Bdp-Don Sergio Osmena-Draft For Editing

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The Local Government Code of 1991 mandates all local government units
including the barangay to formulate its development plan as basis in implementing
various development projects for the civil society. The plan if consulted by the
stakeholders and the community will reflect the need of the people and will ensure
that the projects reflected thereat are the project desired by the people and by the
community. The barangay local government unit should see to it that all projects that
have to be implemented by the barangay must be consulted and be known to the

The formulation of this plan is anchor on a participatory approached and give

the people a sense of ownership to this plan. While it is true that not all can
participate in planning process however they can be outreach during the consultation
process, and those who are involve in the process had develop their capability,
including the Barangay Local Government Unit, to do the planning, implementation,
monitoring and evaluation and internalize the importance of barangay development
plan in the realization of their vision, mission, goals and objectives.

One has to open his mind that Comprehensive Barangay Development Plan
(CBDP) is a primary tool to achieve the goals and objectives of the barangay
wherein the different agencies, other stakeholders and the members of the Barangay
Development Council (BDC) are mobilize in the identification of issues, problems,
and needs of the people. Prioritization of programs and projects are base on the
needs identified including the formulation of strategies and approaches to resolve
identified problems and issues. The vision, mission, goals and objectives of the
barangay serve as the guiding star in the implementation of the short and long term
programs and projects.

This plan is also aimed at addressing the poor and the impoverish which
accounts three fourth of the barangay population considered as the most silent and
the most deprived of power where poverty reduction activities are most likely to be
effective ad sustained when they are responsible for the activities that likely affects
Considering the above premise Barangay Don Sergio Osmeña had worked
hard to prepare and complete this Plan.

Objectives of the Plan:

Barangay Tulogan-LGU Padada| Comprehensive Barangay Development Plan 1
1. Addressed the need of the poorest of the poor, the most vulnerable and the
most silent members of barangay society;
2. Make the stakeholders feel that they are parts of the project and set the
direction of the barangay;
3. Rationalize the utilization of the very limited barangay resources;
4. Reduce poverty in the countryside; and,
5. Introduce a planning tool that would capacitate the stakeholders in the
implementation of this plan.

Scope of the Plan:

The CBDP of Barangay Don Sergio Osmeña covers a period five years from
panning year 2011 to 2015. It has five major parts namely: 1. The Barangay Profile,
2. The Situational Analysis, 3. The Land Use Plan, 4. The Development Plan, and 5.
The Implementing Mechanism.

The Barangay Profile describes the general characteristic of the barangay and
situation of the barangay presenting the various problems and issues and was
deliberately discussed. The Land Use Plan of the barangay presents the general
uses of the land and the various maps that support its allowable land uses. The
Development Plan discusses the direction of the barangay in response to their
situation and addresses the broad and specific goals enumerated s part of this plan
including the specific poverty reduction activities. The Implementing Mechanism
discusses the specifics on how and when and where to get the much needed
resources and who will implement the development plan.

Planning Methodology:

It started with the orientation by the barangay captain, treasurer, secretary

and the expanded BDC members to include all the different sectoral representatives
in the barangay to include all purok leaders, youth, religious, Non-government
Organizations, Persons With Disability (PWD), Senior Citizens, Barangay Health
Workers, Day Care Workers, and all front liners of the different municipal agencies.

The Municipal Technical Working Group (MTWG) in the preparation of the

CBDP, conducted another round of orientation to the expanded BDC members on
the data gathering aspect and a series of participatory resource appraisal activities
were conducted until the team had come up with the necessary data that they will
use in the technical writing of the plan. Prior to that, a technical writing workshop was
conducted by the Mindanao Rural Development Plan technical personnel. From
there, the team was able to formulate the document.

Barangay Tulogan-LGU Padada| Comprehensive Barangay Development Plan 2

Chapter 2

Barangay Profile


1.1 Historical Background

Before the creation of the Municipality of Padada that was before 1949 there
exists a very progressive barrio of Limonzo which was groomed to be the seat of
government of the Municipality of Padada. However, this was not materialized due to
political squabble.

Co-existing and considered a part of Barrio Limonzo was a very progressive

sitio which was popularly called as TULOGAN. This is a Visayan word which means
a place to sleep with or a part of any place where somebody could rest and take a
nap or sleep the whole night.

During the Japanese occupation, Sitio Tulogan was once a ramie plantation,
As such large warehouse for ramie products were visible in the area. Among these
said warehouses, almost all laborers from adjacent plantation took their rest for the
days work. Moreover, in the same warehouses, they spent their spare time
especially during Saturday’s, Sunday’s and holiday’s.

An anecdote has been told that the place possessed a special charm or
“Lumay” which made the people from other neighboring sitios, including residents of
Barrio Limonzo, to surely pass by sitio Tulogan when traveling and to even spend a
night or two in the said sitio before proceeding to their respective homes. Everyone
believed then that one’s travel would only be completed and considered a success if
they will spend a night in one of the bodegas or with their relatives and friends in
Tulogan. Thus, the place earned the reputation of being a “CATULOGAN or

After the liberation in 1946, Tulogan become popular and powerful that it
gained a representation to the barrio of Limonzo and even to the Municipality of Sta.
Cruz. Being cared for the politicians, Sitio Tulogan was represented by Bernaldo
Sedeno a prominent citizen and distinguished leader in the area who was acclaimed
by many as their teniente del barrio.

On July 22,1950, shortly after the creation of Padada, Bernaldo Sedeno was
appointed as a Barangay leader known as teniente del Barrio and served the office
from 1950-1960.

Republic Act 3590 or the Revised Barrio Charter changed the name of the
barangay leader from teniente to captain. The first barangay captain was Clemente
Quiñones who served from 1961-1963.He was replaced by Teodoro Morales from
1963-1971 who also was replaced by Pedro Torres who served from 1971-1982.

Barangay Tulogan-LGU Padada| Comprehensive Barangay Development Plan 3

During the leadership of above-mentioned barangay captain, Barangay
Tulogan becomes progressive.

In 1968, it was subdivided into two barangay. The once big and prosperous
barangay become small and was reduced by a hundred of hectares upon creation of
Barangay Don Sergio Osmeña in 1968 through Barangay Resolution No. 7 of
Tulogan which was also duly adopted by the Provincial Board Resolution No. 3231
series of 1968.

In a dramatic change of event where the clamor for the youth leadership to
restore the prestige of Tulogan was being pushed by many, a young and dynamic
leader emerged as winner in the 1982 election in the person of Edgardo C. Omboy.
He took the reign of government and ruled Tulogan in peace and prosperity, and
declared July 22 as their foundation day, or ARAW NG TULUGAN which they
celebrate up to he present

After the EDSA Revolution in 1986, he withstood the threat of the national
government to change all leaders down to the barangay level. He steadfastly
defended his right and finally emerged as winner in the referendum and in the three
elections that followed. He continued to propel the machinery of peace and
prosperity with the help of the people of Tulogan up to March of 1998.

On March 1998 and pursuant to the law of succession, Hon. Julito Marapao
Sr. succeeded barangay Captain Omboy who run for the position of municipal

Then on July 15, 2002, barangay Captain Marapao was reelected and hold
office up to June 30, 2010, where he lost to Mr. Edison L. Ferolino, the new
barangay captain of Tulogan.

Barangay Tulogan-LGU Padada| Comprehensive Barangay Development Plan 4

1.2 Demography

1.2.1 Population Size, Growth and Density

Barangay Tulogan has a total population of Nine Hundred nine (909),

consisting of 219 households. It has 243 total numbers of families with an
average household size of 4. It has 24 families without housing unit.

Table 1. Population, Number of Households and Average Household Size, 2010

Total Population 909
Total No. of HH 219
Total No. of Families 243
Average HH Size 4
Source: Barangay Profiling Process

1.2.2 Distribution of Population

Table 2 - Distribution of Population and Number of Households by Purok &

Sex, 2010
Sitio/Purok Name Total No. of HH No. of Families
Male Female
1. Purok 1 100 104 204 45 53
2. Purok 2 60 50 110 27 29
3. Purok 3 56 50 106 26 28
4. Purok 4 53 56 109 27 29
5. Purok 5 61 68 129 31 35
6. Purok 6 77 83 160 40 43
7. Purok 7 46 45 91 23 26
TOTAL 453 456 909 219 243
Source: Barangay Profiling Process

Above Table shows that the most thickly populated purok is Purok 1 with 204
people, 45 households where 8 of these are double-up and 53 families. The next to
have a higher population is Purok 6 with 160 people and 43 families. It has 40
households with 3 double-up. While the least thickly populated is purok 7 with only
91 people, 23 households and 26 families. It also has 3 double-up households.
Puroks 2, 3 and 4 has only 2 double up households while Purok 5 has 129 people
and 5 families. It has also 31 households 4 of which are double-up. It shows
therefore that there are 24 families that own no houses.

1.2.3 Age and Sex Distribution

The age group between 0-25 years old or the child and youth population is
498 or 54.7% of the total population. While those of the working age or productive
population age group is 350 or 38.5 % and a total of 61 or only 6.6% belongs to
dependent population.

Barangay Tulogan-LGU Padada| Comprehensive Barangay Development Plan 5

With 453 males and 456 females, the female dominates the male population.
(see Table 3)

Table 3. Population by Age Group and Sex, 2009

Purok Purok Purok Purok Purok Purok Purok
Age Group
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
According Total
to Sex
UNDER 1 3 0 1 2 2 1 1 13 3 15 7 9 57
1-5 14 10 3 2 10 5 7 6 10 5 9 15 6 9 117
6-10 11 9 2 3 8 8 3 2 5 5 10 4 4 4 78
11-15 4 15 5 3 5 6 3 7 6 4 8 6 7 3 82
16-20 7 9 7 10 3 6 0 8 4 5 3 3 2 0 97
21-25 10 10 4 4 6 6 1 1 13 5 13 6 7 3 67
26-30 4 8 17 10 3 6 0 8 4 5 3 3 2 0 73
31-35 13 5 5 2 4 3 2 2 4 4 3 3 2 3 55
36-40 5 5 2 3 3 2 4 2 3 4 4 2 3 0 42
41-43 6 7 3 3 2 2 5 5 6 1 6 2 1 2 51
46-50 3 6 3 1 3 2 3 2 3 5 4 4 1 2 42
51-55 2 5 3 2 2 2 4 4 1 3 3 3 1 2 37
56-60 1 3 0 3 0 0 3 1 2 2 2 2 1 0 20
61-65 7 3 2 3 2 3 0 2 0 2 2 1 1 2 29
66-70 4 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 22
71-75 1 1 1 0 0 0 2 1 0 1 4 3 0 1 15
76-80 4 3 1 3 0 0 0 1 2 1 0 1 0 2 18
80 AND
2 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 2 0 0 1 7
Total 101 100 62 64 57 50 43 55 65 64 82 75 45 46 909
Source: Barangay Profiling Process

1.2.4 Marital Status

There are 266 or 45.7% belongs to married population, while single

population comprise of 223 or 38.36% while there are 93 or 15.94% who are either
widowed ,separated or solo parent and in co-habitation or (live-in).

Table 4. Population by Marital Status, 2010

Purok Purok Purok Purok Purok Purok Purok
Civil status 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
M F M F M F M F M F M F M F Total
Single 20 10 24 14 22 19 13 11 19 11 13 14 16 17 223
Married 40 40 23 0 18 21 21 16 16 25 27 19 0 266
Widowed 1 5 0 3 0 3 1 1 1 5 3 4 0 4 31
Separated 3 0 2 0 0 1 2 1 1 1 1 0 0 12
habitation 5 5 1 3 4 0 1 0 7 6 3 3 4 0 42
Solo Parent 0 1 0 2 0 1 0 0 0 3 1 0 0 0 8
Total 66 64 48 2 44 23 37 35 44 42 46 49 39 21 582
Source: Barangay Profiling Process

Barangay Tulogan-LGU Padada| Comprehensive Barangay Development Plan 6

1.2.5 Population by Mother Tongue

The residents of Barangay Tulogan are predominantly Cebuano speaking

which comprises to 907 or 99.7% of the total population. While only 3 or .3% speaks
Ilonggo and Muslim.

Table 5. Population by Mother Tongue, 2010

Types of
Purok Purok Purok Purok Purok Purok Purok Total
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Cebuano 199 114 122 107 123 151 90 906
Ilonggo 1 1 2
Maranao 1 1
Total 199 114 123 108 123 151 91 909
Source: Barangay Profiling Process

1.2.6 Ethnic Groups

Data shows there are 4 ethnic groups in the area. Only 12 or 1.3% of the
population belongs to Bilaan, Manobo, Tausog and Kalagan. Only Purok 5 and 7 has
no ethnic group residing.

Table 6. Population by Ethnic Group, 2010

Types of Ethnic Purok Purok Purok Purok Purok Purok Purok Total
Group 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Bilaan 4 3 7
Manobo( Kaolo) 1 1
Kalagan 1 1 2
Muslim (Tausog) 2 2
Total 4 1 1 6 12
Source: Barangay Profiling Process

1.2.7 Religious Affiliation

Roman Catholic constitutes the largest group in the barangay which accounts
for 719 or 79.1%. This is followed by Baptist, Iglesia ni Kristo, Jesus is Lord, Islam
that comprises to 190 or 20.9%.

Table 7. Population by Religious Affiliation, 201 0

Types of Religion Purok
P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7
Roman Catholic 202 110 123 108 127 25 24 719
Baptist 0 0 0 0 0 4 8 12
Islam 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1
Iglesia ni Kristo 2 4 10 5 9 12 12 54
Jesus is Lord 5 30 8 45 25 8 0 121
Born Again Christian 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 2

Barangay Tulogan-LGU Padada| Comprehensive Barangay Development Plan 7

Total 209 144 141 158 161 50 46 909
Source: Barangay Profiling Process

1.2.8 Labor Force/Employment

Barangay Tulogan has a total population of 575 under ages 15 years old and
above. Since the barangay is an agricultural area, the primary source for living
among the people is farming which constitutes to 95%. This is followed by laborers
with 46 or 9% and there are 28 who are drivers or 4%. The tuba gatherers, self-
employed, government and private employees accounting to 13 or 7%. This
population who are not employed, are students, housewives or aged that constitute
to 334 or 37%.

Table 8. Population 15 Years old and Over by Employment Status, 2010

Types of Employment Population
P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7
Government Employees:
1. Teacher 1 1
2. Engineer 1 1
3. Computer Science 1 1
4. Midwife 1 1 2
5.Electrician 1 2 3
6.Utility Worker 2 1 1 4
7. Radio Operator 1 1
Total 3 1 0 1 1 1 5 13
Private Employee
1. Business man 2 2 4
2. Nurse 2 2
3. Engineer 1 20 21
4. Farmer 10 12 14 14 10 6 7 83
5. Electrician 1 1
6. Utility Worker 1 1
7. Laborer 10 7 3 10 16 46
8. Tuba Gatherer 2 1 3
9. Driver 11 4 3 2 5 3 28
10. Peddlers 4 4 1 9
11.Cosmetology 1 1
12.Barber 1 1 1 3
Overseas Filipino worker ( OFW ) 37 13 17 28 31 38 13 177
Source: Barangay Profiling Process

1.2.9 School Age Population Distribution

The barangay has a total school-going-age of 208 individuals. Purok 1 has the
most number that totals to 83. There are 129 individuals or 14% of the total
population who will be enrolling elementary education, 4% are going to enroll
secondary and tertiary education. (See Table 9)

Barangay Tulogan-LGU Padada| Comprehensive Barangay Development Plan 8

Table 9. School-Going Age Population Distribution, 2010
Classification Purok1 Purok2 Purok Purok 4 Purok 5 Purok 6 Purok 7
06-10 years old (primary
49 1 6 5 9 4 2 76
school –going age)
10-13 years old
(intermediate school-
10 7 14 2 7 3 10 53
going age)
14-16 years old
(secondary school-
11 2 2 4 8 6 6 39
going age)
17-21 years old (tertiary
school-going age) 13 10 11 0 2 2 2 40
Total 83 20 33 11 26 15 20 208
Source: Barangay Profiling Process

Barangay Tulogan-LGU Padada| Comprehensive Barangay Development Plan 9

1.3 Natural Features

1.3.1 Geographical Location

Barangay Tulogan is a rural barangay. It is 3 kilometers away from

Padada poblacion and it is located in the western part of the municipality. The
territorial limits of the barangay spread over flat areas and a little hilly area.
On its northern side is the Don Sergio Osmeña. The southern part is bounded
by Barangay Harada Butai. The eastern side is Tulogan while the western
side is Barangay Lower Katipunan

Neighboring boundaries:
North : Barangay Don Sergio Osmeña
East : Barangay Tulogan
West : Barangay Lower Katipunan
South : Barangay Harada Butai

1.3.2 Land Area

The Barangay has a total land area of 239.481 hectares. It has a hilly
part at the north western portion, the Itakura Hill located at Purok 6. Most of its
flat areas are planted to coconut and cash crops.

