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Rolando, jr. S.

Catalan MAEM

Reflection Papers
I understanding about ARTICLE XIV of the 1987 Philippine
Constitution is that section 4 the states recognizes the
complementary roles of public and private institutions in the
educational system and shall exercise reasonable supervision and
regulation of all educational institutions.

Complementarity may be understood as combining different

things in such a way as to enhance or emphasize each other’s
qualities. Our constitution obligates the states to “protect and
promote the right of all citizens to a quality education at all levels
and should take appropriate steps to make such education
accessible to all.

In ARTICLE XVI: Education, science and technology, arts,

culture and sport that all educational institutions shall include the
study of constitution as part of the curricula to build up a sense of
identity of patriotism and nationalism. To inculcate or teach the
students the rights and duties of citizenship, to foster love of
humanity, to respect human rights, appreciation of the role of
national heroes in the historical development of the country,
strengthen ethical and spiritual values, broaden scientific and
technological knowledge,and encourage critical and creative
thinking to put in the mind of child that need to promote and keep
the young generation connected to its roots of culture and

Arts and culture article 14, section 14 should always put in the
mind of the child, art and culture should be preserve and inculcate
in the new generation. Indigenous cultural
Communities/indigenous Peoples (ICCs/IPs) they continuously
preserved and lived as organized community bounded and defined
territory. And they are also be protected by the law and recognized
the RA 8371 otherwise known as the Idigenous Peoples’ Rights Act
of 1997. The Idigenous people, ancestral domains and spiritual
constitute the principle that.. ‘‘LAND IS LIFE”. The states shall
ensure equal access to cultural opportunities through the
educational system, public or cultural entities, scholarship grants
and other incentives, and community cultural centers and other
public venues we have 134 cultural groups in the Philippines to
preserved and maintain to continue support their culture. That
every state must have an equal knowledge about our culture, even
the public, or private cultural entities. All people will have a
knowledge to understand our life cycles and CULTURE. The state
also encourage and support research and studies on the art and
culture in order to recognized the art and culture in the Philippine
to other’s country. By expressing the cultural richness of the
archipelago in all its diversity, Filipino artists have helped to shape
a sense of national identity. Many malay cultural traditions have
survive despite centuries of foreign rule. Muslim and upland tribal
groups maintain distinct traditions in music, dance, and sculpture.
We have, many notable traditional artist, notable contemporary
artists, and notable indigenous artists that we considered as a pride
of our country that they show how colorful culture we have right
know. It is important to support and promote researches and
studies in the arts and culture it promotes expression and
creativity. It helps all of us develop necessary soft skills. It provides
historical context. Leads to healthy and thoughtful cultural
discussions. It gives us a place to gather as a society.

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