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A Research Proposal Presented to the Faculty of Alabangpuro High School

In Partial Fulfillment of the

Requirements for the Senior High School

Anjo Galicia
Rey Ann Bobis
John Carl Orlina
TITLE PAGE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
TABLE OF CONTENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
LIST OF TABLES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
LIST OF FIGURES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Statement of the Problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Scope and Delimitation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Significance of the Study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Related Literature and Study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Conceptual Framework. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Definition of Terms. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Research Design. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Research Respondents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Research Environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Research Instrument . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Chapter 1



Financial problem or financial pressure is a situation where money worries are

causing you stress. Many people are facing hard financial times and the impact on
mental health can be significant. These problems can seem impossible to overcome,
but you can get help and take steps to improve your situation. Poor financial
management is the main cause students are facing financial problem. For majority
students, it is the first time they have experienced financial independence without
parent’s supervision. They fail to do the management and flow of their money. They do
not have the skill to manage their own money. They do not ensuring that the money will
spent and misused. This problems are common among students attempting to balance
small budget with living expenses. Some students are not mature enough to handle
finances and they overspend. Poor financial management also happened when
students do not have discipline in their budgeting and spending money. Some students
like to buy things without considered about the prices. Which mean do not make the
best buy that can help student spend less money. Besides, although students have
tights budget but they tend for living financially. For example, students like to go bars
partying and even go to pubs. They do not really planning the future use of the money.

In Tasmania, the financial problem in this report refers to the difficulties faced by
international students to maintain their basic expenditure (books, accommodation,
transportation, food, etc.) due to insufficient financial resources. This may be caused by
their poor money management, lack of money and support as well as inappropriate
spending habits. According to Falahati and Laily (2012, p.311-326), ‘financial problem is
the failure to manage expenses’ Furthermore, Kerkmann et al. (2000) states that
financial problem occurs when the financial resources cannot meet the demand. For
instance, the incapability to fulfill responsibilities and to buy essential living needs.

According to American Council on Education (2006,May). In the place of

Indonesia believed that Staying in school and graduating on time is an important factor
for students and their families. Greater financial burdens may lead students to reduce
coursework or drop out of school for paid work. This statement stated that the reason
why students experienced dropping out or lessons out or lessens credit hours is due to
financial stress.
In the Philippines, he mentions poverty of spirit, poor sense of nationalism and
loss of ethical moorings as some of the reasons. He believe that the lack of financial
literacy is also one of the major cause why Pinoys are struggling with money. He says
that as student, all he remember ever learning about personal finance in elementary
and high school were the importance of saying, thrift values and how the love of money
is the root of all evil. He believe that these are not enough and other financial habits
such as expense tracking, wise spending and the concept of budget planning should
also be taught to children as early as possible. As for him, if it were not for any parents
and some personal initiative to improve the finances, he would not have made effort to
study and learn about these things (Villafuerte, 2007).

According to an old review of published psychology research in the Philippines

that in Metro Manila, financial stress and coping has been one of the most intensively
researched topics among Filipino psychology researchers (Bernardo, 1997), It means
that students who have financial Crisis or difficulties in attaining the bills required by the
either public or private institution have greater impact to the level of student’s

In Alabangpuro High School student’s needs support for financial problem, to

they get money to pay their projects and etc…, students now a days it is not easy to find
money to pay their needs to the school. According to Lesly(Jan,2020) “yes the students
can’t graduate without money because if you don’t have enough of money you can’t buy
your projects and you can’t buy your school supply, and also if you don’t have money
you can’t fast arrive going to your school, and its too hard to find money because you’re
a student.
Statement of the Problem
Research Questions
This study aims to identify the financial problem of senior high school affecting their
academic performances, school year 2023-2024.
Specifically, the study seeks to answer the following problems:

1. What is the demographic profile of respondents in terms of;

1.1: Age
1.2: Sex?

2. What are the factors interrelated within the family that affect the financial problem of
the student?

3. What are the intervention applied by teacher to prevent the student from their
financial expenses?

Scope and Delimitation

The focus of this study is to investigate the financial management of Senior High
School (SHS) students in Alabangpuro High School so that they can learn how to
handle financial needs in terms of money in their daily lives. By conducting this study we
are educating students to have full knowledge in how to spend their allowance wisely.
We are also investigating this topic so that many students like us will be able to know
how to be thrifty and save their money for necessary needs.

