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Traditional Marketing &

Digital Marketing
what is traditional marketing?
traditional marketing is any form of marketing
that uses offline media to reach an audience.
Basic examples of traditional marketing include
things like newspaper, print ads, billboards, mail,
TV and radio advertisements.
what is digital marketing?
Digital marketing is the use of online channels,
platforms, and technologies to promote products
or services. it includes activities like sosial media
marketing, content marketing, and online
advertising to reach with a target audiance
The following table highlights all the significant differences between traditional marketing and digital

S.No. Traditional Marketing Digital Marketing

Traditional marketing is more effective Digital marketing is less credible in terms of

in brand building. brand building.

Digital marketing is very cost-effective method

2. Traditional marketing is more expensive.
of promoting a product.

Traditional marketing is more time

3. Digital marketing is less time consuming.

Traditional marketing can reach out to limited Digital marketing can reach out to a large
audience. audience.
Traditional and digital marketing share the same
goal: to advertise a product or service to the target
audience and make them aware of it. Both these
marketing methods are there to promote and
broadcast the goods and services offered by the
companies and brands.
Both traditional and digital marketing strategies have their
own advantages and limitations. The selection of the type of
marketing between traditional and digital marketing
depend on many factors, such as budget, objective,
resources, target audience, etc.
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