Maricel-Merabuena-New-LP (1) - EDMGT 605 Requirements

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LESSON PLAN EDMGT 605 – Innovation of Teaching


A. Determine the cause and effect relationship of a given situation.
B. Participate actively in the different activities.
C. Write the cause and effect in a given situation/question.

A. TOPIC: Tell the Relationship Expressed in a Selection as to Cause and
B. REFERENCES: Lesson Guide, NBP Scandal Wikipedia, IES History
C. MATERIALS: flip charts, printed pictures, speaker, illustration board,
laptop, projector
D. VALUES: Drug awareness and health conscious


Teacher's Activity Student's Activity

A. Preliminary Activities

1. Prayer

Class, before we start who wants to lead (Someone will volunteer to lead the
the prayer? prayer.)

Please all stand and pray. The pupils will stand and start to pray.

2. Greetings
Good morning class? Good morning Ma’am Maricel. Good
morning classmates.
3. Checking of orderliness of
the classroom

Before you sit, kindly check your place

The pupils will check their place.
if it is clean.

4. Checking of attendance

Class secretary, please report who are

present today. The class secretary will check if who are
absent and tell it to the class.
I’m happy that all of you are present. ‘’Ma’am there are no absent today."

5. Checking of Assignment
Everybody get your notebook let’s check
your assignment.
Check your own notebook and observe The pupils will get their notebook and
honesty. check their assgnment.
Arrange the following events based on
the story read.
__1. The princess usedand did many
things to make herself perfectly beautiful.
__2. She hurt the stream so she became 3
a soursop.
__3. The stream said that there are 5
many who are really pretty.
__4. Her body especially the face 2
became beautiful.
__5. Princess Vanessa asked the stream 4
who is the prettiest.
6. Drill
This time we will have a game?
Let's have a fishing game.
(The teacher will call four representatives
who will pronounce the silent t-words.
If the pupils pronounce the words
properly will get the reward.) ( the pupils will raise their hands.)

Class, are you ready with our

pronunciation activity?
Yes, Ma’am.

(the pupils will pronounce the word in the

patience castle whole class.)

often sachet

ballet fasten

Very good class, you pronounce the

words correctly.
(They will get the reward.)
Everybody read our a text a day.
6. A Text A Day
The pupils will read the text and answer
the following questions.

History of Itaas Elementary School

In 1943, the Director of the New
Bilibid Prison issued a directive
establishing Itaas Elementary School,
which accommodated children of the
employees of the NBP. The first
graduation exercise was held in 1948
with Mr. Catalino Garduque, as the
principal and Mrs. Consolacion
Francisco, Mrs. Eustaquio, Mrs.
Santos, Mr. Simeon Bumanglag and
the late Mrs. Sofia R. Bunye, the
mother of former Press Secretary
Ignacio “Toting R. Bunye as the
teaching staff. The late prison director
Atty. Alfredo Bunye Sr., issued a new
directive transferring Itaas Elementary
School to a 1.4-hectare lot adjacent to
the director’s quarters in type C.


a. Who issued a directive establishing

Itaas Elementary School?
Answer . The Director of the New Bilibid
b. When was the first graduation Prison issued a directive establishing
exercise held? Itaas Elementary School

c. c. How many teachers consisted the Answer. The first graduation exercise
was held in 1948.
teaching staff?
Answer. There were six teachers on
d. For whom was the Itaas that year.
Elementary School established?
Answer. The school was established for
the children of the employees of NBP.
Class, do you still remember our topic
To recall our topic last time let’s have a Yes, we do.
short activity.

Why do you think he is an outstanding
pupil? BEFORE
Ma’am, I think the boy is good in class.

After Ma'am I think he has a good study habit.

What will be the child in the future?
Ma’am, I think he will become succesful
in his life.

Ma'am maybe he will become an

AFTER accountant.

Very good class!

The topic we discussed last time is about
getting cause and effect based on the
picture . Let's now proceed to our lesson.
But before that let's have a group activity.

( Divide the class into four. Each group
will be given puzzled pictures. The pupils
will complete the puzzled pictures in just
(The pupils will complete the puzzled
5 minutes. The group who will finish first
pictures in just 5 minutes.)
will be declared as winner.)

(show to the class the poster about the

use of drugs. This will help them to
complete the puzzled picture.)

Group 1

Group 1

Group 2

Group 2

Group 3

Group 3



What do the pictures tell?

Ma’am the pictures tell about men using

drugs and how it affect their daily lives.

If a man will use drugs it will be

Excellent! dangerous to his life.

(Explain further)
10. Unlocking difficulties

Match set A to its appropraite picture in

set B.

1. Penitentiary a.

1. d
2. Structure b.

3. Scandal c. 2. a

4. Paraphernalia d. 3. e

5. Accusations e.
4. c

5. b

B. Developmental Activities

Class, kindly read the question.

