry bv _vK‡jI government accounting G
narrower sense-G double entry wm‡÷g Av‡Q| G Rb¨ gv‡K©›UvBj GKvDw›Us Gi context-G
government accounting wm‡÷g‡K ejv nq single entry wm‡÷g| ZvB wbixÿvKv‡j Avgv‡`i †Lqvj
ivL‡Z n‡e transaction-G Wej B‡d± (double effect) Av‡Q wKbv| KviY Wej B‡d± _vK‡j integrity
check n‡e, accounting-Gi integrity check n‡q hv‡e|
AvwU©‡Kj 84-G CF Ges PA †Z Bb‡d¬v Gi K_v ejv n‡q‡Q| AvDU‡d¬v Gi K_v ejv n‡q‡Q
Annual Financial Statement (AFS) m¤úwK©Z AvwU©‡Kj 87 G where financial procedures are
described in our constitution. Consolidated Fund †_‡K Appropriation Act-Gi gva¨‡g
AvDU‡d¬v n‡e (AvwU©‡Kj 90 `ªóe¨)| PA †Z Rgv n‡e e¨vswKs wm‡÷‡gi gva¨‡g, mswkøó AvBb/wewa Abymv‡i|
Ges PA n‡Z AvDU‡d¬v ev withdrawal-Gi cÖwmwWDiI H AvB‡bB ejv _vK‡e| AwWUi wn‡m‡e GUv
Avgv‡`i †`L‡Z n‡e| D`vniY¯^iƒc ejv hvq, wRwcGd AvBb Av‡Q Ges G mswkøó iæjm& Av‡Q| GB iæjm&
Abyhvqx wRwcGd-Gi wW‡cvwRU Bb‡d¬v n‡e, Avevi GKBfv‡e H iæjm& Abyhvqx wW‡cvwRU n«vm cv‡e| wKš‘
PA Gi Rb¨ cvj©v‡g‡›Ui ‡fvU `iKvi n‡e bv KviY GUv Consolidated Fund †_‡K AvDU‡d¬v bq| PA
†_‡K A_© D‡Ëvjb ev withdraw Ki‡Z †M‡j Av‡M PA †Z cÖ‡qvRbxq A_© Rgv _vK‡Z n‡e| A_© D‡Ëvj‡bi
c~‡e© †`L‡Z n‡e PA †Z e¨vjvÝ Av‡Q wKbv|
wmGI/d‡ib KZ©„K cÖwZwU G¨v‡¤^wmi ev‡RU cÖvwß, wi-G¨v‡cÖvwcÖ‡qkb, accounts for Gi figure,
e¨vjv‡Ýi †iwR÷vi wRGdAvi Abyhvqx maintain Ki‡Z n‡e| GKBmv‡_ †iwgU¨v‡Ýi †iwR÷viI maintain
Ki‡Z n‡e| Ges wmGI‡`i Kg©KvÛ mswkøó AwWU Awa`߇ii DG wiwfD Ki‡e Ges GUv n‡e precursor to
the risk analysis|
Consolidated Fund †_‡K appropriation Qvov UvKv D‡Ëvjb Kiv hv‡e bv, GgbwK debt
repayment Gi welqI Appropriation Act-G _vK‡e (wKš‘ GUv PvR©W wn‡m‡e _vK‡e)| GKvi‡Y

Page 65 of 196
Appropriation Act-Gi AvÛv‡i ‡h wmwWDj Av‡Q †mLv‡b ev‡R‡Ui †P‡qI †ekx A_© †`Lv‡bv _v‡K KviY
debt repayment-I wmwWD‡ji g‡a¨ †`Lv‡bv n‡q _v‡K| Avgv‡`i constitution Abyhvqx cvewjK
borrowing Gi Rb¨ AvBb _vKv DwPr| wKš‘ Avgv‡`i †`‡k Public Debt Act wb‡q Lye GKUv Avjvc-
Av‡jvPbv nqbv| GUv Avgiv AwWU AeRvi‡fk‡b Avb‡Z cvwi, Mf‡g©›U‡K mv‡RkÝ w`‡Z cvwi|
‡iwgU¨vÝ PA †Z ivLv n‡q‡Q GKwU artery wn‡m‡e| GUvi implication Av‡Mi †_‡K GLb
A‡bKUv K‡g wM‡q‡Q| Av‡M †UªRvwi¸‡jv UvKv (K¨vk) ivL‡Zv, wWw÷ª± †UªRvwi‡Z UvKv _vK‡Zv| ZLb †UªRvwi
†_‡K ‡UªRvwi‡Z †h vehicle w`‡q UvKv cvVv‡bv n‡Zv Zvi bvg †iwgU¨vÝ| D`vniY¯^iƒct PÆMÖvg †UªRvwi hw`
Lyjbv †UªRvwi‡Z UvKv cvVvq Zvn‡jt
PÆMÖvg †UªRvwi †Z Lyjbv †UªRvwi ‡Z
K¨vk (gvBbvm) K¨vk (cøvm)
†iwgU¨vÝ (cøvm) ‡iwgU¨vÝ (gvBbvm)
A_©vr PÆMÖvg †UªRvwi‡Z K¨vk n«vm †c‡q Lyjbv †UªRvwi‡Z K¨vk e„w× cv‡e Ges PÆMÖvg †UªRvwi‡Z †iwgU¨vÝ e„w×
‡c‡q Lyjbv †UªRvwi‡Z n«vm cv‡e| Avevi GKvD›Um& centrally P‡j Avm‡j G`y‡Uv ci¯úi cancel n‡q †hZ|
G Rb¨ †iwgU¨vÝ should be nil at the end of the period| GUv‡K adjustment head-I ejv nq|
‡UªRvwi Uz †UªRvwi transfer QvovI †iwgU¨vÝ Defence, Rail Avi Civil GKvD›Um& Gi g‡a¨ transfer-Gi
†ÿ‡ÎI e¨eüZ nq|
BK‡bvwg÷‡`i Uv‡g© ev‡RU n‡”Q ex-ante †hUv fiscal year ïiæi mv‡_ mv‡_ execution ïiæ
n‡e| Avi execution nIqvi mv‡_ mv‡_B ex-post n‡q hv‡e| ev‡R‡Ui ex-post †iKwW©s n‡jv accounts
†hLv‡b same structure _vK‡e| 1 RyjvB n‡ZB ev‡RU Ges GKvD›Um& Dfq RvqMvq †iKW© n‡e Ges 30
Ry‡b †kl n‡e| †hUv‡K ejv n‡e Final Accounts| Gi ci wKQz adjustments Kiv hv‡e wKš‘ †Kvb K¨vk
touch Kiv hv‡e bv ev e¨q Kiv hv‡e bv| ciewZ© 2/3 gvm GKvD›Um& Gi g‡a¨ adjustments/corrections
Gw›Uª Ki‡Z cvi‡e journal w`‡q, wKš‘ †Kvb K¨vk transaction n‡e bv ev K¨vk touch Kiv hv‡ebv|
Adjustment-Gi ci ˆZix n‡e Ryb dvBbvj|
AvwU©‡Kj 84 G loan raise-Gi K_v ejv n‡q‡Q| Loan raised n‡j Consolidated Fund-Gi
AšÍf©~³ n‡e| Mf‡g©›U †UªRvwi wej-eÛ Bm¨yi gva¨‡g loan raise K‡i _v‡K| GQvovI external
borrowing Av‡Q, suppliers’ credit Av‡Q, G me wKQzB CF-G hv‡e| Domestically, wKQz †UªRvwi eÛ
Av‡Q G¸‡jvI CF-G hv‡e| wKš‘ Saving Certificates G i g va¨‡g †jvb wb‡j †m Uv PA-†Z hv‡”Q, †K b ?
B`vwbs †`Lv hv‡”Q miKv‡ii ‡WwdwmU dvBbvwÝs loan raised w`‡q bv n‡q wW‡cvwRU w`‡q †ekx n‡”Q, †hUv
my¯’Zvi jÿY bq| GUv PA †Z _vK‡e KviY the objective of the Saving Certificates is not to

Page 66 of 196
raise loans rather to provide cushion for small savers. hLb Saving Certificates Pvjy n‡q‡Q
ZLb e¨vswKs wm‡÷‡g wd·W wW‡cvwRU (FD) wQj bv, d‡j poor saver-†`i Rb¨ GwU Pvjy Kiv nq,
deficit financing Gi Rb¨ bq| Avkv wQj Mixe‡`i Rb¨ GUv GKUv safety net-wnmv‡e KvR Ki‡e| wKš‘
eZ©gv‡b ÷vwW‡Z †`Lv †M‡Q Saving Certificates ‡nvìvi‡`i g‡a¨ more than eighty percent are
rich people|
Ex-ante ‡Z KZ UvKv debt wb‡Z n‡e Zv cvj©v‡g›U KZ©„K approve Kiv DwPr| ZvB loan raised
n‡Z n‡e planned loan. The loans from Saving Certificates are not planned loans. It is an
automatic mechanism and it cannot be a part of the Consolidated Fund. Ges GLv‡b †h‡nZz
K¨vwcs Kiv †bB ZvB miKv‡ii wbqš¿YI †bB| GUv debt-Gi philosophy-†Z cover K‡i bv| Loan
raise Kivi mgq †Póv Kiv nq B›Uv‡i÷ †iU Kg ivLvi Rb¨, †hUv Consolidated Fund Gi Kb‡m‡Þi
mv‡_I fit K‡i| wKš‘ Saving Certificate-Gi B›Uv‡i÷ †iU AZ¨šÍ D”Pnv‡i wd·W hv loan raise Kivi
philosophy-i mv‡_ †egvbvb|
Ex-ante A_©vr ev‡RU Ges ex-post A_©vr GKvD›Um& DfqB †d¬v| GLb hw` miKv‡ii monthly
GKvD›Um& Gi K_v ejv nq hv Fiscal Accounts bv‡g cwiwPZ Zvn‡j monthly GKvD›Um&I †d¬v-
GKvD›Um&| Month-Gi mv‡_ month †hvM Ki‡jB 12 gv‡mi GKxf~Z annual accounts cvIqv hvq|
wmwRG, wmwRwWGd, Ges GwWwR (A_©) †h monthly GKvD›Um& Gi figure ˆZix Ki‡Q Zv pre-audit ev
pre-check K‡i Zvici Avm‡Q| KviY, treasury is converted to accounts offices| GUv better
improvement, KviY wmwfj GKvD›Um& mv‡K©‡j †UªRvwi n‡Z GLb Avi initial GKvD›Um& ˆZix nqbv,
GKvD›Um& Awd‡m initial GKvD›Um& ˆZix nq after passing the bills by pre-checking (which you
call pre-audit)| Av‡M wcÖ-AwWU wQj ïaygvÎ presidency’i GLb †hUv extend K‡i Dc‡Rjv ch©šÍ †bqv
n‡q‡Q| Same way-‡Z wmwRwWGd I †ijI‡q-†ZI wcÖ-AwWU Pvjy i‡q‡Q|
Avi wmwfj GKvD›Um& mv‡K©‡j †h Awdm¸‡jv wcÖ-AwW‡Ui AvIZvq †bB, ‡mLv‡b initial GKvD›Um&
ˆZix Ki‡Q wWcvU©‡g›U¸‡jv| wKš‘ GB wWcvU©‡g›U¸‡jvi GKvD›Um& KgcvB‡jk‡bi Av‡M wnmveiÿY Awd‡m
GKUv †cv÷-‡PK jvM‡e, hv eZ©gv‡b missing| wmGI Zvi GKvD›Um& †bqvi Av‡M †`L‡e †h, sanction wVK
Av‡Q wKbv, delegation wVK Av‡Q wKbv| ‡mLvb †_‡K wmGI c‡q›U †iBR K‡i AwWU‡K feed Ki‡e|
K¤^vBÛ AwWU GÛ GKvD›Um& hLb AG (Works & WAPDA) Gi Dci b¨v¯Í wQj ZLb Divisional
Accountants (DA) ‡`i ‡K ivLv n‡qwQj implant wn‡m‡e| He has got a very critical role to
play. He worked on behalf of the executives as well as the accountants and audiors.
CPW-A ‡Kv‡W ejv n‡q‡Q †h, DA ‡Kvb c‡q›U †iBR Ki‡j wbw`©ó d‡g© †m Zv AG-†K Rvbv‡e|

Page 67 of 196
wK š‘ eZ ©g v‡b DA-iv K v‡K wi‡c vU© K i‡e? AwW U †K bv G K vD ›Um& †K ? Avgvi g‡Z GKvD›Um& ‡K Kiv

DwPr (with a copy to audit), KviY GKvD›Um& †K fvDPvi †`L‡Z n‡e| cieZ©x‡Z AwWUi hLb AwWU
Ki‡e ZLb G¸‡jv AwWU evidence wn‡m‡e wb‡q KvR Ki‡e| G‡Z AwW‡Ui K÷ low (Kg) n‡e| AG
(civil) Gi wcÖ-AwWU dvskbUv wQj statutory| GB Rb¨ AwWUi †Rbv‡ij wcÖ-AwWU n‡q‡Q e‡j straight
(‡mvRvmywR) Appropriation Accounts †cÖwm‡W‡›Ui Kv‡Q submit K‡i w`Z to lay it before the
Without going into details Avgiv ejwQ GKvDw›Us dvskÝ separated _vK‡e| H GKvDw›Us
†Wv‡gBb‡K authority w`‡Z n‡e| they will pre-check as their internal control assurance |
wKš‘ Avgvi (AwWUi †Rbv‡i‡ji) †cv÷-AwWU GKvD›Um& Awdm wfwRU Ki‡e wi¯‹ identify Kivi Rb¨,
G‡·wKDwU‡fi Kv‡Q hvevi Rb¨| Pre-audit before expenditure and compilation QvovI Avi GKwU
wcÖ-AwWU Av‡Q ‡hUv concurrent AwWU, ‡hUv ‘outside the treasury’ Gi Rb¨ †ekx cÖ‡hvR¨| `y/GKwU
RvqMvq Aek¨ GUv †UªRvwi wm‡÷‡gi g‡a¨ concurrent AwWU Av‡Q, †hgbt Kv÷gm&|
Avgiv GLb mostly emphasize Ki‡ev wcÖ-AwWU before expenditure| GUv c~e© n‡ZB wW‡dÝ
I †ijI‡q‡Z Av‡Q Avi by evolution wmwfj GKvD›U‡m cÖPjb n‡q‡Q| GUv‡K †÷ªs‡`b Ki‡j internal
control assurance AviI richer n‡e| Gici †cv÷-AwWU wb‡q ILv‡b hv‡ev after compilation|
Z‡e before compilation-G hviv wcÖ-‡PK K‡i‡Q ZvivI AwWU‡K input w`‡e| ‡cv÷-AwW‡Ui wi¯‹
analysis Ges AwWU cøvb ˆZix Kivi Rb¨ GKvD›U‡K wiwfD Ki‡ev| AwWU wi¯‹ identify K‡i Zvi wfwˇZ
†Kvb& †Kvb& RvqMvq Avwg AwWU Ki‡ev †mUv wba©viY Ki‡ev|
ïaygvÎ 12 gv‡mi monthly GKvD›Um& †hvM K‡i annual GKvD›Um& ˆZix Kivi bvg dvBbvÝ
GKvD›Um& bq| cÖwZ gv‡mi monthly GKvD›Um& Gi bvg Fiscal Accounts| 12 gv‡mi monthly
GKvD›Um& †hvM Kivi ci Gi bvg annual GKvD›Um& (in narrower sense) but dvBbvÝ GKvD›Um& bq|
‡d¬v GKvD›Um& Gi eo limitation n‡jv it does not take into account the asset and liability
positions. It only shows the flow of expenditure, debt and any other flow. It does not
give any picture of asset-liability position. Asset/liability n‡”Q ÷K| †d¬v-GKvD›Um& G¸‡jvi
increase/decrease Gi Z_¨ w`‡”Q wKš‘ cÖK…Z asset/liability Gi ÷K w`‡”Q bv| K¨v‡ki cwRkb w`‡”Q
bv ïay K¨v‡ki movement w`‡”Q| A_©vr monthly GKvD›Um& G ïaygvÎ asset/ liability Gi increase /
decrease Av‡Q|
wKš‘ public accountibility’i Ask wn‡m‡e miKv‡ii asset/liability’ i cwRkb Rvbv Riæix|
cvewjK money’i mwVK e¨envi n‡”Q wKbv GUv Rvbvi Rb¨ asset/liability’ i cwRkb Rvbv DwPr|

Page 68 of 196
Asset Avevi `yB cÖKvi (visit the website of IFAC: there are some good study reports on
asset-liability)| asset/liability’ i cwRkb Rvbv‡bvi `vwqZ¡ PFMGi| PFMGi GKUv cwRkb
(wmwRG) GUv Rvbv‡e Ges Ab¨ GKUv cwRkb (AwWUi †Rbv‡ij) oversight G‡RwÝ wn‡m‡e GUv evaluate
K‡i cvewjK‡K assure Ki‡e ‡h, c~‡e©i cwRkb (wmwRG) wVKg‡Zv behave Ki‡Q wKbv| This is the
philosophy of PFM – Gfv‡eB PFM mvB‡Kj cwiPvwjZ nq|
evsjv‡`‡ki GKvDw›Us ev ev‡RU n‡”Q dvÛ †eRW Ges K¨vk †eRW| Z‡e K¨vk ej‡Z pure K¨vk
bq, modification Av‡Q| †hgbt cÖwf‡W›U dvÛ hLb †W‡cvwR‡U †µwWU n‡”Q, ZLb K¨vk QvovI revenue
†_‡K LiP n‡”Q| d‡j †evSv hv‡”Q GB K¨vk accountant-Gi K¨vk bq, GUv Ab¨ ai‡bi K¨vk, GUv Ab¨
ai‡bi modification| GgbwK GUv Kgvwk©qvj Iqv‡ì©i modification bq| hLb †eZb wej †`qv nq
(‡PK †`qvi †ÿ‡Î) ZLb GB transaction †iwgU¨vÝ-G wnU K‡i (EFT19-Gi †ÿ‡Î mivmwi K¨vk) K¨v‡k
wnU K‡i bv|
hLb †Kvb advance ‡`qv n‡”Q wnmveiÿY Kvh©vjq n‡Z ZLb †mUv Li‡Pi wn‡m‡e eywKs †`qv n‡”Q|
wK š‘ †mLv‡b hw` †K vb unspent money _v‡K Z Lb †mUv wK n‡e? (`k©K mvwi‡Z Dcweó R‰bK Kg©KZ©vi

cÖkœ|) Advance cÖ`vb Kiv n‡j revenue expenditure-G eyK Ki‡Z n‡e| hw`I A‡b‡K PA-†Z eyK
Kivi K_v e‡j which is very dangerous| ZLb †`Lv hv‡e PA-†Z eywKs K‡i LiP n‡q hv‡”Q Avi
ev‡RU Ab¨ RvqMvq LiP n‡q hv‡”Q| GBRb¨ wRGdAvi Abyhvqx advance dvBbvj †nW G eyK n‡e Avi
K¨vk P‡j hv‡e| GRb¨ mvewmwWqvwi †iwR÷v‡i †bvU ivL‡Z n‡e ‡h GB advance fvDPvi adjustment
nqwb| Avgiv grants-in-aid Gi K_v ejwQ bv, Avgiv core expenditure Gi K_v ejwQ|
Adjustment mvaviYZt fvDPvi mn nq Z‡e Zv mgqg‡Zv n‡”Q wKbv AwWU K‡i Zv †`Lv DwPr|
hw` adjustment fvDPvi advance Gi †_‡K Kg nq Z‡e †m‡ÿ‡Î AwZwi³ M„nxZ A_© †UªRvwi Pvjv‡b Rgv
w`‡Z n‡e, non-tax revenue (NTR) wn‡m‡e Avgiv accept Kwi| hw` advance Gi A_© †diZ ‡`qv bv
nq Avi Zv c‡o _v‡K Z‡e †mUv AviI dangerous| G¸‡jvB AwW‡Ui AvIZvq Avm‡Z n‡e| wfbœ
dimension G Appropriation Act a‡i ejv hvq †h AvB‡bi e¨Z¨q n‡”Q| G¸‡jv Zz‡j ai‡j ax‡i ax‡i
wm‡÷g improve Ki‡e| Advance ‡`qv n‡”Q expenditure Gi wecix‡Z, ZvB PA†Z Zv ivLv n‡j †mUv
irregularity| KviY PA†Z e¨vjvÝ bv _vK‡j advance ‡Kv_v ‡_‡K †`qv n‡e| Bg‡cÖ÷ -GKUv wfbœ

EFT – Electronic Fund Transfers are electronic transfers of money from one bank account to other via
computer based system without the direct intervention of bank stuffs.

Page 69 of 196
D`vniY¯^iƒct 100 UvKv advance ‡`qv n‡j †mUv Consolidated Fund (CF)G eyK n‡e
dvBbvj †nW-G | Ges K¨vk n‡Z 100 UvKv P‡j hv‡e| hw` 80 UvKvi fvDPvi †diZ †`qv nq Zvn‡j eZ©gvb
cÖvKwUm& Abyhvqx 20 UvKv TR Kiv n‡”Q| Z‡e wbqg n‡jv 80 UvKv dvBbvj adjustment †`qv Ges evKx
20 UvKv deduct expenditure †nW-G eyK Kiv| d‡j GLb TR G Rgv †`qvi †h cÖvKwUm& n‡”Q Zv‡Z K‡i
LiP bv K‡iI 100 UvKv LiP †`Lv‡bv n‡”Q Ges 20 UvKv‡K NTR evbv‡bv n‡”Q | d‡j CF G revenue
receipt djm& n‡q hv‡”Q, G·‡cwÛPvi wrong n‡q hv‡”Q, cvj©v‡g›U‡K fzj Z_¨ †`qv n‡”Q| ZvB
Appropriation Audit-G G¸‡jv reflect Ki‡Z n‡e| cÖv_wgKfv‡e G¸‡jv Zz‡j ai‡Z n‡e Mf‡g©›U‡K
sensitize Kivi Rb¨| New classification-G GUvi mgvavb Kiv n‡q‡Q| Z‡e cÖvKwUm n‡”Q wKbv †mUv
†`Lv AwW‡Ui `vwqZ¡|
Bg‡cÖ÷ Ges cvigv‡b›U advance ‡Kvb G·‡cwÛPvi sanction-Gi against-G bq, G¸‡jv
petty G·‡cwÛPv‡ii Rb¨ †`qv, Z‡e Avwg©Õi †ÿ‡Î petty G·‡cwÛPvi bq - war wm‡÷g GKvDw›Us Gi Rb¨
| mvgwiK evwnbxi †ÿ‡ÎI iBAS wm‡÷g introduce Ki‡Z cvi‡j war wm‡÷g automatically P‡j
hv‡e| Bg‡cÖ÷ PA†Z hv‡e wKš‘ hvIqvUv appropriate n‡”Q bv| KviY eZ©gv‡b e¨vswKs wm‡÷g A‡bK
improve K‡i‡Q| iBAS++ ev IFMIS wm‡÷g introduce Ki‡Z cvi‡j war wm‡÷g n‡Z m‡i Avmv
m¤¢eci n‡e|
12 gv‡mi †UvUvj GKvD›Um& Gi bvg dvBbvÝ GKvD›U bq| Finance Accounts means
something more| wnw÷ª n‡jv miKv‡ii asset Ges liability cwRkb Rvbv‡bv GKvD›Um& Gi `vwqZ¡| Avi
AwW‡Ui `vwqZ¡ GUv wiwfD Kiv, certify Kiv, asset Gi cwRkb †fwidvB Kiv| wKš‘ GB `vwqZ¡ cvjb Ki‡Z
†M‡j GUv‡K (GKvD›Um&†K) K¨vk †eRW ivLv hv‡e bv| GUv‡K accrual †eRW bv Ki‡j asset Ges
liability cwRkb Rvbv hv‡e bv|
Accrual ‡eRW Gi cÖ_g ˆewkó¨ n‡jv GUv balance maintain K‡i| cÖwZwU asset Gi
beginning e¨vjvÝ _vK‡e, monthly accounts n‡Z increase/decrease Gi Z_¨ cvIqv hv‡e|
liability’i †ÿ‡ÎI me©‡kl closing balance KZ, K¨v‡ki †ÿ‡ÎI beginning balance Ges cash
management then closing balance KZ cÖf…wZ _vK‡e| Balance means stock| wKš‘ Avgv‡`i
GKvDw›Us wm‡÷g handicapped n‡q Av‡Q, GKvi‡Y GUv e¨vjvÝ †`Lv‡Z cv‡i bv|
Asset `yB ai‡bi t physical assets Ges financial assets| Physical asset Gi bvg fixed
asset bq| Physical asset n‡jv †h¸‡jv physically †`Lv hvq, furniture, machines, buildings –
these are physical assets (tangible assets-I ejv hvq)| ÷K, Bb‡f›Uwi G¸‡jv meB physical
assets (Z‡e Kgvwk©qvj Iqv‡ì© Bb‡f›Uwi wd·W asset bq)| evsjv‡`k miKvi †h‡nZz K¨vk †eRW

Page 70 of 196
GKvDw›Us maintain K‡i ZvB physical assets Gi GKvDw›Us Ki‡Z cv‡ibv| A_P evsjv‡`k miKv‡ii
use of physical assets ‡`Lv AwW‡Ui `vwqZ¡, GKvD›Um& GiI `vwqZ¡, G‡·wKDwUf GiI `vwqZ¡, hv‡Z
unnecessary UvKv eøK n‡q bv _v‡K| Non-usable asset hv‡Z c‡o bv _v‡K ZvB G¸‡jv write-off
Kiv DwPr| GKvi‡Y physical assetGiI GKvD›Um& _vKv DwPr| wKš‘ GUv Ki‡Z †M‡j Avgv‡`i GKvDw›Us
†ewmm change Ki‡Z n‡e| GUv K¨vk †eRW ivLv hv‡e bv, accrual †eRW mercantile GKvDw›Us Ki‡Z
n‡e| Wvej Gw›Uª wm‡÷g full blown Ki‡Z n‡e| ‡h‡nZz Avgiv AvcvZZ K¨vk †eRW GKvDw›Us G AvwQ
(Wvej Gw›Uª inside-G n‡”Q) †m‡nZz Avgiv physical asset-Gi GKvDw›Us Ki‡Z cvi‡ev bv| wKš‘
financial asset-Gi GKvDw›Us Ki‡Z cvi‡ev|
wK fv‡e G K vD w›Us K i‡Z cvi‡ev? cvi‡ev! KviY KZ debt †bqv n‡q‡Q †mUv wn‡me Kiv hv‡e, debt

KZ repayment n‡q‡Q †mUvI cvIqv hv‡e, cÖ_g eQi opening balance of debt KZ wQj Zv cvIqv
hv‡e| †d¬v Ges I‡cwbs ÷‡Ki mgš^‡q eQi †k‡l debt Gi ÷K cvIqv hv‡e †hUv digvj †jRvi wm‡÷g
†_‡K †bqv bq eis †iKW© †_‡K †bqv n‡”Q|

Flow (net) + Opening Stock = Closing Stock

same way ‡Z cÖwf‡W›U dv‡Ûi e¨vjvÝ wbY©q Kiv hvq| d‡j miKv‡ii GKvD›U K¨vk †eRW n‡jI
financial asset cwRkb †ei Kiv m¤¢e| hviv Finance Accounts Gi dig¨vU wb‡q KvR Ki‡Q Zviv
G¸‡jv wiwfD Ki‡e| Finance Accounts Gi dig¨vU wb‡q KvR Ki‡Z n‡e, [G‡K AviI Dc‡hvMx Ki‡Z]
12wU monthly GKvD›Um& GKmv‡_ †hvM K‡i Zvi mv‡_ wKQz extra information ‡hvM Ki‡Z n‡e (in a
form of an Annexure or Schedule) †hgbt Treasury Bond-Gi wmwWDj, Treasury Bill-Gi
wmwWDj hvi g‡a¨ _vK‡e Opening Balance, particular eQ‡ii †d¬v Ges Closing Balance| Gfv‡e
Saving Certificate, cÖwf‡W›U dvÛ BZ¨vw`i Rb¨ wmwWDj _vK‡e| GgbwK †iwgU¨v‡Ýi Rb¨I _vK‡e hw`
†iwgU¨vÝ †nW nil bv nq (hw`I Zv nil nIqvi K_v)|
hw` †iwgU¨vÝ †nW nil bv nq †m‡ÿ‡Î wmwRG indentify K‡i w`‡e †h, †iwgU¨v‡Ýi †Kv_vq †Kv_vq
adjustment nqwb, Avi AwWU †m¸‡jv wiwfD K‡i w`‡e| wmGI cÖwf‡W›U dv‡Ûi aggregate e¨vjvÝ w`‡e
(opening balance +(inflow – outflow)= closing balance)| AwWU wM‡q †`L‡e †UvUvj cÖwf‡W›U
dv‡Ûi aggregate e¨vjv‡Ýi mv‡_ ledger-G wgj Av‡Q wKbv| ‡h‡nZz ledger GLb automated n‡q
hv‡”Q Ges wmGI/‡cbkb I dvÛ-G cÖwf‡W›U dv‡Ûi ‡jRvi centrally ivLv hvq, d‡j AwWU K÷ K‡g
hv‡e| d‡j AwWUi‡K Avi Dc‡Rjv †j‡f‡j cÖwf‡W›U dv‡Ûi e¨vjvÝ LyuR‡Z n‡e bv|

Page 71 of 196
K¨v‡ki Rb¨I GKUv wmwWDj _vK‡e| †hLv‡b _vK‡e opening balance of cash + net flow
(increase/decrease) = closing balance of cash| GUv Avevi evsjv‡`k e¨vs‡K miKv‡ii GKvD›Um&
Gi mv‡_ †gjvi K_v| wK wK Kvi‡Y e¨vjvÝ wgj‡Q bv †mUv AwW‡U D‡V Avm‡Z cv‡i| G¸‡jvB AwWU wi‡cv‡U©
hvIqvi K_v| Fundamental Rules – Bangladesh Service Rules related welq¸‡jv A_©vr
establishment wi‡j‡UW welq¸‡jv †UvUvj ev‡R‡Ui 10-15%; Gi g‡a¨ irregularity Avi KZ n‡Z
cv‡i? Why should we concentrate all our audit resources to those areas? Avi G¸‡jv hw`
wm‡÷g †eRW n‡q hvq Zvn‡j AwWU K÷ Kg n‡e| Employee WvUv‡eR ˆZix n‡q wM‡q‡Q| Fixation
A‡Uv‡g‡UW GbfvBib‡g‡›U n‡”Q| G‡Z K‡i anomaly Ggwb‡ZB K‡g hv‡e, pay-equalization wi‡j‡UW
mgm¨v Avi _vK‡e bv|
Zvn‡j Finance Accounts Gi msÁv n‡jv ‘Finance Accounts is the aggregated
account of the 12 month’s flow accounts, in addition to that all financial asset and
liabilities.’ Gi evB‡i Finance Accounts Gi g‡a¨ physical asset Gi information-I wmwWDj
wn‡m‡e Avmv DwPr| wK š‘ Avm ‡e wK fv‡e? wRGdAvi Abyhvqx DDO-‡K block asset †iwR÷vi ivL‡Z n‡e|
AwWU‡K GUv Av‡¯Í Av‡¯Í impose Ki‡Z n‡e| Asset Gi depreciation bv _vK‡jI asset Gi
aggregate information Gi GKUv wmwWDj (literature type n‡jI) _vK‡Z cv‡i| d‡j Av‡¯Í Av‡¯Í
welqUv sensitize n‡e|
Asset Gi GKvDw›Us †h‡nZz †bB ZvB GUv †jRvi †_‡K Avm‡e bv| mvewmwWqvwi †iKW© †_‡K
G¸‡jv Avm‡e| mvewmwWqvwi †iKW©¸‡jv Av‡¯Í Av‡¯Í improve Kivi e¨e¯’v Ki‡Z n‡e| Appropriation
Accounts wK †d¬v bv ÷ K ? GKvD›Um& †Kvb segmented welq bv, GKvD›Um& ej‡Z GKwU
comprehensive welq †evSvq| m¤ú~Y© wRwbm reflected bv n‡j Zv‡K GKvD›Um& ejv hv‡e bv| d‡j
Finance Accounts GKwU complete GKvD›Um& KviY G‡Z ‡UvUvj †d¬v reflected nq, mv‡_ addition
wn‡m‡e financial asset Ges liability Gi wmwWDjI _v‡K| Appropriation Accounts ÷K bq, ‡d¬v-
I bq, GUv ïay gvÎ Revenue I Capital wWwfk‡bi GKUv †÷U‡g›U| Kv‡RB Appropriation
Account is not an account; rather it is an accountability statement.
What type of accountability does the Appropriation Account state? GUv ïaygvÎ
ev‡RU Ges actual G·‡cwÛPv‡ii Zzjbv K‡i, Gi mv‡_ K¨vk ev Public Account Gi †Kvb m¤úK© †bB|
The term ‘Appropriation Account’ is a misnomer. GUv Avgv‡`i wgmMvBW K‡i‡Q| GUv
weªwUkivB K‡i‡Q| weªwUkiv e‡j †fvU GKvD›U, Avevi A‡b‡K e‡j Accountability Statement|
Appropriation Account Avgiv ˆZix KiwQ (wmwRG ˆZix Ki‡Q GLb) hw`I by law GUv fvM n‡q

Page 72 of 196
wM‡q‡Q| cÖ‡Z¨K wgwbw÷ªÕi †m‡µUvwii signature-G GB GKvD›U ˆZix Ki‡Z n‡e, GUv impose Kiv
n‡q‡Q by law | A_©r Avgiv (Avgv‡`i cvj©‡g›U) wWmvBW K‡iwQ Appropriation Accounts GLb
†mcv‡iU (MÖv›U wfwËK) ˆZix n‡e| Finance Account wK †mcv‡iU (MÖv›U wf wËK ) ˆZ ix n‡e? ‡mUvi wK
†K vb †¯‹vc Av‡Q? Finance Accounts mgMÖ wicvewj‡Ki Rb¨ GKUv MÖv›U wfwËK nIqvi my‡hvM †bB,

Appropriation Account n‡e cÖwZwU MÖv›U wfwËK, votewise Ges Zvi GKUv PAO _vK‡e †h Zv sign
G Lb reform debate n‡j v Appropriation Account ˆZ ix K i‡e †K ? wmGI bv G‡·wKDwUf?

Executive means budget holder –GUv iv‡óªi wZbwU organ-Gi g‡a¨ ‡Kvb G‡·wKDwUf organ bq|
PFM G‡·wKDwUf †mB organ-Gi G‡·wKDwUf bq, GwU ev‡RU †nvìvi| Appropriation Accounts
wnmveiÿY Awdm †_‡K †Rbv‡iU n‡e bvwK G‡·wKDwUf †_‡K †Rbv‡iU n‡e-GUv GKUv wW‡eU| Av‡M wQj
wnmveiÿY Awdm †_‡K †Rbv‡iU Ki‡e wKš‘ reconciled with the executive| wKš‘ G‡Z K‡i
G‡·wKDwUf †÷K wd« †_‡K hv‡”Q| wRGdAvi Abyhvqx G‡·wKDwU‡fi †hmKj mvewmwWqvwi GKvD›Um&
maintain Kivi K_v †m †m¸‡jv maintain Ki‡Q bv| hw` Zvi Kv‡Q †Kvb wi‡cvU© PvIqv nq †mUvI wmGIÕi
KvQ †_‡K wb‡q ‡bq| iæjey‡K cwi®‹vi ejv Av‡Q, G‡·wKDwUf KLbI †UªRvwi (wnmveiÿY Awdm) †_‡K †Kvb
figure wb‡q †mB figure †Kv_vI produce Ki‡Z cvi‡e bv, Zvi own channel †_‡K w`‡Z n‡e|
‡UªRvwii Kbfvikb Uz GKvD›Um& Awdm †hgb a change for betterment n‡q‡Q, †Zgwb human
resources GKmv‡_ †i‡L dvskÝ †mcv‡iU KivI †mB sense G a change for betterment n‡e|
Appropriation Accounts hw` †d¬v -GKvD›Um& bv n‡q _v‡K, accountability statement n‡q _v‡K,
hw` G‡·wKDwUf G·‡cwÛPvi incur K‡i _v‡K, G·‡cwÛPvi sanction K‡i _v‡K, Zvn‡j GUv‡Zv Zvi
(G‡·wKDwU‡fi) GKvD›Um&, Zvi †÷U‡g›U| G Uvi R b¨ wK G K vD ‡›U›U `vqx n‡eb? G Uvi R b¨ wK wmwR GÕi
G K vD w›Us wm‡÷ g `vqx n‡e? ev‡RU excess LiP Ki‡jI G‡·wKDwUfB Zvi Rb¨ `vqx n‡eb| Z‡e

wnmveiÿY Awd‡mi cÖe‡jg n‡jv proper delegation follow bv K‡i sanction w`‡jI †c‡g›U K‡i
w`‡”Q| wKš‘ PPR-PPA d‡jv K‡i g~j LiP incur Kivi `vwqZ¡ Zvi (G‡·wKDwU‡fi)| GFR d‡jv Kiv,
Rules of Business d‡jv Kivi `vwqZ¡ Zvi| Kv‡RB GB †÷U‡g›U †m ˆZix Ki‡Z cv‡i|
Z ‡e †m ‰Z ix K i‡Z †M‡j wK n‡e? cÖ_‡g wb‡`©kbv wQj Appropriation Account wmGI ˆZix

Ki‡e Ges Zvici PAO G‡Z signature Ki‡e| c‡i ev‡RU g¨v‡bR‡g›U G¨v± K‡i Zv cwieZ©b Kiv
n‡q‡Q| GLb AvBbB cÖvavb¨ cv‡e| AvB‡b ejv n‡q‡Q †h, Appropriation Account ˆZix Ki‡e
G‡·wKDwUf P¨v‡b‡j| AvB‡bi 17(1) avivq ejv n‡q‡Q ‡h, G‡·wKDwUf Appropriation Account ˆZix
Ki‡e Ges wnmveiÿY Kvh©vj‡qi mv‡_ Zv reconcile Ki‡e| GLb GFR Abyhvqx wnmve ivLvi Rb¨ wewfbœ

Page 73 of 196
dg© Abyhvqx Zv‡`i wnmve ivL‡Z n‡e| AvB‡bI AvBb GI ej‡Q †h, Zviv Appropriation Account-I
ˆZix Ki‡e Ges reconcile Ki‡e wmGIÕi mv‡_| Gici AwWU observations w`‡e H GKvD›Um& Gi
Dci| AwWU cøvb Ki‡e H GKvD›Um& we‡kølY K‡i, wi¯‹ GbvjvBwmm K‡i|
cÖkœ n‡jv G‡`i (G‡·wKDwU‡fi) Appropriation Account ˆZix Kivi GB K¨vcvwmwU (human
resources) Av‡Q wKbv? Appropriation Account is nothing but aggregated information
from the Budget Execution Module of iBAS++. Budget Execution Module hw` in place
nq Z‡e GUv (AvB‡bi H avivwU) revisit Ki‡Z n‡e| Appropriation Account is nothing but a
reporting format in the Budget Execution Module| wKš‘ Budget Execution Module G
GKvDw›Us gwWD‡ji Bbdi‡gkb (A_©vr KZ †c‡g›U n‡jv ev KZ GKvD›Um& di n‡jv Zvi Z_¨) bv _vKvq GB
`yB gwWD‡ji Z‡_¨i g‡a¨ linkage Ki‡Z n‡e| d‡j Appropriation Account ˆZix Ki‡ev GKvDw›Us
gwWDj †_‡K bq, Budget Execution Module †_‡K| G‡Z K‡i there will be some sort of
compulsion on the executive-GKB mv‡_ wnmveiÿY Awd‡mi mv‡_ wiKbwmwj‡qkbI n‡q hv‡e|
G‡·wKDwUf compulsion G _vK‡e †h, †m Zvi GKvD›Um& wb‡RB ˆZix Ki‡Q| d‡j Avwg (AwWU
wWcvU©‡g›U) hLb AwWU Ki‡Z hve ZLb AwWU‡K accept Kivi tendency evo‡e| G‡Z K‡i GKvDw›Us
†Wv‡gBb Zvi Bw›UwMÖwU mvgvb¨Zg loose Ki‡Q bv| Moreover, accountability framework AviI ÷ªs
n‡e| Budget Execution Module wi-wfwRU K‡i GUv‡K AviI Dc‡hvMx K‡i Zzj‡Z n‡e| AviI GKUv
improvement Gi `iKvi, †mUv n‡jv Appropriation Account Gi bZzb dig¨vU H gwWD‡j w`‡q
†`qv, Avi GKvDw›Us gwWD‡j Finance Accounts Gi dig¨vU w`‡q w`‡Z n‡e|
Gevi MZw`‡bi Av‡jvPbvq wd‡i Avwm, MZw`b Avwg cvj©v‡g‡›Ui cÖwmwWDi e‡jwQjvg| ev‡RU cvk
Kiv n‡jv| ev‡RU cvk gv‡b demand for grants approve Kiv, mv‡_ appropriation bill cvk Kiv,
finance bill cvk Kiv| GKUv n‡jv Finance Division Gi Kv‡Q (appropriation bill) Avi GKUv
n‡jv NBRGi Kv‡Q (finance bill)| NBR Avevi by or under act Gi gva¨‡g SRO Rvwi K‡i
(finance we‡ji g‡a¨) change Ki‡Z cv‡i| AvwU©‡Kj 83 Abyhvqx by or under act Gi gva¨‡g SRO
Rvwi Kiv nq U¨v· lavy or impose Kivi †ÿ‡Î|
GB ev‡RU ZLb G‡·wKDkb gwWD‡j distribute n‡q hvq| wKQz distribute bv n‡q aggregate
_v‡K| ev‡RU hvi Rb¨ †`qv Av‡Q Zvi Lv‡Z LiP n‡q hvq| New classification structure is
different, GUv wfwRU Ki‡Z n‡e| †mLv‡b A‡bK¸‡jv flaw Av‡Q hv ïa‡i †`qv Avgv‡`i `vwqZ¡|
Finance Accounts Gi dig¨vU‡K mvg‡b ‡i‡L classification wfwRU Ki‡Z n‡e|

Page 74 of 196
ev‡RU wewfbœ RvqMvq wWw÷ªweDU Kivi †UKwbK¨vj Uvg© n‡”Q allocation| ev‡RU
reappropriation n‡”Q GKwU wjM¨vj Uvg©| cvjv©‡g‡›Ui †Wwj‡M‡UW ÿgZv Abyhvqx within the grant ev
same vote Gi g‡a¨ delegation of financial power e¨envi K‡i wewfbœ †j‡f‡j reappropriate
Kiv hvq| ZLb ev‡RU as per approval of the demand for grant Gw›Uª †`qv n‡e Budget
Execution Module G| Gici allocation ¸‡jv Gw›Uª n‡e Ges Zvici wewfbœ mg‡q reappropriation
n‡j ZvI GLv‡b Gw›Uª †`qv n‡e|
eQ‡ii †k‡l †Kvb †Kvb RvqMvq ev‡RU †ekx jvM‡Z cv‡i| †Kvb wgwbw÷ªÕi Rb¨ grant A‡cÿv †ekx
ev‡RU jvM‡Z cv‡i| Within the grant _vK‡j wgwbw÷ª grantGi wfZ‡i reappropriate Ki‡Z cvi‡e|
wK š‘ grant †_‡K †ek x n‡j reappropriate K i‡e wK fv‡e? MÖv›U †Zv cvj©v‡g›U KZ©„K approve Kiv nq

(grant-in-aid bq)| Zvn‡j Gi Rb¨ cvj©v‡g‡›Ui Kv‡Q †h‡Z n‡e| cvj ©v‡g‡›Ui K v‡Q hve K Lb-Li‡Pi Av‡M
bv c‡i? Li‡Pi c‡i n‡j †mUv cvjv©‡g›U‡K AeÁv Kivi kvwgj| cvj©v‡g‡›Ui Kv‡Q AwZwi³ MÖv‡›Ui Rb¨

hvIqv nq supplementary grant Gi Rb¨ | GUv `yB Kvi‡Y †bqv nqt (1) supplementary grant Gi
approval wb‡Z nq G·‡cwÛPvi nevi Av‡M (GUv appropriation AwW‡Ui c‡q›U n‡Z cv‡i), G·‡cwÛPvi
MÖv›U A‡cÿv †ekx n‡jB approval wb‡Z n‡e; (2) Avevi wbD G·‡cwÛPvi n‡jI approval wb‡Z n‡e †hUv
Avgv‡`i †`‡k G‡Kev‡iB nqbv| wbD G·‡cwÛPvi MÖv‡›Ui g‡a¨ _vK‡jI approval wb‡Z n‡e| wbD
G·‡cwÛPvi gv‡b wbD cÖ‡R±| G‡ÿ‡Î Avgiv approval ‡bB bv, Avgiv ïay MÖv‡›Ui †P‡q †ekx LiP n‡jB
approval ‡bB| Avm‡j approval ‡bqvi K_v Av‡M, Avgiv c‡i †bB|
‘If in respect of any financial year it is found (a) that the amount authorized to
be expended for a particular service for the current financial year is insufficient or that
a need has risen for expenditure upon some new service not included in the annual
financial statement for that year’ … …(Article 91of our Constitution) wbD mvwf©‡mi Rb¨
supplementary grant †bqv Avgv‡`i KvjPv‡i GLb Avi †bB| ïaygvÎ MÖv›U insufficient n‡j Gi Rb¨
†bqv nq eQ‡ii †k‡l| GB AvwU©‡Kj 91 G AviI ejv Av‡Q ‘the President shall have power to
authorize expenditure from Consolidated Fund whether or not it is charged by or
under the Constitution upon that Fund and shall cause to be laid before Parliament’…
…| ZvB eQ‡ii †k‡l cvk nIqvUv illegal, unconstitutional| BwÛqv‡Z eQ‡i wZb evi
supplementary ev‡RU cvk nq| evsjv‡`‡k supplementary ev‡RU †ck nq eQ‡ii †k‡l, Avgiv c‡ii
eQ‡ii ev‡RU cvk Kivi Av‡Mi w`b supplementary ev‡RU cvk Kwi, wKš‘ B‡Zvg‡a¨ Zv LiP n‡q †M‡Q|

Page 75 of 196
BwÛqvi mv‡_ Avgv‡`i cv_©K¨ n‡jv BwÛqvi Kbw÷wUDk‡b †cÖwm‡W›U‡K Gi g‡a¨ interfere Kivi
ÿgZv †`qv nqwb| w¯úwiU n‡”Q GUv cvj©v‡g‡›Ui absolute cvIqvi| Avgv‡`i Kbw÷wUDkb cvj©v‡g‡›U bv
wM‡qI †cÖwm‡W›U †K ÿgZv w`‡q‡Q LiP Kivi Ges LiP Kivi c‡i GwU cvj©v‡g›U †_‡K Aby‡gv`b Kwi‡q
†bqvi| GiKg †Kvb MÖv›U n‡Z LiP excess n‡j Zv Av‡M †cÖwm‡W‡›Ui Kv‡Q †hZ, GLb Avi hvq bv, A_©
gš¿Yvjq supplementary ev‡RU w`‡q †`q| †cÖwm‡W‡›Ui approval Gi welqUv GLb missing|
Finance Accounts Gi Dci hLb AwWU para raise Kiv nq ZLb G welq¸‡jv tacitly wb‡q Avmv hvq|
Excess grant Gi welqUv Ab¨ iKg| GZÿY supplementary MÖv‡›Ui wel‡q Av‡jvPbv n‡q‡Q
†hLv‡b estimate K‡i LiP Kiv n‡”Q| Excess grant jvM‡Z cv‡i unforeseen / act of god, natural
calamity, emergency cÖf„wZ Kvi‡Y| Avevi misuse of power Kvi‡YI excess grant jvM‡Z cv‡i|
Excess grant LiP n‡q †M‡j Appropriation Accounts G GUv ev‡R‡Ui AwZwi³ †`Lv‡e| GUvi
AwWU K‡i AeRvi‡fkb Avb‡Z n‡e †h MÖv‡›Ui †P‡q LiP †ekx n‡q wM‡q‡Q| Gi Rb¨ e¨vL¨v w`‡Z n‡e-Ges
e¨vL¨v wb‡q AwWU Zvi c‡q›U ˆZix Ki‡e| Emergency Kvi‡Y LiP n‡j AwWU Zv recognize Ki‡e,
misuse n‡j Zv identify Ki‡e| wKš‘ LiP †h n‡jv †mUv‡Z †Zv peoples’ vote †bB, ZvB emergency
Kvi‡Y n‡jI cvj©v‡g‡›Ui Kv‡Q †h‡Z n‡e| GUv supplementary ev‡R‡Ui g‡Zv futuristic bv, GUv G·-
‡cv÷| cvj©v‡g›U GUv excess demand for grant wn‡m‡e cvk Ki‡e| Misuse of power n‡j †mUv
PACi wMÖwjs Gi g‡a¨ _vK‡e wKš‘ LiP cvj©v‡g›U KZ©„K approve n‡q hv‡e| Gi bvg excess grant|
evsjv‡`‡ki BwZnv‡m KLbI †Kvbw`b excess grant cvk nqwb| GUv same year G cvk nq bv,
c‡ii eQi †Kvb GK mgq cvk nq| Works Gi suspense GKvD‡›U GKmgq nvRvi nvRvi †KvwU UvKv Rgv
wQj, †mB suspense wK¬qvi Ki‡Z Finance wgwbw÷ª GKmgq G·Uªv ev‡RU w`‡qwQj| GUv bv K‡i excess
grant approve Ki‡jB n‡Zv| ZvB AvR‡Ki lesson n‡jv financial procedure Gi Kbw÷wUDkbvj
cÖwfkÝ, Finance Accounts Ges Appropriation Accounts Gi food for thought †`qv n‡jv|
‡mB mv‡_ GUvI e‡j ivwL †h, New classifications Gi wel‡q A‡bK KvR Ki‡Z n‡e|

Page 76 of 196
Session: FIVE

Let me start with a very appreciative note. I am very happy ‡h, my›`i GKwU recap
K‡i‡Q| Ô`y-GKUvÕ point miss n‡q‡Q, wKš‘y ¯^vfvweKfv‡e that is not very important. Important
n‡jv welqwU‡K conceptualize Kiv| cy‡iv world ‡K nv‡Zi gy‡Vvq †bqv| The speed of delivery
was a bit first Z‡e GKUz slow n‡j AviI fv‡jv n‡Zv| ¯^vfvweKfv‡e nervousness KvR K‡i| GUv
†Kvb e¨vcvi bv, GiKg Av‡iv A‡bK †cÖ‡R‡›Ukb Ki‡Z n‡e| Z‡e paper mevB‡K individually present
Ki‡Z n‡e| Ges paper ˆZix Kivi mgq †Lqvj ivL‡Z n‡e Gi g‡a¨ cross referencing _vK‡Z n‡e,
bibliography _vK‡Z n‡e| †Kv‡bv wKQz g‡bi Avb‡›` wj‡L †M‡j Zv n‡e bv| †Kvb point even ‡Kvb
reforms Gi Dc‡i hw` stress Kiv nq †mUvI literature-Gi mv‡_ referencing K‡i Z‡_¨i Drm
mwVKfv‡e D‡jøL Ki‡Z n‡e| literature Gi g‡a¨ Audit Code, Audit Manual I Av‡Q †h¸‡jv
critically examine Ki‡Z n‡e| Kvib †m¸‡jv GK †cÖwÿ‡Z design Kiv n‡qwQj Avi GLb †cÖwÿZ wfbœ|
†Kbbv Avgiv Rvwb Avgv‡`i working environment-G design-Gi GKUv cwieZ©b G‡m‡Q| Design
cwieZ©‡bi GB historyi g‡a¨ Ab¨Zg nj treasury ‡_‡K accounts office-G conversion nIqv|
Av‡M †UªRvwi †_‡K accounts Avmvi c‡i compilation centrally nevi Av‡M post audit Kiv n‡Zv|
ZLb treasury †_‡K †h accounts ¸‡jv Avm‡Zv †m¸‡jv post audit Kiv n‡Zv, post audit ¸‡jv Kiv
n‡Zv statutory power apply K‡i|
‡h‡nZz Auditor General Gi statutory power G¨vcøvB K‡i †cv÷-AwWU Kiv n‡Zv Ges H
statutory power Ges ‡h‡nZz †cv÷-AwWU before compilation Gi Rb¨ cÖ‡hvR¨ ZvB AwWU †KvW I
AwWU g¨vbyq¨v‡j compilation Uv Auditor General i dvskb wn‡m‡e D‡jøwLZ n‡q‡Q| wKš‘ GLb
changed situation G wK n‡Z cv‡i Zv †f‡e †`Lv cÖ‡qvRb| I am not prescribing or directing
but GB †UvUvj welqUv‡K wPšÍv K‡i GKUv solution †ei Ki‡Z n‡e| ‡hgb Budget Management Act
Gi context-G GKUv solution e‡jwQjvg †h Appropriation Account executive c¨v‡bj ‡_‡K
ˆZix n‡Z cv‡i| ‡h‡nZz Appropriation Account is not an account, rather it is a statement,
GUv executive c¨v‡bj Zzjbvg~jKfv‡e mn‡R ˆZix Ki‡Z cv‡i| Zvn‡j †h‡nZz executive-Gi Rb¨
GFR cÖ‡hvR¨, ZvB GFR Gi wewfbœ welq¸‡jv revisit Ki‡Z n‡e|
Avevi new issue n‡jv classification structure hv GBeQi cwieZ©b n‡q wM‡q‡Q| GB
classification structure ‡K critically reexamine Ki‡Z n‡e| GB classification structureGi
gap ¸‡jv †ei Ki‡Z n‡e| cÖ‡qvRb‡ev‡a paper Gi g‡a¨ classification issue Uv separately wb‡q

Page 77 of 196
Avmv ‡h‡Z cv‡i| AvMvgx 6 gv‡mi g‡a¨ Gme wel‡q mevB‡K GKUv uniform level G wb‡q Avm‡Z Avgiv
KvR K‡i hve| 6 gvm c‡i hLb Avgv‡`i b‡jR GKUv †j‡f‡j D‡V Avm‡e ZLb wewfbœ rule ev code ev
procedure evbv‡bvi KvR Avgv‡`i mevB‡K Ki‡Z n‡e| †h‡nZz 6 gv‡m GKUv b‡jR base ‰Zix n‡q hv‡e
ZvB wewfbœ rules, procedure WªvdU Ki‡Z bv cvivi K_v bq| GUvi Rb¨ foreign consultant Avbvi
cÖ‡qvRb co‡e bv| Existing mKj ai‡bi code, manual BZ¨vw` revisit Ki‡Z n‡e Ges revision
Ki‡Z n‡e| hw` wiwfkb Kiv m¤¢e bv nq Zvn‡j bZzb †KvW / g¨vbyq¨vj ˆZix Ki‡Z n‡e| Avi GUvB Avgv‡`i
job Gi part|
MZKv‡ji †mk‡b Avgiv supplementary budget Ges excess budget wb‡q K_v ejwQjvg|
Gi g‡a¨ GKUv Uvg© Avgiv cÖvqkB e¨envi Kwi, Zv nj revised budget| gRvi e¨vcvi nj
constitutional framework G revised budget ej‡Z †Kv‡bv kã †bB| Revised budget n‡jv
administrative matter| wKš‘, AvRKvj Appropriation Accounts G revised budget kãUv P‡j
Avm‡Q| Appropriation is a legal instrument A_©vr Appropriation Act Gi execution Gi
reflection nq Appropriation Accounts-G| Revised budget kãUv †Kv_v ‡_‡K G‡jv †mUv
revisit K‡i individual paper-Gi g‡a¨ Avb‡Z n‡e| Originally Appropriation Accounts-G
GB terminology wQ‡jv bv Z‡e cÖkvmwbK cÖ‡qvR‡b GB U©vgwU e¨eüZ n‡q Avm‡Q| wifvBRW ev‡RU kãwU
Avmvi Kvi‡b wjM¨vj †d«gIqv‡K©I complicacy ˆZix n‡”Q| Gi d‡j GLb Avi supplementary ev‡RU
‰Zix Kiv n‡”Q bv| A_P Avgv‡`i cy‡iv‡bv Appropriation Accounts¸‡jv‡Z GB supplementary
ev‡RU wQj|
Bill pass is not your only job | †Kvb CAO, wW‡dÝ ev †ijI‡qi †Kv‡bv Awdmvi
accounts Gi K_v ej‡Z bv cvi‡j we will look at the person differently. Daily basis G
accounts Gi Lei ivL‡Z n‡e, checque Gi Lei ivL‡Z n‡e, †PK outstanding Gi Lei ivL‡Z n‡e,
remittance Gi wnmve ivL‡Z n‡e, imprest Gi wnmve ivL‡Z n‡e| These are your core jobs GB
core job †K miss Kiv KLbB allow Kiv n‡e bv|
Avwg PiUv panel Gi g‡a¨ 3 Uv panel discuss KiwQ fourth panel GLbB Av‡jvPbv Kiv n‡”Q
bv, hv ciewZ©‡Z Av‡jvPbv Kie| Avgv‡`i discussion Gi g‡a¨ cÖ_g c¨v‡bj n‡jv ev‡RU †nvìvi ev
G‡·wKDwUf c¨v‡bj| cvewjK dvBb¨vwÝqvj g¨v‡bR‡g‡›Ui G‡·wKDwUf Ges Mf‡g©‡›Ui G‡·wKDwUf GK
K_v bq| wØZxq c¨v‡b‡j Avgiv Av‡jvPbv Kie †c GÛ GKvD›Um& wel‡q Ges Z…Zxq c¨v‡b‡j Avgiv K_v eje
†UªRvwi wm‡÷g wb‡q|

Page 78 of 196
Budget Holder Pay & Accounts Treasury Statutory Audit
(external Audit)
(Panel – 1) (Panel – 2) (Panel – 3) (Panel – 4)


Rule of Business


Co2 two panels
Treasury Rules

CO3 Delegation of

wPÎt 3 (K) - c¨v‡bjmg~‡ni cvi¯úvwiK wbf©ikxjZv

‡m‡KÛ panel g~jZt `yÕ‡Uv KvR K‡i, cÖ_gZt pre audit K‡i payment K‡i Ges wØZxqZt
accounts K‡i| `yÕ‡Uv Kv‡RB equal emphasis †`qv DwPZ| Avi _vW© panel n‡”Q treasury; wKQz DbœZ
†`‡k GB panel ‡K exchequar ejv n‡”Q| †UªRvwi‡K bank ejv wVK n‡e bv Kvib GUv treasury
function K‡i| Av‡M district treasury †Z Treasury Officer Gi under-G UvKv _vK‡Zv| GgbwK
wWw÷ª± †UªRvwi banking function Ki‡Zv| wKš‘ Kv‡ji cÖwiµgvq bb-e¨vswKs †UªRvwi wejyß n‡q‡Q| GB
Rb¨ the Treasury Rules ‡K change K‡i India GUv‡K the Receipt and Payment Rules K‡i‡Q
†m›Uªvj Mf‡g©‡›Ui Rb¨| Z‡e State governmentG GLbI the Treasury Rules ejer Av‡Q|
evsjv‡`‡k bb-e¨vswKs †UªRvwi wejyß n‡q wM‡q‡Q| †UªRvwii UvKv GLb bank G _v‡K| GLv‡b e¨vsK ej‡Z
evsjv‡`k e¨sK (central bank) Ges ‡mvbvjx e¨vsK‡K †evSv‡bv n‡”Q hv evsjv‡`k e¨vs‡Ki GKwU G‡R›U
wn‡m‡e KvR K‡i|

Page 79 of 196
Pannel – 1 expenditure incur K‡i Avi GB G·‡cwÛPvi incur Ki‡Z wM‡q Zv‡K wewfbœ
AvBb Kvbyb follow Ki‡Z nq| GmKj AvB‡bi g‡a¨ sequentially cÖ_‡g Avm‡e Constitution Zvici
Avm‡e the Rules of Business , GFR, the Treasury Rules BZ¨vw`| Z‡e ‡UªRvwi iæjm& GB c¨v‡b‡j
A‡bK †QvU cwim‡i ( in a small way ) Avm‡e KviY TR Avm‡j Article 85 Abyhvqx Consolidated
dv‡Û money deposit Ges withdrawal Gi matter ¸‡jv deal K‡i| Budget holder †`i CF-Gi
mv‡_ mivmwi †Kvb dealing _v‡K bv| ‡hKvi‡b TR g~jZ Pay and Accounts panel Ges Treasury
panel Gi Rb¨ ‡ewk cÖ‡hvR¨ ev e¨envh©| dv÷© c¨v‡bj ïaygvÎ †m‡KÛ c¨v‡b‡ji mv‡_ connection
maintain Kivi Rb¨ TR e¨envi Ki‡e| †hgbt ‡Kvb bill submit Kivi Rb¨| G¸‡jvi c‡i Avm‡e
delegtion of financial power| †Rbv‡ij dvBb¨vwÝqvj iæj‡mi g‡a¨ procurement wi‡j‡UW
chapter Av‡Q, wKš‘ H procurement wi‡j‡UW P¨vÞvi¸‡jv GLb redundant n‡q †M‡Q| †Kbbv GUvi
Rb¨ separate law n‡q‡Q the Public Procurement Act, 2006 & the Public Procurement
Rules, 2008|
GLb ev‡RU †nvìvi hw` G¸‡jv follow K‡i expenditure Gi sanction †`b ev advance
sanction †`b Z‡eB Zv wewam¤§Z G·‡cwÛPvi n‡e hv expenditure Gi Lv‡Z book Ki‡Z n‡e|
Sanction †`qvi Rb¨ dv÷© c¨v‡b‡j recording system ivL‡Z n‡e| Ges GB †iKW© wKwcs n‡e wbw`©ó
forms Abyqvqx hv †Kv‡bv bv †Kvb rule book Gi AbymiY K‡i ivL‡Z n‡e| GLv‡b GFR-Gi f~wgKv
AwaK ¸iæZ¡cY~ ©| Zvn‡j GFR-Gi forms¸‡jv Avevi Avgv‡`i wfwRU Ki‡Z n‡e in the context of
new classification and in the context of the Budget Management Act| Kvib Budget
Management Act ej‡Q appropriation statement generate n‡e executive ev budget holder
panel †_‡K| GUv Appropriation Account bq, GUv GKUv expenditure statement ZvB Avwg
GUv‡K Appropriation Account ej‡Z PvBwQbv| GB statement generat Ki‡Z n‡j forms ¸‡jv
revisit K‡i †hLv‡b †hLv‡b strengthen Kiv hvq †mUv Ki‡Z n‡e|
cÖ‡qvRbxq forms ¸‡jv redesign Ki‡Z n‡e hv‡Z K‡i cÖ_g panel ‡_‡KB wefbœ level Gi
transactions ¸‡jv aggregate n‡q PAO level G cvIqv hvq| GB aggregation Ki‡Z n‡e
columm form G| Gi g‡a¨ †h Kjvg¸‡jv _vK‡e †m¸‡jv nj original budget column,
supplementary budget _vK‡j Zvi column, Gi c‡i re-appropriation/reallocation n‡j
†m¸‡jvi Rb¨ GKwU Kjvg Ges GKwU total colum hvi g‡a¨ plus/minus K‡i me©‡kl allocationwU
cvIqv hv‡e| eZ©gvb automated environment Gi advantage wb‡j GUv mn‡R Kiv m¤¢e| iBAS++

