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Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 111 (2019) 115–131

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A critical review of organic manure biorefinery models toward sustainable T

circular bioeconomy: Technological challenges, advancements, innovations,
and future perspectives
Mukesh Kumar Awasthia,b, Surendra Sarsaiyac, Steven Wainainab, Karthik Rajendrane,
Sumit Kumara, Wang Quana, Yumin Duana, Sanjeev Kumar Awasthia, Hongyu Chena,
Ashok Pandeyd, Zengqiang Zhanga,∗, Archana Jainc, Mohammad J. Taherzadehb
College of Natural Resources and Environment, Northwest A&F University, Yangling, Shaanxi Province 712100, PR China
Swedish Center for Resource Recovery Department of Biotechnology, University of Borås, Borås, Sweden
Key Laboratory of Basic Pharmacology of Ministry of Education, Zunyi Medical University, Zunyi, Guizhou, China
CSIR-Indian Institute of Toxicology Research, Vishvigyan Bhavan, 31 Mahatma Gandhi Marg Lucknow-266001, Utter Pradesh, India
Department of Environmental Science, SRM University-AP, Amaravati, Andhra Pradesh, India

Anaerobic digestion Total livestock emissions account for up to 14.5% of man-made greenhouse gas emissions. Counteractive
Organic manure
measures, such as circular economy concepts and negative emission technologies are necessary to limit global
warming below 1.5 °C. Possible treatment options for organic manure include anaerobic digestion, combustion,
Organic loading rate gasification, hydrothermal liquefaction and composting. The choice of treatment varies depending on the eco-
Bioaugmentation nomics, the requirement of a specific product, and sociocultural factors. Commercialization of these treatments
needs a blend of appropriate technology, feasible economics, policy support and agreeable socio-cultural con-
ditions. Key findings of this study include the following: 1. Increasing scientific awareness about manure
management and treatment; 2. Building a sustainable cooperative model to commercialize technologies; 3.
Creating a market for manure recycling products; 4. The role of policy in supporting technologies and con-
sumers; and 5. The codigestion of substrates for better efficacy. Current trends show minimal actions in place as
opposed to the high-rate of acceleration that is necessary.

1. Introduction as managed (to gardens, cattle edifices, dung rations, and manure ve-
getation), while considerable amounts are dumped in channels and
In China, the rapidly growing economy and intensive demand for rivulets. In China, approximately 20% of the manure is treated either by
meat as well as its by-products have dramatically increased livestock composting, co-composting or AD for methane production, while the
production in the past two decades. However, there have been few remaining fraction remains untreated [2], which could potentially re-
changes in the management of manure, with shortages in complete sult in the formation of contaminating rivulets. Equally, in Vietnam, Vu
manure managing phases such as cattle cover, loading and dealing of et al. [3] estimated that over 15% of cattle fodder consumption ni-
manure, and terrestrial distribution (Fig. 1) [1]. Moreover, an in- trogen is cleared into waterways through manure. Improper utilization
adequate containment of manure is available, as it is produced as well of manure is due to insufficient modern techniques for the transfer and

Abbreviations: %, Percentage; °C, Degree celsius; AcoD, Anaerobic co-digestion; AD, Anaerobic digestion; AHR, Anaerobic hybrid reactor; BSF, Black soldier flies; C,
Carbon; C/N ratio, Carbon /nitrogen ratio; Ca, Calcium; CM, Cow manure; CO, Carbon mono oxide; COD, Chemical oxygen demand; CSTRs, Continuously stirred
tank reactors; DAEM, Discrete distributed activation energy model; EPD, Environmental protection department; eq./t, Equivalent/ton; FW, Food waste; g/L, Gram/
litre; GCV, Gross caloric value; GDP, Gross domestic product; GHG, Greenhouse gas; GWP, Global warming potential; HTL, Hydro thermal liquefaction; I:M, Inoculum
to manure; INM, Integrated nutrient management; K, Calvin; Kcal/ kg, Kilo calorie per kilogram; kWh, Kilo watt/hour; L, Litre; m3, Cubic meter; m3/a, Cubic meter/
annum; MSW, Municipal solid waste; Mt, Million ton; MW, Mega watt; MPa, Mega Pascal's; N, Nitrogen; NGOs, Non-governmental organization; OFMSW, Organic
fraction of municipal solid waste; OM, Organic manure; SBR, Sequential batch reactors; SS, Sewage sludge; t/a, Ton/annum; TS, Total solids; US$, United State
Dollar; VFAs, Volatile fatty acids; VS, Volatile solids; Wt, Weight; WTE, Waste to energy; WWTPS, Wastewater treatment plants

Corresponding author. .
E-mail addresses: (M.K. Awasthi), (Z. Zhang).
Received 29 November 2018; Received in revised form 17 April 2019; Accepted 7 May 2019
Available online 16 May 2019
1364-0321/ © 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
M.K. Awasthi, et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 111 (2019) 115–131

Fig. 1. Graphic outline of operated and critical stages for various livestock manure through combined crop-animal schemes in China. (Adapted from Ref. [1]).