1.3.3 Elevation, Topography and Slope Characteristics

Table 10. Elevation, Topography and Slope Characteristics of the Barangay, 201 0
Sitios Elevation Slope
From To From To
Purok 1 0 23m 5.2% 49%
Purok 2 0 26m 5.1% 48%
Purok 3 0 29m 5% 48%
Purok 4 0 31m 4.6% 46.4%
Purok 5 0 29m 4.8% 48.6%
Purok 6 0 26m 5.1% 46.2%
Purok 7 0 29m 5.3% 48.2%

The barangay is classified as flat and a little hilly portion or rolling

terrain. The most elevated areas with 29 meters above sea level are Purok 4
with 4.6% to 46% slope and Purok 3 with 5% to 48% slope.

1.3.4 Surface Drainage

Water body in the barangay is consist of an irrigation canal from

Padada Communal Irrigation Project in Lower Malinao and discharges its
water to Sulop Irrigation Project. The area where the canal passes is suitable
for rice farming however since the area are planted to coconut farmers did not

Barangay Tulogan-LGU Padada| Comprehensive Barangay Development Plan 10

convert there farm to rice simply because coconut is still productive and rice
farming entails high inputs.

The creek is another water body that help Barangay Tolugan control the water
in the flat and plain area. Water drains to the creek and goes to the sea.

Table 11. Existing Bodies of Water in the Barangay & its Physical Condition, 2010
Names of Major Water Bodies Within The Barangay Physical Condition
Creek Ok with water only during
rainy days.
Irrigation Canal Good
Source: Barangay Land Use Mapping

1.3.5 Climate and Rainfall

The mean annual temperature is between 13.5 to 22.4 degrees centigrade

while its annual rainfall ranges from one thousand five hundred MM up to two
thousand five hundred MM.

The coldest month of the year is December to February while the hottest is
during the month of April to May.

1.3.6 Soil Type

Table 12. Basic Soil Type in the Barangay, 2010

Soil Type Name Crop Suitability
San Manuel Silty Corn, Coconut, Mango and all other cash crops
Clay Loam
Source: Municipal Comprehensive Development Plan

1.3.7 Land Capability

Table 13. Land Capability of the Barangay, 2010

Classification Area (Hectares)
Classified as class ‘1‘ and class ‘A‘ respectively and
is capable for cultivation of seasonal crops without
employing special farming practices. All are classified
as alienable and disposable’.
Source: Municipal Comprehensive Development Plan

1.3.8 Soil Suitability

Table 14. Land Suitability of the Barangay, 2010

Classification Area (in Hectares)
All are classified as alienable and disposable and is suitable 239.481
for all kind of land uses. Seed thrown to a vacant area grew
and produce fruits as good as those are cultivated and taken
cared of.
Source: Municipal Comprehensive Development Plan

Barangay Tulogan-LGU Padada| Comprehensive Barangay Development Plan 11

1.3.9 Land Cover

The barangay has a total land cover of 231 hectares of agricultural lands.
Built-up area consist 2.4% or 5.481 hectares of the total land area. Considered
wetlands are areas within the irrigation canal.

Table 15. Land Cover of the Barangay, 2010

Classification Item Area (has)
Total land area of existing agricultural 32
lands planted with cash crops
Total land area of existing agricultural 166.
lands planted with permanent crops
Agricultural Lands
Total land area of existing agricultural 30
lands planted with mixed crops
Rice area. Total land area of irrigated 3
planted to rice
Wetlands Total land area of existing irrigation canal 3
Area for residential, commercial and 5.481
Built-up Area
Total 239.481
Source: Barangay Land Use Mapping

Barangay Tulogan-LGU Padada| Comprehensive Barangay Development Plan 12


2.1 Agriculture

2.1.1 Agricultural Land Use

There are 291 hectares of land devoted for agricultural land use.
These are classified under Table 16. Aside from the existing land use,
the barangay has identified 50 hectares potential area for expansion
converting the place from coco to rice farming with clearance from the
Philippine Coconut Authority. An estimated area of 110 hectares for
livestock and poultry under the coconut trees without necessarily
cutting the trees.

Table 16. Agricultural Land Use, 2010

Commodity Area Planted (has) Potential Area (in has.)
Rice 3 50 conversion from coco to rice
Coconut 166 110 has under coco for livestock
Banana ( under coco) 25
Mango 51.8
Corn (under coco) 30
Sugar Cane 15
Vegetables 0.20
Source: Municipal Agriculture Office

There is no proposed NAPAAD area in the Barangay but it has a

Strategic Area for Development Zone (SAFDZ) which is enumerated
under Table 17.
Table 17. Strategic Agriculture & Fishery Development Zone Areas of the Barangay, 2010
Area (hectares)
Strategic Area for Development Zone (SAFDZ)
a) Strategic Crops Sub-development Zone 234.34
(Coconut, banana, Mango, Corn)
b) Strategic Livestock Sub-development 158
c) Strategic Crops Sub-development Zone 3
Source: Municipal Agriculture Office

2.1.2 Sustainability of Agricultural Land Use

Existing farming practices adopted by farmers is by using an

inorganic fertilizers especially in growing their rice, corn, banana and

Barangay Tulogan-LGU Padada| Comprehensive Barangay Development Plan 13

mango. Chemical spraying is also been used by most farmers as pest
control. The use of these systems renders the land not sustainable
resulting to low productivity in the future.

2.1.3 Production by Type of Crops

In terms of land area, coconut is the major crop in the barangay. It is planted
in 166 hectares of land which has an average annual production of 1187.4 metric
tons. This is followed by rice which has 3 hectares planted producing an average
annual production of 45 metric tons or 7.50 metric tons per hectare. The rest of the
crops production is presented in the table below.

Table 18. Major Crops, Area Planted and Production, 2010

Area Area Annual Average
Crop Planted Harvested Production Yield/Ha.
Area (ha)
(Ha.) (Ha.) (MT) (MT)
2 metric
Corn 6 6 6 24 ton/
Rice 3 3 3 45 7.50
Coconut 166 166 166 187.4 4 cropping
a. Cardava 14 14 14 35.99 2.4
b. Lakatan 6 6 6 10.2 1.7
c. Latundan 4 4 4 4.8 1.2
Mango 51.8 51.8 51.8 617.76 12
Sugar cane 15 15 15 534.21 39.57
Total 265.8 265.8 265.8
Source: City Agriculture Office

Technologies used for each crop consist of the following:

1) Rice – this crop is cultivated by using machineries such as kulig-lig

and tractor. The water being used by the farmers is coming from the
irrigation. Most farmers use an inorganic fertilizer to fertilize their
crop and they engage in chemical spraying.
2) Corn – only farmers whose areas are not accessible from irrigation
engaged in corn production. This crop is traditionally cultivated
utilizing the conventional way of tiling like plowing by the use of
3) Banana – there are 3 varieties of banana being planted in the
barangay, among of which is, cardava, latundan, and lakatan.
Among the three varieties, cardava has most yields with an annual
production of 2.4 metric tons per hectare. Most farmers use
inorganic fertilizer especially in fertilizing the lakatan variety.
4) Mango – only few farmers ventured in mango production

Most farmer uses an inorganic fertilizer and chemical pesticides which is easy
to apply but expensive. Aside from that, it gives bad effect to the health of the people
and it renders the land unsustainable resulting to low productivity.

To address the current situation, farmers are encouraged to engage in

organic farming.
Barangay Tulogan-LGU Padada| Comprehensive Barangay Development Plan 14
In totality, there 219 household farmers who cultivated the whole land area of
Tulogan for an average of 1.054 hectares per household.

2.1.4 Cropping Pattern and Labor Requirements

2.1.4a Cropping Pattern (Corn)

Most farmers start preparing the land for corn farming is within the month of
February of every year. Planting season falls in the month of March. The
following month is the time for maintaining their farm like application of fertilizer
and weeding. In the month of June is the harvesting period because it takes 3
months before the crop can be harvested.

Corn production is done twice a year. First cropping is done from January to
June while the second cropping is done in the month of July to November.
Weather condition has been considered also in corn production. Most corn,
bananas and mangoes are planted under the coconut trees and along
boundaries of their land areas

Seasonality Diagram: Cropping Pattern for Corn, 2010

Crop Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec

Land Preparation Planting

Care and Maintenance Harvesting

Source: BDP Profiling

2.1.4b Labor Requirements (Corn)

It is during the land preparation, planting and harvest stages that labor is
highly required in corn production. Care and maintenance on the other hand
needs a minimal labor. Only few corn farmers hired manpower as labor force,
the majority will tap only the member of the family.

Seasonality Diagram: Labor Requirement for Corn, 2010

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec



Barangay Tulogan-LGU Padada| Comprehensive Barangay Development Plan 15


Source: BDP Profiling

2.1.4c Cropping Pattern (Rice)

Majority of the farmers start preparing the land for rice farming in the month of
April, it is usually done for a period of one month. Planting season falls in the month
of May and then it takes 3 months before the crops can be harvested.

Rice production is done twice a year; the first cropping is done in the month of
May to October while the second cropping is from November to April in the following

Barangay Tulogan part of the Padada Communal Irrigation Project (PCIP) and
it is now the primary source of water supply for rice farming in the area.

Seasonality Diagram: Cropping Pattern for Rice, 2010

Rice Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec


Land Preparation Planting

Care and Maintenance Harvesting

Source: BDP Profiling

2.1.4d Labor Requirements (Rice)

It is during the land preparation, planting and harvest stages that labor is
highly required, and also during the planting and harvest stage of rice production.
Care and maintenance on the other hand needs a minimal labor. Most of the rice
farmers hired manpower as labor force, but some will tap only the member of the

Barangay Tulogan-LGU Padada| Comprehensive Barangay Development Plan 16

Seasonality Diagram: Labor Requirement for Rice, 2010
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec




Source: BDP Profiling Process

2.1.4e Occurrence of Pests and Diseases

Common pests that usually attack the crops in Barangay Tulogan can be
observed under the table below.

Table 19. Pest Disease Occurrence and Control Measures, 2010

Name of Crop Pests and Diseases Control Measures Made
Coconut Scale insects, beetle Sanitation
Corn Corn borer, corn DE tasseling, spraying,
earworm, seedling sanitation
maggot, army worm, Cut
worm, rat
Rice Greenleaf hopper,black Spraying, light trapping,
bug, rat sanitation
Mango Leaf hopper, borer, fruit Spraying
Banana Bugtok Sanitation
Source: Barangay Profiling Process

2.1.5 Livestock and Poultry

In Barangay Tulogan, there are 219 households raising livestock and these
are distributed into the following; 130 for swine, 119 households into cattle, 54 for
goat and 90 households for carabao.

Swine and goats bare income generating livestock and it helps the family to
augment their income. They sold their livestock especially during enrollment and
emergencies. Carabao is used during the land preparation of their farm and in
hauling their farm produce.

Barangay Tulogan-LGU Padada| Comprehensive Barangay Development Plan 17

Livestock production in Barangay Tulogan is a backyard scale; hence
production level is only minimal. The Upgraded breeds are the most common in the
barangay. The Local Government Unit of Padada through the Office of the Municipal
Agriculture introduced and provides an Hybrid Boar through Artificial Insemination
(A.I.) and also the Provincial Government Unit through the Provincial Veterinary
Office introduce Hybrid semen through Artificial Insemination of large animals.

They are raised through grazing method and also using by product and feed
supplements as their concentrate. They raised goats, swine and cattle has helped
the family to augment their income.

Table 20 - Household Raising Livestock by Purok, 2010

Livestock P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 Total
Cattle 8 17 12 20 21 23 18 119
Carabao 10 12 15 13 16 14 10 90
Goat 14 12 2 5 7 9 6 54
a. Fattened 15 10 6 8 9 12 13 73
b. Breeding 7 8 9 10 11 15 10 80
c. Piglets 17 6 8 12 14 17 15 89
d. Boar 1 1 1 3
Source: Barangay Profiling Process

Poultry raising in the barangay is also in the backyard scale. Most of the
household prefer to raise the native chicken which is more economical compared to
high breeds. Aside that it contributes to the family’s income, it is also for
consumption purposes. Most households adopt the grazing method in poultry raising
and it is usually feed by feeding through.

Table 21 - Household Raising Poultry by Purok, 2010

Poultry P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 Total
Backyard Upgraded Chicken 29 27 24 22 19 25 20 166
Duck 10 15 25 10 6 10 16 92
Turkey 2 6 4 1 7 2 3 25
Geese 2 2 1 1 1 7
Game Fowl 10 12 6 7 9 11 10 65
Source: Barangay Profiling Process

2.1.5a Occurrence of Pests and Diseases

The following are the pests and diseases that usually attack the
livestock and poultry;

1. Cattle, goat, carabao- hemorrhagic septicemia, ticks, liverfluke, pneumonia,

diarrhea, bacterial infections, respiratory infections, nutritional disorder,
vitamin deficiency.

2. Swine – respiratory infection, scouring, pneumonia, swine influenza, hog

cholera or swine fever.

Barangay Tulogan-LGU Padada| Comprehensive Barangay Development Plan 18

3. Poultry – fowl pox, CRD, coryza, worm parasites, calcium deficiency,
nutritional disorder, coccidiosis, salmonella and avian pest.

Control and preventive measures are administrative through the following:

. Consultation and recommendation

. Vaccination
. Anti-biotic administration
. Self finance medication
. Slaughtering

Agricultural Technician is always available for technical support services and

provide appropriate recommendation as interventions.

2.1.6 Food Supply and Requirement

As shown in the table below, Barangay Tulogan has more than enough
production of rice and corn products. Farmers sold their farm products to the market
centers after setting aside for their consumption.

Table 22. Commodity Balance Sheet, 2010

Commodity Production (MT) Consumption (MT)
Rice 45 21.7614
Corn 24 9.326 31.088
TOTAL 69 31.0874 1,529.3
Source: Computed through use of standards

Barangay Tulogan-LGU Padada| Comprehensive Barangay Development Plan 19

2.1.7 Agricultural Facilities

To help the farmers in their farming activities these are tools being used in the different stages of production. Majority of the
farmers have their own tools to facilitate production processes.

Table 23. Inventory of Farm Tools and Equipment by Purok, 2010

P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 Total
1. Mill
1.1. Corn Mill 1
2. Solar Dryer 1
3. Plow 2 5 4 5 1 2 1 20
4. Harrow/Leveler
5. Sprayer 4 2 5 3 1 2 1 18
6. Cart 3 4 2 1 1 1 12
7. Others (bolo,hatchet/
spade/ baka,kabaw/
120 50 20 30 15 26 17 278
pugon/ sungkit/
buntanay/ lugit etc.
TOTAL 129 63 31 38 18 31 20 330
Source: Barangay Profiling Process

Barangay Tulogan-LGU Padada| Comprehensive Barangay Development Plan 20

2.1.8 Agricultural Extension Services

2.1.8a Production Support

Production inputs have been provided to the farmers such as corn, rice
seeds and in-organic fertilizer coming from Department of Agriculture
Regional Office and Animal dispersal had been distributed to the
farmers provided by a non-government organization

Table 24 - Production Support Services, 2008, 2009 and 2010

Production Support Quantity SOURCE
Gov’t NGO Others
Seeds 1 bag √
a. Organic 60 bags √
Animal dispersal 10 heads √
Source: Municipal Agriculture Office

2.1.8b Market Development

Majority of the farmers sold their farm products like rice and banana
directly to the traders coming from Digos City and General Santos City without
having transported to the market. As to coconut and corn products, the
farmers sold to Padada Public Market.

Table 25 - Market Outlet/Center, 2010

Commodity Location
Rice Traders Digos City
Coconut Traders Padada poblacion
Corn Traders Padada Poblacion
Banana Traders Digos City,General Santos City, Davao City,
Tagum City
Source: Barangay Profiling Process

Barangay Tulogan-LGU Padada| Comprehensive Barangay Development Plan 21

Illustration: Market & Product Flow



Household Consumption

sold to Neighbor or
Sari-sari stores

2.1.9 Credit Facilitation

There are 38 families who availed the WSEED Self-employment Assistance

Kaunlaran (SEAK) Program of the Department of Social Welfare and Development
through the LGU. It has a very low interest rate granted to the KALIPI members, a
women organization. Repayment scheme involves in five to six months at rate
ranging to 5%. The interest will be retained to the funds of the association. Others
also avail in some credit facilities like CARD and engaged in lending from usurious
money lenders or loan sharks. With this, the more households suffer economic

Table 26. Number of Household Availed Credit Facilities by Purok ,2010

Credit Institutions TOTAL
MLGU Private Nat’l Gov’t
Total 108
Source: Barangay Profiling Process

Barangay Tulogan-LGU Padada| Comprehensive Barangay Development Plan 22

2.1.10 Other Infrastructure and/or Post-harvest Development

Community Irrigation is one of the facilities shared by Barangay Upper

Malinao, Lower Malinao, Lower Katipunan and Tulogan. Tulogan covers only
3-hectare rice farm located in Purok 1 with 4 farmers served.

2.1.11 Extension Support, Education and Training Services

In terms of training farmers in Tulogan were able to attend the Farmers

Field School (FFS) for rice, corn and coconut conducted by national
government agencies, provincial government and local LGU of Padada. Also
imparted to them during the 5-day training was the application of organic
fertilizer thru composting using vermin cast and other form of fertilization
method. The crop and livestock technician are also available in the barangay
three or four times a week. They were also provided with an advance
livestock production technology.