Page 80 of 196
G GB panel Gi Rb¨ c„_K module Av‡Qt Budget Preparation module (pre – approval) Ges
Budget Execution module|
Avgiv hw` jÿ¨ Kwi Zvn‡j †`L‡ev †h, pre- approval is not truly a part of PFM (
literature review wn‡m‡e PFM blog visit Kiv †h‡Z cv‡i )| IFMIS-Gi technical and
Functional Platform wKfv‡e develop Kiv nq †m¸‡jv †`‡L Zvi wfwˇZ iBAS++ †K revisit /
analysis Ki‡Z n‡e| wKfv‡e iBAS++ †K Av‡iv robust Kiv hvq †mUv †`L‡Z n‡e| Avgv‡`i GLv‡b
R&D wing †K with proper equipment Ges manpower w`‡q strengthen Ki‡Z n‡e t
instructions for DCAG-(Sr.)| CGA Kvh©vj‡q ICU kvLv‡K strengthen Ki‡Z n‡e| ICU n‡e
eyes and ears and even nose of the CGA for all these activities| ICU kvLv n‡Z daily
basis-G CAO¸‡jv‡K visit Ki‡Z n‡e| cÖ‡qvR‡b human resource re-assign Ki‡Z n‡e| Non
compliance G Rb¨ action wb‡Z n‡e| PFM blog G technical notes (TN) Av‡Q, ‡m¸‡jv co‡Z
n‡e| Treasury Gi Dc‡i TN Av‡Q, even accounting system Gi Dc‡i TN Av‡Q, public
sector accounting Gi international best practices and development Gi Dci notes Av‡Q|
myZivs G¸‡jv co‡Z n‡e Avi wPšÍv Ki‡Z n‡e AvR †_‡K 10/15 eQi Av‡M n‡j Appropriation
Accounts ˆZixi KvR Finance Account ‰Zixi KvR, G KvR¸‡jv Kvi ev Kviv GB KvR¸‡jv Ki‡e?
Avwg GLb refer KiwQ former Auditor General ‡Mvjvg wKewiqvi GKwU ‡jLwb| Zvi nv‡Z
†jLv GKUv lecture note mevB‡K †`qv n‡q‡Q| GUv GKUv masterpiece; budget †K fiscal tool,
internal control Gi tool Ges accounting tool wn‡m‡e ‡`Lv‡bv n‡q‡Q| A‡b‡Ki g‡Z Gholam
Kibria m¨vi dvBj disposal G axi MwZ wQ‡jb| Zuv‡K GKevi W. gwkDi ingvb Ges W. ‡ZŠwdK Bjvwn
wRÁvmv K‡iwQ‡jb †h ÔAvcwb dvBj disposal G G‡Zv slow †Kb ?Õ Dwb gyPwK †n‡m e‡jwQ‡jb †h, dvBj
disposal Ki‡j cy‡iv system wec‡` co‡e| GB Kvi‡b non-disposal is disposal Kvib Dbvi wPšÍvq
hv Av‡Q †mUv dvB‡j wj‡L Ki‡Z ej‡j system collapse Kivi m¤¢vebv wQj| ZLb Zvui Av‡kcv‡k H KvR
Kivi g‡Zv †jvKRb wQj bv e‡j Zuvi avibv|
wKewiqv m¨vi ZLb gvby‡li w`‡K ZvwK‡q e‡j‡Qb ‡mB K_v, wKš‘ eZ©gv‡b Avgiv technologyi w`‡K /
system Gi w`‡K Zvw‡Kq ejwQ| System will take care, iBAS++ Gi 2 Uv module Av‡Q budget
holder panel-Gi Rb¨ Av‡Q, Avgiv †h Appropriation Account-Gi K_v ejwQ †mUv Budget
execution module ‡_‡K generate Kiv n‡e| H Lv‡b cÖ‡qvR‡b bZzb wdPvi add Kiv †h‡Z cv‡i|
Even I do not mind, if you have faith on the system, forms evwb‡q GBme module-G add
Kiv †h‡Z cv‡i| c‡i formalize K‡i †bqv hv‡e Kvib GB form ¸‡jv electronically maintained

Page 81 of 196
form n‡e| †h‡nZz transaction ¸‡jv automatically budget execution module G Xz‡K hv‡”Q,
re-appropriation / re-allocation Kiv n‡j ‡mUvI automatically Xy‡K hv‡”Q ZvB hZevi Gw›Uª Kiv
n‡e †mUv ZZevi form Gi g‡a¨ Xy‡K hv‡e| GgbwK sanction w`‡j †mUvI system G P‡j hv‡e| ZLb
GB form ¸‡jv †_‡K automatically report generate Kiv n‡e|
GK Controlling Officer n‡Z Av‡iK Controlling Officer Gi Kv‡Q †h‡Z Av‡M mgq
cÖ‡qvRb n‡Zv wKš‘ eZ©gv‡b automated environment G Zv g~û‡Z©i g‡a¨ (real time G) m¤¢e| Gi Rb¨
A‡bK technical people Gi cÖ‡qvRb †bB| GUv centralized system nIqvq g¨vbcvIqvi Lye †ekx bv
n‡jI Pj‡e|
Budget Holder Pay & Accounts Treasury Statutory Audit
(external Audit)
(Panel – 1) (Panel – 2) (Panel – 3) (Panel – 4)

CAO Revenue
Rule of Business

Linking Deposit
Co2 Treasury Rules
two panels

Delegation of Cash
CO3 Financial


wPÎt 3(L) - c¨v‡bjmg~‡ni cvi¯úvwiK wbf©ikxjZv

iBAS++ Gi Budget Preparation Ges Budget Execution module 1g c¨v‡bj Gi Rb¨

ˆZix Kiv n‡q‡Q| 2q panel Gi Rb¨ Av‡Q Accounting module| GB module Budget
Execution module Gi ‡P‡q †ekx weight hy³ Kvib execution module n‡jv segmental

Page 82 of 196
module Avi Accounting module n‡”Q comprehensive module | Accounting module G
ïaygvÎ expenditure _vK‡e bv Revenue, Capital, Debt, Deposit, Remittance Ges Cash I
_vK‡e| GB comprehensive picture UvB GKmv‡_ Accounting module| GB Accounting
module Gi ÷ªvKPviUv new classification Gi context-G †`L‡Z n‡e| wKfv‡e capture nq Ges
wKfv‡e accumulate nq †mUv †`L‡Z n‡e|
2q c¨v‡b‡j †c‡g‡›Ui c~‡e© cÖ_g c¨v‡b‡ji kZ©¸‡jv A_©vr the Constitution, the Rules of
Business, GFR, TR (cÖ‡qvRbxq Ask), delegation BZ¨vw` †g‡b‡Q wKbv †mUv †`L‡Z n‡e| cÖkœ n‡jv,
2q c¨v‡b‡j ‡mUv hLb AwWU Kiv n‡e ZLb ‡mUv wK pre-expenditure bvwK post-expenditure n‡e ?
GUv n‡e pre–expenditure Ges pre–compilation d‡j post - audit Gi Rb¨ wait bv K‡i post-
audit G hv hv †`Lvi m¤¢vebv Av‡Q 2q panel G Zvi meB †`Lv n‡e| GLv‡b GKUv synergy Av‡Q| d‡j
2q panel Gi Rb¨ procedure develop Ki‡Z n‡e| GB procedure G _vK‡e wKfv‡e sanction
audit, expenditure audit, individual grant – in –aid audit, Ges Ab¨vb¨ hZ iK‡gi AwWU
Ki‡Z nq Zvi weeib| G¸‡jv wKš‘ AwWU Awa`߇ii KvR wn‡m‡e Avwg GLv‡b ejwQ bv, Avwg ejwQ 2q
c¨v‡b‡ji KvR wn‡m‡e| wØZxq c¨v‡b‡j GB KvR¸‡jv Ki‡Z n‡e KviY accounts- G incorporate Kivi
Rb¨ Av‡M pay Ki‡Z n‡e, Avi pay Kivi Rb¨ G¸‡jv Ki‡Z n‡e| †m‡ÿ‡Î wK wK †`L‡Z n‡e Ges
†KvbUv‡K †ekx priority w`‡Z n‡e †mUvI wba©viY Ki‡Z n‡e| GUv‡KB technical term G ejv n‡”Q
internal control Gi assurance ‡bqv| G‡Z K‡i micro level Gi nitty-gritty welq¸‡jv post-
audit G G‡m minimized n‡q hv‡e hw` wØZxq panelG GB KvRwU strengthen Kiv nq|
wØZxq c¨v‡b‡j Revenue, Capital, Debt, Deposit, Remittance I Cash Av‡Q hv new
classification-G nq‡Zv Ly‡R cvIqv hv‡ebv | †hgb: Capital expenditure Gi cwie‡Z© asset ejv
n‡”Q, liability †`qv Av‡Q| Z‡e GB cwieZ©bUv broadlineG ev †nWjvBb AvB‡U‡g n‡jI wfZ‡i detail-
G wVK Av‡Q| 2q panel G Revenue Ges Capital GB `yÕ‡Uv Ab¨ 4Uvi †_‡K different (Debt,
Deposit ,Remittance Ges Cash)| GB Zdv‡Zi GKUv context n‡”Q financing, Ab¨Uv n‡”Q
expenditure| GQvov Avi GKUv dimension-G difference Av‡Q, †mUv n‡jv Revenue Ges Capital
GB `y‡Uv †nW closes to government Avi Ab¨ ¸‡jv closes to balance. Closes to balance gv‡b
†mvRv K_vq GB 4Uv (Debt, Deposit, Remittance Ges Cash) either asset or liability| Closes
to government means operating earnings or expenses. Commerical world n‡Z Mf‡g©›U
GKvD‡›Ui cv_©K¨ n‡”Q capital expenditure operating expense nIqvi K_v bq | wKš‘ cash based
GKvDw›Us-G expenditure gv‡bB n‡”Q †kl, †h‡nZz Avgiv physical asset Gi †Kvb accounting

Page 83 of 196
ivwLbv| hvi d‡j Kgvwk©qvj Iqv‡ì© K¨vwcUvj G·‡cwÛPvi eQ‡ii ci eQi financial statement G
recur Ki‡Z _v‡K wKš‘ Mf‡g©‡›U K¨vwcUvj G·‡cwÛPvi operating G·‡cwÛPv‡ii g‡Zv one-off| Gi
evB‡i Revenue-Capital Gi mv‡_ evwK 4wU wWwfk‡bi cv_©K¨ fund concept Gi dimension GI
GLb Avgiv GB RvqMvq wKQz future reforms Gi indication †`qvi †Póv Kwi| 4_© panel wb‡q
Avgiv K_v ej‡ev bv Kvib payment system, accounting system Ges internal control
assurance improve Ki‡j 4_© panel Gi job will be much more easier and concentrated|
A_©vr hw` ‡m‡KÛ panel n‡Z internal control assurance fv‡jv Av‡m Zvn‡j Avgiv AwW‡Ui †ÿ‡Î
macro level G more concentrate Ki‡Z cvi‡ev| eZ©gv‡b me wKQz disarrayed e‡j me wKQziB cost
†e‡o hv‡”Q, Avgv‡`i AwWU K÷ †e‡o hv‡”Q| We need these two (second and fourth) panels
meet each other which is not happening.
GLb revenue expenditure Gi one of the portion n‡”Q Pay and Allowances, which
is ten to twenty percent of the total expenditure| Historically speaking, old system Ges
treasury hLb wQj internal control system improvement Gi Ask wn‡m‡e ZLb pay and
accounts centralized way †Z handle Kiv n‡Zv| GKRb SDOi hLb KzwoMÖvg gnKzgvq posting
n‡Zv Dwb ZLb †eZb wb‡Zb KzwoMÖvg n‡Z, XvKv ‡_‡K †eZb wb‡Zb bv| wKš‘ Dbvi audit register _vK‡Zv
XvKvq Avi Dwb payment †c‡Zb KzwoMÖvg n‡Z| After the conversion of the treasury into
accounts offices service †K ‡`vi‡Mvovq ‡`evi bv‡g audit register I KzwoMÖv‡g P‡j ‡M‡Q,
paymentI KywoMÖv‡g accounts office G P‡j wM‡q‡Q| Gi d‡j service ‡`vi‡Mvovq †cŠ‡Q ‡M‡jI
audit trail cost †e‡o †M‡Q| ‡mBmv‡_ GKvD›U‡m&i comprehensiveness K‡g ‡M‡Q| Scattered way
†Z evsjv‡`ke¨vcx audit register ¸‡jv maintain Kiv n‡”Q| GLb hw` Auditor General GB area †Z
AwWU Ki‡Z Pvb Zvn‡j KqUv wU‡gi cÖ‡qvRb? GKUv h_vh_ assurance w`‡Z Kgc‡ÿ 50Uv wUg jvM‡e|
Zvn‡j 50 Uv wUg mviv evsjv‡`k Nyi‡Q Avi TA / DA20 wb‡”Q, Avevi ‡Kvb& wUg wK Ki‡Q †mUv monitor
Ki‡ZI cost involve n‡”Q Ges monitoring I fv‡jv n‡”Q bv|
Zvn‡j mistake n‡q‡Q †`vi‡Mvovq payment service wb‡Z wM‡q accounts service †K
†`vi‡Mvovq wb‡q hvevi †Póv Kiv n‡q‡Q| Accounts mvaviY gvby‡li consumption Gi Rb¨ bq| G‡Z
†fvMvwšÍ †e‡o‡Q| Kj¨vY nqwb eis nqivwb †e‡o‡Q| Retirement Gi ci service statement Avbvi Rb¨
Nv‡U Nv‡U Nyi‡Z nq| GB cwieZ©b fv‡jvi Rb¨ nqwb, n‡q‡Q D‡ëvc‡_| Avi Avgiv fvewQ †h, Avgiv gvby‡li

TA/DA – Travelling allowance / Daily allowance

Page 84 of 196
Kj¨vY KiwQ| †cbkbvi Avm‡j Pv cvwb LvIqvw”Q, VvÛv cvwbI LvIqvB KLbI| wKš‘ KLbI cÖkœ KiwQ bv ‡h
pensioner Pv/c vwb †L‡Z A vm‡e †K b ? Av‡`Š Z uv‡K Avm‡Z n‡e †K b ? Treasury systemG payment
n‡Zv decentralized, †mUv ZLb `iKvi wQj| Do you know that 15 days Gi †ekx †KD tour G
_vK‡j †m touring place n‡Z †eZb wb‡Z cvi‡Zv KviY rule n‡”Q gvbyl‡K †mev w`‡Z n‡e, UvKv w`‡Z
n‡e| G Uv hw`I colonial rule G i K _v, Z ‡e GLb wK †mUv m¤¢e ? GLb Avi †KD tour †_‡K †eZb wb‡Z
cvi‡e bv, †eZb wb‡Z n‡j station G Avm‡Z n‡e| A_P rule position GLbI ejeZ Av‡Q|
Treasury system G wQj audit register centrally maintain n‡Zv GA-1, GA-2, GA-
3, GA-4 G¸‡jv wQ‡jv| GKRb Awdmv‡ii pay structure G †Kvb cwieZ©b Avm‡j Zvi fixation n‡Zv
centrally AG Awd‡m, once it is fixed Gici Rvbv‡bv n‡Zv mswkøó treasury †K| Gici treasury
ïay gv‡m gv‡m payment K‡i w`‡Zv payment Gi ci voucher¸‡jv initial account Gi mv‡_ AG
Awd‡m P‡j Avm‡Zv ‡m¸‡jv post-audit K‡i audit register G entry †`qv n‡Zv| Zvn‡j GKB batch
Gi me SDOi †eZb KZ fix n‡”Q †mUv central B Rvbv m¤¢e wQ‡jv|
d‡j Kg©¯’j ‡hLv‡bB _vKzK bv †Kb Zvi †eZb GKB _vK‡Q| Pay structure G cwieZ©b cÖwZw`b
nq bv| Promotion, re-fixation cÖf…wZ Kvi‡b ‡c-÷ªvKPv‡i cwieZ©b nq hv continuous welq bq,
periodic welq| Periodically handle Kivi welq¸‡jv †Kw›`ªfzZ _vKv fv‡jv| GB ai‡bi function
¸‡jv mgMÖ evsjv‡`‡k Qwo‡q †`qv n‡q‡Q d‡j G‡Z K‡i accounting cost †e‡o wM‡q‡Q, auditing cost
†e‡o wM‡q‡Q| Even comprehensive information analysis Gi scopeI K‡g wM‡q‡Q| hviv GUv
K‡i‡Q Zviv bv ey‡S K‡i‡Q GUv †hgb wVK, †Zgwb Avevi †`vlI †`qv hvq bv| ‡Kbbv ZLbKvi w`‡b A‡b‡K
AG office-G PvKzix wb‡q †Pqv‡i †KvU Szwj‡q P‡j †hZ dzUej †Ljv †`L‡Z| Audit register update
Kiv n‡Zv bv Kvib payment Kivi mv‡_ mv‡_ record bv Ki‡j c‡i voucher Avm‡j c‡i Zv open K‡i
†iKW©f~³ Kiv A‡bK ‡ÿ‡ÎB n‡Zv bv| GB Rb¨ †`Lv †h‡Zv AwWU register Gi Lei †bqvi Rb¨, service
statement †bqvi Rb¨ `~i-`~ivšÍ n‡Z †jvKRb Avm‡Zv| G¸‡jv update n‡Zv bv, years together
pending _vK‡Zv| Gi †_‡K gy³ nevi Rb¨ miKvi pressure w`‡q GB e¨e¯’v †K decentralized
K‡i‡Q| Decentralization of payment and accounts GKB mv‡_ n‡q wM‡q‡Q hvi Kvi‡Y Avgiv
accounts †`L‡Z cvw”Q 400/500 RvqMvq|
Avevi wd‡i Avwm, revenue expenditure Gi g‡a¨ †hLv‡b establishment portion Gi Rb¨
already GKUv employee database ‰Zix Kiv n‡q‡Q †hUv system Gi mv‡_ link Kivi K_v i‡q‡Q
Ges employee database GKUv separate system wn‡m‡e develop Kiv n‡q‡Q| cieZx©‡Z GUv g~j
iBAS++ system G transfer Kiv n‡q‡Q| GLb issue `y‡Uv, hw`I centralized system Kiv n‡q‡Q

Page 85 of 196
Z_vwc local accounts office¸‡jv‡K `yÕ‡Uv power GLbI delegate Kiv Av‡Q| G¸‡jv n‡jv
verification Ges delete Kivi wKQy ÿgZv, GUv w`‡Z wM‡q †eZb wba©vi‡Yi †ÿ‡Î accounts office
wewfbœ RvqMvq wewfbœfv‡e KvR Ki‡Z wM‡q anomaly m„wó Ki‡Q| GRb¨ GKUv wb‡`©k bv †`qv wQj ‡h, mswkøó
Kg©Pvixi audit register †`‡L Z_¨vw` verify Kivi Rb¨| wKš‘ A‡bK †ÿ‡Î employee ‡hUv submit
K‡i‡Q †mB submission AbyhvqxB verification n‡q wM‡q‡Q| d‡j whwb register †`‡L verify K‡i‡Qb
Avi whwb bv †`‡L verify K‡i‡Qb Zvi g‡a¨ difference n‡”Q| d‡j GKB department Gi GKB rank
Gi Kg©Pvixi †eZb ˆelg¨ †`Lv w`‡”Q|
Z‡e GB iBAS system Gi advantage n‡”Q centrally GUv ‡`Lv hv‡”Q †h, †Kv_vq †Kv_vq GB
Gw›Uª¸‡jv †`qv n‡”Q| iBAS++ G Employee database transfer nIqvi c‡i GUv payment Gi mv‡_
related Kiv n‡q‡Q| wKš‘ wKQz wKQz department Gi †ÿ‡Î mapping mwVKfv‡e nqwb| myZivs, mswkøó
wnmveiÿY Awd‡mi `vwqZ¡ H cÖwZôv‡b wWcvU©‡g‡›Ui †Kvb †Kvb welq mapping Gi g‡a¨ _vKvi K_v Avi
†Kvb welq ¸‡j missing Zv mwVKfv‡e wPwüZ Kiv
Avgv‡`i target _vK‡e ‡h CAOÕi jurisdiction-G hZ employee Av‡Q up to the grass-
root level G¸‡jv centrally fix Kiv, centrally employee database maintain Kiv Zv n‡j
accounting †m›Uªvwj n‡jI payment wKš‘ n‡e decartelized. This is the idea (VISION), Gi
g‡a¨ iBAS++ G wK wK KvR Ki‡j (wdPvi †hvM Ki‡j) GUv Kiv m¤¢e †mUv Ki‡Z n‡e| hvi Rb¨ cÖ‡Z¨K
CAO-†K KvR Ki‡Z n‡e under CGA’s leadership| G‡Z K‡i so called establishment-audit
cost will be reduced Ges moreover, any fiscal information about employees: pay and
allowances, number of employees, their grades, dates of birth, retirement dates, etc.
will be readily available| By dint of technology it is now possible and you will be the
store-house of information for the entire government. Government hw` †Kvb mgq
particular †Kvb ministry’i employee m¤ú‡K© †Kvb Z_¨ Rvb‡Z Pvq Zv g~n~‡Z©B †`qv m¤¢e GB
system †_‡K| Ges GB information n‡e the most reliable information|
Do you know that any statistical information is based on some assumption but
in accounting channel the information is not based on any assumption, it is based on
fact and figures| GKvi‡b nobody will dare to contest your information | Kvib GB
information n‡”Q real transaction based| from today every CAO will work on this
(please note down) employee database | Under your jurisdiction all the employees Gi

Page 86 of 196
Z_¨vw` wKfv‡e handle Ki‡Z n‡e Ges GK jurisdiction n‡Z Ab¨ jurisdiction G P‡j †M‡j †mB
transfer wKfv‡e iBAS++ G handle Ki‡Z n‡e GUv wb‡q KvR Ki‡Z n‡e|
Rbve iwdKzj Bmjv‡gi gšÍe¨t
[ 1jv RyjvB‡q (2018) hLb mevi increment ‡hvM Kiv n‡jv ZLb cÖvq 93,000 employee i
Bbwµ‡g›U †`qv hvw”Q‡jv bv| Gi g‡a¨ me‡P‡q eo Kvib n‡jv GK RvqMv †_‡K LPC cvVv‡bv n‡q‡Q wKš‘
Avi GK RvqMvq Zv receive Kiv nqwb, UªvbwR‡U i‡q‡Q, wKsev pay-fixation submit Kiv n‡q‡Q wKš‘
cvk nqwb GgbI Av‡Q| GB Gw›Uª¸‡jv‡K system †_‡K identify Kiv hvq| wKš‘ GB 93,000 employee
GK click-Gi myweavUv †cjbv| G¸‡jv †`Lv cÖ‡qvRb|]... ... (gšÍe¨ mgvß)
G¸‡jv CGA i cÿ †_‡K note down Kiv cÖ‡qvRb| employee i establishment wi‡j‡UW
Bm¨y¸‡jv I Bbdi‡gkb¸‡jv CAO centrally handle Ki‡e| G‡Z CAO¸‡jv more empowered
n‡e| Gi Rb¨ cÖ‡Z¨K CAO i functional requirement¸‡jvi GKwU ZvwjK ˆZix Ki‡Z n‡e| CGA
office Gi Rb¨ GKUv wUg ˆZix Ki‡e| †mB D‡Ï‡k¨ Avgv‡`i KvR Ki‡Z n‡e hv‡Z record hw`
centrally ivLv hvq| Z‡e I am warning you again, payment will not be centralized| I am
expecting record keeping will be centralized, not the payment| Avgiv †c‡g›U‡K gvV ch©vq
ch©šÍ wb‡q †h‡Z cvwi even up to union level if possible as long as his / her entitlement is
correct | wKš‘, Avgiv Rvwb GUv G‡Zv †mvRv welq bv|
Fixation Kivi Rb¨ GKUv submission process Av‡Q †hUv already practised| Even
Dc‡Rjv n‡ZI fixation submission Kiv †h‡Z cv‡i wKš‘ Avm‡e central G| Centrally GUv fix n‡q
P‡j hv‡e Ges Gic‡i mswkøó Ggcøwq Ges mswkøó wnmveiÿY Awd‡mi mv‡_ wKfv‡e communication Kiv
n‡e †mUv technical people iv ‡`L‡e| Ges Av‡MB e‡jwQ payment cv‡e locally| GLb cÖkœ n‡jv
provident fund wb‡q †h GUv wKfv‡e g¨v‡bR Kiv n‡e| Treasury system G PF †Kv_vq wQ‡jv Zv
Avgiv Rvwb| Avwg †h¸‡jv ejwQ G¸‡jv n‡”Q going back to history. Only difference is that
history †Z G¸‡jv gvby‡li Dci depend Ki‡Zv Avi GLb system Gi Dci depend Ki‡e| system
†K †mfv‡e wWRvBb Ki‡Z n‡e|
History fail K‡iwQ‡jv Kvib gvbyl Zvi KvR pending †i‡L w`‡Zv| GLb system based n‡j
submission hw` electronically nq fixation hw` electronically nq Zvn‡j only human being
n‡e wbwgË gvÎ| G‡ÿ‡Î Avgv‡`i †`L‡Z n‡e treasury system G PF wKfv‡e handle Kiv n‡Zv|
Treasury †_‡K cÖwf‡W›U dv‡Ûi payment n‡Zv wKš‘ Zv record n‡Zv centrally| GKvD›U w¯øc
generate n‡Zv AG Awdm †_‡K both for staffs Ges officers|

Page 87 of 196
AvR‡K Av‡jvPbv n‡e accounting ÷ªvKPvi†K wKfv‡e redesign Kiv hvq hv‡Z synergy
create Kiv hvq between accounting and auditing and above all wKfv‡e service delivery
improvement Kiv hvq| GB context-G service delivery improvement gv‡b n‡jv †h, service-
Gi Rb¨ human requirement †bB, human interface _vK‡e only in those cases where we
cannot do without the humen.
c~‡e© PF maintain Kiv n‡Zv centrally hv c‡i Avgiv decentralized K‡iwQ| service level
improvement Gi bv‡g †`vi‡Mvovq payments Ges accounts DfqB wb‡q hvw”Q| Accounts
‡`vi‡Mvovq †bqvi wRwbm bq, GUvi integrity ivL‡Z nq| †mB integrity Avevi wdwi‡q Avbv DwPZ|
iBAS++ Gi accounting module-G all payments record Kiv nq| Zvi g‡a¨ deduction-I
record Kiv nq| GB †iKW©¸‡jv real time G CGA office G Av‡m| Real time G PF Avm‡j GB
Gw›Uª msiwÿZ n‡e wmwRGÕi †m›Uªvj WvUv‡e‡R| PF n‡”Q deposit section Gi AšÍf©~³| GB deposit
seetion n‡”Q asset account ev liability account hv †kl n‡q hvq bv| A_©vr hv eQ‡ii ci eQi
continue K‡i| GUv †_‡K balance †`‡L †`‡L payment Kiv nq| Balance †`‡L payment n‡Z n‡j
central GKUv control ledger _vKv Avek¨K hv‡Z †`Lv hvq balance †_‡K w`‡”Q, bvwK balance Qvov
w`‡”Q / evB‡i w`‡”Q|
GUv †`Lvi Rb¨ post-audit Gi Av‡M pre-auditB GUv Ki‡e| Post-audit higher level
assurance †`‡e aggregate Finance Accounts Ges GPF Gi balance Gi assurance †`‡e|
Assurance w`‡Z wM‡q drill down K‡i †`L‡e provident fund Gi balance K‡Zv, Avi wKQz test
cheek K‡i †`L‡e individual ledger Gi balance K‡Zv| Gi Rb¨ 460Uv placeG hvevi `iKvi †bB,
GKRvqMv †_‡KB Z_¨ cvIqv hv‡e d‡j audit cost minimize n‡e| G¸‡jv public service
improvement Gi eo area| Avgiv AG-system wd‡i hv‡ev Ges me PF Gi account maintain
Kiv n‡e centrally me employeer Rb¨| Gi d‡j mgq cÖ‡qvRb n‡e Zyjbvg~jKfv‡e A‡bK Kg| GUv
n‡e real time wfwËK you have to work in that direction, G¸‡jv image building Gi part|
‡Kv‡bv department-Gi GB image building Gi scope †bB| you can change the world;
G¸‡jv‡Zv impose Kivi K_v wQj bv| Indian Civil Accounts Service Gi †jvK‡`i G¸‡jv impose
Kiv n‡”Q bv, Zviv miKv‡ii Kv‡Q P‡j hv‡”Q G¸‡jv wb‡q| hvi cÖgvY already Zv‡`i website G Av‡Q|
Gi d‡j IMF, WB Gu‡`i‡K †W‡K wb‡q hv‡”Q| African country †Z Zuviv consultant n‡q hv‡”Qb|
So, decentralized payment systemG payment nevi mv‡_ mv‡_ me PF centrally P‡j
Avm‡e Ges PF-Gi Rb¨ aggregate ledger maintain Kiv n‡e Ges broadsheet, individual PF

Page 88 of 196
ledger _vK‡e| Avgiv GLb deposit †mKk‡bi K_v ejwQ| Debt automatically centralized Kvib
GUv GLb treasury †_‡K ‡c‡g›U Kiv nqbv, c~‡e© AG system G treasury †_‡KI promissory note
payment Kiv n‡Zv| Deposit Gi g‡a¨ cÖwf‡W›U dvÛ centrally maintain Kivi Rb¨ within
CGA’s jurisdiction already GKUv office establish n‡q‡Q| Gi bvg CAO/Pension and Fund
Management| GB bv‡gi mv‡_ Fund kãUv GB Kvi‡bB †jLv n‡q‡Q|
Ggb fv‡e system design Kiv n‡e †hb †Kv‡bv Dc‡Rjv †_‡K PF account open Ki‡Z n‡j
cÖ_‡g centrally CAO/Pension & Fund ‡K mKj Z_¨ w`‡q GKvD›U †Lvjvi approval wb‡q †b‡e
Ges Zvici GKvD›U I‡cb Ki‡e| Gi ci †_‡K local accounts office hLb †eZb payment Ki‡e
ZLb provident fund deduction n‡e B‡j±ªwbK¨vwj Ges †mUv real time G CAO/Pension & Fund
G report n‡e Ges Zvi ledger update n‡e| Avevi advance †bqvi mgq sanction Ki‡eb Zvi
(employee’ i iauthority Avi †c‡g›U Kivi c~‡e© local accounts office ‡jvKvwj sanction audit
Ki‡e| local office payment Ki‡e wKš‘ †iKW© centrally iwÿZ n‡e| †hmKj RvqMvq B‡Zvg‡a¨
centrally i‡q‡Q ‡hgb WvK wefvM, eW©vi MvW© evsjv‡`k (wewRwe), †mmKj †ÿ‡Î GB Z_¨ wKfv‡e
iBAS++ G Avbv hvq †m mKj functional requirement Gi ZvwjKv mswkøó †`i ˆZix Ki‡Z n‡e|
‡jvKvj GKvDw›Us Awdm PF account open Kivi mgq Av‡e`bcÎ bwg‡bkb mn electronically cvVv‡Z
Av‡M hLb AG wm‡÷g wQj ZLb GB nomination _vK‡Zv AG †Z †m›Uªvwj| eZ©gv‡b ‡h RvqMvq
cÖwf‡W›U dv‡Ûi GKvD›U open n‡”Q, †hLv‡bB nomination form †_‡K hv‡”Q| Avevi hLb PvKzwi †kl
n‡”Q Ab¨ RvqMvq ZLb †iKW© mwVKfv‡e msiÿY I n‡”Q bv d‡j †fvMvwšÍ evo‡Q| †h employee wewfbœ
RvqMvq move Ki‡e Zvi nomination GK RvqMvq static _vK‡e GUv †Kv‡bv system n‡Z cv‡i bv|
ZvB †h move Ki‡e, Zvi †iKW© _vK‡Z n‡e centrally †Kv_vI| ZvB ZLb account open Ki‡j Zvi
nomination _vK‡Z n‡e centrally CAO/Pension I Fund management Gi Kv‡Q|
Nomination change Ki‡jI GLv‡bB update n‡e| wKš‘, Zvi payment, deduction me wKQz n‡e
decentralized d‡j Finance Account G GPF Gi balance †`‡e CAO/Pension I Fund| and
payment Gi balance †`‡e, opening balance I †`‡e| Finance Accounts is not only flow,
Zv‡Z c„_K schedule G stock-Gi wnmveI Avb‡Z n‡e| †hUv accounting system †_‡K Avm‡e|
PF centrally maintain n‡e GB j‡ÿ¨ GLb mevi KvR Ki‡Z n‡e| GUv visible nevi ci
mswkøó e¨w³I Zvi balance †`L‡Z cvi‡e| Both gazetted Ges non-gazetted Gi Rb¨ GUv Ki‡Z
n‡e hv‡Z K‡i gvby‡li †fvMvwšÍ Kg‡e Ges account slip Gi Sv‡gjv _vK‡e bv| PF G i balance

Page 89 of 196
confirmation nI qvi ci post audit wK fv‡e n‡e ? GKUv wUg system generated report wb‡q
balance confirm Ki‡e| I tell you one thing, system robust n‡j 2/4 eQi †`Lvi ci Avi †`L‡Z
n‡e bv, Kvib GUv system generated n‡q hv‡e|
NAO Gi Auditor General AvR †_‡K 25 eQi Av‡M (ev Av‡iv †ekx n‡Z cv‡i) Dbvi
AwWUi‡`i †W‡K e‡jwQ‡jb ‡h Value for Money (VFM) audit strong Ki‡Z n‡e| ‡Kbbv
certification audit G qualified report †`qv hv‡”Q bv| Kvib system based approach G system
me take care Ki‡Q| Kv‡RB certification Gi ¸iæZ¡ K‡g hv‡”Q| Z‡e compliance G wKQz mgm¨v
GLbI Av‡Q| ZvB, GLb Avgv‡`i Performance audit, VFM audit, macro level Gi audit Gi
cÖwZ emphasis evov‡Z n‡e| Z‡e GUv hZ bv evov‡Z n‡e cÖ‡qvR‡bi ZvwM‡` Zvi †P‡q †ekx AwWUi‡`i
PvKzwi iÿvi LvwZ‡i G¸‡jv evov‡Z n‡e|
Technology like a sea wave Avgv‡`i w`‡K ‡a‡q Avm‡Q| Blockchain distributive
ledger Gi concept P‡j G‡m‡Q| Blockchain based solution hv evsjv‡`‡kI P‡j G‡m‡Q| ZvB not
only for the sake of public service improvement, our survival is also at stake.
Mundane work Avi _vK‡e bv| PF Qvov AviI wKQz welq Av‡Q| locally wKQz deposit nq hv
personal ledge (PL) account Av‡Q land acquisition (LA) issue Av‡Q|
Total Finance Accounts Gi building block Gi accounting system Gi g‡a¨ wK
improvement Kiv hvq †mUv fve‡Z n‡e| Thinking about audit improvement where your
accounting system is not in place is sheer stupidity. First of all we have to emphasis
on the accounting system. Gi hZUzKz improvement Kiv hvq ZZUzKz Ki‡Z n‡e| G‡Z †h mKj
jvf n‡e Zv n‡jv cÖ_gZ t your system will be more robust and more reliable; G‡Z audit Gi
concentration more focused n‡e Ges cost will be drastically reduced. Moreover,
assurance will be more effective.
Accounting system ‡K without any control Qwo‡q wQwU‡q †i‡L assurance †`qv hvqbv|
Centralized system G GKRb employee i service statement centrally generate n‡Z n‡e by
CAO KviY employee record CAO †Z _vK‡e| LPC issue n‡”Q wKš‘ receive n‡”Q bv due to
human behind the machines| GLb LPC e‡j wKQz bv _vK‡jI P‡j| cÖ‡Z¨K employeei ID Av‡Q,
e`jx n‡j ïaygvÎ office information n‡jB Pj‡e| †gvUK_v LPC send Ges receive †_‡K gy³ n‡Z
n‡e, GiRb¨ hv cÖ‡qvRb †mUv Ki‡Z n‡e|

Page 90 of 196
First of all, we have to concentrate on the improvement of accounting system
and service level improvement so that our system becomes reliable and our service
delivery becomes very quick and robust. The section ‘deposit’ also deals with fund.
Local deposit, criminal & civil deposit, PL account, LA checques Gi issue, LA
balance †h¸‡jv deposit wn‡m‡e classified nq G¸‡jv decentralized way †Z individually
msiÿY Ki‡e wKš‘ aggregate balance _vK‡Z n‡e CAO/Pension and fund management G|
D`vniY ¯^iƒc criminal deposit Gi mgMÖ evsjv‡`‡ki balance cvIqv hv‡e CAO/Fund G | wKš‘
drill down Ki‡j criminal deposit Gi individual transaction cvIqv hv‡e respective placeG|
Finance Accounts hLb validate Kiv n‡e certify Kiv n‡e ZLb Finance Accounts Gi
balance should be supported by several number of individual balances. Deposit¸‡jvi
central control ivL‡Z n‡e CAO/Pension & Fund G|
GLb Avwm remittance Gi †ÿ‡Î CGDF I Railway wb‡q GKUv mgm¨v Av‡Q| †mUv ev` w`‡j
remittance within the civil mvB‡W postal I wUGÛwU ev wefvMxq wnmveiÿY Awdm¸‡jv ev‡`
remittance issue Avi †miKg fv‡e cÖwg‡b›U bq| A_©vr departmental Awdm¸‡j v‡K ev` w`‡j Ab¨
†K vb department G i K vi‡Y remittance D ™¢e nq wK bv ? A vevi ejwQ PWD, R&H, DPHE,

Forest, Foreign Affairs, Postal, T&T ev` w`‡q Avi †K vb department G i K vi‡Y remittance
D ™¢e nq wK bv ? bv, eis checque issued and checque cleared nq| Avm‡j remittance Gi issue

Uv civil side G Z†ZvUv prominent bv| GB terminologyUvB GLb wmwfj mvB‡W inappropriate n‡q
c‡o‡Q exception in departmental accounts| Av‡iv irrelevant n‡e hZ EFTGi coverage
evo‡e ZZUvB| EFT coverage evo‡j †hUv n‡e Zv nj payment n‡q hv‡e real time Ges accounts
I n‡e real time| Zvn‡j Avi remittance G †Kvb balance _vK‡e bv| ïay clearance Uv wVK Ki‡Z
PWD, R&H Ges DPHE †h checque ¸‡jv issue K‡i, †h‡nZz G¸‡jv Avjv`v accounting
circle wQ‡jv AG (Works & WAPDA) and Addl. AG Foreign Affairs| H Kvi‡b G¸‡jv‡Z
remittance concept G‡m‡Q| AG (civil) ïay Accountant GeneralB bv, †m paymaster
generalI| A‡bK †`‡k `yB designation G `yRb †jvKB wb‡qvwRZ Av‡Q| Paymaster General
means cash Gi control CGAÕi nv‡Z| GKgvÎ Dwb cv‡ib cash Gi Dci touch Ki‡Z CGDF Ges
ADG(F) Paymaster general bb Gu‡`i treasury Dci nvZ †`qvi AwaKvi †bB|

Page 91 of 196
CGDF Ges ADG(F)-Giv treasury †Z access K‡i on behalf of the CGA| GB Kvi‡b
Dbviv hZ payment ev receipt K‡ib me¸‡jvB remittance w`‡q Ki‡Z nq †h‡nZz Zuviv cash touch
Ki‡Z cv‡ibbv| GB Rb¨ CGDF side G †Kvb cash †bB| Railway †Z I †bB| †h‡nZz cash Gi Dci
control CGA-i CGDF jurisdiction G †Kvb cash receive n‡j Dwb cash debit Ki‡Z cvi‡eb bv,
Kvib cash G Dwb nvZ w`‡Z cv‡ibv, GB Rb¨ treasury†Z Rgv w`‡q ejv nq remittance Kiv n‡q‡Q|
AG (Works & WAPDA) hLb wQ‡jb, Addl. AG (FA) hLb wQ‡b ZLb DbvivI AG †K
accounts Ki‡Z e‡j H accounts ¸‡jv remittance Gi gva¨‡g cvVv‡Zb|
Food for thought wn‡m‡e ejwQ †h‡nZz GLb PWD & R&H, CGA i jurisdiction-G P‡j
G‡m‡Q Zv‡`i‡K so called remittance-exchange †_‡K †ei K‡i G‡b Zv‡`i‡K normal checque
issued Ges checque paid wm‡÷‡g wb‡q Avmv hvq| Remittance block Gi I central ledger
ivL‡Z n‡e| D‡Ïk¨ n‡jv Finance Accounts Gi hZ balance _vK‡e me balance Gi aggregate
balance Avgiv CGA †_‡K PvB‡ev| Avi drill down K‡i individual division wise, district
wise e¨vjvÝ PvB‡ev mswkøó Awdm n‡Z| †hgbt (say), PWD i 100Uv division, cÖwZUvq remittance
Gi Avjv`v Avjv`v ledger _vK‡e, GUv CAO maintain Ki‡e| Ges aggregate ledger maintain
Ki‡e CGA| CAO i non compliance CGA †`L‡e| Avwg Pvw”Q AwW‡Ui †hb mundane wRwbm
†`L‡Z bv nq| AwWU mundane wRwbm †`L‡Z wM‡q fault †c‡j Zv ïay report Kiv Qvov Avi †Kv‡bv Dcvq
_v‡K bv|
Article 128(1) A‡bK powerful wKš‘ AwWU hZUzKz cvËv †`qv nq ZZUzKz powerful hZUzKz
response cvIqv hvq ZZUzKz powerful| It is correlated with governance lavel| †hLv‡b
governance level Gi response Gi Dci depend Ki‡Z nq, ‡mLv‡b AwWU†K wfbœ iæ‡U †h‡Z n‡e|
Alternative route‡K emphasize Ki‡Z n‡e, systemB Zv‡K ai‡e, †hb H level ch©šÍ bv hvq|
Appropriation Accounts Ges Finance Accounts prepare Ki‡Zv AG| wb‡P †jLv
_vK‡Zv ‘Avgiv †jvKRb GUv †`‡L‡Q, wcÖ-AwWU K‡i (Sanction Audit, Appropriation Audit K‡i)
sign K‡i‡Q’| system based GKvDw›Us Gi Dci depend K‡iB GUv Kiv n‡Zv| Debt †h‡nZz
centrally handle Kiv n‡Zv ZvB CGAi GLv‡b balance cvIqv ‡hZ| G¸‡jv history †Z wQ‡jv| AG
i fund manual wQ‡jv, deposit Gi manual wQj Avgiv GB manual ¸‡jv Avevi m„wó Ki‡ev, GB
manual format G AveviI †h‡Z n‡e Avgv‡`i| G¸‡jv Avevi ˆZix Ki‡Z n‡e Avgv‡`i Øviv| Revenue
expenditure Gi g‡a¨ establishment Gi evB‡i supply/service ev repair / maintenance Gi

Page 92 of 196
†ÿ‡Î G¸‡jv †Kv‡bv asset create Ki‡e bv, G¸‡jv one-off issue Ges budget deficit Gi Ask|
G¸‡jvB n‡e decentralized accounts office Gi KvR n‡e|
eZ©gv‡b Avgiv audit point LyRwQ accounting system QvovB A_P audit Gi essence n‡”Q
audit follows accounts| eZ©gv‡b audit report G †Kv‡bv accounts †bB| wKš‘, BwZnv‡m †`Lv †M‡jv
wVKB accounts wQ‡jv Avi GLb accounts †bB| mevB wg‡j cÖ_‡g accounting system
improvement Ki‡Z n‡e| d‡j ground lost n‡q _vK‡j bZzb ground ˆZix n‡e Ges wWcvU©‡g‡›Ui
B‡gR branding n‡e|
Revenue expenditure Gi g‡a¨ supply service, repair maintenance, grants-in-aid
cÖf…wZ _vK‡j Zv †ek straight forward | G¸‡jv pre-audit n‡e by the respective accounting
offices Ges mv‡_ mv‡_ record system G hv‡e hv executive Gi mv‡_ reconcile Kiv n‡e wi‡qj-
UvBg †ewm‡m| Already iBAS++ G reconciliation system ‡`qv Av‡Q|
Budget Holder Pay & Accounts Treasury Statutory Audit
(external Audit)
(Panel – 1) (Panel – 2) (Panel – 3) (Panel – 4)


Bangladesh Bank
CAO Revenue
Rule of Business

Linking Deposit
Co2 Treasury Rules
two panels
Sonali Bank


Delegation of Cash
CO3 Financial


wPÎt 3(M) - c¨v‡bjmg~‡ni cvi¯úvwiK wbf©ikxjZv

Page 93 of 196
EFT ‡`‡ev bv †PK †`‡ev ? Z…Zxq c¨v‡bj Avi Av‡Mi g‡Zv †bB, me‡P‡q ˆecøweK †h cwieZ©bUv
GB c¨v‡b‡j n‡q‡Q †mUv n‡jv Core Banking System21 (CBS), RTGS22, E – payment
gateway23, National Payment Switch24, Automated Clearing House25 etc. Bangladesh
Bank G¸‡jvi Platform| Treasury system Ges banking system G wK wK improvement
n‡q‡Q Zvi Dci paper-G GKUv chapter _vK‡e| GB P¨vÞv‡i _vK‡e G¸‡jvi character wK Ges G¸‡jv
†_‡K Mf‡g©›U receipt Ges payment Gi Rb¨ wK leverage wb‡Z cv‡i|
miKv‡ii cash Gi aggregate balance CGA†K w`‡Z n‡e, wKš‘ GB cash handle n‡”Q
several place G| me place Gi aggregate-B n‡”Q central cash balance| wewfbœ Awdm †PK Bmy¨
Ki‡Q, †PK Wª Ki‡Q, Avevi †PK †c‡g›U n‡q cv_©K¨Uv gvwmK wnmv‡e Avm‡Q| G¸‡jvi aggregate n‡”Q
cash increase ev decrease | cy‡iv evsjv‡`k EFT n‡q †M‡j, †Kv‡bv ‡PK bv _vK‡j, all payment
hw` EFT Gi gva¨‡g nq Zvn‡j evsjv‡`k e¨vsK †_‡K mKj payment n‡e, ZLb agent bank wn‡m‡e
Sonali Bank Gi Avi †Kvb function _vK‡e bv| G‡Z K‡i miKv‡ii kZ kZ †KvwU UvKv mvkÖq n‡e in
terms of less commission. But in terms of improvement in cash management Av‡iv
nvRvi †KvwU UvKv miKv‡ii borrwing cost minimize n‡e| Unnecessary borrowing n‡e bv, A_©vr
future G service decentralized n‡jI evsjv‡`k e¨vs‡Ki gva¨‡g EFT AW©v‡ii information Avm‡e
CAG†Z pay point wise| Payment AW©vi n‡e countrywide EFT i gva¨‡g †hUv Avm‡e evsjv‡`k
e¨vsK, XvKv‡Z Ges †mLvb †_‡K payment n‡q mswkøó e¨w³i e¨vsK GKvD‡›U UvKv P‡j hv‡e| GUv future
Gi direction, in five years time G¸‡jv n‡q hv‡e| EFT AW©v‡ii information Ges evsjv‡`k
e¨vs‡Ki payment Gi information systemG P‡j Avm‡e| Ges in real timeG G¸‡jv n‡e|
Payment ultimately central bank †_‡K n‡j cash Gi wnmve I balance robust n‡e, Finance

CBS refers to a centralized system established by a bank which allows its customers to conduct their business
irrespective of the banks branches. Thus it removes the impediments of geo-specific transactions. In fact CORE
is an acronym for ‘centralized online real-time exchange’ thus the bank branches can access applications from
centralized data centre.
RTGS-Real time gross settlement systems are speeialst funds transfer systems where the transfer of money
takes place from one bank to any other bank on a real-time and on a gross basis.
A payment gateway is an e-commerce service that processes credit card service for online and traditional
stores. Payment gateways facilitate these transactions by transferring key information between payment portals
such as web-enabled mobile devices/websites and front end processors / banks. It authorizes payments between
merchant and customers.
National payment switch Bangladesh (NPSB) is a domestic ATM sharing network governed by the
Bangladesh Bank. Through this network NPSB member bank’s customers can perform ATM transactions at
other NPSB member bank’s ATM terminals using their Debit/Credit/ATM cards.
An automated clearing house (ACH) is an electronic network for financial transactions, generally for domestic
low value payments. It is a computer based clearing house and settlement facility established to process the
changes of electronic transactions between participating banks/financial institutions.

Page 94 of 196
Accounts Gi cash balance Gi audit assurance †`qv mnR n‡e| GLb †hgb evsjv‡`k e¨vs‡Ki
figure Gi mv‡_ CGA i figure Gi cv_©K¨ n‡”Q fwel¨‡Z †mUv Avi n‡e bv|
Receipt Gi †ÿ‡ÎI CBS Gi gva¨‡g Zv n‡Z cv‡i| CBS Gi main feature n‡”Q it is a
branchless banking system, it is not online banking. CBS Gi g~j e³e¨ n‡jv all branches
are individually recognized but transaction ¸‡jv real time G centralized | d‡j †h †Kv‡bv
branch †_‡K UvKv DVv‡bv ev Rgv †`qv hvq| Ab¨w`‡K online banking n‡jv you have an account
in one bank not in one branch, and you can transfer your money to branches of other
banks as well.
Treasury Pvjvb Rgv †`qvi Rb¨ specific treasury branch Av‡Q Sonali Bank Gi| CBS
n‡q hvIqvi d‡j Sonali Bank Gi me ¸‡jv branch B treasury function Ki‡Z cvi‡e| ZvB GUv
wb‡q KvR Kiv †h‡Z cv‡i| G‡Z service delivery mnRZi I DbœZZi n‡e| CBS n‡q hvIqvi d‡j
mKj e¨vsK Gi branch GLb g~jZt counter wn‡m‡e KvR Ki‡Q wKš‘ record n‡”Q centrally| Even
Gi d‡j Sonali Bank Gi head office n‡Z record centrally CGA†Z P‡j Avm‡Z cv‡i|
Already XvKv kn‡ii mKj branch †K treasury branch wn‡m‡e KvR Kivi Rb¨ wb‡`©kbv cÖ`vb Kiv
n‡q‡Q hv cÖwµqvaxb i‡q‡Q| `ytLRbK n‡jv G mg¯Í wel‡q Avgv‡`i †Kv‡bv fvebv †bB| other sector Gi
development wKfv‡e Avgvi DcKvi Ki‡Z cv‡i †mUv †f‡e †`Lv DwPZ|
Sonali Bank Gi all branch treasury branch n‡q hv‡e, ZvB e‡j development Gi †kl
GLv‡bB bq| Treasury chalan Sonali BankGB ev Rgv w`‡Z n‡e †Kb| †h †Kv‡bv e¨vs‡KB Rgv †`qvi
e¨e¯’v _vKv DwPr KviY RTGS (real time gross settlement) n‡q‡Q, e-payment n‡q‡Q, National
Payment Switch n‡q‡Q, Zv n‡j †h †Kv‡bv e¨vs‡KB Rgv cÖ`vb Kiv m¤¢e| Ultimate target n‡jv
e¨vs‡K hveviB cÖ‡qvRb n‡e bv UvKv Rgv cÖ`v‡bi Rb¨| N‡i e‡mB treasury Pvjvb Rgv cÖ`vb Kiv m¤¢e|
Ges N‡i e‡mB Rgv n‡q‡Q wKbv CGA n‡Z Zv †`Lv m¤¢e| Accounting system G big
improvement m¤¢e|
Government Gi cash movement I cash management Gi improvement NU‡e|
Deficit financing Gi †ÿ‡Î borrowing cost low n‡q hv‡e| Gi d‡j †h borrowing cost ‡_‡K
†hUv †mwfsm& n‡e †mUv w`‡q AwWU wefvM‡K K‡qK eQi Pvjv‡bv †h‡Z cv‡i| ïaygvÎ 3 gv‡mi saving w`‡q
50 eQi audit department ‡K Pvjv‡bv †h‡Z cv‡i| Government ‡K G mKj welq †`Lv‡bv Avgv‡`i
`vwqZ¡, in terms of analysis †`k‡K GB benefit ¸‡jv †`Lv‡bv †h‡Z cv‡i| G¸‡jv n‡jv ‡W‡fjc‡g‡›Ui
transition phase |

Page 95 of 196
A‡b‡K g‡b Ki‡Z cv‡i e¨vs‡Ki CBS Gi mv‡_ Avgvi m¤úK© †bB, Avm‡j H ¸‡jvi gva¨‡g GKUv
cøvUdg© create n‡”Q accouting Gi platform, audit Gi platform, N‡i e‡m payment n‡j UvKv
†Kv_vq hv‡e Zv wW‡±U Kivi cøvUdg©| Sonali Bank ev Ab¨ †Kv‡bv e¨vs‡K bv wM‡q G‡Kev‡i miKv‡ii
single treasury †Z hit Ki‡Z cv‡i wKbv †m e¨e¯’v Ki‡Z n‡e, Zvn‡j financing cost save n‡e,
money flow mivmwi individual Gi KvQ †_‡K miKv‡ii wnmv‡e P‡j Avm‡e| Gi Av‡M †h me
development Gi K_v ejv n‡q‡Q †m¸‡jv‡Z UvBg M¨vc Av‡Q, and the time gap has a cost| CGA
†h paymaster general Zvi cÖgvY the Treasury Rules co‡jB cvIqv hv‡e| TR-G Av‡Q CGAi
mv‡_ mivmwi minister-Gi communication gvSLv‡b †KD †bB| Avm‡j CGA is a regulatory
body, not an attached department hw`I GUv‡K attached department evbv‡bv n‡q‡Q| Gi
BwZnvm n‡jv attached department bv n‡j Mvox cvIqv hv‡e bv| GB Rb¨ CGA wb‡RB department
declare Kivi Rb¨ initiative wb‡q‡Q| But if you read the Treasury Rules, CGA †K †Kv‡bv
department wn‡m‡e †`Lv hvq bv| CGA and minister, no one in between GUvi spirit wQ‡jv it is
a regulatory body, it is paymaster General and Accountant General|
Online payment system Gi Rb¨ me‡P‡q eo cÖ‡qvRb n‡jv gvbyl‡K access †`qvi Rb¨
†Kv‡bv GKUv platform †`qv| D`vniYt plane Gi ticket †Kbvi Rb¨ wegv‡bi website G wM‡q details
information †`qv nq| Then payment Gi mgq redirect Kiv nq GKwU gateway†Z| GUv n‡Z cv‡i
both national or international gateway|
National payment switch n‡jv nation Gi g‡a¨, Avevi †Kv‡bv individual bank Gi mv‡_
†Kv‡bv international gateway i connectivity _vK‡Z cv‡i| Gateway†Z payment Kivi ci
merchantile Gi websiteG back Kiv nq for issuing ticket| GB same idea apply Kiv †h‡Z
cv‡i online payment system Gi †ÿ‡Î| CGA website G GKwU web portal develop Kiv hvq
†hLv‡b _vK‡e e-chalan portal| Gi design Ges function wb‡q technical people †`i KvR Ki‡Z
n‡e| CGAi web-portal Gi mv‡_ GUv connected Kiv n‡j CGA i brandingI n‡e| ïaygvÎ
online chalan verification-Gi Rb¨B CGA-i website AmsL¨evi visit/hit n‡”Q| Kvib GB host
Uv n‡”Q CGAi websiteG| GLb hw` online chalanGi host-I CGA-i nq Zvn‡j websit-Gi
cwiwPwZ Av‡iv evo‡e| GUv CGAi website G nIqvB evÂbxq Kvib he is the Paymaster General.
Individual e-chalan portal-G chalan prepare Ki‡e, cÖ‡qR‡b GUv popular Kivi Rb¨
campagain Kiv †h‡Z cv‡i| chalan cÖ`v‡bi step mg~n D‡jøL K‡i advertisement Kiv †h‡Z cv‡i|
e-chalan G Pvjvb ˆZixi ci e-payment gatewayi gva¨‡g (either BB ev SBi gva¨‡g) payment

Page 96 of 196
Ki‡Z n‡e| d‡j individual N‡i e‡m Zvi debit card ev account n‡Z payment Ki‡e, GB
payment gvSLv‡b †Kv‡bv pocket G bv wM‡q mivmwi single treasury†Z P‡j Avm‡e| Ges record,
scroll H Lvb †_‡K generate Kiv m¤¢e n‡e| ¯Œj generate K‡i cash balance real time G cvIqv
hv‡e| GK w`‡b Gme n‡e bv, G¸‡jv‡KI branding I popular Ki‡Z n‡e| CGA i bv‡g GwU Ki‡Z
n‡e, CGDF ev ADG(Finance) Gi bv‡g Kiv hv‡e bv Kvib Giv remittance Gi gva¨‡g treasuryi
mv‡_ hy³, cash Zv‡`i †bB|
GUv c~Y©v½fv‡e n‡j online chalan verificationGiI cÖ‡qvRb n‡e bv, e-chalanB h‡_ó| ZvB
e-chalan portal wb‡q KvR Kiv cÖ‡qvRb| Avkvi K_v n‡jv B‡Zvg‡a¨ e-chalan portal ˆZix Kiv
n‡q‡Q| wKš‘, Avgv‡`i `~fv©M¨ hv‡`i Rvbvi K_v Zviv Rv‡b bv| Ab¨ A‡bK wel‡qi g‡Zv GUvI Kg©m~Px26
Ki‡e e‡j Avgiv †`vlv‡ivc Kwi, A_P GUv Avgv‡`i Rvbv DwPZ wQ‡jv, GUv Avgv‡`i KvR| GB initiative
Avgv‡`i †bqvi K_v wQ‡jv| Kg©m~Px‡K functional requirement Rvwb‡q Zv‡`i KvQ †_‡K
technological support †bqv DwPr wQj| B-Pvjvb †cvU©vj Aj‡iwW †W‡fjc K‡iwQ Pvjv‡bi dig¨vUI Kiv
n‡q‡Q| †mvbvjx e¨vsK †K †i‡LB weKvk I †gvevBj e¨vswKs mn GKUv e-payment gatewayÕiI e¨e¯’v
Kiv n‡q‡Q| hv B‡Zvg‡a¨ Kiv n‡q‡Q Zvi g‡a¨ GLb study K‡i Av‡iv improvement Kiv cÖ‡qvRb|
GUv‡K cyY©v½iƒ‡c Kvh©Ki Kiv Ges branding I popular Kiv cÖ‡qvRb, †Kbbv h‡Zv popular n‡e Z‡Zv
over the counter service K‡g hv‡e| Electronic service precedance cv‡e|
eZ©gv‡b payment I receipt `y‡UvB electronically Kiv hvq| EFT w`‡q payment Ges e-
chalan w`‡q receipt. eZ©gv‡b e-chalan portalG over the counter service Gi provisionI ivLv
Av‡Q| GLv‡b Pvjvb evbv‡bvi ci wewfbœ option Av‡m| Online payment Z_v chalan print /
generate Kiv, Gici wbKU¯’ e¨vsK G wM‡q Pvjvb Rgv †`qv| GUv improve Kivi scope Av‡Q, Z‡e
gv_vq ivL‡Z n‡e service level improvement Gi K_v|
PFM Gi ‡m‡KÛ panel ch©šÍ hw` improve nq Zvn‡j PZz_© panel Gi KvR A‡bK mnR n‡q
hvq| panel ZLb macro level Gi KvR Ki‡e| Ultimate target n‡jv Sonali Bank †K payment
system †_‡K discard K‡i †`qv| †mRb¨ Bangladesh Bank†K Av‡iv strengthen Kiv cÖ‡qvRb|
GKUv major issue n‡jv pension payment; ïay payment bv, recording also|
Employee database †hgb n‡q‡Q, pensioner databaseI n‡q‡Q Ges pensioners’ national ID
w`‡q wjsK Kiv n‡q‡Q| Gi Av‡M †cbkbv‡ii msL¨v mywbw`©ó wQ‡jv bv, ev‡RUI wewfbœ RvqMvq Qov‡bv wQUv‡bv
wQ‡jv| Centralized accounting system †K gv_vq †i‡LB salary increment GKB dateG Kiv

PEMSP - Public Expenditure Management Strengthning Program

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n‡q‡Q| KviY cost of tracking increment in different date is too high. pensioner Gi
database Kivjvg Avgiv, Avgvi leadershipG| †cbkbv‡ii msL¨v GLbI 7 jvL cvi nqwb, A_P
database nIqvi Av‡M ghost pensionerGi wcQ‡b A‡bK A_© P‡j wM‡q‡Q †hUv GLb eÜ n‡q‡Q|
PvKzixPz¨Z n‡q‡Q, †R‡j wM‡q‡Q, Ggb †jv‡Ki msL¨v AmsL¨| †cbkb re-imbursement cÖwµqvUv wQ‡jv
cheek Gi gva¨‡g, †hUv mwVKfv‡e scruitiny Kiv m¤¢eci n‡Zv bv| Gi g‡a¨ A‡bK fraud caseI P‡j
†h‡Zv| Gi g~j KviY centralize system †K †f‡½ Dc‡Rjv level ch©šÍ pension payment Ges
accounting †K wb‡q hvIqv|
Pension cÖ_‡g sanction nq Zvici payment nq| Pensioner eB Gi `yÕ‡Uv Ask t
pensioner’s half Ges disburser’s half| Pension sanction Gi †ÿ‡Î improvement Gi scope
n‡jv PFGi record keeping including nomination ‡K centralized Kiv Ges centralized
service statement system Pvjy Kiv| Pension sanction nevi ci 2Uv route G pension
payment nq| GKUv n‡jv accounts office n‡Z Ab¨Uv n‡jv bank †_‡K| Bank †_‡K †bqvi D‡Ïk¨
n‡jv gvbyl‡K Kó Kg †`qv, wKš‘ system in place Kiv nqwb| Sonali Bank Gi Kv‡Q defence Gi
pension Gi A‡bK UvKv evwK c‡o Av‡Q hv e¨vsKwU re-imbursement cv‡e| Everybody is taking
care of the end results but nobody is thinking about the system in place. From now on
pension †Kvb bank payment Ki‡e bv| †Kv‡bv re-imbursement n‡e bv| Avgvi officer, staff for
no reason suspended n‡ebv, pension Gi disburser’s half e¨vsK G _vK‡e bv|
Pension sanction n‡e Gici gratuity wb‡e ¯^-¯^ accounts office n‡Z| wKš‘ record
electronically P‡j Avm‡e CAO/Pension and Fund management office G| PensionerGi
record _vK‡e centrally electronically. CAO/Pension I Fund Gi GKUv websiteI _vK‡e|
†mLv‡b pensioner-Gi list _vK‡e| G¸‡jv fwel¨‡Zi K_v ejv n‡”Q| Pensioner-Gi GKUv †cbkb eB
_vK‡e, †hUv A‡bKUv smart card Gi g‡Zv design Kiv n‡q‡Q| CAO/Pension n‡Z all pensioner
Gi detailed record up to date _vK‡e| H †cbkbv‡ii KvQ †_‡K pension paper Gi mgq Zvi wife
Gi Qwe Ges details record †bqv n‡e hv CAO/Pension G maintain Kiv n‡e| Gici pensioner
Gi desire Abyhvqx Zvi wba©vwiZ e¨vs‡K †cbkb cwi‡kvwaZ n‡e cÖwZ gv‡m| Even mobile banking
(Bkash and Others)GI †cbkb P‡j hv‡e (G‡R›U e¨vsKmn)| wmGI/‡cbkb I dvÛ n‡Z gvwmK †cbkb
EFT n‡q mswkøó †cbkbv‡ii desired place/account G P‡j hv‡e| Pensioner Gi Kv‡Q SMS I
hv‡e| Pensioner Gi mv‡_ accounts office Gi †`Lv nIqvi cÖ‡qvRb †bB| MZ eQi n‡Z pension Gi
budget I centralized Kiv n‡q‡Q| Pensioner Gi Rb¨ budget forecast GLb CAO/Pension &

