English 3A

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Time allotted: 50 minutes


Vocabulary and Grammar

1. It’s hot and sunny today. Do you really want to wear ________? I don’t think you
need it.
a. high heels b. a leather jacket c. uniform d. sandals
2. _ What are you doing tonight?
_ Oh, I ________ my sister to the airport. She ________ to Manila.
a. am taking/ will b. am taking/ is c. will take/ is d. will take/ will
go going going go
3. You should try to visit my hometown; one of ________ beaches in the country is
a. as popular as b. more popular c. the more d. the most popular
than popular
4. I prefer salesclerks ________ are friendly and honest with me.
a. the ones who b. who c. with who d. to whom
5. This short story is pretty ________. There’s a lot of difficult vocabulary.
a. challenging b. challenge c. challenged d. much challenge
6. These diamond rings are __________ those ones.
a. as valuable b. the most c. more valuable d. as more
valuable than valuable
7. Jake is not here right now. I think he ________ at the gym.
a. might be b. was c. can be d. must be
8. I ________ breakfast for my parents. Then I ________ a doctor’s appointment this
a. am preparing/ b. am preparing/ c. prepare/ am d. will prepare/ am
have will have having having
9. If you want to try these sneakers on, the ________ are over there.
a. living rooms b. restrooms c. bathrooms d. fitting rooms
10 ________ you ever ________ to another country?
a. Have/ had b. Have/ been c. Have/ studied d. Have/ stayed
11 _ Are you doing anything tomorrow?
. _ I ________ soccer practice at 2:00.
a. am having b. have c. will have d. am going to
12 Chile is ________ country in the world.
a. longer and b. the longest c. as long as d. longer than
13 Men and women in England and France ________ long wigs.
a. used to wearingb. didn’t used to c. use to wearing d. used to wear
14 While I ________ my report, the electricity suddenly ________ off.
a. was writing/ b. was writing/ c. wrote/ went d. wrote/ was
was going went going