Table 27. Extension Services, 2010

Extension Worker Frequency of Visit
Government Private
1. Agricultural Technician 5 3 – 4 times a week
2. Livestock Technician 1 2 – 4 times a week
Source: Municipal Agriculture Office

2.2 Environmental Management

2.2.1 Solid Waste Management

Solid waste management is handled by each and every household in

the barangay and is assisted by the barangay officials concerned, however
material recovery facility were established’.

Material Recovery Facility is established but since it was not

maintained, it is advice for rehabilitation. Waste segregation has been practice
where every household is encouraged to have their own composter for the
biodegradable waste while currently, there’s still a presence of burning of the
same much more for the rice straws and other agricultural waste generated.
Moreover, collection of special and residual waste is conducted by LGU thru
MENRO and will be transported to the LGU owned and manage Category
Level 1 Sanitary Land Fill or Clay Lined Garbage depository cell located at
Purok 2 of barangay Don Sergio Osmeña, Padada,Davao del Sur ,at per
request basis.

Barangay Ecological Solid Waste Management Committee was

organized by virtue of an Executive Order. However, most of the members is
not active as it was thus, needs for a reorganization and or reactivation.

Barangay Tulogan-LGU Padada| Comprehensive Barangay Development Plan 23

2.3 Agrarian Reform

Carp area in Tulogan is limited to only a little more than ten (10) hectares
with only 10 beneficiaries mostly with an average area of only more or less one ( 1 )
hectare per farmers. It is however noticeable that the barangay has its own
Barangay Agrarian Reform Council (BARC) but because the area is not carpable
there is no Agrarian Reform Community (ARC)

2.4 Trade and Industry

Common business establishments in the barangay are small sari-sari stores

and a cooperative store serving the whole community in terms of goods and credit
facility. A total of 1 employment is generated out of the operation of these business

Table 28. Business Establishments in the Barangay, 2010

Ave. Number of No. of
Sitios where these
Establishment No. of Employed Person Employed
Type Establishments (accdg. to Person
are predominantly
(per type) establishment (accdg. to
type) establishment
Variety Stores/
Sari-sari Purok 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 15 NONE NONE
Tulogan Multi-
Purok 1 1 1 1
purpose Coop
Purok 2 1 1 1
Source: Barangay Profiling Process

2.5 Tourism and Recreational Facilities

2.5.1 Tourism Sites and Potentials

Tulogan has no tourism site but has a tourism potential and that is the
Itakura hill. It is believe to be the site of the camp of the Japanese soldiers
during the war. Still many believes that the bulk of the treasures of General
Yamashita were buried in that area. There was a Japanese tunnel that was
discovered in Itakura hill however was destroyed by treasure hunter.

There is an investor however who planned to put up a garden resort

but was discouraged because of the destruction o f the hills perpetrated by
treasure hunters and the present quarrying in the area.

Barangay Tulogan-LGU Padada| Comprehensive Barangay Development Plan 24


3.1 Health and Nutrition

3.1.1 Health, Nutrition and Family Planning and Sanitation

Influenza and bronchitis area the most common case of illness

in the barangay accounting for 40 cases. Incidence of HPN is high in
the month of May equivalent to 7 cases.

Table 29. Seasonality Diagram of Common Illnesses in the Barangay, 2010

Illnesses Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec
Bronchitis 2 3 2 2 4 5 1 2 6
HPN 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Pneumonia 2
Influenza 2 2 1 6 2 3
Source: Barangay Profiling Process

3.1.2 Medical Health Facility/ Personnel and Services

The nearest medical facility in the barangay is the health center

located at the barangay proper. The main health center, private
hospitals and private clinics are located in the poblacion area of the
municipality which is more or less 3.0 kilometers away from the
barangay. In cases where the most advanced facilities are required,
patients are referred to nearby City of Digos and sometimes to Davao

Table 30. Distance to Medical Health Facilities, 2010

From To
Barangay Poblacion Digos City Davao City Tagum
Tulogan 3.0 km. 15 km 71 km 129 km
Source: Barangay Profiling Process

There are 14 health personnel present in the barangay; consist

of 1 midwife, 12 barangay heath workers, 1 barangay nutrition scholar
and 0 hilot. The midwife is a regular employee of the LGU while the
BHW and BNS are only receiving an honorarium amounting to
P1,000.00 a year.

Table 31. Number of Health Personnel, 2010

No. Benefits/ Honoraria Given
Midwife 1 √

Barangay Health Worker 12 √ √

Barangay Nutrition √
Source: Barangay Profiling Process

Barangay Tulogan-LGU Padada| Comprehensive Barangay Development Plan 25

3.1.3 Leading Causes of Morbidity

There are a total of 29 cases of sickness recorded in the barangay health

center. Three of which are Acute Respiratory Infection, the other 9 is Bronchitis, 3 for
pneumonia, 1 for colic, impetigo and 12 for Influenza

Table 32. Leading Causes of Morbidity (all ages), 2010

Causes Male Female Total
Influenza 9 3 12
Bronchitis 7 2 9
Pneumonia 3 0 3
Non Specific fever 1 1 2
Colic 0 1 1
Impetigo 1 1 2
Total 21 8 29
Source: Barangay Profiling Process

3.1.4 Leading Causes of Mortality

Barangay Tulogan is fortunate enough that it has no case of death among

children that age 0-5 years old.

3.1.5 Leading Causes of Maternal Mortality

Fortunately, Barangay Tulogan has no reported case of death among

pregnant women from year 2008-2010.

3.1.6 Nutritional Status

It is evident that there are a number of individuals in the barangay that needs
necessary attention. The record shows that 18 individuals are identified in a below
normal/low health condition and 2 are malnourished.

Table 33. Nutrition Status by Gender (0-5 years old), 2010

Below Normal/ Above
Normal Below Normal/ Low
Magnitude Magnitude Magnitude
Total % Total % Total %
51 60 111 84.9 10 8 18 13.7 1 1 2 1.5
Source: Barangay Profiling Process

3.1.7 Data on Birth Registration

There are 18 births in the barangay, 6 males and 12 females. All the 18 births
are registered in local civil registrar. Births in the barangay are usually attended by a

Table 34. Number of Registered Births, 2010

Number of Births Registered
Male Female Total Male Female Total
6 12 18 6 12 18
Source: Barangay Profiling Process

Barangay Tulogan-LGU Padada| Comprehensive Barangay Development Plan 26

3.1.8 Birth Control and Methods Used

Among the married couples of Tulogan, there are only 92 couples who
engaged in family planning method. Other couples who are engaged in natural family
planning mostly devout Catholics and there are still others who do not practice family
planning despite the effort of the local population office personnel to introduce birth

Table 35. Family Planning Methods Used, 2010

No. of Couples Engaged in Family Planning

Pills 34
Condom 4
Tubal Ligation 7
Lam 2
Total 92
Source: Barangay Profiling Process

The most prevalent family planning method being used by couples is pills
accounting to 34 couples. Other family planning methods that the couple used are
IUD, Tubal Ligation, DMPA, Condom and Lam.

3.2 Water Facilities

Table 36. Sources of Water Supply, 2010

Number of Households
P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 Total
PAWASCO 65 8 7 5 10 12 10 117
Artesian well -shared 1 1 2
Shallow Dug well - shared 1 1
Jetmatic pump- owned 10 2 5 10 7 5 4 43
Jretmatic pump - shared 13 9 15 6 8 5 56
Total 76 23 21 32 23 25 19 219
Source: Barangay Profiling Process

All households in the barangay have access to water facilities. More than half
of the household population availed the service of Padada Water Sewerage
Cooperative (PaWaSCo). It is important to note that barangay Tulogan is the source
of potable water supplied by PaWaSCo to the people of Padada. The two deep well
that produces thousand of gallons of water consumed by the people in the Poblacion
comes from Tulogan.

As we can see in the table below that all Puroks have access to potable water.
Though the barangay does not have its own water system but almost all households
or 53% have water connection courtesy of PaWaSCo. The other 22% have their own
deep-well which they shared with the 56 households or 25% who do not have a
potable source of water.
Barangay Tulogan-LGU Padada| Comprehensive Barangay Development Plan 27
3.3 Number of Households with Toilet Facilities

Table 37. Access to Sanitary Toilet, 2010

Type Household with access to Sanitary
No. of No
Purok of Toilet
Househol Toile
d t Magnitude % Gap %
1 45 28 5 12 33 15 17 7.7
2 24 23 0 1 23 10.5 1 0.5
3 26 26 0 0 26 11.8 0 0
4 27 25 0 2 25 11.4 2 0.9
5 33 28 1 4 28 12.7 5 2.3
6 40 31 1 8 31 14 9 4.1
7 24 21 0 3 21 9.5 3 1.4
TOTAL 219 182 7 30 182
Source: Barangay Profiling Process

In Barangay Tulogan, there are a total of 182 households who have access to
sanitary toilets or 83.11%. Despite the LGU’s thorough campaign on health and
sanitation, still there are 30 or 13.7% who do not have toilet of their own. The
remaining 7 households or 3.24% are using the inprescribe antipolo type that has to
be replaced with water sealed toilet.

3.4.1 Housing

3.4.1 Dwelling Condition and Type of Structure

Table 38. No. of Households by Tenure Status 2010

Status Total Households %
P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7
Owner, owner-like, possession of the
19 13 4 10 9 10 7 72 32.9
house and lot
Own house, rent free lot with consent
26 14 22 17 22 30 13 144 65.8
of owner
Other tenure status:
1. RRW 3
Total 45 28 26 27 31 40 22 219

Table shows all 219 households are owner of the house they occupy.
However only 32.9% own the lots the other 67.1% are either renting or just
live in the lot for free, including the three who live in a road right of way.

Table 39. Construction Materials of Roof by Purok, 2010

Roofing Materials Purok Total %
Barangay Tulogan-LGU Padada| Comprehensive Barangay Development Plan 28
P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7
Strong materials 45 11 8 10 6 26 5 111 51
Light Materials 12 10 6 7 5 13 5 58 26.4
Salvage/Makeshift Materials 0 0 1 3 1 1 0 5 2.3
Mixed but Predominantly Strong 0 4 7 5 9 1 4 30 13.7
Mixed but Predominantly Light 0 2 3 4 1 1 4 15 6.8
Total 57 27 25 29 22 42 17 219
Source: Barangay Profiling Process

This table reveals that 111 house in all purok are made of strong materials in
term of roofing and walling as seen in the next table. All houses will last for years
except for the five houses that appear to be shanties and made of salvage materials.

Table 40. Construction Materials of Walls by Purok, 2010

Walling Materials Total %
P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7
Strong materials 45 11 8 10 6 26 5 111
Light Materials 12 10 6 7 5 13 5 58
Salvage/Makeshift Materials 1 2 1 1 5
Mixed but Predominantly Strong 5 5 7 5 3 2 3 30
Mixed but Predominantly Light 1 2 3 1 3 1 4 15
Total 63 28 25 25 18 43 17 219
Source: Barangay Profiling Process

In terms of walling materials Purok 1 has more houses made of strong

materials than strong roofing materials.

Table 41. Households by Type of Housing Materials Used, 2010

Type of Housing materials Households Percentage
Concrete 41 19%
Semi-Concrete 70 32%
Light Materials 108 49%
Total 219 100%
Source: Barangay Profiling Process

Majority of the dwelling units in the barangay accounting for 108 houses or
49% are made of light materials such as coco lumber, nipa, bamboo and other light
materials including the five (5) shanties This followed by a semi–concrete accounting
for 70 households or 32% and 41 household or 19% for concrete type of materials.

3.3 Education

Barangay Tulogan-LGU Padada| Comprehensive Barangay Development Plan 29

a) Educational Institutions

a.1 Number of Schools According to levels

Table 42. Schools According to Levels, 2010

Name of School Location Type Level
Tulogan Elementary Pre-School,
3 ¾ ha. Public
School Elementary

Barangay Tulogan has two (2) existing public schools, 1 for elementary
catering children Grade 1 to Grade 6 and one (1) pre-school that cater daycare
children ages 3-5 years old.

a.2) Distance from Community to School

Table 43. Distance from Community to School, 2010

Distance from School
Purok Elementary High School College Vocational
(in kilometers) (Digos) TESDA
Purok 1 500m 2 14 3
Purok 2 700m 2.5 14.5 3.5
Purok 3 500m 3.5 15.5 4.5
Purok 4 1.400km 3.5 15.5 4.5
Purok 5 400m 3.5 15.5 4.5
Purok 6 600m 4.1 16.1 5.1
Purok 7 500m 2 14 3
Source: Barangay Profiling Process

Children coming from the farthest purok will walk 1.4 kilometer before
reaching the elementary school site. The students who are into high school will
commute from the barangay going to the poblacion which is 4.1 kilometers. Likewise,
college and technical–vocational institution are also accessible.

b) Population

Barangay Tulogan-LGU Padada| Comprehensive Barangay Development Plan 30

b.1) School Age Population

Table 44. School Age Population, 2010

Purok Purok Purok Purok Purok Purok Purok
Classification 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
6-10 years old
(primary school- 10 8 2 3 5 6 2 2 3 3 7 6 3 3 63
going age)
10-12 years old
(intermediate 4 10 5 3 3 3 3 4 3 2 5 6 5 3 59
school-going age)
13-16 years old
(secondary 5 5 2 3 5 2 3 2 3 3 2 3 2 2 42
school-going age)
17-21 years old
(tertiary school- 5 8 4 6 4 4 3 6 4 5 5 2 3 3 62
going age)
Total 24 31 13 15 17 15 11 14 13 13 19 17 13 11 226
Source: Barangay Profiling Process

Barangay Tulogan has a total of 226 school age population break down into
primary, intermediate, secondary and tertiary. Most of this school going age is going
to enroll elementary education that totals to 119 children. There are 41 school going
age to enter secondary school and 62 for college.

b.2) Enrollment

Table 45. Current Enrollment and Ratio

Purok Purok Purok Purok Purok Purok Purok
Classification Total Ratio
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Primary Level 10 8 1 2 4 5 2 2 3 3 4 3 2 2 51 51:63
4 8 3 2 2 2 2 3 3 2 2 3 4 2 42 42:69
4 4 1 1 3 2 2 2 2 3 2 3 1 1 31 31:42
Tertiary Level 3 5 3 3 2 3 2 4 3 4 2 2 2 2 40 40:62
Total 21 25 8 8 11 12 8 11 11 12 10 11 9 7 164 164:226
Source: Barangay Profiling Process

Data above reveals that there are 164 out of 226 school going age were able
to attend education and 62 are unable to pursue education.

The presented data below shows that there are only 93 total enrollees in the
elementary and the ratio of teacher to student is 1:13.

Barangay Tulogan-LGU Padada| Comprehensive Barangay Development Plan 31

Table 46. Number of Teachers per School and its Ratio
No. of Total No. of
Name of Level Total of Ratio
Type Teachers Enrollees
School Classrooms
M F Total M F Total
Elementary Elementary Public 1 6 7 46 47 93 6 1:13
Source: Barangay Profiling Process

3.4 Social Welfare

3.4.1 Facilities for Pre-School Children

The barangay has one existing daycare center own by the barangay located
at Purok 1 and it has 11 pre-school children (age 3-5 years old) enrolled, 4 of which
are male and 7 are female. It is managed by one teacher. It can also be notice that
there are no pre-school enrollees in Purok 6.

Table 47. Daycare Facility by Purok and Number of Pupils by Sex, 2010
No. of No. of
Purok Name of Pre-school Male Female
Enrollees Teacher
Tulogan Day Care
1 1
2 1 1
3 1 1
4 4 1 3
5 2 2
7 3 1 2
Total 11 4 7 1

a) Facilities for the Aged Citizens

No. of Senior Citizens : 76

No. of Senior Citizen Association : 1
No. of Senior Citizen who are Association Members : 76

There are seventy six (76) senior citizens in the barangay all are the
member of senior citizen association. All members of the Sr. Citizen
Association in the barangay have been issued a Sr. Citizen’s identification
card to acquire benefits and privileges. There is no facility to accommodate
those very old who are really incapable of taking care of themselves.

Barangay Tulogan-LGU Padada| Comprehensive Barangay Development Plan 32

3.4.2 Facilities for Differently-Abled Citizens

No. of Differently-able Persons : 20

No. of Association for Differently-able Citizen : 1
No. of Differently-abled who are Association Members : 20

There are 20 differently-abled citizens in the barangay. Those whose

disability is serious they cannot move because of their physical condition are taken
cared of by their respective relatives at home because the barangay has no facilities
to accommodate them.

3.5 Sports and Recreation

Table 48. Sports and Recreation Facilities, 2010

Name of Sports/ Recreation
Location Facilities No.
Basketball Purok 2, Barangay Basketball court,
Badminton Hall Ring, 1
Volleyball Ball
Source: Barangay Profiling Process

The barangay has one covered court and the only sports facility available in
the barangay that serves also as a multi-purpose facility. The covered court is also
used during meetings and whenever there is barangay activity or program.