Page 98 of 196
Fund management n‡Z †bqv hv‡e, ministry n‡Z wb‡Z n‡e bv| KviY employee database n‡Z
K‡e †K †cbk‡b hv‡”Q †m information-I cvIqv m¤¢e| G‡Z K‡i CGAÕi image Av‡iv e„w× cv‡e|
Budget Gi Rb¨I CGAÕi Dci miKv‡ii dependency †e‡o hv‡e|
Gratuity I pension budget, even salary budget, employee database ‡K
interrogate K‡i system ‡_‡K one click Gi gva¨‡g cvIqv hv‡e| Even system e‡j ‡`‡e pay KZ
cvi‡m›U evov‡j KZ extra money’i cÖ‡qvRb n‡e| G¸‡jv n‡j issue _vK‡Q bv fzj reimbursement
Gi, AwWUi‡`i Ah_v nqivwb nIqv jvM‡Q bv fzj re-imbursement bill payment K‡i| pensioner
Gi jvB‡b `vov‡bv jvM‡Q bv| Total pension budget centrally control n‡j, cÖwZ gv‡m pensioner
Zvi chosen GKvD‡›U UvKv cv‡e| †cbkbv‡ii Abycw¯’wZ‡Z Zvi wife mn‡R pension cv‡e| Kvib
cvwievwiK †cbkb accounts office w`‡q w`‡Z cv‡i Z_vwc wewfbœ Awbqg fraud nevi f‡q ¯^-¯^
department n‡Z bZzb K‡i sanction Avb‡Z nq| Sanction Avb‡Z wM‡q A‡bK ai‡Yi †fvMvwšÍ nq|
Centralized pension system Gi GKvwaK myweav| cÖ_gZt central payment, GK EFT order G
mKj †cbkbv‡ii monthly pension cvVv‡bv hv‡e| wØZxqZt †cbkbvi gviv hvevi ci family †cbkb
PvjyKiv hv‡e in no time| wife Gi GKvD‡›U cieZx© gv‡mB ‡cbkb cvVv‡bv ïiæ Kiv hv‡e| A‡bK mgq
legal hurdle n‡Z cv‡i Z‡e Av‡M system in place K‡i G mKj hurdle wKfv‡e mitigate Kiv hvq
Zvi e¨e¯’v Ki‡Z n‡e|
G mKj Kg©KvÛ m¤úbœ n‡j centralized pension G payment system Gi gva¨‡g Gi
aggregate amount of budget, aggregate amount of payment , aggregate amount of
estimate Ges detail pension me wKQz cvIqv hv‡e GKRvqMv †_‡K| pre-audit Gi context G
pension audit ej‡Z Avi wKQz _vK‡e bv, post-audit context G _vK‡e | Pension Gi aggregate
balance payment Gi mv‡_ wgj‡Q wKbv, pension liability miKv‡ii Rb¨ future G sustainable
wKbv, employee database Gi mv‡_ interrogate K‡i centrally GK RvqMv n‡Z less cost G ‡cv÷-
AwWU Kiv m¤¢e| Pension unfunded ivLv appropriate n‡e wKbv, funded Kiv hvq wKbv (including
PF), G¸‡jv Mf‡g©‡›Ui wm×všÍ n‡jI miKvi †K sensitize Kiv Avgv‡`i `vwqZ¡|
AvR‡Ki session Gi summary n‡jvt payment system decentralized _vK‡e including
pre-auditing, all expenditures Gi payment decentralized way †Z handle n‡e| wKš‘, †h¸‡jv
miKv‡ii asset ev liability †m¸‡jvi record _vK‡Z n‡e centrally| Z‡e †Kvb&Uv specific CAO i
gva¨‡g n‡e, †Kvb&Uv CGA †Z n‡e Zvi GKUv arrangement K‡i ivL‡Z n‡e| G¸‡jvi Rb¨ Avjv`v
manual ˆZix Ki‡Z n‡e| Accounting system centralized n‡e Z‡e central balance drill

Page 99 of 196
down K‡i audit trail a‡i decentralize BDwbU ch©šÍ ‡M‡j cÖwZUv unit Gi Lei cvIqv hv‡e, me
decentralized c‡q‡›UB PF Gi individual movement †`Lv hv‡e| Avevi GUv centrallyI
consolidated figure-Gi mv‡_ link Kiv n‡e| Remittance handling Av‡Mi †P‡q mnR n‡e Kvib
CGDF, Railway Avi Postal ev` w`‡j civil Gi jurisdiction G payment Gi †ÿ‡Î remittance
system minimize n‡q hv‡e, Kvib treasury to treasury remittance Avi †bB, GLb me banking
system G n‡”Q| ïay departmental receipt Gi †ÿ‡Î remittance issue _vK‡e| Payment Gi
†ÿ‡Î ultimate journey n‡jv †PK system bv _vKv Ges me EFT n‡q hvIqv|
†m journeyÕi I end n‡jv CBS Gi Kj¨v‡Y | Avi EFT mivmwi evsjv‡`k e¨vsK ‡K hit Ki‡Z
cvi‡j †mvbvjx e¨vsK gvSLvb †_‡K ev` n‡q hv‡e| Receipt Gi ‡ÿ‡Î over the counter I _vK‡e wKš‘,
Avgiv emphasize Ki‡ev e-chalan portal Gi Dci| Pension office Gi Rb¨ portal _vK‡e, H
portal G grievance Gi Rb¨ place _vK‡e †hb user friendly way †Z grievance Rvb‡Z cv‡i|
G¸‡jv‡K advertisement Ki‡Z n‡e| Gi gva¨‡g we are gaining ground, Avi bv Ki‡j we will
be loosing our ground. We have the potential to become more sophisticated.
Governance environment G‡Zv suitable n‡e bv, ZvB e‡j e‡m _vKv hv‡e bv| We
should start our journey. Paper start n‡q hvK, paper Gi structure Gi g‡a¨I cwieZ©b Avb‡Z
n‡e, chapter evov‡Z n‡e| Core banking Gi Rb¨ separate chapter w`‡Z n‡e| CBS Gi g‡a¨ wK
nq, eZ©gv‡b wK wK development n‡q‡Q, GB development †K Avgiv wK fv‡e leverage Ki‡Z cvwi
Zv †ccv‡i Avm‡Z n‡e| ‡m‡KÛ panel Gi development m¤ú‡K©I K_v ej‡Z n‡e| GB mKj paper
Gi input n‡e An Introduction to Government Audit and Accounts Gi concept ˆZixi
basis| †hUv Auditor General issue Ki‡e| Thank you very much|

Page 100 of 196

Session: SIX & SEVEN

First of all, thank you very much for congratulating me and my team for
winning the vote and becoming the member of the Board of Governance of ASOSAI.
Thank you very much| cÖ_‡gB 2/1 Uv K_v ewj | Avgv‡`i cixÿv†Zv GKUv n‡q †M‡jv, Avkv Kwi
fv‡jv †j‡M‡Q| Again I am happy, ‡h brief / sum up K‡i‡Q knx` ( knx`yi ingvb †PŠayix), overall
I am very happy| M¨vc _vK‡eB, _vKvB ¯^vfvweK, Z‡e at least point ¸‡jv cover Ki‡Z †c‡i‡Q| `y
/ GKUv RvqMvq wKQz mgm¨v Av‡Q Z‡e G¸‡jv wVK n‡q hv‡e, co‡Z co‡Z n‡q hv‡e| AvR‡K whole day
session. In the afternoon Avgiv cover K‡i‡ev government budgeting and classification
system. HUv Avwg Aek¨ presentation †`‡ev bv| g~j classification system Gi Dci KvR K‡i‡Q
mvBdzj, I Av‡M DcmwPe wQj GLb Joint Secretary, IÕB presentation †`‡e, Avwg Ii mv‡_
Dc¯’vcbvq _vK‡ev|
†h‡nZz classification session we‡K‡j n‡e †m‡nZz classificationGi design Uv gv_vq †i‡L
Avwg AvR‡Ki lecture Uv design K‡iwQ| GB design ej‡Z me Avgvi gv_vq design Kiv, KvMR-
UvM‡R wKQz †bB| Avwg wWRvBb K‡i †i‡LwQ †h, we‡K‡j classification †evSvi ¯^v‡_© Mf‡g©‡›Ui
institutional arrangement, ev‡RwUs wm‡÷g, GKvDw›Us wm‡÷g G¸‡jv wb‡q K_v ej‡ev| Z‡e AvR‡Ki
session †evSvi Rb¨ knowledge Gi ground base wVK Kivi j‡ÿ¨ mevB‡K IMF Gi blog †_‡K wKQz
technical notes †`qv n‡q‡Q| hw`I Av‡MI ejv n‡q‡Q PFM blog Gi technical note covi Rb¨,
GB me¸‡jvB wKš‘ AvR‡Ki Rb¨| specifically Kvj‡K †ek wKQy ‡bvU †`qv n‡q‡Q| Gi g‡a¨ major †hUv
classification related 2Uv technical notes i‡q‡Q, GQvov AviI wKQy PFM related Av‡Q, me¸‡jv
co‡Z n‡e| Avwg Rvwb AvR‡K iv‡Z me¸‡jv A‡b‡KB co‡Z cv‡iwb, Z‡e co‡Z n‡e| GQvov AviI i‡q‡Q|
Avevi stress KiwQ cov‡jLvi Dci| co‡Z n‡e Ges wb‡R‡K ‰Zix Ki‡Z n‡e| †h‡nZz classification
structure †evSvi Rb¨ discussion n‡e, †m‡nZy Avwg Avevi Avgvi †mB panel G hvB| knx` mwVKfv‡e
e‡j‡Q panel, GB panel kãwU wKš‘ †Kvb wjUv‡iPvi †_‡K †bqv bv| GUv Avgvi| ej‡Z cv‡iv †h GUv
AvwgB ewj| GUvi gv‡b n‡Z cv‡i segment, wKš‘ not segment| GUv Avm‡j GKUv panel B| Pvi b¤^i
panel G Avgiv hvBwb GLbI which is the Auditor General’s panel.
Avgiv Already 3Uv panel cover K‡iwQ| 3Uv panel Gi †ek wKQz area Kvfvi Kiv n‡q‡Q|
A‡bK¸‡jv area Kvfvi Kiv evwK Av‡Q| H Gwiqv ¸‡jv‡Z Avwg Av‡¯Í Av‡¯Í hv‡ev| Z‡e GKUv caution,
†KD hw` g‡b K‡ib, m¨vi Av‡M †kl Kiæb Zvici Avwg ïiæ Ki‡ev, Dwb Avi iv¯Ívq DV‡Z cvi‡eb bv| Avevi

Page 101 of 196

ejwQ, Av‡M m¨vi cy‡ivUv †kl KiæK, Zvic‡i Avgiv ïiæ Ki‡ev, G‡Kev‡i w`bivZ K‡i ïiæ Ki‡evÓ Dwb Avi
iv¯Ívq DV‡Z cvi‡eb bv| Kv‡RB it’s a caution : you always think about the system Ges GB
thinking process Uv wKš‘ continuous process| K_vq †hUv e‡j, ev evsjvq †hUv e‡j †h, kq‡b ¯^c‡b
fve‡Z n‡e, wPšÍv Ki‡Z n‡e| You are appointed by the Govt for 24hrs service. Family life
should be there but wPšÍv-fvebvUv memgq _vK‡e Ges GLb †KD hw` g‡b K‡i c‡i ïiæ Ki‡ev, n‡e bv|
GLbB ïiæ K‡i memgq KvR Ki‡Z n‡e regular basis-G| Avgv‡`i †h report mevB‡K w`‡Z n‡e, H
report Gi structure I wKš‘ time to time change n‡e| GLb Avgvi hw` fvwe †h, “Sir change K‡i
Final K‡ib, Zvici Avwg ïiæ Ki‡ev”, ZvI n‡e bv| wb‡Ri Structure wb‡R K‡i, then time to time
Avgiv change K‡i w`‡ev| GUvi g‡a¨ wewfbœ RvqMv †_‡K G‡b feed Ki‡Z n‡e| †hgb, GZw`b
classification Gi †Kvb chapter wQj bv| AvR‡Ki c‡i classification Gi chapter-I Avm‡e| jv÷
†WÕi Av‡M electronic payment platform wQj bv| electronic payment platform & it’s use in
PFM GKUv chapter n‡e| H †h payment gateway Gi mv‡_ Avgiv wf‡qZbvg †_‡K Avi GKUv wb‡q
AvmwQ QR code, Av‡MB wQj Avgvi gv_vq| H w`b wgm K‡i †d‡jwQjvg, QR code. PFM-G
payment-G wKfv‡e QR code use Kiv hvq| evi‡KvW wQj GK mgq, GLb Av‡¯Í Av‡¯Í evi †KvW †UvW
G¸‡jv redundant n‡q hv‡”Q| evi‡Kv‡W Pvjvb scan Ki‡j accounting system G incorporate n‡q
hv‡e| GB mg¯Í welq¸‡jv Avm‡e| †Zv GLb Avwg ïiæ Kwi institutional framework wb‡q|
AvR‡K Avwg panel-1GB _vK‡ev| hw`Iev panel-1GKevi discuss K‡iwQ, ev‡i ev‡iB discuss
Kiv n‡e| cÖwZwU panel ev‡i ev‡i discussion n‡e| GB wZbUv panel G evi evi visit Kivi A‡bK
advantage Av‡Q| Do you have any idea that I am helping you. Avwg †Zvgv‡`i‡K mvnvh¨
KiwQ| ev‡i ev‡i GB Panel re-visit Ki‡j discussion G †Kvb point miss Ki‡j HUv Avevi aiv
co‡e| Moreover, Av‡Mi language eyS‡Z Kó n‡jI, GLb language wKš‘ eySv hv‡e Ges HUvi Dci
Avwg further hLb Panel-1, 2, 3 discuss K‡iwQ ZLb A‡bK welq gv_vq wQ‡jv wKš‘ discuss Kwi bvB
ev ewj bvB|
A_©vr c~‡e© A‡bK wKQz ewj bvB KviY mevi †evSvi †j‡fj GZ fv‡jv wQj bv| mK‡ji
understanding †j‡fj Abymv‡i Avwg Avgvi gv_vi g‡a¨ †jKPvi¸‡jv wWRvBb K‡iwQ| †Zvgvi
understanding †j‡f‡j KZUzKz eyS‡Z cviev †mBUv Avgvi gv_vq design Kiv Av‡Q| †Zvgvi Initial
†j‡f‡j understanding wK wQj, GLb middle level Ges that’s why GBme K_v-evZ©v ¸‡jv Avwg
Av‡M ewjwb| GLb hLb further Avevi re-visit Kiv n‡e ZLb Avevi g‡b Kwi‡q †`qv n‡e| hw`
Av‡Mi¸‡jv cov-‡jLv K‡i _vK Z‡e GLb hLb further level evo‡e ZLb G¸‡jv wb‡Z cvi‡e Ges †bIqvi

Page 102 of 196

Rb¨ GLb †`Lv hv‡e AvR‡K AviI GKUz higher terminologyÕi K_v ej‡ev| AviI GKUz higher
terminology w`‡ev| Kv‡RB cov‡jLv `ye©j _vK‡j, Av‡Mi base `ye©j _vK‡j c‡ii ¸‡jv Avi †bqv hv‡e
bv| Avi cov‡jLv `ye©j _vK‡j ‡kl ch©šÍ nq‡Zvev mv‡iÛvi Ki‡Z n‡e, mv‡iÛv‡ii g‡a¨ extreme mv‡iÛvi
n‡”Q, GB department G _vKv Avgvi K¤§ bq ! GBUv n‡jv extreme. Avwg expect Ki‡ev bv †h GiKg
K_v ejv n‡e| wKš‘ GiKg situation hv‡Z bv nq ‡m Rb¨ mZK© _vK‡Z n‡e|
hviv AAG Probationer †Zvgiv GLb †_‡KB ready n‡q hvI| †Zvgv‡`i‡K exempt Kiv n‡”Q
bv| Z‡e GLb †_‡KB †iwW nB‡Z n‡e| Ges next †hBUv Ki‡Z n‡e GKUv level ch©šÍ GBUv Avwg decide
K‡iwQ, 25 th batch †_‡K c‡i †Kvb report evsjvq Ki‡Z cvi‡e bv| †Kvb presentation evsjvq Ki‡Z
cvi‡e bv 25th batch Ges downward. Z‡e GBUv wbðqZv †`qv n‡e, ‡Zvgvi Bs‡iwRi level wb‡q †KD
nvm‡e bv| Avgvi K_vUv wbðB eyS‡Z †c‡iQ, †KD nvm‡e bv, ‡KD wUR Ki‡e bv| †Zvgvi gb †hfv‡e Pvqt I
go, we go hv B”Qv ZvB ej‡Z cv‡iv| He go GBUvI ej‡Z cv‡iv-†Kvb mgm¨v bvB| wKš‘ ej‡Z n‡e|
KviI KviI Avevi wiRv‡f©kb Avm‡Z cv‡i, m¨vi Avcbvi Avevi we‡`wk fvlv cÖxwZ †Kb n‡q‡Q, wKš‘ Avgiv
Rvwb, Avgiv GLb globalized world-G evm Kwi, globalized world Gi K_v †Zv ej‡Z n‡e|
wf‡qZbvg †MwQ †Zv, GLb Ab¨ AGÕi (Auditor General) mv‡_ K_v ej‡Z †M‡j Avwg wK fvlvq K_v
ej‡ev ? evsjvq ej‡ev bv wK ? eÜzZ¡ Ki‡Z †M‡jI †Zv K_v ej‡Z n‡e| Ab¨ fvlvi †jvK, Zvi mv‡_ eÜzZ¡
wK fv‡e Ki‡ev? eÜzZ¡ Ki‡Z †M‡jI Bs‡iwR jvM‡e| Kv‡RB Bs‡iwR wkL‡Z n‡e, ej‡Z n‡e|
GLb Avgiv †gBb Uwc‡K P‡j hvB- again panel-1| Avgv‡`i panel is budget holder Gi
panel Av‡MB e‡jwQ, ministry, even division GB panel G _vK‡e| G Uv wK implementation or
policy unit? †Zvgv‡`i wK ¯§iY Av‡Q †h ministry GKUv policy unit Zv †Kv_vq †jLv Av‡Q| The
Rules of business G †jLv Av‡Q| Gi 07wU KvR Av‡Q, KvR¸jv †`L‡jB †evSv hvq H ¸jvi g‡a¨ †Kvb
implementation bvB| Implementation kãUvI g‡b nq bvB, †jLv Av‡Q monitoring of
implementation| Zvn‡jB †Zv †evSv qvq †h IUv policy unit| Z‡e ILv‡b GKwU administration
Gi KvRI Av‡Q| †KvbUv ? Promotions of all officers of grade V & above| HUv GKw`‡K
policy KvR wn‡m‡e †`Lv hvq, GKUv level Gi Dc‡i †gwiU †eBR GKwU cÖ‡gvkb cwjwm n‡e, nq‡Zv GB
Kvi‡Y GBUv †i‡L w`‡q‡Q policyÕi mv‡_ link K‡i|
Policy unit Gi wb‡P wK _vK‡e? Departments & Directorates / Awa`ßi GÛ cwi`ßi|
hw`Iev practically GBUv GKUv mgm¨v n‡q‡Q| GBLv‡b A‡bK department †K directorate e‡j|
†hgb, Food Directorate, Avm‡j GBUv directorate bv department| Avm‡j department n‡q †M‡Q
directorate. G¸‡jv n‡q‡Q A‡bK mgq panel bv eySvi Kvi‡Y| hvB †nvK, cy‡iv `ywbqv‡Zv Avgiv change

Page 103 of 196

Ki‡Z cvi‡ev bv, Z‡e Rvbjvg †h GBLv‡b GKUv mgm¨v Av‡Q| Department & directorate Gi wb‡P wK
Av‡Q? Gi wb‡P GBUv GiB/cÖ_g c¨v‡b‡jiB block, sub-ordinate offices. GB¸‡jv H w`bI e‡jwQ|
Z‡e AvR‡K Avi GKUz Dc‡ii w`‡Ki K_v ej‡ev| hv fvjfv‡e ejv nq bvB| GBUv Implementation
unit| Department, directorate with the support of the subordinate unit Giv ev¯Íevqb
BDwbU| Avi GBLv‡b (wgwbw÷ª‡Z) policy †bq| policy Abyhvqx GKUv five years plan nq, annual
plan nq then budget nq| Avi ev‡RU ev¯Íevqb Kivi Rb¨ GB implementation unit Kiv nq|
GLb cÖkœUv n‡jv †Kvb Ministry, division create Ki‡Z †M‡j †Kvb law jv‡M wKbv ? Rules
of Business c‡o †`L‡j †`Lv hvq Ministry/division create Ki‡Z †Kvb law jv‡M bv| Rules of
Business G Permit Kiv Av‡Q cÖavbgš¿xi Permission G Ministry evo‡Z cv‡i, ev Kg‡Z cv‡i|
Rules of Business Gi schedule G allocation of business w`‡q †Kvb Ministry wK KvR Ki‡e
GUvI †`qv Av‡Q| Higher level audit hw` ewj, performance linked AwWU hw` ewj, Zvn‡jI GUv
Rvbv Avgv‡`i Rb¨ important| †Kvb& policy dimension G Kvi KvR wK Ges intervention
†Kv_vq _vKvi K_v, Avi Dwb †Kv_vq-‡Kvbw`‡K hv‡”Qb? Implementation unit- GUv m„wó Ki‡Z †Kvb
law jvM‡e wK bv BZ¨vw` D”P †j‡fj AwW‡Ui g‡a¨ _vK‡Z cv‡i| Ministry/division m„wó Ki‡Z hw`
law bv jv‡M Z‡e department m„wó Ki‡Z I law jvMvi K_v bv| Department I m„wó Ki‡Z cv‡i
Govt. G‡·wKDwUf decision wb‡q| Department GKvwaK m„wó Ki‡Z cv‡i, GBUv merge Ki‡Z cv‡i,
GBUv split K‡i 2Uv K‡i †dj‡Z cv‡i, †Kvb law jvM‡e bv|
Avgv‡`i ev‡RU context G hw` Avwg classification Kwi, accounting context G hw`
classification Kwi Zvn‡j ministry/division GBUvI Avgv‡`i Kv‡Q identified n‡Z n‡e| ‡h‡nZz
department and directorates, Zv‡`i I law jv‡Mbv, miKvi create Ki‡Z cv‡i Zvn‡j K_vUv n‡jv,
classification G G‡`i Rb¨ Avgv‡`i segment _vK‡Z n‡e, miKv‡ii classification G in terms of
PFM ÷ªvKPvi jvM‡e| Who controls? who spend the money? GB who ej‡j GKUv segment
Av‡m| Zvn‡j GBUv control purpose, accountability purpose, comprehensiveness purpose,
mutual exclusibility purpose, criteria fulfill Ki‡Z †M‡j GB segment Avgv‡`i jvM‡e|
classification G we‡K‡j Avgiv †`L‡ev GB segment Av‡Q wK bv, _vK‡j, Avgiv †h wkLwQ H
AW©v‡i Av‡Q wK bv| we‡K‡j Avgiv classification †`L‡ev| GBUv accountability purpose and
control purposeG GB segment `iKvi n‡e| GLb miKv‡ii ev‡RU that is Appropriation Act †h
cvm nq H Appropriation Act G Giv Av‡Q wK bv| G‡`i Rb¨ ev‡RU Av‡Q wK bv? Av‡Q| G‡`i Rb¨
ev‡RU Av‡Q| Appropriation Bill hLb submit Kiv nq, annual financial statement hLb

Page 104 of 196

submit Kiv nq ZLb policy unit ¸‡jvi Rb¨ ev‡RU ‡`Iqv nq| Avevi Department ¸‡jvi Rb¨I
ev‡RU †`Iqv Av‡Q| cÖ‡Z¨K Department Gi ev‡RU †`Iqv Av‡Q, subordinate office G either
individual subordinate office or group G ev‡RU †`qv Av‡Q| †Rjv wnmveiÿY Awdm mg~n Zvn‡j
all subordinate Awdm, Dc‡Rjv wnmveiÿY Awdm mg~n Zvn‡j all subordinate office together
ev‡RU Av‡Q| A_ev †Kvb †Kvb †ÿ‡Î G‡Kev‡i cÖ‡Z¨‡K Avjv`v Avjv`v Av‡Q| GLb †Kvb †j‡fj Avgvi
`iKvi n‡e GUv Avgiv judge K‡i decide Ki‡ev| individual Avi `iKvi bvB|
GLb GBLv‡b GKUz mvBW issue wn‡m‡e †hUv ej‡Z nq, †h Giv ev‡R‡U Av‡Q -GUv‡K
technically e‡j on budget| A_©vr Giv On budget Av‡Q| On budget _vK‡j Gi A‡cvwRU _vK‡e
off budget| Zvn‡j Avgiv term use Kijvg on budget -Giv ev‡R‡U Av‡Q| On budget Gi
explanation n‡jv †h, Ii ev‡R‡Ui hZiK‡gi expenditure Av‡Q H department Gi against-G me
identified Av‡Q| Estimated expenditure identified Av‡Q that is called on budget. GB
cy‡ivUvB on budget. Zvn‡j Parliament hLb ev‡RU approve Ki‡e Ges Appropriation Bill pass
n‡e ZLb polices unit Ges implementation unit Df‡qi Rb¨ budget _vK‡e| Av”Qv, ev‡RU
approve Ki‡Z wVK KqUv step jv‡M?
Parliament G legislature Gi approval wVK KqUv step G nq †Zvgiv Rv‡bv ! Avevi eywS‡q
w`w”Q| cvj©v‡g‡›U †h ev‡RU approve K‡i Zv KqUv step G approve K‡i ? GK or `yB ? `yB| Gi g‡a¨
cÖ_gUv n‡”Q demand for grants and appropriation| Appropriation gv‡b PvR©W G·‡cwÛPvi Uv|
cvj©v‡g›U wK HUv approve K‡i ? GB appropriation approval w`‡q wK ev‡RU cvk n‡q hvq ? Gici
Avevi wK †Kvb wKQz cvk Ki‡Z nq ? Appropriation Bill Uv wK big size bvwK small?
G‡cÖvwcÖ‡qkb wej cvk nIqvi mgq only schedule-G _vK‡e cÖ‡Z¨KUv demand for grants
GÛ appropriation| Avi ïay ejv n‡e Kv‡K GB Li‡Pi ÿgZv †`qv n‡jv| Appropriation AvBb w`‡q
ivóªcwZ‡K GB ev‡RU LiP Kivi ÿgZv †`qv n‡jv| H AvBb cvk †hw`b n‡e, Hw`b ejv n‡e †h budget is
approved to be expended by these agencies. Avgiv performance audit hLb Ki‡ev, GB
agency hw` †Kvb iK‡gi policy KvR bv K‡i implementation G KvR K‡i ZLb Avgiv Question
†Zv raise B Ki‡Z cvwi| cÖkœ Zzj‡Z cvwi bv? cÖ‡kœi DËi wK cv‡ev bv cv‡ev, GUv Avgvi `iKvi bvB| wKš‘
Avwg cÖkœ Ki‡Z cvwi| Allocation of Business G hw` †`Lv hvq, †Kvb ministryÕi allocation Av‡Q
1Uv Avi ‡m Av‡iK allocation Gi Rb¨ LiP Ki‡Q Zvn‡j Avwg †Zv performance wb‡q cÖkœ Ki‡ZB
cvwi| GB¸‡jv ejwQ gv‡b, Gi mv‡_ mv‡_ Avgv‡`i direction wK †mUv †evSvi Rb¨|

Page 105 of 196

GLb GB department & directorate Giv mn ministry iv wg‡j mevB wK off budget bv on
budget? On budget| GRb¨ AvR‡K bZzb K_v ejwQ, Giv ev‡RU sector, G`i‡K ejv nq ev‡RU
sector. †R‡b iv‡Lv Giv ev‡RU †m±i| Avgvi Kv‡Q table-G GKUv dvBj Av‡Q, DCAG (A&R) Gi
`ßi †_‡K Avm‡Q| I am happy †h †gvUvgywU GKUv cÖZ¨qb cÎ GB †h, Avgv‡`i audit report Gi Dci
†`qv nq| cÖZ¨qb †Zv bv preface evsjvq e‡j gyLeÜ| gyLe‡Üi GKUv Wªvd&U Avm‡Q| I am very happy
†gvUvgywU †`Lv hvq ‡h, Av‡M hv wQ‡jv Zvi †_‡K A‡bK improve n‡q‡Q| wKš‘ Dc‡i eªv‡KU w`‡q wj‡L‡Q
TSAÕi Rb¨| non-TSAÕi Rb¨| I am very happy wKš‘ wrong preface| TSA, non-TSA
context †_‡K n‡e bv| Z‡e Avwg happy †Kbbv AšÍZ Avgvi evwoi me term †Zv use K‡iwQ| Avevi
Unhappy| wKš‘ GRb¨ †Kvb †`vl †bB| KviY GBUv wb‡q Avwg K_vB ewjwb| hvi Kvi‡Y fzj nIqv
¯^vfvweK| wKš‘ GLb K_v ej‡j, ZLb Avevi ‡`L‡e †h, wVK n‡q †M‡Q| fzj Kiv †Zv †Kvb Aciva bv,
AvcwË †bB| ejvi ci, eySv‡bvi c‡i hw` e‡j, bv Bnv cvi‡evB bv, Zvn‡j Ibvi Rb¨ e¨e¯’v n‡e|
GBUv‡K ejwQ ev‡RU sector, Gi Av‡M GKvUv on Av‡Q, wKš‘ GBUv ejvi `iKvi †bB,
international contextG on budget sector ej‡Z nq bv| budget sector ej‡jB †ev‡S| A_©vr On
budget-G all expenditure classified n‡e GB organization ¸jvi ev‡R‡Ui against G| On
budget wKšÍy expenditure incur ch©šÍ K‡i wKš‘ cash disburse Ki‡Z cv‡ibv| Expenditure incur
Kivi recognition point ‡KvbUv? expenditure incurr n‡q †M‡Q GBUv ej‡ev ev recognize Ki‡ev
†Kvb point G ? Procurement K‡iwQ order w`‡qwQ, H point G ? Goods Gi order w`‡qwQ IB
Avevi ewj
(K) Procurement plan K‡iwQ, GBUv GKUv point wKbv ? H point G expenditure incur
ej‡ev wKbv?
(L) Procurement Gi Rb¨ order K‡iwQ GBUv GKUv point wKbv ? H point G expenditure
incur ej‡ev wKbv?
(M) Gici bidder selection K‡iwQ, order w`‡qwQ, goods receive K‡iwQ-- H point G
expenditure incur ej‡ev wKbv?
(N) goods receive & quality verified Av‡iKUv point wKbv? H point G expenditure
incur ej‡ev wKbv?
(O) Controlling officer / budget holder sanction w`‡q‡Q -this is another point -- H
point G expenditure incur ej‡ev wKbv?

Page 106 of 196

Commitment wb‡q GLb K_v e‡jv bv| HUv Av‡iKUv Bmy¨| Commitment wb‡q Avevi
Commitment accounting cov‡ev| H¸jv Avi GKUz eqm evo–K| eqm GLbI nq bvB|
Commitment budgetary control, accural transaction AviI c‡i, eQi Lv‡bK c‡i, GK eQi
hvK, Z‡e Avgvi m‡›`n, †hUv Avwg wmwRG m¨vi‡K ejwQjvg, m¨vi ej‡Q †h, Avi GKUz slow hvB‡Z, K¬vk
¸‡jv Avi GKUz gap w`‡q w`‡q wb‡Z| Avwg m¨vi‡K ejjvg, Avwg †h mgq count KiwQ, 5 eQi †_‡K mgq
ev` hv‡”Q KZ| Avgvi †Zv limit 5 eQi| mevi Av‡Q A‡bK, A‡b‡Ki 20 eQi wKš‘ Avgi †Zv 5 eQi| GB
Rb¨B Avgv‡K Zvovûov Ki‡ZB n‡e| Avi hv‡`i wb‡q KiwQ, Zviv †Zv wewmGm cvk K‡i Avm‡Q| G‡`i †Zv
G‡Zv jvMvi K_v bv| jvM‡ZB cv‡i bv| hvi jvM‡Q Zvi Ab¨ †Kvb mgm¨v Av‡Q| Zvi gv‡b †m ‡jKPvi¸‡jvi
cÖwZ h_vh_ g‡bv‡hvMx bq|
GLb On budget sector ev budget sector hviv, G‡`i †Kvb cash bvB| Giv wK wK iæj
follow K‡i? Constitution, Rules of Business, GFR, PPR, PPA, Specific order for
particular area G¸‡jv follow Ki‡e| Treasury Rules I wKQzUv follow Ki‡e| knx` rightly
e‡j‡Q, major treasury rules ¸‡jv Zvi †kLvi `iKvi †bB| ‡mUv n‡jv second panel & third
panel Gi KvR| ZviciI Zvi appreciation _vK‡Z n‡e, idea _vK‡Z n‡e| Gi †Kvb cash bvB, Zvn‡j
cash †Kv_vq Av‡Q ? Cash Av‡Q miKv‡ii treasury single account G, linked to the other
subsidisry account G Av‡Q| GUv wKš‘ g~jZt GKUv account †hUv‡K Avgiv Av`i K‡i bvg w`‡qwQ
TSA| GUv Avgv‡`i †`qv bvg bq, internationally GBUv Av`i K‡i Wv‡K, Ges truely GBUv Av`iYxq
GKUv subject, TSA. IMFGi technical note Av‡Q TSAÕi Dci HUv co‡Z n‡e| TSAÕi g‡a¨
Centralized TSA, Av‡Q Decentralized TSA Av‡Q, Zero balance TSA Av‡Q, G¸‡jv co‡Z
GLb GB Department ¸‡jv Avgiv hLb audit Ki‡ev, ZLb GB audit Gi bvg wK n‡e| GB
department ¸‡jv hLb audit Ki‡ev ZLb †mUv n‡e mvewmwWqvwi GKvD›Um& AwWU| GB department
¸‡jv subsidisry accounts for budget execution Gi record ivL‡e| ev‡RU g¨v‡bR‡g›U G¨v±
2009 Abyhvqx †`Lv hv‡”Q †h, Zvi record B n‡jv initial record for budgetary accounting| Avi
GKUv term use Kijvg| Zvn‡j GLv‡b accounting `yBcÖKvi| GKUv n‡jv budgetary accounting
Avi GKUv n‡jv financial accounting.
Budgetary accounting t GUv truly ‡Kvb accounting bq| Only keeping track of
your budget vs actual expenditure; that is why GBUv‡K bvg w`‡q‡Q budgetary accounting.
Technical notes co‡jB eyS‡Z cvi‡e| Classification Gi technical note G GB ¸‡jv †jLv Av‡Q|

Page 107 of 196

wKš‘ truly accounting ej‡Z eySv‡e fincncial accounting| Avgiv decide K‡iwQ already, GivB
budgetary accounting maintain Ki‡e not the second panel, second panel Ki‡e fincncial
accounting †hUvi fincncial reporting Avgiv Fincnce Accounts d‡g© Kwi|
ev‡RUvwi GKvDw›Us G †Kvb flow & stock Gi difference Av‡Q wKbv Zv Rvb‡Z n‡e| Avwg GB
language GLb use Ki‡Z cvwi | Flow & stock ej‡ZwQ| †KD hw` Flow & stock Gi cv_©K¨ wVK
g‡Zv ai‡Z bv cv‡i Zvn‡j eyS‡Z n‡e, NUbv n‡q‡Q †h cov‡jLv wVK g‡Zv n‡”Q bv| ev‡RUvwi GKvDw›Us G
Kv‡i›U wjMvj cwRk‡b- ‡Kvb wgwbw÷ª/wWwfk‡bi ev‡RUvwi GKvDw›Us Ki‡e PAO| Auditor wn‡m‡e wK
AwWU Ki‡ev Avgiv ? Appropriation audit Ki‡ev| ev‡RUvwi accounting G only flow _vK‡e †Kvb
stock _vK‡e bv| Stock †Kb _vK‡e bv, KviY stockGi accounting term n‡jv balance Avi
statistical term n‡jv stock hv dv÷© c¨v‡b‡j _vK‡e bv| ev‡RUvwi GKvDw›Us G †Kvb balance _v‡K bv|
Appropriation Act lapse n‡q hvq cÖwZ eQi 30 th June G| ev‡R‡Ui gva¨‡g dv÷© c¨v‡bj UvKv cvq,
Avm‡j UvKv cvqbv, dvÛ cvq| Ges H fund n‡jv lapsable at the end of the year| GB Kvi‡Y †Kvb
stock _v‡K bv ev‡RUvwi GKvDw›Us-G, simple flow statement: KZ ev‡RU wQj, KZ LiP n‡q‡Q|
ev‡R‡Ui g‡a¨ Avevi ‡kÖwY‡f` _vK‡e - supplimentary ev‡RU, revised ev‡RU Avevi gvSLv‡b bZzb
term Xz‡K‡Q|
Revised budget-GKUv legal term bq, GwU GKwU administrative term| GBUv wKš‘ GLb
legal term Gi g‡ZvB KvR Ki‡Q| Appropriation, re-appropriation bv K‡i revised budget Gi
Dci LiP n‡q hv‡”Q| `ywbqv Avgiv change Ki‡Z cvi‡ev bv, wKš‘ cÖkœ †Zv Zzj‡Z cvi‡ev| cyiv‡bv
appropriation ev‡R‡U revised ev‡RU †bB Av‡Q O&S t original & supplimentary ev‡RU|
AwiwRbv‡ji against GB mvwcø‡g›Uvwi ev‡RU hv appropriation account Gi format-G wQj| Zvi c‡i
GBUv Avi †bB, wfbœ dig¨v‡U Pj‡Q GLb| ÷vwW MÖæ‡ci champ 20 GB¸‡jv wb‡q KvR Ki‡e|
Appropriation Gi bZzb format-G G¸‡jv Kv‡R jvMv‡Z n‡e|
cÖ_g c¨v‡bj budgetary accounting K‡i at the same time TSA’i g‡a¨ ‡jb‡`b K‡i|
Zvn‡j Avwg hw` appropriation account Gi gyLeÜ evbvB, †mLv‡b TSA ej‡j hv nq, budget sector
ej‡jI ZvB nq| Zvn‡j Avwg †Kb ewj †h, GGÛAvi mv‡ne fzj K‡i‡Qb| fzzj †Zv K‡ibwb| Dwb †Zv ˆZix
K‡i‡Qb TSAÕi Rb¨ GKUv gyLeÜ, non-TSA Õi Rb¨ Avi GKUv gyLeÜ| g›` ‡Zv e‡jbwb ! ‡h‡nZz †`L‡Z
cvw”Q ev‡RU sector hv, Zv-B TSA‡Z nq| AvcvZZ H DËiUv bv-B †`B, (bv bv DËi GLb w`‡ev bv),
DCAG (A&R) sir wb‡R-wb‡RB j¾v cvK, GLb bv Avi GKUz ci wb‡R wb‡RB j¾v cvK, wb‡R wb‡RB
eySzb nvq nvq Dwb GUv wVK K‡ibwb| Avwg ej‡ev bv wKš‘ Avwg explain Ki‡ev|

Page 108 of 196

GLb wWcvU©‡g›U ev wW‡i±‡iU ˆZix Ki‡Z †Kvb AvBb jv‡Mbv| wKš‘ GgbI department create
n‡q‡Q, hv AvBb w`‡q ˆZix Kiv n‡q‡Q| Avevi department wKš‘ Fundamental Rule Abyhvqx create
Kiv hvq| AvRKvj FR wb‡q †KD bvovPvov K‡i bv -I¸‡jv bv ej‡jI P‡j| nu¨v -I¸‡jv A‡bK¸‡jv AvwgI
eywSbv| FR Avi BSR GB `yBUv eB Avwg nRg Ki‡Z cvwibv, gv‡b nRg Ki‡Z cvwi bvB| c‡i GKmgq
wPšÍv Kijvg nRg Kivi `iKviB bvB| mew`K wgjvBqv †Kb nRg Kivi `iKvi bvB ejjvg, H context G
ejjvg ‡h in the context of modern management the FR is more concentrated on your
personal benefit. However, in the context of modern budgetary control, the
involvement of FR is not that much huge.
FR G GB aviv¸‡jv LyuR‡Z wM‡q ‡c‡i DVwQ bv Z‡e cvi‡j AviI fv‡jv n‡Zv| a‡i wbjvg
department miKv‡ii decision ‡gvZv‡eK m„wó n‡Z cv‡i wKš‘ there is another practice here.
evsjv‡`‡k GUv n‡”Q| A‡bK department AvBb Øviv ˆZwi n‡”Q| AvBb w`‡q ˆZwi n‡”Q department,
Avm‡j wWcvU©‡g‡›Ui cÖ‡qvR‡b AvBb n‡”Q bv, AvB‡bi cÖ‡qvR‡b department n‡”Q| GKUv example
ej‡Z cvwi| (Zvi Av‡M Av†iKUv reference e‡j wbBt is a must reading always for
the primary legistations †`Lvi Rb¨|)
AvB‡bi gva¨‡g wWcvU©‡g›U m„wó n‡”Q ejwQ hvi Kvi‡Y Zv n‡jv cwi‡ek AvBb| cwi‡ek AvBb hLb
n‡q‡Q cwi‡ek AvB‡bi g‡a¨ ejv Av‡Q GKwU cwi‡ek Awa`ßi _vwK‡e| Zvn‡j wK `uvov‡jv AvB‡bi g‡a¨
w`‡q Awa`ßi create n‡jv| It’s a bad practice| †K b e‡jv? Why? eis GUv †Zv good practice,
strong practice nIqvi K_v wQj wKš‘ †Kb bad practice n‡jv †mUv ejwQ| Z‡e Avgiv GB welq¸‡jv
Lye lightly †bB| Ggb A‡bK welq AvB‡b Av‡Q wKš‘ 25 eQ†iI implement nqbv| A_P AvB‡b †jLv
Av‡Q †M‡RU †bvwUwd‡Kk‡bi †WU †_‡K Kvh©Ki n‡e Avi †M‡RU †bvwUwd‡KkbI K‡i †d‡j‡Q| Zvn‡j
AvB‡bi g‡a¨ †jLv _v‡K wKš‘ Kvh©Ki nqbv| AvB‡bi g‡a¨ `yB iK‡gi K_v †jLv _v‡K - 1. Awej‡¤^ Kvh©Ki
n‡e 2. †M‡RU †bvwUwd‡Kk‡bi †WU †_‡K Kvh©Ki n‡e| G‡ÿ‡Î †KvbUv better process n‡e ? KviY
Awej‡¤^ Ki‡e ej‡j mgm¨v Av‡Q| hw` Awej‡¤^ Kvh©Ki n‡e e‡jv, Avi †h AvBb organization create
K‡i Kvh©Ki Ki‡Z nq †m AvB‡b Awej‡¤^ †jL‡j organization create bv Kiv ch©šÍ AvBb Agvb¨ Kiv
hw` ¸bvn‡K ¸bvn g‡b bv K‡iv Zvn‡j Ab¨ K_v| wKš‘ Ggb AvBb ˆZix Kivi A_© wK hv ïiæ‡ZB
gvb¨ Kiv m¤¢e bq| ÔAvBb n‡q‡Q, n‡q‡QÕ -GB aviYv †cvlY Kiv DwPr bq| GB Kvi‡Y best practice n‡jv
†M‡RU †bvwUwd‡Kk‡bi †WU †_‡K AvBb Kvh©Ki Kiv hw` G‡Z cÖwZôvb create Kivi †Kvb e¨vcvi bv _v‡K|
†Kvb organization create Kivi e¨vcvi _v‡K Zvn‡j wK KvR Ki‡Z n‡e? Av‡M cÖwZôvb evbv‡Z n‡e, c‡i

Page 109 of 196

AvBb cvk Ki‡Z n‡e| AvBb cvk n‡q iB‡jv, ivóªcwZI mvBb Ki‡jb wKš‘ †M‡RU †bvwUdvB bv nIqv ch©šÍ
Kvh©Ki n‡e bv| GKUv wW‡eU wKš‘ GLbI Av‡Q gv‡K©‡Ut ÔkÎæ m¤úwË AvBbÕ | H AvBb cvk n‡qwQ‡jv
cvwK¯Ívb cvj©v‡g‡›U, wKš‘ †M‡RU †bvwUwd‡Kkb n‡q‡Q wK nq bvB GB wb‡q wW‡eU Av‡Q| †KD e‡j †M‡RU
†bvwUwd‡Kkb nq bvB ZvB AvBb implement nqwb|
Ô†M‡RU †bvwUwd‡Kk‡bi gva¨‡g Kvh©Ki n‡eÕ GB K_vi gv‡b - AwWUi wn‡m‡e G¸‡jv †evSv `iKvi
| ‡Kv‡bv AvBb implement Ki‡Z †M‡j hw` cÖwZôvb create Kivi cÖ‡qvRb nq Z‡e cÖwZôvb Av‡M n‡e
AvBb n‡e c‡i| cÖ_‡g cÖwZôvb n‡e, organogram ˆZwi n‡e, recruitment rules ˆZwi n‡e; Gme ˆZwi
n‡”Q gv‡b department ˆZwi n‡q hv‡e, AvBb †Zv jvM‡Q bv KviY Mf‡g©›U Zv ˆZix Ki‡Z cv‡i| Then
AvBb BG †cÖ‡m ‡M‡RU †bvwUwd‡Kk‡bi Rb¨ cvVv‡bv n‡e| Zv‡Z AvB‡bi ei‡Ljvc n‡ebv| AvBbI
†bvwUdvB n‡q‡Q, cÖwZôvbI ˆZwi n‡q‡Q|
Avi †hB AvBb w`‡q †Kvb cÖwZôvb ˆZwi Ki‡Z nqbv? †hgb †Kvb criminal cÖwmwWsm †Kv‡U©i †Kvb
aviv cwieZ©b K‡i hv Av‡M wZb eQ‡ii †Rj wQ‡jv, Zv cuvP eQ‡ii ‡Rj Kiv n‡e, G ai‡bi AvB‡bi cwieZ©b
n‡”Q| GB ai‡bi AvBb Awej‡¤^ Kvh©Ki Ki‡Z †Kvb mgm¨v ‡bB| H¸‡jv‡Z Avi †M‡RU †bvwUwd‡Kk‡bi
Rb¨ I‡qU Kivi `iKvi bvB| Awej‡¤^ Kvh©Ki n‡e gv‡bB approve K‡i H w`b †M‡RU †bvwUwd‡Kkb n‡q
hv‡e| Avkv Kwi Avgiv mevB eyS‡Z †c‡iwQ| Avi GK ai‡bi AvBb Av‡Q †hBUv Awej‡¤^ Kvh©Ki n‡eÕ bv
ej‡j GBUvi w¯úwiUB _vK‡ebv | Awej‡¤^ Kvh©Ki n‡e bv ej‡j H ai‡bi AvBb wPwUs AvBb n‡q hv‡e|
‡hgb: Ordinance passed by the President| Z v wPwUs †K b n‡e? cvj©v‡g›U †mk‡b bvB, RiæiZ Av‡Q
e‡j AvBb Kivi cÖ‡qvRb n‡q‡Q, ZvB †cÖwm‡W›U AwW©b¨vÝ Rvwi K‡i‡Q| HLv‡b hw` ejv nq †M‡RU
†bvwUwd‡Kk‡bi date †_‡K Kvh©Ki n‡e Z‡e RiæiZ m¤ú‡K© doubt n‡q hv‡e| GB Kvi‡Y ordinance Gi
†ÿ‡Î Awej‡¤^ Kvh©Ki ej‡Z n‡e|
GLb Avwm Avgv‡`i cwi‡ek AvBb I cwi‡ek Awa`ßi -‡Kb bad practice ejjvg- KviY cwi‡ek
Aw``ßi m„wó Kivi K_v AvB‡b ejv Av‡Q wKš‘ Awa`ßi m„wó bv K‡iB AvB‡bi †M‡RU †bvwUwd‡Kkb n‡q
†M‡Q| Gici Awa`ßi m„wó Ki‡Z hv hv nq Avi wK - RbcÖk vmb, A_© gš¿Yvjq, e¨q wbqš¿Y, ev¯Íevqb, G¸‡jv
cvi Ki‡Z Ki‡Z 6 gvm jvM‡e| Avevi 1 eQiI jvM‡Z cv‡i| GLb †h cwi‡ek AvBb Rvwi n‡q †M‡Q Zvi
cÖwZôvb ˆZwi Ki‡Z 1 eQi †j‡M †Mj, Zvn‡j GB GK eQi wK n‡jv ? AvB‡bi e¨Z¨q n‡jv| GUv wjM¨vj
†d«gIqv‡K© allowed bv|
G¸jv me Appropriation Act, Appropriation Account AwW‡Ui Ask n‡e | Giv budget
sector Gi Ask; GB department & directorate ¸‡jv `uv-G i Z ‡ji gvQ | Av”Qv directorate &
department G i cv_ ©K ¨ wK ? Difference †K b K iv nq ? mnRfvlvq ejv hvq, Kv‡Ri load hw` g‡b
Kiv nq not much Z‡e cwi`ßi n‡e| Avi Kv‡Ri load hw` †ewk nq Z‡e Awa`ßi n‡e| Z‡e GLb

Page 110 of 196

Avgv‡`i Ab¨ KvjPvi n‡q †M‡Q, B¾Z evov‡bvi Rb¨, directorate †_‡K department evbv‡bv nq| e‡j
†h B¾‡Z wgj‡Q bv, †j‡f‡j wgj‡Q bv| That should not be the purpose. Level †`Iqvi Rb¨, B¾Z
†`qvi Rb¨ cÖwZôvb bv, wKš‘ GUv Avgv‡`i KvjPv‡i G‡m †M‡Q| mÂq cwi`ßi n‡q‡Q mÂq Awa`ßi|
cÖ‡qvRbxqZvi wbwi‡L n‡ZI cv‡i, Avevi bvI n‡Z cv‡i - GiKg NUbv Avi wK| Even performance
cÖ‡kœI Avgiv GB¸‡jv tacitly Zzj‡Z cvwi, language Uv wKfv‡e quote Ki‡ev †mUv wb‡q Avgv‡`i GKUz
mvabv Ki‡Z n‡e, wKš‘ Zzj‡Z cvwi| KviY performance Gi mv‡_ GUv linked| I i size wK, policy
intervention wK , implementation intervention wK , alternative wK, BZ¨vw` wel‡q cÖkœ Zzj‡Z
n‡e| e-payment gateway _vK‡j alternative wK Kiv hvq G¸‡jv performance Gi Ask bq wK ?
Avwg †Zv G¸‡jvB cÖkœ Ki‡ev| Avwg Ki‡ev gv‡b you people assist me Z‡e Ki‡ev Avwg| language
¸‡jv wkL‡Z Avgiv practice Ki‡ev|
Appropriation Accounts eZ©gvb legal position-G executive †_‡K n‡e, n‡Z ‡Kvb mgm¨v
Av‡Q wK - Avwg †Zv ‡Kvb mgm¨v †`wL bv| In IFMIS Avgiv hLb AviI K_v ej‡ev, ZLb eyS‡Z cvi‡ev †h
GLb GUv m¤¢e| Fund GLb electronically distributed n‡”Q AZGe GUv m¤¢e| wi-‡PK Ki‡jB nq|
Mf‡g©‡›Ui service deliveryÕi Rb¨ Giv Av‡Q| Implementation unit GLb GKUv old / thrown out
terminology, GLbKvi context-G Avm‡Q public service delivery| Zvn‡j G¸‡jv service
delivery unit AvgivI KvR Ki‡ev service delivery improvements Gi Rb¨, in terms of
economy, in terms of efficiency & in terms of effectiveness | GB mg¯Í cÖwZôv‡bi KvR
RbM‡Yi mv‡_ practically linked service delivery, KviY Giv †Kvb e¨emv K‡i bv, tax payers
money spend K‡i| It is tax money Kv‡RB tax money †Zv definitely service deliveryÕi
mv‡_ link K‡iB Ki‡Z n‡e| Zvi mandate wK Avi †m wK Ki‡Q - G¸‡jv wb‡q K_v ejv ej‡Z n‡e|
GLv‡b feudalistic relationship KvR Ki‡Q| TerminologyÕi g‡a¨B Av‡Q Ôsubordinate’,
Gi mv‡_ Av‡Q ÔattachedÕ, GUvI feudal term ïay term bv GUvi cwiPvjbvI feudal | Deputy
Director (DD) †m‡µUvwi‡K wPwV wjL‡Z cvi‡e bv, DGÕ i ¯^vÿ‡i wjL‡Z n‡e- G¸‡jv feudal, AviI
feudal wi‡jkÝ Av‡Q| Total feudal structure is hierarchical. Opposite of hierarchical is
corporate. GLv‡b R‡q›U †Kvb decision nqbv| ADÕ i power-G bvB, hv‡e DDÕ i Kv‡Q| DD cvi‡e
bv -Zvn‡j hv‡e Director Gi Kv‡Q -totally feudal| Avgv‡`i delegation of financial power G †h
administrative power GUv totally Rwg`vi - cÖRv like| Avgvi under-G I, IÕi under-G I
GBfv‡e we¯Í…Z|

Page 111 of 196

All executive powers lies with the President. Constitutionally all power lies
with RbMY| HLv‡bI GKUv delegation Av‡Q, RbMY †Wwj‡MU K‡i‡Q cvj©v‡g›U†K, cvj©v‡g›U †Wwj‡MU
K‡i‡Q †cÖwm‡W›U‡K| GB Kvi‡YB Appropriation actG †jLv Av‡Q CF †_‡K e¨q wbe©v‡ni Rb¨ ivóªcwZ‡K
ÿgZv †`Iqv n‡jv| Avgvi K_v¸‡jv wbðqB eyS‡Z cvi‡Qv| Avgiv narrower size G ewj all power
lies with the President-KviY RbMY already wb‡Ri cvIqvi wb‡R n¯ÍvšÍi K‡i‡Q| ‡Kbbv RbMb
cvj©v‡g›Uvwi c×wZ‡Z ÿgZv Parliament Gi Kv‡Q n¯ÍvšÍi K‡i‡Q| RbMb GB ÿgZv Constitution Gi
gva¨‡g nvwi‡q‡Q| ‡`k ¯^vaxb nIqvi c‡i cÖ_‡g wQ‡jv Constituent Assembly, RbMb Zuv‡`i ÿgZv
w`‡qwQj, Avcbviv (AvBb cÖ‡YZvMY) Avgv‡`i c‡ÿ mother law ˆZwi K‡ib Ges †mB mother law †ZB
D‡jøL Kiv n‡q‡Q executive power †cÖwm‡W‡›Ui Kv‡Q _vK‡e| †ePviv RbMY Parliamentary fv‡e
power nvwi‡q †d‡j‡Q | Z‡e RbMb wK Avm‡jB †ePviv ? †ePviv bb, GUv Mf‡g©›U ¯‹xg| GUvi gva¨‡g
people Zvi ÿgZv exercise Ki‡Q| Constituent Assembly & Parliament Gi g‡a¨ difference
wK Zv Rvb‡Z n‡e|
Ggb †Kvb sanction wK †ei n‡q‡Q †hUv AD, DD, Director wg‡j Sign K‡i‡Q ? GUv m¤¢e
bq| †Kbbv GUv hierarchical not corpaorte, implementation unit delegation oriented,
feudal, GUv Gfv‡eB P‡j| Zvn‡j policy objective fulfill Kivi Rb¨ Ges service deliveryÕi Rb¨
Bgwcø‡g‡›Ukb BDwbU¸‡jv †h transaction ¸‡jv Ki‡e classification structure G transaction ¸‡jv
book Ki‡e organization unit Gi mv‡_| cÖwZUv organization BDwb‡Ui mv‡_ hw` transaction¸‡jv
eyK K‡i Z‡e robust, comprehensive, hierarchical, organizational classification segment
_vK‡Z n‡e| we‡K‡j organization-Gi Avjv‡c Avgiv test Ki‡ev GB organization ¸‡jv‡K cvIqv
hv‡”Q wKbv| MÖæwcs wVK Av‡Q wKbv, building block wVK Av‡Q wKbv| Zvn‡j classification-G Avgiv
GKUv segment †cjvg hvi bvg- organizational segment on budget.
GKUv welq GKUz ejv `iKvi †h, knx`yi ingv‡bi G·cøv‡bkb was excellent| But GKUv
RvqMvq †m GKUz wg·-Avc K‡i‡Q| †m e‡j‡Q wWcvU©‡g›Uvj GKvD›Um& Awdm¸‡jv, †h¸‡jv‡K Self
Accounting Office-I ejv nq, †m¸‡jv ‘lump withdrawal’ K‡i ev Ki‡Z cv‡i| That statement
was wrong| Except the case of permanent advance Zv‡`i jv¤ú DB_Wªqv‡ji ÿgZv †bB| †Kb
Zv‡`i GB jv¤ú DB_Wªqv‡ji ÿgZv †bB ? Avm‡j †Kvb wWcvU©‡g‡›UiB jv¤ú DB_Wªqv‡ji †Kvb ÿgZv †bB
KviY, Avgv‡`i Kbw÷wUDk‡bi Aax‡b Appropriation Act Zv allow K‡i bv| †Kvb GKwU wbw`©ó
purpose Qvov UvKv withdraw Kiv, †PK withdraw Kiv Zv †Kvbg‡ZB allow K‡i bv| Kv‡RB
purpose unknown or imprecise / vague purpose n‡j UvKv DB_Wª Kivi ÿgZv †Kvb wWcvU©‡g‡›Ui

Page 112 of 196

†bB| Avevi ejwQ, TSA †_‡K jv¤ú DB_Wªqv‡ji ÿgZv KviI †bB, Z‡e jv¤ú wW‡cvwRU Ki‡Z cvi‡e|
miKv‡ii revenue earn Ki‡Q Ggb wWcvU©‡g›U¸‡jvi g‡a¨ i‡q‡Q Public Works Department
(PWD), Roads & Highways (R&H), Forest Department, Department of Public Health
Engineering (DPHE), Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA), Defence Services, and
Postal Department cÖf…wZ| Z‡e TNT GLb Avi †bB miKv‡ii g‡a¨| Giv †KDB jv¤ú DB_Wª Ki‡Z
cv‡i bv|
Avwg AveviI ejwQ, knx`yi ingvb GKUv argument K‡i‡Q †h, wKQz wKQz wWcvU©‡g›U jv¤ú UvKv
DB_Wªqvj Ki‡Z cv‡i, GB K_v mZ¨ bq| KviY Kbw÷wUDk‡bi AvwU©‡Kj 90 G ejv Av‡Q ‘budget /
grants should be for a purpose’ Ges also Appropriation Act Abyhvqx †h purpose-G UvKv
†`qv n‡q‡Q H purpose-G UvKv LiP K‡i UvKv withdraw Ki‡Z n‡e, expenditure incur K‡i UvKv
withdraw Ki‡Z n‡e with some exception (‡hgbt Advance, Imprests etc. Gi †ÿ‡Î)| jv¤ú
DB_Wª Kivi KviI †Kvb ÿgZv †bB| jv¤ú DB_Wª Ki‡j GUv GKUv wmwiqvm AwWU AeRvi‡fkb n‡Z cv‡i|
wKš‘ †Kvb †Kvb wWcvU©‡g‡›U budget assignment / cash assignment ev letter of credit †`qv _v‡K,
hv jv¤ú DB_Wªqvj bq †mUv wb‡q Avwg c‡i Av‡iK mgq K_v ej‡ev| wKš‘ lump amount Rgv w`‡Z cv‡i,
Z‡e ZviciI Rgv w`‡Z unnecessary delay Ki‡Z cvi‡e bv| G L b j v¤ú R g v †`qvi e¨vc viUv wK iK g ?
H wWcvU©‡g›U¸‡jv †h lump amount ev revenue receipt K‡i Zv Zviv Zv‡`i K¨vkey‡K wjL‡e| Then
‡UvUvj amount ‡UªRvwi Pvjv‡b †UªRvwi‡Z Rgv †`‡e (GLb TSA-†Z Rgv w`‡e, ‡Kbbv GLb †UªRvwi Avi
†bB)| co‡Z †M‡j eB-c‡Î GB K_v¸‡jv cv‡e|
cÖ_gZt GZÿY hv e‡jwQ Zv wK¬qvi n‡Z n‡e, wØZxqZt †Kb Rvwb g‡b n‡”Q Avgiv (wmGwR Kvh©vjq)
ASOSAI-Gi ‡evW© Ae Mf‡b©‡Ýi †g¤^vi nw”Q, Avi me †µwWU Avwg GKvB wb‡q wbw”Q| A_P Avgvi mv‡_
lead by our DG – Commercial Audit Directorate, dvigxb, bIkv`, I wd‡ivR wQj| Avi †KD wK
wQ‡jv? They worked very hard Ges Zviv A‡bK Kó K‡i‡Q Ges Avm‡j ZvivB †fvU¸‡jv K¨vP K‡i‡Q,
Avwg mv‡_ wQjvg gvÎ| Kv‡RB we should have a round of applause for them. Okay.
GLb †hUv ejwQt Avgiv K¬vwmwd‡Kk‡bi organization segment GLv‡b †`L‡ev| AvR‡K
we‡K‡jB Avgiv †`L‡ev †h, organizational segment bZzb K‡i mvRv‡bv n‡q‡Q wKfv‡e| wWcvU©‡g›U¸‡jv
hierarchical structure-G MwVZ, Giv Ab-ev‡RU ev ev‡RU †m±‡ii g‡a¨ Ges TSA-†Z Av‡Q| wKš‘
†Kvb †ÿ‡Î hw` miKvi g‡b K‡i †h wWcvU©‡g›U¸‡jvi GB feudal hierarchical wm‡÷g is
inappropriate for public service delivery, Avwg Avevi ejwQ if the government thinks that it
is inappropriate to or that it is inefficient to or that it is insufficient for delivering