The methodology is selected through descriptive survey method. The study

Grade 11 Ola students of Alabangpuro High School who will be the respondents of this
research. The period of this study is limited from January to June 2024 and exclusively
for Grade 11 Ola students at Alabangpuro High School only.

Significance of the Study

The researchers believe that the result of the study will provide relevant
information to the people concerned especially:

Students. They are the one who experience the financial problem information to have
knowledge about this financial problem. The result of this study would assist them to
handle their problems about the financial poverty, to be a strong student and value
toward a better relationship in school.

Parents. This study serves as the watcher of their children, allowing them to see
the problems of their children in the school. In order for them to realize the important
details of their children.

Teachers. They would lead the students about this study. To help them to
understand or give some advices. To be the good influence to the students.

School. This study would allow school administrators to have better information about
financial problem. Such information would help them to those Senior High School TVL

Community. This study is to have an awareness about the said study, the result
would help the community to rise up their knowledgeable. To lift up themselves, to enjoy
the activities.

Future Researchers. This study is to know that are financial problem is once
of the common problem of every students. The outcome of this study can be used as a
guide or research reference to future researchers who would conduct the same study.
Chapter 2


This chapter presents the related literature and studies which covers the study of
the impact of financial problems to the motivation of the respondents where part of
Literature materials will be shown to fully understand the research to be done.

Related Literature

According to Lifetime Australia (2016), financial problem is a situation where

money worries are causing individual stresses. Many people are facing hard financial
times and time impact on mental health, academic performance or motivation can be
significant. This includes worrying a lot or feeling anxious over money, arguing with
loved ones, headaches, feeling unwell, difficulty in sleeping, feeling guilty spending
money on non-essentials, anxiety, stress, and even failing grades in school.

A typical financial problem of students is they don’t take the time to assess
before they reach an excess in credit card debit or other debts. Many students who are
out on their own for the first time may get caught up in a cycle of overspending that
comes with eating out, buying new clothes or partying. This lifestyle can become very
expensive quickly and as a result, it can increase overall debt.

According to Vierstraete (2013), financial problem is the main cause of students

enrolled in college to dropout. About 30% of Quebec University’s student population
dropout due to financial problems. It has been established that financial problems
contribute to dropping out, but it is unclear how different methods for financing post-
secondary education influence persistence and academic success in university.

Many governments have adopted a policy of seeking to increase the number of

students entering higher education and to finance this expansion by transferring costs
from the state to the individual. Some policy has been pursued with relatively little
concern for the impact that the increasing financial burden may have on students.
According to Villa Fuerte (2015), many students are coping with their day-to-day living
costs more comfortably than they had expected to in the first year.
However, those in a difficult financial position at the start of their period of study
were likely to face greater problems in the course of their first year. Two difficulties in
particular-having missed payments at the start of the academic program, and having to
wait for the first student loan payment were shown to have a damaging effect on
academic performance.

Poor financial management is one of the main causes of financial problems

among students. According to Alan Greenspan, ”the number one problem in today’s
generation and economy is the lack of financial literacy”. Most students tend to fail in
managing them money (Marthen, 2011). These problems are common among students
who are attempting to balance small budgets with living expenses and also for those
students who tend to spend a lot their wants and not for their needs.

A financial problem the Filipinos are facing in the country and abroad (Nicolas,
2015). The Philippines has one of the fastest-growing economies in the present, giving
the people the chance to have more financial power than before. However, all these will
only go to waste if we do not understand how money works and what are the
consequences of having bad money habits, thus leading to financial problems

Many researcher discussed the different factors that affect the students’
academic performance, it is viewed as the device of the student ‘ rank in their class.
Lots of students use social media to study but it can also affect their financial status
because they also spend money in buying load.

Finance has been identified as one of the major challenge to educational

achievement and development for both individuals and the society at large (E.I. Dang
and E.J. Bulus 2015). Haverman and Wolf (1995) found that children achievement
depends on the social invest in them, in terms of parental investment in children; and
the choices that children make, given the investment in, and opportunities available to

Galiher (2006) and Darling (2005), used GPA (grade point average) to measure
students’ research performance because their main focus is on student performance for
the particular semester. Pedrosa, Dachs, Maia, Andrade and Carvalho (2006), were
able to find out that students coming from disadvantage backgrounds, (educational and
socioeconomic ), have a higher relative performance that their counterparts . This can
be considered as a phenomenon which the authors named ‘‘educational resilience ’’.