3.6 Protective Services

3.6.1 Peace and Order Facilities

Table 49. Peace and Order Facilities by Puroks and Number of Tanods, 2010
Purok No. of Tanods No. of Outpost
1 2
2 1
3 1
4 2
5 3 1
6 2
7 2
Total 16
Source: Barangay Profiling Process

Protective services are performed by the Barangay Tanods who are volunteer
service providers in maintaining peace in the area. These Tanods somehow receive
monthly honorarium coming from the barangay coffer. There is only 1 tanod outpost
in the barangay located a Purok 5. Police outpost is not present in the area but in
case there is a need of police assistance communication through cellphone is
available between the barangay officials and the police personnel.

Barangay Tulogan-LGU Padada| Comprehensive Barangay Development Plan 33

3.7 Gender and Development

3.7.1 Violence against Women and Children

Table 50. Victims of Crimes by Purok, 2010

Type of Crimes P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 Total
Rape 2 1 3
Total 3
Source: Barangay Profiling Process

Barangay Tulogan has a very alarming case of Violence Against Women

and their Children. The table shows that there are three (3) cases of rape that
has been reported to the office happened at Purok 2 and 4. All of these are
reported to be incest case. One is perpetrated by a father and the two was
done by an uncle and a cousin. Most of the victims who are minor come from
a broken family and or from parents who are working abroad. They are left
with their grand parents who are mostly too old to take care of the child. Then
the incidents happen.

3.7.2 Drug Prevention and Abuse

No apparent case of drug abuse in the area. This maybe the result of
good youth activities of the sangguniang kabataan in the area and the support
of the local government in conducting information education campaign
regarding drug abuses and its effects usually conducted by PNP Padada.

Table 51. Number of Senior Citizens (age 60 & above), 2010

Men Women Total
Purok Population
No. No. No. %
1 204 10 8 18 1.98
2 110 5 8 13 1.43
3 106 3 1 4 0.44
4 109 6 5 11 1.21
5 129 1 4 5 0.55
6 160 8 5 13 1.43
7 91 5 7 12 1.32
TOTAL 909 38 38 76 8.36
Source: Barangay Profiling Process

Out of 909 total population 76 or 8.4% are considered elderly persons

aging 60 years old and above. Thirty-eight (38) of these are women and 38
are men. The only assistance that the barangay had provided to the senior
citizens and to the differently abled person is the organization of the sector so
that they can avail of the assistance from the national and regional offices.

3.7.3 Elderly and Differently-Abled Person

Barangay Tulogan-LGU Padada| Comprehensive Barangay Development Plan 34
Differently-abled in the area totals to 20 persons constituting only
2.2% of the total population. Disable persons appear in six Puroks except
Purok 7.

As presented in Table 53, kinds disability include visually impaired,

orthopedic, hearing impairment, learning, mental and multiple disabilities.

Table 52. Number of Differently-Abled Person , 2010

Men Women Total
Purok Population
No. No. No. %
1 204 1 1 2 0.22
2 110 1 1 2 0.22
3 106 1 3 4 0.44
4 109 4 0 4 0.44
5 129 2 2 4 0.44
6 160 2 2 4 0.44
7 91 0 0 0 0
TOTAL 909 11 9 20 2.20
Source: Barangay Profiling Process

Table 53. Type of Disability by Purok, 2010

Disability Total
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1. Visually Impaired 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 3
2. Orthopedic 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
3. Hearing Impaired 0 1 3 2 2 0 0 8
4. Learning Disability 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 2
5. Mental Disability 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1
6. Multiple Disability 0 0 1 0 1 3 0 0
Total 2 2 4 4 4 4 0 20
Source: Barangay Profiling Process

3.7.4 Number of Out-of-School Youth by Purok and Sex, 2010

The existence of out-of-school-youth can be attributed to financial

difficulty of the parents to sustain the education of their son or daughter. The
barangay has a total of 62 out-of-school-youth. However youth programs were
provided by the LGU through the MSWDO that would benefit them.

Table 54. Number of Out-of-School Youth by Purok and by Sex, 2010

Male Female Total
Purok Population
No. No. No. %
1 204 5 4 9
2 110 6 6 12
3 106 6 3 9
4 109 2 4 6
5 129 3 0 3
6 160 9 6 15
7 91 4 4 8
TOTAL 909 35 27 62
Source: Barangay Profiling Process

3.7.5 Community Role of Men and Women

Barangay Tulogan-LGU Padada| Comprehensive Barangay Development Plan 35

Table 55. Community Role of Men and Women
Men Women
Majority are Barangay & Purok Officials Majority are attending general
Barangay Tanods Members of organizations
Attend “tagbo” in the barangay
Members of organizations
Source: Barangay Profiling Process

Most men are officers of community organizations and are members of

groups which require their services while women are usually tasked to attend
meetings because men are normally attending the farm activities. The barangay has
no Gender Plan however, it has allocated funds for gender and development related
activities such as attending activities during women’s month and others.

3.7.6 Household Task of Men and Women

Table 56. Household Task of Men and Women

Men Women
Head of the household Assisting the husband
Decision-maker Serve as the light of the family
Attend to household chores (cooking,
Earn a living (Mostly are breadwinner) cleaning the house, laundering,
dishwashing, etc.)
Tending the farm and livestock (carabao,
Rearing of children
Cutting/Preparing firewood Backyard gardening
Tending livestock & poultry (swine, goat,
Fetching water
Attend to educational needs of children
Fetching water
Source: Barangay Profiling Process

Mostly women do several household tasks compared to men. Most of the

time, women are left at home to do the household chores, take care of their children
and attend to their children’s educational needs. Though they are not the
breadwinner however, they are also earning in some other ways to supplement the
income gained by their husband. The decision-making is made mostly by husbands.
Tasks which require physical strength are done by men like cutting firewood, fetching
water especially if the source is far from the household. Generally, it can be noticed
in the table below that women do more household tasks than men.

There is no equal footing when it comes to doing household tasks between

men and women. Women are physically abused in general because they lack rest
and break from hard work. Disparity really exist which needs to be considered
because both men and women should enjoy equal rights.

3.7.7 Organizations

Barangay Tulogan-LGU Padada| Comprehensive Barangay Development Plan 36

3.7.7a People’s Organization and Cooperative Development

As per data gathered, there are eight (8) existing organizations operating in
Barangay Tulogan. Only one of it is registered with the Cooperative Development
Authority (CDA) all others are with SEC. Organizational activities range from
livelihood, trading or merchandizing, consumer-related endeavors, and
organizational strengthening (refer to table below). The presence of these
organizations indicates people empowerment in the barangay.

Barangay Tulogan-LGU Padada| Comprehensive Barangay Development Plan 37

Table 57. Existing Organizations in the Barangay, 2010
No. of Date
Name of No. of Capital Business or Status of the Date Total Assets & # of Programs/Projects
Incorpora Registered in
Organizations Members Build- Activities Engaged Organization Organized Liabilities Engaged/Undertaken
tors CDA & SEC
1. Tulogan Multi- 50 100,000 Meetings, trainings, Operational 8/8/93 01/12/ Assets:  Skill
purpose MERCHANDIZING, 94(CDA) P250,000, s training on:
cooperative building,2 1. Hand woven
sewing products
machines from 2. sewing
Provincial gov’t, 3. product
and furniture enhancement for
and fixtures home-based
 Organize trainors group
2. Rural 156 Meetings and Operational
improvement trainings, and
(RIC) livelihood assistance
to members
3. SEAK LENDING Operational none
4. KALIPI 43 Beautification Operational 2008 Anchored with `
WOMENS integration DSWDO XI
5. Barangay 15 98 Trainings and active 2001 Not registered
Fishery and meetings, assist in
Agricultural farmers field school
Resource activity
6. Tulogan 149 Monthly organizational inactive December December 9,
coconut meeting, 1997 1999 with PCA
farmers Federation meeting
7. Women 25 60 250,000 Handicraft making Active 2005 REGISTERED
handicraft weaving using with DTI
association coconut shell and
coconut parts,
Source: Barangay Profiling Process

Barangay Tulogan-LGU Padada| Comprehensive Barangay Development Plan 38

Barangay Tulogan-LGU Padada| Comprehensive Barangay Development Plan 39
4. Infrastructure

4.1 Water

a) Water Supply Services

A water need of the people in the barangay is supplied by level 1 water

system using jetmatic pump as their main source. All households have their
own jetmatic pump either owned by one household or shared by two or three
households. In terms of drinking water other families who can afford are
buying bottled water from delivery trucks all others use to drink from the
jetmatic pump source.

Table 58. Water Supply Services, 2010

No. of No. of
Location Sitios Present
Level Water HH
of the Water System Served Condition
Systems Served
1 2 Purok 7 43 good
2 1 Purok 5 56 good
Wells Tulogan,
3 PAWASCO reservoir in poblacion, 117 good
office poblacion
Source: Barangay Profiling Process

Water supply of the barangay is serve by PAWASCO thru a households

connection serving to 117 households, while those whoa are far and cannot be reach
by PAWASCO had their own jetmatic pump while those who cannot afford to install
one shared with their neighbor, for bathing and washing and buy bottled water and
or from PAWASCO, for drinking.

b) Other Water Resources

Barangay Tulogan has existing potable water under ground. It is the

source of potable water supply of the entire municipality of Padada, Davao del Sur.

4.2 Power

Table 59. Fuel Used For Lighting, 2010

Types of Fuel Used for No. of HH Using this
Lighting Kind
Electricity 164
Kerosene 55
Total 219

There are two types of lighting used in the barangay. Majority of the
households used electricity accounting for 164 (74.88%) while the rest accounting for
55 (25.12%) households used kerosene as their lighting facility.

Barangay Tulogan-LGU Padada| Comprehensive Barangay Development Plan 39

a) Fuel Used For Cooking

Table 60. Fuel Used For Cooking, 2010

Types of Fuel Used For Cooking No. of HH Using this Kind
Firewood 215
Total 219
Source: Barangay Profiling Process

Most households in the barangay use firewood as their fuel for cooking that
accounts to 215 households and there are only 4 that use LPG for such purpose.

b) Electric Service

Table No.61 Electric Service and Household Serve, 2010

Existing Electric Service No off HH No of HH Reason why other HH
in the Barangay Served not served were not served
DASURECO 164 55 RROW problem
Financial constraints
Source: Barangay Profiling Process

The Davao del Sur Electric Cooperative is the only source of electric supply
located in the municipal proper. Out of 219 households in the barangay, there are
164 households who enjoyed the services of the company. The remaining 55
households do not have electricity or do not have the financial capacity to pay for
the connection services and still others who have the financial capability to pay
cannot avail the electric services due to the problem of road right of way.

4.3 Transportation and Road

a) Road Network

Table 62. Road Network, 2010

Road Type Length
Barangay Road 10.8
Provincial road 1.751
National road 3,000
Total road network 15.551
Source: Barangay Profiling Process

Barangay Tulogan road network system is composed of 10.8-kilometer

barangay roads, 3 kilometers Padada-Columbio road and 1.7251 kilometers
provincial road. All puroks in the barangay can be accessed through the barangay
roads Provincial road and through the National road, an all weather gravel road.

Barangay Tulogan-LGU Padada| Comprehensive Barangay Development Plan 40

b) Mode of Transportation

In terms of transport vehicle, there is no public utility vehicle operating

in the area. Transport vehicles such as tricycle owned privately are used for
taking passengers from the barangay to the poblacion. Operators of these
vehicles must have a franchise certificate to operate legally in transporting

Below are the numbers of 2 to 6-wheeled vehicles existing in the area.

Table 63. Types of Vehicles Operating in the Area, 2010

Type of Vehicle Utility Type
Public Private
Single Motorcycle - 74 74
Tricycle - 6 6
Multicab - 2 2
Car (kotse) - 7 7
ELF - 2 2
Van 6 6
Jeep 2 2
Total 99 99
Source: Barangay Profiling Process

4.4 Communication

a) Telecommunication Services

There is no telecommunication facility in the barangay but a

telecommunication service is accessible using mobile phones. Households who can
afford to buy such phones are enjoying the service. There are a total of 153 users of
cellphone in the area. Internet cafes and landline phones are available in the
municipal proper and a public calling office at the DOTC.

b) Broadcast Media Services

Table 64. Types of Vehicles Operating in the Area, 2010

Types of Broadcast media facilities that No. of HH
have reached the barangay Served
TV Purok 1 to 7 174
Radio 45

There are two broadcast media services in the barangay, these are television
and radio network. There are 174 households that have television sets.

c) Postal Service Facility

Postal service facility is available only in the municipal proper. Mails are
claimed at the municipal post office and or send thru the barangay officials, mostly
barangay captains, who happen to visit / pass by the municipal hall.
Barangay Tulogan-LGU Padada| Comprehensive Barangay Development Plan 41
5. Local Government

5.1 Development Administration

5.1a Barangay Government Administration

5.1a.1 Barangay Government Structure

Barangay Tulogan is presently governed by the normal flow

of Barangay Government Structure as illustrated below. It is of course
managed by the highest governing body which is the Barangay Council
composed of the Punong Barangay, six (6) Barangay Kagawads, SK
Chair, Barangay Treasurer and the Barangay Secretary. From the
Barangay Council is an organized Barangay Development Council
(BDC) responsible in formulating the development plans and programs
of the barangay and is responsible also in the monitoring and
evaluation of programs and projects implemented in the barangay. It is
composed of Punong Barangay, Barangay Kagawads, Purok
Presidents and CSOs/Pos/NGOs equivalent to ¼ of the total
membership of the BDC.

Several barangay institutions are also organized that include,

Barangay Peace and Order Council (BPOC), Barangay Disaster
Coordinating Council (BDCC), Barangay Anti-Drug Abuse Council
(BADAC), Barangay Health Workers (BHWs), Barangay Nutrition
Scholars (BNs), Barangay Council for the Protection of Children
(BCPC), Lupong Tagapamayapa, Barangay Tanod, Barangay Agrarian
Reform Communities, Barangay Fishery and Agricultural Resource
management Council (BFARMC). These institutions or bodies perform
specific functions supportive of the efficient and effective operations of
the barangay.

Some of these functionaries are less active because of lack of

incentives that somehow motivate them to perform actively.

All services rendered by the barangay functionaries are directed

towards the general welfare of its constituency, the general assembly.
Based on the flow of the performance rating of the Sangguniang
Barangay, satisfactory rating is generally obtained which means that
citizens are satisfied with the services being delivered to them.
Meanwhile, peoples’ participation through the operation of the various
organizations also got a satisfactory rating denoting that the barangay
is promoting and encouraging community empowerment, hence people
are part of the decision-making of the barangay.

Barangay Tulogan-LGU Padada| Comprehensive Barangay Development Plan 42

The Barangay Government Structure

6 Brgy Kagawads
Brgy. Treasurer
Brgy. Secretary

Barangay Council, Purok

BARANGAY Presidents, NGOs/Pos/CSOs

Brgy. Peace and Order

Committee (BPOC)
Brgy. Disaster Coordinating
Brgy. Anti-Drug Abuse
Council (BADAC)
Brgy. Health Workers
Brgy. Nutrition Scholars
GENERAL ASSEMBLY Brgy. Council for the
Protection of Children
Lupong Tagapamayapaya
Barangay Tanod
Brgy. Agrarian Reform
Other Barangay institutions
present in the locality

Barangay Tulogan-LGU Padada| Comprehensive Barangay Development Plan 43


5.1a.2 Organization Rating Matrix of Barangay Officials



Punong Barangay
Other Appointed staff



SB Council NGO (1/4 members) Purok Presidents






Barangay Tulogan-LGU Padada| Comprehensive Barangay Development Plan 44

Table 65. Performance of Barangay Officials of Tulogan, 2010
Performance of Barangay Officials
1 2 3 4 5
A Performance of the Sangguniang Barangay
1 Administration of Basic Services relative to: 
a. Agriculture 
b. Health and Social Welfare Services 
c. General Hygiene and Sanitation, Beautification & Waste 
d. Administration/ Maintenance of Brgy Justice 
e. Maintenance of Brgy Roads, Bridges & Water System 
f. Infrastructure facilities 
g. General welfare 
h. Information and Reading Materials 
i. Satellite Public Market 
2 Capability to raise funds & initiate fund Sourcing & other income
Relation to POs through its representation in the Barangay 
Development Council (BDC)
Support & Assistance for the establishment and organization of 
4 organizations/ cooperatives inside the barangay
5 Organization/ Re-organization/ Establishment of BDC 
6 Enactment of Brgy Ordinances, resolutions and etc. 