Page 113 of 196

public service through this hierarchical approach, Zvn‡j Mf‡g©›U wKš‘ cvewjK mvwf©m
†Wwjfvwii Rb¨ another UvB‡ci AM©vbvB‡Rkb create Ki‡Z cv‡i| Zvn‡j †evSv hv‡”Q GB
hierarchical structure Gi AM©vbvB‡Rk‡bi eøK QvovI AviI wKQz wfbœ eøK Av‡Q| eZ©gvb
classification structure-Gi mv‡_ GB AM©vbvB‡Rkb eø‡Ki GKUv wjsK Av‡Q| GB eøKUv feudal n‡e bv
Ges GUv feudal structure †f‡½ †ewi‡q Avm‡e| GUv hierarchical n‡e bv, GUv collective n‡e,
corporate n‡e Ges body n‡e|
Is Auditor General’s Office a body? Is it a body or not? NO, it is not. KviY GUv
Ki‡cv‡iU auv‡Pi bq| Avwg hLb ASOSAI †Rbv‡ij G‡mgweø‡Z †Mjvg ZLb †Kvb †Kvb †`‡ki AwWUi
†Rbv‡ij Avm‡Q, ej‡Q Avwg †cÖwm‡W›U| Av‡iKRb Head of SAI MZKvj‡K Avgv‡K B‡gBj K‡i‡Q, ej‡Q
AwWU †evW© †g¤^vi| A_©vr †Kvb †Kvb †`‡ki AwWUi †Rbv‡i‡ji Kvh©vjq Ki‡cv‡iU KvjPv‡ii| wKš‘ Avgv‡`i
GBLv‡b †Kvb KvjPv‡ii ? Avgv‡`i GBLv‡b feudal KvjPv‡ii| Avm‡j GUv feudal bv feudal-Gi `v`v|
feudal-Gi `v`v †Kb ejwQ ? Auditor General is the sole authority to make any decision,
whereas all others are supporting staffs, all DCAGs, all Seniors, all are supporting
staffs. Auditor General is a single person. GLb wmGwR Kvh©vjq‡K GKwU body ej‡jI GUv
single man body| evsjv‡`‡k Kbw÷wUDkbvj BÝwUwUDk‡bi g‡a¨ GUvB GKgvÎ body †h body Avm‡j
single man show| GB Kvi‡Y GB body KLbI KLbI wW‡±UiI n‡Z cv‡i, A‡Uvµ¨vUI n‡Z cv‡i|
Avgvi K_vwU wK eyS‡Z †c‡iQ ? Avi me Kbw÷wUDkbvj ewW wKš‘ Ki‡cv‡iU| wbe©vPb Kwgkb ewj,
RywWwkqvwi ewj, cvewjK mvwf©m Kwgkb ewj meB Ki‡cv‡iU| GBUvI fvjg‡Zv †evSvi welq Av‡Q|
Kbw÷wUDkbvj dvskbvwjwUi g‡a¨ this is the only authority (body), that is single|
G¨vUb©x †Rbv‡i‡ji K_v e‡jwQjvg wK ? bvwK ewj bvB ? jvj ‡h eBUv Av‡Q, A_©vr H †Uwj‡dvb
wW‡i±wiUv, HLv‡b mvsweavwbK c‡`i ZvwjKvi g‡a¨ G¨vUb©x †Rbv‡i‡ji †Uwj‡dvb b¤^iI Av‡Q| Av‡M huv‡`i
bvg ejjvg Zuv‡`i mv‡_ G¨vUb©x †Rbv‡i‡jiI bvg Av‡Q| G¨vUb©x †Rbv‡i‡ji mvsweavwbK c‡`i †ÿ‡Î Avgvi
view GKUz different| Kbw÷wUDk‡b mention Kiv _vK‡jB Kbw÷wUDkbvj ewW nq wK? ‡Kvb c‡`i
appointment, jurisdiction, privilage Ges removal GB PviwUB hw` Kbw÷wUDk‡bi †Kvb Aby‡”Q‡`i
Øviv cÖ‡UKkb †`qv _v‡K Z‡eB H c`wU‡K purely Kbw÷wUDkbvj ewW ejv hvq| ïaygvÎ msweav‡b D‡jøL
_vK‡jB Kbw÷wUDkbvj ewW n‡e bv| †hgbt Ombudsman Gi K_v Kbw÷wUDk‡b D‡jøL Av‡Q| wKš‘ Zuvi
appointment, jurisdiction, removal cÖf…wZ Gi K_v msweav‡b D‡jøL Kiv nqwb| Zvn‡j Zvui
appointment, functions Ges removal BZ¨vw` gv`vi jÕ †_‡K Avm‡e bv, Gi Rb¨ cÖvBgvwi

Page 114 of 196

†jwRm‡jkb ‰Zix Ki‡Z n‡e| Zvn‡j cÖvBgvwi †jwRm‡jk‡b hw` †Kvb cÖ‡UKkbI †`qv nq, ZeyI properly
Kbw÷wUDkbvj ewW n‡e bv |
GZÿY hv ejjvg Zv wK eyS‡Z †c‡i‡Qv? G¸‡jv eyS‡Z n‡e| Ggb hierarchical / feudal
concept w`‡q mvwf©m †Wwjfvwi †`qv memgq wVK bvI n‡Z cv‡i ev GKgv_vi RvqvMvq wZb gv_v GKÎ
Ki‡Z n‡Z cv‡i| Zvn‡j miKvi Av‡iK iK‡gi cÖwZôvb ˆZix Ki‡Z cvi‡e †hUv GB hierarchy ‡Z _vK‡e
bv, †hUv n‡e G¸‡jv n‡Z GKUz Avjv`v| †hUv‡Z wfbœ ai‡Yi feature _vK‡e| cÖ_gZt Giv GKv decision
†b‡e bv, Ki‡cv‡iU decision †b‡e| Giv n‡jv miKv‡ii implementation BDwbU| GB
implementation BDwbU ¸‡jv Av‡iK ai‡Yi n‡Z cv‡i| ZvB Mf‡g©‡›Ui eøK †_‡K †U‡b wb‡q G‡m Avwg
Av‡iKUv eøK ‰Zix Kijvg| classification †evSvi Rb¨ G¸‡jv eo eo Bm¨y|
Government Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM), 2014 is the latest for the
reference –GUvI wjUv‡iPvi wiwfD-Gi wj‡÷ _vK‡e| Specially, the chapter on classification|
Av‡iKUv welq n‡jv UN wm‡÷‡gi Classification on Functions of Government (COFOG)|
G¸‡jv cov‡kvbv K‡i †Zvgiv †h wi‡cvU© ˆZix Ki‡e, ‡mB wi‡cv‡U©i GKwU P¨vÞvi _vK‡e Classification
Gi Dci| GUv Lye Riæix|
Autonomous, semi-autonomous, statutory GB wZb ai‡Yi cÖwZôvb wb‡q Avwg GKwU eøK
ˆZix Kijvg| GB eø‡Ki g‡a¨ Avwg †Kvb State owned Enterprise (SoE)-†K ivwL wb| Point to be
noted, State owned Enterprise (SoE)-†K B›Uvib¨vkbvj U©v‡g ejv nq Public Sector
Undertakings (PSU) , Avi Avgiv ewj SoE| Autonomous/ semi-autonomous/ statutory Giv
income financed bv tax financed ? Giv tax financed| Zvn‡j Giv †h income K‡i †mUv †Kv_vq
hv‡e? Giv ‡h income K‡i †mUv hv‡e straight to the treasury| j¨v½y‡qRUv n‡jvt income credited
to the Consolidated Fund and deposited to the Treasury, not income deposited to the
Consolidated Fund| GB Uvg©Uv Avwg †mw`b eywS‡qwQ| ZvB bqwK , †mw`b Avgiv GUv Av‡jvPbv
K‡iwQjvg| miKvi †Kvb income Ki‡j Zv Consolidated Fund-G †µwW‡UW n‡e, wW‡cvwRU n‡e wK?
welqwU Av‡iKUz stressed Kwi| Consolidated Fund-Gi †iKW©m& †Kv_vq _v‡K? GUv wK
evsjv‡`k e¨vs‡K _v‡K? (GUv AvR‡Ki KzB‡Ri GKUv cÖkœ n‡Z cvi‡Zv|) bvwK wmwRG-‡Z _v‡K? Avevi ewj -
evsjv‡`k e¨vs‡K deposited money colourless, GUv colourless money wnmv‡e †UªRvwi‡ZB _v‡K|
wKš‘ GB colourless money Kvjvi cvq wmwRG wm‡÷‡g G‡m| wmwRG wm‡÷g ej‡Z GLv‡b ïaygvÎ wmwRG
Awdm bq, Zvi Aax‡b hZ GKvDw›Us Awdm Av‡Q including field pay offices of the CGDF,
ADG(Finance) – Bangladesh Railway mevB CF-G †µwWU K‡i wKš‘ aggregate ledger _v‡K

Page 115 of 196

wmwRG-‡Z| Public Accounts Gi †ÿ‡ÎI hvi hvi GKvD›U mevB †gBb‡Ub K‡i wKš‘ aggregate
control GKvD›U _v‡K wmwRG-‡Z| GB `yBUv control GKvD‡›Ui wi‡cvU© †Rbv‡iU Ki‡jB †mUvi bvg
Finance Accounts Z‡e Gi g‡a¨ cash movement (not cash balance) _vK‡Z n‡e| (K¨vk
e¨vjv‡Ýi Rb¨ wmwWDj K‡i ÷K Ki‡Z nq, GBUv †mw`b e‡jwQ, mvg‡b Avevi ej‡ev|)
Autonomous/ semi-autonomous/ statutory Giv tax financed| A‡b‡K Zvn‡j ej‡Z
cv‡i “m¨vi Iiv †Zv wKQz income K‡i|” wKQz income K‡i Zv wVK wKš‘ full cost recover K‡i wK?
Giv full cost recover K‡i bv| Zvn‡j ‡hB mvwf©m full cost recover K‡i bv, GgbwK Mf‡g©›UI GB
wiKfvwi allow K‡i bv, Zvi bvgB cvewjK mvwf©m| Zvn‡j cvewjK mvwf©‡mi definition wK? – A
service or a product, which is non marketable and is tax financed is called a public
service. Zvn‡j Avgiv cvewjK mvwf©‡mi GKUv Lye my›`i msÁv †cjvg; cÖ_gZt non marketable
product or service Ges wØZxqZt full cost recovery is not mandatory| nq‡Zv g‡b n‡Z cv‡i
Avwg G‡KK mgq G‡KK definition w`w”Q wKš‘ Avwg Ny‡i wd‡i GKB K_v ejwQ| Zvn‡j autonomous,
semi-autonomous, statutory Giv income financed bv tax financed? Tax financed|
GB eøKUvi g‡a¨ †KvbUv autonomous †KvbUv semi-autonomous, GB wdPvi¸‡jv †evSv
Riæix| G‡`i GKvDw›Us cÖ‡mm, ev‡RwUs cÖ‡mm- G¸‡jvI eyS‡Z n‡e| autonomous ewWi cÖ_g wdPvi n‡jv
(1) autonomous ewWi ÷ªvKPvi Ki‡cv‡iU, hierarchical bq| Gi g‡a¨ wewfbœ †j‡f‡j †Wwj‡Mkb
_vK‡Z cv‡i Z‡e decision Ki‡cv‡iU| wØZxqZt (2) this type of organizations is only one body
organization, generally one body; i.e. the executive body. G‡`i †Kvb cwjwm ewW †bB| †bB
†Kb ? Zvn‡j GB organization ¸‡jv g~jZt Kv‡K substitute Ki‡Q ? Mf‡g©›U‡K substitute K‡i‡Q
with more autonomy| Zvn‡j wØZxq wdPvi wK? more autonomy than departments or
Z…ZxqZt ( †hUv Avgv‡`i Rb¨ Rvbv AZ¨šÍ Riæix) Giv On budget bq Extra budget| Zvn‡j
†evSv hv‡”Q GUv ev‡RU †m±‡ii Ask bq Giv Extra budget| Gch©šÍ Zvn‡j KZwU wdPvi ejjvg? wdPvi
b¤^i (1) Ki‡cv‡iU ÷ªvKPvi; wdPvi b¤^i (2) only one body Ges wdPvi b¤^i (3) more autonomy
than departments| wdPvi b¤^i (4) †hUv Avgv‡`i Rb¨I Rvbv Riæix †mUv n‡jv Giv Consolidated
Fund-G transaction K‡i bv| They have got their own fund| Zvn‡j GK K_vq ejv hvq ‡h,
Autonomous bodies should have their own fund (outside the Consolidated Fund),
which is very important for us| †Zvgiv hLb ¯^vqZ¡kvwmZ cÖwZôv‡bi Rb¨ †Kvb AvBb †`L‡e ZLb

Page 116 of 196

†`L‡e autonomous ewWi Rb¨ GKwU wbR¯^ Znwej _vK‡e| GB K_vi D‡Ïk¨ n‡jv autonomous ewW‡K
ev‡RU †m±i ‡_‡K †ei K‡i †bqv| GKvi‡YB GUv‡K Extra budget ejwQ|
G·Uªv ev‡RU Zvn‡j †evSv hv‡”Q| Autonomous ewWi Rb¨ Av‡iKUv dvÛ ev Znwej _vK‡e|
Another feature (b¤^i-5) : it is preferable that an autonomous body should be created
by law. It is preferably created by enacting a law in the parliament (a specific law for
the body). AviI mywbw`©ó K‡i ej‡Z †M‡j at least through a cabinet resolution A_©vr †KwU‡b‡Ui
†iRy‡jkb w`‡q autonomous ewW create Kiv hv‡e| GLv‡b at least ejvi GKUv D‡Ïk¨ i‡q‡Q| KviY
1972 wLªt mv‡ji †Kwe‡bU †iRy‡jk‡bi Øviv ˆZix wKQz autonomous ewW GLbI envj i‡q‡Q| Zvn‡j hyw³
n‡jv †h, GB cÖwZôvb¸‡jv †h¸‡jv ‡Kwe‡bU †iRy‡jkb Øviv ˆZix n‡q‡Q †m¸‡jv Kiv DwPr wQj; bZzev hw`
G‡`i Aw¯ÍZ¡ wUwK‡q ivLv cÖ‡qvRbxq g‡b Kiv nq Z‡e AvBb K‡i †iRy‡jkb cwieZ©‡bi gva¨‡g Zv Kiv DwPr|
Zv hvB †nvK GUv ejv †h‡Z cv‡i †h, autonomous ewW ˆZix Ki‡Z AvBb jvM‡e Avi Zv bvn‡j
at least †Kwe‡b‡Ui †iRy‡jkb jvM‡e| (Preferably) law w`‡q ˆZix n‡Z n‡e| Z‡e GLb ch©šÍ Avgvi
e³e¨ ï‡b hw` KviI g‡b nq †h Avwg wbZvšÍB AcÖ‡qvRbxq K_v ejwQ Z‡e, Zv‡`i D‡Ïk¨ ej‡Z PvB Avgiv
hviv AwWU GÛ GKvD›Um& wWcvU©‡g‡›U PvKwi Kwi Zv‡`i Rb¨ GB AvBb Kvbyb¸‡jv Rvbv AZ¨šÍ Riæix| Avwg
cÖ_g w`‡bi e³…ZvB e‡jwQjvg †h, G Avgv‡`i †mŠfvM¨B †nvK Avi `~f©vM¨B †nvK, Ab¨ wWcvU©‡g‡›Ui
Kg©KZ©v/Kg©PvixMY hv Rv‡b Zv Avgv‡`i Rvb‡Z n‡e, cvkvcvwk Avgv‡`i wb‡RiUvI Rvb‡Z n‡e| myZivs Lye
¯^fveZB Avgv‡`i †ÿ‡Î Rvbvi cÖ‡qvRbUv †ekx n‡e, Avi Avgiv hw` bv Rvwb ev Zzjbvg~jK Kg Rvwb Z‡e
†mUv n‡e Aciv‡ai kvwgj| GB AvBb-Kvbyb¸‡jv Avgv‡`i Rvb‡Z n‡e ‡Kbbv Gi mv‡_ Avgv‡`i cvidi‡gÝ
AwW‡Ui m¤úK© Av‡Q, GgbwK mvwU©wd‡Kkb AwW‡UiI m¤úK© Av‡Q|
‡Zvgv‡`i g‡b nq wKbv Rvwb bv Z‡e, G¸‡jvi mv‡_ Kgcøv‡qÝ AwW‡Ui GKUv Lye ¸iæZ¡cY~ © m¤úK©
i‡q‡Q| Avgv‡`i g‡a¨ A‡b‡Ki fvlvÁvb AZ¨šÍ fvj, fvlvq A‡b‡KiB †ek `Lj i‡q‡Q wKš‘ ZviciI Avgiv
fvj wKQz m„wó Ki‡Z e¨_© nw”Q| Gi KviY n‡”Q Avgv‡`i Kv‡Ri g‡a¨ subject matter Gi Afve| GLb hw`
Ggb nq †h, Avgv‡`i GKwU wU‡gi g‡a¨ KviI KviI fvlvi `Lj Av‡Q Avevi KviI KviI subject matter
G `Lj Av‡Q| Zvn‡j H wUg ¯^vfvweKfv‡e Lye fvj AvDUcyU w`‡Z cvi‡e| GKvi‡YB Avgv‡`i mevB‡K
G¸‡jv Rvb‡Z n‡e|
Av‡iKwU wdPvi n‡jv Autonomous/ semi-autonomous/ statutory ewW¸‡jv
Consolidated Fund Gi g‡a¨ transaction Ki‡e bv Giv transaction Ki‡e AvDUmvBW w`
Consolidated Fund| lô wdPvi ejv hvq †h, ewW¸‡jv asset m„wó ev liability incur Ki‡Z cv‡i| wKš‘
miKv‡ii †Kvb wWcvU©‡g›U asset m„wó ev liability incur Ki‡Z cv‡i bv| †h †Kvb ai‡Yi asset ev
liability incur Ki‡Z †M‡j respective allocation jvM‡e| ‡hgb miKv‡ii †h‡Kvb asset acquire

Page 117 of 196

Ki‡Z nq †cÖw m‡W‡›Ui bv‡g| Z‡e GB asset acquire Rb¨ iæjm& Ae weR‡bm G †`qv allocation Av‡Q
nq‡Zv M„nvqb I MYc~Z© gš¿Yvjq‡K bq‡Zv f~wg gš¿Yvjq‡K| ¯^v¯’¨ gš¿Yvj‡qi weR‡bm allocation G GB
`vwqZ¡ cÖ`vb Kiv nqwb| Abyiƒcfv‡e miKvi ev iv‡óªi †Kvb ai‡bi liability incur Ki‡e A_© wefvM, A_©
gš¿Yvjq| GgbwK A_©‰bwZK m¤úK© wefvMI liability incur Ki‡Z cvi‡e bv, Z‡e A_©‰bwZK m¤úK© wefvM
negotiate Ki‡Z cvi‡e|
A_©vr A_© wefvM Qvov miKv‡ii †Kvb wefvM ev wWcvU©‡g‡›Ui liability incur ev FY †bqvi †Kvb
A_wiwU †bB| wKš‘ gRvi welq n‡”Q, evsjv‡`‡k wefvM / gš¿Yvjq¸‡jv GLb AntinB ownership MÖnY ev
asset †Kbv‡K GKwU cÖ_vq cwiYZ K‡i‡Q| GiKgB GKwU NUbv Avwg †iva K‡iwQjvg hLb ¯^v¯’¨ gš¿Yvj‡qi
R‰bK mwPe m¤ú` wKb‡Z D`¨Z n‡qwQj| Avwg ZLb cÎ wj‡LwQjvg †h ¯^v¯’¨ gš¿Yvj‡qi m¤ú` †Kbvi †Kvb
GLwZqvi †bB| Avwg Rvb‡Z cvijvg †nj_ wK¬wb‡Ki Rb¨ ZrKvjxb ¯^v¯’¨ mwPe Rwg wKb‡Qb, †iwRw÷ª
Ki‡Qb| wKš‘ wKQzÿY c~‡e© Avgiv †R‡bwQ †h, asset is procured in the name of the President|
Zvn‡j miKvi ev iv‡óªi c‡ÿ Rwg wKb‡e M„nvqb I MYc~Z© gš¿Yvjq bZzev f~wg gš¿Yvjq| f‡qi welq n‡”Q
‡h, GB NUbvUv across the government N‡U P‡j‡Q| Ae¯’v Ggb GK ch©v‡q G‡m †cuŠ‡P‡Q †h, GLb †KD
G wel‡q cÖkœ Zzj‡jI †Kvb jvf †bB, KviY mwVK cš’vwU †evSv‡Z Kó n‡”Q| As if R‡b R‡b wM‡q †evSv‡jI
†Kvb jvf n‡e wKbv wbwðZ K‡i ejv hvqbv| Z‡e Avgiv‡Zv welqUv observe Ki‡Z cvwi, observation
raise Ki‡Z cvwi|
Z‡e autonomous ewW¸‡jv asset µq-weµq ev liability incur Ki‡Z cv‡i| GB
autonomous ewW¸‡jv †h AvB‡bi Øviv m„ó, †mB AvB‡bB G msµvšÍ legal provision we`¨gvb _v‡K|
Z‡e wKQz wKQz †ÿ‡Î autonomous ewW¸‡jvi liability incur Ki‡Z wKQz reservation †`qv i‡q‡Q|
‡Kbbv GB autonomous ewW¸‡jv AwaKnv‡i FY wb‡j Zv GKmgq miKv‡ii Kv‡a G‡m co‡Z cv‡i | GB
m¤¢vebv †_‡KB autonomous ewW¸‡jvi AvB‡b FY †bqvi †ÿ‡Î ‘with the approval of the
government’ K_vwU †jLv _v‡K| hw`I GB ewW¸‡jvi M„nxZ FY mivmwi miKv‡ii FY bq| Z‡e G¸‡jv
miKv‡ii contingent liabilities| A_©vr these are such liabilities which may rest with the
government in case of the failure of the entity to repay the loans.
Autonomous ewW¸‡jv asset acquire Ki‡Z cv‡i, liability incur Ki‡Z cv‡i| G‡`i
Avjv`v Znwej _vK‡e, Giv Avjv`v ev‡RU cÖYqb Ki‡e, G‡`i AvB‡bi g‡a¨ GKvD›Um& msiÿ‡Yi Avjv`v
weavb _vK‡e| Zvn‡j cÖkœ n‡jv †h, G‡`i AwWUI wK Avjv`v n‡e? A_©vr GB cÖwZôvb¸‡jv AwWUi †Rbv‡ij
AwWU Ki‡eb wKbv? CAG’s (Addition Functions) Act, 1974 G wel‡q cwi®‹vi weavb i‡q‡Q †h GB
cÖwZôvb¸‡jv AwWUi †Rbv‡i‡ji wbixÿvi AvIZvq Avm‡e| Z‡e Gi †P‡qI kw³kvjx I comprehensive

Page 118 of 196

assertion i‡q‡Q msweav‡b| msweav‡bi 128(1) Aby‡”Q` w`‡qB Autonomous ewW¸‡jv AwWU Kivi
g¨v‡ÛU AwWUi †Rbv‡ij‡K †`qv n‡q‡Q, ZvB CAG’s (Addition Functions) Act, 1974 †K cÖPwjZ
K_vq ejv ‡h‡Z cv‡i ‘‡gvbv‡dwKi †eov’| Zvn‡j msweav‡bi 128(1) Aby‡”Q` ïaygvÎ ev‡RUf~³
cÖwZôvb¸‡jv bq, Gi evB‡iI Autonomous/ semi-autonomous/ statutory ewW¸‡jv AwWU Kivi
g¨v‡ÛU AwWUi †Rbv‡ij‡K b¨v¯Í K‡i‡Q| Ggb GKwU kw³kvjx AvwU©‡Kj c„w_exi A‡bK †`‡ki msweav‡bB
†bB, GgbwK fvi‡Zi msweav‡bI †bB| ïay Avwg bB, Avwg AviI A‡bK‡K w`‡q GB AvwU©‡KjwU cixÿv
Kwi‡qwQ Ges †`‡LwQ †h, evsjv‡`‡ki msweav‡bi GB AvwU©‡KjwU GZB engulfing Avi comprehensive
†h CAG’s (Addition Functions) Act, 1974 bv _vK‡jI †Kvb mgm¨v n‡Zv bv| myZivs
Autonomous ewW¸‡jvi Dc‡i cÖYxZ AwWU wi‡cv‡U©i gyLe‡Ü ïaygvÎ CAG’s (Addition Functions)
Act, 1974 Gi K_v D‡jøL bv K‡i Gi mv‡_ 128(1) Aby‡”Q‡`i K_vI D‡jøL Ki‡Z n‡e|
hw` autonomous ewWi AvB‡b AwWU m¤ú‡K© wKQzB D‡jøL bv _v‡K Z‡e Zv AwWUi †Rbv‡i‡ji
AwWU g¨v‡ÛU‡K †Kvbiƒc n«vm Ki‡e bv| A_©vr AwWUi †Rbv‡i‡ji Kvh©vjqB autonomous ewWi AwWU
Ki‡e| wKš‘ m¤úªwZ GKwU bZzb avivi D™¢e n‡q‡Q hv Avgv‡`i fvwe‡q Zz‡j‡Q| fwel¨‡Z wKfv‡e GB
Bm¨y¸‡jv g¨v‡bR Kiv hvq ev future reforms-G wKfv‡e incorporate Kiv hvq Zv wb‡q Avgv‡`i fve‡Z
n‡e| ‡Kvb †Kvb autonomous ewWi AvB‡bi g‡a¨ PvU©vW GKvD‡›UwÝ dvg© w`‡q AwWU Kivi Rb¨ AwWU
K¬R AšÍf©~³ Kiv n‡”Q, wKš‘ AwWUi †Rbv‡i‡ji AwW‡Ui †Kvb K_v D‡jøL Kiv n‡”Q bv| Avwg ¯^-D‡`¨v‡M `y-
GKwU autonomous ewWi AvB‡b AwWUi †Rbv‡i‡ji AwW‡Ui K_v AšÍf³
©~ K‡iwQ; †hgbt Gme AvB‡b ejv
n‡q‡Q ‘in spite of the audit of any chartered accountants firm, the authority of Auditor
General in respect to audit the autonomous body shall not be dented.’ GK_v Ab¯^xKvh© †h,
Avgv‡`i msweav‡b AZ¨šÍ cwi®‹vi I my¯úófv‡e autonomous ewW AwW‡Ui Rb¨ AwWUi †Rbv‡ij‡K ÿgZv
†`qv n‡q‡Q, ZeyI Zv Ggbfv‡e ejv hv‡e bv hv wb‡`©‡ki g‡Zv †kvbv hvq| eis Zvu‡`i‡K †evSv‡Z n‡e †h,
PvU©vW© GKvD‡›U›Um& dvg© AwWU Ki‡jI AwWUi †Rbv‡i‡ji ÿgZv wKQz gvÎ Le© n‡e bv|
AwW‡Ui Rb¨ PvU©vW© GKvD‡›U›Um& dvg© wb‡qvM K‡i autonomous ewWi G‡·wKDwUf †evW©| Zvn‡j
hw` G‡·wKDwUf †evW© Zv‡`i cQ›` g‡Zv PvU©vW© GKvD‡›U›Um& dvg© wb‡qvM K‡i, hv H dvg©‡K Zvi Uªy-
AeRv‡f©k b K‡¤úªvgvBR Ki‡Z eva¨ K‡i ZLb GwU conflict of interest Gi g‡a¨ co‡e| ‡mKvi‡Y AwWUi
†Rbv‡ij hLb AwWU Ki‡e ZLb GB welq¸‡jv Zz‡j Avb‡Z n‡e| GgbwK GB cÖkœI †Zvjv †h‡Z cv‡i †h,
AwWUi †Rbv‡ij Ges PvU©vW© GKvD‡›U›Um& dvg© DfqB hw` GKB cÖwZôv‡b simultaneously AwWU K‡i Z‡e
cost of audit will be very high, so much of efficiency is lost and service delivery is
hampered| GKB mv‡_ H G‡·wKDwUf †evW© is given more responsibilities i.e. more burden|

Page 119 of 196

GQvovI A‡bK mgq †Kvb autonomous ewWi GKvD›U wKwcs accrual basis-G nq| Ges Zv‡`i
Annual Financial †÷U‡g›UI ˆZix nq| Gai‡Yi ewWi †ÿ‡Î hw` PvU©vW© GKvD‡›U›Um& dvg© wb‡qvM Kiv
AwaK hyw³hy³ nq Z‡e with the approval of the Auditor General PvU©vW© GKvD‡›U›Um& dvg© wb‡qvM
Kiv †h‡Z cv‡i|
Gai‡Yi wel‡q Avgiv BwÛqvÕi D`vniY AbymiY Ki‡Z cvwi| BwÛqv‡Z AwWUi †Rbv‡ij PvU©vW©
GKvD‡›U›Um& dv‡g©i GKwU c¨v‡bj ˆZix K‡i| †mB c¨v‡bj †_‡K †Kvb GKwU dvg©‡K AwWU Ki‡Z cvVvq,
Avevi KLbI Mf‡g©›U AwWU‡KI cvVvq, ‡mBmv‡_ GKB AwWU wi‡cv‡U© Dfq ai‡Yi AeRvi‡fkbB ¯’vb cvq|
D‡jøL¨ Avwg †Kvb Kgvwk©qvj cÖwZôvb ev state owned enterprises (SoE)-Gi K_v ejwQ bv| Avwg †mB
mKj cÖwZôv‡bi K_v ejwQ hviv cvewjK mvwf©m †Wwjfvwii mv‡_ m¤ú„³ ev cvewjK mvwf©m †Wwjfvwi K‡i|
[`k©Kmvwi‡Z Dcweó R‰bK Kg©KZ©vi c‡kœi Dˇit] Autonomous ewW¸‡jv‡K ‘ev‡RU mv‡cvU©’
bq grants-in-aid †`qv nq| Autonomous ewW¸‡jv ev‡RUvwi LvZf~³ bq ZvB G‡`i ˆ`wbK †jb‡`b
Consolidated Fund ‡_‡K nq bv| Zv‡`i day-to-day †jb‡`b nq Zv‡`i wbR¯^ ev‡RU †_‡K| Z‡e Giv
Mf‡g©‡›Ui wbKU n‡Z grants-in-aid cvq| grants-in-aid n‡jv Consolidated Fund ‡_‡K GKwU one
off transaction hvi gva¨‡g miKvi autonomous ewW¸‡jv‡K Zv‡`i ˆ`bw›`b transaction Gi Rb¨ A_©
cÖ`vb K‡i| wKš‘ GUv ev‡RU mv‡cvU© bq, ev‡RU mv‡cvU© ej‡Z Avm‡j wfbœ welq ‡evSvq| myZivs
Consolidated Fund ‡_‡K grants-in-aid cÖ`vb Kiv n‡jI autonomous ewW¸‡jvi ˆ`bw›`b †jb‡`b
Consolidated Fund G †_‡K nqbv| Avgvi g‡b n‡”Q †h, Avgiv hLb †Kvb wKQz ejwQ ev †Kvb wKQz
Dc¯’vcb KiwQ ZLb Avgv‡`i A‡bK terminology wcÖmvBR n‡”Qbv ZvB terminology-¸‡jv‡Z AviI
precision-Avb‡Z n‡e| Avi GB precision-Avbvi Rb¨ AviI †ekx †ekx co‡Z n‡e, wm‡÷g¸‡jv‡K
cwic~Y©fv‡e eyS‡Z n‡e|
Avgv‡`i †h wefvMxq wnmveiÿY Awdm¸‡jv Av‡Q, Zv‡`i mswkøó wmGI-‡`i f~wgKv Zviv cwic~Y©iƒ‡c
cvjb Ki‡Q wKbv Zv wePvi Kiv cÖ‡qvRb| ZvB wmGI-¸‡jvi GmsµvšÍ Kvh©vejxi Dc‡i wiwfD K‡i GKwU
wiwfD cÖwZ‡e`b Rgv w`‡Z B‡Zvg‡a¨ mswkøó AwWU Awa`ßi¸‡jv‡K cÎ w`‡Z e‡jwQ Avwg| Avi wmwRG m¨vi
†K e‡jwQ H wiwfD cÖwZ‡e`b ch©v‡jvPbv K‡i h_vh_ e¨e¯’v MÖn‡bi Rb¨ Internal Control Unit (ICU)-
†K `vwqZ¡ †`qvi Rb¨| cÖ‡Z¨KwU welqB †`Lv cÖ‡qvRb, †hgbt d‡ib wgkb¸‡jv‡Z miKv‡ii K¨vk-e¨vjvÝ KZ
Av‡Q, wmGI-IqvK©m& Gi outstanding KZ Av‡Q, BZ¨vw` me wiwfD K‡i †`L‡Z n‡e| KviY G meB
public finance Gi mv‡_ m¤úwK©Z Ges miKv‡ii K¨vk-e¨vjv‡Ýi Dci Gi cÖfve Av‡Q| myZivs G¸‡jvi
wnmveiÿ‡Y †Kvbiƒc Ae‡njv / Awbqg cwijwÿZ n‡j mswkøó wmGI-‡K `vqx Ki‡Z n‡e| GgbwK
cÖ‡qvRb‡ev‡a Gai‡Yi Ae‡njvi Rb¨ e¨w³MZ `vq/`vwqZ¡ wba©viY Ki‡Z n‡e|

Page 120 of 196

wefvMxq wnmveiÿY Awdm¸‡jvi mv‡_ m¤ú„³ wmGI-¸‡jvi Ab¨Zg `vwqZ¡ n‡jv †h, wefvMxq
wnmveiÿY Awdm n‡Z gvwmK wnmve Avmvi ci, †mB GKvD›U¸‡jv wmGI-‡Z cÖwZgv‡m ‡cv÷-AwWU Ki‡Z
n‡e| ch©vß Rbe‡ji Afve GKwU †Luvov ARynvZ, GB ai‡Yi ARynvZ w`‡q gvwmK wnmve AwWU bv Kiv
†Kvbg‡ZB DwPr n‡e bv| Avwg wbwðZfv‡eB ej‡Z cvwi †h, 100wU wWwfkbvj GKvD‡›U‡›Ui gvwmK wnmve
AwWU Ki‡Z 2/3w`‡bi †ekx jvMvi K_v bq| gvÎ wZb w`‡bB Gai‡Yi wiwfD †kl Kiv m¤¢e; sanction wVK
Av‡Q wKbv, classification wVK Av‡Q wKbv, BZ¨vw` wiwfD Kiv| GLb wefvMxq Awdm¸‡jvi †PK
B‡j±ªwbK¨vwj Bm¨y n‡”Q, Ges †c‡g›U nIqvi ci †cBW †PK¸‡jv wmwRG‡Z wd‡i Avm‡Q, Z‡e wK wd‡i Avm‡Q
Zv wiwfD Kiv `iKvi| G‡ÿ‡Î Internal Control Unit (ICU)-‡K mwµq f~wgKv ivL‡Z n‡e|
cÖ‡qvRb‡ev‡a GKwU wi‡cvwU©s †d«gIqvK© ˆZix K‡i w`‡Z n‡e|
G‡ÿ‡Î Avwg GKUv D`vniY †`‡ev| GLbI iæjey‡K †jLv Av‡Q †h, cÖwZ mßv‡ni †k‡l †P‡Ki
ZvwjKv wmwRG (ZrKvjxb AG (civil))-Gi mvg‡b Dc¯’vcb Kiv n‡Zv Ges wmwRG himself/herself
used to sign the list| †mB KvR GLb P‡j †M‡Q A‡bK wb‡Pi †j‡f‡j, Avgvi‡Zv g‡b nq GLb mswkøó
wmGI Awd‡mi †Kvb AwWUi GLb †mB ZvwjKv ¯^vÿi K‡i, GgbwK †Kvb AwdmviI bq| ‡mBmgq wmwRG/
AG (civil) †h KvR †Wwj‡MU Ki‡Z cvi‡Zb bv, GLb ‡mB KvR †Zv Kgc‡ÿ wmGIÕi Kiv DwPr| hw` Zv
wmGI bv K‡i Z‡e Zvi weiæ‡× departmental proceedings nIqv‡Zv †Kvb A¯^vfvweK e¨vcvi bq| Avgvi
g‡Z †Zv †mB wmGIÕi gvBbi bq †gRi †cbvwë nIqv DwPr| KviY G¸‡jvI mvwf©m Bw›UwMÖwUi Ask, Gwel‡q
inquiry n‡j Avwg wbwðZfv‡eB ej‡Z cvwi A‡b‡Ki PvKwiI P‡j †h‡Z cv‡i|
Zvn‡j Av‡iKevi recap Kwit autonomous ewWi cÖavb cÖavb wdPvi¸‡jv wKwK -
(1) Ki‡cv‡iU;
(2) A‡Uvbwg;
(3) Asset/liability (it can acquire with some reservations);
(4) Consolidated Fund-G transaction Ki‡e bv, †mcv‡iU transaction Ki‡e;
(5) ev‡RU †m±‡ii AšÍf©~³ bq|
AvBGgGd -Gi Technical Notes and Manuals (TNM)-G extra-budgetary funds ejv
n‡q‡Q| evsjv‡`‡kI A‡bK ewW dvÛ ev Znwej bv‡g cwiwPZ †hgbt †hŠ_ exgv Znwej| KLbI †Kvb Znwej
e¨e¯’vcbvi Rb¨ cÖwZôvb ˆZix Kiv n‡q‡Q, Avevi KLbI †Kvb cÖwZôvb Pvjv‡bvi Rb¨ ˆZix n‡q‡Q Znwej|
GB `yBai‡Yi cÖwZôvbB extra-budgetary ev off-budget cÖwZôvb| Z‡e kãwUi GKwU wfbœv_©K e¨vL¨v
i‡q‡Q hv Avgiv c‡i Av‡jvPbv Ki‡ev|
Autonomous ewW¸‡jv AwWUi †Rbv‡ij AwWU Ki‡eb| Zvui GB g¨v‡ÛU G‡m‡Q Avgv‡`i
msweav‡bi 128(1) Aby‡”Q` Abymv‡i| GKBmv‡_ CAG’s (Additional Functions) Act, 1974 Gi

Page 121 of 196

gva¨‡g GB welqwU‡K AviI my¯úó ev specific Kiv n‡q‡Q| GB AvB‡b mywbw`©ófv‡e statutory I
autonomous ewWi K_v ejv n‡q‡Q| hvi d‡j GUv eyS‡Z myweav n‡q‡Q| GKvi‡Y PvU©vW© GKvD‡›UwÝ dvg©
w`‡q AwWU Kiv‡j AwWU K÷ ¯^fveZB Zyjbvg~jK †ekx n‡e| Gai‡Yi AeRvi‡fkb¸‡jv Avgv‡`i AwWU
gšÍ‡e¨ Zz‡j Avb‡Z n‡e, GgbwK Avgiv miKvi‡K wjL‡Z cvwi †h, PvU©vW© GKvD‡›UwÝ dvg© w`‡q AwWU Kiv‡j
duplication Gi Kvi‡Y AwWU K÷ e„w× cv‡”Q|
[`k©Kmvwii R‰bK Kg©KZ©vi cÖ‡kœi Rev‡et] B›Uvibvj Ges G·Uvibvj AwW‡Ui g‡a¨ cv_©K¨Uv AviI
my¯úófv‡e eyS‡Z n‡e| By law hw` †Kvb PvU©vW© GKvD‡›UwÝ dvg© D³ cÖwZôvb AwWU Kivi Rb¨ wb‡qvM †`qv
nq ZLb wKš‘ GUv B›Uvibvj AwWU bq, GwU G·Uvibvj AwWU| B›Uvibvj AwWU ïaygvÎ G‡·wKDwUf‡K
wi‡cvU© Ki‡e| Ges B›Uvibvj AwWU‡ii wb‡qvM mvaviYZ †Kvb wd·W ev wm‡½j Uv‡g©i wfwˇZ nqbv, GUv nq
hiring for services|
me‡P‡q †ekx †h welqwU‡Z †Rvi w`‡Z n‡e Zv n‡jv, individual unit ¸‡jv asset ev liability
incur Ki‡Z cv‡i bv| hw` individual unit ¸‡jv Zv K‡i Z‡e Zvi weiæ‡× AwWU AeRvi‡fkb _vK‡Z
n‡e| Avevi hw` without the prior approval of the government †Kvb cÖKvi liability incur Kiv
nq ZeyI AwWU AeRvi‡fkb _vK‡Z n‡e| Avevi †Kvb cÖwZôvb B‡Zvg‡a¨B liability incur K‡i‡Q wKš‘
cwi‡kva Ki‡Z cvi‡Qbv, GiKg †ÿ‡ÎI AwWU AeRv‡f©kb _vKv DwPr| †Kbbv G¸‡jv Fiscal Balance ‡K
cÖfvweZ K‡i|
iæjm& Ae weR‡bm& Abyhvqx cÖ‡Z¨K wgwbw÷ª‡K A_© eQi wfwËK GKwU evwl©K cÖwZ‡e`b mvewgU Ki‡Z
nq| GB evwl©K cÖwZ‡e`‡b D³ wgwbw÷ªi H A_©eQ‡ii Kg©Kv‡Ûi weeiY Zz‡j ai‡Z nq| wKš‘ cÖkœ n‡jv H
cÖwZ‡e`‡b GKvD›Um& _vK‡e wKbv? evwl©K cÖwZ‡e`‡b GKvD›Um& _vKv AZ¨vek¨Kxq bq, †Kbbv wgwbw÷ª Zvi
GKvD›Um& K‡ibv, †c‡g›UI K‡ibv | hw`I ev‡RU g¨v‡bR‡g›U G¨v± Abyhvqx ev‡RUvwi GKvD›Um& cÖ¯‘Z Kivi
`vwqZ¡ wgwbw÷ªi| †mKvi‡Y evwl©K cÖwZ‡e`‡b Appropriation Accounts AšÍf©~³ Kiv `iKvi|
Appropriation Accounts GKwU Lye wm¤új ‡÷U‡g›U, ZvB GB †÷U‡g›UwU evwl©K cÖwZ‡e`‡b AšÍf©~³
Kivi Rb¨ Avgiv wgwbw÷ª¸‡jv‡K DØy× Ki‡ev|
Autonomous cÖwZôvb¸‡jvi AvB‡bI evwl©K cÖwZ‡e`b Rgv †`qvi K_v ejv _v‡K| Z‡e G‡`i
evwl©K cÖwZ‡e`b wgwbw÷ª/wefv‡Mi evwl©K cÖwZ‡e`b n‡Z GKUz wfbœ n‡e, †Kbbv G‡`i evwl©K cÖwZ‡e`‡b
cÖwZôv‡bi KgwcøU GKvD›Um& _vK‡e| ïaygvÎ ev‡RUvwi GKvD›Um& bq, G‡`i KgwcøU dvBbvwÝqvj GKvD›Um&
_vK‡e| Ab¨fv‡e ejv hvq G‡`i †d¬v I ÷K `y‡UvB _vK‡e| hw` Autonomous cÖwZôvb¸‡jvi wnmveiÿY
c×wZ accrual basis bvnq Z‡e Avgv‡`‡i mycvwik _vK‡e Zv accrual basis-G iƒcvšÍi Kivi Rb¨ |
GRb¨ cÖ‡qvRbxq AvB‡b ms‡kvabx Avbvi Rb¨ Avgiv civgk© w`‡Z cvwi| ‡mB mv‡_ GB Autonomous

Page 122 of 196

cÖwZôvb¸‡jvi GKvD›Um& n‡e fund based| ZvB Giv financial Ges budgetary Dfq GKvD›Um& ˆZix
Zvn‡j Gevi autonomous Ges semi-autonomous ewW¸‡jvi g‡a¨ wK cv_©K¨ †m m¤ú‡K© GKUz
ejv hvK| Autonomous cÖwZôvb¸‡jvi †h 5/6 wU wdPvi Av‡Q Zvi g‡a¨ `ywU wdPvi Lye ¸iæZ¡cY~ ©| Zb¥‡a¨
me‡P‡q ¸iæZ¡cY~ © wdPviwU n‡jv G‡`i wbR¯^ Znwej i‡q‡Q| Z‡e semi-autonomous cÖwZôvb¸‡jv ‡ÿ‡Î
GB `ywU wdPvi we`¨gvb _v‡Kbv| Giv wb‡R‡`i wm×všÍ wb‡Riv wb‡q _v‡K Ges G‡`iI GKwU G‡·wKDwUf
†evW© _v‡K| Z_vwc, G‡`i Znwej _v‡K bv Ges asset ev liability incur Kivi ÿgZv _v‡K bv| GB `y‡Uv
ˆewk‡ó¨i NvUwZ _vK‡j H cÖwZôvb‡K c~Y© autonomous cÖwZôvb ejv hvq bv| GgbwK hw` ïaygvÎ Znwej bv
_v‡K wKš‘ Avi Ab¨ mKj wdPvi we`¨gvb _v‡K ZviciI GB cÖwZôvb‡K semi-autonomous cÖwZôvbB ejv
evsjv‡`‡k †ek wKQz cÖwZôvb Av‡Q †h¸‡jv semi-autonomous cÖwZôv‡bi fvj D`vniY n‡Z
cv‡i| †hgb GKwU D`vniY n‡Z cv‡i Board of Investment (BoI) hw`I eZ©gv‡b GwU wejyß n‡q‡Q|
BoI Ges cÖvB‡fUv‡Rkb Kwgkb wg‡j eZ©gv‡b Bangladesh Investment Development Authority
(BIDA) n‡q‡Q| BIDA nIqvi c~‡e© hLb BoI wQj ZLb BoI Gi AvB‡b †Kvb Znwej wQj bv, d‡j
BoI Gi wej cvk n‡Zv AG Awd‡m| KviY BoI Gi †Kvb Znwej wQj bv, wKš‘ cÖvB‡fUvB‡Rkb Kwgk‡bi
wej AG Awd‡m cvk n‡Zv bv| A_©vr BoI wQj semi-autonomous wKš‘ cÖvB‡fUvB‡Rkb Kwgkb wQj
autonomous cÖwZôvb| GKwU semi-autonomous I GKwU autonomous cÖwZôvb wg‡j GLb GKwU
autonomous cÖwZôvb m„wó Kiv n‡q‡Q| †h‡nZz BIDA AvB‡b GLb Znwej i‡q‡Q, Ges Ab¨vb¨
wdPvi¸‡jvI i‡q‡Q, ZvB GUv GLb c~Y© autonomous cÖwZôvb|
GLv‡b GKwU Bm¨y discuss Kiv Riæix| hw` †Kvb cÖwZôv‡bi Znwej bv _v‡K Z‡e D³ cÖwZôvb wcÖ-
AwW‡Ui AvIZvq _vK‡e| Avevi ïay wcÖ-AwW‡Ui AvIZvqB bq, GUv TSA-Gi g‡a¨I _vK‡e, hw`I GwU
GKwU †mcv‡iU ewW| ZvB G‡ÿ‡Î GB cÖwZôvb ev‡RUvwi †m±‡ii AšÍf©~³| myZivs GB welqwU GLbI
AwggvswmZ i‡q †M‡Q, hv wb‡q Avgv‡`i AwWU AeRvi‡fkb _vK‡Z n‡e|
Statutory ewWi †ÿ‡Î †Zgb Avjv`v K‡i msÁvwqZ Kivi g‡Zv †Kvb definition †bB| ‡h‡nZz
autonomous ev semi-autonomous Dfq ai‡bi cÖwZôvbB †Kvb AvB‡bi gva¨‡g cÖwZwôZ n‡q _v‡K
ZvB GB cÖwZôvb¸‡jvB statutory ewW| Z‡e statutory ewW ej‡Z GK ai‡bi ms¯’v Av‡Qt †h mg¯Í
autonomous ewWi implementation Gi †P‡q †i¸‡jUwi dvskÝ †ekx Zv‡`i‡K mvaviYZfv‡e
statutory ewW ejv nq| †hgbt wmwfj Gwf‡qkb A_wiwU; GUv Ggb GKwU cÖwZôvb hvi KvR g~jZ Rwigvbv

Page 123 of 196

Kiv| GB cÖwZôvb mvwf©m †Wwjfvwii †P‡q g~jZ †i¸‡jUwi KvR †ekx K‡i _v‡K| GKvi‡Y GB ai‡Yi
cÖwZôvb¸‡jv‡K mvaviYZ statutory ewW ejv nq|
‡hUv ejwQjvg| Tax financed product and services delevery’i institutional
framework n‡jvt either through department or through autonomous body| †hgb,
evsjv‡`‡k GKmgq M„nms¯’vb Awa`ßi wQ‡jv hv ZLb GB eø‡K wQ‡jv| GLb GUv authority ‡Z iƒcvšÍwiZ
n‡q‡Q| Authority n‡q‡Q wKš‘ GBUv‡K regulatory body ejv †h‡Zv hw` private secter body ‡K
regulate Ki‡Zv| wKš‘ GLb †m service delivery K‡i, hvi d‡j †m satutory body (as such) bv,
autonomous body hw`I ev bv‡g authority| Kv‡RB bvg authority ‡c‡jB †h statutory body n‡e
Ggb †Kvb K_v †bB| Kv‡RB mevB statutory body n‡e, Ggb †Kvb K_v †bB| Z‡e statutory body
K_vUv more regulatory function m¤úwK©Z| Implementation function either bvB A_ev Kg
Av‡Q Zvn‡j GBUv statutory bodies Gi AšÍM©Z, Z‡e cÖ‡Z¨KUv statutory body Avevi autonomous
body| GB welqUv mevi Kv‡Q clear nIqv Riæwi| Ges G¸‡jv wK - on budget bv extra budget |
GLb hw` Avgiv budget classitication, budget accounting wb‡q K_v ewj Zvn‡j GBUv wK
budgetary accountingGi g‡a¨ co‡e ? Semi-autonomous body-Uv Qvov ev‡RUvwi accounting
system-G Avm‡e bv| Zvi wbR¯^ GKvDw›Us wm‡÷g, Zvi wbR¯^ audit, wbR¯^ accounts _vK‡e, wKš‘
semi-autonomous Gi g‡a¨ co‡e †h‡nZz Zvi wbR¯^ Znwej bvB| hw`Iev †m, GB MÖæ‡ci; †hgbt
bv‡qg| bv‡q‡gi law hw` †`‡Lv Zvn‡j †`L‡e (law / resolution †hUv Av‡Q), HLv‡b Znwej †bB wKš‘
†evW© Av‡Q| Zvn‡j HUv semi-autonomous, wej hvq TSA †_‡K Ges pre-audit n‡q †h‡Z n‡e| hw`
bv hvq, Zvn‡j Ab¨vq n‡e| G¸‡jv wb‡qB Avgv‡`i K_v ej‡Z n‡e| G¸‡jv Public service delivery
Zvn‡j budgetary accounting classification Ges financial accounting
classification GB `yBUv terminology use K‡i K_v ewj| Budgetary accounting is not true
accounting, it is not accounting proper, †h‡nZz GUvi balance bvB, ïay Flow Av‡Q| Zvn‡j
financial accounting n‡jv Avgv‡`i govt system G Avgiv †h finance account Kwi †mBUv| †h
flow & stock account Uv, H account UvB financial accounting Avi appropriation account
Uv budgetary accounting| †Zvgiv hLb rule book / literature co‡Z _vK‡e, †`L‡e A‡bK RvqMvq
Av‡Q demand for grant; (appropriation account follow Ki‡e demand for grant ‡K)| Gi
†ÿ‡Î ejv Av‡Q †Kvb †Kvb †ÿ‡Î †h, GUv gvbbxq A_©gš¿x †hfv‡e decide Ki‡eb †mfv‡e Demand for
grant ‰Zwi n‡e| Demand for grant Gi structure-GUv, forms & manners-Gi Ask bq|

Page 124 of 196

GB Kvi‡b demand for grant is for budget execution and accountability of the
budget authority to the parliament| Avevi ejwQ It is avery important statement: demand
for grant is an accountability instrument and budget control instrument for the budget
authority to the parliament. Prescription of accounts Gi mv‡_ Gi †Kvb m¤úK© †bB| Forms
and manners Gi †h ÿgZv Auditor General Gi Dc‡i b¨v¯Í IUvi mv‡_ m¤úK© †bB| IUvi m¤úK©
Av‡Q financial accounting Gi mv‡_| GB Kvi‡bB eB co‡Z wM‡q †`L‡e †h, Demand for grant
Gi forms decide Ki‡eb A_©gš¿x| Including details of the forms and procedures, Zvn‡j wK
details _vK‡e Zv A_©gš¿x gZvgZ w`‡eb| Avevi govt accounting ( including Appropriation
Account) †h‡nZz finance account Gi input Ges †h‡nZz accounting records & accounting
reports, s GUv AwWUi †Rbv‡i‡ji forms & manners Gi Ask, ‡m‡nZz GUv Auditor General Gi
prescription Qvov n‡e bv| GB Kvi‡b evsjv‡`‡k †h list of major head & minor head wQ‡jv Zvi
Rb¨ Avi demand for grant Gi Rb¨ G‡KK mgq MÖv‡›Ui dg© A‡bKUv change n‡q †h‡Zv| wKš‘
broadly GUvi mv‡_ link †i‡L Kiv n‡Zv| GKUz technical K_v n‡”Q Z‡e G¸‡jv mevi cÖvc¨| Avgvi
†Kvb sympathy bvB †h GUv technical, †ewk n‡q hv‡”Q GUvi Kvi‡b †Kvb sympathy bvB audience
Gi cÖwZ| Technical K_v eyS‡Z bv cvivI Aciv‡ai g‡Zv| hvi 8/10 eQi PvKwi n‡q‡Q Zvi eûAv‡MB
G¸‡jv †evSvi K_v| ZvB sympathy †bB eis eyS‡Z bv cvivi Rb¨ condemn Av‡Q| G¸‡jv your
domain, your professional domain.
Budgetary accounting & financial accounting separate wQ‡jv evsjv‡`‡k|
International best practice G wM‡q GUv gvi †L‡q †M‡Q| evsjv‡`‡k G‡mB gvi †L‡q‡Q| GB
distinction Uv Av‡¯Í Av‡¯Í blurred nq financial accountingG| A_©vr finance account Gi Rb¨|
appropriation account Gi Rb¨ Avgiv practice Kiv ïiæ K‡iwQ 13 digit G| wKš‘ consistent &
integrated wQj bv| GUv‡K GKw`K †_‡K ïiæ Kiv ejv †h‡Z cv‡i| g‡b Av‡Q nq‡Zv †h, †Zvgv‡`i
e‡jwQjvg treasury conversion n‡q‡Q to accounts office | wK n‡q‡Q e‡jwQjvg ? fz‡j fz‡j ï×
n‡q‡Q e‡jwQjvg bv ! fz‡j fz‡j ï× n‡q‡Q| Exactly GB NUbv GLv‡bI N‡U‡Q| fz‡j fz‡j ï× n‡q †M‡Q|
Budgetary accounting Avjv`v stream Avi financial accounting Avjv`v stream. Major head
ch©šÍ system hLb wQ‡jv, ZLb ch©šÍ wQ‡jv, 13 wWwRU Pvjy nevi c‡i 2Uv GKvKvi n‡q †M‡Q| A_©vr wK
n‡q‡Q eyS‡Z †c‡i‡Qv ? Financial account †hUv use KiwQ demand for grant G I ‡mB GKB
structure use KiwQ| Avi †Kvb structure Avjv`v †bB, GKB 13 wWwR‡Ui g‡a¨ †d‡j w`‡qwQ|

Page 125 of 196

Zvn‡j ey‡S †nvK bv ey‡S †nvK fz‡j fz‡j ï× n‡q‡Q | Gi ci Avevi bZzb classification Avm‡Q|
bZzbUv Zvn‡j wK nIqv DwPZ ? Budgetary accounting classification & financial accounting
classification wK separate nIqv DwPZ ? bvwK Same nIqv DwPZ, Zv-B n‡q‡Q| GUvi bvg COA
w`‡q‡Q| GB Technical Notes-G heading ‡`‡Lv, Chart of Account: A critical element of
the public financial management framework | Rywj Kzcvi Ges ˆk‡j›`ª cÆbv‡qK, Zviv `yÕRb
bvgKiv author, Chart of Account Gi ‡jLvUv coev, co‡j †`Lev, GB mg¯Í K_v ejv Av‡Q|
evsjv‡`‡k Avgiv ejwQ BACS (Budget & Accounting Classification) Zvn‡j †evSv
hv‡”Q, Avgiv budgetary Ges financial accounting wgwj‡q wb‡qwQ| Zvn‡j Avgv‡`i Avi bZzb K‡i
`yBUv Avjv`vfv‡e framework wn‡m‡e †`L‡Z n‡e bv| International & best practice ej‡Q †h, 2Uv
same nIqv better Ges GUv GKB format GB Avm‡Q Ges GKB system †_‡K generate n‡”Q|
GLb public service delivery Kivi Rb¨ Avi †Kvb institution `iKvi Av‡Q wKbv ? Avgiv
Federal bv united †j‡fj Ae government?
State / Provincial Level of Government

wPÎt 4 - Institutional framework of government

What is the difference between state & local government ? †ekwKQz difference Av‡Q| hw`
1Uv difference identify Ki‡Z ewj Zvn‡j †KvbUv n‡e - state – mother law w`‡q m„wó Avi local
government mother law w`‡q n‡Z cv‡i Avevi cÖvBgvwi jÕ w`‡qI n‡Z cv‡i| Local government
Gi †Kvb legislature bvB, state government Gi wb‡R¯^ legislature Av‡Q Ges it can tax people
and it will have its own consolidated fund. No consolidated fund for local government
Ges Gi wbR¯^ AvBbmfv _vK‡e bv| major tax impose Kivi ÿgZv _vK‡e bv Ges Avjv`v fund
management _vK‡e bv| evsjv‡`‡k †Kvb province/state †bB| †hB ‡`‡k †Kvb state/province †bB
†mB‡`k federal wm‡÷gI n‡Z cvi‡e bv| A_©vr unitary government, only one government.
GBUv‡K Avgiv central government bv ej‡jI cvwi| wKš‘ with legislature province bv _vK‡jI
local government e‡j GKUv government †K †h‡nZz constitution ¯^xKvi K‡i‡Q ZvB †m›Uªvj

Page 126 of 196

Mf‡g©›U ejv hvq| In respect of constitutional provisions, local government Gi †ÿ‡Î
Bangladesh was ahead of India. India Zvi constitution G local government †K ¯’vb w`‡q‡Q
1992 mv‡j| evsjv‡`k w`‡q‡Q 1972 mv‡j| India ‡Z cÂv‡qZ wQ‡jv wKš‘ constitution G Gi †Kvb
cÖwfkb wQ‡jv bv| evsjv‡`‡k constitution G ejv n‡q‡Q local government _vwK‡e, _vK‡Z n‡e|
Local government at the local levels, GRb¨ ‡K‡›`ª GUv‡K Avgiv central Mf‡g©›U ewj| Avgv‡`i
†h central government Zv wKš‘ in the context of the legislature Ges hierarchy, GB Mf‡g©bU
†dWv‡ij wm‡÷‡gi g‡Zv central government bq| GB Rb¨ Avgiv ewj unitary government, Gi
wb‡P, Avgv‡`i Av‡Q local government cÖwZôvb| †h cÖwZôvb¸‡jv public service deleveryÕi Ask|
Autonomous body’i KqUv feature e‡jwQjvg ? 10 Uv| Avgvi g‡b nq local government
Gi bZzb K‡i feature ejvi Avi wKQz bvB| Autonomous Gi †h †h feature Av‡Q local
government Gi meB Av‡Q| local government-G urban & rural government Av‡Q| Rural-G
BDwbqb cwil`, Dc‡Rjv cwil` i‡q‡Q| urban-G city corporation, †cŠimfv i‡q‡Q| wKQz semi-
urban I Av‡Q †h ¸‡jv †cŠimfv| †h¸‡jv Dc‡Rjv level Gi †cŠimfv Zv‡`i cÖ‡Z¨KUv Avjv`v Avjv`v
AvBb w`‡q m„wó| cÖ‡Z¨KUv level (BDwbU bq) Avjv`v Avjv`v AvBb w`‡q m„wó, GKwU umbrella AvBb|
fzi½vgvix Dc‡Rjvi Rb¨ Avjv`v ‡Kvb AvBb †bB wKš‘ me¸‡jv Dc‡Rjv GK AvB‡b m„wó n‡q‡Q| BDwbqb
cwil‡`i Rb¨ Avjv`v AvBb i‡q‡Q| cÖ‡Z¨KUv AvBb m¤ú‡K© Avgv‡`i auditor’‡`i idea _vK‡Z n‡e
specially financial procedure Ask|
Local government Avi autonomous body, same feature wb‡q MwVZ nq Z‡e †Kvb †Kvb
feature w`‡q local government †K autonomous body bv e‡j local government ejv hvq †mB
difference Uv n‡jv elected representative| ‡jvKvj Mf‡g©‡›Ui HLv‡b council form Ki‡e, HUv‡K
AviI eûiK‡g †÷ªs‡`b Kiv hvq| HUv‡K parliament Gi g‡Zv GKUv mini parliament dg© †`qv †h‡Z
cv‡i| hviv UK ‡Z visit K‡i‡Q Zviv Rv‡b, ILvbKvi KvDw›U¸jv‡Z ¯úxKviI Av‡Q, legislature I Av‡Q,
wKQz taxing power I Av‡Q| Avgv‡`iI taxing power Av‡Q, schedule Av‡Q local Mf‡g©‡›Ui
U¨vw·s‡qi Rb¨| Kv‡RB local government & autonomous bodies Gi cv_©K¨ n‡jv ‡jvKvj Mf‡g©›U
GKUv geographical location G elected people w`‡q run K‡i hvi Kvi‡b GUv‡K local
government ejv n‡q‡Q| wKš‘ Giv Avevi province Gi g‡Zv bq, KviY G‡`I ‡jwRm‡jPvi bvB,
‡jwRm‡jPvi debate ‡bB ïaygvÎ Avjv`v Avjv`v KvDwÝj Av‡Q cÖ‡Z¨KUvi Rb¨| GB Kvi‡Y Giv †jvKvj