Some other researcher use test results on previous year result since they are
studying performance for the specific subject or year (Hijazi and Naqui, 2006 and Make,
1998). According to Sander (2012), he was able to note that Many Americans are
caught up in the economic downturn , and colledge students are often worried about
money, this financial worry may affect their academic performance, due to divided
attention When they are concern about the availability of learning material, as well as
their daily upkeep in school.

Dubey (1984) asserted that “child’s achievement supposed to be determined by

child”, incidentally, the child’s performance today in school depend on how much
attention he earns from his parent, the nature of school, the environment and peer
group influence among others. For now it is common too common to find out that
children who belong to the family of high socio-economic background would do better in
academic achievement. Satisfying the child’s basic need such as books,(text and
notes), cloths, transportation, feeding, among others would give such child the
confidence to perform better, comparing with a child from the family of low
socioeconomic background who would find it hard to cope without such basic
necessities may result in poor performance even though not in all cases.

Hill et al, (2004) also argued that the financial status of parents do not only affect
the academic performance of the child, but also make it impossible for the child to
compete with his counterpart from high financial status under the same academic

Research studies show that student’s performance depends on many factors

such as Learning Facilities, Gender, and Age differences, etc. that can affect student
performance (Hansen Joe B. 2000).

Woolfolk (2004) supports by arguing that because low socioeconomic status

student may wear old clothes, speak and dialect or be less familiar with books and
school activities, teachers and other students are not bright and teachers may avoid
calling them to answer questions in the classroom to protect them from embarrassment
of giving wrong response. This makes these students less attentive and do not
concentrate on what is being taught, and in the end, they come to believe that they are
not very good at schoolwork. This situation makes them perform poorly in the subjects
and sometimes drop out from school because they are affected psychologically.

One of the reason is having an unemployed parents. As well know having an

unemployed parents can be a burden to the family. It can be hard for the student to buy
thing they need in school because they’ II prioritize first your family’s basic needs.

And lastly, students financial problems affects their academic performance, their
encouragement to learn lots of things as well their future. Financial problem is a
challenge to some students these days. Some students don’t go to school to help their
basic needs and to help their family.
Related Studies

Financial problems are quite common and they contribute a huge percentage of
motivation problems found in the work place. In most scenarios, financial difficulties are
a result of poor choices made by the individual (Ford, 2009), However, in some
instances the financial hardships are a result of situations beyond the control of the
individual. Some common financial problems that are experienced by employees
include: minimal or no medical insurance, mortgage payments, gambling addictions,
lack of savings, and fraud
(Shinnick, 2009).

Many students believe that financial problems are having an advance effect on
their academic performance; a survey of University Central England undergraduates
has shown a veracious result. The survey, carried out by UCE’s Centre for Research
Quality (CRQ), found that 51.9% of the 1,139 full-time undergraduates polled believed
their academic performance was suffering and 15.1% believed that there was a major
negative impact.

Experiencing financial problem is not unlikely among Filipino students;

government statistics suggest that a significant proportion of the school-age population
experience financial difficulties. Starting at the basic education level, almost 20% of
Filipino children who dropped out of school mentioned insufficient financial resources as
the main reason
for quitting school (Philippine Statistics Authority, 2015).

Dropping out of school was most probable among 17-year olds, particularly
among those from the lowest income families (Reyes Tabuga, Asis, & Mondez, 2015).
In the college-age population, the top reason (mentioned by 37.58%) for not going to
college or university was the high cost of higher education; about 16.0% of those who
opted not to pursue higher education report that they did so in order to look for work to
earn money for their families (Reyes et al., 2015).

Only 18 percent of Filipinos saw themselves as “thriving” financially, while the

rest of the represented population said they are “struggling” or “suffering” in terms of
economic security (The Philippine Star, 2015). The recent Gallup-Healthway State of
Global Well-Being Index 2014 reported of Filipinos perception of financial security is
notably below the Asian and global averages of 25 percent. The study found that 52
percent of Filipinos reports to be struggling in terms of financial well-being, while 30
percent are suffering. It also indicated that suffering is more prevalent among Filipino
rural residents (35 percent) than those who live in urban areas (24 percent). Financial
problems can have many causes, and produce disastrous results when not handled
promptly and properly
(Quezon, 2011).

According to Sabri and Macdonald (2010) the savings behavior and financial
problems among senior high student’s study talks about the connection between having
financial management and financial stress to financial literacy to awards senior high
students in Malaysia. This study, in overall thinking, stated that student who could pass
the test scores about financial knowledge has probability that could be reported has
having fewer financial difficulties. Of course, it would happen if that study experienced
bad luck and acted a wrong habit in handling money long before. It serve as a room of
improvements on educating student knowledge about financial scope.