distribution of manure, especially in rural areas [4]. Another possible influence; (b) government guidelines for improved process efficiency;
problem encountered during the application of manure is inadequate and (c) further economic feasibility, potential challenges of manure
information regarding the specific chemical composition. Otherwise, recycling by co-digestion and other available technologies. Subse-
the information would assist in identifying the factors controlling nu- quently, this review article also comprises cutting edge research on
trient fatalities (especially by phosphorus and nitrogen) and the degree anaerobic manure mixed digestion with organic matter; moreover, it
of organic nitrogen dissociation [1,5]. This evidence is not well re- offers a wide-ranging assessment for researchers in the field of manure
cognized and inadequate instruction is specified to agronomists, and as recycling for renewable and sustainable energy production. Thus, it
a result, the beneficial chemicals in the earth will be wasted, while allows researchers to thoroughly assess manure management options as
additional soil nutrients will further pollute the waterways [6,7] and well as understand AD as a renewable energy and biorefinery genera-
the air environment [1,8,9]. The vibrant mark of nitrogen is overdone tion process. This article also identifies the knowledge gaps in the po-
currently in some provinces of China [10], which triggers undesirable tential challenges of AD technology development, and economically
effects on the environment [11–14]. Key complications of nitrogen feasible options to overcome these challenges and upgrade the knowl-
overuse are connected with the release of seepage (counting the fluid edge as well as to deliver perceptions of the manure recycling in-
portion of compact manure, entire paste, and the molten element as of vestigation.
parted slurry) of cattle farmhouses and in numerous crop cultivations in
China [15–21]. A more balanced approach to nitrogen usage in Chinese
2. Necessity for organic manure recycling and resource recovery
agronomy, particularly in the awareness and education of effectively
using fertilizers should affect concentrated mineral N fertilizer practice.
The global population has increased from 3.1 billion in 1960 to over
This would have vast paybacks, together with a compact influence on
7 billion presently, and it is expected to have upsurge to 8 billion by
the atmosphere and better-quality crop yields as well as profits for the
2025, and 9.3 billions by 2050. Similarly, the global municipal in-
individual farmer.
habitants gradually increased from 1 billion in 1960 to 3.5 billion in
Recently, several comprehensive reviews on manure recycling and
2010, and it is predicted to range from 4.5 to 6.4 billion at the end of
management practices have been published [22–24]. However, an in-
2050, thus accounting for an inhabitant cumulative share from 30% in
depth discussion on the technology development, bioenergy produc-
1960 to 68% in 2050 [25]. Before the beginning of the next century, the
tion, and key parameters required to improve the efficiency of biogas
comprehensive energy mandate is projected to be around six-fold
production using the anaerobic digestion process is still limited.
higher than the current demand. The existing energy stream is below
Therefore, this review article, which considers the recent interests in
the actual energy mandatory for consumption in numerous developing
AD of different kinds of manure and other organic substrates in China,
nations. Currently, many primary energy sources are derived from fossil
mainly summarizes the current manure management practices in China.
resources, which meet the demands of approximately 84% of the
Specifically, it focuses on (a) the anaerobic digestion process design and
overall electricity. As a result of the speedy exhaustion of fossil energies
advancement/upgrading for better biogas yield and environmental
reserves, the biosphere needs alternate energy sources, for example

M.K. Awasthi, et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 111 (2019) 115–131

waste to energy (WTE), to reduce the upcoming energy emergency Table 1

[26]. In 2015, fossil fuel energies accounted for 86.02% of the world- The amount of livestock produced manure in China.
wide primary energy use (33.12% oil, 28.88% coal, and 24.01% natural Year 1980 1990 2000 2005 2010 2015 2018
gas). The communal usage of fossil fuel energies to meet the current
a a a a
mandate is currently connected with rising greenhouse gases (GHG) Million tons (Fresh Wt.) 690 1420 2710 3060 2235 2816 3190
References [136] [136] [137] [2] [138] [35] [34]
and subsequent climate changes that are instigated by global warming
[27]. a
Exclude urine (which may have been lost during housing, storage and
The proportion of livestock production is connected with numerous processing stages of the manure management chain).
indicators of expansion [28]. Furthermore, socioeconomic factors, such
as occupation, education, and family size have affected the livestock bioenergy. Perhaps, in 2020, up to 38% of the organic manure from
production level. The livestock and feedstock sectors have made a great dairy cows and pigs can be utilized for direct energy use. Furthermore,
effort to confirm food safety in China. The manure quality level is other advances, for example, mechanization could also increase the use
connected to the population magnitude and livestock production per of livestock and feedstock [34]. On the other hand, as a result of the
capita while its conformation has been connected principally to the policy goal of increasing manure recycling, the possible energy from
gross domestic product (GDP) per income stage. Furthermore, fertilizers livestock is likely to increase in China. Among the many advantages of
in China generally contain a considerably higher proportion of livestock incineration is the decrease of the mass and size by 75% and 90%, re-
waste, animal waste, and kitchen waste, principally as food waste. In spectively; other advantages include the abolition of pathogens and
this line, integrated anaerobic digestion (AD) with recent advances has heat generation, which can be altered into electricity or/and to heat
characterized an opportunity to reduce environmental contamination water for district circulation [36].
while concurrently providing biogas (CH4 and H2) and carbon-based
fertilizer [29].
3. Available technical options for organic manure recycling
At present, energy from renewable sources has increased each and
every year, and most countries aim to attain over 15% renewable en-
Manure possesses a median calorific value of 5000 ± 1000 kcal/kg
ergy production by the end of 2020 [30]. The use of livestock manure
[37]. Manure, if not treated or recycled properly, leads to greenhouse
resources as energy can help to mollify the mandate of the growing
gas emissions. Based on the global warming potential (GWP), methane
inhabitants, worldwide, and moderate use of resources can help
(CH4) emissions from manure storage were reported to be 8–10 times
emerging nations address energy shortages [31]. The energy percentage
higher than that of CO2 [38]. It is necessary to treat/recycle manure
from organic manure can be obtained either through thermochemical
properly to avoid these emissions. There are many technical options
approaches (pyrolysis, combustion, or gasification) or biological ap-
available to treat manure, which could be broadly classified into: the
proaches (anaerobic digestion). The most common economical form of
aerobic, anaerobic, and thermochemical processes (Fig. 3). The choice
microbial conversion of organic waste comprise the generation of liquid
and selection of a technology depend on the environmental policies, the
fuels (ethanol) and gaseous fuels (hydrogen and methane) as is in-
incentives provided, and the requirement/market of an end product in a
dicated in Fig. 2. On the other hand, enzymatic hydrolysis (or sac-
particular country/city. This section describes the different technolo-
charification) also comprises an inclusive range of enzymes that are
gies that are available for manure treatment and recycling. For these
aimed at different molecules, for example, hemi-cellulases and cellu-
technologies, different categories of feedstock sources are used in nu-
lases for lignocellulose; β-amylases, α-amylases and glucoamylases for
merous processes. The growing production of livestock manures is a
the breakdown of starch; lipases for the breakdown of oils and fats; and
large issue for sustainable agricultural development. In China, an esti-
proteases for the collapse of proteins [32,33].
mated 3.2 billion tons of cattle manure is produced in agriculture yearly
According to the assessment from a previous review, the cattle
[39]. In addition, manure from chicken is rich in nitrogen complexes
manure generated in 2018 was a total of 3190 Mt [34]. The review also
and many inducers, for example, phosphorous and potassium [23].
assessed that in China, in 2015, the livestock manure accounted for
With deference to renewable sources of energy, manure from chicken is
2816 Mt [35]. In 2000, the quantity of cattle manure was 2710 Mt
predominantly appropriate because of its higher biomethane potential
(Table 1). From that amount, 179.7 Mt [32.9% of the overall manure]
(BMP). Manure from chicken is viscid in landscape, though higher in
and 212.9 Mt [26.0% of the overall residue] could be utilized as feed-
calcium percent and grit/silt. Another possibility is the mixing of
stock for compost and then manure to energy. In China, the provinces
manure from chicken with other resources that establish a higher
with higher manure phosphate loads may cause grave environmental
carbon percent to upsurge the C/N proportion. The modification of the
hazards if mitigation possibilities are not implemented. Hence, it is
C/N proportion of feedstock controls the entire nitrogen content of
suggested that manure from diverse provincial regions of China should
anaerobic digestion, since the low N percent rises at a comparable
be studied for potential commercial bioenergy production. Some earlier
carbon-based loading proportion [23]. Some studies on the nutrient
investigations showed much potential in manure reprocessing for
contents from manure are presented in Table 2.