Page 127 of 196

Autonomous body’i Aax‡b autonomous body generally _vK‡Z cv‡i bv| †Kvb
autonomous ewWi individual discrete and autonomous unit _vK‡e bv| Z‡e †jvKvj Mf‡g©‡›Ui
wbR¯^ autonomous BDwbU _vK‡Z cv‡i| By law _vK‡Z cv‡i| D`vniY¯^iƒc ejv hvq PƪMÖvg City
Corporation-Gi AvIZvq wcÖwgqvi BDwbfvwm©wU Av‡Q| A_©vr education Av‡Q, health Av‡Q, (‡hgb
hospital) A_©vr autonomous body create n‡q‡Q| Central Mf‡g©‡›U †hgb autonomous body
Av‡Q ‡jvKvj Mf‡g©‡›UI †Zgb Av‡Q, _vK‡Z cv‡i, AviI _vKvi `iKvi wQ‡jv|
Local Mf‡g©›U wb‡RB GKUv institution| G‡`i‡K extra-budget ej‡j G‡`i B¾Z hv‡e|
hw`I LvmjZ meB extra-budget Gi| wKš‘ ejv DwPZ n‡e bv extra-budgetary fund| ‡h‡nZz local
government is a government (‡Z‡j‡cvKv n‡jI cvwL) GBRb¨ GUv‡K status w`‡Z n‡e local
government, extra-budgetary fund class-G ‡djv wVK n‡e bv |
Avgiv hLb government-Gi GKvD›Um KiwQ, ZLb government-Gi budget execution
KiwQ, Zvici payment KiwQ| evsjv‡`‡k wmwRG `yBUv iæ‡U KvR K‡i| evsjv‡`‡ki legal arrangement
G fz‡j fz‡j A‡bK RvqMvq arrangement my›`i n‡q Av‡Q| UK ‡Z †hUv bvB †mBUv Avgvi wmwRG‡Z
Av‡Q| Dwb Paymaster General-I| H w`b ejwQjvg, ‡eZb Dwb 2Uv wb‡Z cv‡ib| In! bv, cvi‡eb bv|
weªwUkiv Gfv‡eB evwb‡q‡Q| Paymaster General Avevi mv‡_ Account General `y‡Uv KvR Ibvi|
Paymaster General nIqvi Rb¨ †UªRvix iæ‡j Ibvi K_v †jLv Av‡Q| Avi Account Code G †Zv c„ôvq
c„ôvq Av‡Q| GZevi Av‡Q †h, GK Zmwen‡Z Kvfvi Ki‡e bv| Paymaster General & Account
General e‡j Dwb budget execution K‡ib, pay K‡ib, account K‡ib, wKš‘ KZUzKz portion Gi
Rb¨ ? ïaygvÎ Ibvi domain Gi AskUzKz| ev‡RU execution Ibvi ‡Wv‡gB‡bi evB‡I, pay-I evB‡i,
A_©vr Ab¨‡`i †c‡g›U K‡ib| wZwb BACS-Gi part handle K‡ib Ges Finance Accounts cÖ¯‘Z
K‡ib| Finance Accounts i KqUv segment / division Av‡Q ? Fund Concept-G fund KqUv
Av‡Q ? 4Uv †mM‡g›U Av‡Qt Revenue, Capital, Debt & Remittance| Lastly Ibvi dvskb n‡”Q
cash movement, cash movement outside the fund.
GB dvÛ Ges †mM‡g›U¸‡jv, Giv wK TSA’-†Z Av‡Q? bv TSA’-†Z †bB| TSA’i balance wb‡q
Revenue, Capital, Debt & Remittance Gi e¨vjvÝ wb‡q Dwb accounts Ki‡Z cv‡ib| mevi KvQ
†_‡K information daily basis G real time basis G collect K‡i Dwb GUv Ki‡Z cv‡ib| GUvB
Avgv‡`iI target n‡e| Avi electronic payment platform ¸‡jv e- chalan, EFT use K‡i
service delivery ¸‡jv improve Kiv n‡e Ges †mUv‡K wjfv‡iR Ki‡ev for both receipts &

Page 128 of 196

fwel¨‡Z Avi wK Avm‡Z‡Q Avgiv Rvwb bv| Block Chain Avm‡j wK `vov‡e, Rvwb bv| ‡Kv_vq
`ywbqv hv‡”Q Rvwb bv| wb‡RI Rvwb bv Kvj‡K wK n‡e ? weU K‡qb, UvKvi wnmve wK n‡e, Money Supply
wK n‡e ? evsjv‡`k e¨vsK Av‡`Š _vK‡e wK bv ! Block Chain Gi Avjvc n‡j ZLb ej‡ev| I! Avwg †Zv
K_v ej‡Z cvi‡ev bv - ej‡e †Zv Av‡iKRb| Even GKw`b evsjv‡`k e¨vs‡Ki †ev‡W© e‡jwQ, GB evsjv‡`k
e¨vsK _vK‡e wKbv Avgvi m‡›`n Av‡Q, central e¨vsK jvM‡e wKbv fwel¨‡Z Avgvi m‡›`n Av‡Q| Money
Supply & Money Control automatic distributed system G n‡q hv‡e| I¸‡jv wb‡qI ‡jKPvi
w`‡ev GKUv|
Money Supply is linked with fiscal account and monetary policy as well as
external sector. Finance Accounts reflects comprehensively the cost of the public
services—true or false? False, because Ab¨ivI public services †`q| Kv‡RB GB `yBUv‡K ev`
w`‡q Avgv‡`i accounting| Avgiv †h Finance Accounts KiwQ Appropriation Accounts KiwQ H
`yBUv‡K ev` w`‡qB KiwQ| Kv‡RB Finance Accounts is not the comprehensive account of the
Grants in aid ministryÕi transaction wn‡m‡e hv‡”Q| Av‡iKUz ewj, msweavb ej‡Q CF ‡_‡K
purpose Qvov †Kvb UvKv †ei n‡e bv| Purpose Gi definition wK ? Purpose n‡jv nvwZ cvjv | nvwZ
wK Rb¨ †i‡LwQ - nvwZ †kvfvea©‡bi Rb¨ bv logging Gi Rb¨ ? Remote area ‡_‡K log Avbvi Rb¨|
Zvn‡j cvj©v‡g›U Avgv‡K log Uvbvi Rb¨ nvwZ cvjvi Rb¨ LiP †`‡e| Complicated K‡i †d‡jwQ| ‡mvRv
K‡i ewj, grants given by the central government to autonomous bodies. Does it explain
the purpose? Grants 100 ‡KvwU UvKv Dc‡Rjv cwil‡` †`qv n‡jv| Finance Accounts G ev
Appropriation Accounts G wK †jLv _vK‡e ? msweavb wK GBUv‡ZB satisfied bvwK H grants Avevi
transaction n‡e, salary n‡e, supply n‡e, services n‡e, asset acquisition n‡e| GUv wK
Appropriation Account-G Avm‡Q ? Zvn‡j wK `uvov‡jv ? GUvi transaction reflect n‡q‡Q
accounts-G ? ïaygvÎ grants Avm‡Q, grants Uv wK ? One time items HUvi break-up ‡Zv n‡e
transaction K‡i| Kv‡RB GUvB cÖgvY K‡i Finance Accounts-G all public service-Gi
expenditure reflect K‡i bv|
`k©K mvwii GK cÖ‡kœi Rev‡et agree I Kijvg, disagree I Kijvg Z‡e c‡i mevB eyS‡e| Gi
DËiUv GKUz technical| GKyU technical wKš‘ ïb‡Z n‡e| G¸‡jvB eySvi e¨vcvi, Kivi e¨vcvi Avgv‡`i|
Finance Accounts government-Gi all public expenditure cover K‡i bv| Grants Ki‡Z‡Q
GLv‡b as an expenditure in one line| wKš‘ parliamentary accountability Õ‡Z GUv explain

Page 129 of 196

K‡i ej‡Z n‡e ‡h, GUv salary, bvwK GUv education or health bvwK supply service| H
explanation wK Av‡Q Finance Accounts G ? ‡bB| Kv‡RB comprehensive bq| evsjv‡`‡k GUvi
mvgvavb wK ? cÖ_‡gB hw` ewj, BwÛqv ev cwK¯Ívb G ev Avgiv hLb East Pakistan wQjvg ZLb Finance
Accounts 2 Uv wQj, Avm‡j 3 Uv wQj| GLbI cyiv‡bv Finance Accounts ‡`L‡j eyS‡Z cvi‡e| 1 Uv
B,wc, (B÷ cvwK¯Ívb) GKwU WweøD,wc, (I‡q÷ cvwK¯Ívb) Avi GKvU wQ‡jv 2 Uv wg‡j 1 Uv Finance
Accounts |
HUvi bvg Combined Revenue & Finance Accounts A_©vr Finance Accounts H `yBUv
ev` †i‡L| Federal Gi 3Uv wgjvBqv GKUv dvBb¨vÝ GKvD›Um| evsjv‡`‡ki GKUvB Finance Accounts
‡h‡nZz unitary Mf‡g©›U Avgv‡`i| wKš‘ GUv total public service Gi expenditure reflect Ki‡Q bv
| House clean Kiv nq wb, Rv¤^j ev¤^j G fwZ© ZvB cÖ_‡gB G¨vWfvÝW `ywbqvq hvIqv hv‡e bv, cÖ_‡g
nvDR wK¬b Ki‡Z n‡e| Make your basics right (cÖ_‡g †ewmK wVK K‡iv), me wk‡L iv‡Lv Ges apply
K‡iv| Av‡M basic wVK K‡iv|
GLb Avgiv †Kvb cwRk‡b AvwQ ? Avgiv AvwQ, BACS G| BACS ‡m›Uªvwj Kfvi Ki‡Q| GBUv
Qvov Avgvi budgeting system, accounting system-G Ab¨wKQz bvB| Day to day transaction G
bvB| Z‡e future is not this. Future G cyivUvmn Avm‡Z n‡e| bv Avm‡j Parliamentary
Accountability-Gi mv‡_ Avgiv cheating KiwQ| KviY Parliament grants w`‡q‡Q Zzwg
autonomous body w`‡q cover Ki‡Qv bvwK department w`‡q LiP Ki‡Qv Zv cvj©v‡g›U‡K †Zv Rvbv‡Z
n‡e| †hgb education Gi ev‡RU †m›Uªvwj Av‡Q, education Gi ev‡RU †jvKvj †j‡f‡j _vK‡Z cv‡i,
autonomous ewW‡Z _vK‡Z cv‡i| ‡Zgwbfv‡e, health Av‡Q meLv‡b; full health, full education
(picture) GLb wgwms| Zvn‡j Future wK ? Future n‡jv, meUv incorporate Ki‡Z n‡e|
GLb incorporation gv‡b wK autonomous Gi autonomy ev` †`qv, fund Zz‡j ‡`qv ? Gme
wKQz bv, GUv †jvKRb‡K confidence w`‡Z cvi‡jB KvR¸‡jv n‡q hv‡e| me Ki‡eb Zviv| wK Ki‡eb -
BACS apply Ki‡eb mevB| Z vB e‡j wK AG office G wej cvk K i‡Z ejwQ ? bv, Dbviv BACS
apply Ki‡eb Ges iBAS++ e¨envi Ki‡eb, wKšÍ CAG’i K‡›Uªv‡j bv| iBAS++ Avgv‡`i‡K wK w`‡e ?
Copyright ‡i‡L Zv‡`i e¨envi Ki‡Z w`‡ev| DØy× Ki‡ev Zviv hv‡Z e¨envi K‡i| In future, nq wKbv
GB Kvi‡Y autonomous body & local government Gi budgeting & accounting
system improve Ki‡e | Avgiv Zv‡`i iBAS++ e¨env‡i DØy× Ki‡ev | iBAS++ e¨envi K‡i Avgiv
†hgb treasury Pvjv‡bi UvKv Rgv †`B Zvivi Zv‡`i UvKv/Avq Rgv †`‡e, dvÛ distribution Ki‡e,

Page 130 of 196

budget execution Ki‡e| †m accounting Ki‡e| ZvB e‡j wK Zvi wm‡÷gUv Avwg †K‡o †bevi K_v
ejwQ| bv Avgiv wKQzB †K‡o †b‡ev bv| Zvi KvR †mB Ki‡e| Real time-G †m hw` iBAS++ use K‡i
Zvn‡j eQ‡ii †k‡l GKUv‡b education LiP KZ Zv GKmv‡_ Rvb‡Z cvi‡ev| KviY G¸‡jv centrally
linked _vK‡e| Zvn‡j Finance Accounts 1 Uv n‡e Central, than cª‡Z¨KUvi individual
consolidated accounts| Finance Accounts i g‡a¨ public expenditure Gi sector-wise,
function-wise Ges institution-wise wnmve _vK‡e d‡j †h hvB KiæK bv †Kb GKUv Kw¤úª‡nwÝf
wcKPvi cvIqv hv‡e| GUv †m›Uªvwj incorporated n‡e Ges GBUv hw` wdDPv‡i Kiv hvq Zvn‡j cash
balance ‡Kvb RvqMvq KZ Av‡Q Zv ‡h †Kvb g~û‡Z© †ei Kiv m¤¢e n‡e |
miKv‡ii cash balance TSA †_‡K cv‡ev| cÖ‡Z¨KUv autonomous body Õi cash balance
Zvi iBAS †_‡K cv‡ev, local body Õi cÖ‡Z¨KUvi cash balance cv‡ev, GUv future Gi K_v ej‡ZwQ|
HLv‡b Avgv‡`i †h‡Z n‡e| GBRb¨ c~‡e©i cÖ‡kœi Rev‡e, ewj †h, `y‡ai mva †Nv‡j wgUv‡bvi GKUv Af¨vm
c~‡e©I wQ‡jv| Av‡Mi Finance Accounts-Gi schedule-G autonomous body Õi cash balance
Gi reflection _vK‡Zv | wKš‘ †h‡nZz G¸‡jv heterogenous accounts, heterogenous way †Z Kiv
n‡Zv, GK GK Rb GK GK classification G Ki‡Zv †mRb¨ G¸‡jv †Kvb readable form G ‰Zix n‡Zv
bv| dvigxb e‡j‡Q, Zvi mv‡_ Avwg GKgZ GBUzKz ‡h AZx‡Z wKQz wKQz Finance Accounts G
autonomous body Õi statement _vK‡Zv | wKš‘ Financial statement _vK‡Zv †h‡nZz uniformity
of budgeting & accounting wQ‡jv bv, GKB platform-G behave Ki‡Zv bv| G¸‡jvi readability
wQ‡jv bv Ges G¸‡jv Lye cumbersome KZ¸‡jv document Ges big big volume -G ‰Zix n‡Zv|
wKš‘ Avgv‡`i HLv‡b wd‡i hvIqvi Avi †Kvb `iKvi †bB| G¸‡jv‡Z wd‡i hvIqv unnecessary,
redundant| hLb classification wb‡q class n‡e, ZLb †`Lev level of government w`‡q identify
Kiv nq wKfv‡e| a‡iv no 1 ,2 , 3 ,… w`‡q educational organization code ‡KvW †evSvq,
Function Code -204 Gi Av‡M 1 jvMv‡j education ministry ‡evSv‡e| Avevi a‡iv 204 Gi Av‡M 2
emv‡j - autonomous †evSv‡e, Zvn‡j aggregate ‡Kv_v †_‡K Avm‡e †evSv †M‡Q wbðqB| GUv GKUv
dimension gvÎ | AvR‡K ïay organization G AvwQ, G¸‡jv Avwg wKQzUv awi‡q w`w”Q, wb‡R‡K †jLvcov
K‡i †ei Ki‡Z n‡e| classification Gi wKQz introductory material-I Av‡Q| I¸‡jv c‡o †evSv
hvw”Q‡jv bv Gmg¯Í Kv‡iY| GLb †evSv hv‡e|
GLb Avgiv hLb classification e¨envi Ki‡ev 2, 3 e¨envi Ki‡ev bvwK only 1 e¨envi Ki‡ev ?
1 e¨envi Ki‡ev, KviY Avgiv †Kv_vq AvwQ ? Making our basics right, Ggb hw` n‡Zv G¸‡jvmn
bvovPvov Kwi ? Avgvi capacity I bvB, m¤¢eI bv| wKQzUv transfer Ki‡Z n‡e, Uv‡M©U _vK‡Z n‡e G¸‡jv

Page 131 of 196

mn wb‡q Avmvi| AviI GKUv visionary step wb‡Z n‡e, †hUv future Avwg Rvwb bv, ‡K wb‡e, wKfv‡e
wb‡e| ‡hUv AZx‡Z Avgv‡`i Kv‡Q wQ‡jv| bv ey‡S CAG Office B bó K‡i‡Q| CAG Office B Order
K‡i w`‡q‡Q, I KiæK, central –TSA ‡Z wK K‡i‡Q, ej‡ev, GKUz c‡iB ej‡ev|
miKv‡ii borrowing management, cash management GKUv major issue| G RvqMvq
Avgv‡`i performance management / evaluation Kiv `iKvi Av‡Q| miKv‡ii cash
management yearly ‡ewm‡m Pj‡Q, borrowing management wVK Av‡Q wKbv, right time G
right amount borrow Ki‡Q wKbv Ges right time G right amount gv‡b unnecessary
borrowing n‡”Q wKbv, G¸‡jv observation ‡`qv Avgv‡`i KvR| AvR‡K bv n‡jI G officer-‡`iB
w`‡Z n‡e| Zv‡`i brand †M‡Q hvK, Avgvi brand I hvK| `¯‘i g‡Zv GiKg session †bqvi ÿgZv
_vK‡Z n‡e|
Ministry hLb grant †`q Z Lb K vM ‡R †`q bv UvK v cvVvBqv †`q ? K vM R hv‡”Q bv UvK v hv‡”Q ?
me K vM R hv‡”Q| Avi Avg iv wK †mŠw` Avi‡ei g ‡Z v abx ? Avgv‡`i wK †Z ‡j i cqmv Av‡Q, bvwK R bM‡bi
U¨v‡· i cqm v ? U¨v‡· i cqmv w`‡q wK ev‡R U P‡j ? Z vn‡j deficit ‡K b nq †evS v hv‡”Q ? Zvn‡j †evSv

hv‡”Q Avgv‡`i ev‡RU P‡j deficit finance w`‡q i.e. borrowing K‡i| ev‡RU ej‡Z revenue As‡ki
surplus ev` w`‡q A_©vr †i‡fb¨y †_‡K capital expenditure ev` w`‡q| Zvn‡j wK Avgiv g¯‹iv KiwQ-
UvKv Li‡Pi Av‡MB UvKvi bni ewm‡q w`‡q| 490 Uv Dc‡Rjv‡K 50 †KvwU K‡i UvKv w`‡j 2/3 gv‡m KZ nq
? 350 †KvwUi mv‡_ †hvM K‡iv 64 †Rjv| ‡K vqvU©vwj© G B UvK v LiP K‡iB hv‡”Q ? bvwK LiP K ivi Av‡M B
†ei n‡q hv‡”Q ? Av‡MB hv‡”Q| Zvn‡j spirit of the constitution wK e‡jwQjvg, consolidated fund

†_‡K †ei n‡Z cvi‡e bv goods & services cÖwKDi bv K‡i | A_P G¸‡jv me †ei n‡q hv‡”Q| ‡Rjv
cwil‡`i UvKvI †ei n‡q hv‡”Q| Zvn‡j miKv‡ii KZ jÿ †KvwU UvKv outside the single treasury wM‡q
e‡m Av‡Q Zv evaluate K‡i †`L‡Z cvwi| A_P ILv‡b e‡m _vKv UvKvUv †Kv_v †_‡K Avm‡Q ? Most of
them are from borrowing. Zvn‡j unnecessary borrowing K‡i interest w`‡”Q miKvi| A_P
UvKv c‡o Av‡Q Ab¨Î|
wKQzÿY Av‡M e‡jwQjvg CAG Office-B eÜ K‡i w`‡q‡Q - example ewj -- hviv cyi‡bv Av‡Q
Zviv Rv‡b, ‡Rjv cwil` ¸‡jv grant †c‡Zv, grant Gi LvZv maintain Ki‡Zv DAO ev treasury|
A_©vr KvMR †h‡Zv wKš‘ UvKv †h‡Zv bv| Zv‡`i Rb¨ special cheque ‡Rjv cwil` †PK wQ‡jv| I¸‡jv BG
press †_‡K wb‡q control Ki‡Zv CGA ev AG| AG Õi KvQ †_‡K wb‡q treasury blank cheque
w`‡q w`‡Zv †Rjv cwil`‡K Ges ‡Rjv cwil‡`i Gw·wKDwUf goods & services acquire K‡i †PK
w`‡Zv| H †PK e¨vsK †_‡K fv½v‡bv †hZ bv hZÿb bv †UªRvwi‡Z wM‡q wnmvefz³ Kiv n‡Zv| Treasury ‡Z

Page 132 of 196

wM‡q accounting Ki‡Zv wK ? Li‡Pi wnmve entry K‡i Zvici †h‡Zv| A_©vr Ii expenditure
autonomy LvwiR n‡Zv bv| Ii ev‡RU execution ‡mB Ki‡e, Ii goods & services I acquire
Ki‡e| G‡ÿ‡Î AG office ev DAO-†Z bill Avm‡e bv only payment Ki‡e goods & services
acquire Kivi mgq| Payment Gi mg‡q AG office Avm‡e †Kb ? KviY accountant counter sign
bv Ki‡j bank UvKv w`‡ev bv| Zvn‡j budget execution, payment, accounting Ki‡e A‡Uv‡bvgvm
ewW, Zvi g‡a¨ payment ïay n‡e TSA †_‡K without hampering the autonomy & legal
status| GUv future direction, 10 years time Av‡Mi g‡Zv Iiv Avi e¨vsK GKvD›U maintain Ki‡e
bv| All ‡c‡g›U TSA †_‡K hv‡e| iBAS strengthen K‡i accounting strengthen K‡i payment
electronic K‡i then GUv Kiv hv‡e| ‡jvKvj Mf‡g©›U¸‡jv †PK wb‡j UvKv TSA †_‡K hv‡e Avjv`v
account jvM‡e †K‡bv, even DAO †Z Avm‡ZI ej‡ev bv| Zv‡K ej‡ev TSA †Z enter Ki, Avi Zywg
TSA †_‡K EFT K‡iv| Zvn‡j total cash TSA †Z _vK‡e| evsjv‡`‡ki †Kvb †Rjv cwil‡` TSA Av‡Q
? K·evRv‡i Av‡Q| Iiv e¨vsK GKvD›U maintain K‡i bv| Avgiv reinventing the wheel, Avgiv hZ
modern K_v ejwQ - G meB predecessor iv w`‡q †M‡Q|
GiKg GKUv Bm¨y hLb refer Kiv n‡q‡Q ZLb CAG Office †_‡K e‡j‡Q, I‡`i ev‡RU, I‡`i
MÖv›U Iiv e¨vsK GKvD‡›U ivL‡e bv †Kb ? GUv wK philosophically bv clarically ey‡S‡Qv ? Total
†KivYxwMwi ejv hvq G‡K| A_v©r A‡Üi nvwZ †`‡L‡Q| GB cash Gi mv‡_ †h borrowing cost Gi link
Av‡Q Zv †LqvjB K‡iwb| miKv‡ii cash management link Av‡Q, accountability link I Av‡Q|
Avgiv classification G ïay 1 w`‡q AvwQ GUvB Rvwb‡q ivLjvg |
Classification G GUv open ivLv n‡q‡Q| Future G autonomous body †K straight ejv
hv‡e Zzwg iBAS use K‡iv| Z‡e †Lqvj †i‡Lv ïiæ Kivi mgq 2 w`‡q ïiæ K‡iv| Avi me wVK _vK‡e Avi
†Lqvj †i‡Lv Zzwg †K¬Bg Kiev TSAÕi Dc‡i| Zvn‡j LiP Kivi Av‡M UvKv cv‡e bv| TSA †_‡K hLb UvKv
hv‡e ZLb LiP n‡e| LiP †`Lv‡Z _vK‡e, payment n‡e| Zvn‡j borrowing cost minimize n‡q
hv‡e| G¸‡jv performance report-G ejv hv‡e - government Gi performance report G| Z‡e
Avwg GZK_v ejwQ Zvi KZUzKz Kvh©Ki n‡e Zv Avgvi GB team Gi Dci depend Ki‡e| team wKfv‡e
†`L‡Q G welq¸‡jv| Do you think that Avgvi Øviv m¤¢e G¸‡jv ejv ? Avwg GB K_v wK memgq ej‡Z
_vK‡ev ? GKevi eywS‡q w`w”Q, your responsibility is to run, ‡Zvgv‡`i‡K Ki‡Z n‡e| Zvn‡j future
G GUv n‡e bv| A‡b‡Ki Rb¨ GUv load n‡e, Z‡e load ‡Zv wb‡ZB n‡e, load AvwgI wbw”Q|
GB term ¸†jv w`‡q web G search w`ev, decentralization, deconcentration and
devolution-GB 3 Uv de eyS‡Z n‡e| 3Uvi distinction eyS‡Z n‡e| Avgiv G¸‡jv Zvj‡Mvjv cvKvBqv

Page 133 of 196

†dwj| G¸‡jv ïay †Zvgv‡`i bv G¸‡jv †jLvcov all government officials Gi `iKvi| ‡Zvgv‡`i GKUv
welq Avk¦¯Í Ki‡Z cvwi, gb Lvivc Kivi †Kvb KviY †bB| Avwg B`vwbs A‡bK RvqMvq class wbB bv
because of my position | ‡M‡j cqmv cvIqv hvq GBUv Lvivc bv, wKš‘ wb‡Z cvwi bv| Status G fit
K‡i bv| 2/1 Uv RvqMvq GLbI Ae¨vnZ †i‡LwQ| g‡b Kwi, GUv `iKvi, GUvI GKUv public service
delivery | Avgvi Rb¨ super public service delivery: PATC, BCS (Admin) Academy †Z
wbw”Q GLb| G¸‡jv Qvov †bBbv, Status G Permit K‡i bv| gb Lvivc Ki‡e ZvB technically bv K‡i
w`‡qwQ| 2/1 evi bv K‡i w`‡j, c‡i Avi Avm‡e bv|
[`k©K cÖ‡kœi Rev‡et], Government structure Gi g‡a¨ †Zvgvi position create Ki‡Z n‡e
knowledge base w`‡q| Gme ej‡j A‡bK ejv hvq| Take the example from Indian CGA.
Indian CGA wb‡R iBAS ‰Zix K‡i‡Q, Avgiv Kwi bvB| Kv‡RB Avgv‡`i dependancy _vK‡eB| [`k©K
mvwii Aci GK cª‡kœi Rev‡et] gap minimize Ki‡Z n‡e GLv‡b team Ki‡Z n‡e team identify
Ki‡e, mycvwik Ki‡e gap minimization Gi e¨e¯’v wb‡e| ‡jLvcov K‡iv Kv‡R jvM‡e| apply Kivi
my‡hvM cv‡”Qv bv GUv wVK bv| CAO/Finance is a miniature form, Ministry of Finance
B‡Zvg‡a¨ Kg©Pvwi‡`i Rb¨I AbjvBb wej mve-wgkb ïiæ Ki‡Q GLb evwKiv replicate Ki‡Z cv‡i|
House Building loan ‡`qvi Rb¨ g~jZ Kiv n‡q‡Q| iBAS++ G EFT †Z bv Avm‡j Kg©Pvix loan
cv‡e bv|
Avgv‡`i †`Lvi welq A‡bK interesting, A‡bK Dc‡ii †j‡f‡ji welq Av‡Q| mandane welq
wb‡q hv KiwQ IUv GLb gvby‡li welq bq, IUv GLb totally mechanical welq| Auditor ev‡RU bv †`‡L
bill pass Ki‡e bv - GUv wVK Av‡Q bv out n‡q †M‡Q ? out n‡q †M‡Q| †Kbbv GLb scrutiny n‡e
electronically| GLb †KD hw` e‡j electronically nB‡Z w`‡ev bv - Avgiv PvKwi euvPv‡ev ! n¨v euvPv‡e !
†PqviB †Kv_vq P‡j hv‡e wb‡RB Rvb‡e bv| alternative LuyR‡Z n‡e| Higher level G †h‡Z n‡e|
Electronic payment system n‡q ‡M‡Q, n‡Z eva¨|
GLb deconcentration, decentralization and devolution GB 3wU welq Rvbv Riæix| 3Uv
eøK wg‡jB public service delivery institution | Gi g‡a¨ ‡KvbUv TSAÕ‡Z Av‡Q, ‡KvbUv †bB|
TSAÕi Rb¨ gyLeÜ, non-TSAGi Rb¨ gyLeÜ bq| KviY TSA, non-TSA n‡jv matter of
adoption| wKš‘ budget sector & extra budget sector matter of adoption bv GUv system
design| Kv‡RB Appropriation Accounts Gi gyLeÜ n‡e on budget - Gi Rb¨ GKUv Avi GKUv
n‡e autonomous body, extra-budgetory Õi Rb¨| Avi GKUv n‡e local government Gi Rb¨,
hw` nq| Avevi bZzbfv‡e Ki‡Z n‡e|

Page 134 of 196

Within the same body department hw` multiple ewW ‰Zix nq for same service that
is called deconcentration. Education hw` 1Uv department _vK‡Zv Ges gva¨wgK I D”P gva¨wgK
Awa`ßi hw` fwel¨‡Z gva¨wgK I D”P gva¨wgK Gi Rb¨ 2Uv Avjv`v wWcvU©‡g›U n‡q hvq Z‡e
deconcentration; A_©vr 1Uv service delivery unit GKvwaK service delivery unit iæcvšÍi KivB
n‡jv deconcentration, GUv horizontal. This is called deconcentration.
Decentralization n‡jv hierarchical Gi g‡a¨, †hgb delegation of financial power,
CGAÕi power DCA†K ‡`Iqv, AviI †ewk ‡Wwj‡Mkb w`‡j Gi bvg Decentralization. A‡b‡KB e‡j
local government m„wó Kivi bvg decentralization, it is wrong. HUv normal ejvi Rb¨ ejv|
Technical term n‡jv GUv devolution. Z‡e Avgv‡`i local government fully devolved bv |
KviY state government n‡j welqUv more completely devolved. ‡Kbbv Zvi wb‡Ri legislature
Av‡Q| GUvi bvg decentralization bq devolution | A_©vr devolution of central power to
local government or provincial government| GUvi bvg devolution, GBRb¨ ‡jvKvj Mf‡g©›U
hw` †Kvb service ‡hgbt education, health, social security Gme cÖ`vb K‡i Z‡e Zv‡K e‡j
GKUv positive note w`‡q ïiæ Kwi, Avwg B‡Zvg‡a¨B cÖgvY †c‡qwQ you have the capability
& the potentials, bv _vKvi †Kvb KviY bvB| GB potential is there, †h †Kvb service-G hviv Avm‡Q,
Avgvi GLv‡b hviv Avm‡Q, Zviv †Kvb As‡kB Kg bv| †Kvb †Kvb †ÿ‡Î cÖgvwYZ n‡q‡Q course My‡jv‡Z
†`‡LwQ Avgv‡`i Awdmviiv fv‡jv perform K‡i‡Q| Kv‡RB GLb Avgiv †Kb cvi‡ev bv, bv cvivi †Kvb
KviY bvB| Only lacking was ......... lacking †KvbUv GUv †evSv †M‡Q|
I tell you one thing that 6 months time is enough. Qqgvm enough, whole of PFM
ey‡S †djvi Rb¨ including regulatory framework and everything| Ges Qqgvm c‡i you will
feel the comfort Ges wb‡Ri position †evSvi Rb¨I enough and you will enjoy your work.
GLb A‡bK wKQz enjoy Ki‡Qv bv †Zv! enjoy Kivi Rb¨I Rvbv `iKvi| wb‡R proactive role †bqv
`iKvi| †hgb, †Kvb †Kvb †ÿ‡Î GB iKg platform †ei Ki‡Z government †_‡K decision cvIqv
hv‡”Q| ...... Job GLb automatic n‡”Q Zvn‡j, GUv‡K Avwg leverage Ki‡ev bv †Kb! Ki‡ev|
Avwg fv‡jv accounting KiwQ people wK sensitize n‡e ? bv, n‡e bv| Avwg service
delivery w`w”Q - Avwg borrowing cost Kgvw”Q, Avwg cash management improve KiwQ, GB mg¯Í
K_v ej‡Z cvivi g‡a¨I †Zv satisfaction Av‡Q| Even you can arrange a workshop and ask all
officials to listen to you. Indian CGA ZvB Ki‡Q Ges ICAS-iv IMF, WB - G Nyi‡Q| Giv

Page 135 of 196

IMED type cÖwZôv‡bi monitoring Dwo‡q w`‡q‡Q| CGA ej‡Q monitoring Avwg KiwQ, internal
audit CGA’i under G n‡”Q| Avgv‡`i GLvb n‡ZI bargain Ki‡Z n‡e Gm‡ei Rb¨| Avi bargain
Ki‡Z n‡j capacity develop Ki‡Z n‡e|
Av‡iKUv Correction, WB Av‡iKfv‡e ej‡Q, decentralization, deconcertration
devolution IUvI Rvwb‡q ivwL| bv n‡j confused nev| GLv‡b decentralization heading - G ej‡Q
`ye©j decentralization deconcertration; K_v †Zv mwZ¨B| Avi GKUz improve decentralization –
delegation Avi GKUz improve gv‡b full improve n‡jv devolution. Z‡e Avgv‡`i devolution
Gi g‡a¨ NvUwZ Av‡Q| †h‡nZz Avgv‡`i legislature Qvov devolution GBRb¨ GKUz NvUwZ Av‡Q| hw`
province _vK‡Zv Zvn‡j legislature _vK‡Zv Zvn‡j AviI strong devolution nB‡Zv| A_ev local
government Gi g‡a¨ hw` council concept Uv fv‡jv KvR Ki‡Zv|
GLv‡b Avgv‡`i 1Uv observation - Gi e¨vcvi Av‡Q †h, observation n‡jv local
government hw` bv _vK‡Zv Z‡e local government Gi me service central -G concentrated
n‡Zv| Local government G hw` wKQz w`‡q †`B, by law already wKQz †`qv Av‡Q| 17 Uv subject
transfer Kiv Av‡Q| GRb¨ GUv‡K delegation ej‡Q bv| GUv‡K ej‡Q transfer subject, †h‡nZz GUv H
type Gi decentralization ev delegation bv| Devolution GBRb¨ ejv nq central government
†_‡K local government-G †h subject ¸‡jv †`qv n‡q‡Q GUv delegation ej‡Q bv, transfer
subject ej‡Q| Avi †h¸‡jv †i‡L w`‡q‡Q I¸‡jv retained subject| eZ©gv‡b legal framework wVK
Av‡Q wKš‘ practically transfer subject Gi transfer nq wb| G¸‡jv H central government Gi
ev‡RU w`‡qB Pj‡Q| G¸‡jv wb‡qI Avgiv observation w`‡Z cvwi †h, law e‡j GB, wKš‘ practically -
Gi ev‡RU GLv‡b LiP Ki‡Q| A_P nIqvi K_v central to local n‡e grants-in-aid. Central to
autonomous grants-in-aid hv, hvi hvi Znwe‡j Rgv n‡e| Zvici ‡m Zvi Avq mn wg‡j LiP Ki‡e|
GB‡Zv nIqvi K_v plan Abyhvqx, ev‡RU Abyhvqx| wKš‘ GUv KvR Ki‡Q bv| separate ev‡RU KvR Ki‡Q
bv| separate planning I †bB even separate Znwej maintenance I †bB|
Kv‡RB law’i jurisdiction Avgiv Rvwb, †h‡nZz law’i †hB portion -G financial
procedure Av‡Q H procedure Avgvi budgeting system -Gi mv‡_ wK conflict Ki‡Q Zv Avgiv
point raise Ki‡ZB cvwi| GB point raise Uv point of our performance evaluation –Gi job.
GUv Avwg identify K‡i ejjvg - Avgiv G¸‡jv wb‡q observation w`‡ZI cvwi|
Last of our discussion - classification -G GKUv organization segment _vK‡e
accountability & budget control Gi Rb¨| Z‡e Avgv‡`i GKvD›Um& wK Kb‡mÞ - dvÛ Kb‡mÞ bvwK

Page 136 of 196

Ab¨ Kb‡mÞ| Avgv‡`i GKvD›Um& fund Kb‡mÞ, cash Zvi mv‡_ fund wg‡j i‡q‡Q| Zvn‡j 1Uv fund
segment jvM‡e| 2Uv segment jvM‡e CF, PA, Gi Rb¨| Gi g‡a¨ AviI wKQz fvM jvM‡e, fvM¸‡jv‡K
e‡j parent child relationship, exactly fund concept -G †M‡jI parent child relationship
_vK‡e| Zvn‡j 2Uv segment †cjvg| BACS wK separate bv same, same; GUv wK for-better bv
for-worse ? for-better| GUv major head minor head - G wQ‡jv bv wKš‘ GLb n‡q‡Q| GLb Avi
Appropriation Gi mgq demand for grant Avi gš¿xg‡nv`q Avjv`vfv‡e prescribe K‡ib bv| GUv
Avgv‡`i Rb¨ GKUv advantage| GKB platform †_‡K GKB structure - G _vKv hv‡e Ges IFMIS
Pvjy Kiv †M‡j total consolidated public sector Gi accounts Pvjy Kiv hv‡e|
Avgvi certification - Gi AvIZvqI Avbv hvq for future| AvcvZZ Avgv‡`i basicUv right
KivUvB g~L¨| ZvB GUv w`‡q Finance Ges GUv w`‡q Appropriation Accounts I Ki‡ev| Giv †h
Accounts K‡i GUv Finance Accounts Gi g‡a¨ schedule AvKv‡i †`evi K_v wKš‘ GLb Avwg wK
comply Ki‡Z cvi‡ev, cvi‡ev bv| Accounts ˆZix Ki‡Q bv Iiv, Financial Statements generate
n‡”Q bv wVK g‡Zv| Zvn‡j Zzwg cv‡e †Kv‡Ì‡K| IFMIS - G Zv‡`i KqUv wRwbm mgš^q Ki‡Z n‡e | 2Uv
iBAS & BACS, GB 2Uv ‡evSv‡Z cvi‡jB Iiv system mv‡_ Avevi TSA’i g‡a¨ Xy‡K hv‡e| TSA
†_‡K GKevi †ei n‡q †M‡j, †XvKv‡bv Kó| XyKv‡bvUv‡K †ei K‡i w`‡q suicidal step †bqv n‡q‡Q|
borrowing cost & cash management - G problem n‡q‡Q| nvRvi nvRvi †KvwU UvKv e¨vs‡K †i‡L
Avivg ‡c‡q †M‡Q| IUv †_‡K †ei Kiv gymwKj n‡e| Z‡e drive w`‡Z n‡e| GLb drive w`‡j wK n‡e ?
GLb drive w`‡j n‡e bv Av‡M platform ready Ki‡Z n‡e| GUv‡K basics right K‡i hw` IFMIS
system Z_v iBAS++ AviI robust Kiv hvq, Z‡e AviI automatically Zv‡`i‡K j¾vq †djv hv‡e|
better platform w`‡q compete I Kiv hv‡e| Finance Ministry & Auditor General’s office
wg‡j GB ¸‡jv Zz‡j ai‡Z n‡e| g‡b nq bv †h, AvMvgx 2 eQ‡i / 3 eQ‡i GUv n‡e|
Z‡e GB debate ¸‡jv Zzj‡Z n‡e| G¸‡jv for betterment of the financial management
system| Zvn‡j segment KqUv †cjvg ? 2Uv| 2Uv segment †cjvg-organization & fund Ges
GLv‡b parent child relation _vK‡e| evKx¸†jv individual discrete segment, GUvi g‡a¨ mix up
_vK‡e bv| mixup _vK‡j Avgiv cÖkœ Ki‡ev| organization -G wM‡q †`L‡e 13 digit - G GLv‡b
economic I Av‡Q, bvg w`‡q w`‡q‡Q organization Gi wKš‘ code w`‡q‡Q economic Gi| Gic‡i
miKv‡ii expenditure record -G me‡P‡q eo elements n‡jv wM‡q economic or object.
Economic code describes the character of the activities: like salary, supply services,
etc. Avi wK sector `iKvi ? KqUv segment †cjvg Avgiv - 3Uv| Zzwg hw` constitutional scheme-

Page 137 of 196

G †`‡Lv scheme for a purpose – Constitutional public service scheme †`‡Lv purpose Gi
Rb¨| †jLv Av‡Q †Kvb GKUv article-G †h GKUv wbw`©ó purpose - Gi Rb¨ LiP Ki‡Z n‡e| Zvn‡j
purpose Avm‡Q wKbv !
Purpose Avm‡Q salary / pay and allowances & supply and services, G¸‡jv purpose
bq| Purpose n‡jv wM‡q education, health, etc. H Uv n‡jv purpose| Zvn‡j †evSv hv‡”Q Avgv‡`i
Avi GKUv segment jvM‡e, GB salary wK service †`qvi Rb¨ - health bv education Gi Rb¨|
Kv‡RB Avi GKUv segment jvM‡e function| Zvn‡j KqUv n‡jv t function ¸‡jv wK wK - education,
health & all these are functions, education -Gi Rb¨ ai ‡mM‡g›U Kijvg| education
ministryÕi gva¨‡g Kijvg Ges salary w`jvg Ges CF †_‡K dvÛ w`jvg| Does it reflect
everything ? Zvn‡j Avwg wbðqB †Kvb program / activity’i Rb¨ eivÏ Kijvg| Zvn‡j to reflect
total public service dimension, †evSv hv‡”Q GB 4Uv segment wKš‘ enough bv| wKQzUv gap †_‡K
hv‡”Q| GRb¨ Avgiv Avi GKUv segment Kijvg programme Zvi k‡Z©I parental project activity
wKQz wKQz _vK‡e| GB cÖwZUvB BACS Gi segment|
wKš‘ transaction hw` Kwi ev coding block hw` ewj, Zvn‡j transaction ej‡j wK eySv‡e ?
4Uv segment wg‡jB transaction| GiKg transaction hw` 4Uv level †_‡KB capture Kwi Zvn‡j †h
†Kvb ivbœv ivbœv Kiv hv‡e| †Kvb ai‡Yi ivbœv iuvav hv‡e - wK wK ivbœv| hw` ewj CF-G total e¨q KZ ? hw`
ewj fund segment w`‡q CF Gi †UvUvj e¨q KZ| Zvig‡a¨ own fund KZ, foreign fund KZ ? †ei
n‡e| †Kvb education Gi Rb¨ e¨q KZ ? GLb hw` ewj, organization/ministry wfwËK education
Gi e¨q Av‡Q wKbv ? Avevi GWz‡Kk‡b defense ministry i e¨q Av‡Q wKbv ? Function G ejv Av‡Q
cadet college ‡Kvb function ? Avi Avgv‡`i college ¸‡jv total education KZ Rvb‡Z PvB‡j
defense Gi cadet college Gi LiP Avm‡e| eZ©gv‡b Avgv‡`i G¸‡jv Av‡m bv| fully ministry wise
wnmve| Zvn‡j function †_‡K link Ki‡j †mLv‡b education Gi KZ Av‡Q, me education GKmv‡_
cvIqv hv‡e| †evSv hv‡”Q, GLv‡b cÖ‡Z¨KUv segment Gi Rb¨ detail report cv‡ev Avevi function
¸‡jv wewfbœ RvqMvq LiP Ki‡jI education ¸‡jv GK RvqMvq †ei n‡e|
hw` AviI level G hvq Z‡e PÆMÖvg municipality’i Premier University’i education
e¨qI cv‡ev| Don’t you think that GUvi `iKvi Av‡Q ? Policy input Gi Rb¨ `iKvi Av‡Q ?
Accountability’i Rb¨ `iKvi Av‡Q, control Gi Rb¨I `iKvi Av‡Q| GB 4Uv segment Gi evB‡i
AviI wKQz segment Kiv hvq| wKQz Avevi nq‡Zv input w`‡Z n‡e wKQz drive w`‡Z n‡e| G¸‡jv Avgvi
AvR‡Ki welq bv| Classification class Gi welq| Z‡e 1Uv welq e‡j ivLv `iKvi, GB 5Uvi g‡a¨ AviI

Page 138 of 196

Av‡Q geographical ‡mM‡g›U| COFOG function ¸‡jvi international best practice G Av‡Q
co‡j cvev|
Avgiv GLb cash base wKbv ? `k©K mvwii cÖ‡kœi Rev‡et Avi GKUv concept Av‡Q mapping|
GLb gender-child A‡bK wKQz Avm‡Q, G¸‡jv Gi mv‡_ map Kiv hv‡e Ges its a flexible structure.
Zzwg Gi g‡a¨ AviI segment evov‡Z cv‡iv| Both horizontally evov‡Z cv‡iv Avevi vertically
evov‡bv hvq| child AviI ˆZix Kiv hvq| Even it can be mapped to some other classification
also Avgv‡`i classification structure rigid wQ‡jv| GUv flexible, with respect to what?
Horizontally & vertically evov‡bv hvq| GLv‡b last K_v ej‡ev, c‡i Avevi classification Gi K_v
hLb ej‡ev, ZLb AviI evov‡bv hv‡e Economic ‡mM‡g›U G wM‡q| Economic is the only segment
where we can find the explanation about revenue expenditure & asset liabilities| GUv
Ggbfv‡e design Kiv DwPZ hv‡Z future G 2Uv wRwbm achieve Kiv hvq - (1) eZ©gv‡b cash concept
- G asset liability’i †Kvb recognition Av‡Q ? bvB| wKš‘ future G hw` Avwg GUv‡K transition
Ki‡Z PvB Zvn‡j eZ©gv‡b GiKg grouping K‡i ivLv DwPZ wKbv ? Avwg g‡b nq †evSv‡Z cvwi wb
†Zvgv‡`i| Avevi ejwQ, cash ‡ewm‡m liabilities Gi transaction recognition bvB, wKš‘ future-G
hLb Avwg accrual basis Ki‡ev, GLb hw` division ¸‡jv fvM K‡i bv ivwL future transition G †M‡j
GUv Avevi wec‡` co‡Z n‡e| †evSv ‡M‡Q ? GB Kvi‡Y Avgiv hLb classification †`L‡ev, wK wK †`L‡Z
n‡e Avgv‡`i t revenue-i Rb¨ Avjv`v coding block Av‡Q wKbv, expenditure Gi g‡a¨ revenue
expenditure Gi Rb¨ Av‡Q wKbv, asset acquisition ev capital expenditure-Gi Rb¨ Av‡Q wKbv,
debt Gi Rb¨ Av‡Q wKbv, GBme| Avi (2) remittance †Zv Avgvi accounts adjustment-Gi Rb¨
`iKvi, cash movement & other adjustment Gi Rb¨ `iKvi| Zvn‡j GLb †mvRv wnmve, GB
concept-G bv wM‡q Avwg ‡i‡fb¨y (gv‡b income ejwQ), expenditure, asset acquisition Zvici
liability GB Kb‡m‡Þ hvIqvi †Póv Ki‡ev|
LiabilityÕi g‡a¨ Avwg debt Gi K_v ej‡ev| Broad head G fvMUv n‡q hv‡e †Kvb jvB‡b ?
Av‡M Avgv‡`i division †Kv_vq wQ‡jv Revenue, Capital, Debt & Remittance GUv ev` w`‡q GLb
wK ej‡ev asset, liability, revenue expenditure & acquisition of asset: then what?
Liabilities – future-G Avwg accrual G †h‡Z †M‡j ïay flow wb‡q Kiv hv‡e bvwK stock-I jvM‡e ? If
this is the case then acquisition of asset Gi KqUv code jvM‡e, income Gi Rb¨ KqUv code
`iKvi n‡e, 2Uv| Cash basis revenue & accrued revenue GUvI jvM‡e| Advance wK n‡e,

Page 139 of 196

expenditure-G wK jvM‡e ZvI _vK‡Z n‡e| Acquisition of asset-G 1Uv flow’i Rb¨ Avi GKUv
asset stock’Gi Rb¨| asset †hUv stock’Gi Rb¨ eZ©gv‡b GUv wK alive ivL‡ev bvwK dormant ivL‡ev|
wKš‘ classification code’Gi g‡a¨ GUv †Kv_vq _vK‡e ? HUv wK †`Lv hv‡e bv block _vK‡e ?
block _vK‡e| KLb open Ki‡ev ? future-G hLb accrual-G hv‡ev ZLb open Ki‡ev| wKš‘ GLb
Kivi mgq comprehensive KivB fv‡jv| Avgvi g‡b nq Hfv‡eB †Póv Kiv n‡q‡Q| wKQz gaps are
there | GLb Avgv‡`i `vwqZ¡ GUvB †h G¸‡jv wW‡UBjW Rvbv| Avgiv ejwQ †h Gme Rvwb bv, Rvbvi †PóvI
Kwi bv| Avgiv GLb stock accounting Ki‡ev | stock accounting ledger-G _vK‡e bv| Avgiv
Finance Accounts Kivi mgq subsidiary ledger ‡_‡K G‡b Av‡M †hfv‡e KiZvg †mfv‡e Ki‡ev,
future-G Av‡¯Í Av‡¯Í G¸wj open n‡e| Avi GKUv K_v e‡j ivLv `iKvi wK K_v fz‡j †Mjvg| Av‡M
provident fund-G KqUv †KvW wQ‡jv ? Major head, minor head hLb wQ‡jv GKUv †KvW wQ‡jv| ey‡S
†nvK bv ey‡S †nvK GKUv evolution n‡q‡Q| wKš‘ GPF-G 2Uv code use Kwi| 1Uv receipt Gi Rb¨ 1Uv
payment Gi Rb¨| eZ©gv‡b _vK‡e 1Uv KviY †jRvi _vK‡e, †WweU, †µwWU †Zv| GKB RvqMvq eyK Ki‡e|
GKUv receipt-G GKUv payment-G| G¸‡jv Avgv‡`i iBAS-G wKfv‡e Av‡Q †`L‡Z n‡e| Avi GKUv
new development n‡q‡Q| †hUv n‡jv wM‡q Avgiv Av‡M hLb accounts KiZvg treasury †_‡K
accounts Avm‡Zv Zvici post audit K‡i GUv compile KiZvg| compile Ki‡j KZ¸‡jv AvK©vBK
term †Zvgiv cvev classified abstract, consolidated abstract. GLb GB term ¸‡jv ev` c‡o hv‡e|
The modern management †Zvgiv technical note co‡j †`Lev, G¸‡jv GL concept-G Avm‡e|
GL means General Ledger A_©vr cÖ‡Z¨K head-Gi individual location-G subsidiary
accounts _vK‡e wKš‘ real time-G GBUv G‡m Avevi wmwRGÕ‡Z hit Ki‡e| G‡Z Avgvi audit cost
minimize n‡e| Avwg check Kivi mgq Av‡M Kv‡K ai‡ev ? Control account ai‡ev| GLb Avwg wK
Kwi ? subsidiaryÕi cyiv location-G hvB wKš‘ Rvwb bv GUvi aggregate wK ! Avi GLb Avgvi †h‡Z n‡e
†Kv_v †_‡K - control account Gi balance Ges subsidiaryÕi location-G | †Kv_vq provident
fund-Gi audit Ki‡Z †Mjvg ? say for example provident fund-Gi audit team †ei n‡q‡Q 5
w`‡bi Rb¨| GKUv local-G 5 w`‡bi Rb¨ †M‡Q ILv‡b GPF-Gi GKvD›U Av‡Q gvÎ 20Uv| Av‡iKUv team
I 5 w`b †M‡Q GKvD›U Av‡Q 500 Uv| wK eySv †M‡Q †h audit resource wK n‡q‡Q, loss for no reason.
Zvn‡j Avwg hw` control GKvD›U establish Ki‡Z cvwi payment decentralized n‡e control
account †_‡K subsidiary account Gi balance ¸‡jv hw` cvB including GPF account-bs Ges
cv‡m©vbvj bvgmn - Zvn‡j automatically Avwg eyS‡Z cvi‡ev audit party hvIqvi Av‡MB ‡h †Kvb&
location-G cvVv‡ev Avi †Kvb& location-G cvVv‡evB bv| Avi even cvVv‡evB wKbv | Gi †_‡K

Page 140 of 196

mandays wVK Kiv hv‡e| Even in some case-G AwWU wUg cvVv‡Z bvI n‡Z cv‡i, KviY Avwg
control GKvD›U †_‡K subsidiary GKvD›U †`L‡Z cvwi|
CAO/Pension & Fund management G †hUv Kiv n‡q‡Q, †cbkbv‡ii †ÿ‡Î - GPF Gi
†ÿ‡Î H concept †_‡KB Kiv n‡q‡Q eyS‡Z n‡e †Zvgv‡`i| GUv †ZvgviB drive Kivi K_v| G¸‡jv
miKv‡ii Kv‡Q wb‡q hvIqvi K_v †h, Avgiv Gfv‡e GUv improve Ki‡j in term’s of service
delivery improvement Avgiv hassle free, service w`‡Z cvie, in terms of audit cost
minimization, in terms of accounting balance confirmation me©w`‡KB improvement Ki‡Z
cvie| †Zv Avwg haphazard system ‡i‡L audit risk identify KiwQ A_P system improvement
Gi K_v ejwQ bv-GUv ‡Kvb expected K_v n‡Z cv‡i bv|
GUv †Zv AvgviB K_v, Avgv‡`i‡KB ej‡Z n‡e| GBRb¨B GLb n‡e GL concept, GL-G me
transaction Gi balance †`L‡Z cvi‡Z n‡e| GBUv cvivi Rb¨ iBAS-G hw` †Kvb gap _v‡K HUv
Avgv‡`i‡K suggest Ki‡Z n‡e| H gap ¸‡jv fill up Kivi Rb¨ technical support PvIqvi K_v
Avgvi| Avi technical support Gi Rb¨ Avgv‡`i hw` †Kvb resource, `iKvi nq Avgiv w`‡ev| wKQz IT
resource Avgv‡`iI Av‡Q| Avgiv G¸jvI e¨envi Ki‡Z cvwi| Interrogate Ki‡Z cvwi| †`L‡Z cvwi
iBAS system †K| Zvn‡j Avgv‡`i †`L‡Z n‡e classification system KZUv robust? me test K‡i
†`L‡Z n‡e †h GUv, GUv wK transaction, budget execution-G wVKg‡Zv KvR Ki‡Q wKbv ! fund
management-G KvR Ki‡Q wKbv payment-G †Kvb mgm¨v n‡”Q wKbv, accounting-G †Kvb mgm¨v
n‡”Q wKbv | Reporting -G Appropriation Accounts Gi format-G †Kvb mgm¨v n‡”Q wKbv| †hgb
Avgiv Appropriation Accounts Kwi Ô†eK ze `wR ©i j ¤^v myZ vÕ | original budget, revised budget
Gici Avevi re-appropriation | Reappropriation †K K‡i ? cvj©v‡g›U bv executive K‡i ? Avi
Appropriation Account Gi destination wK ? Parliament| Zvn‡j parliamentary
accountability’i wb‡P †Kb bvg‡ZwQ| wb‡P ‡b‡g GUv‡K Ggb voluminous KiwQ †h †jvKRb †`‡L e‡j
GUv Avwg evwjk evbv‡ev bvwK Avi wKQz Kie|
e‡j evwj‡ki KvR Qvov Avi wKQz n‡e bv| GUv DëvBqv †`Lvi †Kvb cÖ‡qvRbxqZvI †KD wdj K‡i
bv| H Appropriation Accounts †Zv nIqvi K_v cvj©v‡g›Uvwi GKvD›UvwewjwUi Rb¨| Zvn‡j
executive accountability’i †h jurisdiction †mUvi wK n‡e| Re-appropriation Gi other bvg wK
A‡bK †`‡k e‡j virement - technical †bv‡U ej‡Q| Virement Gi technical note Av‡Q Indian
Civil GKvD›U mvwf©‡mi †jvK, IMF-G Av‡Q †jLvcov g‡b nq physics-G | Ii bvg m›`xc, Avm‡j
†Zvgv‡`i mv‡_ meet Kiv‡ev|

Page 141 of 196

Kcg¨v‡biI Av‡Q technical note, KviI KviI g‡b n‡Z cv‡i Kcg¨vb, m›`xc mv‡·bv Avgv‡K
wkwL‡q‡Q| †Kvb †Kvb mgq Dëv †`Lv †M‡Q| GUvI n‡q‡Q ‡h, †mvbviMuv †nv‡U‡j w`‡bi ci w`b I‡`i‡K
country context †evSv‡Z n‡q‡Q| GLb Zvn‡j Avgvi asset liability-GB context Uv mvRv‡ev
economic code-G| Avi GKUv n‡jv transaction| hw` ewj iBAS system-G meB enjoy Kijvg
GUv Kijvg bv n‡e ? Transaction code Gi g‡a¨ hw` economic code bv _v‡K Zvn‡j wK nviv‡ev ?
Avwg transaction – Gi character nviv‡ev| Avevi fund segment ev` w`‡j msweavb nviv‡ev|
function hw` ev` †`B Zvn‡jI msweavb nviv‡ev purpose nviv‡ev, programme Ges all others hw`
ev` †`B Zvn‡j budget control nviv‡ev| activity’i control nviv‡ev| GB R‡b¨B hLb ewj
transaction ‡KvW gv‡b GUv bq| transaction †KvW gv‡b me wg‡jB 56 digit, without
understanding detail technical K_v ev‡` Ggb GKUv environment hw` create Kiv hvq †hLv‡b
payment nq ILv‡bB hw` 56 digit code entry nq, Zvn‡j me ivbœv Kiv m¤¢e| Reliably & timely
hw` 56 transaction code entry nq Zvn‡j real time-G fiscal report Ges multidimensional-G
reportI †ei Kiv hv‡e| Statistical report, accounting report, Appropriation Accounts,
Finance Accounts, any management report, budget execution report/status of a
particular orgeducation Gi total LiP irrespective of organization BZ¨vw` †ei Kiv hv‡e|
Avevi H organization G †Kvb& †Kvb& service Av‡Q ZvI †ei Kiv hv‡e| Gi mv‡_ Avevi Avgv‡`i
parliamentary accountability improve Kivi wKQz concept Av‡Q| AvR‡K †h¸‡jv ej‡ev bv †jvW
†ekx n‡q hv‡e| †h‡nZz 4.30 Uv ch©šÍ ivL‡ev, †m‡nZz Avi GKUz ej‡ev|
GKwU `k©K-cÖ‡kœi Rev‡et consolidated fund-G Avevi different fund sources _vK‡e, me
†_‡K gRv`vi K_v n‡jv, hw` 1Uv transaction (a‡iv 1Uv cÖ‡R±, programme g‡a¨ project): ‡_‡K
salary w`jvg 500 UvKv for example - GLv‡b own source †_‡K w`jvg 200 UvKv Avi foreign
RPA w`jvg 300 UvKv| Gevi e‡jv cÖwZwU transaction †_‡KB ejv hv‡”Q wKbv †KvbUv own fund †_‡K
†KvbUv foreign fund ‡_‡K †KvbUv| †evSv †M‡Q ? aiv hv‡”Q †Zv| Zvn‡j reimbursement-G nvZov‡Z
n‡e bv system ‡_‡KB wi‡cvU© generate n‡e †h, 300 UvKv †`qv n‡q‡Q foreign fund †_‡K| GUv GKUv
eo improvement n‡e|
DonorÕiv †h prescribe K‡i CONTASA, DOSA, G¸‡jvi bvgI my›`i| GB prescription
Avm‡Zv robust classification Avi IFMIS system bv _vKvi Rb¨| GLb GUv hw` Av‡m, donor
wb‡RB j¾v cv‡e CONTASA, DOSA, Imprest Gi K_v ej‡Z| Moreover, donorÕiv GLb
project based finance ‡_‡K m‡i †h‡Z Pv‡”Q| Budget support, P4R GUv Ki‡Z wM‡qI Ki‡Z mvnm

Page 142 of 196

cv‡”Q bv| †Kb ? Zzwg robust system w`‡Z cvi‡Qv bv e‡j | Once you give the robust system
‡`Lev †h, project financing special account eÜ K‡i †`‡e| Zviv Pv‡”QI ZvB| P4R sector
program Ki‡Q bv ? Giv GK cv AvMvq 2 cv wcQvq KviY Zviv wek¦vm Ki‡Z cvi‡Q bv accounting
system ‡_‡K information cv‡e| In future Avwg †Zv †`wL dvcv‡Wi †Kvb KvR _vKvi K_v bv future-
G| †Kb _vK‡e, hw` donorÕiv accounting system IFMIS Gi Dci depend Ki‡Z cv‡i,
classification Gi GB structure-G hw` transaction generate K‡i Zvn‡j special accounting
Avi ‡Kvb project Gi financing Ki‡e wKbv ? Zviv bxwZMZfv‡e GLb bv Kivi wm×všÍ wb‡q‡Q| wKš‘
G‡Kev‡i eÜ Ki‡j, Zvi HLv‡b bureaucrat Av‡Q bv I‡`i PvKwiI K‡g hv‡e| GB Kvi‡Y Zviv ‡h‡Kvb
wKQz K‡i n‡jI project ivL‡Z‡Q|
wKš‘ once you create-G robust IFMIS, you can create general information Zvn‡j
Zviv fund w`‡e CF-G mivmwi| wKš‘ use n‡e in economic classification-G Ges report generate
K‡i †`qv hv‡e †h, ‡Wvbv‡ii GB budget sector Gi GB fund †_‡K GB GB LiP n‡q‡Q| Zvn‡j TSA-i
evB‡i †Kvb account maintain Kiv jvM‡e bv| Avgvi accountability bó n‡e bv AviI integrated
n‡e| G¸‡jv GKUz high thought Gi e³e¨ w`w”Q, last G GLb, GBK_v A‡bK e‡jwQ Avi GLv‡b ej‡ev
bv| GLb GB ‡h AM©vbvB‡Rkb¸‡jv †h¸‡jv e¨emv K‡i bv Zv‡`i †mevi GKUv bvg Av‡Q| Giv wK e¨emvi
Rb¨ bv service Gi Rb¨| Non marketable public service & Giv tax financed| Very high
term - GB tax financed ej‡j wb‡Ri g‡a¨ responsibility create nq| gvgv evwoi UvKvi g‡Zv g‡b
nq bv, tax financed hZ †ewk ejv n‡e ZZ wb‡Ri g‡a¨ responsibility create nq †h - Ki‡ev GUv
tax financed GKUz †`wL| Tax financed service †h 3Uv organization group w`‡q Kiv nq
internationally GUv‡K ejv nq general government Zvn‡j general government equals to
what ? Central govt plus provincial government plus local government (including their
autonomous bodies) ejv nq general government, Avgv‡`i target _vK‡e cyiv general
government †K capture Kiv|
Z‡e GB gyû‡Z© Avgiv _vK‡ev only central government †K wb‡q| Only central
government I bv, central government Gi g‡a¨ (Avgiv basics right Ki‡ev †KvbUv central
government Gi g‡a¨ budget sector ‡KvbUv extra-budget Zv wVK Kie) extra-budget †K Avgiv
GLbI iBAS-G wb‡Z cviwQ bv BACS-G I wb‡Z cviwQbv| Kv‡RB basics right Gi jurisdiction
n‡”Q central government Gi budgetary part / sector| Avgvi Appropriation Accounts &
Finance Accounts ˆZwi n‡e central government Gi g‡a¨| Z‡e Finance Accounts Gi g‡a¨

Page 143 of 196

hw` cvwi autonomous bodyÕi wKQz wKQz information †hUv Av‡M wQ‡jv I¸‡jv hw` Avbv hvq fv‡jv|
Avgvi g‡b nq bv H attempt Lye Kv‡R jvM‡e| KviY GBUvI external governance Gi Dci wbf©i
K‡i| External governance GLb †h‡nZz technological platform bvB †m‡nZz GLvb †_‡K
information cvIqv gykwKj|
Gic‡i Avgiv †h Public Sector ewj, GUvi bvg Public Sector bq| Public Sector includes
general government| Public sector ej‡j Avi GKUv further addition Av‡Q, SoE| ‡hUv‡K ejv
nq Public Sector Corporation, Giv Avevi 2 iKg financial & non-financial, Financial Gi
g‡a¨ Avevi depository Avi non depository Av‡Q| GKUz e‡j ivwL SoE ¸‡jv wK public service
delivery K‡i ? bv| Never ever, public service bq| †Kb ? Kvib Zv‡`i mandate n‡jv profit
oriented Zviv fund concept gv‡b bv, Zviv tax financed nIqvi K_v bv| Public service †Kb
ej‡Q ewj, inefficiency i Rb¨ loss Ki‡Z‡Q cÖwZôvb¸‡jv, Avi Avwg Mf‡g©›U jm Kfvi Kivi Rb¨ †h
UvKv w`‡ZwQ - GUv public service bv ! Content wrong, IUvi Rb¨ bvD R yw ejøvn covi K_v| g‡b ivL‡e
SoE’s are not for public service. Because, †Kvb debinition-G c‡o bv, Zviv tax financed
bq, Zviv non-marketable ‡mev †`q bv| GBUvB basic mandate, practically inefficiency’i Rb¨
hw` jm K‡i ZLb UvKv capitalize Kiv nq|
ZvB e‡j GUv‡K grants-in-aid ejv hvq bv, GUv Kvddviv †`qv nq| GB Kvddvivi bvg subsidy
GRb¨ SOE †Z hw` central ev local government †_‡K money flow K‡i Zv‡K grants-in-aid
e‡j bv| Grants-in-aid to the public service. Subsidy is a gap between costing & the
price of the services of the SoEs. In most of the cases SoE wK subsidy ‡bqvi K_v bv eis
non-tax revenue †`qvi K_v| Practically almost all SoEs wb‡”Q †Zv wb‡”QB| ZvB e‡j wK
definition change n‡q hv‡e ? Public service-Gi definition-G GUv‡K †djv hv‡e bv| remember
SOE jm Ki‡Q| j‡mi Kvi‡Y miKvi hw` recapitalize K‡i, UvKv inject K‡i hw` loan †`q, †mUv
grant-in-aid bq| MZKvj‡K Finance Secretary Avjvc KiwQ‡jb, ejwQ‡jb 1Uv wel‡q Ò†Kv_vq †jLv
Av‡Q m¨vi grant w`‡Z cvi‡ev bv ? †P‡q‡Q †Zv|Ó ejjvg - BCIC’i law †`‡Lv, law †Z fund concept
bvB authorized capital concept| Authorized capital concept A_©vr GBUv w`‡qB HUv out,
capital is a mercantile term, public service G †Kvb mercantile term _vKv gv‡b Zvi KmvB
nIqv| Public service-G †Kvb mercantile term _vK‡Z cv‡i bv| mercantile term _vKv gv‡b Zzwg
GKgvÎ inject Ki‡Z cv‡iv, equity w`‡Z cv‡iv ev loan w`‡Z cv‡i, GUv HLv‡b Zvi †ejvq GUv miKv‡ii
equity _vK‡e ev loan _vK‡e|

Page 144 of 196

Òm¨vi †Kv_vq †jLv Av‡Q grant †`qv hv‡e bv ?Ó ZLb †Zvgv‡`i †hgb covw”Q, Zv‡K ejjvg †kvb,
grant is a public service concept †jLv _vK‡Z n‡e bv| mewKQz wKZv‡e †jLv _v‡K bv| Once you
give the grant, that becomes a public organization. But you are feeding into an
organization that is commercially created, and you are feeding it in the name of public
service which is against the spirit of the Constitution. e‡j - Òm¨vi w`‡Z †Zv n‡e|Ó w`‡j Zzwg
UvKv cvev †Zv; Zvn‡j Zzwg †Kb AvBb violate Kiev, violate bv K‡i Zv‡K equity `vI| Capital
inject K‡iv, UvKv grant Gi g‡ZvB n‡e| Zzwg c‡i †Zv cvev bv| GUv GgwbI Rvwb, Zvn‡j ïay ïay cvc
Kiev †Kb| e‡j m¨vi ZvB‡j K_v †Zv wVK| GB †h K_v¸‡jv ejjvg Finance SecretaryÕi Kv‡Q Avgvi
B¾Z Kg‡Q bv evo‡Q ? †Zvgv‡`i ‡ÿ‡ÎI Avwg Pvw”Q †h evo–K AviwK, †Zvgv‡`i B¾Z evo–K| me‡P‡q
gRvi NUbv ‡hUv n‡q‡Q Zv n‡jv authorized capital †jLv Av‡Q g‡b nq 5 †KvwU UvKv| GLbKvi †jLvq
authorized capital †jLvB †bB evsjv K‡i‡Q Rv¤^j ev¤^j| BCICÕi g‡b nq 5 †KvwU Av‡Q| 5 †KvwU
wb‡e bv cvi‡j 500 †KvwU wb‡e! e‡j Òm¨vi authorized capital †Zv Kg|Ó Kg n‡j Zv‡K `vI w`‡q e‡jv
miscellaneous G ivL‡Z Ges in the mean time law amendment Ki‡Z e‡jv| c‡i hLb law
amendment n‡q hv‡e miscellaneous †_‡K equity †Z convert K‡i †b‡e| miscellaneous G
†M‡jI cash †Zv cv‡e, cash e¨envi KiæK| cQ›` n‡q‡Q ? cQ›` nIqvi Rb¨ †jLvcov Ki‡Z n‡e|
SoE KZ iK‡gi ? Financial & non-financial, me wg‡j ejv nq public sector| Avgiv
public sector ej‡j A‡Üi nvwZ †`Lvi g‡Zv Avgiv central government eywS, †KD autonomous
eywS| GLb wK eySjvg - comprehensively Gevi †`L‡Z n‡e|
Central Government
State Government General Government
Social Security Fund
Local Government

wPÎt 5 - †Rbv‡ij Mf‡g©‡›Ui fvM mg~n

GLb Avwg wiK¨vc KiwQ, GLv‡b GB PvU©Uv Ges Gi cÖ‡Z¨K U©vg Avgv‡`i‡K eyS‡Z n‡e| †mvk¨vj wmwKDwiwU
dvÛ, GUv GKUv dimension| evsjv‡`‡k GUv create Ki‡Z n‡e| AvR‡K Avi cvijvg bv- c‡i Avevi
ej‡ev| A‡b‡K fq †c‡q hv‡”Q †h, Avwg Avevi ïiæ K‡i †`B| ïiæ Ki‡ev bv| Social Security fund
wb‡q A‡bK K_v Av‡Q| forget about social security fund †h‡nZz GLbI K_v ewj bvB| wKš‘ H 3Uv
explain K‡iwQ wKbv !