Financial problem is referred to as inability to manage expenses (Falahati and

Paim, 2012). Therefore, the people’s ability to manage his\her personal finance has
become an important issue because people no looking at different aspect of their
financial affair. Most of people no longer looking at financial affair like saving and
borrowing but also on long-term prospect such as retirement plans, children plan, family
future home and similar items. Thus, an individual may seek to borrow from banks,
financial institution such as credit union, through credit card and also from friends or
family members when they are in need of money (Ibrahim and Alqaydi, 2013).

Motivation issues experienced in the work place are not necessarily caused by
the work environment. In some cases, external factors not related to work environment
are the primary reason that so many workers are incapable of performing to the best of
their ability. “People tend to underestimate the importance of external factors and
overestimate the importance of internal factors as influences on those behaviors” (Back,
2012), Through the exploration of how financial problems can affect motivation in
employees and how the motivation of these employees can be boosted, a better
understanding of performance issues and motivation can be gained.
Motivation is another important factor that affects a student’s education. It can
have a very important impact on the amount of effort that is exerted. Motivation is
defined as the internal force that compels a person to meet a certain need (Goodman,
2011). Goodman et al. identified motivation as a starting point, which goes on to directly
affect both effort and academic performance. Then effort also goes on to directly affect
academic performance as well.

Several theories on motivation have been developed throughout the years. A

Society for Human Resources Management (SHRM) white paper list the following
theories of motivation as the most influential in generating understanding on the concept
of motivation within the workplace. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, Herzberg’s motivation
hygiene theory, and McClenlland’s needs for achievement, affiliation, and power, to
name of few (Lockwood, 2010).
Conceptual Framework

This model will help the student how they solve their financial problem with the
help of the following article. As a separate subject of discipline, finance is still in its
infancy. It was only the latter half of the twentieth century that witnessed most of major
developments in finance had to digest a very large amount of new theoretical
developments in a relatively short time period. Teachers, students, and business people
have been continuously introduced to new models, theories, and empirical results there
of over the recent years and the trend continues. Started out as largely a descriptive,
institutional field of study, finance has quickly transformed into a science full of
theoretical thrusts. While few would dispute its origin as a branch of applied
microeconomics, finance now is as theoretical as its mother discipline. The diagram
below shows the conceptual framework of the identified variables in the study. The
study focuses on the financial problem of Grade 11 Ola Senior High School at Alabang
Puro High School. The search for a fair society is in fact a search for some form of
equity among the members of this society, an equitable position being defined by the
equality of all members relatively to « things » which need to be specified. Poverty,
which corresponds to an unacceptable degree of inequality, cannot be analyzed without
referring to our conception of the desired equality in the framework of the social

1. How does OUTPUT

financial affects PROCESS
Analysis of data
2. How does through:
financial affects
 Conduct survey SENIOR HIGH
3. How does  Questionnaire UDENTS IN
hardworking for  Statistical RELATION TO
financial problems treatment THEIR ACADEMIC
affect studies? PERFORMANCE

Conceptual Paradigm
Definition of Terms

In order to give a common definition, the following terms were defined

conceptually and operationally to provide a common frame to facilitate understanding on
the part of the readers.
Financial. Refer to matters concerned with money, usually refers to money
matters or transactions of some size of importance, refers to money as used in making
ordinary payments. (Random House, Inc. 2019). In this study, this term refers to the
challenges that encountered of the teachers and students.
Problem. A matter or situation regarded as unwelcome or harmful and needing
to be dealt with and overcome. In this study, this term refers to the challenges that affect
the teachers and student.
Lack. To not have or not have enough of something that is needed or wanted: a
condition of not having any or enough of necessary or wanted: the fact that something is
not available or that there is not enough of it. In this study, this term refers to the state or
condition of not having any or enough of something.
Academic performance. Is the measurement of student achievement across
various academic subject. Teachers and education officials typically measure
achievement using classroom performance, graduation rates and results from
standardized tests. In this study, this term refers to the performance and achievement of
the student in the school.
Stress. is a feeling of emotional or physical tension. It can come from any event
or thought that makes you feel frustrated, angry, or nervous. In this study, this term
refers to the emotions of the students that felt when resolving their problem.
Phenomenological study. This refers to phenomenological research.
Phenomenological is an approach to qualitative research that focuses on the comnality
of a lived experience within a particular group (Creswell 2013). In this study, the
fundamental goal of the approach is to arrive at a description of the nature of the
particular phenomenon.
Sacrifice. is the offering of good, objects or lives of animals or humans to a
higher purpose, in particular divine beings, as an act of propitiation or worship. In this
study, this term refers to the challenges that encountered of the students.