1. Motive Question
Who were involved in the NBP drug
business accused by President Duterte?
New Bilibid Prison Drug Business Scandal
2. Reading Selection (The pupils will read the question.)
The New Bilibid drug business
(The teacher will give the pupils an scandal is a continuous criminal investigation and
political scandal
individual because
copy some
of reading government officials are accused doing illegal drug business
at the NBP in Muntinlupa. The
about the New Bilibid Prison Drugaccusations were made by Pres. Rodrigo Duterte after
announcing that the
Business Scandal.)two top druglords continued to run their drug business inside the national
correctional institution with former administration (Theofficials. On
pupils will August
read 25, 2016, Duterte
it aloud)
released a drug pattern showing the structure of drug business operations at the NBP and
identified the two former top officials of the Department of Justice, a former provincial
governor and board member of Pangasinan and PNP Region One general as being involved
in the Bilibid narcotics trade.
Reports of illegal business and use among inmates of the New Bilibid Prison have
surfaced increasingly since 2014 when officials under the administration of Pres. Benigno
Aquino III launched a series of raids under OPLAN Galugad (“Operation Surprise Inspection”)
at the National penitentiary.
On December 2014 raid, the police discovered methamphetamine (Filipino shabu) and
other drug paraphernalia built for convicted drug dealers. Police also found other items and
contrabands prohibited in the prison such as fire arms and bladed weapons, mobile phones,
flat screen TV’s, laptops, WIFi, luxury Patek Philippe, Cartier and Rolex watches and over 2
million in cash from body searches of several high profile inmates.
3. Answering of Questions
a. Who were involved in the NBP drug business Ma’am the two druglords were
accused by President Duterte? accused by the President.

b. Why do you think they were accused by Ma’am maybe because of their drug
President Duterte? business.

c. What was created after the investigation? Ma'am it created scandal.

d. What drug was discovered in the 2014 raid? Ma’am the drug discovered in the
2014 raid was methamphetamine or
Filipino shabu.
Very good class!

4. Skill Focus

a. Group Activity
(Divide the class into four. Each group will be
given the tasks to present in the class.)
Okay class, let’s have our group activity. Each
group will choose one leader.

But before that,what are the standards you need The pupils will recite the group
to observe? standards.
-Work cooperatively.
-Follow the direction.
-Work silently.
-Finish their work on time.

Yes, ma’am

I’m expecting that you will follow those

standards. Understand class?
We have also the criteria that you need follow for
your groupings.

Criteria Don’t No Beware Stop

Group Group Group Group T
(Don’t (No to (Beware (Stop O
Try Drugs!) of the T
Drugs!) Drugs!) Drugs!) A

Correct and
and clean

Of the group
is shown
Content is
Complete and


Very Satisfactorily

I’ll give you now your group tasks and read it


The first group will make a comic

strip about the continuous criminal
investigation of the New Bilibid
Prison Drug Business scandal
Don’t Group (Don’t Try Drugs!)

Make a comic strip about the second

event The second group will dramatize
and the identified first event. Do this in a about how Pres. Duterte accused
cartolina. the two top druglords who continued
Some government officials are accused d torun their drug business with the
oing illegal drug business at the NBP in former administration officials of
Muntinlupa. NBP.
No Group (No to Drugs!)
Dramatize what Pres. Duterte did when
the The third group will make a jingle
two top druglords continued to run their how the authorities raided the drug
drug business in NBP.
business with the former administration
officials of NBP. Do this in just 3-5
Beware Group (Beware of Drugs!)
The last group will draw about how
Show your answer through jingle to the the DOJ transferred the druglords.
question given, it should be atleast 2-3
lines. You can use any tune to sing the
sing. What did the authorities do after the
investigators discovered the drug trade in

Each group will now start to present

Stop Group (Stop the Drugs!) their work.
Give the result through a drawing in this
given statement.
Police dis covered drugs prohibited
paraphernalia and money from the

C. Analysis
Let’s now analyze the presentation of each
(rate them according to their rubrics) Ma’am, the answer is cause.

In the work of each group we have what we call The pupil will call someone from
the first and the second event. other classmates.

The first event is the reason why things

happened while the second event is the result of
an event. Ma’am,the effect is something that is
the result of an event.

What do you call to something that is a reason

and brings out an event?
Very good !

It is something that is a result of an event?


(Explain further)

D. Abstraction
Show to the class your webbing graphic

CAUSE EFFEC (The pupil will arrange the jumbled

T words.)

A cause-effect relationship
Reason of an Result of describes something that
event an event happens and why it happens.

E.Summary of the lesson

Arrange the jumbled words to form a complete

relationship A cause-effect happens

describes something and it why that

Very good ! (The pupil will tie the knot according

to the the question given.)
(Give more information about the statement.)
Yes ma'am.

(Choose four representatives from the class who
will play "knot and tie games". The pupil who will
finish first will receive a reward.)
Class, let's have another activity . We will play
"knot and tie games". Give or write the possible
cause or effect of the given question.
Are you ready?
"Knot and Tie Games"

Give one major

effect if plastic is Cutting trees

Give one major It will poison the

cause of flood in our products and the
country. soil.

Give one major It will increase the

effect of super air pollution.
typhoon Yolanda.

Give one major It destroyed many

effect of a farmers structures and
still use chemical killed many
festicides people.

IV. Evaluation
DIRECTION: Write C if the underlined statement is cause and E if theunderlined
statement is effect.
1. There were more than 200 people who got injured because of the strong
aftershocks in Surigao.
2. More than a thousand homes destroyed in their place that’s why government
officials provide the needs of the community.
3. They did not follow the order of the officials; something bad happened to them.

4. They are not comfortable in the evacuation area that’s why they transferred to
another better place.
5. There are buildings that suffered from structural damage because of the strong
earthquake that occurred in their place.

Key to corrections

V. Assignment
Search through the internet about the cause of smoking and three major effects of

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