Page 145 of 196

Central government Gi Wv‡b wK †jLv Av‡Q - Budgetary Central Government|
Avgv‡`i Jurisdication GLb Budgetary central government, not central government,
extra-budgetary wPwb bvwK Avgiv ? nu¨v wPwb| Avevi social security fund-I wPwb| GUv‡KI ivL‡ev
Z‡e Gwel‡q K_v GLbI nqwb| ev` w`‡jI eywS| Gici general government plus public
corporation wg‡j wK nq ? G `y‡Uv wg‡j nq cvewjK †m±i|
Public corporation Gi KqUv fvM Av‡Q ? Non-financial hw` ewj Zvn‡j BCIC, Sugar
mills, Jute mills, al these are non-financial public corporations. wKš‘ financial
corporation ¸‡jvi g‡a¨ Bangladesh Infrastructure Finance Fund Limited (BIFFL),
Infrastructure Development Company Limited (IDCOL)-G¸‡jv public financial
corporation ev company. Sonali Bank GLbI †Zv 100% government owned cÖwZôvb|
company from Kiv n‡q‡Q, wKš‘ G¸‡jv company n‡jI publicly owned company.
Zvici Av‡Q deposit taking corporations, other public financial corporations n‡Z
G‡`i cv_©K¨ wK ?

Central Bank as a Regulatory

Deposit taking Sonali Bank
Other Govt. Commercial Banks

wPÎt 6 - Deposit taking cvewjK K‡c©v‡ikbmg~n

Non-deposit taking – House Building Finance Corporation (HBFC), G¸‡jvI cvewjK
dvBb¨vwÝqvj Ki‡cv‡ik‡bi part| last K_v ewj, GZÿb ejwQjvg general government n‡jv future
vision. Last K_v n‡jv, our midterm to long term journey is ‘total public sector’, with
the assumption that the accounting base will be accrual base| m¤¢e, technology †hfv‡e
change n‡”Q AvMvgx 20 eQ‡i hv nIqvi K_v 10 eQ‡i nIqv m¤¢e| hold Ki‡Z cvi‡ebv- †m wb‡RB
pressure w`‡q Kwi‡q †b‡e|
transaction capture n‡e real time –G, Zvn‡j across the public sector transaction
hw` real time G capture nq with accrual base of all cÖwZôvb, Zvn‡j total public sector-Gi
balance sheet Kiv hv‡e bv †Kb, Aek¨B hv‡e| me‡P‡q gRvi K_v n‡jv CAG’s (Additional
Functions) Act-Abyhvqx public sector-G Auditor General-Gi responsibility Av‡Q| Auditor

Page 146 of 196

General responsible for public sector accounts AwWU Kivi Rb¨| Auditor General comply
Ki‡Qb bv| cÖ‡Z¨K w`b defy Ki‡Qb KviY ILv‡b comprehensive total public sector Gi K_v ejv
Av‡Q hv AwWU Kiv m¤¢e bq|
GmewKQz / GB AvBb hviv K‡i‡Qb Zuviv ey‡Sb bvB †h GUv m¤¢e bv| hvuiv AvBbUv evwb‡q‡Qb Zvuiv bv
ey‡SB evwb‡q‡Qb| gRvi K_v n‡jv wM‡q, c~‡e©i AvB‡b wQ‡jv ïay province Ges center - wKš‘ H `yBUvi
g‡a¨ jvwM‡q w`‡q‡Q mewKQz| g‡b K‡i‡Q mgvRZvwš¿K †`k ïiæ K‡iwQ Avgiv mewKQz GKmv‡_ Ki‡ev| wKš‘
AvBb Kivi mgq †Lqvj ivLvi K_v wQ‡jv ‡h AvBb Gg‡b-Gg‡b Kiv hvq bv| AvBb Kiv m¤¢e wKbv
practically Zv hvPvB Ki‡Z nq| GUv bv K‡i AvMvgx 20/10 eQ‡iI †h welq m¤¢e bv ZvB Kiv n‡q‡Q|
1794 - Gi AvBb c‡o †`Lev General Financial Statement bvg w`‡q GKUv clause Av‡Q| H
clause -G hv Av‡Q ‡mUv bv ey‡SB 74-G AvB‡b XzwK‡q w`‡q‡Q| hv 40 eQi †M‡jI m¤¢e nqwb, AviI 10
eQ‡iI m¤¢e bv|
GLb Avg‡`i GKUz re-think Ki‡Z n‡e| AvBb¸‡jvq Ggb provision ivLv DwPZ bv hv GLb
G¨vcøvB Kiv m¤¢e bv| Kv‡RB GBUv Avgv‡`i revisit Kiv DwPZ Avgiv redraft Kivi †Póv Ki‡ev| with
the few words I am very sorry Avwg Rvwb It is a torture in a sense, nq‡Zv evB‡i wM‡q ejv nq
†h GUv GKUv UP©vi| I tell you, this is an investment. This is an investment for future. Avwg
†Zvgv‡`i Ggb wKQz ejwQ bv, †m·cxqv‡ii †Kvb GKUv †bv‡ej wb‡q c‡o G‡m wiwfD K‡iv| All these are
my business part, Kv‡RB Avgiv business-Gi KvR KiwQ| GLb classification Gi lecture n‡j
†Zvgiv contribute Ki‡Z cvi‡e wKbv, Aek¨B cvi‡e| iBAS system-G classification-Gi GL
concept eyS‡Z cviev wKbv| cÖ‡Z¨KUv module, ‡hgb t budget execution module, general
ledger, payment module, accounting moudule, cÖ‡Z¨KUv †`L‡Z cvivi Rb¨ Avgv‡`i me
Awdmvi‡`i KvR Kiv DwPZ| Thank you very much.

Page 147 of 196

Session: EIGHT

New classification system Gi Dc‡i cÖ`Ë Dc¯’vcbvi wel‡q `k©K mvwii GK cÖ‡kœi Rev‡et
miKvi e¨vsK †_‡K bond issue K‡i †h loan ‡bq Zv Znwe‡ji 11 bv 12 bv 13 b¤^i †mM‡g‡›U Gw›Uª n‡e,
GUv †`‡L wbI| e¨vsK †_‡K loan ‡bqv K_vUv appropriate bv, †Kbbv miKvi bond issue Ki‡j GUv ‡h
†KD wKb‡e ev wKb‡Z cvi‡e, GUv nÕj liberty of investor| Even one individual person Zvi hw`
†Kvb savings _v‡K †m Bond, Bill, Primary Dealer Gi gva¨‡g wKb‡Z cv‡i| evsjv‡`‡k
individual investor bond †Kbvi practice GLbI †Zgb Pvjy nqwb| †Zgb nqwb ej‡Z, gv‡S gv‡S
Avwg †`LwQ 2/1 Rb †UªRvix bill-bondI wK‡b‡Q primary dealer Gi gva¨‡g| †kqvi gv‡K©‡Ui g‡Zv
auction G AskMÖnY K‡i cÖvBgvwi wWjviiv, Avi individual iv AMÖYx e¨vsK‡K ej‡Q Avgvi 3 †KvwU UvKv
Av‡Q Avwg 5 eQi †gqv` Gi †UªRvwi eÛ wKb‡ev | AMÖYx e¨vsK ZLb wKfv‡e GUv cÖ‡mm Ki‡Q Zv c‡i
wW‡UBjW eje| eÛ wKb‡Q g~jZt e¨vsKviv G Kvi‡Y †Zvgv‡`i mevi g‡b n‡”Q miKvi e¨vsK †_‡K loan
e¨vsK †_‡K loan †bq -GUv g‡b n‡”Q †h‡nZz investor wn‡m‡e evsjv‡`‡k only banker ivB
cÖvBgvwi wWjvi, GB Kvi‡b g‡b n‡”Q e¨vsK †_‡K loan †bq| wKš‘ miKvi Treasury bond / bill w`‡q †h
loan †bq GB loan Uv †Zv ev‡RU finance Gi Rb¨ nIqvi K_v | ev‡R‡U GUv ‡Kvb As‡k ivL‡e, GLb
normally Avgv‡`i ev‡R‡Ui hZ expenditure meB nZ Consolidated Fund n‡Z| Avgv‡`i CF
†_‡KB GmKj e¨q nq| CF G UvKv Rgv n‡q‡Q †Kv‡Ì‡K ? miKv‡ii Avq †_‡K miKv‡ii FY †_‡K (†`kxq
Ges we‡`kx)| miKvi †`kxq FY †h¸‡jv wb‡”Q †m¸‡jv n‡”Q fungible FY, terminology fungible,
fungible FY †h‡nZz wb‡”Q †Kvb particular purpose-G †bq bv| G¸‡jv F‡Yi bvg fungible FY|
†Kvb loan hw` miKvi †bq, †m loan †Kvb specific purpose - G bv, Zvn‡j †Kvb purpose G ?
miKv‡ii ev‡R‡Ui funding Gi Rb¨| GUv †h †Kvb purpose G n‡Z cv‡i| GUv‡K e‡j fungible
funding| treasury bill, bond w`‡q, miKvi †h loan ‡bq †m loan e¨envi K‡i miKvi Zvi budget
Gi financing Gi Rb¨| Particular project finance Gi Rb¨ bv| Zvn‡j miKv‡ii budget
financing Gi source wK ? Revenue, (both tax Avi non-tax) mv‡_ fungible loan, fungible
grant, - GUv †`wkI n‡Z cv‡i we‡`wkI n‡Z cv‡i| GZUzKz wbðqB clear n‡q‡Q|
wKš‘ evsjv‡`‡ki g‡Zv †`‡k GZUzKz †`Lv hv‡”Q, hw`I GUv Av‡¯Í Av‡¯Í change n‡q hv‡”Q c¨vwim
wWK¬v‡ikb Ab GBW B‡dw±f‡bm& GÛ harmonization-Gi effort wn‡m‡e| GLbI evsjv‡`k foreign
financing project PvB but GB treasury ‡Z †h change Avm‡Z‡Q †Zvgiv ‡Zv eyS‡Z‡Qv| wKfv‡e

Page 148 of 196

Avm‡Q GB cwieZ©b| Avm‡Q KviY sector budget support Avm‡Q | General budget support A_©vr
foreign donor ivI now commitment bound †h Zviv project financing †_‡K fungible
financing Ki‡e|
Fungible financing nq `yBfv‡e -1g Uv n‡jv sector budget support Avi Zvi †P‡qI DbœZ
ms¯‹iY n‡jv general budget support| GLb †Zvgiv †`L‡Z cv‡”Qv health G primary education
G higher education G wK n‡”Q| Sector budget support n‡”Q Ges budget support Av‡¯Í Av‡¯Í
fungibility evov‡”Q| †Kgb K‡i - PEDP – III Õi †P‡q PEDP – IV G GLb Zviv ej‡Q mivmwi
treasury †Z UvKv †`‡ev| Avi Avcbv‡`i evaluate Ki‡ev | Project financing †_‡K ‡ewi‡q bZzb
ai‡bi dvwÛs‡qi †Póv, ejv n‡”Q IUvi bvg P4R| P4R gv‡b more fungible, wKš‘ ZviciI wK ejv hvq
bv †h A‡bK financing GLbI c~‡e©i g‡Zv project type i‡q‡Q| Project type ‡h ¸‡jv i‡q †M‡Q -
G¸‡jv †ÿ‡Î donor Õiv Avgv‡`i wK e‡j‡Q, Zviv ej‡Q CONTASA GKvD›Um K‡iv, DOSA K‡iv|
G¸‡jv Avgvi AG system Gi evwn‡i _vK‡Q bv wfZ‡i _vK‡Q ? Avgv‡`i AG System, Pay-master
Gi System-Gi evB‡i P‡j hv‡”Q| evB‡i hvIqvi c‡i evB‡i Avevi LiP K‡i Zvi ci Avevi wnmve w`‡jv-
w`‡jv bv G iKg GKUv Ae¯’v| A_©vr Avgvi fiscal & financial reporting Gi GKUv gap †_‡K hv‡”Q|
†mB R‡b¨ Avgvi AvBwWqvUv Avm‡Q †h Avgiv hw` 12 Avi 13 ivwL Zvn‡j Avgiv donor †K
compel Ki‡Z cvi‡ev| Donor iv CONTASA, DOSA Pvq imprest Pvq| Donor Avgvi
fiduciary assessment G evi evi e‡j †h, †Zvgvi accounting Ges payment system GLb real
time G| Zvn‡j Avgvi project expenditure Gi reporting Gi Rb¨ flexibility †Zv _vK‡Z n‡e|
Kv‡RB Avgv‡i extra package w`‡Z n‡e hvi `iæb financing Avwg Avjv`v Ki‡ev, Avjv`v accounting
Ki‡ev| GUv ivLvi D‡Ïk¨ n‡jv wM‡q, Zzwg (donor) GK KvR K‡iv, Zzwg (donor) mywbw`©ó †Kvb project
Gi Rb¨ hw` loan `vI ev grant `vI Avwg 12 Ges 13 w`‡q GBUv entry w`‡ev| LiP Kivi mgqI Gw›Uª
Ki‡ev †UªRvwi‡Z| CONTASA †Z Gw›Uª bv w`‡q †Kv_vq Gw›Uª w`‡ev, treasury ‡Z Gw›Uª w`e| Zvn‡j
Avgvi cash management improve Ki‡jv, †Kbbv K¨vk Avi evB‡i hv‡”Q bv Ii wfZiB _vK‡Q| Zvn‡j
Avgvi borrowing cost minimize n‡e|
Zvn‡j Gic‡i hZevi GB project G LiP n‡e (†Kvb particular project-G ev †Kvb grant Gi
project ev loan Gi project) Li‡Pi mgqI GUv link Ki‡Z n‡e| †Zvgiv A‡bK wKQzB fz‡j ‡MQ| hw`I
G¸‡jv AvwgI K‡iwQ, GLb eqm n‡q‡Q, AvwgI wKQz fz‡j hvw”Q| Avevi chapter change n‡”Q, chapter
wKQz fzjwQ - wKQz Avevi bZzb K‡i Avm‡Q| me chapter g‡b ivLv DwPZI bv| chapter Avgvi g‡b ivLv

Page 149 of 196

DwPZ bv ZvB e‡j wK chapter nvwi‡q hv‡e | GB chapter †Zvgv‡`i Nv‡o co‡e| Avgvi KvQ †_‡K shift
n‡q †Zvgv‡`i Nv‡o co‡e| †Zvgv‡`i gv_vq GUv ivL‡Z n‡e|
Avgvi †ggwi †_‡K ejwQ hw`I _vKvi K_v bq ZeyI GB `yBUv Avm‡e | GB `yBUv Avm‡Q donor
†`i compel Kivi Rb¨ ‡h Zzwg (donor) Avgvi AG system Gi evB‡i hvev bv| GLb Avwg †Zvgvi AG
System G _vK‡j Avwg †Zv †ei Ki‡Z cvwi bv ‡h †Kvb cÖK‡í KZ wgwjqb w`‡q‡Q Zvi Li‡Pi Rb¨ | Zvi
Li‡Pi wnmve †Zv Avwg w`‡Z cvwi bv| GB K_v wK eyS‡Qv ‡h - GLb H particular project hw` link Kiv
_v‡K GB 12 Õi mv‡_ Zvn‡j Li‡Pi mgq 12 hw` Avwg link Ki‡Z cvwi real time-G, H project Gi
expenditure, CGA g‡nv`q Ibvi wm‡÷g †_‡K w`‡Z cvi‡eb| hw` w`‡Z cv‡ib Zvn‡j, I †hB Kvi‡b
CONTASA Õi m„wó K‡i‡Q, †mB Kvi‡b commercial bank-G GKvD›U m„wó K‡i‡Q - HUvi relevance
nvwi‡q hv‡e| Zvn‡j Avgvi capacity Zv‡`i compel Ki‡e A_©vr GLb †_‡K Zvi mv‡_ GB ch©v‡q K_v
ej‡Z cvi‡ev|
12 Avi 13 fvwel¨‡Z _vK‡e bv, nvwi‡q hv‡e| KLb nviv‡e ? hLb project financing eÜ n‡q
hv‡e, hLb Avgv‡`i international commitment Paris declaration & other harmonization Gi
effort wn‡m‡e GK n‡q hv‡e; †h †Kvb financing Gi ‡ÿ‡Î general budget support, sector
budget support Gi †Kvb Avjv`v ‡mM‡g›U jvM‡e wKbv - improvement jvM‡j suggest Ki‡Z n‡e|
wKš‘ conceptually mwVK n‡Z n‡e| Zvn‡j treasury bill bond Gi Rb¨ Avjv`v †Kvb segment
jvM‡e bv| Kvib H UvKv use n‡e, fungible financing Gi Rb¨| Treasury bond bill †Kv_vq Ly‡u R
cv‡e - Economic Segment G bond †K cvIqv hv‡e, Avi project segment ev operation
segment G wK cvIqv hv‡e|
‡Zvgiv †h eB wjL‡e, cÖ‡Z¨‡KB wjL‡e, I have decided GUv wjL‡Z n‡e, cy‡iv eB wjL‡Z n‡e,
Introduction to government audit & accounts evbv‡Z/wjL‡Z n‡e| GZ¸‡jv chapter evbv‡jB
†Zv eB n‡q hv‡e| deadline †`Bwb wKš‘ don’t think deadline unlimited n‡e| GK mgq close n‡e,
mgq w`‡qwQ hv‡Z space cvI, covi space cvI| Altogether that will be a heavy one, compile
K‡i, quality assure K‡i - Introduction to government audit & accounts eB n‡e| In next
5 years term, I am not thinking in terms of human resource management rather GUv‡K
wcÖwf‡jR wn‡m‡e wbw”Q †h Avgvi audit G †h KvR K‡i accounts G †h KvR K‡i Zviv belongs to
same cadre| It its an advantage GUv A‡bK †`‡ki †bB| GUv e‡jB whwb accounts group-G KvR
Ki‡eb Ibvi hv pre-audit Kivi K_v Dwb under a regulatory framework †mUv appropriately

Page 150 of 196

Ki‡eb, hv‡Z IbviB same group-Gi Avi GKUv cost of audit †h Av‡Q Zv minimize nq,
economize nq| GUv wK clear mevi Kv‡Q ?
It is not that, the accounts is handed over to someone| GLb †h structure Av‡Q
†mfv‡e continue n‡e| wKš‘ Zvi accounts incorporate Kivi Av‡M, GUv AviI GKUv blessings †hUv
Gi Av‡M g~jZt post audit Gi compilation n‡Zv, pre-audit K‡i payment K‡i Zvici
compilation n‡”Q across the country| Civil side G †hUv mxwgZ wQ‡jv, GLb †mUv country wide
n‡”Q| GUv‡KB leverage Ki‡ev| wKš‘ GKUv discipline Avb‡e †h, accounts review n‡e, audit hLb
Ki‡e, ZLb accounts review Ki‡e| Review terminology Avgiv technically use KiwQ GUv
Av‡MB e‡jwQ| Accounts review †hgb - whwb preaudit K‡i accounts Ki‡eb Dwb accounts Gi
reliable & timely accounts Kiv Ibvi `vwqZ¡|
Avi †h mg¯Í SAE Av‡Q Zviv †h accounts K‡i, ‡h mKj accounts Gi payment n‡”Q
outside AG, but vouchers Avm‡Z‡Q wKš‘ without opening vouchers, without looking at
sanctions, †Kvb observation raise bv K‡iB hw` accounts for Kiv nq Z‡e †mUv allow Kiv hv‡e
bv| GUv wmwRG g‡nv`q‡K Avwg Av‡MI e‡jwQ, all specialized department account open Ki‡Z
n‡e| account Gi observations Zviv w`‡e, observations Gi copy DG (audit) †KI w`‡e|
wmwRG †K †Zv w`‡eB| wmwRGi AvBwmBD n‡Z G¸‡jv follow Kiv n‡e| wWwR (audit) †K †`‡e KviY Zviv
master audit file G working point †h¸‡jv raise n‡q‡Q †m¸‡jv ‡iKW© K‡i ivL‡e hv‡Z c‡i Gi
mv‡_ AviI reinforce Ki‡Z cv‡i - GB n‡jv basic idea.

Capital CF


wPÎt 7 - GKvD›U‡mi wWwfkb/‡mKkbmg~n

AvR‡K Avwg Ab¨ GKUv wel‡q Avjvc Ki‡ev, †h‡nZz welqUv D‡V‡Q| hLb iBAS †`L‡ev ZLb
iBAS G new classification G GKvD›U‡m&i wWwfkb¸‡jv embedded n‡q‡Q wKbv †mUvI †`L‡ev|
Page 151 of 196
†hgbt Revenue, Capital, Debt GUv CF Avi Remittance GUv PA| Debt n‡jv Saving
Certificate Gi debt GUv PA| hw`I Saving certificate budget financing Gi Rb¨ bv GUv
savings DØy× Kivi Rb¨| GRb¨ GUv PA| GLb debt m¤ú‡K© ej‡Z wM‡q hw` Gme K_v ewj Zvn‡j
classification eyS‡Z myweav n‡e| Avgv‡`i budget Gi revenue portion wK surplus bv deficit ?
surplus, ultimately overall wM‡q deficit|
GB deficit finance Kivi Rb¨ Avgiv 2005 Gi AvM ch©šÍ ‡hUv wQ‡jv †mUv stop ivwL
AvcvZZ| a‡i ‡bB, miKvi balance budget Ki‡Q| What is balance budget ? miKv‡ii
expenditure both capital & revenue hw` miKv‡ii tax and non-tax ‡i‡fb¨yi mgvb nq Zvn‡j
Zvi bvg balance budget|
hw` awi treasury bond bill (forget about foreign borrowing, local Uv ewj say for
example Avgv‡`i foreign borrowing) bvB, sector financing bvB, sector budget support
bvB, general budget support bvB, Zvn‡j miKvi balance K‡i‡Q | Avevi ewj, assumption K‡i
bvI, †Kvb foreign borrowing bvB, all domestic finance miKvi balance budget K‡i‡Q Zvn‡j
wK treasury bill bond issue Ki‡Z n‡e ? saving certificate I †bB, GPF I †bB, Zvnv‡j miKvi‡K
†Kvb treasury bill bond issue Ki‡Z n‡e wKbv ? miKvi balance budget K‡i‡Q GUv momentary
bvwK one year ch©šÍ? mviv eQi ch©šÍ| On daily basis hw` wPšÍv K‡iv Z‡e, miKv‡ii revenue
expenditure wK daily basis G matching K‡i K‡i AvMv‡e - bvwK †Kvb w`b revenue †ekx n‡e
†Kvbw`b payment †ekx n‡e| †i‡fb¨y Ges ‡c‡g›U mKj w`b mgvb n‡e bv| If this is the case Zvn‡j
†evSv hv‡”Q, miKv‡ii cash management purpose-GI borrow Ki‡Z nq| Not for budget
financing GB K_v †evSv †M‡jv wKbv ? Avevi ejwQ, miKvi balance ev‡RU Ki‡jI miKvi‡K
borrow Ki‡Z nq| wKš‘ H borrowing Gi bvg deficit financing Gi borrowing bq| †m
borrowing n‡jv cash mis-match ‡K cover Kivi borrowing| Zvn‡j GUv borrow Kivi Rb¨
hw` Kv‡ivI mv‡_ agreement Kiv hvq Zvn‡j B¾Z euv‡P wKbv ?
B¾Z euv‡P ej‡ZwQ Kvib - G‡ÿ‡Î me‡P‡q †gvÿg cvwU© †K ? Kvi mv‡_ G KvR Kiv nq ? msMZ
Kvi‡bB †h Avgvi e¨vsKvi _v‡K| Avwg hv‡K Avgvi TSA maintain Ki‡Z w`‡qwQ| †m Avgvi e¨vsKvi bq
wK ? Zvi ILv‡b Avgvi UvKv Rgv nq| Zvi KvQ †_‡KB payment nq| Zvi mv‡_ hw` agreement Kwi
Z‡e Avgvi Rb¨ myweav nq| GB agreement evsjv‡`k e¨vs‡Ki mv‡_B Ki‡Z n‡e| evsjv‡`k e¨vs‡Ki mv‡_
GKUv agreement _vK‡Z n‡e| Avwg hLb Deputy Secretary n‡qwQ ZLb Luy‡R †cjvg GKUv
agreement Av‡Q| GB agreement hLb mvBb K‡iwQ‡jv ZLb ev‡RU mnR wQ‡jv| 2000 †KvwU UvKv

Page 152 of 196

gvÎ| Avi Avwg hLb †`L‡Z †MwQ ZLb ev‡RU mvBR 37,000 †KvwU ev 40,000 †KvwU| Zv n‡j †evSv hv‡”Q
ZLb agreement †hUv K‡i‡Q †m amount 20 †KvwU bv KZ UvKv wQ‡jv| GZ eQi c‡i GUv wK
sufficient wQ‡jv ? Kvib ev‡RU size to 10/20 ¸b †e‡o †M‡Q wKš‘ H agreement Gi amount Gi
size ev‡o wb|
Gfv‡e hw` Avjøvni Iqv‡¯Í †`k P‡j Zvn‡j wK Avi evov‡bvi `iKvi Av‡Q ? evsjv‡`k e¨vsK I †Kvb
K_v ej‡Q bv, government I GUv wb‡q fve‡Q bv Avjøvni Iqv‡¯Í payment I n‡”Q, Avjøvni Iqv‡¯Í
Receipt I n‡”Q| †Kvb study †bB| H agreement Gi bvg n‡jv ways & means advance| Ways
& means K_vUvi g‡a¨B DËi Av‡Q| G¸‡jv eyS‡Z n‡e, accounting entity I eyS‡Z n‡e, even
ways & means wb‡q ‡Zv Avgv‡`i observation †`qvi K_v| GKev‡iB observation n‡qwQ‡jv
Farmeen & Jashim wg‡j GKUv performance type AwWU K‡iwQ‡jv| Av‡M-c‡i Avi nqwb| n‡e
‡Kv‡Ì‡K Rvwb bv †Zv|
A‡bK †f‡e †`‡LwQ, GZ my›`i GKUv terminology weªwUkiv †Kv‡Ì‡K †ei Ki‡jv- Avwg †ei
K‡iwQ Gfv‡e, government hLb way nvwi‡q ‡d‡j ZLb means LyuR‡Z †ei nq| †k‡l evsjv‡`k
e¨vs‡Ki mv‡_ ‡`Lv nevi c‡i e‡j advance `vI| Zvi gv‡b n‡jv, government way nvivq, wKfv‡e
nvivq receipt w`‡q payment n‡”Q bv way nvwi‡q †d‡j‡Q | GLb miKv‡ii B¾Z euvPv‡bvi means
LyuR‡Z n‡e GB Kvi‡b banker Gi mv‡_ agreement K‡i †h, Avgv‡K wec‡` †d‡jv bv, hLbB short
co‡e Zzwg advance wn‡m‡e w`‡q w`I, c‡i hw` evowZ nq Avevi GBUv adjust KB‡iv| Gi bvg ways &
means advance| evsjv‡`‡ki ev‡RU size eo n‡q hv‡”Q wKš‘ ways & means Gi size eo nq bv|
ZLb GB mvBR evwo‡q 5000 †KvwU Kijvg| c‡i 10,000 †KvwU n‡q‡Q †eva nq| Ways & means
advance GUv miKv‡ii deficit Gi Rb¨ bv, cash management Gi Rb¨ | Management †Kvb
mgq hw` daily basis G cover bv K‡i Zvn‡j audit G GKUv observation †`qv hvq| wK
observation - Zzwg cash †K wVKg‡Zv manage bv K‡i †Zvgvi cash †K Ab¨ RvqMvq †i‡L w`‡q‡Qv,
hvi Kvi‡b ways & means G Pvc co‡Q or, ways & means Gi wmwjs evov‡bv DwPZ| GB
observation ivL‡Z cv‡iv| deficit financing †Kvb loan bq, Z‡e loan n‡e ZLbB hLb loan to the
central bank by the govt, adjust n‡e| Revenue n‡e, definitely, evsjv‡`k e¨vsK is a gnvRb|
Ways & means Gi mv‡_ REPO & reverse-REPO’ i mv‡_ link K‡i GKUv interest rate fix
Kiv Av‡Q| cÖkœ K‡i A‡b‡K, Òevsjv‡`k e¨vsK †Zv government-Gi bank Zvn‡j interest w`‡q jvf
wK ?Ó GUv n‡jv institutional accountability †K separate ivLvi Rb¨| Kvib government and
evsjv‡`k e¨vsK same bq|

Page 153 of 196

G Kvi‡b miKv‡ii cash management Gi failure Gi Rb¨ †h cost Av‡Q GB cost bear
Ki‡Z n‡e| GB arrangement Avevi evsjv‡`k e¨vsK †h Avjv`v institution ZviI GKUv Avjv`v
income ivLvi Rb¨| †h‡nZz †mB money management K‡i ZviI income Ki‡Z n‡e| Kv‡RB GBUv
†Kvb hyw³i K_v bv ‡h evsjv‡`k e¨vsK Avgvi e¨vsK| Kv‡RB ÔAvgiv AvgivB†ZvÕ GB K_v DwPZ bv| Kv‡RB
interest rate Av‡Q| GKUv welq Zvn‡j eySjvg †h, balance budget n‡jI ways & means Gi
provision ivLv‡Z n‡e| hv‡Z revenue & expense Gi g‡a¨ mis-match Uv handle Kiv hvq|
Kv‡RB time to time GUv review Ki‡Z n‡e| Ways & means Gi amount Uv cwieZ©b Ki‡Z n‡e|
Gi ci evsjv‡`‡ki ev‡RU †h‡nZz deficit ev‡RU ways & means Gi evB‡i Avgv‡K borrow Ki‡Z
n‡e| miKvi 2005 ch©šÍ borrow Ki‡Zv automatic| G K_v eyS‡Z n‡e audit Gi Rb¨I accounts
Gi Rb¨I| fiscal economics Gi Rb¨I eyS‡Z n‡e| economy †K eyS‡ZI eyS‡Z n‡e| I was the
sole person who had changed the world ZvB Avgvi mv‡_ link K‡iwQ|
2005 ch©šÍ †Kgb wQj ? Treasury bond e‡j wKQz wQ‡jv bv| GKUv 2 years bond wQ‡jv| ZvI
wK Kvi‡b Pvjy n‡qwQ‡jv, HUv function Ki‡Z bv| 2-years Gi TR bond wQ‡jv| KvR Ki‡Zv bv|
treasury bill wQ‡jv 28 w`b, 56 w`b, 81 w`b, 128 w`b 364 w`‡bi| 4Uv/5Uv wQ‡jv| treasury bill /
bond is a central bank instrument, true or false ? False. It is a borrowing instrument of
government. 2015 ‡Z study K‡i †ei Kijvg interesting welq- miKvi ways & means wb‡qI
wPšÍv Ki‡Zv bv, deficit financing GiI †LvR Lei ivL‡Zv bv| evsjv‡`k miKv‡ii g‡Zv evsjv‡`k
e¨vsKI worried wQ‡jv bv| †Kb ? KviY `ywbqv‡Zv Pj‡QB| G¸‡jvi †h economic impact Av‡Q,
economic growth Gi welq Av‡Q, G¸‡jv wb‡q sensitize nIqviI welq Av‡Q, †mUvI wQ‡jv bv| ‡h
†Kvb †PK †c‡jB evsjv‡`k e¨vsK †c‡g›U Ki‡Zv, AG office-Gi †PK n‡jB n‡Zv Ges ‡PK †c‡g›U K‡i
w`‡q either ways & means G wj‡L ivL‡Zv or treasury bill †h †Kvb GKUv‡Z wj‡L ivL‡Zv | hZ`yi
ways & means Av‡Q †mUv †kl Ki‡j evwKUv bill G wj‡L ivL‡Zv|
Treasury bill G Avevi date wjL‡Zv bv| 28 w`‡bi Uvq generic term G wj‡L ivL‡Zv| Zvn‡j
bill wj‡L w`‡q w`‡Zv| bill Gi amount wK Appropriation bv Finance Accounts G hv‡”Q ?
Finance Accounts G, Appropriation Gi mv‡_ G¸‡jvi m¤úK© bvB| evsjv‡`k e¨vsK Ggb treasury
bill wj‡L w`‡j miKv‡ii impact Av‡Q wKbv ? money supply ‡Z impact Av‡Q| Kvib cash Uv
change nIqvi gv‡b market G money supply evov| miKvi hw` unlimited cheque issue K‡i
expenditure K‡i money supply ‡Z GUv add n‡e wKbv ? Zvn‡j it can fuel on inflation|
Inflation control Gi `vwqZ¡ Kvi ? central bank Gi| Inflator gv‡b Pzjvq Av¸b R¡vjv‡”Q †K ?

Page 154 of 196

miKvi| Zvn‡j GLv‡b GKUv conflict m„wó n‡jv wKbv ? G K_v eySv `iKvi| miKvi hw` †PK Bmy¨ K‡i Ges
evsjv‡`k e¨vsK hw` unlimited †c‡g›U w`‡Z _v‡K Zvn‡j evsjv‡`‡ki e¨vs‡Ki monetary policy
¯^vaxbfv‡e Pj‡Q bvwK miKvi intervene Ki‡Q| Zvn‡j †evSv hv‡”Q monetary policyÕi
independence bó n‡”Q, coordination Le© n‡”Q|
GKUz technical K_v Zey †Zvgv‡`i fv‡jv K‡i eywS‡q w`w”Q †h, evsjv‡`k miKvi †PK w`‡”Q|
evsjv‡`k e¨vsK without asking question payment Ki‡Q, evsjv‡`k e¨vsK †h target fix Ki‡Q Avwg
miKvi‡K GZ w`‡ev, private sector †K GZ w`‡ev Zv wK evsjv‡`k e¨vs‡Ki decision Gi control G
Av‡Q bv government Zvi 12 Uv evwR‡q w`‡jv| A_P evsjv‡`k e¨vsK cÖwZ 3 gvm AšÍi monetary
policy statement G ej‡Q, public sector credit Avwg GZ cvi‡m›U Gi Dc‡i aiwQ bv Avi miKvi
†PK w`‡jB †m honor Ki‡Q Avi UvKv market G P‡j Avm‡Q| evsjv‡`k e¨vsK UvKv †`qvi ci treasury
bill G †jLvi ci evsjv‡`k e¨vsK wK wec‡` c‡o‡Q ? †diZ †Zv cv‡e| wKš‘ wec` GKUv n‡q‡Q money
supply growth evsjv‡`k e¨vsK hv assessment K‡iwQ‡jv Zv evsjv‡`k e¨vsK Gi control G bvB| GB
control m„wó Kivi Rb¨ †m Avevi Av‡iK KvR Ki‡Z‡Q| †m wec‡` Av‡Q, money supply Zvi control
G bvB, ‡Zv money supply †e‡o †M‡Q evsjv‡`k e¨vsK ZvB money control Kivi Rb¨ T-bill †h
wjL‡Q G¸‡jv‡i Avevi wewfbœ day †Z fvM K‡i G¸‡jv‡i Avevi auction w`‡”Q|
Auction w`‡q Avevi UvKv Zzj‡Z‡Q, UvKv Zz‡j †bevi Rb¨| Zvn‡j mgm¨vUv wM‡q †Kv_vq `uvov‡jv|
Zvn‡j GUv‡K GKUv †eKze cÖ‡mm g‡b n‡”Q bv ? GUv‡K Zvn‡j ïiæ‡ZB eÜ Kiv `iKvi wQ‡jv| GKevi
miKvi‡K w`‡jv, w`‡q money supply evov‡jv, Zvici T-Bill 28, 56 w`‡b evsjv‡`k e¨vsK wewfbœ
e¨vs‡Ki Kv‡Q auction wewµ K‡i UvKv Zzj‡Q Ges I‡`i‡K interest w`‡”Q miKv‡ii GKvD›U †_‡K| A_P
cÖ_‡g ‡m miKvi‡K w`‡q w`‡q‡Q T-Bill bvg w`‡q| GKUv gap n‡q †M‡Q GUv nIqv DwPZ bv| T-Bill Kvi
? miKv‡ii, Zvn‡j cÖ_‡gB issue Kiv DwPZ wQ‡jv Kvi, auction nIqv DwPZ Kvi bv‡g ? Avevi UvKv †h
cv‡e auction G Zv evsjv‡`k e¨vsK Av‡M w`‡q w`‡e Zvici Zv Zz‡j wb‡e GB nIqvi K_v bq|
G¸‡jv Avgv‡`i audit observation, Finance Accounts hLb audit Ki‡ev A_©vr Finance
Accounts Gi overall †`Lvi †ÿ‡Î cÖwZwU item a‡i a‡i †`Lvi K_v, observation †`qvi K_v| KZUzKz
cvi‡ev Zv depend Ki‡e KZUzKz performance n‡e Zvi Dci| G Z UzK z eyS v‡Z †c‡iwQ wK bv ? Avevi ewj
T-Bond ‡Z v bv-B 200 5 G i ci †_ ‡K | T-Bill issue K i‡j K vi Bm y¨ K ivi K _v, auction K vi K ivi
K _ v, auction-G i UvK v m ivmwi †K v_ vq Avmvi K _ v ? TSA†Z Avmvi K_v| Avi 2005 ch©š Í wK Pj‡Zv ?

Av‡M evsjv‡`k e¨vsK UvKv w`‡q w`‡Zv Gici Avevi T-Bill w`‡q UvKv Zz‡j wb‡Zv| †m G¸‡jv UzKiv UzKiv
Ki‡Zv| AviI gRvi K_v Av‡Q| GB UzKivi mv‡_ miKv‡ii ev‡RU financing Gi †Kvb relation bvB| †m

Page 155 of 196

Avevi ev‡RU Ki‡Zv Zvi monetary policy †Z K‡i KZ UvKv †Zvjv `iKvi| Zvn‡j Avgvi fiscal
requirement Gi financing ‡m Avevi GUvi (T-Bill) Gi KvR Ki‡Z wM‡q Zvi gv_vq KvR Ki‡Z‡Q
Zvi monetary policy nheij| GZUzKz clear ? 2005 wM‡q †`Ljvg wØZxqZ Av‡iKUv problem|
‡Zvgv‡`i Avwg first wkwL‡qwQ revenue †Z Avgiv wK deficit bv surplus| mvicøvm| Zvn‡j Avwg
borrow Kwi Kvi Rb¨ ? capital expenditureGi Rb¨, ADP i Rb¨ bq| AvR‡Ki session †bIqvi
c‡i GB iKg technical session wb‡Z cvivi K_v| Gi c‡i Avgiv total national account-GI †h‡Z
cvwi, macro economic level-GI ‡h‡Z cvwi| Whole economy †ZI †h‡Z cvwi| GLb ïay Avgiv
Fiscal economy wb‡q AvwQ| Avgiv borrow Kwi, Introduction to Government Audit &
Accounts ev rule book co‡j †`Lev government borrows for capital expenditure GUv †jLv
Av‡Q| A‡bK mgq gvbv n‡”Q bv, gvbv bv n‡j Avgiv observe Ki‡Z cvwi| miKvi KiæK, ev bv KiæK|
Zvn‡j Avgiv capital expenditure Gi Rb¨ borrow Kwi| T-Bill Kvi issue Kivi K_v, Ki‡Q †K ?
ZLb wK fiscal requirement bv †`‡L GB fvM¸‡jv Ki‡Q Zvi requirement Abyhvqx| GBUv nIqv DwPZ
wQ‡jv ‡h, miKvi mivmwi Zvi financing requirement Gi Rb¨ government deficit cash flow
†`‡L †Kvb gv‡m KZ cash `iKvi Zv hvPvB K‡i decide Ki‡e| 2005 G G‡m †`Ljvg no more
borrowing from evsjv‡`k e¨vsK| evsjv‡`k e¨vsK †_‡K ïay borrow n‡e ways & means Gi
gva¨‡g, mv‡_ GKUv over draft †i‡LwQ Kvib GLbI ch©šÍ jvB‡b Avm‡e bv| Avi me borrow n‡e
miKv‡ii calendar Abyhvqx| miKvi decide Ki‡e| future G CGA will provide miKv‡ii cash
flow| future G bv AvR‡K †_‡K 10 eQi Av‡MB GBUv provide Kivi K_v wQj| Z‡e †`vl w`w”Q bv|
Cash flow requirement wK ? hw` iBAS wVKg‡Zv KvR K‡i evsjv‡`k e¨vsK hw` real time
G online nq, me hw` real time nq Zvn‡j cash flow †ei Ki‡Z cvi‡e bv †Kb ? even Avwg
different agencyÕi KvQ †_‡K procurement plan wb‡q future cash flow I †ei Ki‡Z cvwi|
procurement plan †`L‡Z cvwi, ‡h †Kvb time †`L‡Z cvwi| knowledge base-†K cemented bv
Ki‡j future G hv ej‡ev Zv ai‡Z cviev bv|
28 w`‡b T-bill KZ k †KvwU UvKvi †mUv Av‡M decide Kivi K_v government Gi | evsjv‡`k
e¨vs‡Ki Dcvq bvB, ‡m wec‡` c‡o †M‡Q †Kbbv miKvi‡K UvKv Av‡M w`‡q w`‡q‡Q wKš‘ miKvi Avi Lei
w`‡”Q bv| MfY©i PvKwi euvPv‡bvi Zv‡j Av‡Qb, wPšÍv Ki‡Z‡Qb AvMvgx 28 w`‡b money supply wKfv‡e/KZ
Zz‡j Avb‡Z n‡e| Zvn‡j AZUzKz cwigvY 28 w`b T-bill wewµ Kivi K_v fve‡Qb| A_P GB T-bill w`‡q
Ii GB KvR nIqvi K_v bq| Avgvi (miKv‡ii) KvR nIqvi K_v ZvB Avwg stop Kijvg| GLb †_‡K ïay
ways & means Qvov evsjv‡`k e¨vsK fiscal account-G ev treasury-‡Z †Kvb UvKv w`‡e bv| UvKv

Page 156 of 196

Avm‡e, miKvi calendar evbv‡e †mB Abyhvqx| AvwgB e‡j w`‡ev T-Bill 28 w`‡bi Rb¨ GZ kÕ †KvwU
UvKv, 56 w`‡bi Rb¨ GZ kÕ †KvwU UvKv| You evsjv‡`k e¨vsK, you only circulate, ‡h AgyKw`b
auction n‡e|
Individual ev banker iv hvi B”Qv †m auction G participate Ki‡Z cvi‡e| Z‡e
individual mivmwi cv‡i bv| H †h primary dealer Av‡Q 14/20 Uv Zv‡`i gva¨‡g Ki‡Z nq like
†kqvi gv‡K©U| wKš‘ mgm¨v †Zv i‡q †M‡Q ; GKUv ejjvg T-Bill Avgiv Ki‡ev| GUv Avgv‡`i financing
phylosophy Õi mv‡_ fit K‡i bv| GK eÜz Avi GK eÜzi KvQ ‡_‡K loan Pv‡”Q| e‡j ÔAvgv‡K 1 †KvwU
UvKv loan `vIÕ - ÔK‡e w`evÕ, Ô6 gvm c‡i w`‡q w`‡evÕ| ÔZzwg wK Kiev †jvb wb‡q?Õ Ôevwo evbv‡evÕ| ÔZzwg
evwo evbvev Avevi loan `yÕgvm c‡i w`ev ej‡Qv, †Kv‡Ì‡K w`ev ?Õ Ôevwo fvov cv‡ev †h HLvb †_‡K w`‡q
w`‡evÕ| conclusion n‡jv eÜz wPwUs Ki‡Q| wK wPwUs - capital Gi Rb¨ expenditure Ki‡Q wKš‘
cwi‡kva Ki‡e 6 gv‡m, †Kv‡Ì‡K revenue ‡_‡K| cyivB wPwUs proposal| evsjv‡`k government GB
wPwUs proposal w`‡q‡Q| hw` 28 w`‡bi bill w`‡q government deficit financing K‡i H UvKv LiP
Ki‡e capital Gi Rb¨, Zvn‡j capital expenditure Gi return wK 28 w`‡b Avm‡e ?
miKvi asset ‰Zix Ki‡e (†hUvi Rb¨ loan wb‡”Q), liability cwi‡kv‡ai mgq n‡jv gvÎ 28 w`b|
GUv‡K e‡j asset liability mismatch| I Ki‡Z cv‡i bv, miKviI GUv afford Ki‡Z cv‡i bv|
miKvi T-bill w`‡q deficit financing Ki‡Z cv‡i bv| miKvi short Uv‡g© borrow K‡i long Uv‡g©
invest Ki‡e, individual person Gi Rb¨ GUv †hgb unexpected miKv‡ii Rb¨I unexpected|
GUv‡K Avgv‡`i observation Gi Ask Ki‡Z n‡e| T-bill w`‡q borrow Kiv deficit financing Gi
principal Gi mv‡_ hvq bv| [`k©K cÖ‡kœi Rev‡et] ways & means hw` continuously break Ki‡Z
_v‡K Zvn‡j ways & means Gi limit review Ki‡Z n‡e| Avi hw` wbw`©ó w`‡b break K‡i Zvi Rb¨
overdraft ivLv Av‡Q - with a condition, short Uv‡g© borrow K‡i long Uv‡g© invest Kiv prudent
public fiscal management-Gi mv‡_ hvq bv| G Kvi‡b, T-bond Pvjy n‡jvt 5 year, 10 year, 15
year, 20 year| miKvi calendar Ki‡e deficit Gi Rb¨ bond-G, bill-G bq| long Uv‡g© borrow
K‡i long Uv‡g© invest Kivi Rb¨| asset liability match K‡i G‡Z|
Bill Avi bond Gi cv_©K¨ wK ? bill n‡jv short Uvg© ev 1 eQ‡ii g‡a¨| 1 eQ‡ii Dc‡i †M‡j
bond bvg †`qv n‡”Q| †Kvb †Kvb †`k 3wU K‡i T-bill, T-note (gva¨g/medium term), T-bond|
Avgv‡`i bill & bond| T-bond G auction n‡e deficit financing Gi Rb¨ T-bill G n‡e bv|
Zvn‡j bond G auction n‡e bill auction n‡e bv| cÖ_g K_v - 2005 G hw` nVvr K‡i bond issue
KiZvg, bill hw` totally bv ivLZvg, market G GKwU wek„•Ljv m„wó n‡Zv| wØZxqZ, e¨vsK¸‡jvi Rb¨

Page 157 of 196

GKUv money market instrument Gi cÖ‡qvRb Av‡Q| mKj e¨vsK `yB type-Gi instrument G
wewb‡qvM K‡it long term instrument & money market instrument. Money market
instrument Gi influence Av‡Q t GK I †K loan †`qv| Moreover bankerÕiv Zvi surplus memgq
mvgwqK loan w`‡q manage K‡i bv, gv‡S gv‡S `xN©‡gqv‡` invest K‡iI g¨v‡bR K‡i| Avevi invest
Ki‡Z wM‡q wemwgjøvn MÖæ‡ci Kv‡Q invest Ki‡e 3 gv‡mi /2 gv‡mi Rb¨ GUv Ki‡e ? bv| e¨vs‡Ki Rb¨
GKUv vehicle `iKvi Av‡Q| Mf‡g©›U ïay deficit Gi Rb¨ ‡jvb K‡i bv, Zvi GKUv bigger role I
Av‡Q| bigger role n‡jv financial sector †K vibrant Kiv| gvby‡li investment Gi Rb¨
benchmark ‡Kvb rate ˆZix Kiv| G¸‡jv always miKv‡ii greater role Gi Kvi‡b, most of the
deficit financing Gi Rb¨ †Kvb †Kvb †`k 100% T-bond †ei K‡i|
evsjv‡`‡k outside the government †h‡nZz alternative institutional framework †bB
money market †K incentifying Kivi Rb¨ G Rb¨ Avgiv GKUv mix K‡iwQ| 1g eQ‡i 100% Gi
g‡a¨ 70% borrowing bond G 30% bill G| Zv‡Z wK error free n‡qwQ bv error minimize
K‡iwQ| T-bill Ggb GKUv instrument †hUv w`‡q banker-ivI Zv‡`i short term liquidity manage
Ki‡Z cv‡i| moreover Zv‡`i Statutory Liquidity Ratio (SLR) requirement Gi Rb¨ UvKv
ivL‡Z nq| instrument ivL‡Z nq | e¨vsK¸‡jv GUvi Rb¨I instrument ivL‡Z cv‡i| moreover T-
bill Gi hw` GKUv competitive market ˆZix nq Zvn‡j cÖwZw`b paper G Avm‡e GLb 28 w`‡bi T-
bill wewµ n‡”Q 7% †iU G| USA †Z hw` †Kvb financial institution †K UvKv avi †`q, interest rate
wb‡q †Kvb ev‡M©b K‡i bv, even individual †K w`‡jI ev‡M©b K‡i bv| ev‡M©b bv K‡i ïay agree K‡i
†Zvgv‡K Avwg 1 †KvwU Wjvi w`jvg| †m hw` 1 gvm c‡i †`q 1 †KvwUi mv‡_ wKQz – add K‡i ‡`q| KZ K‡i
w`‡”Q †KD e‡j bv, †KD wR‡Ám K‡i bv| †Kbbv gv‡K©‡U T-bill †h rate G Pj‡Q interest rate †mUvB|
T-bill †Kb Av‡Q ? hw` total market-perfection Av‡m, T-bill financing Gi Ask _vK‡e
bv| GUv separately Av‡iKU institution w`‡q handle Kiv n‡e| evsjv‡`‡k GLbI H Ae¯’v Av‡mwb|
Zvn‡j deficite financing G T-bill †i‡LwQ, KviY Zv bv n‡j e¨vsK¸‡jv short term G liquidity
manage Ki‡Z instrument cv‡e bv| moreover market G benchmark competitive interest
ˆZix n‡e bv| Zvn‡j individual, individual ‡K loan w`‡Z †M‡j interest rate wVK K‡i wb‡Z
cvi‡e| mevB ewj market G B›Uv‡i÷ †iU †ekx/Kg | wKš‘ †KD Kvib ej‡Z cv‡i bv| mevB ej‡Q e‡j
†Kvb rate Kg/‡ekx n‡Z cv‡i bv| GUv †K decide Ki‡e market G demand supply follow K‡i|
Demand - supply hw` fair bv nq Zvn‡j Gi ‡P‡q real world Avi wKQz †bB| A_©vr demand

Page 158 of 196

supply Õi friction hw` real competitive nq Zvn‡j †h w`‡”Q †mI ey‡Sï‡b w`‡”Q, †m cv‡”Q †mI
ey‡Sky‡b cv‡”Q| GUv‡K e‡j benchmark rate determine Kiv|
‡kl K_vt deficite financing G borrow Ki‡ev bond w`‡q| bill †Kb _vK‡e ? Mf‡g©‡›Ui
greater economic role Gi Rb¨| All these are part of your Finance Accounts review,
G¸‡jv ICU’i part, ICU hZ fv‡jv KvR Ki‡e audit Gi Rb¨ ZZ myweavRbK n‡e| Gici executive
‡K ejv hv‡e, Av‡mb Avcwb supply service G GZ LiP K‡i‡Qb (CGA’i GKvD›Um Abyhvqx), Avcbvi
stationery consumption register Uv †`wL| GZ ev‡RU, GZ procurement †Kb Ki‡jb, GUvi Rb¨
Zvi Kv‡Q hv‡ev, Zvi Kv‡Q total account review Kivi Rb¨ hv‡ev bv| account ‡_‡K A‡bK
inforamtion GLv‡bB †c‡q hv‡ev| Fifty percent of my work is reduced, specially
departmental account-G hviv CAO Av‡Qv, Zviv alert n‡q hvI| You have to open vouchers,
and observation ˆZix Ki‡Z n‡e| DG (Works) Gi †ÿ‡Î works audit manual †hUv Av‡M wQ‡jv
HUv †ei K‡i †`‡Lv wKwK KvR wQ‡jv| †hUv AG(works) Gi wQ‡jv H works audit Gi g¨vbyqv‡ji g‡a¨
accounts review Av‡Q|

Page 159 of 196

Session: NINE

Let us start from yesterday’s discussion. Yesterday I said that I was not up to
the mark, I said that my efficiency level was not that much high, still then I tried and
tired to accomplish my job. Threading the beads from last session: yesterday we
discussed that our a budget deficit is financed from Consolidated Fund. To make the
understanding clearer and less complicated, let us assume that there is no funding
from the Public Account like: Saving Certificate. There is no Provident Fund, there is
no contractor deposit, there is no PA financing for deficit. So, there is no PA financing
for budget deficit only option is within the Consolidated Fund. You have deficit and
within the consolidated fund you raise your loans. Raising loan for deficit financing is
the only option, and the borrowing is either from external or from domestic sources.
As I said again to make the life less complicated, foreign financing is not at all
available. In that case you have only one option to have domestic financing. Yesterday
we also concluded that financing should follow the golden rule. The domestic
financing golden rule is, look at your rule book, it’s written clearly, ‘No loan can be
raised for meeting recurrent expenditure or revenue expenditure’. It is the Golden
Rule of deficit financing. If the golden rule is violated you also should have an audit
point. Golden rule says, capital expenditure should only be financed from debt. Why ?
Your asset and liability should match. You cannot borrow in short term to invest in
long term or you cannot borrow in long term and invest in short term. That is called a
mis-match. It is expected that you also borrow for the long term investments. Long
term investments will give you the long term returns and out of that returns you pay
interest costs of all borrowings. Then your borrowings will be sustainable and the
country will grow, the economy will grow, and of course there should be one
precondition that your capital expenditure should be quality expenditure i.e. there
should not be any wastage. You should achieve the value for money, economy and
You have to invest in quality investments. That is also an area where we have
some points to raise in terms of evaluating Financial Statements and all these. As I

Page 160 of 196

was saying, until 2005 there was asset liability mis-match, the golden rule issue was
not in consideration there. Firstly, Bangladesh Bank used to finance for cash mismatch
through ways & means, then used to finance whenever needed – even without asking
any question. Whenever a cheque is given / issued to the single treasury without any
question Bangladesh Bank used to honor that cheque. They used to create a loan, if
their payment was higher than the receipt. When a loan was created there was an
impact in money supply. Bangladesh Bank ZLb UvKv w`‡q w`‡”Q GB UvKv hLb LiP n‡q hv‡”Q
money supply ‡Z add n‡”Q| Avgiv Av‡MB e‡jwQ †h, monetary policyi authority n‡jv
Bangladesh Bank. Fiscal authorityi cheque draw Ki‡Z wM‡q hw` money supply ‡e‡o hvq
that proves, monetary authorityi role is interfered. Zv‡K independent money supply’i
Dci Control ivL‡Z †`qv n‡”Q bv|
GB Kvi‡Y 2005 G G‡m Avgiv m„wó Kijvg Treasury Bond | Av‡M wQ‡jv 2 eQi ‡gqvw`, wK
Kvi‡Y †hb n‡qwQ‡jv Z‡e †Kvb auction wQ‡jv bv| Finance Account G g‡b nq wKQz balance G‡m
_vK‡e| Z‡e Treasury Bond m„wó Kijvg 4 ai‡Yit 5years, 10years, 15years, 20 years.
Treasury Bond 4/5 Uv ivLv n‡jv| Av‡iKUv wRwbm e‡j ivLv fv‡jv - Bangladesh Gi economy,
like any other economy has got four sectors. Out of these four sectors one is fiscal
sector, ‡hUv Avgv‡`i domain. Economic effect is not only in fiscal sector, you need to
have other sectors to interplay. GKUv Economy ‡Z function Ki‡Z ‡M‡j fiscal sector is
one of the sectors among other sectors. Other sectors Gi existence bv _vK‡j interplay bv
_vK‡j economy run Ki‡Z cviv hvq bv| GB other sector ¸‡jv wKwK - 1Uv Fiscal, Ab¨Uv Real:
Factory of the economy. Factory ‡Z wK produce nq ? Goods. Soft factory ‡_‡K service
produce nq| Real sector is a sector as a factory. Soft factory Av‡Q, †hUv‡K service sector
e‡j, manufacturing sector, industrial sector Av‡Q| G¸‡jv‡K hard ev physical factory ej‡Z
If the economy is slow, GKmgq Kgy¨wbó eøK¸‡jv wQ‡jv Zvn‡j I‡`i 4 Uv sector _v‡K bv|
3Uv sector _v‡K| But c„w_ex‡Z GLb Ggb †Kvb †`k ‡bB even North Korea is opening up Pvqbv
eûw`b Av‡M open K‡i‡Q| World Gi me‡`kB GLb open, closed economyÕi †mB `ywbqv GLb GLb
outdated. GLb open economyÕi Dci wM‡q AviI GKUz evowZ K_v ejv n‡”Q, globalized world
not only open boundary| GLb m„wó n‡q‡Q globalized `ywbqv, hZ open n‡e Z‡Zv globalized|