This chapter presents the research methods and techniques used, population or
respondents or the study, sampling design or procedures, research instruments, data
gathering procedures and the statistical treatment of data. The detailed discussion on
the research process will be conducted to obtain the objectives of this research study.

Research Methods and Techniques Used

The researchers used the qualitative method and used descriptive design to
determine Financial Problem of Senior High School TVL Students Affecting Academic
Performances in Alabangpuro High School.

According to (Steven Tenny, Sep. 2022) qualitative research is a type of

research that explores and provides deeper insights into real-world problems. Instead of
collecting numerical data points or intervene or introduce treatments just like in
quantitative research helps generate hypotheses as well as further investigate and
understand quantitative data. Qualitative research gathers participants experiences,
perceptions, and behavior. It answers the hows and whys instead of how many or how
much. It could be structured as a stand-alone study, purely relying on qualitative and
quantitative data. This review introduces the readers to some basic concepts,
definitions, terminology, and application of qualitative research.

Population or Respondents of the Study

The respondents of the study focused on the Grade 11 Ola students of

Alabangpuro High School, School Year 2023-2024. The aim of the research study is to
determine the Financial Problem of Senior High School TVL Students Affecting their
Academic Performances of Grade 11 Ola of Alabangpuro High School.

The respondents of this study are the 20 or 100% of Grade 11 Ola, who were the
main subject of the study.
Table 1. Number of students.


10 10 20
Sampling Design and Procedures

The researchers selected the purposive sampling to validate the outcome of the
study. The respondents focused on the Grade 11 Ola students of Alabangpuro High
School. Sampling and sample design is an essential factor as it is based on the
judgement of the researcher to provide the best information for the objectives study.

Research Instruments

A Research Instruments is a tool used to collect, measure, and analyze data

related to your research study. In conducting research study, research instrument is one
of the important parts of thesis writing that will give our research study more interesting
and meaningful. The researchers used survey questionnaire in gathering data to know
the effect of financial problem of respondents in Grade 11 Ola students of Alabangpuro
High School. The researchers find example on internet to be basis of the survey
questionnaire and self-made questions.

Data Gathering Procedures

The researchers and used the survey questionnaire for the gathering of the
desired data. First things that the researcher did was asking permission from the
School Head, next to their research adviser, and to the Grade 11 Ola adviser to
conduct the research instruments that they choose as a tool on Financial
problem of Grade 11 Ola in their academic performance S.Y 2023-2024.
Statistical Treatment of Data

The data gathered by the researchers were carefully tallied, analyzed, and
interpreted using statistical tools to discover the impact of financial problems to
the motivation among the respondents. The researchers used frequency count,
average weighted mean, and correlational coefficient for the hypothesis.

To answer problem #1, the researcher used Frequency Count and

Percentage Distribution. The formula is shown below.

Percentage Computation
P=f\n x 100


F = Total Response of the Respondents

N = Total Number of Respondents

P = Percentage

Weighted Mean

WM = ∑ fx\ N
Where: WM = weighted mean N = sample size

∑fx = sum of the products of the frequency with weights

Barbara C. Kerkmann, Family Therapist and Financial Counselor, Box Elder Family
Support Center,25 West 400 South, Brigham City, UT 84302; Phone:435-723-6010.
Fax:435-723-7539. E-mail: 2.
Thomas R. Lee, Professor and Extension Specialist, Department of Family and Human
Development, Utah State University, 2905 University Hill, Logan, UT 84322-2905;
Phone:435-797-1551. Fax:435-797-3845. E-Mail: 3.
Jean M. Lown, Professor, Human Environments Department, Utah State University,
2910 University Hill, Logan, UT 84322-2910; Phone:435-797- 1569. Fax:435-797-3845.
E-mail: 4.
Scot M. Allgood, Associate Professor, Department of Family and Human Development,
Utah State University,2905 University Hill, Logan UT 84322- 2905; Phone 435-797-
7433. Fax:435-797-3845. E-mail:
Williams, F. I. & Berry, R. (1984). Intensity of family disagreements over finances and
associated factors. Journal of Consumer Studies and Home Economics, 8, 33-

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