Barangay Tulogan-LGU Padada| Comprehensive Barangay Development Plan 45

Ensure the performance of the roles and functions of the Brgy. 
Ensure the performance of the roles and functions of the Brgy. 
9 Conduct of Brgy Assembly
10 Quality of Resolutions/ Ordinances enacted relative to:
a. Local Administration 
b. Human Resource and Development 
c. Agriculture 
d. Infrastructure 
B Sangguniang Barangay Committee Performance: 
1 Conduct of hearing & investigation 
2 Making & submission of reports 
C BDC Performance
1 Conduct Regular Meeting 
2 Ability/ Capacity to make short & long 
Term Comprehensive BDP 
3 Conduct Participatory Monitoring and Evaluation 

4 Motivation of constituents to participate in various local activities
Source: Barangay Profiling Process

1 Poor 4 Very Satisfactory
2 Unsatisfactory 5 Outstanding
3 Satisfactory

5.1a.3 Organization Rating Matrix of People’s Organization

Table 66. Rating of People’s Organization, 2010

People’s Participation
1 2 3 4 5
Active participation in the General assembly and Community 
2 Indication of Commitment 
3 Active participation in Brgy- Based Organization activities 
Assistance in keeping peace & order within and outside the 
Assistance towards the maintenance of Health and Sanitation in the 
6 Abiding in policies & ordinances 
7 Respect to Barangay Officials 
8 Payment of Taxes 
9 Gender Sensitivity 
10 Close coordination of POs to Barangay Council 
Source: Barangay Profiling Process

5.1b Public Finance ( Barangay Financial Administration)

Barangay Tulogan-LGU Padada| Comprehensive Barangay Development Plan 46

The actual income share of the Barangay from Internal Revenue Allotment
increases by 20% in year 2009 from P1,314,440.00 in 2008 to P1,575,576.79 in
2009. It decreases by 19% in 2010 from 2009 IRA. Generally, the average actual
income gained for the last three years is P1,425,264.26. The trend of income from
local sources is fluctuating. It can be noted that income from real property taxes
shared the most of the local income followed by business taxes and licenses.
Generally, actual income for year 2008 and 2009 exceed the estimated income while
the year 2010 falls below the proposed income. The decrease emanates from the
share in IRA.

Table 67. Estimated Distribution of Revenues by Sources

Income ( P)
Income %
2008 2009 2010 Ave
1 Tax Revenue 1,257,721.99 1,545,241.79 1,737,376.00 1,552,551.61 33
a. Barangay Share on Internal 1,212,444.00 1,385,776.00 1,696,376.00 1,431,532.00 33
Revenue Allotment
b. Share on Real Property tax 25,000.00 30,000.00 30,000.00 28,333.33 33
c. Business Taxes and 5,000.00 6,000.00 6,000.00 5,666.67 33
d. Community Tax 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 33
c. Miracle Program - 118,465.79 - 118,465.79 33
Operating & Miscellaneous 9,000.00 109,000.00 9,000.00 42,333.33 33
a. Aid from Province and 2,000.00 102,000.00 2,000.00 35,333.33 33
b. Miscellaneous Income 7,000.00 7,000.00 7,000.00 7,000.00 33
TOTAL INCOME 1,256,444.00 1,654,241.79 1,746,376.00 1,552,353.93 33
Source: Municipal Budget Office

Table 68. Actual Distribution of Revenues by Sources

Income ( P)
Income %
2008 2009 2010 Ave
1 Tax Revenue 1,375,037.04 1,609,687.15 1,426,776.00 1,470,500.06 33
a. Barangay Share on 1,314,440.00 1,575,576.79 1,385,776.00 1,425,264.26 33
Internal Revenue
b. Share on Real 38,092.94 9,982.90 30,000.00 26,025.28 33
Property tax
c. Business Taxes 15,420.00 14,591.00 6,000.00 12,003.67 33
and Licenses
d. Community Tax 7,084.10 9,536.46 5,000.00 7,206.85 33

Operating & 256,785.50 103,550.00 9,000.00 123,111.83 33

2 Miscellaneous
a. Aid from Province 256,785.50 103,550.00 2,000.00 120,778.50 33
and Municipalities

Barangay Tulogan-LGU Padada| Comprehensive Barangay Development Plan 47

b. Miscellaneous - - 7,000.00 7,000.00 100
TOTAL INCOME 1,631,822.54 1,713,237.15 1,435,776.00 1,593,611.90 33
Source: Municipal Budget Office

The average estimated expenditures for the last three years is P1,622,168.84
which is higher compared to the average actual expenditures of P1,490,757.63.
Specifically, average estimated current operating expenditures consist of personal
services and MOOE account for P990,106.64 compared to the average actual
amount of P980,549.38. On the other hand, the average non–office expenditures is
P531,728.86 compared to the average actual amount of 397,703.29. When talking of
the capital outlay, average estimated amount is P44,000.00 while the average actual
expenditures is P66,687.48. For Other locally funded projects, P128,500.00 is
estimated for the last two years in 2009 and 2010 compared to P68,046.63 actual
cost for the last three years.

Table 69. Estimated Expenditures

Year Year Year
Expenditures Ave %
2008 2009 2010
Current Operating
1 Personal Services 686,008.00 840,800.00 784,843.79 770,550.60 33
a. Honorarium 631,008.00 664,800.00 664,800.00 653,536.00 33
b. Cash gifts 55,000.00 55,000.00 55,000.00 55,000.00 100
c. Extra Cash Gift - 121,000.00 - 121,000.00 100
d. Annual Leave - - 65,043.79 65,043.79 100
Maintenance & 139,480.60 235,547.16 283,640.38 219,556.05 33
2 Other Operating
a. Traveling 10,000.00 15,000.00 16,367.00 13,789.00 33
b. Training 15,448.22 30,448.80 35,000.00 26,965.67 33
c. Office Supplies 54,000.00 65,002.76 69,138.09 62,713.62 33
d. Repair and - 7,000.00 7,000.00 100
Maintenance –
Barangay Tulogan-LGU Padada| Comprehensive Barangay Development Plan 48
e. Repair and 30,000.00 35,000.00 20,000.00 28,333.33 33
Maintenance –
Motor Vehicles
f. Electricity 7,500.00 13,000.00 10,000.00 10,166.67 33
g. Discretionary 532.38 1,068.56 761.86 787.6 33
h. Other 22,000.00 69,027.04 132,373.43 74,466.82 33
Maintenance &
Operating Expenses
TOTAL 825,488.60 1,076,347.16 1,068,484.17 990,106.64 33
Non – Office
a. Sangguniang 125,644.40 159,931.74 199,144.99 161,573.71 33
Kabataan Fund
b. Barangay 230,364.36 287,703.92 334,275.20 284,114.49 33
Development Fund
c. Calamity Fund 62,822.20 77,712.09 87,318.80 75,951.03 33
d. Gender & 12,124.44 13,144.44 5,000.00 10,089.63 33
e. Senior Citizen - - - - -
TOTAL 430,955.40 538,492.19 625,738.99 531,728.86 33
4 Capital Outlay - 44,000.00 - 44,000.00 100
Other Locally - 121,000.00 136,000.00 128,500.00 33
Funded Programs
GRAND TOTAL 1,256,444.00 1,779,839.35 1,830,223.16 1,622,168.84 33
Source: Municipal Budget Office

Table 70. Actual Expenditures

Year Year Year
Expenditures Ave %
2008 2009 2010
Current Operating
Personal Services 770,508.00 840,800.00 719,800.00 777,036.00 33
a. Honorarium 630,808.00 664,800.00 664,800.00 653,469.33 33

b. Cash gifts 55,000.00 55,000.00 55,000.00 55,000.00 33

c. Extra Cash Gift 84,700.00 121,000.00 - 102,850.00 50

Maintenance & 191,447.15 231,638.59 187,454.40 203,513.38 33

2 Other Operating
a. Traveling 8,509.00 15,000.00 16,367.00 13,292.00 33
b. Training Expenses 15,448.22 29,000.00 25,000.00 23,149.41 33

c. Office Supplies 64,000.00 65,002.76 60,000.00 63,000.92 33


Barangay Tulogan-LGU Padada| Comprehensive Barangay Development Plan 49

d. Repair and - 7,000.00 - 7,000.00 100
Maintenance - Roads
e. Repair and 34,346.97 32,635.20 20,000.00 28,994.06 33
Maintenance – Motor
f. Electricity 7,500.00 8,275.37 10,000.00 8,591.79 33
g. Discretionary Fund - - 761.86 761.86 100
h. Other Maintenance 61,642.96 74,725.26 55,325.54 63,897.92 33
& Operating
TOTAL 961,955.15 1,072,438.59 907,254.40 980,549.38 33
Non – Office 313,690.21 386,898.07 492,521.60 397,703.29 33
a. Sangguniang 101,709.65 112,932.22 143,577.60 119,406.49 33
Kabataan Fund
b. Barangay 210,740 260,821.85 272,155.20 247,905.68 33
Development Fund
c. Calamity Fund - - 71,788.80 71,788.80 100
d. Gender & 1,240.56 13,144.00 5,000.00 6,461.52 33
e. Senior Citizen - - - - -
Capital Outlay 89,374.96 44,000.00 66,687.48 50
Other Locally Funded 47,139.90 121,000.00 36,000.00 68,046.63 33
GRAND TOTAL 1,412,160.22 1,624,336.66 1,435,776.00 1,490,757.63 33
Source: Municipal Budget Office

5.1c Administration of Justice (Lupon)

Barangay Tulogan has complied with the provision of the Local

Government Code regarding the organization of Lupon. It is composed of the
Punong Barangay as chairman and 16 members (refer to list below). The
following are the functions normally performed by the Lupon:

1. Exercise administrative supervision over the conciliation panels.

2. Meet regularly once a month to provide a forum for exchange of ideas
among its members and the public on matters relevant to the amicable
settlement of disputes, and to enable various conciliation panel members
to share with one another their observation and experiences in effecting
speedy resolution of disputes; and
3. Exercise such other powers and perform such other duties and functions
as may be prescribed by law or ordinance.

Barangay Tulogan Lupong Tagapamayapa is not behind in the

performance of administering barangay justice because it belongs to the top
ten (10) Lupon in 2010. What is needed to further strengthen the Lupon

Barangay Tulogan-LGU Padada| Comprehensive Barangay Development Plan 50

members is the provision of incentives as a means of augmenting the income
of their family.

5.1d Public Order and Safety

a. Civilian Volunteer Organization (CVO)

To maintain peace and public safety, the barangay ensures that

Civilian Volunteer Organization (CVO) is organized. The barangay has 16
active CVO members. They are doing round d clock roving and are receiving
an honorarium of php 12,000.00 per annum per person.

b. Disaster Preparedness

Another peace service provider is the Barangay Disaster Coordinating

Council created by virtue of Executive Order No. 005 dated July 4, 2010
which is organized to mitigate peace-related problems in the barangay.
However per order from the DILG all local government unit should now adopt
R.A no. 10211 or an act strengthening the national disaster risk reduction and
management council, barangay Tulogan had not responded to the order. Said
council is yet to be organized at the barangay level.



3.1 Land Use Analysis

This portion tries to discuss the different land uses of the barangay and come
with suggestions and recommendation and propose projects for implementation by
the decision makers after consulting the constituents through a public hearing or
barangay assembly. It discusses how these resources can be best use to achieve a
more rationalize use of land resources in the barangay. It likewise shows whether
the use of land resource is appropriate or in conflict with the existing land use and
further discusses how these resources are important to the people, its existing
issues and problems and if not resolved, how these problems affects the people in
the barangay.

3.1.1 Existing Land Use

Barangay Tulogan-LGU Padada| Comprehensive Barangay Development Plan 51

The built up area identified at barangay Tulogan is composed of
residential area, the institutional area where the school is located, and the
seat of government where the barangay hall and the open court and
government offices are also situated, Agricultural area with cash crops
permanent crops, mixed crops and under crops are also found in the area.
Most permanent crops like coconut, Mango, sugar cane and under crop with
bananas and other cash crops.

Existing Land Map

Table 71. Existing Land Use Matrix

Existing Land Use Potential for under crop
LAND USE (in hectares) (in hectares)
Built-up Areas 5.481
Agricultural Lands 231
Cash Crops
Rice 3
Corn (under coco) 6

Permanent Crops 166

Coconut 46.8 160

Sugar cane 15
Vegetables .200
Creek and Canal 3

Barangay Tulogan-LGU Padada| Comprehensive Barangay Development Plan 52

Total 239.481 160
Source: Actual conduct of Land Use by Barangay

3.1.2 Barangay Boundaries

Perimeter Map

Perimeter map shows the barangay is divided into seven sitios or purok not
necessarily in equal dimension. Some are large while others are small. Each purok
has its population and number of households guided by a purok leader who is in
charge in the development of its area of responsibility in close coordination with the
kagawad concerned who is also in charge in the welfare of the people and all other
activities, including health related activities in the assigned purok. The biggest purok
is Purok 7 with 40.54885 hectares or 16.9% of the total land area and the smallest is
Purok 6 with only 32.1566 hectares or 13.4%.

Table 72. Matrix for Perimeter Map, 2010

Name of Total Land Area/
Puroks/Sitio’s Sitio
Purok 1 32.44297 13.5
Purok 2 32.6374 13.6
Purok 3 32.4497 13.6

Barangay Tulogan-LGU Padada| Comprehensive Barangay Development Plan 53

Purok 4 34.0082 14.2
Purok 5 33.47 13.9
Purok 6 32.1566 13.4
Purok 7 40.54885 16.9
Total 239.481
Source: Actual conduct of Land Use by Barangay

3.1.3 Water Body

Water Body Map

There are two (2) watersheds that supply water to the municipality including
that of barangay Tulogan. These are the Mainit- river watershed and the Padada,
Malalag, Sulop watershed area with an intermediate center rainfall of one thousand
five hundred (1,500) MM to two thousand five hundred (2,500) MM described as
moderate dry season moisture deficit.

Water sources in the barangay are consist of creeks, irrigation canal, and
underground water source that supply water to the whole municipality. This is the
place where the pumping station of PaWaSCo is located. PaWaSCo supplies water
to the 14 barangays out of the 17 barangays that comprises the whole municipality of
Padada. This resource can be protected by planting trees along the river bank of
Padada River and the identified watershed in the upper portion of the municipality.
Another important water body is the irrigation canal that connects the irrigation of
Malinao to the irrigation of Sulop. This resource transport the water from the
irrigation of Malinao, Padada to the Municipality of Sulop and could be a good source

Barangay Tulogan-LGU Padada| Comprehensive Barangay Development Plan 54

of irrigation water for the people of barangay Tulogan if they wish to convert there
vast tract of coconut area to rice field.

Still another resource that is equally important to the barangay is the creek
with dry water bed but controls the water of the plain and flat area during rainy
season and prevents flooding.

Table 73. Matrix on Condition of Water Bodies, 2010

Importanc Possible
Types of e of this Problems/Issues effect if
Distance Physical
Water resource affecting the not Suggestion
or Width Condition
Bodies to the water bodies protecte
people d
Control the Good but Water in excess Deepen the
water of the has water of capacity will creek and
Creek 5 km plain area only cause damage to plants trees
in the
and prevent during crops and along the
flood rainy days livestock easement
Damage Riprap and
Source of Will overflow
Irrigation good to crops, always
water for during heavy
Canal road and clean the
irrigation downpour
property. canal
Rampant cutting Protect the
Undergroun water to the Stable
of trees in the identified
d Water whole supply of
upland area of water
Source municipality water
Padada shade
of Padada
Source: Actual conduct of Land Use by Barangay

3.1.4 Road Network

Road Network Map

Barangay Tulogan-LGU Padada| Comprehensive Barangay Development Plan 55

All roads are in fair condition and are passable during dry season. However
graveled roads will deteriorate due to rain and constant use so it is advice to have a
budget for maintenance and repair. Non-allocation of budget will mean no
maintenance hence no repair and prone to deterioration.

It also has a provincial road estimated to be more than two kilometers and is
maintained by the provincial government however the latter has no monitoring as to
the status of the road so that the repair and maintenance of the road will depend on
the report submitted by the barangay no report no maintenance nor repair.(See
Table 74)

Table 74. Matrix on Condition of Road Network, 2010

Recent Possible
Specific n Importanc Problems/ Suggestion
Road Lengt Physical effect if not
Names (concrete, e Issues s
Type h (KM) Conditio resolved
Irregular Hazard to Promptly
Passable maintenance life, high inform the
Graveled Padada to
Provincia presence , PEO office cost of car provincial
1.751 farm to Kiblawan
l Road of path not keen on maintenance government
market road and
holes maintaining , prone to of any road
the road accidents problem

Barangay Tulogan-LGU Padada| Comprehensive Barangay Development Plan 56

Farm to Needs repair
Beldad Difficult to Allocate
0.950 graveled Passable market and
Road pass budget
road maintenance

Farm to
Ilocos Allocate
0.950 graveled passable market
Road budget
Needs repair Difficulty to
Costaños Farm to Allocate
3.000 graveled passable and transport
Road market budget
maintenance goods
Froilan Needs repair --do—
Tulogan to Difficult to
1.300 Matas graveled passable and Constant
Baranga provincial pass
Road maintenance monitoring
y Road road
Farm to Needs repair Difficulty to
Omboy assistance
1.000 graveled passable market and transport
Road from the
road maintenance goods
Difficulty to
Farm to Needs repair
Bolhoon transport Allocate
1.700 graveled passable market and
Road farm budget
road maintenance
Dionaldo Farm to Needs Road will
0.850 graveled passable Need budget
Road market maintenance deteriorate
M. Farm to
Needs Road will
1.050 Mascard graveled passable market Need budget
maintenance deteriorate
o Road road
Total 12.551
Source: Actual conduct of Land Use by Barangay

3.1.5 Settlement and Infrastructure Areas

Settlement and Infrastructure Map

Barangay Tulogan-LGU Padada| Comprehensive Barangay Development Plan 57

Barangay Tulogan has one center for the delivery of its basic social services.
It is the barangay hall, the barangay health center, and an elementary school and a
day care center.