15 Um, sorry. Lisa is out of town at the moment. Can I ________?

a. take her b. bring her the c. tell her the d. phone her the
message message message message
16 There are about 17,000 ________ in Indonesia.
a. valleys b. rain forests c. islands d. lakes
17 That joke wasn’t funny at all. It was ________
a. disgusting b. disgust c. disgusted d. being disgusted
18 Jenny! Do you ________ my language partner today?
a. want to being b. need for being c. should be d. want to be
19 When I ________ on Sunday mornings, I ________ to stay in bed.
a. feel sleepy/ am b. feel sleepy/ like c. felt sleepy/ liked d. felt sleepy/ am
liking liking
20 Could you ________ my plants this weekend?
a. watering b. water c. to water d. being watered
21 If she ________ and ________ hungry, she has something healthy, like an apple.
a. is waking up/ b. is waking up/ is c. wakes up/ feels d. wakes up/ feft
feels feeling
22 Peter! Would you like to join our ________ tomorrow morning?
a. business b. a new business c. meeting d. that business
meeting meeting business meeting
23 ________ your best friend ever ________ you in the middle of the night?
a. Have/ called b. Has/ called to c. Has/ called d. Have/ called
24 I ________ a full-time job these days, so I ________ a lot of free time.
a. have/ didn’t b. had/ don’t have c. have/ had d. have/ don’t have
25 I buy sneakers ________ go with lots of different clothing.
a. of which b. which c. to which d. to that
26 _ What extreme sports ________ you ________?
. _ I have not tried any. But my sister ________ skydiving once.
a. have-tried/ goes b. have-tried/ went c. did-try/ goes d. will-try/ went
27 Bali is definitely the most beautiful island I ________.
a. never visited b. have ever c. am still visiting d. will visit
28 My wife is suffer from traveling by boat. She always ________
a. is getting sick b. is getting c. gets seasick d. got seasick
sea seasick
29 They ________ sushi at those famous restaurants before.
a. have not eating b. don’t eat c. were not eating d. haven’t eaten
30 I ________ a lot if I ________ a really important exam.
a. would study/ b. would study/ am c. study/ have d. study/ had
have having
31 Excuse me. Do you mind if I ________ here?
a. am sitting b. sat c. was sitting d. sit
32 _ Did Leo ________ to wear a bracelet?
. _ Yes, he ________. But now he doesn’t wear any jewelry.
a. used/ did b. use/ used c. use/ did d. used/ used
33 Bali gets ________ in the dry season.
a. the more b. the most c. too much d. as sunshine as
sunshine sunshine sunshine
34 Our teacher ________ some students. They ________ confused about their
. grammar exercise.
a. is helping/ are b. helps/ seem c. is helping/ seem d. helps/ seemed
35 The Lincoln Tunnel was ________ to build than the Holland Tunnel.
a. much expensive b. more expensive c. as expensive as d. expensive as
36 I ________ a new movie with a friend of mine from school. It ________ at 9:00
. p.m. tonight.
a. am watching/ b. am watching/ is c. watch/ starts d. watch/ is
starts starting starting
37 My parents ________ from out of town this weekend.
a. arrive b. are arrived c. have arrived d. are arriving
38 Brenda looks taller tonight because she’s wearing ________.
a. contact lenses b. bracelets c. high heels d. slippers
39 ________ covers almost 75% of Brunei.
a. Valleys b. Islands c. Rain forests d. deserts
40 Some of my friends wear stuff ________ is a little too weird.
a. whom b. to whom c. that d. of which
41 I think my neighbor’s stories about her life are very ________
a. so amusing b. amusing c. amused d. too amused
42 _ ________ you ________ in a fancy restaurant?
. _ Yes, I have. I ________ dinner at Lucia’s last Sunday.
a. Will-eat/ had b. Have-eaten/ had c. Are-eating/ d. Have-eaten/ will
have have
43 What ________ you ________ last night when the storm ________?
a. were-doing/ b. did-do/ began c. did-do/ will d. were-doing/
begins begin began
44 While we ________ the news, there ________ a blackout.
a. were watching/ b. were watching/ c. watched/ was d. watched/ is
is was
45 I ________ my hair all the time, but I ________ it anymore.
a. used to dye/ b. used to dye/ c. didn’t use to d. didn’t use to
don’t dye didn’t dye dye/ don’t dye dye/ didn’t dye
46 Jane and Tom ________ at school right now. They ________ an English class
. together.
a. are/ take b. are being/ took c. are/ are taking d. are being/ can
47 You’re Sarah, aren’t you? I ________ seeing you somewhere.
a. remember b. am c. remembered d. was
remembering remembering
48 Can you ________ to work?
a. give me a ride b. give me a riding c. giving me a ride d. gave me a riding
49 My flight ________ in until midnight. So I ________ at my place for a couple of
. weeks.
a. won’t get/ b. doesn’t get/ was c. will get/ stayed d. doesn’t get/ am
stayed staying staying

50 Carly ________ hard when she was young.

a. didn’t used to b. didn’t use to c. didn’t use to d. did used not to
work work working work
51 The Empire State Building gets ________ Rockefeller Center.
a. many visitors b. more visitors c. as more visitors d. many as visitors
than than as
52 The lines at Rockefeller Center aren’t ________ the lines at the Empire State
. Building.
a. as long than b. as long as c. longer as d. as longer as
53 Ms. Smith, would you ________ my homework, please?
a. checking b. to check c. checked d. check
54 Feeling ________, Peter went out alone last night.
a. tiring and b. tired and c. tired and d. tiring and
depressed depressed depressing depressing
55 I’m the kind of person ________ rarely follows trendy fashion.
a. who b. to whom c. of who d. whose
56 Would you mind ________ at the mall?
a. to pick me up b. to pick c. picking me up d. pick me up
57 _ ________ they ever ________ broken rice?
. _ No, they haven’t. But they ________ chicken sticky rice a few months ago.
a. Have-tried/ ate b. Will-try/ ate c. Have-tried/ d. Are-trying/ ate
were eating
58 I think ________ time to visit my hometown is between May and August.
a. as nice as b. the nicer c. nicer than d. the nicest
59 We __________ Dorothy since last Saturday.
a. didn’t see b. haven’t seen c. hadn’t seen d. was seeing
60 What is the most ________ experience you’ve ever had?
a. frightened b. frightening c. be frightened d. frighten