Fig. 2. Renewable energy from manure by sustainable biotechnological and thermochemical conversion options.

M.K. Awasthi, et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 111 (2019) 115–131

Fig. 3. Overview of processes and products produced from various manure treatment technologies.

3.1. Anaerobic digestion tons of chicken manure, containing large amounts of nutrients (Table 3)
is produced in China every year, thus making the recovery of biogas
Anaerobic digestion (AD) is a process in which, under the absence of from this abundant waste stream an important subject in Fig. 6.
the oxygen, organic materials are converted into a combination of Recently, numerous biogas units have been constructed to utilize
gasses including methane and carbon dioxide by a consortium of bac- different sources of manure such as from pigs, chickens, sheep, cattle,
teria and archaea. Methane is an energy-rich gas (37 MJ/kg) that could horses and ducks [23,45]. Table 4 provides indicated summary of se-
be converted into various energy vectors including electricity, heat, and lected some AD processes established in China. Recently, anaerobic
transport fuel. Similar to the composting process, AD is an exothermic digestion as a treatment option for organic manure is getting popular.
process that liberates heat during the decomposition of slurry [40,41] This is mainly to reduce the associated methane emissions. For ex-
(Table 3). Typical volatile solids (VS) degradation in an AD system for ample, in Germany additional incentives were provided for AD systems
organic manure ranges between 60 and 80% [42]. Unlike composting, that uptake organic manure as a substrate in order to avoid methane
the AD process generates energy rather than consumes it. However, the emissions are associated with this substrate [47]. Typical costs for a
methane yield from organic manure is in the lower range compared manure-based biogas plant are approximately 100 €/(t/a) [48]. A dis-
with that of other substrates. For example, cow manure has a lower advantage with a manure-based biogas system is its lower methane
methane yield of 22 m3/ton, in comparison with food waste that has a yield. Because of the lower methane yield, the economic viability of the
methane potential of 204 m3/ton [43]. On the other hand, the methane process is uncertain. To avoid these uncertainties, and to enhance the
emissions from slurry are avoided by processing it in a controlled di- stability of the process, a concept known as codigestion is used. This
gester. The typical VS mass balance of pig slurry is illustrated in Fig. 5. involves mixing with food waste or lignocelluloses, which will provide
Approximately 54% of the VS is converted into biogas, while 11% a better C/N ratio for the biogas process [49]. Recent research trends in
corresponds to other gases such as ammonia, water vapor, and hy- the AD of slurry management include the estimation of methane
drogen sulfide. The digestate contains 35% VS which might not be emissions from biogas plants [50], carbon capture, and the reuse of
degraded [44]. Through its continually-growing inhabitants collective biomethane via the power of gas mechanisms [51].
with robust economic progress, China had a substantial upsurge in the
quantity and extent of chicken farmsteads. Indeed, about 250 million

Table 2
Source based nutrients quantity in organic substrates (with livestock manure) in China.
China Data of different manure Percentage of dry matter Organic carbon Nitrogen Organic phosphorus Potassium

Human waste 9.5–9.10 25.10–26.0 6.4–6.6 2.51–2.56 2.3–2.5

Pig manure 31.2–32.5 137.4–138.0 5.5–5.6 5.5–5.8 3.5–4.0
Cattle manure 25.0–28.0 104.1–105.0 3.8–4.0 2.3–2.5 2.8–3.10
Chicken manure 47.7–48.5 165.1–166.5 10.3–11.5 9.4–9.8 8.7–9.0
Duck manure 48.9–50.15 132.5–133.5 7.1–8.5 8.2–9.5 6.6–6.9
Pigeon manure 54.6–55.5 416.24–420.28 24.8–25.6 16.5–17.5 12.3–12.5
Horse manure 31.5–32.5 119.6 4.4–4.6 3.2–3.5 4.6–4.8

M.K. Awasthi, et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 111 (2019) 115–131

Table 3
The production of livestock manure and their potential of biogas production rate in China.
Animal Head Daily manure production kg/d Total manure amount/a Dry matter % Biogas production rate of manure m3/kg (dry matter)

Pig 456773355 4.25 708569666.9 28 0.2

Chicken 5155635000 0.12 225816813 26 0.4
Sheep 162062703 2.6 153797505.1 56 0.3
Cattle 84523418 27.22 839765514.9 35.3 0.3
Horse 5910792 9 19416951.72 25 0.3
Ducks 818855000 0.12 35865849 41 0.2