These centers are the places where the people converge and services are
dispose and or serve. Without these centers there will be an inefficient and
ineffective delivery of basic social services.

Another important center is the purok center where people informally

converge and hold meeting if they have something to discuss relative to maters that
need vital action or of importance to the development of the purok

Recreation facilities are limited to basketball courts, covered courts, and multi
purpose pavement. Other forms of recreation like are also available but were
discourage because of its accompanying hobby which is drinking and its not good for
health. Open court is in good condition but some others were already not in good
condition and needs repair.

Table 75. Matrix on Social Services Infrastructure and Settlements, 2010

Present Possible
Types of Names/ Description Present
Physical Importance effect if not Suggestion
Infra Types (Quantity, Problem
Condition solved
School Tulogan Classrooms Good but A school for Needs Less Request
building eelementary with one needs school age additional number of funding from
school comfort improvement going classroom pupils the DepEd
room population
Barangay Cagas type Good Office for No funds for Will Allocate
Hall physical barangay renovation / deteriorate funds for
condition on transaction a repair and will repair and
structure meeting place affect the renovation
delivery of

Barangay Tulogan-LGU Padada| Comprehensive Barangay Development Plan 58

Purok Purok 7 purok For Center for No area , no Inefficient/ Request
building center center one rehabilitation, meeting, funds to ineffective area from
in every located livelihood transfer the service the
sitio under road opportunities purok delivery barangay
right of way and funds
Health Cagas type Center for Lack of Health Request for
center health delivery of medicine related additional
center - - health services base on problems medicines
scheduled will be
date of referred to
permanent the hospital
Settlement Residential Majority are Some are Shelter, Sanitation, Life and Request for
s light made of light accommodation land tenure, property are resettlement
materials materials area, a within danger endangered, site,
permanent zone create create implement
dwelling unit health pollution, R.A.9003
problem housing
Recreation Open court, 1open court Open court Cultural shows, No budget , No more Allocate
facilities basket-ball is good, meeting place, maintenance, recreational funds for
courts, Multi 1 basketball basketball for recreation facilities, no maintenance
purpose court court in good and for drying place their and
pavement condition purposes produce personnel
2 MPP MPP good.
DASURECO OK Lighting facility Not all Possible Request to
Electricity Promotes puroks are occurrence energized all
peace and energized of crimes puroks
Education Day care One ( 1 ) Good Learning No security No classes Allocate
facility center center condition ok center drinking of tenure on day care funds
water level one shallow well bathing members not no more monitor
system ( 1) and ad washing and for actively source of leaking
three ( 3 ) household other purposes paying their water faucets
connection bills Prone to Enforce
Leakage diseases collection
Source: Actual conduct of Land Use by Barangay

3.1.6 Land Cover Area

Land Cover Map

Barangay Tulogan-LGU Padada| Comprehensive Barangay Development Plan 59

Land cover of the barangay consists of 231 hectares agricultural lands
planted with 166-hectare permanent crops and 65 hectares cash crops. A built up
area of 5.481 and a 3-hectare irrigation canal.

Table 76. Matrix on Condition of Existing Land Cover, 2010

Land Possible
Existing Land Physical Existing
Area effects it not Suggestion
Cover Condition Problem
(in resolved

AGRICULTURAL Less fertile Low Less income Provide farm

LANDS: soil production inputs
65 Use organic
Cash crops and
Depleted soil farming
mixed crops Less fertile Less
nutrients Provide free farm
soil productive
166 inputs
Permanent crops
BUILT UP AREA 5.481 Good
Will overflow Cause Protect the canal
IRRIGATION during heavy damage to and keep it free
3 Good
CANAL down pour livestock and from debris and
property request for riprap
Source: Actual conduct of Land Use by Barangay

3.1.7 Protection Area

Protected Area Map

Barangay Tulogan-LGU Padada| Comprehensive Barangay Development Plan 60

Table 77. Matrix on Protection Map, 2010
Specific Possible
Existing Legal basis Land
Location Present Effects if
Land (Name of Area Problems Suggestions
(Sitios Land Use not
Cover Law/Ord) (in
Covered) Resolved
Agriculture MUNICIPAL All 231 Agricultural Unfertile Less Use organic
area ORDINANCE Puroks soil productive fertilizer
Irrigation E. O. 72 Purok 1, 3 Irrigation Overflow Overflow Protect the
canal 2, 5 and canal of canal of water to canal by reef
6 the rapping
l area
Source: Actual conduct of Land Use by Barangay

Barangay has a total protected area of 234 hectares consisting of 231

hectares of agricultural land protected under Municipal Ordinance No. 028, series of
2006, better known as the Municipal Comprehensive Land Use Plan (MCLUP).

The other protected area is the irrigation canal protected under Executive
Order No. 72 which states that irrigated area are not negotiable for conversion.

3.1.8 Tenure Area

Tenure Map

Barangay Tulogan-LGU Padada| Comprehensive Barangay Development Plan 61

Most of the lands of the Barangay are owned and are titled to private land owners.
But still there are untitled lands which if not acted by the supposed land owner could be
assumed by another interested party or by the LGU.

Table 78. Matrix on Tenure Map, 2010

Land Status of
Tenurial Est. Tenurial Problems Possible
instruments Land Location instruments encountered, effects if
or other Area (Sitios) (awarded, on issues & not
forms of land (in Has.) process or for concerns resolved
ownership application
Certificate of 14.3264 Purok 4 Awarded to carp Some areas No more Dar to monitor
Land Purok 7 beneficiary are lands to be and barangay to
Ownership mortgaged tilled by the coordinate
Award and or sold beneficiary
Untitled lands No action on the Problems with Proliferation Assessors office
part of the owner money and or of untitled to assist land
to apply for land, less owner in titling
title collection of activities
Titled areas All titled Absentee Less LGU Tax campaign,
landowner, income, barangay to
delinquent vacant idle utilize idle land
taxes, waiting lands, thru equal
for tax accumulated sharing of
amnesty arrears harvest to pay
the taxes
Lease areas Land lease for Land owner Less income Campaign not to
ten to twenty had no more causes lease their lands
years lease land to till. Poverty and them provide
contract livelihood
Source: Actual conduct of Land Use by Barangay

3.1.9 Erosion Potential

Erosion Potential Map

Barangay Tulogan-LGU Padada| Comprehensive Barangay Development Plan 62

Potentially eroded area is observed in Itakura Hill located at Purok 6.
Although there is no severe erosion happened yet, it must be anticipated and
protection of the area is very significant. Planting of tree varieties that could
strongly hold the soil must be initiated.

Table 79. Matrix on Erosion Map, 2010

Type of Est. Location What are What are What Possible Suggestions
Erosion Land ( Sitios) specific concrete are the effects if not
Area manifestations Effects of Causes resolved
(in of Soil erosion Soil of Soil (Implications)
Has.) in this area? Erosion erosion
in this in this
area? area?
Slightly Purok 6 Absence of Slight Cutting Loss of soil Tree
eroded plants in the flooding of trees nutrients planting
area area
Source: Actual conduct of Land Use by Barangay

3.1.10 Flood Hazard

Flooding Hazard Map

Barangay Tulogan-LGU Padada| Comprehensive Barangay Development Plan 63

Slight flooding during heavy rains usually experienced by residence in
the low lying areas including Purok 4 and 3 that is encompasses creek.

Table 80. Matrix on Flood Hazard Map, 2010

Level of Specific Frequency Usual What are Possible Suggestions
Flood Location Damages the effects if not
( Sitios) when flood Causes of resolved
happen in this Flood in (Implications)
area? this area?
Slight flood Low lying During Damaged to Low lying Create fear Impose ordinance
occurrence area heavy plants and areas, very among on tree planting,
downpour livestocks, road small canal residents, improve the
difficult to pass hazard to life existing canal
and property,
incidence of
Source: Actual conduct of Land Use by Barangay

3.2 Summary of Sectoral Analysis

Matrix for the Summary on Situational Analysis, 2010

Sector Development Problems and Constraints/Threats Opportunities
Potentials Issues
1. Economic Vast coconut Undeveloped Disaster and financial Presence of
plantation, and tourist spot, low crisis abroad failure of organized
entrepreneurial farmer’s delivery of basic social skilled
people located income, lack of services and entry of workers,
along Padada pre and post multi national presence of
Columbio harvest corporation. coconut code
road,137 facilities, high and available
Overseas Filipino unemployment raw materials.

Barangay Tulogan-LGU Padada| Comprehensive Barangay Development Plan 64

W0rkers rate, poverty.
2. Social Presence of Presence of Entry of multi national Presence of
sports facilities, gambling corporation basic services
and strong and activities like Fluctuating prices of from the LGU,
determined social last two ,cards copra affects the life of presence of
worker officer. and hantak, 30 the people, Natural assistance
HH have no calamities, climate from the
sanitary toilets, change, and continued national
prevalence of increase of farm government in
crime against inputs. terms of
minor project and
unproductive other
women ,and , programs.
presence of out
of school youth
3. Infrastructure Access to Budget for road Natural and man Secure funds
provincial maintenance, made disaster, from outside
engineering for repair rehab of sources
equipment, infrastructure in
access to CDF. the barangay.
4. Local Supportive Some lacks the Change in government Information
Governance provincial and willingness to administration both in and education
municipal contribute the municipal and campaign,
officials and during purok barangay level. capability
honest and hard activities, lack building,
working of incentives for provide
barangay officials volunteer incentives to
and peaceful and service BHW and
God fearing civil providers. other
society volunteers.
5.Land use and Presence of Climate change Natural disaster and Organized the
Environment irrigation in the sanitation occurrences of disaster risk
area, plain and problem, calamities, reduction
flat terrain, Settlements management
organic farming, along RROW, council,
presence of boundary implement
enabling local conflicts, and local
policies, program entry of multi- issuances.
and projects national
presence of corporations

The Situational Analysis Matrix

Development Issues that Existing Problems and Strategic
Trends Implications
Parameters Matter Condition causes Interventions
1. Ecology Cutting of trees at poor environmental Imbalance Uncontrolled Flooding, occurrence Continue tree
the watershed sanitation and ecology cutting of trees, of natural disaster and planting activities,
area in the upland rampant cutting of too much used calamites enact protection
barangay trees at upland of chemicals and conservation

2. Population High dependency most are landless Most are living No investment Slow economic growth Invite investors,
ratio, under families, no land to below poverty in the area, no increasing poverty capability building,
employment very till, threshold business and incidence tap local resources
young population most lack the much industry in the in cottage industry
increasing needed skills barangay sector

Barangay Tulogan-LGU Padada| Comprehensive Barangay Development Plan 65

3. Shelter Located along 63% needs repair, Increasing + - low family Deprive of decent LGU to purchase
danger zone, 58% need lands, household that income living, hazard to life relocation site and
houses made of are made of + - living along and property implement gawad
light materials, 24 light materials RROW kalinga housing
double up HH + - renting the
4. Health Prone to sickness, Alarming morbidity Babies are Poverty, Poor quality of life Massive backyard
poor health rate prone to improper gardening,
condition sickness whole sanitation low Health education.
year round income,

5.Literacy Low literacy rate Presence of out of Many are not Parent not Illiterate Youth a Promote
will cause poverty school youth going to school motivate menace to society scholarship
children to program, and
study assistance to
6. Income Lack of financial Cottage are Labor Illiterate lack of No better opportunity Seminar on
institution to products are in dependent capability to for employment, medium
finance cottage demand here and under generate can not go abroad enterprises
industry program abroad; available employment income development
financing facility provide livelihood
to increase
7.Employment Lack of No commercial Increasing Poor business Poverty among some Established
employment and or industrial number of un climate, lack sector of the populace attractive business
opportunity lack of company to work employed skill climate to create
skilled worker with better job

8. Electricity 74.88% of Only 24.12% used Many don’t Land owners No development in the Work with donation
households are kerosene as fuel mind will not donate barangay of the RROW
energized for lighting the land for
9. Water Presence of level Some uses Those who can Lack of fund for Poor hygiene and Allocate adequate
1 and 3 type jetmatic pump as afford use to PAWASCO to sanitation funding support
Of water supplied main source of buy bottled expand
by PAWASCO drinking water water
10. Land Use Conflicting land Protected areas Boundary Absent of Danger to life and Acquire relocation
uses are inhabited conflict not relocation force property prone to site
including danger resolved. the people to landslide and erosion
zone live in RROW
11. Mobility Not concrete farm Presence of No regular Lack of funds Difficulty in Prioritized budget
to market road heavy potholes maintenance of transporting farm for barangay roads
during heavy barangay roads products concreting
12. Barangay Change of Happens after Project not Worst political underdevelopment Forget politics after
Administration officials election implemented system election
new officials

3.3 Highlights of Agriculture and Fishery Sector Analysis anchored on

SAFDZ Analysis

Situation Analysis of SAFDZ : Strategic crop Sub-Development Zone/Strategic

Sub-Development Zone/Strategic Fishery Sub-Development zone
Focus Area Strength Weaknesses Opportunities Threats
Corn Hybrid seeds are Traditional farming Plant corn under the Flood and pest and
provided for free are still prevalence 166 hectares of land disease infestation
from the LGU to among corn planted to coconut

Barangay Tulogan-LGU Padada| Comprehensive Barangay Development Plan 66

corn farmers farmers
Mango 51.8 hectares of Low price during Mango trees can be Pest infestation
mangoes are harvest time planted along and occurrence of
planted using Few are planting boundaries of black bugs.
grafted seedling mango due to high agricultural lands
free from weevil. cost of inputs and at our backyard
Banana Increase banana  Low price of  Augment  Pest & disease
production by fruit weight income infestation
using sucker free  Low levels of
from bunchy top. inputs
Coconut 166 hectares of Mono cropping Old coco tree Drought, pest &
coconut are practices by can be planted disease infestation
planted and are coconut farmers, for free with
producing good no under cropping. subsidy by PCA
variety of copra
Farmers adopting
Package of
Livestock and All households Conventional The 166 hectares of  Infestation
Poultry are raising goats, method of raising coconut area can be  Drought and flood.
hogs, chicken, goats. All are in used as grazing  Middlemen
cows and backyard scale, area for goats and
carabao. high cost of inputs other livestocks.
on hogs.
Profitability Cattle, swine, Coconut is less  Alleviate the Occurrence of Pest
hogs, goats, rice, profitable than living Condition And Diseases
corn, and compared to  No malnourish
bananas are profit others, long period Status.
earnin industry in for return of
the absence of investment (ROI)
Sustainability All mentioned are Lack of support Presence of credit  Natural calamities
sustainable and facilities support facility and disaster
permanent source
of living  Occurrence of pest
and diseases

Situation Analysis of SAFDZ : Strategic crop Sub-Development Zone/Strategic

Sub-Development Zone/Strategic Fishery Sub-Development zone
Focus Area
Strength Weaknesses Opportunities Threats
Coconut, rice, Lack the LGU, DTI, and Adverse effect
Productivity mango, corn, technology to DOST can to environment
Rice and corn bananas, process the said provide
livestock and products. technology
other cash crops transfer to
are potential for process said
processing products
Profitability Profitable a Lack of capital for Presence of Poor quality

Barangay Tulogan-LGU Padada| Comprehensive Barangay Development Plan 67

source of processing credit facility and products
additional income free technology generate less
to farmers profit
Competitiveness Availability of Cannot market DTI, DOST and Unstable
& Sustainability market abroad their product LGU, assist market support.
but needs quality abroad due to technology
products. poor quality transfer thru food
for work

Situation Analysis of SAFDZ : Strategic crop Sub-Development Zone/Strategic

Sub-Development Zone/Strategic Fishery Sub-Development Zone
Focus Area
Strength Weaknesses Opportunities Threats
Investment in Banana chips Lack of capital Presence of Track record
crops Virgin coconut Lack of interest on assistance from
oil POs to invest in LGU, DTI, and
Coco vinegar handicrafts. DOST on
and handicrafts handicraft
are prospect for making.
Investment in Goat and hog Sustainability of Possible Adverse
Livestock raising. feeds supply assistance from effect to
MRDP and other environment
investors due to

Situation Analysis of SAFDZ : Strategic crop Sub-Development Zone/Strategic

Sub-Development Zone/Strategic Fishery Sub-Development Zone
Area Strength Weaknesses Opportunities Threats
Marketing Volume Lack of capital, Food traders are middleme
in crops production of Fragmented always available n
crops marketing
framework, and
Farmers not
adopting organic
Barangay Tulogan-LGU Padada| Comprehensive Barangay Development Plan 68
Marketing Socially No organized Recipient of middleme
in Livestock acceptable as group to manage MRDP assistance n
income earner the marketing through CFAD

Situation Analysis of SAFDZ : Strategic crop Sub-Development Zone/Strategic

Sub-Development Zone/Strategic Fishery Sub-Development zone

Focus Area Strength Weaknesses Opportunities Threats


On crop lands  Plant  Cutting of Increase tree  Natural

trees trees along planting along disaster
along the creeks, creeks, canals
the canals and
creek, hilly areas
canals will cause
and hilly soil erosion
areas and flash
On Livestock  Socially  No MENRO offers Adverse
and Poultry accepta organized special program impact to
raising ble as groups to to assist all environment
income manage the backyard raisers and hazard
earner industry help protect the to health
industry environment

3.4 Poverty Profiling and Analysis

Table below shows the poverty profile of the people in Barangay Tulogan.
while it is true that people of barangay Tulogan is not deprive of food and clothing
there is the problem when it come to shelter. Forty nine ( 49 ) houses are made
of light materials or 22.37% and there are still five (5) or 2.28%. These are
indicators that most of the HH are living below poverty threshold thus cannot
afford to have an electricity connection and cannot afford to construct their own
sanitary toilet. Thirty-seven (37) household do not have access to sanitary toilet
thus made them expose to pollution from human waste.