Page 161 of 196

open nIqvi Rb¨ me‡P‡q eo initiative †hUv Av‡Q †mB initiative Gi bvg WTO. Zvi intervention
Av‡¯Í Av‡¯Í evo‡Q| Boundary ev` w`‡q w`‡”Q GgbwK A‡bK RvqMvq block m„wó n‡”Q, Customs
union, economic union †hgb EU, Zviv currency GK K‡i †d‡j‡Q| Gevi wewfbœ block m„wó n‡”Q|
G Kvi‡Y GKUv sector Gi influence evo‡Q †mUv External sector|
KviI KviI g‡b n‡Z cv‡i †Kvb discussion †_‡K ‡Kv_vq P‡j †Mjvg, discussion G AvwQ ey‡S
ï‡bB AvwQ| Economy†Z Avi ‡Kvb sector bv _vK‡j Miæ w`‡q QvMj wewµ n‡e| 3 QvM‡ji against-G
100 gyiwM wewµ n‡e| EconomyÕi †Kvb& sector bv _vK‡j barter system Avevi P‡j Avm‡e| †KD
currency ej‡Q †KD Ab¨wKQz ej‡Q| mevB A‡Üi nvwZ †`L‡Q term KqUv Avm‡Q wK wK? Avi GKUv
warning w`w”Q| KviI KviI g‡b n‡”Q Avgiv Avgv‡`i professional domain †_‡K ‡ei n‡q hvw”Q|
†ei nw”Q bv GUv‡K enforce KiwQ| GUvI your domain, GB domain bv †evSv gv‡b your report
will also be clerical.
GB domain †_‡KI audit observations Avm‡e| GB domain analysis Gi gva¨‡g audit
observations Avm‡e| †KD ej‡Q monetary, currency, banking, non banking| Money is the
medium of exchange. Money Av‡M create nq bv money Av‡M transact nq ? Money create,
circulate, manage, control – G¸‡jv moneyÕi function. Money create n‡e, circulate n‡e,
control n‡e, manage n‡e| Zvn‡j eySv hv‡”Q GLv‡b hvB transaction ‡nvK bv †Kb money hw` bv
_v‡K Zvn‡j me evU©vi n‡e| G Kvi‡Y money create Ki‡Z n‡e Ges money regulate Kivi Rb¨
GKUv authority jvM‡e money create Ki‡Z n‡e| Money ‡K regulate Ki‡Z n‡e| GB money
paper money wQj| GLb Av‡¯Í Av‡¯Í crypto currencyÕi K_v ejv n‡”Q| Ripple and all these
`ywbqv cy‡iv D‡ë hv‡e| Pvi eQ‡i bv n‡jI Avm‡e| Money Bmy¨i Rb¨ GKUv sector Av‡Q, H sector Gi
bvg wK? Monetary sector, GUv financial sector bq| Ges GUvi Rb¨ strong independent
regulator jvM‡e| †Kb independent, hyw³ wK ?
UvKv †ewk n‡q †M‡j `v‡gi Dci effect †dj‡e| Gi bvgB mevB inflation ej‡Q| GZ ‡ewk eo
K_v Avwg eySe bv, Common sense †hUv eywS| Singapore Gi central bank Gi bvg wK - †KD Rv‡b
? Central bank e‡j †Kvb bank †bB| Av‡Q central monetary authority| Zvn‡j eySv hv‡”Q
monetary authority wK control Ki‡e? cÖwZôvb bq money K‡›Uªvj Ki‡e| Money KZ _vK‡e,
supply wK n‡e, G¸‡jv control Ki‡e| HUvi bvg monetary sector, Monetary sector-Gi
money control ‡h Ki‡e, Zvi bvg monetary authority. Money as a medium of exchange
wn‡m‡e e¨envi wK ïay monetary authority Ki‡e ? bv mevB Ki‡e|

Page 162 of 196

wKš‘ money i Rb¨ GLv‡b †Kvb GKUv cÖwZôvb jvM‡e hviv money savers and investors Gi
g‡a¨ †hvMv‡hvM K‡i w`‡e| †h save K‡i, ‡m invest K‡i bv, †h invest K‡i †m save K‡i bv| `yB R‡bi
mv‡_ ‡`Lv Kivi Rb¨ intermediary jvM‡e| †h intermediation Ki‡e, Saver Gi KvQ †_‡K deposit
wb‡e Investor Gi Kv‡Q invest Ki‡e, gvS Lv‡b Zvi Avi wK KvR ? ‡m jvf Ki‡e| GB
intermediaryÕi bvg Financial Sector. wKš‘ monetary authority Uv linked with financial
sector. GB Rb¨ GB sector †K e‡j monetary and financial sector. Zvn‡j GLv‡b KqUv
regulator financial sector ‡K regulate Kivi Rb¨ supervise Kivi Rb¨ ? Management ‡`Lvi
Rb¨, Zvi board ¸‡jv wVK g‡Z KvR Ki‡Q wKbv G¸‡jv †`Lvi Rb¨, wVK g‡Zv lending ‡hB sector G
†`qvi K_v †mB sector G w`‡”Q wKbv G¸‡jv ‡`Lvi Rb¨, GKUv regulatory authority jvM‡e| †Kvb
†Kvb †`‡k GB authority separate from the monetary authority| evsjv‡`‡k GB `yB authority
GK| Zvi bvg Bangladesh Bank.
`yB authority wg‡j wKwK authority? Dwb monetary authorityI Dwb financial sector Gi
authorityI| †KD ‡KD ej‡Z Pvq GBUv‡Z conflict of interest I create n‡”Q| whwb money
supply control K‡ib GUv‡Z conflict of interest Av‡Q| A‡bK ‡`k GUv‡K separate K‡i ‡d‡j‡Q|
UK-‡ZI Bank of England financial sector supervise K‡i bv| Zvi financial sector
supervising authority Avjv`v Financial Services Authority (FSA), A_©vr monetary
regulator and financial sector regulator Avjv`v| Avgv‡`i †`‡k `yBUv GK mv‡_ Av‡Q, India-‡ZI
GK mv‡_ Av‡Q| India g‡b nq initiative wKQz wb‡q‡Q| wKQz wKQz Avjv`v K‡i‡Q| Avgv‡`i financial
sector Gi g‡a¨ banking I Av‡Q non-banking I Av‡Q, hviv Deposit taking| GB four sector
Gi interlink Av‡Q| G¸‡jvi Rb¨ IMF Gi A‡bK¸‡jv publication Av‡Q, I‡qe mvB‡U cvIqv hvq|
GUv‡K e‡j Macro-economy. Macro-economyGi Dci †jLvcov A‡bK Av‡Q| H†h PFM
blogI Av‡Q, IMF Gi A‡bK Publication Av‡Q| cÖ‡Z¨KwUi Rb¨ Manual Av‡Q| Balance of
payment manual, national income accounting manual, fiscal sector Gi GFS manual,
monetary sector Gi manual Av‡Q| Avjv`v Avjv`v eo eo manual Av‡Q Fiscal sector Gi Rb¨-
Avgiv GZ K_v ejwQ, PFM ejwQ, PFM †Kv_vq _vK‡e ? Av‡¯Í Av‡¯Í SOE _vK‡e bv Avgvi audit
block Gi g‡a¨| Private sector hZ improve Ki‡e Av‡¯Í Av‡¯Í G¸‡jv minimize n‡q hv‡e| GK
mgq cy‡iv financial sector under your audit duty wQ‡jv| Because Mf‡g©›U bank Qvov †Kvb
bank wQj bv, †Kvb industry wQj bv| 1972ÕGi nationalization order Gi c‡i almost all real
sector, industry production, almost meB Avgv‡`i corporation Gi AvIZvq G‡m hvq| GLb

Page 163 of 196

G¸‡jv either eÜ n‡q hv‡”Q A_ev Ggwb Ggwb g‡i hv‡”Q| Avevi g‡iI hv‡”Q, gi‡Q wKš‘ production
w`‡q hv‡”Q| GLb †_‡K central fiscal sector - B Avgv‡`i domain| g~jZt Fiscal sector G KqUv
sector ejwQ, wZbwU †m±i t ev‡RUvwi †m›Uªvj, G·Uªv-ev‡RUvwi †m›Uªvj, †jvKvj|

Economic Sectors
Fiscal Sector External Sector
Budgetary Central
Extra-budgetary Central
Real Sector Monetary & Financial Sector
State owned Enterprises Government owned Banks

wPÎt 8 - GKwU Economy i wewfbœ LvZmg~n

Fiscal sector plus Real sector ‡_‡K Avm‡e SoE Avi government owned bank GB
n‡jv Avgv‡`i domain. External sector domain G wK Av‡Q ? †Kvb institution Av‡Q ? Export,
import, remittance ILv‡b Avjv`vfv‡e ‡Kvb Auditable institution bvB Avgv‡`i Rb¨| GUv Flow,
export, import, remittance and income, external income ‡h Rb¨ GLv‡b Avmjvg| hw`I GB
PviUvi Individual behavior wb‡q Avjv`v class wb‡ev| Link K‡i discussion n‡e| AvR‡K ejvi
D‡Ïk¨ n‡jv, †evSvi Rb¨ miKvi Fiscal sector Gi Rb¨ borrow Ki‡e, borrow Kivi tool wK?
Treasury Bond and Bill | miKv‡ii borrowing g~jZt Bond †_‡K bv Bill †_‡K nIqv DwPr ?
Bond †_‡K| Fiscal account G Treasury Bill Gi UvKv AvmvB DwPr bv| wKš‘ Bill _vKv DwPr wKbv?
†Kb Bill _vKv DwPr ? miKv‡ii greater economic role wK ? market ‡K signal ‡`qv|
Kvj‡K Daily Star Gi supplementary page G Avgvi K_vi g‡ZvB †jLv G‡m‡Q| c‡o g‡b
n‡q‡Q Iiv Avgvi K¬v‡k †KD wQj| Ggwb g‡b n‡q‡Q Avgvi| Daily Star Gi Business Page Gi First
Page G Av‡Q| Exactly c‡o ‡`Ljvg Avwg, Kvj‡K hv e‡jwQ †K ‡hb wjK K‡i w`j, cy†iv wjK K‡i
w`‡q‡Q| †K GKRb wj‡L †d‡j‡Q First Page G| cy‡iv Kvj‡K Avwg hv e‡jwQjvg ZvB, almost ZvB| Gi
Av‡M ‡KD nq‡Zv co‡ZI PvB‡ebv, Kvj‡Ki K¬vkUvi ci †m eyS‡e| †KD c‡o bvB A_P covi interest
grow Kivi g‡Zv K_v Kvj‡K ejv n‡q‡Q, Kvj‡K A‡b‡KB cÖkœ K‡iwQj|

Page 164 of 196

GB WvqvMÖvg Economy’i four sectors eySv‡bvi Rb¨ AvuwK bvB| Gu‡KwQ Avgvi domain
eySv‡bvi Rb¨| †hUv‡K ejv n‡q‡Q †Kvb domain ? Public sector| GUv †KvbUv ? Central + local =
general govt. Treasury bond wb‡q Avwg Financing Kie| wKš‘ wejI ivL‡Z n‡e| GRb¨ cÖ_g K_v
n‡jv 70%+30% K‡iwQ| c‡i Av‡¯Í Av‡¯Í 80% Treasury bond + 20% Treasury bill. Treasury
bill ‡i‡LwQ †Kb ? `yBUv Kvi‡Y GKUv n‡jv e¨vswKs wm‡÷‡g †h intermediation K‡i Zvi liquidity
management G hv‡Z †m instrument cvq| Av‡iKUv KviY wK ? Treasury bill hw` †ePv‡Kbv nq|
demand supply G hw` competitive rate G †ePv‡Kbv nq interest rate G benchmark create
Ki‡e| H benchmark wK Kv‡R jvM‡e ? †h †Kvb investment Gi Rb¨ rate of interest determine
Kivi Rb¨ GKUv benchmark rate cvIqv hv‡e| Zvn‡j negotiation G big help Ki‡e| GUv‡K e‡j
market clearing rate A_©vr Av›`v‡R interest rate fix n‡e bv Z‡e GUvi Rb¨ A‡bK KvR Ki‡Z nq
economy †Z †hLvb †_‡K Avgiv GL‡bv eû`y‡i AvwQ|
Even evsjv`‡kI GK mgq Avwg hLb G¸‡jv Kiv ïiæ K‡iwQ ACI GKUv bond issue K‡iwQj|
ACI bond is a corporate bond for five years| Six monthly coupon rate wK n‡e ? ACI Zvi
prospectus G D‡jøL K‡iwQj 182 w`‡bi Treasury bill Gi rate G Kzcb †`qv n‡e| interest w`‡e 6
monthly, Kzcb ejv n‡”Q Treasury bill Gi 182 w`‡bi interest rate ‡hUv auction G determine
nq| HUvi 3 gv‡mi wnmve bv wK GKUv benchmark K‡i w`‡qwQj ACI| A_©vr eySv hv‡”Q wej GB Kvi‡Y
ivL‡Z nq| GLb Treasury bond, Treasury bill cÖ_‡g 80%, 20% Kijvg| cieZ©x‡Z GLb hv
situation GLb ‡Zv bill bond-B wewµ Kivi scope n‡”Q bv| moreover we‡j †ewk e‡Û Kg| Zvn‡j
AwWU observation wK ? Golden ruleG observation GKwU PgrKvi observation wKbv ? AšÍZ
sensitize n‡e| GB observation †Kv_vq hv‡e, appropriation accounts bv finance accounts.
Finance Accounts Gi observation Gi g‡a¨ Avm‡Z cv‡i, bond Gi ‡P‡q bill †ewk|
5 years treasury bond & 5 years treasury bill GB `yBUvi g‡a¨ feature wb‡q cv_©K¨ wK
wK ? c‡q›U wKwK ? cÖ_gZt saving certificate marketable security bq| Treasury bond
marketable security. What is the difference between marketable and non marketable ?
‡hB Security Gi primary market Av‡Q Secondary market Av‡Q A_©vr primary Bmy¨‡ZI †Kbv
hv‡e A_©vr primary Bmy¨‡ZI nvZ e`j Kiv hv‡e Zvi bvg marketable securities, ‡evSv †M‡Q ? non
marketable gv‡b wK ? †hLv‡b primary Bmy¨ concept-B _vK‡e bv| Bmy¨qv‡ii KvQ †_‡K wKbe, wK‡b
†i‡L w`‡Z n‡e, Ges wb‡RB fvOv‡ev either matured n‡j UvKv Zzje, ev bv matured n‡j fsvMvBqv
Zzj‡Z n‡e evÆv w`‡q| nvZ e`j Kiv hv‡e bv|

Page 165 of 196

wØZxq feature – saving certificate Gi interest rate is fixed not decided in auction
but treasury bond Gi interest rate should it be fixed or decided in the auction? Once it
decided in auction then it becomes fixed. So, saving certificate has a predetermined
rate Avi treasury bond, bill Gi †iU fixed nq auction Gi gva¨‡g| Auction Gi wewfbœ iKg
c×wZ Av‡Q G¸‡jv Avgvi welq bv, co‡jB eySev| cÖvBR ‡eBRW auction Av‡iv wewfbœ iKg auction
Av‡Q| HUvI GKUv ‡jLvcov H †jLvcov Av‡Q, _vK|
Z…ZxqZt Treasury bond primary market G Av‡Q Secondary market I Av‡Q| Saving
certificate can be bought and sold by only specific group hviv criteria Gi g‡a¨ c‡o|
Treasury bond and bill can be bought and sold by any institution, any individual,
anyone - no restriction. Saving certificate G restriction Av‡Q wKbv ? Practice I Av‡Q|
Pensioner certificate only for pensioner. Wage-earners bond does not belong to saving
certificate, GUv bond bv, bond bv‡gi KjsK| Wage-earners bond, premier, dollar bond
G¸‡jv bond bv| marketable bond bv, non marketable bond. Kv‡RB GB group G i.e. though
name is bond but non marketable security, ICB unit certificate non marketable
miKvi borrow Ki‡e Treasury bond w`‡q, Ggwb borrow n‡q hv‡e bv, cø¨vb K‡i borrow
Ki‡e| cø¨vb K‡i borrow Ki‡j, basis of plan G wK wK document _vKv DwPr ? GB sector (fiscal)
AvqI K‡i, e¨qI K‡i| Avq-e¨q GKB iKg P‡j bv, month by month dvivK Av‡Q| borrowing plan
mature economy †Z mn‡RB Kiv hvq ‡Kbbv †Kvb mgq KZ `iKvi n‡e Zv †evSv hvq| †Kvb gv‡m KZ
revenue prospect Av‡Q ? hZ matured economy GUv AviI ZZ matured way-‡Z Kiv hvq|
Avgv‡`i Av‡¯Í Av‡¯Í UªvB Ki‡Z n‡e| cø¨vb †ewm‡m Avgv‡K borrow Ki‡Z n‡e| K¨vk KZ hv‡e, †c‡g›U
KZ jvM‡e? †c‡g‡›Ui †P‡q H gv‡mi wiwmÞ hZ Kg n‡e AZUzKz cwigvY borrow Kie| auction
K¨v‡jÛv‡i Avwg ZZUzKz cwigvY wbe it’s not a hard and fast rule GUv GKUv estimate, public debt
management department Av‡Q Iiv G¸‡jv Ki‡e| G¸‡jv Avgv‡`i AwWU Jurisdiction Gi Ask|
public debt audit Ki‡j G¸‡jvI †`Le| WvUv †eBR wVK g‡Zv †g‡›UBb n‡”Q wKbv, Auction G †Kvb
manipulation Av‡Q wKbv| KviY auction manipulation _vKv gv‡b miKv‡ii borrowing cost
evov| Gi gv‡b wK Fiscal cost ‡e‡o hv‡”Q| Zvn‡j miKvi Ab¨ ‡Kvb priority cost Kgv‡e interest
cost †e‡o hv‡”Q| GLb hviv bid K‡i Zviv wK cÖwZôvb bv individual, Zviv cÖwZôvb| wKš‘ Buyer
e¨vw³I n‡Z cv‡i| cÖwf‡W›U dvÛ Bb‡f÷ Ki‡Z cv‡i| eªv‡Ki g‡Zv hvi cÖwf‡W›U dvÛ †g‡›UBb K‡i Zviv

Page 166 of 196

eÛ wKb‡Z cv‡i| B‡fb B`vwbs 10% bv 5% ch©šÍ d‡ib Bb‡f÷iivI Treasury bond G invest Ki‡Z
cv‡i| Open Kiv nqwb| A_©vr G·Uvb©vj †_‡KI Bb‡f÷ n‡Z cv‡i| Zv‡K GKUv wjwg‡Ukb †`qv n‡q‡Q
KviY †m hLb wK‡b ZLb wK UvKvq wK‡b? Wjvi w`‡q wK‡b UvKvq Kbf©vU K‡i| ‡bqvi mgq Wjvi w`‡q †bq|
Kv‡RB GLb hw` cy‡iv Open K‡i w`B Zvn‡j Avgvi d‡ib G·‡P‡Äi Dci ‡cÖmvi ci‡Z cv‡i | GB wi‡¯‹i
Kvi‡Y GKUv cvi‡m‡›UR wd· Kiv n‡q‡Q|
BDGmG‡Z †Kvb cvi‡m‡›UR bvB hvi Kvi‡Y †Wvbvì Uªv¤ú Pvqbvi mv‡_ hZ SMovB KiæK bv ‡Kb,
Pvqbvi me †mwfsm wKš‘ BDGm Wjvi e‡Û| wUªwjqb wUªwjqb Wjv‡ii †UªRvix eÛ wK‡b †i‡L‡Q Pvqbv| hZ
mvicøvm me ‡UªRvix eÛ wK‡b †i‡L‡Q| BDGm wm‡÷‡g Finance Ki‡Q Pvqbv| Avi Gw`‡K †UªW IqviI
Pvjv‡”Q| Iqvi Pj‡Z‡Q I‡`i External sector wb‡q wKš‘ Fiscal G wVKB borrow Ki‡Q| evsjv‡`‡k
GLbI Ggb Originality Av‡m bvB| ‡h‡nZz Avgv‡`i d‡ib G·‡PÄ wiRvf© AZ †ewk bv, †mB Kvi‡Y
Avgv‡`i eÛ gv‡K©U Open Kiv n‡q‡Q mxwgZfv‡e|
Treasury bond, bill G Avgiv cÖgvY Kijvg †h, eÛ †_‡KB †ewk nIqv DwPr wej †_‡K Kg nIqv
DwPr| evsjv‡`‡k hw` Treasury bond Gi Ackb jxR †`qv nq Kv‡K †ewk cvIqv hv‡e| ‡Kvb cÖwZôvb
†ewk wKb‡e? e¨vsK| That’s why Avgiv ‡ivR †jg¨vb Language G ewj miKvi e¨vsK †_‡K borrow
K‡i| miKvi e¨vsK †_‡K borrow K‡i GUv wVK bv, Treasury bond/bill w`‡q borrow K‡i| e¨vsK
†ewk wKb‡Q KviY evsjv‡`‡k Ab¨ UvB‡ci Bb‡f÷‡ii k‡U©R Av‡Q| Awareness Gi Afve Av‡Q|
individual wb‡Z Pvq bv| Avi cÖwZôvb¸‡jvi g‡a¨ gvwë‡bkbv‡ji msL¨v Kg| evsjv‡`‡k Treasury bill,
bond Gi dimension Av‡Q bv One track? 90% e¨vsK¸‡jv hvi Kvi‡Y One track n‡q †M‡Q|
Multi-dimension nIqv DwPr AviI Bb‡f÷i wewfbœ UvB‡ci nIqv DwPr| Foreign Uv d‡ib
Bb‡f÷i‡`i Rb¨ I‡cb Ki‡j Foreign Exchange Gi Bmy¨ Av‡Q| ZeyI I‡cb Kiv n‡q‡Q|
Finance Accounts G GKUv wmwWDj _vK‡Z cv‡i| Rvwbbv m¤¢e wKbv? wewfbœ K¨vUvMix
Treasury bill, bond Gi In flow, Out flow Ges Treasury bond Gi Outstanding †Kvb
instrument G KZ? Hold on type wK? B wÛqvb finance accounts G †PK K ‡i †`L wK Qz Av‡Q wK bv?
d‡ib Bb‡f÷‡ii cvi‡m›U (%) KZ ? wZb ‡m±‡i KZ ? gvwë‡bkbvj PF G KZ ? G¸‡jvi GKUv wmwWDj
_vK‡j more informative Ges economy ‡Z user friendly-branding G¸‡jv Avgvi wish, Ki‡Z
cvi‡ev wK cvi‡ev bv Depend Ki‡e Ux‡gi Dci| AwWUi †Rbv‡ij wb‡R KvR K‡i bv Ki‡e Zvi Uxg|
Av‡¯Í Av‡¯Í eywS‡q w`‡q w`‡Z cvi‡j Avwg hide G P‡j hve| mvg‡b Avi _vKe bv|
e¨vsK¸‡jv Bb‡f÷ K‡i g~jZt †Kv_v †_‡K eySv hv‡”Q| hw`I GUv nIqv DwPr bv, nIqv DwPr
Diversified investment. Diversified investment n‡j hZ Competition evo‡e ZZ miKv‡ii

Page 167 of 196

borrowing cost Kg‡e| gv‡K©U †i‡U borrow Ki‡e| e¨vsK¸‡jv †Kb invest ‡ewk K‡i, GUv eyS‡Z
Money supply Gi calculation G intervention Gi †ÿ‡Î GKUv important issue n‡jv
wM‡q deposit Gi 100% lending Kiv hv‡e bv| GRb¨ evsjv‡`k e¨vsK 20% A_ev 22% SLR
(Statutory Liquidity Reserve) and CRR (Cash Reserve Ratio) wba©viY K‡i _v‡K| ‡h‡Kvb
e¨vsK †K Zvi m¤úyY© LiabilityÕi SLR Gi Ask (%) Abyhvqx Instrument wKb‡Z n‡e| Instrument
ivL‡Z n‡e| A_©vr evsjv‡`k e¨vsK Zvi loanable fund Gi availability KgvBqv w`‡jv| 100 UvKv
deposit wb‡j 18 UvKv security ivL‡Z n‡e| Avi 0.5% UvKv evsjv‡`k e¨vs‡K H e¨vs‡Ki GKUv GKvD›U
_vK‡e| H evsjv‡`k e¨vs‡K K¨vk ivL‡Z n‡e| A_©vr 100 UvKv wW‡cvwRU wb‡q 100 UvKv †jvb †`qv hv‡e
bv| GUvB monetary policy Gi intervention| System Gi intervention bq| Kv‡RB e¨vsK¸‡jvi
security hw` ivL‡Z nq me‡P‡q important µvB‡Uwiqv n‡jv secured n‡Z n‡e| me‡P‡q secured
evsjv‡`‡k GKgvÎ Av‡Q †UªRvix eÛ GÛ wej|
2005 Gi Av‡M wejB ivL‡Zv| GLb eÛ iv‡L| †h‡nZz eÛ Bmy¨ n‡q‡Q| GLb SLR Gi Rb¨
cÖ‡Z¨K e¨vsKB Ges bb-e¨vswKs financing Gi Rb¨ cÖ‡Z¨K e¨vsKB security ‡Kbvi `iKvi Av‡Q| Zviv
AKk‡b cvwU©wm‡cU K‡i security †K‡b| GB security wKb‡Q Zviv e¨emv Kivi Rb¨ bv j gvbvi Rb¨? j
gvbvi Rb¨ Kv‡RB SLR Gi Rb¨ Zv‡`i security wKb‡Z nq e‡j Zv‡`i AKk‡b cvwU©wm‡cU Ki‡Z nq|
Forget maturity A_©vr ivL‡ZB n‡e, g¨vPzwiwUi ZvwiL †Kvb cÖfve †d‡j bv| Zviv gv‡K©U create Kiv ev
market making Gi Rb¨ bv| [`k©K cÖ‡kœi Rev‡et] evsjv‡`k miKvi †h‡nZz deficit financing Ki‡e
Kv‡RB GB cÖkœ KLb Avm‡e Avgiv Rvwb bv| hw` Av‡m †Kvb w`b Zvn‡j e¨v‡jÝ ev‡RU †hB †`k e¨v‡jÝ
ev‡R‡U hv‡e †mB †`‡k A‡bK instrument ‰Zwi n‡q hv‡e| AvcvZZ a‡i wbw”Q PA e‡j wKQz KviY †Kvb
wKQz eyS‡Z †M‡j me dimension open K‡i eyS‡Z PvB‡j g‡b KiQ wb‡Q hvev †`Lev †h Zzwg iv¯Ívq P‡j
†M‡Qv| iv¯Ívi gvSLv‡b `vwou‡q Av‡Qv, hv nevi ZvB n‡e| GB Rb¨ †Kvb learning process G all
dimension open K‡i learn Kiev bv| †Kvb mgq Pros & Corns `yBUv gv_vq †i‡L †Kvb study Kiev
bv| GUvB Avgv‡`i mgm¨v †Kvb wKQz cowQ, †hUv‡K wholeheartedly bv wb‡q †m wK dimension w`‡”Q bv
†f‡e GUv‡KB jvB‡b jvB‡b criticize KiwQ| Avgv‡`i environment G GB first take it whole-
heartedly. I wK †g‡mR w`‡Z ”v‡”Q †mBUv wbqv wbev then you revisit this and apply your own
thought but if you go along with critique, you are nowhere. Other things remain same,
this the condition.

Page 168 of 196

cyiv financing CF Gi public debt financing a‡i wbw”Q| eySv †Mj e¨vsKviiv SLR
requirement Gi Rb¨ g~jZt Treasury bill, bond wK‡b Treasury bond marketable security
Av‡MB e‡jwQ| GUv market G †mB security †h wK‡b †m hw` fv‡e I have to stick to it my life †m
interest rate ‡ewk PvB‡e bv Kg PvB‡e? †m g‡b K‡i †h GUv GKevi hw` wKwb GUv Avgvi mviv Rxeb
ivL‡Z n‡e| GUvi Rb¨ interest rate Kg _vK‡e bv †ewk _vK‡e? †ewk _vK‡e| Avi †m g‡b K‡i †h,
wKbjvg `yB eQi †i‡L Avevi †Q‡j‡K we‡`k cvVv‡Z wewµ K‡i w`e secondary market G like share,
Zvi interest rate expectation Kg‡e|
Treasury bill, bond e¨vsK wKb‡Q SLR requirement Gi Rb¨, market making Gi Rb¨
bq| G Rb¨ secondary market develop Ki‡Q bv| Treasury bond Gi secondary market
develop bv Kivi g~j KviY e¨vsKviiv market make Kivi Rb¨ wKb‡Q bv| Ab¨ cÖwZôvb ev individual
aware bv ev GKvi‡YB wKb‡Q bv| hvi Kvi‡Y Treasury bill, bond Gi interest rate competitive
n‡”Q bv| wKQz wKQz e¨vsK SLR’i evB‡iI wK‡b| hvev SLR’i evB‡iI wK‡b Zviv market making Gi
Rb¨ wK‡b A_©vr GUv Zviv mgqg‡Zv Avevi secondary market G wewµ Ki‡e| Surplus w`‡q
Treasury bill, bond wKb‡Z cv‡i| secondary market G †Kbv‡ePv nq| wKš‘ Zvi ciI Avvg‡`i
evsjv‡`‡k Treasury bill/bond almost nil n‡q Av‡Q| nil nIqvi KviY n‡jv buyer Gi market
making role Uv †bB| buyer Gi Rb¨ Treasury bond ‡Kbv‡ePvi ‡Kvb market ‡bB|
Zvn‡j Avgv‡`i observation G iKg welq _vK‡Z cv‡i wKbv Treasury bill/bond
marketable securities GUvi Rb¨ secondary market create Gi wewfbœ iKg measure †bqv DwPZ|
literature review K‡i †m ai‡bi mv‡Rkb †`qv hvq| GB measure w`‡”Q bv e‡j this becomes
costly to the economy. e¨vsK¸‡jv ev Ab¨ cÖwZôvb e¨emvi D‡Ï‡k¨ Treasury bill/bond wKb‡Z
n‡e| share †hgb wK‡b | 1Uv cÖkœ Avm‡Z cv‡i, bond †Zv auction G wewµ nq, 7% interest Zvn‡j
Avwg hw` 6 gvm c‡i wewµ K‡i w`B KviI Kv‡Q Zvn‡jI interest rate KZ cv‡e ? interest rate Kzcb hv
ZvB cv‡e| 1 jvL UvKvi Treasury bond 1Rb wKb‡Q auction G 7% interest rate G| 6 gvm c‡i 2
Kzcb LvB‡Q Gici 3q Kzc‡bi 3 gvm Av‡M †m secondary market G wewµ K‡i w`‡q‡Q| Zvn‡j GLb I
hvi Kv‡Q wewµ Ki‡e 3q KzcbUv †K cv‡e? †m cv‡e| 3 gvm factoring Ki‡e mv‡_ jvf Ki‡e bv jm Ki‡e
†mUv Depend Ki‡e G Kq gv‡m †h AKkb n‡q‡Q Zvi interest rate Gi Dci| ZLb †m ej‡Z cv‡i,
wewµ Kie hw` 1 jvL ‡dm †fjy¨i Dci AviI 5 nvRvi UvKv `vI| †kqv‡ii e¨emvi g‡Zv|
Treasury bill/bond Gi secondary market create Ki‡Z n‡e, more demand supply
create Ki‡Z n‡e| hZ demand supply create n‡e ZZ Treasury bond Bmy¨ K‡i miKviI jvfevb

Page 169 of 196

n‡e| †Kb? Future G interest auction G †`Lv hv‡e Av‡¯Í Av‡¯Í interest rate K‡g hv‡e| GwUB
Avgv‡`i AeRvi‡ek‡b GKUv point borrowing cost Gi Dci| evsjv‡`‡k secondary market
create n‡”Q bv| MZKv‡ji Business page G GUvI e‡j‡Q, ïay SLR Gi Rb¨ wKb‡Q| Market
making Gi Rb¨ wKb‡Q bv| evsjv‡`‡k Av‡iKwU gvivZ¥K NUbv N‡U‡Q, MZ K‡qK eQi a‡i Treasury
bill/bond Gi Auction A‡bK¸‡jv cancel Kiv n‡q‡Q| cancel Kiv gv‡b Av‡iv dangerous wKš‘
Market wK signal cv‡”Q| miKv‡ii consistency ‡bB| e¨vsK¸‡jv SLR requirement Qvov hw`
wKb‡ZI Pvq †m Plan K‡i †i‡L‡Q H auction eÜ| Gfv‡e Pj‡Z _vK‡j SLR †_‡KI security cvIqv
hv‡e bv| Problem Uv †Kb n‡q‡Q? savings certificate unplanned borrowing Ges GUv huge
way-‡Z deficit financing G e¨eüZ n‡”Q| Huge way-‡Z 10 nvRvi †KvwU UvKv ev‡RU estimate
plan Kiv n‡q‡Q| wewµ n‡q hv‡”Q 60 nvRvi †KvwU UvKv| H UvKv TSA-‡Z Xz‡K K¨vk surplus n‡q hv‡”Q,
Ways & means ‡Zv `iKviB †bB|
K¨vk surplus n‡j wK `vouv‡e G¸‡jv wmwRG †_‡K Gme information ‡`qv, warning ‡`qv|
G¸‡jvi Ibvikxc Av‡mwb| nq‡Zv Gfv‡e hw` BbfvB‡ivb‡g›U wµ‡qU Kwi Ibvikxc Av‡m‡Z eva¨|
cÖ‡dkbvj mevB‡K KvR Ki‡Z n‡e| cash surplus, even CGA can issue press note, cash
surplus Gi culprit ‡K ? ‡iwfwbD Avm‡Q bv †mwfs mvwU©wd‡KU wewµ n‡q‡Q Ges n‡”Q| Ges savings
certificate wewµ n‡q K¨vk deficit Gi RvqMvq surplus n‡q hv‡”Q| cyiv deficit financing public
debt ‡_‡K Avm‡Q wK? bv| Constitutional sprit n‡jv deficit financing n‡e public debt ‡_‡K|
miKv‡ii RbwnZKi Objective Gi GUv GKUv Objective †h small savers ‡K save Kiv savings
certificate Gi gva¨‡g| AwW‡U GB cÖkœI †Zvjv hvq savings certificate Gi Objective Gi mv‡_
hv‡”Q bv|
Finance accounts G GB me Observation KLbI wK Avgiv Zz‡jwQ? †Kvb study K‡iwQ|
GLbwK g‡b n‡”Q bv G¸‡jv Avgv‡`i domain? Finance accounts Gi AwWU Observation ‡Zv
G¸‡jvB| Figure Gi discrepancy ‡Zv take care Ki‡e iBAS †mUvI _vK‡e bv| 15w`b iBAS Gi
Dci KvR K‡iv| †ZvgivB ej‡e Figure Gi discrepancy, fund checking G¸‡jv _vK‡e bv| _vKv
DwPrI bv| †Zvgv‡`i KviI KviI aviYv GUvB Avgvi domain | HUv hw` P‡j hvq Zvn‡j Avwg KB hve?
Funny, ‡Kbbv technology ‡Zvgv‡K scope w`‡”Q Gi Dc‡i AviI eo eo wPšÍv Kivi| Analytical
power Uv use Kivi HUvi cÖwZ †Kvb bRi †bB|
Savings certificate Public debt bq †Kb ? deficit financing Gi Rb¨ plan K‡i
borrow Kivi bvg Public debt. GUv unplanned borrowing, GUv wK deficit financing Gi

Page 170 of 196

D‡Ï‡k¨ Kiv, bvwK Savings protect Gi Rb¨ Kiv, specially poor saver ‡`i protect Kivi Rb¨, Zvi
income protect Kivi Rb¨| ‡mB opportunity hv‡Z _v‡K| practically GLb Savings certificate
n‡q †M‡Q borrowing Gi eo tool. GRb¨ finance ministry ‡Z move I start n‡q †MwQ‡jv| †h‡nZz
Savings certificate ‡_‡K Avgiv borrow Kwi †m‡nZz GUv‡K PA †_‡K mwi‡q CF G wb‡q †M‡j fv‡jv
nq| GiKg move wK appropriate move, bv Suicidal? why Suicidal? because deficit Gi
plan Abyhvqx borrow Ki‡ev|
Avi Savings certificate wK miKv‡ii plan Abyhvqx borrow nq bv gvby‡li B”Qv Abyhvqx ?
Zvn‡j GUv misfit, ‡h Kvi‡b dangerious zone eis wK Ki‡Z n‡e GUv wb‡q K_v ej‡ev Ges GUv wb‡q
observation I w`‡ev| wK Ki‡Z n‡e ? cÖ_g K_v n‡jv T–bond, bill Gi market making n‡”Q bv|
Secondary market develop Ki‡Q bv because banker iv ïay SLR requirement Gi Rb¨B
borrow Ki‡Q| GUv n‡Z n‡e market making Gi Rb¨ borrow | Moreover hw` market bv _v‡K
†KD hw` 5 yr/10yrs Gi bond wK‡b Ges g‡b K‡i UvKvi `iKvi n‡j encash Ki‡Z cvi‡ev bv market
†bB Zvn‡j †h interest rate lower w`‡e bv higher w`‡e? ‡mBR‡b¨B GZ higher w`‡”Q †h Rv‡b stuck
up n‡q hv‡e| ïay ZvB bq, GgbI N‡U 80% †h T-bond ‡_‡K Avwg K‡iwQjvg †mwU reverse n‡q †M‡Q |
KviY banker iv c‡i wPšÍv Ki‡Q 5 yr/10yrs wK‡b wK‡b †i‡L w`‡qwQ GLb †Zv Avwg G¸‡jv †_‡K gyw³
cvw”Q bv| Kv‡RB Avcbviv auction calender change K‡ib| Bangladesh government eva¨ n‡q
auction calender G bill evovBqv w`‡jv, bond KgvBqv w`‡jv ïay ZvB bv T-bond AviI GKUv evovB‡Q
2 yrs Gi T-bond evbvB‡Q | Kvib banker iv 5years mn¨ Ki‡Z cvi‡Q bv|
G¸‡jv †Kb ? Secondary market bv Kivi ill consequence | GUv †ivM, †ivM †_‡K gyw³i
Rb¨ wewfbœ action wb‡Z n‡e ‡h¸‡jv †bqv n‡”Q bv| Savings certificate eÜ KiwQ bv †Kb ? c‡i AvmwQ
| Savings certificate borrowing is a auto borrowing which does not fit into the fiscal
financing concept. fiscal financing Gi †h golden rule ‡mB golden rule Gi mv‡_ hvq bv| wKš‘
practically almost all borrowing n‡”Q Savings certificate ‡_‡K| even treasury bill/bond
Gi auction eÜ n‡q hv‡”Q| ‡h‡nZz Savings certificate; Gw`‡K cash surplus n‡q hv‡”Q T–bond /
bill auction hLb eÜ n‡q hv‡”Q ZLb SLR requirement full fill Kivi Rb¨ bond Gi crisis
GKmgq n‡e|
evsjv‡`k e¨vs‡K money supply control G ivLvi Rb¨ REPO & Reverse REPO K‡i‡Q|
REPO t Repurchase order agreement A_©vr money hLb supply K‡i ZLb instrument wK‡b
†bq| Bangladesh Bank Avevi money hLb supply K‡g ZLb instrument w`‡q †`q, UvKv wb‡q

Page 171 of 196

†bq| Avi ejjvg bv, c‡o wbev| GRb¨ Bangladesh Bank Gi wb‡Ri instrument Av‡Q BB bill. T-
bill ‡hgb miKv‡ii Ggb evsjv‡`‡k e¨vs‡Ki Av‡Q BB bill. GUv REPO & Reverse REPO ‡Z Zviv
use K‡i| GUv monetary control Gi tool wn‡m‡e not fiscal control / fiscal financing tool.
GUv evsjv‡`k e¨vs‡Ki tool.
evsjv‡`‡k GLb Savings certificate public account borrowing Gi wel‡dvuov n‡q †M‡Q|
GUvi consequence n‡jv UvKv government Gi TSA ‡Z surplus n‡q hv‡”Q| †hB UvKv e¨envi n‡e
bv, †mB UvKv Savings certificate weµq eve` H UvKv deficit financing G use bv nIqvi Kvi‡b
free money wnmv‡e _vK‡Q, HUvi interest †`qv n‡”Q| KZ UvKv surpluse ‡i‡L miKvi KZ UvKv
interest w`‡q KZ loss K‡i‡Q G¸‡jvi GKUv wnmve n‡Z cv‡i| wbf©i Ki‡e †Zvgiv KZUzKz perception
My‡jv‡K clear Ki‡Z cvi‡Qv|
Public account G savings certificate, provident fund G¸‡jv ivLv n‡q‡Q| PA Gi
concept ¸‡jv m„wó n‡qwQj hLb GB subcontinent G e¨vsK wQj bv ; e¨vs‡Ki KvR Ki‡Zv treasury &
sub treasury, GB Kvi‡b treasury ‡Z UvKv _vKZ| GLb Av‡¯Í Av‡¯Í banking system envolve
K‡i‡Q| private bank n‡q‡Q, state owned bank Av‡Q, banking system A‡bK develop K‡i‡Q|
gvby‡li UvKv Rgv †`Iqvi iv¯Ív GLb fixed deposit wewfbœ product wewfbœ e¨vsK e¨envi Ki‡Q| Kv‡RB
miKv‡ii PA ‡K GLb down size Kiv DwPZ| PA is a criminal, GUv fiscal accounts totally
distorted K‡i w`‡”Q| Fiscal accounts is a control environment : should have been in a
controlled environment. GUv total GKUv uncontrolled environment n‡q †M‡Q| GRb¨ A‡bK
†`‡k PA †bB, totally †bB KviY PA Gi ‡h function Zv GB fiscal function, GUv n‡jv either
savers †K help Kiv or banking system bvB e‡j banking system Gi KvR Kiv Ges AviI wKQz
KvR Av‡Q remittance movement Gi Rb¨| PA Gi me balance ¸‡jv ‡`L‡j †`Lv hv‡e PA Gi
me‡P‡q †ewk balance ‡Kv_vq? PF and saving certificate Avi †KvbUvq? Avi G¸‡jvi n‡jv
movement just adjusting, accounts, remittance just adjusting G¸‡jv A‡Uv‡gwUK AvDU n‡q
hv‡e, cheque outstanding mn| G¸‡jv iBAS Gi ga¨ w`qv control Kivi Rb¨ iBAS review Gi
Dci mycvwik Kiv †h‡Z cv‡i|
`yBUv AvB‡Ug hw` public account ‡_‡K †ei K‡i †`qv hvq Zvn‡j Avgv‡`i Fiscal account
A‡bK slim n‡q hvq| GKUv saving certificate Ab¨Uv provident fund, Av‡mv let us talk about
saving certificate, saving certificate Gi wewµi UvKv mivmwi single treasury ‡Z Xz‡K hvq| Avevi
payment Ki‡jI (e¨vsK payment K‡i, post office K‡i) single treasury ‡_‡K UvKv wb‡q †bq|

Page 172 of 196

Saving certificate Gi Rb¨ †hUv Kiv hvq, cÖ_g K_v n‡jv saving certificate Gi D‡Ïk¨ n‡jv
savers ‡`i protect Kiv †mUv wK targeted bv untargeted nIqv DwPr? Targeted nIqv DwPr| A_©vr
GKUv specific income group Qvov ‡KD participate Ki‡Z cvi‡ebv| A_P evsjv‡`k study-‡Z †`Lv
†M‡Q 80% of the saving certificate is being bought by the higher middle class to rich,
even garments gvwjKivI †KvwU †KvwU UvKv Zz‡j wb‡q‡Q Zv‡`i employee-‡`i bvg w`‡q| 100 †KvwU
UvKv hw` surplus fund _v‡K Ges HUv w`‡q hw` garments employee-‡`i w`‡q saving certificate
wK‡b †bqv hvq e¨emv Avi Ki‡Z nq? 100†KvwU UvKvi 11.50% nv‡i interest cvIqv hvq e¨emv Avi Kivi
`iKvi nq? kÖwgK‡K eje saving certificate wKbe †Zvgvi ID w`‡q wK‡b Avbvi ci eje me mvBb
K‡iv| Avjwgivq XzwK‡q ivL‡e| Gi ci GKUv employee iv‡L KLb interest matured nq| wZb gvm
AšÍi AšÍi hLb G¸‡jv g¨vwPqyi nq ZLb †m UvKv Zz‡j wb‡”Q| H employeeÕi mv‡_ Avi m¤úK© †bB|
even maturity-‡ZI m¤úK© †bB| Zvn‡j objective Gi mv‡_ wK wgj Av‡Q? Rich becomes richer,
poor saving certificate wP‡bI bv, †Kv_vq cvIqv hvq Rv‡bbv| Rvb‡jI †m †M‡j Zvi Kv‡Q wewµ K‡i
bv| Zvn‡j wK nIqv DwPr, †mUv †bvU K‡i bvI, already 8/10 eQi Av‡M K‡i‡Q BwÛqv| BwÛqviUv coev|
saving certificate Gi UvKv PA Gi single treasury-‡Z XzK‡e bv| saving certificate manage
Kivi Rb¨ separate authority Kiv n‡e, autonomous body, with a separate law, separate
fund, ‡mUv saving certificate wewµ Ki‡e, H authority n‡e Ges wewµ K‡i UvKv Ii e¨vsK GKvD‡›U
XzK‡e| Zvn‡j Avgvi Public Account Kiv wVK n‡e bv| PA-‡Z XzK‡e bv, Fiscal Account G XzK‡e
bv| GUv n‡jv future reform Gi K_v ejwQ, not that AvR‡K Kvj‡K n‡q hv‡e| wKš‘ ejv‡Zv ïiæ Ki‡Z
n‡e, ejvi †jvK †Zvgiv| ejvi †jvK normal execution function hviv K‡i Zviv bv| Professional
‡jvK †Zvgiv| Separate authority n‡e, †m wewµ Ki‡e wewµi UvKv Zvi wb‡Ri GKvD‡›U ivL‡e| Zv‡K
interest w`‡e wK? Fixed. Fixed rate wK lower bv higher? Higher, lower Kiv hvq bv, political
reason. Avwg GiKg `yB/GK evi ejvi ci, gwZqv ‡PŠayix A‡bKevi a‡i‡Q, ÔAvcbvi Avi Kvg bvB GUv
Qvov|Õ hZ evi Avwg MYfe‡b MZ ev‡R‡Ui mgq K_v e‡jwQ, Dwb ey‡S‡Qb Avwg wK ej‡Z †P‡qwQ| Dwb mv‡_
mv‡_ ej‡Qb, ÔLei`viÕ! RbM‡Yi †bÎx †Zv Ibvi aviYv, saving certificate †eva nq me Mix‡ei| 2/1 Uv
3Uv / 5Uv Av‡Q †cbkbvi mvwU©wd‡KU| G¸jv Mwi‡ei bv, Mwie G¸jv wK†b bv| Zv‡`i¸jv Ab¨iv wewfbœ bv‡g
wK‡b †dj‡Q Ges e‡m e‡m income Ki‡Z‡Q| †KvwU ‡KvwU UvKv 10%-11% wewµ K‡i Dbviv (authority)
bank account-G ivL‡e|
GLb H authority wKfv‡e income Ki‡e ? interest †Zv w`‡Z n‡e| authority †K primary
dealer declare Kiv n‡e bank ¸‡jv †hgb treasury bond-Gi auction -G participate K‡i GB

Page 173 of 196

authority I †mBiƒc primary dealer wn‡m‡e auction -G participate Ki‡e| Zvn‡j Avi GKwU
myweav wK n‡jv, planned borrowing miKvi Ki‡e, GB UvKv †_‡KB planned borrowing Gi way
†ei n‡jv| AviI invest Ki‡e| G‡Z marketing I wK SLR Gi Rb¨ Ki‡e ? Zvn‡j †m GKUv market
maker n‡e| †m saving certificate Gi UvKv w`‡q auction G participate K‡i T-bond wKb‡e bill
wKb‡e| wK‡b I miKv‡ii KvQ †_‡K interest cv‡e eQ‡ii †k‡l Zvi income statement G income
n‡e Avi interest fixed. rate G w`‡e Z‡e definitely payment †ewk n‡e| Avi 2 eQi A_©-mwPe
_vK‡j nq‡Zv start Ki‡Z cviZvg| †h difference Uv n‡e †mUv one line -G finance ministry Zvi
ev‡RU †_‡K w`‡q †`‡e| G‡Z transparency Avm‡e wK bv ? GUv wK grant bv subsidy? †evSv hv‡e wKbv
KZ subsidy w`‡Z n‡e|
Initially †hgb jvf n‡e bv, †hB j vD †mB K `y, wKš‘ transparency Avm‡e| jvf bs-(1) PA
†_‡K †h unplanned borrowing K‡i miKvi †hUv eÜ n‡q hv‡e (2) Authority separately
database maintain K‡i, cÖ_g cÖ_g KvD‡K wKQz ejvi `iKvi bvB, NID link K‡i holder identify
Kiv hvq| Av‡¯Í Av‡¯Í TIN identify Kiv hv‡e, identify n‡Z _vK‡j KvD‡K wKQz ejvi `iKvi n‡e bv|
wb‡R wb‡RB H MÖæc ‡_‡K m‡i hv‡e| Zvici ceiling saving certificate †Zv 500 UvKviI wewµ nq|
†KD ai‡Z cv‡i bv total KZ †`qv n‡q‡Q| GK National ID w`‡q hw` Kiv nq Zvn‡j wewµ exceed
Ki‡Q wKbv Zv aiv hv‡e| G¸‡jv‡K ejv nq non tarrif barrier. There are types of barriers –
tarrif, non-tarrif and para-tarrif barrier. Non tarrif barrier w`‡q Av‡¯Í Av‡¯Í G¸jv‡K †ei Kiv|
gvbbxq gš¿x gwZqv †PŠayix‡K wKQz ejvi `iKvi Av‡Q wK? ejvi `iKvi bvB, Ibvi mvg‡bB hv‡e bv| `iKvi
n‡j 12% w`‡ev, gvbbxq gš¿x Avcwb mind Ki‡eb bv| cÖ_g cÖ_g 12% w`‡q Ibv‡K LywkI Kijvg wKš‘
‡µZvUv †K Zv identify K‡i wbjvg| auction -G player evo‡jv, auction-G hZ player evov‡ev ZZ
borrowing cost -Kg‡e| K_vUv clear ? GB Ki‡Z Ki‡Z GKUv mgq Avm‡e non tarrif ‡_‡K tarrif
barrier GI Avm‡Z cvi‡ev wKbv ?
hLb subsidy size eo n‡e| public domain-G subsidy size †Pv‡L co‡e| ZLb GKUv
public demand create n‡Z cv‡i ‡h, G Z huge subsidy Avcwb K v‡K w`‡”Qb ? Av‡mb Avcbvi
database analysis Kwi, ZLb, batter targeting Kivi Rb¨ initiative †bq hv‡e| Interest rate K‡g
hv‡e| GB meB future, GLbB Kiv hv‡”Q bv| Ki‡Z weivU ivwóªq initiative `iKvi| Z‡e GKUv
initiative wb‡qwQ GUvi mv‡_ hy³ nev †Zvgiv| Already PA †_‡K †ei bv K‡i nontariff barrier
create Kivi Rb¨ GKUv database ˆZix Kivi KvR ïiæ n‡q‡Q| me saving certificate investor -Gi
NID i mv‡_ link Kiv n‡”Q| program ˆZix n‡”Q| Kg©m~Px‡K `vwqZ¡ †`qv n‡q‡Q| Part of the PFM

Page 174 of 196

Avgv‡`i accounting system GiI `vwqZ¡ Av‡Q| National saving certificate Gi database ˆZix
n‡”Q Z‡e PA i evB‡i bq wfZ‡i| GKevi database n‡q †M‡j PA i †h mgm¨v †mUv _vK, Avjv`v KivUv
next step saving certificate is a wel‡duvov for deficit financing. long size-Gi financing n‡q
hv‡”Q through public debt bv K‡i unplanned borrowing KiwQ GUv finance account-G GKUv
big observation n‡Z cv‡i| principals of deficit financing †K Avgiv violet KiwQ| serious
issue. PA ‡_‡K saving certificate PA †_‡K †ei K‡i w`‡j PA clean n‡q hv‡e| Zvici PF wb‡q
KvR Kiv hv‡e, GUv ej‡j Giv Avevi Av‡›`vjb ïiæ Ki‡e| Av‡›`vjb hv‡Z ïiæ bv nq †miKg Bmy¨ Av‡Q
†Zv| Interest rate cvi‡j evov‡ev wKš‘ Avjv`v Ki‡ev| GUv n‡jv future, Avgiv oversight authority
Avgiv observe Ki‡ZB cvwi| Observation †Zv Avgv‡`i `vwqZ¡B| Public finance Gi †Kv_vq †Kv_vq
violation n‡”Q G K_v †Zv Avgv‡`iB ejvi K_v| PF, say with the Indian example - India †Z
PF public account-G †bB| †Zvgiv A‡bK mgq bv †R‡bB K_v e‡jv, India-†Z GUv bvB IUv bvB,
R¡jR¨všÍ I‡qemvBU I‡qemvBU Av‡Q ZviciI e‡jv IUv bv| PF, PA †Z _vK‡e bv in future saving
certificate Gi same authority †K PF I w`‡q †`qv hvq wKbv| PF †eZb †_‡K KvUv n‡e wKš‘ month
end-G total †PKUv P‡j hv‡e authority’i Kv‡Q| authority wK Ki‡e IUv w`‡q ? T. bond wKb‡e| T.
bond develop Ki‡j GKmgq corporate bond I Ki‡e| India †Z ïay corporate bond -GB
invest K‡i bv, stock GI K‡i| India †Z ejv Av‡Q total fund -Gi GZ kZKiv nvi stock G Bb‡f÷
Ki‡e| Ab¨vb¨‡Z KZ Ki‡e ejv Av‡Q|
†Kvb authority, H †h saving certificate-Gi authority. PF-Gi †ÿ‡ÎI Same authority
n‡j UvKv P‡j hv‡e Ii Kv‡Q †hLv‡bB invest KiæK Ii income n‡e| wKš‘ Avgvi †jvK‡K †m KZ w`‡e ?
`iKvi n‡j AviI 1% evov‡ev| initially, †hB UvKv †m loss Ki‡e GBUv miKvi subsidy wn‡m‡e †`‡e
Ges future-G subsidy’i size wbqvI analysis n‡e|
HUv Avgvi audit-Gi issue, subsidy †Kvb dimension-G KZ hv‡”Q wKfv‡e hv‡”Q ? PF &
saving certificate hw` Finance accounts †_‡K †ei K‡i †`qv nq Z‡e size †QvU n‡q hv‡e| GUv
future. GB gyû‡Z© saving certificate-Gi database n‡”Q Avi-PF GiUv employee database-Gi
mv‡_ link. Moreover CAO/Pension & Fund Gi †h Awdm, PF mviv evsjv‡`‡k KvU‡Q wKbv ? Zvi
†P‡q GUv real time-G central ledger Kiv hvq bv ? audit manual Gi wb‡`©kbv Abyhvqx broad
sheet, compilation wVK K‡iv G¸jv Av‡Mi hy‡Mi K_v| ZLb GB 13 jvL employee’i database
wQj bv| GLb NID wjsK Kiv n‡q‡Q cÖ‡Z¨K employee’i bv‡g, electronic ledger maintain Ki‡Z
cvwi GUv wK i‡KU science ? ZvB e‡j wK employee †K XvKvq †W‡K Avb‡Z n‡e ? GKRb hLb

Page 175 of 196

nomination paper submit K‡iwQ‡jv †UKbv‡d †m retire K‡i‡Q †ZZzwjqv‡Z Gici Zvi nomination
Avi cvq bv| GRb¨ nomination I centrally ivLv hvIqv DwPZ| 13 jvL PF ledger equaly to 1 PF
control account n‡e| bv _vKvi †Kvb KviY †bB| G¸jvi open source software cvIqv hvq, `iKvi
bvB Zv-I, iBAS-G accumulate Kiv hvq, accumulate Kiv n‡q‡Q| centrally maintain Ki‡j
CAO/pension & fund Gi web portal _vK‡Z cv‡i bv? web portal-G Avgvi no. w`‡q Avwg †`L‡Z
cvwi Avgvi balance KZ? already wKQz wKQz n‡q‡Q| †`Ljvg †gjv‡Z GPF-Gi slip w`‡”Q| ledger
create n‡”Q, KvR n‡”Q system problem Uv solve Kiv| solve Kivi Rb¨ GZ¸‡jv wewmGm Awdmvi
D‡Ï¨vM †bIqvi K_v| G‡`i KvRB †Zv GUv|

cÖ_g KvR n‡jv saving certificate Gi †ÿ‡Î central database ˆZwi Kiv without
disturbing the beneficiaries issue. PF-Gi †ÿ‡Î, service delivery improve Kiv| GLb Avwg
tariff barrier wb‡q discuss Ki‡ev ? GUv 13% higher n‡”Q - Av‡mb GUv solve Kwi ? GUvi `iKvi wK
? 13% †Kb 14% w`‡j w`K, GUv †Zv employee’i †ewbwd‡Ui Rb¨ w`‡”Q| house building loan Ges
Ab¨vb¨ †e‡bwdU w`‡”Q miKvi! wKš‘ systemic improvement Ki‡Z n‡e| GLb GB gyû‡Z© hw` ewj
provident fund -Gi special audit Ki‡ev, Kq eQi jvM‡e| travel cost & all these wg‡j GUvi
ultimate conclusion draw KivI hv‡e bv| KviY GUv GKw`‡b ev‡o, Avevi Ab¨w`b K‡g, If you had
a central ledger, 13 jvL drill down Ki‡jB Rvb‡Z cvi‡Qv| even interest †Kvb RvqMvq †ewk w`‡”Q
bv Kg w`‡”Q ZvI †ei Kiv hv‡e| provident fund transfer †Kvb transfer `iKvi Av‡Q wK bv? bvB|
LPC `iKvi bvB| †hLv‡bB hv‡”Q Zvi national ID w`‡j †ei n‡q hv‡”Q †m †eZb KZ cvq|
GB wRwbm¸jv †PK Ki‡Z n‡e iBAS-G incorporate Kiv Av‡Q wKbv| feature ¸jv Av‡Q wKbv
†`Lev, feature-G †Kvb improvement _vK‡j mv‡Rkb w`‡Z n‡e| †Zvgv‡`i e‡jwQ skeleton w`‡ev|
†mUv fill up Kiev| †m Abyhvqx functional requirement Gi gap fill up Kivi Rb¨ technical
people †`i w`‡ev| iBAS should be, including approprication & finance accounts format,
smooth |

Avgv‡`i budgeting system-G public debt Gi me Kvfvi nq wKbv| Avgv‡`i budget Kfvi
K‡i budgetary central. Zvn‡j Avgiv †h e‡jwQ, public debt †hLv‡b ïay budgetary central part
Uv Av‡Q| Extra budgetary sector + local govt. hw` borrow K‡i with the approval of the
govt. †mUvI wKš‘ public debt. HUv Accounting system G †bB| budgeting system GI †bB|
future direction _vK‡e, Avgv‡`i coverage n‡jv public debt me¸‡jv †`Lv| Zvn‡j Finance

Page 176 of 196

Account future-G n‡e General Government Gi Finance Account, down the line 10 yrs,
Z‡e eyS‡Z n‡e| Avevi ejwQ Finance Account Gi g‡a¨ Avm‡e Budgetary central-Gi public
debt wKš‘ schedule-Gi g‡a¨ Extra budgetary & local Gi UvI _vK‡j touch †`qv DwPZ| future-
G Account Gi g‡a¨B P‡j Avm‡e|

fwel¨‡Z hw` me TSA †Z P‡j Av‡m future direction of fiscal sector

finance & accounts (1) coverage e…w× Kiv in terms Central
budgetary TSA
of institution. Institution means budgetary central Extra budgetary X
Gi mv‡_ extra budgetary + local I wb‡q Avmv| - Local
Budgetary X
accounting domain-G wb‡q Avmv|
Extra Budgetary X

(2) budgetary central ‡K cash ‡_‡K acrual-G †bqv| transition path wK? domain-G XzKv‡Z
†M‡j me‡P‡q eo †h hit jvM‡e †mUv n‡jv local government autonomous body transaction Ki‡e
but cheque w`‡e bv| sign I Zviv Ki‡e Z‡e †PK treasury †_‡K wb‡e| GUv wK m¤¢e ? m¤¢e hw` †PK
manually move Ki‡Z bv nq| manually move bv Ki‡j wK Av‡Q ? EFT’i AvIZvq wb‡q Avm‡j|
†m EFT’i order w`‡e hv Avgvi GLv‡b record n‡e i.e GKvD‡›U P‡j Avm‡e| †Zvgvi separate bank
A/c ivLviB `iKvi bvB| Av‡M †hfv‡e KiZv †mfv‡eB Kiev| eis †Zvgvi relife w`‡”Q †PK sign Kiv
†_‡K Zzwg iBAS GB payment order w`‡q `vI| †Kv‡Ì‡K UvKv hv‡e †Zvgvi wPšÍv Kivi `iKvi bvB|
GB comfort hw` e‡jb †m j¾vqI ej‡Z cvi‡e bv †h, Ki‡Z cvi‡e bv| Avi GLb hw` ewj
Avcwb single treasury †Z Av‡mb bank A/c ivL‡eb bv| Avcwb †PK sign K‡i Avgv‡`i district
account -G w`‡eb - GUv wK MÖnb Ki‡e ? wKš‘ hw` ewj Avwg †Zvgv‡K disturb-B Ki‡ev bv †Zvgv‡K
iBAS follow Ki‡Z n‡e| iBAS G entry w`ev| iBAS G payment order w`ev| Zvn‡j Zvi wK Avi
ejvi wKQz Av‡Q ? ejvi bvB| Kvj‡K PWD’i engineer Avgv‡K ej‡Q, Avcwb wek¦vm Ki‡Z cvi‡eb bv
m¨vi Avgiv KZ happy! unbelievable, 10 eQi Av‡M GUv Avgiv wPšÍvI Ki‡Z cviZvg bv| Zviv A‡bK
happy KviY, sub division-G wK n‡”Q bv n‡”Q Zv mobile G †`L‡Z cv‡”Q| Imprest KZ †c‡jv, 3Uv
sub division Gi cash book-G wK †jLv n‡”Q †mUv †m †gvevB‡jB †PK Ki‡Z cvi‡Q|
†Kb Avgv‡`i CGDF office wPšÍv Ki‡e bv| kZkZ †KvwU UvKvi imprest field pay office-G
cvwV‡q Pzc K‡i e‡m _vK‡Z n‡e ! Avcbvi ÿgZv Avwg wb‡q †b‡ev - GUv †jv‡K Lv‡e bv| wKš‘ Avcbvi ÿgZv
ÿgZv Avcbvi Kv‡QB _vK‡e wKš‘ improve Ki‡ev system-GUv †Zv Lv‡e| Imprest eÜ K‡i w`‡ev ej‡ev
bv ej‡j - †h hv wb‡Z cv‡i wb‡e cvi‡j double K‡i †`b with a condition hv LiP Ki‡e Zv system-
Page 177 of 196
G record Ki‡e| Ex.en. happy KviY †m Zvi sub division-Gi imprest Gi wnmve †m regular
†`L‡Z cvi‡Q| Gi g‡a¨ wK wK control †`qv hvq †m suggestion Avm‡Q| Avwg e‡jwQ, Lei`vi control
†`qvUv Av‡M bv| Av‡M n‡jv Zv‡K confidence-G †bqv| Av‡M make him happy. Zviv ej‡Q, me
grip-P‡j Avm‡Q, ev‡RU, GKvD›Um, ivwbs wej me †`L‡Z cvw”Q|
Av‡M G¸‡jv †`Lvi Rb¨ 3 Rb‡K WvK‡Z n‡Zv| †m hLb Wv‡K Zvi Avevi óvd _v‡K bv| GLb
Zvn‡j better control n‡jv Systematic control. gvSLv‡b GKUv file G‡mwQ‡jv, ‡hUv óc K‡iwQ|
Executive Engineer-Gi †PK Wªwqs power withdraw Kivi, withdraw K‡i AG office -G A_v©r
DAO †Z wej jvMv‡e| PWDÕi GZ rich wm‡÷g ; CPWA code Av‡Q, †hLv‡b LGED Õi wKQzB
bvB| GK GK donor GK GK slip w`‡q P‡j| †mB wm‡÷g eÜ K‡i †`qvi Rb¨, wm‡÷g wVK bv K‡i total
wm‡÷g †f‡O& †`qvi cÖ¯Íve|
Avgv‡`i vision : centralized accounting decentralized Service pay point-G
_vK‡e| †Kvb employee hw` PF advance †bq Zv‡K wK XvKvq Avm‡Z n‡e| Record centralized
n‡”Q hv‡Z balance i.e. Finance Account Gi balance cv‡ev mv‡_ mv‡_| GUvB conceptual
building . Cost minimize n‡e Ges audit †K GK level †_‡K Avi GK level- G wb‡q †h‡Z n‡e|
PF Gi audit review - balance Gi Size KZUzKz Sustainable, GUv PA‡Z _vKv bv _vKvi g‡a¨ wK
cv_©K¨ n‡Z cv‡i- GB mg¯Í Gwiqv‡Z Avgv‡`i observation _vK‡e| Future direction _vK‡e hv‡Z
G¸‡jv Avjv`vfv‡e g¨v‡bR Kiv hvq| GRb¨ †Zvgv‡`i India ‡`L‡Z ewj| India ïay PF K‡i‡Q, bv
†cbkbI K‡i‡Q, 2005 Gi ci| 13 eQi Av‡M n‡q‡Q †Zvgiv Rv‡bv bv| 2005 Gi c‡i hviv PvKwi‡Z join
K‡i‡Q Zviv funded pension-G cÖ‡ek K‡i‡Q| cÖ‡Z¨K employee, A_©vr †cbkb funded, managed
K‡i‡Q H authority | ZvB e‡j employee looser n‡”Q bv, Zvi benefit protect Kiv n‡”Q|
MZ eQi †_‡K Avgv‡`i †cbkb ev‡RU central, central budget central g¨v‡bR‡g›U| ‡cbkbvi
wK XvKvq Avm‡e ? ej‡ev evmv †_‡KB †ei n‡eb bv| Dbœqb †gjvq †cbkbvi comfort ‡`evi Rb¨ ÷j, VvÛv
cvwb, d¨v‡bi evZvm, †gwW‡Kj †PKAvc Kivq| †cbkbvi‡K evwo †_‡K 3 gvBj `~‡i †W‡K G‡b VvÛv cvwbi
LvIqv‡bvi KviYwU wK? Zvi †Zv medical - ZLbB n‡q †M‡Q| gv‡mi 1 Zvwi‡L evc †Q‡j‡K †hg‡b UvKv
cvVvq †Zg‡b UvKv cvVv‡e bv, †Kb †cbkbvi PPO eB wbqv Nyi‡e| PPO eB -electronically
CAO/‡cbk‡b _vKvi K_v| gviv †M‡j wife ‡Kb ID w`‡q c‡ii gvm †_‡KB †cbkb cv‡eb bv ! G¸‡jv
Avgv‡`i big service delivery issue, new pensioner-Gi Rb¨ iBAS-G already e-ppoÕi
provision Kiv Av‡Q| System –G accumulate Kiv hvq GLbB| iBAS Study Ki‡j G¸‡jvI
Study Ki‡Z n‡e| G¸‡jvi †ÿ‡Î extraordinery effort w`‡Z n‡e|