3.2. Combustion Fischer-Tropsch process could also be used to produce synthetic fuel. In
an industrial setup, gasification is used to produce electricity [58]. Si-
Combustion or incineration is a thermochemical processing method milar to incineration, gasification can be employed on dried manure
to treat organic wastes. Since incineration is a thermal processing rather than wet manure to avoid energy loss from evaporating
method, it is highly recommended that the feedstock possesses low moisture. There are different gasification technologies available de-
moisture. This is so that there will be energy loses to heat up the pending on the moisture content of the feedstock. This includes the
moisture that is present in the feedstock [52]. The end product of an fixed-bed gasifier, fluidized-bed gasifier, and catalytic wet gasification,
incineration is heat and other gases. Incineration is usually preferred in which are also known as hydrothermal gasification [59].
cold countries or land-scarce countries. In cold countries, there is a Fixed bed gasifier produces low energy gases. There are two pro-
requirement for heat, which makes this process economically viable. cessing methods including updraft and downdraft approaches. The
Likewise, in developing countries such as Japan, combustion/pyrolysis updraft method is scalable, while the other is difficult. The difference
is desirable. This is because incineration reduces the waste by more between updraft and downdraft system is the level of oxidation during
than 80%, thus, the amount of land use for landfilling/other processing the process [60]. One of the limitations of a downdraft system is the
is reduced [53]. cost of pelleting. Fluidized bed gasifiers are the more complex and
Since organic manure is a wet feedstock, it is usually not preferred advanced type of gasifier, which produces high-energy gases. Because
for combustion processes. However, in certain cases, dried manure is of its complexity, a fluidized bed gasifier requires high-end operation
codigested with municipal solid waste (MSW) or other wastes in an and maintenance [61]. Hydrothermal gasification, on the other hand,
incinerator [54]. The combustion process also produces a significant can handle wet feedstock such as manure. This particular technology
amount of dioxin, furan, and other gaseous emissions. Because of these requires a metallic catalyst to speed up the process. Unlike other
emissions, these treatment sites are usually located far away from the technologies, this technology can produce ammonia, which could be
city. There are severe thresholds for the amount of dioxins and other used as a fertilizer [62]. Recent research trends in manure gasification
emissions that can be released from a combustion process. Recent re- technologies include using various novel catalysts such as nickel to
search trends in manure combustion include recovering phosphorus to enhance the process for the production of hydrogen [63]. Other trends
allow for reuse [54]; another trend includes nutrient recovery including include looking at the transition of alkali metals during the gasification
potassium from manure [55]. process and estimating the properties of the products [64] (Table 5).

3.3. Gasification 3.4. Hydrothermal liquefaction

Gasification technology is a thermochemical treatment option for Hydrothermal liquefaction (HTL) technology involves the applica-
manure recycling and management. Gasification is operated at tem- tion of heat (at temperatures ranging from 249 to 374 °C and pressure
peratures greater than 700 °C, with little oxygen and/or steam [56]. up to 22 MPa to convert the organic material into bio-oil [65,66]. Some
Unlike incineration, the end product in gasification is usually syngas of its key advantages include its versatility regarding the quality of
and char. The char can be used for a variety of applications including feedstock’ that can be utilized and the possibility of refining the bio-oil
soil enrichment, etc. [57]. Syngas can be used directly in a gas engine, into other fuels or chemicals of high value [65,67]. Moreover, the water
or it can be used to produce methanol/hydrogen. Alternatively, the content in the feedstock, which could be as high as 76% for manure

Fig. 4. A simple mass balance of a composting process using swine manure. Data from: [72].

M.K. Awasthi, et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 111 (2019) 115–131

Fig. 5. A simple VS mass balance of a pig slurry system for an anaerobic digestion process. Data from: [44].

swine manure is treated, about 50% of the total volume (0.506 ton) of
the waste would be lost to the atmosphere as water vapor, CO2, and
other gases. This was an absolute mass balance (Fig. 4). However, when
the carbon balance is considered, only 39% of C is lost to the atmo-
sphere, while the remaining carbon is left in the output or the fertilizer
The end product of composting though is not an energy vector; in-
stead, a useful fertilizer that typically reduces the production of a
synthetic fertilizer is obtained. In terms of GHG emissions, emitting
methane from manure has higher GWP potential in comparison with
CO2, which is the end product of a composting process [73]. Com-
posting as a treatment option is favored mostly in developing countries
in comparison with developed countries. This is mainly due to the
economic situation in those countries as other treatment technologies
are relatively expensive in comparison with composting [74]. Recent
research trends in the composting activities of manure include a re-
Fig. 6. The potential of biogas production of manure in China (billion m3/a).
duction of gas emissions or capturing emissions [75], enhancing the
degradation of the process through biochar [76], co-composting with
other wastes to improve the carbon, and the nitrogen availability [77].
[68], is utilized as the reaction medium; thus, the need for prior manure
dewatering is avoided [67]. The potential of bio-oil production from the
4. Innovative strategies for enhancing the anaerobic digestion of
swine manure was conducted by Vardon et al. [67] who performed a
organic manure
HTL test at 300 °C with a maximum pressure of 12 MPa for 30 min. They
obtained a promising bio-oil yield of 30.2%, and this value was almost
4.1. Pretreatment
comparable to that obtained from Spirulina algae (at 32.6% bio-oil
yield). Swine manure was also used as feedstock in a batch HTL reactor
The pretreatment of manure is a critical step in adjusting it to the
that was operated at temperatures between 260 and 340 °C and with an
optimized conditions that eventually enhance biogas productivity in AD
initial nitrogen pressure of up to 1.03 MPa [69]. The investigation re-
processes [78]. Moreover, the features of the substrate influence the
vealed that a maximum bio-oil of 24.2% could be reached when a
ease at which the microbes can access the nutrients therein for bio-
temperature, initial nitrogen pressure, and residence time of 340 °C,
conversion to methane [79]. Several studies have therefore investigated
0.69 MPa, and 15 min, respectively, were applied. In another study,
some techniques to appropriately prepare the manure prior to feeding
cattle manure was subjected to supercritical HTL in a reactor that had
the AD bioreactors. To adjust the C/N of chicken manure, which was
temperature and pressure limits of 500 °C and 34.5 MPa, respectively
measured as 7.5, to the recommended range for biogas production
[68]. The best results were obtained when the CO was used as the
(∼20–30), Böjti et al. [80] applied a water extraction technique. Using
process gas (0.1 MPa) at 310 °C with 48.8% bio-oil yield.
a simple centrifugation method, they found that a substantial amount of
nitrogen was extracted from the solid material. As a result, a C/N of
3.5. Composting 19.8 was obtained after the pretreatment, with a 24% higher specific
methane yield compared to that of the untreated chicken manure. The
Composting is an aerobic process in which manure is degraded to presence of undigested hemicelluloses that come along with manure,
water vapor, CO2, heat, and other gases under controlled conditions. An especially from cows and pigs, makes the initial substrate pretreatment
advantage of the composting process is that it can reduce the amount of of great importance due to the inherent material recalcitrance [81].
waste post digestion. Composting is an exothermic reaction, which Among the methods that were examined, the thermal treatment has
means that heat is released during the process due to the decomposition been the most predominantly reported method applied over the years
of organic matter [70]. Some important parameters that need to be both in lab and full-scale AD processes, accounting for close to 40% of
considered in the composting process are temperature, moisture con- manure pretreatments [81]. A summary of the selected reports on some
tent, and oxygen levels [71]. Typically, during a composting process, pretreatment efforts and their impact on improving the AD process or
the volume of the biomass is reduced by 50%. For example, if one ton of the substrate properties is provided in Table 6.