Barangay Tulogan-LGU Padada| Comprehensive Barangay Development Plan 69

There is also the danger of the people to be affected by erosion and floods
because of rampant cutting of trees in the upland barangay that will surely affects
the people who live in the shanties.
Empowerment and exclusion factor involve forty-two (42) unwed couples and fifty
seven (-57) households not represented during meetings that made them
unaware of the government activities, programs and projects and other benefits
from government.

Barangay Poverty Profile and Analysis Matrix

Dimension of Poverty Purok 1 Purok 2 Purok3 Purok 4 Purok5 Purok 6 Purok 7 Total
Poverty Indicator Score per
Quality of Life Mixed but 49
of light

Shanties 2.28
Access to HH without 8 8 9 6 8 7 9 55
Resources electricity

Household 85% 80% 75% 65% 85% 90% 85% 80.7


HH without 17/8.33% 1/.009% 2/1.83% 5/3.87% 9/5.62% 3/3.29% 16.9

access to
Risk and Pollution
Vulnerability from human 17 1 2 5 9 3 37

Presence of 1 2 3
Empowerment Household 6 7 10 6 9 8 8 57
& Inclusion not
Unwed 10 4 4 1 13 6 4 42
3.5 Revenue Generation and Management Analysis

BLGU Internal Assessment

Concern Areas Strength Weaknesses
Human resources in the Supportive and active barangay Lack of technical skills on the part
barangay officials, Harmonious working of barangay officials, small
relationship between municipal and amount of honorarium on all
barangay officials, volunteer workers volunteer workers.
are actively working.
Enabling Environment Presence of barangay ordinances and violation of barangay ordinances
resolutions, support from the specifically on stray animals,
municipal and provincial officials,

Barangay Tulogan-LGU Padada| Comprehensive Barangay Development Plan 70

active NGO on the protection of the
Environment, unified NGO, BLGU,
private sector, and the religious sector
for barangay development.
Health and Sanitation Presence of barangay ordinance Despite the campaign people are
adopting R.A.9003 not complying.
Education Presence of an elementary school Complete elementary level school
and a day care center presence of in barangay Tulogan student from
ordinance requiring graduating class far flung sitios or purok had to
to secure a certification that they plant walk a few kilometers to go to
a tree before they can graduate school for lack of money for fare.
Water system Presence of provincial support for the Absence of Water system level 1
construction of water system in in Tulogan
Barangay roads / Gravelling of roads with funding from Lack of maintenance for barangay
drainage system the local government unit and from roads and drainage, creek cannot
the provincial government. cope up with heavy downpour.
Agriculture and Livestock raising by cut and carry Inappropriate method of farming
livelihood method of grazing due to lack of financial assistance
Revenue generation Increase collection of real property Absence of barangay
system ( inventory, tax, business tax, residence tax, tax development plan, Internal
collection, fund mapping activity, strict implementation revenue allotment is allocated
allocation and fund of issuance of barangay clearance, mostly for honorarium of barangay
management.) regular audit, and tax information officials, volunteer workers and
campaign. cash gifts during Christmas
Project implementation Implemented only by the barangay No proper planning process, no
captain, monitoring and evaluation system.
Inventory of equipments Inventory Is done the barangay Lack of project implementation
and projects . treasurer.
Revenue Generation 80% 0f real property tax are collected, Some transactions that need fees
strategy 100% of cedula collected by purok, are given free to compadre and
clearance and certification fee party mates.
presence o f barangay Tax code,
travel permit fee and others
Financial allocation for Budget for projects in the succeeding Lack of skills on project proposal
the ensuing years are allocated thru the infra support and annual investment program
from the municipal and provincial preparation

BLGU Revenue Generation Strategies

Areas Internal Strategies External Strategies
Capability building of Training on project Tap the services of
barangay local officials proposal preparation, the PPDO personnel
both elected and pottery and jar making. TESDA and other
appointed including purok gifts toys and house wares trainer in the area
leaders. (GTH) out of coconut as including the non
our OTOP government
Tax Collection Activities Send notice through the Outsource livelihood
office of the barangay project from
Barangay Tulogan-LGU Padada| Comprehensive Barangay Development Plan 71
captain, review of Department of
barangay tax code, Agriculture, dept of
information drive on new Labor and
ordinances to far flung employment, TESDA,
sitios provincial government
and from the
congressional fund.
Investment opportunities Allocate area for industrial Tap the dept of Trade
and commercial for and Industry for
investors, update barangay investors to locate in
land use as need arises the barangay, and
have a ready raw
materials for use by
the investors.
Conduct training for Presence of grinding
unemployed housewives machine provided by
on Gifts, Toys and House department and Trade
wares ( GTH )using and Industry and
coconut shell and other rained personnel to
coconut by products operate the said



4.1 Development Framework


Barangay Tulogan-LGU Padada| Comprehensive Barangay Development Plan 72

We are committed to the vision of a united and responsive Barangay Council
Reflecting and Articulating the aspiration of the people in the Barangay, in the pursuit
of a just humane and democratic society.


The mission of the Barangay Council is to provide and environment that will
forge unity among the people, enable them to become truly empowered individuals
and promoting the welfare and development of the barangay through an effective
and morally enlightened governance.


To improve the quality of living among the barangay people.

4.2 Land Use Plan

Land Use Plan Problems and Actions to be Recommendations

Conflicting Uses Taken
1. Built up area
a. Residential Settlements within Acquisition of Purchase of lots
danger zone resettlement area through the provincial
Barangay Tulogan-LGU Padada| Comprehensive Barangay Development Plan 73
b. Institutional Untitled but Apply for the title of Request assistance
donated lots the lot from DENR
2. Agriculture
a. Permanent Under coconut Under cropping and Under crop with corn
crops trees are not pasture area and other crops , best
utilized to other suited for livestock
b. Cash crops Adopting Adoption of Conduct seminars on
inappropriate appropriate farming diversified and organic
farming technique technique farming system
c. Mixed crops Untapped area for Utilized areas Fruit trees and other
mixed crops under coconut industrial crops

3. Protected area Use as an area for Plant trees to Tree planting in the
agriculture prevent flooding area, enforce related

Barangay Tulogan-LGU Padada| Comprehensive Barangay Development Plan 74

4.3 Proposed Five-Year Land Uses Matrix
Existing Proposed Sitios/Purok Yearly Projected Targets
Proposed Objectives (Spatial) Land Area Land Uses (in Covered
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014
Land Uses (in Has.) Has.)
Built up area Allocate additional area for those 5.481 none
who are in danger zone and for
future residential, commercial and
industrial requirement
Permanent Maintain the area devoted to 231 All puroks
Crops permanent crops and ensure the
productive capacity by under
cropping with cash crops
Cash Crops Maintain the area devoted to cash 34 Selected
crops puroks
Mixed crops Maintain the area for mixed crops 31 All purok
Protected Plant more trees to prevent 3 3
creek and flooding and erosion
canal area

Barangay Tulogan-LGU Padada| Comprehensive Barangay Development Plan 75

4.4 Poverty Reduction Plan

Core Poverty Indicators Baseline Data (existing Poverty Reduction Targets

(selected by the barangay situation Based on the
planners Barangay profiles

Quality of Life
Housing materials used 35% are of light materials Encourage to attend
livelihood and skills training
program to augment income.
Employment Lack of work opportunity Encourage investors, attend
TESDA livelihood training
No source of income Lazy people Encourage to engage in
gardening, mothers to attend
skills training program and
information campaign on
ones responsibility to earn a
living not just asking.
Landless No land to till Train people on small and
medium economic operation
No owned houses Renting or living with Establish Gawad Kalinga
relatives 24 HH are project for the homeless and
doubled up . the landless
Road right of way occupant Living along danger zone Provide a relocation site ,
and train them on cottage
industry and provide capital
Big family size Children cannot attend to Introduce family planning
school provide livelihood training

Barangay Tulogan-LGU Padada| Comprehensive Barangay Development Plan 76

Core Poverty Indicators Baseline Data (existing Poverty Reduction Targets
(selected by the barangay situation Based on the
planners Barangay profiles

Access to Resources
No sanitary toilet 17% or 37 households Reduce the number by 100%
have no sanitary toilet at the end of the planning
period by providing land to
the landless and home the
No access to potable water 23.7% have no access to Request fund the provincial
potable water government to construct a
level 1 water system.
Families living below Some poor family lives in Request assistance from the
poverty threshold far flung sitio and cannot municipal social welfare and
send their children to development office
school for lack of money Apply for 4Ps program
for fare.
Risk and Vulnerability
Pollution from human waste Those who haven no toilet Implement municipal and
are prone to pollution from barangay sanitation code;
human waste provide free toilet bowl;
massive information drive on
health and sanitation; regular
inspection of families
provided with toilet bowl.
Occurrence of calamity Manmade and natural Organize Disaster Risk
disaster Reduction Management
Council at barangay level and
conduct training on Climate
change Adaptation and
Use the 5% reserve fund for
pre-disaster activities.
Barangay to have a Disaster
Risk Reduction Management
and Climate Change
Adaptation Plan.

Barangay Tulogan-LGU Padada| Comprehensive Barangay Development Plan 77

Core Poverty Indicators Baseline Data (existing Poverty Reduction Targets
(selected by the barangay situation Based on the
planners Barangay profiles

Empowerment & Inclusion 42 HH are not Give task to members and let
represented during them they are important;
Organize team building
Use participatory approach
during meetings or
Technology of participation
Hold meeting near the
residence of the inactive
member or at the house of
the influential inactive

Barangay Tulogan-LGU Padada| Comprehensive Barangay Development Plan 78

4.5 Revenue Generation and Management Enhancement Plan

Impact Indicators Development Period Of Implementation and Source

Objectives (including amount of Interventions Budgetary Requirements of
revenues to be (Program/Project/Activities) 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Funds
Full implementation of Increase barangay Conduct monitoring and 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 BLGU
the newly approved local income by evaluation, information and
barangay tax ordinance 20% per year education campaign, and
political will.
Strengthen collection on Increase income by Massive tax collection 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 BLGU
the following: 30% activities.
RPT,CTC, business
Certification fees,
clearances and
Request the provincial Increase collection Resolution requesting the 500 500 500 500 500 BLGU
and municipal gov’t. to by 80% provincial and the
deputized our barangay municipal gov’t. to deputize
treasurer as RPT our treasurer, conduct
collector. purok to purok RPT
Conduct information Community fully Conduct barangay 5,000 5,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 BLGU
drive in new and old aware of the various assembly, sito and purok
taxes related ordinances tax ordinances and pulong pulong, posting of
will cooperate in the ordinances at strategic
implementation of places in the barangay.
such ordinances.

Barangay Tulogan-LGU Padada| Comprehensive Barangay Development Plan 79

4.6 Projected Income Revenues to be Generated by Source

Income (P) %
Sources 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Average
Share from business 10,000.00 12,000.00 13,000.00 14,000.00 15,000.00 12,800 1.2
Share from RPT 35,000.00 40,000.00 45,000.00 50,000.00 55,000.00 45,000 4.4
Share from tax on - -
mountain mix ./ sand
and gravel
Community taxes 20,000.00 25,000.00 27,000.00 28,000.00 29,000.00 25,800 2.5
Fines and penalties -
Govt business -
Service fees 20,000.00 25,000.00 28,000.00 29,000.00 30,000.00 26,400 2.5
Fees and charges 5,000.00 7,000.00 8,000.00 9,000.00 10,000.00 7,800 0.76

External Sources -
Internal Revenue 832,140.00 884,640.00 904,640.00 924,640.00 944,640.00 898,140 88
Allotments ( IRA )
Provincial -
Municipal -
Other sources -
TOTAL 922,140.00 993,640.00 1,025,640.00 1,054,640.00 1,083,640.00 1,015,940

Barangay Tulogan-LGU Padada| Comprehensive Barangay Development Plan 80

4.7 Barangay Agriculture and Fisheries Modernization Work and Financial Plan Form, 2011-2013

Physical Targets Financial Targets

Major Final Output Barangay Project Indicators 2011 2012 2013 2011 2012 2013
1. Production support Goat dispersal Number of heads 80 heads, 26 30 heads, 30 heads 15 250,000 100,000 100,000
services dispersed, number of beneficiaries 15 beneficiaries
beneficiaries beneficiaries
Swine dispersal Number of heads 150 heads, 15 100 heads, 65 heads 7 250,000 150,000 100,000
dispersed, number of male beneficiaries 10 beneficiaries
and female beneficiaries beneficiaries
Number of heads 24 heads, 12 250,000
dispersed, number of male beneficiaries
and female beneficiaries
Backyard gardening Number of households 100 HH 100 HH 100 HH 10,000 10,000 10,000
with backyard garden
2. Credit facilitation Availment of financial Numbers of farmers who 10 HH 15 H 20 HH
services services thru financing have availed of financing
institution services / facilities
3. Operate our municipal Production of fruit and Number of farmers availed 1,000 seedlings 1,500 2,000 5,000 7,500 10,000
nursery high yield variety of and increase of trees seedlings seedlings
commercial trees planted
4. Infra and post harvest Rehab Of farm to Km of roads rehab 1.4 kms 3M
facilities market roads
5. Construction of MPP Construction of multi Number of units 1 unit 1 unit 1 unit 500,000 500,000 500,000
purpose pavement constructed
6. Road development Concreting of road Kilometers of roads 1.4kms 10M
Regular road Kilometers of road 10 kms 10 kms 10 kms 50,000 50,000 50,000
maintenance maintained

Barangay Tulogan-LGU Padada| Comprehensive Barangay Development Plan 81

Physical Targets Financial Targets
Major Final Output Barangay Project Indicators 2011 2012 2013 2011 2012 2013
7. Extension support and training Training on organic Number of male and 50 farmers @ 100 farmers 100 farmers 50,000 50,000 100,000
services farming technology female pax, days 5 days 2 batches 2 batches @
completed and demo training, @ five days 5 days
farm identified identified a training, training a
demo farm identified a demo farm
and a certified demo farm and a
organic farm and a certified
certified organic farm
organic farm
Research an Farmers fields school No. of 5 7 10 100,000 100,000
development services research
funded and
1. Regulatory services Crafting barangay Approve barangay Barangay All land All land 100,000 10,000 10,000
land use plan land use plan land use plan owners owners
approve and

2. Policy planning and advocacy Passage of ordinance No of ordinance 5 5 5 5,000 5,000 5,000
passed and approved

1. Information data base system Creation of farmers Techno pinoy (fits) Twenty Twenty Fifty farmers 30,000 30,000 80,000
information center created and farmers and farmers and and five new
technology service no. f0 farmers availing one new one new technologies
center the program technology technology

Barangay Tulogan-LGU Padada| Comprehensive Barangay Development Plan 82

4.8 Five-Year Development Plan Matrix
Sectors/Sub-Sectors Objectives Impact Indicators Programs/Projects/ Barangay Location Period of Implementation & Budgetary Source
Activities Poverty (Puroks) Requirements of
Reduction Funds
Indicator 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
A. Economic Sector Uplift the standard of
1. Agriculture Increase agricultural Number of farmers Training on organic Low agricultural All seven 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 MLGU,
Sub-sector productivity trained, number of farming, cattle, hogs, productivity, low puroks of BLGU
yields per hectare, swine and goat income. Tulogan
number of goats, dispersal
hogs and cattle gardening, farmers
distributed field school, credit
facilities provision
2. Commerce trade and Sustain the one town Increase family Coco shell Unemployment All puroks 60,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 MLGU,
industry one product, promote income, more handicraft, bag low and income DTI
the SMEDS and employment active making jewelry using DOST
other activities commercial activities coco parts and others

3. Socio-cultural sub- Provide an improve

sector basic social services
a. Health Improve the health Reduced mortality Health development Reduced All puroks 100,000 -do- -do- -do- -do- BLGU
condition of the and morbidity rate program , family morbidity and 50,000, MLGU
people and improved planning program, mortality rate and 100,000
sanitary condition of construction of CR, sanitation and PLGU
the people construction of botica problem 50,00
sa barangay and PLGU
fabrication of toilet
bowl MLGU
b. Education Promote literacy High literacy rate Establishment of Low literacy rate Purok 2 150,000 DepEd
among school age barangay primary
population school 50,000
Construction of DPWH
reading center,
construction of 50,000 DPWH
Comfort Room