Page 178 of 196

Avgv‡`i ultimate domain-Uv n‡jv macro account, Avgiv ïay fiscal account Kwi, †KD
†KB GUv‡K macro fiscal account I e‡j| USA ‡Z external borrowing e‡j †Kvb iseue Av‡Q
wKbv ? As far as the fiscal account concern external Avi domestic e‡j †Kvb K_v †bB|
Borrowing n‡e instrument -G| Z‡e Zvi holder domestic saver I n‡Z cv‡i external Saver
I n‡Z cv‡i| USA ‡Z Pvqbv Bb‡f÷ Ki‡Q I-bond G | Zvn‡jv g~jZt USA Finance Account G
†jLv _vK‡e Avwg I-bond G borrow K‡iwQ| GZ Zvi g‡a¨ holder type domestic GZ, external
GZ| external G Pvqbv GZ|

evsjv‡`‡k external borrowing ‡hUv Avgiv ewj GUv Avm‡Q Mwiex Kvi‡Y, Avgv‡`i I-bond GI
certain % borrowing external bv ? GUv‡K wK foreign ej‡ev bv holder typee ej‡ev ? analysis
_vK‡Z cv‡i I-bond Gi gva¨‡g GZ borrow K‡iwQ, 5 years, 10 years Av‡Mi Stock GZ Gevi GZ|
GZ repayment K‡iwQ, Gev‡ii GZ Avi Gevi †h¸‡jv †mj K‡iwQ Zvig‡a¨ domestic GZ, external
GZ| IUvi GKUv analysis _vK‡Z cv‡i| Avgv‡`i external borrowing g~jZt concessional issue
‡_‡K G‡m‡Q| Gici Av‡Q non concessional borrowing. Foreign grant ‡hUv part of non-tax
revenue but financing Gi Rb¨ concessional / non-concessional borrowing n‡jv-‡hUvi
interest _v‡K bv| Service Gi Rb¨ Uvg©m _v‡K, long term nq, GUv institution wise multilateral,
bilateral -concessional loan/ borrowing nq|

Multilateral –significant amount Zvig‡a¨I significant n‡jv WB & ADB,

bilateral-JICA, Concessional more than 90% | ZviI Significant WB & ADB Ab¨ -
multilateral- IDB, UN (UN) (‡gavwfwËK†`q- UN) IMF GiUv wK ? -current account
balance ‡Kb ? fiscal sector IMF -Gi mv‡_ Avgv‡`i fiscal secter Gi AvZ¥xqZv †bB| IMF-Gi
mv‡_ AvZ¥xqZv n‡jv external sector & monetary finance Gi| Z‡e Giv Avevi fiscal secter Gi
DciI supervise K‡i ? KviY Fiscal sector misbehave Ki‡j Ab¨iv wec‡` c‡o| G Kvi‡YB
Supervise K‡i| Avgv‡`i Fiscal a/c ‡Luv‡R| Remember IMF ‡Kvb lending arm bq| IMF n‡jv
monetary & external sector Gi stability maintain Kivi cÖwZôvb| GRb¨ GUvi bv‡gi g‡a¨B
monetary Av‡Q| GRb¨B IMF Avgvi rescue -G Avm‡e hw` Avgvi foreign exchange reserve
GLb †b‡g hvq Avwg externally `~e©j n‡q hvw”Q| Current account deficit Pj‡Q GLb| GLb
overall balance I deficit| Z‡e fiscal sector †K oversight Gi g‡a¨ iv‡L| hw` unnecessary
barrow K‡i †m K_v e‡j|

Page 179 of 196

IMF-Gi loan mivmwi evsjv‡`k e¨vs‡Ki account -G Av‡m not single teasury. IMF ‡_‡K
1 million dollar wb‡j, H one million dollar evsjv‡`k e¨vs‡Ki wiRv‡f© XzK‡e| TSA ‡Z XyK‡e bv|
WB, ADBÕi loan AZx‡Z cyiv wQ‡jv financing / project financing Avgvi Fiscal accounting
Gi Dci wek¦vm / depend Ki‡Z cvi‡Zv bv e‡j mevB project–G UvKv cvVv‡Zv, Zvi Dci Avevi
CONTASA, imprest, GB mg¯Í Innovation K‡i‡Q| Single treasury’I hw` n‡e †h †Kvb mgq
general Ki‡j H Project Gi LiP cvIqv hv‡e, wKšÍ UvKv _vK‡e Single Teasury ‡Z| Av‡¯Í Av‡¯Í
n‡e| Project Gi Financial Statement G GB terminology n‡jv innovation.
Concessional Gi g‡a¨ Project financing innovation Avevi PFM†K robust
K‡i‡Q| Strengthen K‡i‡Q bv `~e©j K‡i‡Q ? Internationally already conclusion draw n‡q
†M‡Q| GB donor iv Avgv‡`i †PŠÏUv evwR‡q‡Q, Avgvi System †K †h rely bv K‡i †m Ab¨ System †K
innovate K‡i Avgvi System GiI 12Uv evwR‡q‡Q| GB K_v evsjv‡`‡ki Rb¨ bv internationally
recognized n‡q †M‡Q| paris declaration mn Ab¨vb¨¸‡jv‡Z †jLv n‡q †M‡Q †h, GBUv wVK n‡”Q bv
CONTASA, DOSA Pvjv‡bv eis single treasury †K strengthen Kiv DwPZ| GBUv
commitment ch©šÍ w`‡q w`‡qwQ‡jv| AvR †_‡K 10 eQi Av‡M GB¸‡jv n‡q hvIqvi K_v|
development partner iv wewfbœ iKg alibye Zz‡j Zz‡j G¸‡jv‡ZB i‡q †M‡Q GLbI|
Health, education, primary education G Av‡¯Í Av‡¯Í single treasury †Z UvKv XzK‡Q|
Avgiv Avgv‡`i ev‡R‡Ui g‡a¨ Ki‡ev Zviv evaluate Ki‡e P4R Zviv †Kvb F/S w`‡q Ki‡e bv Avgv‡`i
System †_‡K accounts wb‡q Ki‡e ? System Gi g‡a¨ identify Kivi e¨vcviUv introduce Ki‡Z
n‡e| iBAS†K Hfv‡e ready Ki‡Z n‡e| concessional borrowing w`‡q physical financing
Kwi project †_‡K n‡q †M‡Q Sector, general budget support wn‡m‡e Hme mnvqZv Avm‡e| B`vwbs
Av‡iKUv trend ïiæ n‡q‡Q| non-concessional borrowing DbœZ n‡”Q | wN LvIqv‡Z 300Õi g‡a¨
200 concessional, 100 non-concessional| KviY DbœZ n‡”Qv-wb‡R e‡j wb‡R aiv, DbœZ n‡qwQ ZvB
DbœZ Lvevi|
World Bank, ADB I Av‡¯Í Av‡¯Í concessional †_‡K non-concessional G hv‡”Q| wKQz
wKQz interest G †`q| market rate bv n‡jI free w`‡”Q bv| GB n‡jv wM‡q Avgv‡`i Fiscal Account
Gi external borrowing| evsjv‡`k †hw`b concessional †_‡K cy‡iv ev` hv‡e ZLb external
borrowing e‡j wKQz _vK‡e bv, borrowing n‡e instrumental Avi holder n‡e even TreasuryÕi
Dhaka bond New York G listed n‡e HLv‡b wewµ n‡e|

Page 180 of 196

bond wewµ n‡e New York Gi Stock exchange G Ges New York Gi auction G
participate Ki‡e foreign investor iv| Avwg hv borrow Ki‡ev 1. Bond auction Gi UvKv New
York †_‡K borrow Ki‡ev| GUv n‡Z cv‡I Taka bond, US dollar bond| hw` Avgvi Foreign
exchange reserve 100/200 billion n‡q hvq, dollar bond G borrow Ki‡ev| Import cost
dollar bond †_‡K bear Ki‡ev-G¸jv future dimension n‡Z cv‡i| Gi evB‡i Avi GKUv
borrowing wKQzUv dangerous borrowing. Avgv‡`i observation _vKv DwPZ| Suppliers credit
& buyer’s credit. bvg different n‡jI Rv‡Z almost same. India, China eo prominent-GB
suppliers credit, buyer’s credit B`vwbs Pvjy n‡q‡Q, A‡b‡KB Lv‡”Q| hv‡`i excess savings Av‡Q
& technologically advanced specially China, B`vwbs Avevi IndiaI ïiæ n‡q‡Q| Giv e‡j,
†Zvgvi tunnel Avwg evbvBqv w`‡ev, UvKv Avwg w`‡ev, contructor I w`‡ev| Avwg wK Ki‡ev? Zzwg Nygvev,
tunnel n‡q †M‡j Mvwo wb‡q cvi nev| Gi bvg suppliers credit, Gi bvg buyer’s credit Avgvi †`‡ki
†jvK bidding G participate Ki‡ebv| GKmgq wQ‡jv bidding B n‡ebv| UvKv †bIqvi Rb¨ negotiate
Kivi Rb¨ Avmvi `iKvi bvB| Avwg bank evbvBwQ, bank Gi bvg Exim Bank. IndiaÕi Av‡Q, China
evbvB‡Q| AviI A‡bK †`k evbvB‡Q| Exim Bank †Kvb bank bq, window of the government.
miKvi I‡i UvKv w`‡q iv‡L, e‡j UvKv †Zvgvi LvZvq wj‡L ivL‡ev, contructor †K UvKv w`‡ev| Lending
window of government of China. Capital supply †`q Indian government -Iiv suppliers
credit buyers credit handle K‡i| Interest rateI high GB trend Uv public finance GI ïiæ
G‡ÿ‡Î observation could be clear cut, external governance Gi Kvi‡b w`‡Z bv
cvi‡jI issue¸‡jv economic point of view †Z - Zzj‡Z n‡e| raise Ki‡Z nq| non
competitiveness Gi Rb¨ Avgiv wK loose KiwQ †mUvi liability, sustainability of public debt
wb‡q cÖkœ Ki‡Z cvwi| composition wb‡q cÖkœ Ki‡Z cvwit domestic G KZ, external G KZ;
concession KZ nonconcession- KZ Suppliers KZ, lending type w`‡qI analysis nq| hZUzKz
my›`i Avgvi wish list G Av‡Q †Uv KZUzKz my›`i n‡q †mUv Avgvi KvQ †_‡K Avm‡e bv, wKš‘ Avwg Avbw›`Z
n‡ev, but you have the ability _vK‡Z n‡e| total concept nv‡Z †bqv hvq| domain Uv †K wPb‡j
professionally Rvb‡j you enjoy your life †h ‡hB level G _v‡K bv †Kb †Zvgv‡`i †ewk mgq jvM‡e
bv| †Zvgiv function †evS, technically sound ZvB |
Appropriation account Gi format †Kvb †nW †_‡K †Kv_vq hv‡”Q| HUv consumption of
parliament wK ? `iKvi aggregate voted accountability; GUvi KZUzKz bv †M‡j bq ZZUzKz hv‡e|

Page 181 of 196

pen & pencil G †h re-appropriation K‡iwQ HUvI appropriation account G hvq| re-
appropriation pre-audit G n‡q †M‡Q| I delegated the authority, pre-audit G †P‡K n‡q †M‡Q
Zvn‡j Avwg GLb - higher level G ‡h incorporcte Ki‡ev| Thank you very much

Page 182 of 196

Session: TEN

mevB‡K ¯^vMZ Rvbvw”Q| cÖ_‡g Avwg recap m¤ú‡K© wKQz ejwQ| That was a very good
attempt Ges I must say, at least terminology ¸‡jv me wb‡q Avm‡Z †c‡i‡Q| Z‡e wKQzUv
sequential problem wQj| wKQz conceptual problem wQj| But, I never mind, GUv n‡ZB cv‡i|
Terminology¸‡jv hLb P‡j G‡m‡Q, sequence Ges concept-¸‡jv Av‡¯Í Av‡¯Í P‡j Avm‡e| hw`
further ‡jLv cov Kwi Zvn‡j GUv wVK n‡q hv‡e| But very good attempt, g~j †mk‡b hvevi Av‡M
GKUv welq share Kiv `iKvi| The Comptroller and Auditor General of Bangladesh is a
constitutional post. Constitutional post ej‡Z wK †evSv‡bv nq Zv †kqvi Ki‡ev Gevi| hw` ewj
CAG, Bangladesh is a Constitutional Body, Zvn‡j †mUv right or wrong ‡mwel‡q fve‡Z n‡e|
CAG is a body, but wK ai‡bi t legally body `yB ai‡bi, corporate structure and
monocratic structure Gi| Monocratic n‡”Q single man show, but it is a body. CAG of
Bangladesh is s single man body, so it is a Constitutional monocratic body. GB body-
‡Z Avi †KD bvB †h mevB wg‡j consensus wb‡q act (KvR) Ki‡Z n‡e| Dwb decide Ki‡eb single
authority w`‡q| Monocratic body i advantage and disadvantage DfqB Av‡Q|
Advantage n‡jv difference of opinion ‡_‡K euvPv hvq| Disadvantage ¸‡jv quite
obvious. You may shift away from the consensus (HK¨gZ)| A_©vr error of judgment Kivi
propensity ‡e‡o †h‡Z cv‡i| A_©vr DfqB Av‡Q - positive and negative side Av‡Q| CAG of
Bangladesh is a body and a post as well. It does not need to share its decision with
others but Zvi under-Gi officials iv Zv‡K aid Ki‡e, support Ki‡e| wKš‘ decision Zuvi wb‡Ri,
constitutional body i definition G GB parameter Gi K_v e‡jwQjvg| wK wK parameter _vK‡j
full proof constitutional body n‡Z cv‡i| Full blown constitutional body I parameter wK
wK ? Appointment, jurisdiction, privilege, removal should be protected by the
constitution. GB PviUv hZ‡ekx protected _vK‡e ZZ †ekx solid constitutional body n‡e| GUvi
range Av‡Q| GB 4Uv parameter w`‡q CAG ‡K test Ki‡j †`Lv hv‡”Q appointment protected but
but not solid protected but still protected because Dwb Mf‡g©›U process Gi gva¨‡g wb‡qvM cvb
bv| Dwb president KZ…©K appointed, not by the government, by the head of the state.
Protected in a sense that GKevi appointment by president n‡j Avi revoke Ki‡Z cvi‡e bv|
A_©vr, GKevi Auditor General ‡K appointment ‡`qv n‡j President Avi †mUv revoke Ki‡Z

Page 183 of 196

cvi‡e bv| Jurisdiction protected appointment ‡gvUvgywU solid| G K_v ejvi Kvib n‡”Q CAG
parliament ev senate Gi mvg‡b ‡Kv‡bv competitive exam ev interview w`‡q Avm‡Q bv | GUv
hand picked that is why I said solidification could be more. There could be some
select committee. Opposition leaders should have been there. Some other experts from
outside should be there. There should have been an interview. Best one ‡K select K‡i
President sign Ki‡j it becomes more solid.
‡Kv‡bv †Kv‡bv jurisdiction G (†Kv‡bv †Kv‡bv SAI-†Z) GiKg ev Gi †P‡q Solid I Av‡Q|
USA †Z GAO Gi head ‡K Gfv‡e select committee i gva¨‡g Avm‡Z nq| Avgv‡`i jurisdiction
protected by the Constitutional Article 128 (1) it is a solid position. Article 128 as a
whole is the jurisdiction. Indian constitution visit Ki‡j †`Lv hv‡e ZviUvI protected wKš‘ H
jurisdiction n‡Z Avgv‡`iUv more protected. India ‡Z Constitution-G wmGwRi role ejv Av‡Q
wKš‘ role Gi details ejv Av‡Q actG| Dwb audit Ki‡eb ejv Av‡Q wKš‘ details ‡`qv Av‡Q DPC Act,
1971-G| Avi evsjv‡`‡ki †ÿ‡Î mivmwi msweav‡b jurisdiction ‡`qv Av‡Q| ZvB, evsjv‡`‡ki †ÿ‡Î
jurisdiction is more solid than Indian one.
Privilege Gi †ÿ‡Î evsjv‡`‡k Remuneration and Privilege Act Av‡Q| msweav‡b bv †_‡K
law †Z Av‡Q ZvB `ye©jfv‡e protected GUv fvev wVK bq| AvBb w`‡q privilege ‡`qv n‡”Q, †Kvb pay
and allowances order w`‡q †eZb n‡”Q bv| Avm‡j GB parameter `ye©j g‡b n‡jI Avm‡j `ye©j bq|
msweav‡bi Article 147 (1) G mvsweavwbK c`¸‡jvi list w`‡q ejv Av‡Q G‡`i privilege wba©viY n‡e
Act w`‡q| G Kvi‡bB Privilege ActG‡m‡Q| hw`I wcÖwf‡jR G¨v± G AvwU©‡Kj 147 (1) Gi D‡jøL †bB,
Kiv DwPZ wQj| solid protection H article G †`qv Av‡Q| ejv Av‡Q GKRb AwWUi †Rbv‡ij‡K †h
term and condition w`‡q appointment ‡`qv n‡e Zvi tenure time-G GUv vary Kiv hv‡e bv| d‡j
miKvi hw` g‡b K‡i AwWUi †Rbv‡ij Gi wcÖwf‡jR Kwg‡q †`qv n‡e, miKvi †mUv cvi‡e bv|
Varied Gi spirit n‡”Q not to the disadvantage of the incumbent. Removal
parameter is also solid. GB PviwU parameter Øviv test Ki‡j †`Lv hv‡e Auditor General full
constitutional body. Gfv‡e Ab¨vb¨ constitutional body¸‡jv‡KI test Kiv †h‡Z cv‡i G mKj
parameter Gi Av‡jv‡K| A‡b‡K g‡b K‡i msweav‡b D‡jøL _vK‡jB constitutional body, Avm‡j Zv
bq, Attorney General ‡K constitutional body aiv nq wKš‘ GUv `ye©j, Dbvi appointment and
removal by the president, Jurisdiction clearly D‡jøL †bB constitution G| wcÖwf‡jR I
president decide K‡i †`q| d‡j GwU mvsweavwbK c` Z‡e feature Gi g‡a¨ cv_©K¨ Av‡Q|

Page 184 of 196

Avgiv PFMGi 4Uv panel discuss K‡iwQ Ges 4Uv c¨v‡bj m¤ú©‡K Avgiv †R‡bwQ| 1g panel
n‡”Q spender, they are the revenue collector. Avgiv 1g panel-Gi legal structure,
institutional structure, regulatory framework-G¸‡jv discussK‡iwQ, standard process of
working of the first panel n‡”Q 1g c¨v‡bj Gi nv‡Z fund _vK‡e| 2q c¨v‡bj Gi Kv‡Q scrutiny
authority _vK‡e Avi payment order / authority ‡`evi AwaKvi _vK‡e wKš‘ Zvi Kv‡Q money
_vK‡e bv| 1g c¨v‡bj Gi nv‡Z budget _vK‡e, scrutiny authority _vK‡e, spending authority
_vK‡e| 2q c¨v‡bj Gi nv‡Z scrutiny authority _vK‡e which in some cases we call pre-audit.
Avi accounting responsibilityI _vK‡e, GB accounting (2q c¨v‡b‡ji) role Uv budget holder
Gi accounts Gi role bv, governemnt-Gi accounts Gi role. 3q c¨v‡b‡j KvR n‡”Q single
treasury maintain Kiv, cash handle Kiv A_©vr, miKv‡ii UvKv Avmv Ges 2q c¨v‡bj †h payment
authority w`‡q‡Q H authority bank-G payment K‡i government account ‡_‡K UvKv wb‡q
†bqv| GB 3Uv c¨v‡bj Gi KvR very clearly demarcated KvR| 2q c¨v‡bj Gi accounting ‡KB ejv
n‡”Q government accounting.
To make our life simple Avgvi discussion Gi boundary / jurisdiction for the first
panel is [public sector: SoE included/General purpose government/Local government
(with central government)] only the central government with a qualification discussion
ïay central government wb‡q| Central government only linked with TSA and also you
can call it central budget sector. ‡mvRv K_v ev‡R‡U AšÍf©~³ cÖwZôvb †h¸‡jv Single Treasury Õi
mv‡_ linked. Autonomous body I GB Av‡jvPbvi g‡a¨ †bB| Semi-autonomous body _vK‡e
Kvib Zviv separate fund maintain K‡i bv| Zviv miKv‡ii budget GiB Ask| Discussion n‡e ïay
central government linked with Treasury Single Account and at the same time you can
call central budget sector. Separation of power better government Gi GKUv feature GUv
part of the transparency system.
evsjv‡`‡ki constitution scheme Gi g‡a¨ internal control from the top Av‡Q| The
constitution is designed in such a way that there is a separation of power. A_©vr, mgMÖ †`k
GKUv internal control system Gi g‡a¨ Av‡Q| wZbwU organization fvM Kiv Av‡Q| legislative,
judiciary and executive GLv‡bI 3wU c¨v‡bj G fvM Kiv hvq| hviv Parliament G AvBb cvm Ki‡Z
cv‡i| wKš‘ judiciary Zv interprete Ki‡Z cv‡i| GB 3 c¨v‡b‡ji g‡a¨ by practice executive
panel is more powerful than others, because executive has got some sorts of access to

Page 185 of 196

other panel also specially the legislature hvi d‡j A‡bK †`‡k Gi Rb¨ further check and
balance ‰Zix Kiv nq|
Dci †_‡K flow Kiv internal control ¯‹xg Gi proliferation wfZ‡i wM‡qI cvIqv hvq|
Constitutional body like CAG msweav‡bi †Kv‡bv chapter bv, GUv separate part. It’s a huge
elevation, PSC and EC GMy‡jvI part. Constitution ¯‹xg hw` GB 3wU organ (legislative,
judiciary, executive) Øviv flow K‡i Z‡e GB me body iv †Kv_vq ? They are hanging in the
balance. Giv accountability agent Giv Kv‡iv mivmwi part bv, g~j organ ¸‡jvi better
functioning Gi Rb¨ Giv pressure group wn‡m‡e KvR K‡i| GB Rb¨ G¸‡jv‡K separate
constitutional body Kiv n‡q‡Q| G‡`i‡K organ Gi g‡a¨ fit Kiv hv‡e bv| GB Kvi‡Y G¸‡jvi ststus
executive bv, legislature I bv| †Kv‡bv †Kv‡bv †`‡k CAG ‡K ejv n‡”Q parliament Gi officer
(like UK). Accountability agent wn‡m‡e KvR K‡i G mKj organization ¸‡jv| Abyiæcfv‡e
PEM Gi 3Uv panel I separation of power wn‡m‡e KvR K‡i| G‡`i g‡a¨ dependency Av‡Q|
wKš‘ my¯úó demarcation Av‡Q| Payment generate nq 1g panel n‡Z accounting nq 2q panel
G Avi receipt generate nq 3q panel w`‡q|
Accounting nq 2q panel G, 2q panel Gi 2 level Gi KvR initial account ‰Zix Kiv
Ges final payment K‡i transaction record Kivi bvg initial accounts. Payment Kivi mv‡_
mv‡_ cash book G entry Ki‡Z nq| Payment Gi multiplicity _vK‡j Av‡M subsidiary record
n‡e, then Cash Book G hv‡e| Cash Book G entry is part of initial recording. 2q panel Gi
KvR Avm‡j 3Uvt pay Kiv, subsidiary & initial account ivLv Ges final account compile Kiv |
†hUv‡K Avgiv monthly account ewj| Appropriation Account Avm‡j Account bv, GUv special
purpose statement. DDO vs Controlling Officer GB cv_©K¨ Rvb‡Z n‡e|
Parliament n‡Z Appropriation Act Gi gva¨‡g President ‡K grant ‡`qv nq|
Constitution Abyhvqx President ‡K ExecutiveGi g‡a¨ ivLv n‡q‡Q| ivóªcwZ Rules of Business
Gi gva¨‡g GUv delegate K‡i †`q PAO ‡K, PAO n‡”Q super controlling officer. Because he
has got the authority to sanction expenditure, Gi c‡i delegation Abyhvqx wewfbœ level G
controlling oficer wbav©iY Kiv Av‡Q| Giv hvi hvi Authority Abyhvqx sanction w`‡”Q| GivB
controlling officer. Controlling officer sanction ‡`b, approval ‡`b wKš‘ Bill ‡m sign K‡i
bv| Zvi Øviv wb‡qvwRZ GKRb sign K‡i| G‡KB e‡j DDO hvi specimen signature 2q panel G
maintain Ki‡Z n‡e|

Page 186 of 196

Controlling officer is the budget holder. DDO is not a budget holder. Pay &
Accounts Gi mv‡_ link Av‡Q †h function ‡mUv DDO i Function A_v©r bill sign Kiv, bill
wnmveiÿY Awd‡m cvVv‡bv cÖf…wZ| DDO Ges budget holder Gi function same function bq|
Budget holder wb‡RB DDO n‡Z cv‡ib, bvI n‡Z cv‡ib| Sanction w`‡”Q budget holder, Avi
payment n‡PQ Pay & Accounting panel n‡Z| Recognition point for a transaction †KvbUv
n‡e GUv GKUv principle ev policy i welq| ‡Kvb point G transaction recognition Kiv n‡e for
It is a matter of accounting. A_©vr accounting Gi basis wK Zvi Dci GUv wbf©i K‡i|
avi hvK, 1g c¨v‡bj 2 ZvwiL expenditure sanction K‡i‡Q, Avi 2q c¨v‡bj †PK Bmy¨ K‡i‡Q 5 ZvwiL,
Zvn‡j expenditure accounting for n‡e †Kvb Zvwi‡L ? Avevi initial accounting is the basis
for final accounting. Initial Accounts Gi recognition point Avi Final Account Gi
recognition point should match. cÖkœ e‡jv Initial Accounts wK‡mi Rb¨ ? Finance Account
Gi Rb¨ Avgv‡`i basis of Accounting n‡”Q Cash | Zvn‡j Existing policy Abyhvqx Avgiv
Finance Account Gi Rb¨ Initial Account ‰Zix Kwi, not for Appropriation Account.
Appropriation Accounts ‰Zix nq as a by product wn‡m‡e| Av‡M Avgv‡`i system ‡_‡K ˆZix
n‡Zv| GLb Budget Management law Abyhvqx budget holder Gi product wn‡m‡e special
purpose statement wn‡m‡e Appropriation Account ‰Zix n‡e|
Cash basis G †h point G ‡PK †`qv n‡”Q H point GB Initial Accounts n‡e| Ges
Monthly Accounts GB Initial Account n‡ZB aggregate n‡e| A_©vr, 5 Zvwi‡LB accounts for
n‡e Initial Account G| 2 ZvwiL bq, KviY 2 ZvwiL GUv 2q c¨v‡b‡j Av‡mB wb| Initial Account is
always for the main account. Avgv‡`i main account Finance Account. Appropriation
Account is a by product of our accounting output. G hLbB accounts Gi opening Ges
closing Gi K_v ejv n‡e always this is a balance account. Appropriation Account Gi †Kvb
balance accounting ‡bB| Monthly Account n‡”Q Balance Accounting. GLv‡b Receipt-
Payment Avi balance Av‡Q| Complete Account G _vK‡e Receipt, Payment, Opening and
Closing balance _vK‡e| CAOi A/c G me wKQz cvIqv hv‡e bv| wKš‘, CAGi Account G mewKQz
cvIqv hv‡e| Railway ev CGDF G Receipt & Payment Dfq cvIqv hv‡e|
g~j Av‡jvPbvq wd‡i Avwm| ‡h Standard Agreement Gi K_v ejv n‡”Q separation of
duties Gi evB‡i Historically Avgv‡`i wKQz Agreement Kiv Av‡Q| Initial Account is the basis

Page 187 of 196

for Final Account. Initial Account is not the basis for Appropriation Accounts.
Appropriation Account will the basis for income–expenditure accounts of the
government Ges balance sheet of government n‡e hLb flow Gi mv‡_ stock mn accounting
Kiv n‡e| GLb Avgiv flow Gi accounting Kwi| Stock accounting Gi g‡a¨ bvB| Avjv`v
statement w`‡q stockGi wnmve ivLv nq| ZvB eZ©gv‡b Finance Account G all financial asset Gi
(opening balance + inflow - outflow = closing balance) reflected Ki‡Z n‡e| Full blown
accrual n‡j ZLb transaction recognition point I close n‡e| G¸‡jv Future Gi discussion
2q panel Gi pay and Initial Accounts Gi arrangement ‡Kvb †Kvb ‡ÿ‡Î exception
Kiv n‡q‡Q | 2q c¨v‡b‡j Final Accounts †i‡L initial & subsidiary including pay †K mwi‡q
†bqv n‡q‡Q A_v©r 2q c¨v‡b‡ji gva¨‡g pay n‡e bv, subsidiary account n‡e bv, initial accountI
n‡e bv| Final Account n‡e 2q c¨v‡b‡j G‡m| G mKj cÖwZôvb‡K Avgiv ejwQ Self Accounting
Entities (SAE) [hw`I Rule Book G GB Terminology ‡bB, iBAS++ Gi g‡a¨I SAE
module †hvM Kiv n‡q‡Q|] Giv initial account render K‡i|
SAE is the under the accounting control of CGA (except CGDF, Railway).
Even payment is under the control of CGA. CGA ’i delegated authority use K‡i
payment, initial & subsidiary account, receipt BZ¨vw` K‡i SAE Z‡e GB job Uv g~jZ CGA
i ev 2q panel Gi| Delegation by CGA, CGAi delegated authority use K‡i Zviv payment
Ki‡e| Initial & subsidiary account ‰Zix Ki‡e (Receipt Gi InitialA/c ˆZix Ki‡e)|
Special GB mKj department Gi receipt Gi Initial Account I ZvivB Ki‡e hw`I Ab¨
†ÿ‡Î treasury i gva¨‡g receipt n‡”Q| But Zviv CGAi accounting jurisdiction Gi under G
delegated authority wb‡q KvR Ki‡e| †mB Ki‡Y Zviv †h payment Ki‡e ‡mB †PK CGAi KvQ
†_‡K wb‡Z n‡e| Ges Accounts officer ‡K GB me Bmy¨K…Z †P‡Ki wnmve msiÿY Ki‡Z n‡e| GB
delegation ‡`Iqv n‡q‡Q wK ?
Even Postal Ges Foreign Affairs I Forest I Av‡jvPbv Kiv n‡e bv| G Qvov hviv Av‡Q Zviv GKUv
group G belong K‡i Zv‡`i BwZnvm I GK| Legal framework I Awfbœ | Originally Zviv GKUv
Department wQj| Originally GUv wQj C&BI, Communication & Building and Irrigation.
cieZ©x‡Z I for Irrigation ‡_‡K MwVZ n‡jv WAPDA ‡hUv budget sector ‡_‡K †ei n‡q
autonomous n‡q †Mj| Water and Power Development Authority - WAPDA Avevi 2 fvM
n‡q PDB Ges WDB n‡q‡Q| A_©vr budget n‡Z Irrigation †ei n‡q wM‡q‡Q, Even Irrigation ‡_‡K

Page 188 of 196

WASAI †Mj Ges AšÍf©~³ n‡jv ‡gvUªvcwjUb CITY ‡Z| Avi Ab¨Î m„wó n‡jv DPHE, C&B ‡_‡K n‡jv
PWD Ges R&H Gi g‡a¨ LGED Avm‡e bv|
Central budget Sector ev GLb Av‡Q PWD, R&H Ges DPHE G¸‡jvi accounting
arrangement follow K‡i Accounts Code Vol - 1, 2, 3 & 4 | Av‡iv Specifically Accounts
Code Vol-3 [For Departmental Account] Accounts Code Vol-1 G Av‡Q Principles ‡hUv‡K
AvRKvj Standard Gi mv‡_ Zzjbv Kiv hvq| Vol - 2 ‡Z Av‡Q Initial Account in Treasury ev
eZ©gv‡bi Accounts office, Vol - 3 ‡Z Av‡Q Initial Accounts for departments Avi Vol - 4 G
Av‡Q Final Account ev Accounts Compliation Gi Process hv Avevi Change situation G
Accounts Code cwieZ©b K‡i bZzb K‡i Bmy¨ Kiv cÖ‡qvRb|
cÖ_g Change n‡jv Treasury Avi †bB| Treasury is converted to Accounts Office. 2q
cwieZ©b n‡jv Account GLb Accounts Office G iwÿZ n‡”Q | 3q change n‡”Q new
classification structure hvi d‡j compilation system GI change n‡e| GB Accounts Code
n‡jv Total Budget Sector Gi Accounting Arrangement Gi Rb¨ Auditor General Gi
prescription-Gi authority G‡m‡Q Constitution Article 131 ‡_‡K| 2q panel Gi major GKUv
KvR department ¸‡jv‡K w`‡q ‡`qv n‡q‡Q| They will spend, they will issue cheque, they
will prepare cash book, they will prepare initial account. Final Account is only the
compilation which will be done by CGA. wKšÍy department ¸‡jv‡K GFR, TR, Account
Code Vol-3 G¸‡jv meB follow Ki‡Z n‡e|
2q panel Gi authority i evB‡i accounts authority Zv‡`i †`qv nqwb| Department Gi
Rb¨ G¸‡jv follow Kiv difficult, KviY Zviv g~jZ Engineers. wKšÍy 2q panel Gi KvRI Zv‡`i
Ki‡Z n‡e| GBRb¨ Zv‡`i Rb¨ special rule n‡q‡Q hvi bvg CPWA Code. Appropriation
Account ‡hgb account bv‡g Avgv‡`i misguide K‡i †Zgwb CPWA Code (Central Public
Works Account Code)-I Accounts Code bq| GUv misnomar. GUv n‡”Q GKUv Code Book
‡hLv‡b GFR, TR, Account Code Vol-3 n‡Z rule wb‡q GKUv compilation Kiv n‡q‡Q| GUv hv‡Z
K‡i GKUv Handbook wn‡m‡e KvR K‡i wWcvU©‡g›Uvj Officer †`i Rb¨| CPWA Code is not an
Account Code.
CPW A Code Zvn‡j †K issue Ki‡e ? KviY Department †K Accounts Code Vol - 3
follow Kiv †_‡K Ae¨vnwZ †`qv nqwb| TR n‡Z Ae¨vnwZ †`qv nqwb| GB Kvi‡Y Internal to the
government wn‡m‡e GUv issue Kivi `vwqZ¦ Ministry of Finance Gi| wKš‘ issue i mgq due

Page 189 of 196

respect †`qv n‡q‡Q H mKj provision G †h¸‡jv Ab¨vb¨ rule G B‡Zvg‡a¨ Av‡Q A_v©r Accounts
Code Vol-1,Vol-3, TR G Av‡Q| GB Kvi‡Y CPWA Code has the provision of Budget,
Sanction, Execution, Pay, Cash Book and everything. ZvB CPWA Code co‡j
comprehensively I GB panel Gi working relationship I eyS‡Z cviv hvq|
Department ¸‡jv †h Cash Book maintain K‡i Zvi Form I Av‡Q CPWA Code G|
G¸‡jv AvR †_‡K 15 eQi Av‡M electronic Kiv n‡q‡Q| R&H G Record keeping, initial
accounts keeping, cash book, ‡PK entry meB electronically maintain nq | eZ©gv‡b Zviv
iBAS++ Gi g‡a¨I included. ‡h‡nZz department ¸‡jv delegated authority wb‡q KvR Ki‡Q ZvB
iBAS++ implement Ki‡Z wM‡q †mLv‡b wKQz gap m„wó n‡Z cv‡i| KviY GB KvR (pay, accounts)
Kivi g‡Zv knowledge level department ¸‡jv‡Z Kg, Ab¨w`‡K GB department ¸‡jvB me‡P‡q
†ekx expenditure Gi mv‡_ involved. wKQz wb‡Riv K‡i, wKQz deposit work Gi gva¨‡g K‡i Avevi
wKQz allocated budget Gi gva¨‡g K‡i|
More audit assurance Gi Rb¨ Ges more propriety ensure Kivi Rb¨ GKRb agent H
mKj department G ivLv cÖ‡qvRb| On behalf of the 2 nd panel or even on behalf of the 4th
panel GKRb implant ivL‡Z n‡e| Ges †m appointed by the 2nd Panel or 4th Panel. 2nd panel
Øviv eZ©gv‡b m¤¢e n‡”Q bv KviY GB implant iv 3 RvqMvq posted _v‡K hviv 2nd panel Gi 3wU
separate administrative control Gi AvIZvq | They will be working in the division doing
job of 3 nature. cÖ_gZ: financial advisor to budget holder, Ggb NUbvI N‡U‡Q †h CAO †_‡K
ejv n‡q‡Q department mg~n‡K Li‡Pi voucher CAO †Z cvVv‡bvi cÖ‡qvRb †bB| ïay Top Sheet
cvVv‡jB n‡e| GB wm×všÍ mwVK wQj bv, KviY g~jZ payment K‡I voucher ivLvi g~j `vwqZ¡ 2q
c¨v‡b‡ji| Department ¸‡jv †h‡nZz 2q c¨v‡b‡ji c‡ÿ KvR K‡i ZvB g~j voucher mg~n 2q c¨v‡b‡ji
Kv‡Q Aek¨B Avm‡Z n‡e| Department ïay gvÎ sanction hvPvB K‡I payment Ki‡e bill Gi
original Ges voucher Gi original gvwmK wfwˇZ CAO i Kv‡Q cvVv‡Z n‡e| Av‡M AG i GKUv
mywbw`©ó †mKk‡b cvVv‡bv n‡Zv hv eZ©gv‡b Concern CAO i Kv‡Q cvVv‡bv n‡”Q|
Budget expenditure, Cash Book maintain, Accounts (initial) Kivi mgq ‡m follow
Ki‡e basically CPWA Code . KviY CPWA Code Gi g‡a¨ GFR, TR, Account Code Gi
cÖ‡qvRbxq Ask¸‡jv Av‡Q Ges ReferenceI Av‡Q| Department ¸‡jv wbw`©ó format G Monthly
Accounts K‡i cvVvq| GB Formate ¸‡jvI new classification Gi context G reset Kiv
cÖ‡qvRb| 3Uv Department †K Pay and Receipt Gi ÿgZv †`qv n‡q‡Q ZvB Zviv Money Receipt

Page 190 of 196

eB Gi gva¨‡g Receipt Ki‡Z cv‡i hv CAO KZ„©K Bmy¨K…Z nIqvi K_v| eZ©gv‡b mswkøó wWGI n‡Z
†m¸‡jv Bm¨y n‡”Q wKš‘ authority g~jZt wmwRG|
‡PK mg~n wmwRG KZ©„K Centrally print nevi ci department ¸‡jvi requisition Gi wfwˇZ
wmGI, KZ©„K †PK eB Bmy¨ Kiv nq| ‡mB Kvi‡Y †PK Gi wnmve ivLvi `vwqZ¡ wmGIÕi| Even CAGÕi
`vwqZ¡ G¸‡jvi wnmve gwbUwis Kiv| †P‡Ki reconciliation mwVKfv‡e n‡j even department ch©v‡q
†Kvb fraud payment n‡j Zv identify Kiv m¤¢e| KviY †PK RvwjqvwZi gva¨‡g f~qv †PK wcª›U K‡i hw`
†Kvb †c‡g›U nq †mUv †PK requisition Ki‡jB identify n‡q hvq| wd‡i Avwm Avevi cÖm‡½,
department ¸‡jv‡Z KvR delegate K‡i †`qvi ci ‡mB KvR †hb h_vh_fv‡e m¤úvw`Z nq Zvi Rb¨
GKRb professional e¨w³‡K department ¸‡jv‡Z implant Kiv nq| Giv professional exam
(DA Part-1, Part-2) cvk Kivi ciB †Kej gvÎ department ¸‡jv‡Z posted nq| Zuvi KvR n‡jv
financial advisor to the budget holder (Executive engineer), work as a primary auditor
(work for the 2nd and 4th panel) and accountant (for 2nd Panel).
hw` advice ‡`qvi ciI budge holder ‡mUv over rule K‡i †m‡ÿ‡Î wWwfkbvj GKvD‡›U›U
GKwU wbw`©ó d‡g© Zv report Ki‡e- both 2nd and 4th panel ‡K| Gi d‡j audit cost K‡g hvevi K_v|
eZ©gv‡b wi‡cvU© Kivi welqUv A‡bKUv eÜ| `xN©w`b PP©v bv nevi Kvi‡b GwU N‡U‡Q| G‡ÿ‡Î DËi‡Yi j‡ÿ¨
cÖ‡qvR‡b Division / Department ¸‡jvi mv‡_ mfv K‡i GUvi PP©v c~bivq Pvjy Ki‡Z n‡e| cÖ‡qv‡Rb
Zuv‡`i‡K instigate Ki‡Z n‡e Gi benefit ‡evSv‡bvi gva¨‡g| R&H G GKUv running bill adjust bv
K‡iI Ab¨ running bill ‡`evi cÖebZv wQ‡jv †mUv AvR †_‡K 15 eQi Av‡M n‡Z eÜ K‡i †`qv n‡q‡Q|
GUv Kiv n‡q‡Q Zuv‡`i‡K motivate Kivi gva¨‡g| G‡ÿ‡Î system impose Kiv †M‡j Zv mevi Rb¨
benefited nq| KviY system in place _vK‡j undue pressure w`‡Z cv‡i bv (Other stakeholder
iv)| Gi d‡j eZ©gv‡b PWD ‡Z iBAS++ Pvjy Kiv mnRZi n‡q‡Q| †PK Ges gvwb wiwmUmg~n h_vh_fv‡e
gwbUwis Ki‡Z cvi‡j GLvb †_‡K post audit Gi A‡bK issue P‡j Avm‡e| wmGI wbqwgZ accounting
review K‡i †m Z_¨ hw` post audit (Concern DG) Gi Kv‡Q w`‡q †`q Zvn‡j audit team Gi Rb¨
audit risk identify Kiv mnRZi n‡q hv‡e|
Money Receipt CGA w`‡”Q KviY GUv AGÕi authority GLbI rule book G †jLv Av‡Q
AG (CAG) ‡PK Gi wnmv‡ei eB wb‡R †`L‡e| eZ©gv‡b Government Gi size Ges AGÕi mvBR
A‡bK e„w× †c‡q‡Q| ZvQvov CAO m„wó n‡q‡Q weavq eZ©gv‡b wmGI‡`i `vwqZ¡ †PK Gi wnmve Ges Money
Receipt Gi wnmve h_vh_fv‡e Record K‡i gwbUi Kiv| Money Receipt is very important KviY
it is the alternative of treasury chalan, normally miKvwi Kg©KZ©v †Kvb UvKv receive K‡i bv

Page 191 of 196

wKš‘ GB 3 Uv department money receipt w`‡q UvKv receive Ki‡Z cv‡i| (By ‡PK ev By Cash)|
GB Money Receipt I †PK Gi g‡Zv| Gi wbw`©ó serial Av‡Q| G¸‡jvi wnmve ivL‡Z n‡e Ges G¸‡jvi
AwWU Gi part money receipt Gi gva¨‡g UvKv cvevi ci Cash Book G Gw›Uª Ki‡e| money
receipt number I †jLv _vK‡e †mLv‡b| money receipt Gi As‡k UvKv Rgv `vbKvix‡K †`qv n‡e|
Avi Ab¨ Ask voucher wn‡m‡e Initial Accounts Gi Ask n‡e| Cash Book G GUv cash debit
wn‡m‡e Gw›Uª n‡e| Department Gi cash debit TSA Gi Cash bv| GUv wjL‡e Cash Book G|
Department cash debit, (weª‡Ri) Toll-credit, CAO hLb Account cv‡e ZLb †m †`L‡e Cash
UvKv Account G G‡m‡Q wKbv Ges Zuvi against G money receipt G‡m‡Q wKbv| As a voucher
GLb †`Lv mnR KviY G¸‡jv GLb automated. Future G nq‡Zv voucherI scan K‡i system G
include n‡e|
Finance Account G I toll wn‡m‡e receipt ‡`Lv‡e| GLb cÖk œ n‡jv UvKv †Kv_vq Av‡Q ? GB
UvKvi I final destination TSA. Budget Sector G TSA ‡Z bv wM‡q †Kvb UvKv _vK‡Z cvi‡e bv|
GUv basic avibv †h, †Kvb Kg©KZ©v TSA †Z UvKv cvVv‡Z hw` inordinate delay K‡i (Ordinary gvbyl
†hfv‡e behave K‡i †mfv‡e behave bv Kivi legal term n‡”Q inordinate) Zvn‡j †mUv kvw¯Í‡hvM¨
Aciva| GB Rb¨ audit objection ïay mechanical n‡e bv, miKvi deficit budge K‡i d‡j GB UvKv
a‡i ivLvi Kvi‡Y borrowing cost ‡e‡o †h‡Z cv‡i, Kv‡RB Gi Rb¨ `vq-`vwqZ¡ wba©viY Kiv cÖ‡qvRb|
ZvB Audit Team hvIqvi Av‡MB CAO eyS‡Z cvi‡e account n‡Z ‡h toll Gi UvKv KZw`b
department a‡i †i‡L‡Q| Toll Gi UvKv TSA ‡Z cvVv‡Z n‡e| GUv cvVv‡e budget holder ev
specifically DDO, DA-I Gi Rb¨ responsible KviY †m primary auditor and accountant
also. H Toll Gi UvKv treasury Pvjv‡bi gva¨‡g remittance to treasury code ‡KvW G Rgv w`‡e|
Remittance to Treasury is a PA Transaction-below the line. GB Rgv †`evi ci GKUv Kwc
Department cv‡e| GKB ai‡bi transaction CGDF & Railway ‡ZI n‡”Q|
wfbœ cÖm‡½, PWD ‡Z running wej †`qv nq| Executive Engineer iv A‡bK mgq
intentionally running bill adjust bv K‡i hand receipt Gi gva¨‡g payment K‡i _v‡K| †`Lv hvq
GKB Kv‡Ri Rb¨ 4/5 Uv running bill unadjusted _v‡K| cieZ©x Executive Engineer ev G mKj
running bill adjust Ki‡Z wM‡q Mj`Ng© nq| G †_‡K gy³ nevi Dcvq n‡jv system in place Kiv|
eZ©gv‡b R&H G GKUv running bill adjust bv K‡i Ab¨ running bill ‡`qv hvq bv due to system
| Pvjv‡b Rgv †`evi ci Cash Book G entry n‡e departmental cash - credit, Remittance to
Treasury - Debit, GB treasury Pvjv‡bi Kwc CAO ‡Z Avm‡e, 1g copy of treasury Pvjvb|

Page 192 of 196

Accounts Gi mv‡_ wmGI †`L‡e remittance G KZ UvKv D‡jøL Av‡Q treasury Pvjv‡b ZZ D‡jøL Av‡Q
fwel¨‡Z G¸‡jv manually ‡`L‡Z n‡e bv, KviY GB Pvjv‡bi GKwU Kwc evsjv‡`k e¨vsK Gi
gva¨‡g CGA †Z Av‡me, scroll Gi Ask wn‡m‡e| CGA entry w`‡q‡Q Cash-debit to Remittance
to Treasury. Z‡e GB Cash TSA Gi Cash, Av‡Mi Cash wQ‡jv Department Gi Cash |
iBAS++ G GUv Division Gi account Gi mv‡_ matching n‡e| wmGI GUv supervise Ki‡e,
Outstanding list wb‡e, Chalan false wKbv, A‡bK mgq †`Lv hvq - Pvjv‡b Avm‡Q 10,000 UvKv Avi
CGA ‡Z scroll G‡m‡Q 100,000 UvKv| A_©vr cÖ_g †_‡K ej‡j 10000 UvKv Toll wn‡m‡e entry n‡e
Cash Book G, c‡i Remittance Gi gva¨‡g Cash Book ‡_‡K 10,000 UvKv †ei n‡e| d‡j Initial
Account G Gi reflection _vK‡e| System G Pvjvb (as voucher in the account) Ges scroll
(From Central Bank) Gi g‡a¨ pairing nevi K_v Ges mis-match n‡j †mUv detect nevi K_v|
Zvn‡j departmental account ev SAE 3 Uvi g‡a¨ Av‡Q PWD, R&H & DPHE. G‡`i
g‡a¨ GKUv special caveat Av‡Q| G‡`i‡K authority ‡`qv n‡q‡Q only for discharging monthly
the departmental work, not for the standard establishment. GB Rb¨ Pay & Allowance
Ges normal other supply Gi Rb¨ department Gi †PK use Ki‡Z cvivi K_v bq| PWD, R&H
& DPHE GB 3 Uv historically GKB iæU †_‡K G‡m‡Q| GB iæU Gi Kvi‡Y Zviv GKvUv †KvW Øviv
MvB‡WW| Giv 2q c¨v‡bj Gi AvIZvgy³ GB K_v wVK bq, 2q c¨v‡bj Gi AvIZvi g‡a¨ †_‡K delegated
authority use Ki‡Q Giv| GB Rb¨ superintendent ‡K †PK †`qv hvq bv hw` bv †m †Kvb GOB
cÖK‡íi cwiPvjK (wcwW) nq| Zviv wK Ex.en. Gi †PK e¨envi K‡i wKbv †mUvI †`Lvi welq| †m‡ÿ‡Î
account maintain h_vh_fv‡e n‡Z n‡e| g‡b ivL‡Z n‡e main account is always cash book
supported n‡e| Closing of accounts kãUvB G‡m‡Q Cash Book ‡_‡K| Executive ‡hUv iv‡L
†mUv‡K subsidiary account bv subsidiary record ejv nq| KviY Gi †Kvb closing ‡bB| Stock
asset Ges stationary Gi †iKW© ivLv nq| †hgb PWD Gi Cash Book wKš‘ Gi mv‡_ †h wmwWDj
Av‡Q / ‡iwR÷vi Av‡Q †m¸‡jv Subsidiary Account.
Contractor Gi †h deposit Kiv nq †mUvi record ivL‡e initially wKš‘ G¸‡jv CAO
(Works) GiI ivLvi K_v (Av‡M AG Works ivL‡Zv) KviY Contractor Gi Payment Gi Rb¨ †Kvb
Budget jv‡M bv, Budget jv‡M bv PF Gi g‡Zv| d‡j payment Gi mgq credit balanceAv‡Q wKbv
†mUv ‡`Lv DwPZ wQ‡jv| GUv aivi `vwqZ¡ I CAOÕi| Deposit is a liability hZ division Gi deposit
Av‡Q †mUv liability to the government. Finance Account G deposit Gi balance _v‡K| Total

Page 193 of 196

Deposit Gi Balance Gi mv‡_ individual ledger balance of deposit wgj Av‡Q wKbv †mUv audit
trail Gi gva¨‡g †`Lv DwPZ| PF Gi g‡Zv GUvI K‡›Uªvj Ki‡Z n‡e| GB mKj department G Avi
GKUv mgm¨v cvIqv hvq †mUv n‡”Q Kvi KvR †K K‡i Ges Kvi account †K K‡i †mUv ‡evSv gymwKj|
PWD, R&H & DPHE Gi †ÿ‡Î grant Gi g‡a¨ †h budget LiP K‡i †mUv n‡jv grant
audit Gi Ask| wKš‘ B`vwbs A‡bK Ab¨ grant (Health, Education) Gi g‡a¨ Av‡Q building
construction GUv Ki‡Q PWD. GUv‡K A‡b‡K Deposit Works e‡j _v‡K| Health Gi building
PWD K‡i wKš‘ budget Av‡Q Health G GUv‡K Deposit Works ejv hv‡e wKbv ? bv ejv hv‡e bv ?
Budgetary Central Government Gi 1g c¨v‡b‡ji Kv‡Q †Kvb UvKv _v‡K bv| †m UvKv create Ki‡Z
cv‡i bv| hw` †Kv_vI †`Lv hvq †h UvKv create Ki‡Q Zvn‡j audit objection nIqv DwPZ| me
transaction n‡e TSA ‡_‡K| Health ‡h‡nZz Central Government Gi cvU©, †m UvKv generate
Ki‡Z cvi‡ebv Kv‡RB KvM‡R Kj‡g nvRvi †KvwU UvKv Av‡Q| †m authority ‡`‡e Zvi wmGIÕ i gva¨‡g
PWD Õi wmGI - ‡K| GUv‡K e‡j budget allocation place K‡i LiP Kiv| GUv Deposit Works
bq| D`vniY: Health Gi buildingGi 1g wKw¯Íi 50 †KvwU UvKvi wej mvewgU n‡q‡Q wmGI/‡nj_ G,
wmGI/‡nj_ †PK Bmy¨ K‡i‡Q PWDÕi Ex.en. Gi bv‡g| PWD GB †PK deposit wn‡m‡e Rgv K‡i‡Q
Ges Zvi Initial Cash Book G GUv‡K Deposit head G PA ‡Z †i‡L‡Q| Gi c‡i Contractor ‡K
†c‡g›U Ki‡Q Deposit ‡_‡K| Health Zvi Finance Account G building Gi LiP 50 †KvwU UvKv
wj‡L †d‡j‡Q| Gevi H eQ‡ii Finance Account 50 †KvwU UvKvi building ‡`Lv‡bv n‡jI building
GLbI ˆZix nqwb| UvKv LiP wn‡m‡e †`Lv‡bv n‡”Q| hw`I UvKvI LiP nqwb, ZvB until work done ‡PK
†`qv hv‡e bv, budget allocate K‡i Li‡Pi authority ‡`qv hv‡e bv|
eQi †k‡l LiP Ki‡Z bv cvi‡j GUv Lapse I n‡e| Zvn‡j What is Deposit Works ?
Level of government Gi g‡a¨ budgetary central government G Kv‡iv †Kvb UvKv _vK‡Z cv‡i
bv| wKš‘ Gi wb‡P Av‡iv government Av‡Q| Autonomous body Gi wbR¯^ e¨vsK GKvD›U Av‡Q|
Local Government Gi I Bank account Av‡Q| hw`I †mUv wVK bv| KviY G‡Z government
borrowing ‡e‡o hv‡”Q| miKv‡ii Cash Balance ‡Kv_vq wKfv‡e Av‡Q †mUvi Rb¨ Special Audit
n‡Z cv‡i| Budgetary Central Government G †Kvb Deposit Work n‡e bv, n‡e budget
allocate w`‡q ev budget placement w`‡q| Autonomous body hw` †Kvb construction Gi Rb¨
PWD ‡K †Kvb KvR †`q Zvn‡j †m Zvi wbR¯^ fund n‡Z PWD ‡K ‡PK w`‡q †`‡e| PWD ZLb Cash
Book G entry Ki‡e| Cash debit Ges Deposit from that building - credit | CAO Õi

Page 194 of 196

account G Avm‡e autonomous body deposit K‡i‡Q PWD †Z| CAOÕi Kv‡Q deposit Gi
ledger maintain n‡e| GB deposit Gi UvKv lapsable bv|
Central Government Gi cvU© bv n‡j †Kvb budget B lapsable bv| KviY Appropriation
Act Gi gva¨‡g †hUv Av‡m, Act ‡h‡nZz 30 †k Ryb laps nq ZvB †m¸‡jv lapsable. GB deposit PA Gi
part. PA Gi item lapse nq bv| PA extinguish nq either use or repayment Gi gva¨‡g|
PWD GLb †Kvb †PK e¨envi Ki‡e GB deposit Gi UvKv LiP Kivi Rb¨| Autonomous body (aiv
hvK BIWTA) GKUv Deposit Work Gi Rb¨ 50 †KvwU UvKvi †PK w`‡q‡Q PWD ‡K| PWD Zuvi
Cash Book G Deposit wnmv‡e Ges TR Chalan Gi gva¨‡g GB †PK e¨vsK G Rgv w`‡e| d‡j GB
UvKv TSA P‡j †Mj| Z‡e account n‡e PA Gi against G hv‡Z PWD ‡mLvb †_‡K LiP Ki‡Z cv‡i|
Ges LiP Ki‡Z divisional †PK w`‡q, hw` Ab¨ †Kvb account G GB †PK Rgv †`qv nq Zvn‡j Serious
Audit Objection Avm‡e| TSA ‡Z GB UvKv †bqvi GKUv KviY n‡jv Gi LiPUv‡Z CGA Gi
supervision ivLv Ges Government Accounts Gi evB‡i †hb GB UvKv bv hvq|
GUv 2q panel Gi domain G Avm‡Z n‡e KviY GUv fiscal expenditure| Ab¨ D‡Ïk¨ n‡jv
deposit work Gi UvKv treasury ‡Z Rgv n‡j government Gi borrowing K‡g hv‡e| Deposit
work Gi UvKvI treasury ‡Z _vK‡e wKš‘ account Gi record n‡e Public Account G| Gi c‡i
normal PWD divisional ‡PK w`‡q contractor ‡K payment Ki‡e| CAO follow Ki‡e deposit
hw` unutilized ‡_‡K hvq ev H deposit hw` KvR nIqvi ci surplus ‡_‡K hvq Z‡e PWD ‡PK Gi
gva¨‡g Zv mswkøó autonomous body ‡K †diZ †`qv n‡jv wKbv| Deposit work is part of Fiscal
Accounting System, Gi Rb¨ Separate Bank Account Kiv hv‡e bv| Deposit Works
complete n‡j completion report I account Gi mv‡_ Avm‡Z nq| GB completion report w`‡q
deposit Gi balance Gi UvKv mswkøó autonomous ‡K divisional ‡PK w`‡q †diZ w`‡Z nq|
AvR‡Ki †mk‡bi Summary n‡jvt Standard budget sector G wZbUv panel (external
audit ev` w`‡q)| GB wZbUv panel independently work K‡i hv‡K separation of power ejv hvq|
state level GB power separate wZbUv organ Gi gva¨‡g| GB separationGi g‡a¨ 1g c¨v‡bj n‡”Q
me‡P‡q active panel, 1g panel expenditure sanction K‡i| wKš‘ 2q panel pay Ges initial &
final accounts K‡i, 1g c¨v‡b‡j _v‡K subsidiary record for budget expenditure and
revenue also (NTR). 3q c¨v‡b‡j ïay K¨v‡ki outflow and inflow _v‡K, including borrowing
and repaymen| GB standard panel Gi g‡a¨ exception Kiv n‡q‡Q †ek wKQz department ‡K|
Gi g‡a¨ GK bundle Gi department n‡jv decendants of C&BI. GKwU P‡j †M‡Q WASA,

Page 195 of 196

WDB Ges PDB n‡q| AciwU A_©vr C&B ‡_‡K n‡q‡Q PWD, R&H Ges DPHE | Giv wZb RbB
under delegated authority of the 2 nd panel Zviv PFM Ki‡e, pay Ki‡e initial accounts
Ki‡e Ges receipt Ki‡e| wKš‘ †Kvbg‡ZB 2q panel Zvi close watch ‡_‡K G‡`i‡K evB‡i ivL‡Z
cvi‡e bv, hv fwel¨‡Z Avgiv Avkv Ki‡Z cvwi †h real-time G GB me department Gi mv‡_ CGAÕi
†hvMv‡hvM _vK‡e| KviY transections real time G d‡jv Ki‡j GUv n‡e| GLv‡b †`qv †PK Ges gvwb
wiwmU Gi wnmve ivL‡Z n‡e| gvwb wiwmU w`‡q †m wiwmU K‡i but treasury ‡Z remit K‡i TR chalan
w`‡q| d‡j Money Receipt w`‡q KZ Avm‡Q Avi KZ remit Ki‡Q Zvi wnmve report ‡`L‡Z n‡e|
TR, GFR Ges Account Code ‡K compile K‡i MOF Zv‡`i Rb¨ CPW A Code Rvix K‡i‡Q|
hw`I Account bvg GB †Kv‡Wi Rb¨ misnomer| Next session n‡e Postal, Forest, Foreign
Mission BZ¨vw`i Dci- Thank You.

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