M.K. Awasthi, et al.

Table 4
Manure to methane and other syngasdeveloped technologies and process status of China.
Technology/Process Feedstock materials Important parameter aspects Potential outcomes and key approaches Research References

Anaerobic digestion Pig manure, dairy manure, beef Chemical analysis: • Found transformations in the configuration of the Beijing, China [46]
manure, layer manure and Proximate analysis: moisture, Ash content, volatile matter, fixed various forms of animal manure;
broiler manure carbon; • The calculated total annual syngas and methane yields
Ultimate analysis: for the five types of animal manure were
Hydrogen (H), Carbon (C), sulfur (S) and nitrogen (N) contents; 983.40 × 109 m3 and 188.89 × 109 m3, respectively.
Mineral elemental analysis:
Potassium (K), Phosphorus (P), sodium (Na), magnesium (Mg),
calcium (Ca), iron (Fe), and zinc (Zn), and copper (Cu);
Methane yield potential through anaerobic digestion: Used
Bushwell's method
Large-scaleAnaerobic digestion Chicken manure andsewage This procedure includes the following essentials: sewage is • Apply Mono-digestion scheme; Yantai, Shandong [23]
composed in a storing tank with a volume of 4000 m3, and • Entire 300,000 t/a feedstock constituents; Province
feedstocks are mixed in 2 pre-treatment tanks of 2000 m3 • Employs a combination of about 180,000 t/a of chicken
volume each. manure with 120,000 t/a of sewage from washing a
AD is proficient in 8 digesters with a capacity of 3200 m3/ chicken farm;
reactor (TAN meditation of about 6.0 g/L). In conclusion, the • Produces 21.9 million kWh power electric;
digestate is composed in a 50,000 m3 storage pond. • Annual, roughly 11 million m3 of biogas are produced.
Large-scale Anaerobic digestion Hens (Deqingyuan: DQY) A central-temperature hydrolysis procedure; • Ammonia detached partially by washing biogas over Dafeng, Zhejiang [23]
chicken 4 CSTR-category fermenters; digestate is kept in a slurry pond sulfuric acid; Province

• Applied for electricity makingthrough CHP (2 MW)
Solid state anaerobic digestion Dairy manure with corn stover 40% tomato remains increased methane producerelated to • Methane produce (379.1 L/kg VSfeed); Beijing, China [139]
dairy manure with corn stovercombination; • Effective percentage: 24% corn stover, 36% dairy
Improve the recital of solid-state anaerobic digestion manure, and 40% tomato residues
Anaerobic Fermentation (Volume 5 L) Duck manure with straw Augmented the inoculation attentiveness, and then the • Optimal temperature for diverse anaerobic Zhengzhou, China [140]
fermentation liquid concentration fermentation is around 30 °C and the optimum amount
of raw materials is 2.8:1.
Anaerobic batch fermentation Deer manure, Mushroom Analysed the methane production, volatile fatty acids (VFA) • Improved methane yielded by addition of biogas slurry Changchun, China [141]
residue, Biogas slurry and ammonia nitrogen (30%)
Anaerobic co-digestion oat straw and cow manure Stimulative and inhibitory effects on fermentation by adding 1:2 ratio of cow manure to the oat straw added Beijing, China [142]
different amounts of cow manure (CM);
• Amethane yield of 841.77 mL/g
Used Gompertz model for methane yield

Anaerobic digestion Chicken manure bentonite addition to avoid ammonia accumulation; • Increase of 41% in cumulative methane Yangling, China [143]
Lab-scale sequencing batch
Two-stage anaerobic digestion with Chicken manure Used pre-hydrolysis step to convert nitrogen to ammonia; • High methane yield of 437.0 mL/g·VS Beijing, China [141]
an intermediate membrane Ammonia removal by diluting the hydrolyzed chicken manure
contactor to 1:2;
Significantly reduced inhibitory effects,
Anaerobic digestion (Low-cost Dairy Manure Batch experiments contain: urea, bentonite, active carbon, and • Total biogas yield (485.7–681.9 mL/g VS) Shaanxi Province, [144]
composited accelerants) plant ash; • Methane content (63.0–66.6%) China
Improved digestate stability and enhanced fertilizer nutrient
Anaerobic digestion swine manure, swine slurry, and Large-scale and household biogas production; • Better CH4 production rate Shaanxi [141]
biogas digestate Pollutant emission reduction and produce clean energy; Province, China
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 111 (2019) 115–131
Table 5
Manure to thermal energy developed technologies and process status of China.
Technology/Process Feedstock materials Important parameter aspects Potential outcomes and key approaches Research Province/ References
M.K. Awasthi, et al.

