Blood Circulatory System 5 - Reduced

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Circulatory System (परिसंचिण तंत्र)

ु ध रक्त | Pure Blood (+O2) अशद्
ु ध रक्त | Impure Blood (+CO2)

Oxygenated Blood Deoxygenated Blood

(Bright Red) (Deep Red-Purple)

wifistudy | Neeraj Sir 9

HEART (हृदय)

✓ Heart weight: 280g से 330g तक / 300 g

[female < Male].
✓ Shape: बंद मट्
ु ठी के आकार का। Closed
fist size.

✓ Location: Behind the sternum b/w 2nd

& 6th rib, in simple, chest cavity
/tharacic cavity (वक्षीय गह
ु ा).

wifistudy | Neeraj Sir 11

हृदय Valves inside the heart ensure
one-way blood flow and, as they
Heart Image:

close, produce the thumping

sounds (lub-dub) that can be
heard using a stethoscope. | ददल
के अंदर वाल्व एक तरफा रक्त प्रवाह
सनु िश्चित करते हैं और, कपाट बंद
करते समय थंपपंग ध्वि (लब-डब) का
उत्पादि होता हैं श्िसे स्टे थोस्कोप का
उपयोग करके सुिा िा सकता है ।

असामान्य Heart Beat Cardiac muscle (also called heart

Sound: Mur–Mur → ये
muscle or myocardium) tissue works
to keep your heart pumping
हृदय के value में खराबी को through involuntary movements.
बताता है ।
Heart Animation: Wikipedia (CC4.0) | Work:
A Sankey diagram of the human circulatory
system with approximate relative percentages
of cardiac output delivered to major organ
Image: Wikipedia | OpenStax College | License CC3.0 systems.
Blood Pressure
रक्तिाप: हृदय के संकुिि तथा पवश्राम में महाधमिी पर पडा दाब रक्तिाप अथवा ब्लड प्रेशर
कहलाता है । Blood pressure: The pressure on the aorta in contraction and relaxation of the heart is
called blood pressure.

हृदय संकुिि (ससस्टोल) हृदय सशथथलि (डायास्टोल)

Heart Contract (Systole) Heart Relax (Diastole)

Normally systole → 120 mm/Hg Normally diastole → 80mm/Hg

Sphygmomanometer (श्स्फग्मोमेिोमीटर) से
Blood pressure मापा िाता है ।
wifistudy | Neeraj Sir 17

Adult 72/min

Infant/Child 120 – 150/min

Embryo 200/min

Running/Gym 92 - 120/min

Athletes 60 - 68/min

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wifistudy | Neeraj Sir 19

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