Barangay Tulogan-LGU Padada| Comprehensive Barangay Development Plan 83

c. Housing Provide a High percentage Acquisition of Reduce Purok 4 1.5M 3M 1M PLGU
resettlement of HH living in barangay site, tie percentage NHA
site unacceptable up with NHA for of makeshift GK
dwelling units development cost housing Habitat for
and GK for units humanity
housing units
d. Protective services Maintain Reduce crime Honorarium to Reduce HH All purok 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 BLGU
peace and incidence rate barangay tanod, affected by
order POC Crime rate
e. Social welfare and Provide High percentage Construction of Un-organize purok 2 and 100,000 100,000 PLGU
development services welfare of enrollment of day care center senior purok 3
services to all pre- schooler, and senior citizen and
of our PWD and senior citizens building low
constituents citizens assisted enrollment of
day care
f. Sports and Promote sports Lessen drug Construction of Reduced no. Whole 110,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 PLGU
recreation development related cases basketball court of youth in barangay BLGU
among youth sports clinic drug related
Infrastructure Improve the
infra services
of the
1. Power Energized the Increase no. of RROW HH without Whole 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 BLGU
far flung HH energized assistance, street electricity, barangays,
barangay lighting lighted far sitios
2. Water Provide All HH with access Construction of HH without All purok 5M 5M PLGU
potable water to potable water water system access to and sitios ADB
supply Level 3 potable

Barangay Tulogan-LGU Padada| Comprehensive Barangay Development Plan 84

Transport sub Facilitate Improved Concreting of Unpassable Ilocos 2.5m 500,000 500,000 50,000 500,000 MRDP
sector easy and well Ilocos road , barangay road and PLGU
transport maintained maintenance of roads all other MLGU
of farm barangay barangay barangay BLGU
produce roads roads opening roads
and of 1.5 km road
Drainage system Reduce Improved Construction of Person and Along 2.5m 10,000 10,000 10,000 PLGU
danger drainage drainage canal HH affected by barangay MLGU
of system , drainage flooding roads BLGU
flooding less dessilting and MRDP
and flooding maintenance
hazard to incidence
life and
Local Government Improve Empowered Assistance to Empowerment Whole 1,000 1,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 BLGU
Administration the community purok meeting , and inclusion barangay MLGU
delivery team building
of basic activities
services among purok
leaders ,
training and
seminars, 50,000 MLGU
construction of
waiting shed, 10000 BLGU
construction of
purok center

Barangay Tulogan-LGU Padada| Comprehensive Barangay Development Plan 85



5.1 Annual Investment Plan


AIP Reference Program/ Implementing Schedule Expected Output Funding Amount (in thousand pesos)
Code(Per Sector) Project/ Office in the LGU Implementation Source
Activity Completion Personal Maintenance & Other Capital Total
Description Date Services Operating Expenses Outlay

Economic Goat and hog dispersal Municipal 4th qrt of 2nd qrt of Dispersed 55 heads of hogs MRDP/ LGU 75,000 15,000.00 90,000.00
Development program project agriculture office 2011 2012 and 50 heads goats PADADA 283,500 283,500.000
250,000 250,000.00

Construction of animal PO/MEO 4th qrt of animal sheds for goat and PO
sheds 2011 sheds for hogs 80,000 80,000
Purchase of bamboo BLGU / MENRO 1st qrt of 100 pcs of bamboo planting MLGU, 20,000 20,000.
planting material 2011 materials procured BLGU
Training on coco shell / MENRO / DTI 3rd qrt of 4th qrt of A group of registered
décor making 2011 2011 women trained MLGU 60,000 40,000 100,000.

Organic rice farming MENRO 3rd qrt f 4th qrt of 100 hectares of rice turn to
MAO 2011 2011 organic farming
MLGU, PO 25,000 25,000.
Social services Distribution of toilet bowl Mayor’s office / 3rd qrt 4th qrt of distribute 50 pcs of toilet MLGU 5,000 5000
MENRO of 2011 2011 bowl
Environmental Construction of material BLGU and MENRO 1st qrt of 4th qrt of MRF at purok 1 and purok 4 BLGU 10,000 10,000.
management recovery facility 2011 2011
Infrastructure services Construction of solar drier 3RD 4TH QRT OF SOLAR DRIER D.A
2012 250,000 250,000
Concreting of MEO 4th of 3 rd qrt of road concreted MRDP 2.3M 2.3M
2011 2012

Barangay Tulogan-LGU Padada| Comprehensive Barangay Development Plan 86

Local government Assistance to puroks BLGU 2nd qrt of 4th qrt of Financial assistance MLGU Padada 5,000.00 5,000.00
administration 2011 211 provided
Discretionary fund BLGU 2nd qrt of 4th qrt of Discretionary fund MLGU Padada 10,000.00 10,000.00
2011 2011 liquidated
Establishment of BLGU 4th qrt of 3rd qrt of Barangay site Provincial government of
barangay site 2011 2012 completed Davao del Sur
Repair of basketball court blgu 3rd quarter 4th quarter 2 units basketball Lgu padada 50,000 50,000.00
court repaired
Trainings and seminars MENRO 4th qrt of 4th qrt of Training on organic LGU Padada 5,000.00 15,000.00 5,000.00 25,000.00
2011 2011 farming completed
Assistance to Lupon BLGU 4th qrt of 4th qrt of Lupong LGU Padada 10,000.00 10,000.00
training 2011 2011 tagapamayapa

Barangay Tulogan-LGU Padada| Comprehensive Barangay Development Plan 87

5.2 Resource Mobilization Plan
Resources to be generated
Project Responsible
Strategies Target Partner/s & projects to be
(from AIP) Unit/Person
1. Enhancing Local Resources
1.1 Mobilizing barangay human Involve the youth, women, BHW, and Barangay officials
and BHW, women Skills training on handicraft
resources the DepEd to undertake the project NGO Youth DTI and the and décor making using
private sector coconut shell as their raw
Tap TESDA and the private sector in MENRO and barangay Out of school youth Carpentry, welding,
livelihood training opportunities officials and unemployed electronics, and masonry
1.2 Utilizing unused existing Utilize sand and gravel as construction Municipal Environment LGU and barangay and
materials materials and Natural Resources Community barangay government share
Generate funds waste materials office, barangay officials on sand and gravel, and turn
through use, reuse, and recycle and organized groups waste into money.
1.3 External sourcing
a. Local government. funding Ask funding from PLGU and MLGGU Barangay Officials Planning office,
Submit proposal for funding,
agencies National government. Tap MRDP technician assigned
linkage building and
funding agencies Barangay officials MTGW networking
b. Private funding agencies Take advantage of the presence of Community Potable water supply,
MVPI in adjacent barangay to help our development officer
livelihood project donation of
barangay of MVPI materials for barangay
development projects
c. Business investments Make use of the propose land use to Barangay officials and Business Projects that are resource
invite investor to locate in Upper sanguniang community and base, especially those that
Malinao pambarangay chairman private investors use coconut as raw materials
on infrastructure
Cost cutting measures. Encourage all sector to reuse and Barangay officials and Household Handicraft making, fertilizer
recycling recycle all existing waste the community members making, and other products
out of waste from the MRF
Use of natural light instead of Encourage all household to off all air Barangay officials All well to do Save energy and use of
electricity conditioner and light during day time households renewable resources

Barangay Tulogan-LGU Padada| Comprehensive Barangay Development Plan 88

5.3 Monitoring and Evaluation Plan/Scheme

To ensure effective and efficient implementation of all programs and

projects laid down in the plan there is a need of proper representation and
involvement of all sectors during the implementation process. While it is true
that not all can be present at all times to monitor during the implementation of
the project they can still be available and can be part of the implementation of
the plan through monitoring. Thus, this monitoring and evaluation plan matrix.

5.3.1 Monitoring and Evaluation Plan Matrix

Monitoring Objective What to Frequency/ Reports Users of the
and (What is the Monitor (Data) Schedule Responsible Expected/ monitoring
Evaluation objective or Groups (who will means of outputs
Activities focus of this monitor?) verification
(What are M&E Barangay Partner
the activity?) LGU Unit
strategies of (indicate specific
monitoring barangay committee or
LGU office)
the CBDP
Barangay Determine if BDP First Friday MENRO, MPDO Minutes of the MRDP,
council projects as of the and barangay session, list of PLGU ,
regular propose by the month monitoring projects for to MLGU
session plan has been committee be BARANGAY
address implemented COUNCIL
BDC Determine if Sectoral plan monthly Community, MRDP Minutes of BLGU, MLGU
MEETING programs and facilitator menro meeting and
projects in community
purok are
Barangay Determine the AIP, poverty Twice a Barangay officials, Minutes of the BLGU,
Assembly attainment of reduction year community MRDP assembly MLGU,
VMGO facilitator PLGU,
OCULAR Know the AIP, five year quarterly Community, Picture and PLGU,
INSPECTION actual project plan barangay officials, written MLGU,
implementation implementation MRDP facilitator documentation, BLGU, and
monitoring facilitator
House to To determine Land use plan, Once a Barangay officials , Monitoring MRDP,
house changes of poverty year barangay health matrix MLGU ,
visitation lifestyle/ status reduction, worker, MLGU. purok
of living agenda officials
Interview To know the Whole Once a MRDP , facilitator , Monitoring Brgy officials,
effectiveness comprehensive year municipal local matrix, picture , MLGU, PLGU
of the barangay government unit documentation MRDP
comprehensive development
barangay plan
development implementation
OPERATION Determine Health and quarterly BHW, BNS. Monitoring Health center
TIMBANG decrease in sanitation matrix MLGU,
malnutrition sector
Barangay Tulogan-LGU Padada| Comprehensive Barangay Development 8
Plan 9
5.3.2 Monitoring and Evaluation Scheme Matrix
Program/ Performance Method of Frequency of Sources of Responsible
Project Indicators/information Monitoring Monitoring Data/Information Person/Office
Farmer’s field No. of farmers attended Barangay During training Farmers field Mao, barangay
school the FFS. visitation school member captain,
Farmers field Number of farmers Interview, house After and Farmers field Mao , assigned
school projects result of the technology visitation, ocular during harvest, school member technician
applied , changed of inspection every quarter . MPDO,
lifestyle of farmers who documentation. MENRO
applied the technology
Goat, swine Number of head Documentation monthly Recipients, group Mao , assigned
and cattle procured, dispersed, interview, leaders, and technician,
dispersal number of HH inspection and neighbors of MPDO,MENRO
benefited feeding house farmer
method used improvement. beneficiaries
Tree planting Number of seedlings Actual visit, monthly MENRO,
projects at distributed, planted, documentation, Quarry site MPDO, MRDP
Municipal recipients, and area interview, and operators
quarry site, and planted observation
river bank
Provision of Number of household Visitation and During and Municipal Engineering
potable water/ serve/ provided with actual inspection after engineering office office , general
Purchase of jet potable water BAC document procurement and General services office
matic pump services office
Completion of Program of work Inspection monthly MHO and MEO MHO, MPDO,
lying inn clinic MENRO
Health Medicine, patients Interview , monthly MHO and Mayors office,
development served observation midwife, BHW local health
program inspection board
Family planning Number of users interview monthly MCRA, MHO, MHU,
advocacy effectiveness of RHU, MLGU,
methods used AND BHW
Acquisition of Deed of sale inspection After purchase Barangay officials Local housing
barangay site board
Peace and Barangay tanods given Interview Quarterly Barangay officials MLGU, PNP,
order program honorarium, reduce BLGU.
crime rate
Sports clinic Increase youth visitation During sports SK officials BLGU, MLGU.
involvement in sports schedule
and avoid drugs
Regular water No. of jetmatic serve inspection monthly Sanitary MHO, MLGU,
system with chlorine inspector , MENRO, BLGU
chlorination MENRO
Improvement of No. of users Specs , Inspection and During and MRDP, MEO , MEO,
Ilocos road no. of kilometers interview after MRDP, and MRDP.BLGU
implementation barangay officials MLGU
Regular road Usability, Program of Inspection quarterly Barangay officials MLGU,
maintenance work funding BLGU,MRDP
Regular Funding, benefit of the inspection Quarterly barangay officials MLGU, BLGU.
drainage project , absence of
maintenance flooding
Repair of SPECS no. of users Inspection and quarterly Barangay officials MLGU , BLGU
drainage interview
Electrification No. of connections Inspection and During and Barangay officials MLGU, BLGU

Barangay Tulogan-LGU Padada| Comprehensive Barangay Development 9

Plan 0
project installed interview after
5.4 Policy Recommendation
Sector Proposed Objectives of the Affected Proposed Responsible
Policies policy sitios/Puroks Schedule of Barangay
Enactment Official/Committee
Land Use Sector Land use plan Facilitate proper use All pruroks After approval of Barangay and
should be observe of our land the CBDP municipal land use
strictly committee
Economic Tap all existing Generate Entire barangay After the approval Committee on
Development economic employment and of comprehensive agriculture
resources other sources of barangay
livelihood development plan
1. Poverty reduction Provide Reduce poverty in All puroks Third quarter of Economic
interventions to the country side 2011 development
poverty stricken committee
areas / puroks
2.Agriculture and Implement SAFDZ Improve agricultural All SAFDZ Third quarter of Committee on
fishery productivity areas 2011 agriculture
modernization plan
Infrastructure Improvement of Promote investment, All puroks First quarter of Committee on infra
Development roads and other easy transport of 2011
infra facilities farm produce
Environmental Protection of the Promote organic All puroks First quarter of MENRO, committee
Management environment farming and ensure 2011 on environment
through sustainable
appropriate development
measures and
Local revenue Tap possible Increase income of Entire barangay First quarter of Committee on
Generation Strategy revenue the barangay other 2011 finance
generating than IRA
avenues in the
Socio-cultural Develop and Promote tourism and Entire barangay Second quarter of Committee on socio-
Development protect the scenic investment 2011 cultural
views of the development
Disaster Risk Protect the people Prepare a plan to Entire barangay First quarter of Committee on ways
Reduction and through natural mobilize people and 2011 and means and
Climate Change and man made community during disaster
Adaptation calamities disaster and adopt preparedness
Management to climate change
and other disastrous
Local Governance Promote unity and Facilitate Entire barangay First quarter of Committee on good
empowerment development and with bias to poor 2011 governance
among people in progress and and
the community empowered the poor impoverished in
and impoverished every purok
Solid and Liquid Provide a healthy Promote clean air, Entire First quarter of Environmental and
Waste Management and safety water , and a barangay, in 2011 sanitation
environment sustainable and every purok and committee
beautiful in every MRF

Barangay Tulogan-LGU Padada| Comprehensive Barangay Development 9

Plan 1
5.5 Implementing Structure
Matrix for the CBDP Implementing Structure
Barangay Roles and
Sector Committee Responsibilities Chairperson Members
Land Use Sector Land use Enact measure that would implement Hon.Rodrigo s. Hon.Dionisio
/environment the comprehensive barangay Balongcas V. Cardeno
committee development plan
Economic Economic Come up measures that would Hon. Sarah C. Hon.
Development development address the economic development of Sanchez Elizabeth G.
committee the barangay Repolidon
Poverty Reduction Committee on Come measures that would reduce Ho. Elizabeth Hon. Sarah
Management social poverty and provide alternative G. Repolidon C. Sanchez
services, livelihood to farmers the poor and the Hon. Doroth
development impoverished D. Omboy
and welfare
Agriculture and Committee on Attend to agricultural production , Hon. Sarah C. .elizabeth G
Fishery agriculture inputs, facilities, and agri-fishery Sanchez Replidon
Modernization plan related activities
Infrastructure Committee on Make plans to develop the Hon. Rodrigo S. Hon.
Development infrastructure infrastructure related projects of the Balongcas Dionisio V.
barangay Cardeno
Elizabeth G.
Environmental Committee on Attend to measures the would address Hon. Rodrigo S. Hon.
Management environment environmental problems Balongcas Dionisio V.
Local revenue Committee on Attend to matters that would relate to Hon. Elizabeth Hon. Sarah
Generation finance/ finance, and other sources of G. Repolidon C. Sanchez
Management appropriations revenues Hon.
Rodrigo S.
Socio-cultural Committee on Come up measures related to delivery Hon. Sarah C. Hon.
Development social of basic social services Sanchez Elizabeth G.
services Repolidon
Committee Come measures that attend to the Hon. Rodrigo S. Hon.
on peace and promotion of peace and public safety Baloncas Dionisio V.
order Cardeno
Committee Come up with measures that would Hon. Ariane Hon.
on sports promote sports and development Rey C. Dionisio V
Saplagio Cardeno
Hon Sarah
C. Sanchez
Committee on Attend to health and sanitation Hon Sarah Hon.
health and concerns and other health related C.Sanchez Elizabeth G.
sanitation problems Repolidon
Solid and liquid Committee on Come up with measures that would Hon. Sarah C. Hon.
Waste health and ensure a safe and clean environment, Sanchez Elizabeth G
Management sanitation protect our air , water , seas rivers and Repolidon

Barangay Tulogan-LGU Padada| Comprehensive Barangay Development 9

Plan 2
Disaster Risk Committee on Come up with a plan to reduce risk Hon. Rodrigo S. Hon.
Reduction and social welfare and disaster in the area. come up with Balongcas Dionisio V.
Management disaster Risk Reduction and climate Cardeno
change adaptation plan.

Barangay Tulogan-LGU Padada| Comprehensive Barangay Development 9

Plan 3

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