Gasification, Combustion Pig manure, dairy manure, beef Energy potential estimation: • Calculated total annual thermal energy yield from Beijing, China [46]
manure, layer manure and broiler Thermal energy potential by combustion (e gross the five types of animal manure was 4400.63 TJ.
manure caloric value (GCV)), theoretical thermal energy The air gasifier energy conversion efficiency for the
• different animal manures ranges from 66.80% to
Syngas production potential by gasification: 83.22%.
Used Gasification technology
Hydrothermal liquefaction (HTL) Swine manure, Dairy manure, Beef Procedure of HTL and product separation: • Found biocrude oil yield from swine manure: Beijing, China [139]
manure, Laying hen manure, Broiler The manure samples were made homogeneous using a 30.85%;
manure, and Sheep manure blender, and then stored at 4 °C; • 15.03% (daf) to 25.47% from other manures
Heavy metal analysis in the feedstock, solid residue • Used batch reactor
and aqueous phase (Zn, Cu, As, Pb, Cd);
Evaluation methods of heavy metals' contamination/
risk level;
Morphology and microstructure of livestock manure
and solid residue were examined via scanning
electron microscopy
Thermogravimetrically Co- Corn stalk and swine manure Used Flynn-Wall-Ozawa (FWO) and Kissinger- • Increased the Eergy value of the hydrochar to Beijing, China and [145]
hydrothermal carbonization AkahiraSunose for kinetic analysis and the 141.53–171.23 and 138.35–169.66 kJ/mol Jinan, Shandong
thermodynamic parameters Province
Pyrolysis Cattle manures Used a discrete distributed activation energy model Heating rate changed from 0.1 K min1 to 10,000 K min1 Wuhan, Hubei [146]
(DAEM) coupled with the thermogravimetric analysis; Province

Table 6
Pretreatment strategies for organic manure and their impacts on the substrate properties and biogas yields.
Treatment Substrate Conditions Findings Reference

Thermal Pig manure Different temperature levels, i.e., 70 °C, 90 °C, 135 °C, 150 °C, 170 °C, 190 °C The higher the applied temperature, the higher the release of soluble COD. [147]
The optimum substrate biodegradability achieved at 190 °C.
Thermo-chemical Pig manure Combination of different pH levels (adjusted using NaOH) and temperature, i.e., pH Thematerial breakdown was enhanced between 150 and 190 °C operated at pH = 10, [147]
10 and 25 °C, pH 10 and 90 °C, pH 10 and 135 °C, pH 10 and 150 °C, pH 10 and
190 °C, pH 12 and 25 °C, pH 12 and 135 °C, pH 12 and 150 °C
Thermal Pig manure Different temperature levels, i.e., 60 °C, 80 °C for 3 h Higher substrate solubilization at 80 °C. [148]
An increase in pH was observed in both pretreatments due to availability of dissolved
Microwave themo- Cow manure Microwaved at 120 °C for 30 min and dosing of either NaOH, CaO, HCl or H2SO4 The pretreatment increased the soluble COD, phosphorous and ammonium of the [149]
chemical substrate.
Thermal Pig manure Different temperature levels, i.e., 25 °C, 50 °C, 70 °C, 100 °C, 110 °C, 130 °C, 150 °C The 100 °C treatment shown best performance regarding biogas production, beyond [150]
which a reduction was observed.
Thermo-chemical Pig manure Combination of using Ca(OH)2 (pH levels adjusted to 14) and temperature, i.e., Treatment at 70 °C showed best biogas production above which the performance [150]
25 °C, 50 °C, 70 °C, 100 °C, 110 °C, 130 °C, 150 °C declined.
Ultrasonication Pig manure Sonication performed at pulses of 2 s on and 2 s off for different specific energy The volatile solids were reduced until specific energy input of 10,000 kJ/kgTS. [151]
Mechanical maceration Undefined manure The manure fibers were sheared by macerators running at between 300 and A 25% increase in biogas production compared to the untreated manure was achieved. [152]
900 rpm.
Thermal Chicken manure Heated at 105 °C for 24 h and fine grinding The increased access of the substrate to the microbes led to more than 3 times the [153]
biogas production relative to the untreated manure.
Thermal Chicken, pig and cow Different temperature levels, i.e., 100 °C, 125 °C, 150 °C, 175 °C, 200 °C, 225 °C The biomethane potentials for the pig and cow manures were enhance at temperatures [154]
manure between 125 – 225 °C and 175–200 °C while no significant improvements were
observed with chicken manure.
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 111 (2019) 115–131
M.K. Awasthi, et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 111 (2019) 115–131

Table 7
Impact of anaerobic co-digestion of organic manure with selected substrates.
Base substrate Co-substrate Impact Reference