61. I’m the kind of person ________ rarely follows trendy fashion.
a. who b. to whom c. of who d. whose
62. Would you mind ________ at the mall?
a. to pick me up b. to pick c. picking me up d. pick me up
63. _ ________ they ever ________ broken rice?
_ No, they haven’t. But they ________ chicken sticky rice a few months ago.
a. Have-tried/ ate b. Will-try/ ate c. Have-tried/ d. Are-trying/ ate
were eating
64. I think ________ time to visit my hometown is between May and August.
a. as nice as b. the nicer c. nicer than d. the nicest
65. We __________ Dorothy since last Saturday.
a. didn’t see b. haven’t seen c. hadn’t seen d. was seeing
66. What is the most ________ experience you’ve ever had?
a. frightened b. frightening c. be frightened d. frighten
67. There are about 17,000 ________ in Indonesia.
a. valleys b. rain forests c. islands d. lakes
68. That joke wasn’t funny at all. It was ________
a. disgusting b. disgust c. disgusted d. being disgusted
69. Jenny! Do you ________ my language partner today?
a. want to being b. need for being c. should be d. want to be
70. When I ________ on Sunday mornings, I ________ to stay in bed.
a. feel sleepy/ am b. feel sleepy/ like c. felt sleepy/ d. felt sleepy/ am
liking liked liking
71. Could you ________ my plants this weekend?
a. watering b. water c. to water d. being watered
72. If she ________ and ________ hungry, she has something healthy, like an apple.
a. is waking up/ b. is waking up/ is c. wakes up/ feels d. wakes up/ feft
feels feeling
73. Peter! Would you like to join our ________ tomorrow morning?
a. business b. a new business c. meeting d. that business
meeting meeting business meeting
74. ________ your best friend ever ________ you in the middle of the night?
a. Have/ called b. Has/ called to c. Has/ called d. Have/ called

75. I ________ a full-time job these days, so I ________ a lot of free time.
a. have/ didn’t b. had/ don’t have c. have/ had d. have/ don’t
have have
76. I buy sneakers ________ go with lots of different clothing.
a. of which b. which c. to which d. to that
77. It’s hot and sunny today. Do you really want to wear ________? I don’t think
you need it.
a. high heels b. a leather jacket c. uniform d. sandals
78. _ What are you doing tonight?
_ Oh, I ________ my sister to the airport. She ________ to Manila.
a. am taking/ will b. am taking/ is c. will take/ is d. will take/ will
go going going go
79. You should try to visit my hometown; one of ________ beaches in the country is
a. as popular as b. more popular c. the more d. the most
than popular popular
80. I prefer salesclerks ________ are friendly and honest with me.
a. the ones who b. who c. with who d. to whom
81. This short story is pretty ________. There’s a lot of difficult vocabulary.
a. challenging b. challenge c. challenged d. much challenge
82. These diamond rings are __________ those ones.
a. as valuable b. the most c. more valuable d. as more
valuable than valuable
83. Jake is not here right now. I think he ________ at the gym.
a. might be b. was c. can be d. must be
84. I ________ breakfast for my parents. Then I ________ a doctor’s appointment
this afternoon.
a. am preparing/ b. am preparing/ c. prepare/ am d. will prepare/ am
have will have having having
85. If you want to try these sneakers on, the ________ are over there.
a. living rooms b. restrooms c. bathrooms d. fitting rooms
86. ________ you ever ________ to another country?
a. Have/ had b. Have/ been c. Have/ studied d. Have/ stayed
87. _ Are you doing anything tomorrow?
_ I ________ soccer practice at 2:00.
a. am having b. have c. will have d. am going to
88. Chile is ________ country in the world.
a. longer and b. the longest c. as long as d. longer than
89. Men and women in England and France ________ long wigs.
a. used to wearing b. didn’t used to c. use to wearing d. used to wear
90. While I ________ my report, the electricity suddenly ________ off.
a. was writing/ b. was writing/ c. wrote/ went d. wrote/ was
was going went going
91. Um, sorry. Lisa is out of town at the moment. Can I ________?
a. take her b. bring her the c. tell her the d. phone her the
message message message message
92. _ What extreme sports ________ you ________?
_ I have not tried any. But my sister ________ skydiving once.
a. have-tried/ goes b. have-tried/ went c. did-try/ goes d. will-try/ went

