Prophets Notes by Fahad Fareed

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Belief in prophets is one of the articles of faith and widely discussed in

Quran as Iman e muffassil states “I believe in Allah in his angels in his
books in his prophets in day of judgment in fact every good or bad is
decided by him and in life after death”. Allah has sent prophets
throughout history of mankind from Adam to the last Prophet
Mohammed Muslims are forbidden to make any distinctions between
them as Quran says “we make no distinction between one another of
his messengers". Allah has sent over 124 thousand prophets to
mankind and all were exemplary yet normal human beings who had
wives children's, parents and were mortal. What made them fit for
prophet was their righteous, pious, honest, modest and sinless
character. Hence they were worthy of being obeyed as Quran says “we
sent no messenger but to be obeyed, in accordance with the will of
Allah”. Every prophet spoke the language of his own people for better
understanding and clarification as Quran says “we have no messenger
same with tongue office people”
Quran mentioned two names of prophets Nabi and Rasul. A Rasul is the
prophet who brought a new Sharia and whom a new book was revealed
by a Nabi does not bring a new Sharia law but follows the previous
reveled books. Holy prophet was both Nabi Rasul a total of 104 books
were sent on these prophet. 100 suhf on nabies 10 on hazrat Adam, 50
on hazard shitha, 30 on hazrat Idris and 10 on hazard ibrahim,the kutb
was revealed on Nabies Taurat on Hazrat Musa,Injeel on hazrat
Isa,Zaboor on hazrat Daud and Quran on prophet Muhammad. All the
prophets were granted prophethood on different occasions in different
ways some noticed miracles like hazrat Musa so a burning fire in the
forest, some recognized Allahs existence through creations like Ibrahim
and some were granted prophet through Angel Jibrael like Muhammad.
Quran mentions 25 prophets starting from Hazrat Adam who was sent
with authority on earth after seeking forgiveness for his disobediency.
Among his children came more prophets. Next major prophet was
hazrat Nooh whose people were destroyed by flood. Then the event of
hazrat ibrahim's quest is mentioned in search of God. From him came
two sons hazrat Ishaq and hazrat ismaeel. From Hazrat Ishaq
descended many prominent prophets like Musa, Daud, Yahya, Suleiman
from the descendants of hazrat Ismail, the last prophet of Allah
Muhammad was born after the long chain the message of all these
prophets concerned on tawhid as basis and preventing shirk. They
introduced themselves only as servants of Allah Quran says “nor a
prophet did we send you without inspiration sent by us to him that
there is no God but I therefore worship and serve me”. they told
mankind about things unknown to human conscience such as day of
judgment, paradise or hell, decree. They warned about evil and short
way of submission. They also instructed them to improve more moral
and social standards to bring peace and prosperity along their way of
mission Allah granted them numerous miracles. Hazrat Musa could
directly speak to god and could turn a stick into a live snake. Hazrat Isa
was able to talk from the cradle, treat permanent illness and give life to
clay birds. Hazrat Ibrahim was directly saved from fire when thrown in
by Namrood and Quran says “we set fire be cool and safety for
Ibrahim” prophets also made mistakes like Hazrat Adam ate the
forbidden fruit and hazrat Yunus left his people before Allah command
which signifies about their humanistic nature and Allahs act of
The holy prophet also the seal of prophets, was granted the last
prophethood as quran states “Muhammad is not the father of any of
your men but he is the messenger of God and seal of prophets”. He
received the universal book of Quran and taught a universal message.
His teachings were not confined to a single nation and through his
exemplary conduct was able to succeed his mission in just 23 years by
setting up a perfect Islamic Republic and providing teachings on
religion, social, moral and political friends. He his beloved of Allah and
ranked high amongst prophets. Allah special love is evident throughout
Islamic history and was given great miracles including journey of Al Isra
al Mairaj his teachings were marked complete and perfect as Allah said
in lost revolution “this day I have perfect your religion for you
completed my favor upon you and have chosen for you Islam as your
religion”. disbelieving in prophet as Allah's last prophet is a great sin
that one exists the circle of Islam .
Therefore Muslim must have a perfect faith in all prophets and follow
their true teachings to attain perfection in faith.


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