Sonicated cow manure Glycerin Addition of 4% lycerine increased the biogas production by 8 times. [155]
Cow manure Food waste and sewage sludge Specific methane production of 603 LCH4/kg VSfeed was the best result obtained from a mixture ratio [156]
(manure: food waste: sludge) of 7:2:1.
Cow manure Food waste and fish-waste fat Methane production was improved during co-digestion of manure and food waste when the fat was [157]
added intermittently.
Pig manure Grass silage Addition of the silage reduced excessive NH4+-N concentration and the study recommended a mixing [158]
ratio of 1:1 for optimum biogas yield in a large-scale process.
Cow manure Grass Up to 35% increase in methane yield was realized when co-digestion with excoriated grass. [159]
Chicken manure Spent poppy straw Operation at high organic rates was possible for the co-digestion system due to prevention of ammonia [160]
inhibition that would otherwise be problematic for single chicken manure system.
Chicken manure Organic fraction of municipal solid The co-digestion caused stable C/N and pH conditions plus balanced macro and micronutrients [161]
waste (OFMSW) resulting in improved methane yields at retention time of 15 days and a mixing ratio of 1:1.
Chicken manure Straw A mixing ratio (manure: straw) of 2:8 resulted in an optimized C/N ratio of 23. [162]
Pig manure Corn straw A mixing ratio (manure: straw) of 7:3 resulted in maximum methane production rate and yield due to [163]
enhanced buffering capacity.
Pig manure Rapeseed A high biogas yield of 0.33 m3/kg VSfeedattributed in enhanced VS accumulation and degradation. [164]
Horse manure Pig slurry A mix ratio (HM:PS) based on VS of 2:8 resulted in high reduction efficiency in the solube COD and a [165]
high specific methane production attributed to combination of optimized C/N ratio and microbial
Horse manure Food waste The co-digestion performed at a mixing ratio of 1:1 on wet basis yielded up to 22.7% more methane [94]
compared to control reactors.
Pig manure Meadow grass An increase in the methane yield of up to 15.9% was observed for 9:1 (PM:MG) substrate compared to [166]
pig manure only due to improved nutritional balance.

4.2. Codigestion with other organic residues 4.4. Novel bioreactor designs for manure-to-biogas systems

The addition of other organic materials to manure using the codi- The design of the bioreactors applied for biodegradation of manure
gestion approach was reported to enhance the biogas yields. The im- to produce biogas has a crucial role in the overall system performance.
proved yields from such codigestion systems are due to the synergy that Several innovative bioreactors have been proposed recently to enhance
is brought about by the combined nutrients, which generally improve the performance of such AD systems as well as to overcome the pre-
the biological performance of the microbial consortium in addition to vailing substrate-related and process economy issues. In a study by
other beneficial system-balancing capabilities that are lacking in the Demirer and Chen [91], an anaerobic hybrid reactor (AHR) was applied
base manure [82]. Moreover, for facilities that have access to more than during biogas production from dairy waste. The bioreactor that con-
one type of manure, codigestion becomes an economically viable ap- tained immobilized cells and a biogas recirculation loop and the applied
proach since all available manure types can be digested in a single loading rate of the untreated substrate reached 7.3 g VS/L/d. A yield of
vessel [83]. A number of studies that have focused on the codigestion 191 mL CH4/g VS was added and a 68% VS removal rate was realized
strategy have been highlighted in Table 7. due to the enhanced mixing conditions created. Another approach was
applied by Boe and Angelidaki [92] in which cattle manure was di-
gested by using two continuously stirred tank reactors (CSTRs) con-
4.3. Inoculum-to-substrate ratio nected in series. The reactors were operated at an HRT of 15 days; after
190 days, the CSTRs in series were found to yield 11% more biogas
Although manure can be digested directly without the addition of a compared to that of the single CSTR. One of the factors that aided in
seeding inoculum in the digesting vessel for biogas production [84–86], enhancing the performance of the reactors was the consumption of
the initial seeding procedure is a preferable option as was demonstrated volatile fatty acids (VFAs) in the second reactor, which had accumu-
by some researchers. The addition of acclimated microorganisms is key lated in the first reactor.
to reducing the lag phase during the biodegradation process. The in- Dry digestion of organic manure (with TS between 15% and 40%)
oculum-to-substrate ratio has a direct influence on the start-up stages has recently drawn attention since it requires less reactor volume and
during the production of biogas from manure [87]. Moreover, it is circumvents the need for pretreating the substrate or adding water in
necessary to control the inhibitory characteristics for some substrates the digestion vessel for dilution compared to wet digestion [93,94].
whose effect may be elevated at certain loading rates [88]. Indeed, the Consequently, few studies have been conducted on the development
results from some studies show that the applied inoculum-to-manure and application of bioreactors that can handle the process conditions of
(I:M) ratio can be manipulated to result in better process performance. dry manure digestion for biogas production. For instance, Patinvoh
During a batch test of anaerobic digestion of sheep manure inoculated et al. [95] developed a horizontal plug flow reactor to treat cattle
with cow dung at I:M ratios of 1.37, 2.05, and 4.1, it was determined manure bedded with straw, which consisted of 22% TS at different
that the reactors with the highest proportion of the substrate had the organic loading rates. Their results showed that the system was capable
best biogas production rates [89]. In another study, Lawal et al. [90] of producing up to 56% of the theoretical CH4 yield without the need
found that a I:M ratio of 1 for chicken manure seeded with cow manure for substrate pretreatment at a loading rate of 4.2 gVS/L/d. Another dry
produced the highest methane content among the other combinations. anaerobic digestion process was conducted by Chen et al. [96], who
Elasri et al. [89] investigated the impact of different I:M ratios during used swine manure as a substrate. In their study, a vertical plug flow
biogas production from turkey manure inoculated with digested sludge reactor was utilized that could handle up to 35% TS of manure at a
from a wastewater plant. They observed that the I:M influence on the degradation rate of 55.6%. Sequential batch reactors (SBR) have also
methane yield was dependent on the overall amount of the turkey been investigated for psychrophilic dry digestion of cattle manure with
manure in the reactor. straw [97,98]. The former reactor was operated for 7 cycles for 147
days, thereby producing an average of 7.24 NL CH4/kg VS/d, while the
latter was operated for 84 days in 4 cycles to achieve up to 60.5% VS