93. Bali is definitely the most beautiful island I ________.

a. never visited b. have ever c. am still visiting d. will visit
94. My wife is suffer from traveling by boat. She always ________
a. is getting sick b. is getting c. gets seasick d. got seasick
sea seasick
95. They ________ sushi at those famous restaurants before.
a. have not eating b. don’t eat c. were not eating d. haven’t eaten
96. I ________ a lot if I ________ a really important exam.
a. would study/ b. would study/ c. study/ have d. study/ had
have am having
97. Excuse me. Do you mind if I ________ here?
a. am sitting b. sat c. was sitting d. sit
98. _ Did Leo ________ to wear a bracelet?
_ Yes, he ________. But now he doesn’t wear any jewelry.
a. used/ did b. use/ used c. use/ did d. used/ used
99. Bali gets ________ in the dry season.
a. the more b. the most c. too much d. as sunshine as
sunshine sunshine sunshine
100 Our teacher ________ some students. They ________ confused about their
. grammar exercise.
a. is helping/ are b. helps/ seem c. is helping/ seem d. helps/ seemed
101 The Lincoln Tunnel was ________ to build than the Holland Tunnel.
a. much b. more expensive c. as expensive as d. expensive as
expensive as
102 I ________ a new movie with a friend of mine from school. It ________ at 9:00
. p.m. tonight.
a. am watching/ b. am watching/ is c. watch/ starts d. watch/ is
starts starting starting
103 My parents ________ from out of town this weekend.
a. arrive b. are arrived c. have arrived d. are arriving
104 Brenda looks taller tonight because she’s wearing ________.
a. contact lenses b. bracelets c. high heels d. slippers
105 ________ covers almost 75% of Brunei.
a. Valleys b. Islands c. Rain forests d. deserts
106 Some of my friends wear stuff ________ is a little too weird.
a. whom b. to whom c. that d. of which
107 I think my neighbor’s stories about her life are very ________
a. so amusing b. amusing c. amused d. too amused
108 _ ________ you ________ in a fancy restaurant?
. _ Yes, I have. I ________ dinner at Lucia’s last Sunday.
a. Will-eat/ had b. Have-eaten/ had c. Are-eating/ d. Have-eaten/
have will have
109 What ________ you ________ last night when the storm ________?
a. were-doing/ b. did-do/ began c. did-do/ will d. were-doing/
begins begin began
110 While we ________ the news, there ________ a blackout.
a. were watching/ b. were watching/ c. watched/ was d. watched/ is
is was
111 I ________ my hair all the time, but I ________ it anymore.
a. used to dye/ b. used to dye/ c. didn’t use to d. didn’t use to
don’t dye didn’t dye dye/ don’t dye dye/ didn’t dye
112 Jane and Tom ________ at school right now. They ________ an English class
. together.
a. are/ take b. are being/ took c. are/ are taking d. are being/ can
113 You’re Sarah, aren’t you? I ________ seeing you somewhere.
a. remember b. am c. remembered d. was
remembering remembering
114 Can you ________ to work?
a. give me a ride b. give me a riding c. giving me a ride d. gave me a
115 My flight ________ in until midnight. So I ________ at my place for a couple of
. weeks.
a. won’t get/ b. doesn’t get/ was c. will get/ stayed d. doesn’t get/ am
stayed staying staying
116 Carly ________ hard when she was young.
a. didn’t used to b. didn’t use to c. didn’t use to d. did used not to
work work working work
117 The Empire State Building gets ________ Rockefeller Center.
a. many visitors b. more visitors c. as more visitors d. many as visitors
than than as
118 The lines at Rockefeller Center aren’t ________ the lines at the Empire State
. Building.
a. as long than b. as long as c. longer as d. as longer as
119 Ms. Smith, would you ________ my homework, please?
a. checking b. to check c. checked d. check
120 Feeling ________, Peter went out alone last night.
a. tiring and b. tired and c. tired and d. tiring and
depressed depressed depressing depressing

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