M.K. Awasthi, et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 111 (2019) 115–131

removal rates. For the purpose of improving the economics of the dry pathogenic microbes. Another important concern is the contamination
digestion process, the use of a textile-based reactor has been proposed of surface and groundwater with various pollutants such as organics,
[99]. The methane yield from cattle manure with straw reached up to phosphorus, heavy metals, and other nutrients, etc. For instance, nitrite
290 N ml/gVS, and the economic evaluation revealed a payback period run off can lead to eutrophication and is detrimental to the aquatic
of 5 years using the textile reactor, in addition to the possibility of ecosystem. Recycling of manure helps in its safe disposal without uti-
applying the digestate as a fertilizer. lizing a landfill and prevents awful odors and bad aesthetics. Another
benefit stems from the sale of manure recycling products (Fig. 8). The
4.5. Bioaugmentation products are mainly organic fertilizers as compost/digestate and re-
newable energy in the form of biogas/heat. These value-added products
The bioaugmentation strategy has been found to improve AD pro- have great market potential and make manure recycling profitable.
cesses for handling manure [100]. One of the key reasons for applying The primary beneficiary of manure recycling is our agricultural
this strategy is the microbial imbalance in the consortium present in the system, where an establishment of the circular economy between li-
biodegradation chain of the manure [101]. It involves the addition of vestock and cropland farmers is imperative. Manure utilization im-
specific robust microorganisms to an AD process or the creation of high plementation should be an intrinsic residual of sustainable agriculture
local cell densities to deal with the potential process-upsetting condi- organization. It is essential that the nutrients that are contained in
tions and thereby improve the overall performance [79,102]. During manure be recycled in a circular system. Use of manure recycled or-
the AD of cow manure inoculated with a microbial community from a ganic fertilizers helps in cutting down the use of inorganic ones. This
biogas digester degrading a mixture of organic waste and pig and cow practice adds to the economic benefit to farmers through improved soil
manure, high accumulation of ammonium nitrogen (NH4+-N) was ob- quality, productivity and environment protection [109]. Use of organic
served (up to 5 g/L) [100]. To alleviate the negative impacts of such fertilizers derived from manure have the benefits of improving soil
high NH4+-N levels, Methanoculleus bourgensis was bio-augmented in texture, water holding, and buffering capacity; in addition, they serve
the bioreactor, which resulted in a 31.3% increase in the methane yield as a storehouse of nutrients and thus should be a vital part in integrated
relative to the control bioreactor. Ozbayram et al. [103] revealed a nutrient management (INM) practices [109,110]. There are other added
similar trend by achieving a high of 311 mL CH4/g VS with cow manure benefits of organic fertilizers in soil health restoration. Utilization of
when the seeding inoculum was bioaugmented with rumen fluid. In organic fertilizers was also shown to improve the quality and agro-
another study, the biogas yield from cow manure was improved when nomic value of saline soils [111]. Soil restoration in arid and semiarid
the seeding culture was bioaugmented using anaerobic rumen fungi areas has also been achieved with the application of organic fertilizers
containing Neocallimastix frontalis, Anaeromyces sp., Piromyces sp., and [112]. Use of compost has also proved to be helpful in the biode-
Orpinomyces sp [104]. The bioreactors seeded with 15% rumen fungi gradation of organic pollutants in the soil. Compost serves as a source of
were found to yield about 3.7 times the daily biogas amount that was super-bioaugmentation with diverse kinds of microbes; moreover, the
produced by the non-augmented bioreactors during the stable phase. availability of nutrients in compost helps in the biostimulation of these
microbes to reclaim contaminated soil [113].
5. Environmental and economic feasibility analysis of organic A successful management of manure recycling for economic success
manure recycling and management depends greatly on government policies and interventions.
Governments can provide economic incentives to farmers for the safe
Manure, if not treated properly using the above mentioned tech- disposal and recycling of manure as shown in Fig. 9. Governments can
nologies, might lead to environmental issues including GHG emissions. also share the cost of technology setup for manure recycling. A better
Total GHG emissions from a small farm (< 100 animals) were con- organization through farmer cooperatives; market for organic fertilizer
siderably lower in the range of 45,538 g CO2 eq./ton feedstock, while selling, an enhanced coordination between governments and other
that of the large farm (> 200–999 animals) were in the higher range of agencies such as NGOs (Non-governmental organization) and private
104,856 g CO2 eq./ton manure. Typically, a large farm emits more players can improve the economics of manure recycling [114]. In-
emissions in per cattle of organic waste when compared with a small itialization of the brokerage has been found to establish a circular
farm. This is due to the lack of expertise in large volume storage, pro- economy for manure recycling. Cooperatives can act as a bridge be-
cessing, and land application [105]. Composting as a treatment alter- tween livestock farmers having manure and cropland farmers having a
native has a GWP between 226 and 236 kg of CO2 eq./ton compost need for fertilizers, thus, establishing a sustainable and profitable cir-
[106]. A study from the U.S. stated that if all livestock manure were cular economy [115]. The economic success of manure recycling also
used for electricity production, about 4% of the electricity emissions depends on the method that is employed. The capital cost of anaerobic
could be reduced. The biogas electricity corresponds to 68–108 billion digestion (AD) is higher, but the operating cost is lower compared to
kWh from livestock manure (total electricity usage = 3.8 trillion kWh) composting. The profitability of AD depends on the trade of biogas in
[107]. Similarly, when gasification was used as an alternative method addition to the tipping fees, while that of composting relies on the sale
of manure management, the GWP was in the range of 589–643 kg CO2 of compost along with tipping fees. Establishing a better market for
eq./t dry manure. If the manure had been used for land application, the digestates can improve the revenue of AD plants [116]. Upgradation of
GWP would have been 119 kg CO2 eq./t dry manure (Fig. 7). This is 6.4 biogas for utilization as transport fuel has less excise duty and thus
times the emission reduction from the conventional treatment method leads to the improved economics of AD [117]. The economic success of
of land application [108]. composting process could also depend on government subsidies. For
The success of manure recycling however depends on the economic instance, the composting process was not economically feasible in
viability of the process that is employed. Various factors such as quality, northern Ghana without a subsidy, but it was viable in Bangladesh and
quantity, and supply of waste; setting up and running cost of tech- Indonesia without any subsidies [118]. The initial investment cost and
nology; market price of value-added product generated; incentives price of compost product varies from place to place and brings about
provided by government; policies and environmental regulations de- variability in the revenue of composting process. A low compost value
termine the feasibility of running the process of manure recycling influences the temporal practical feasibility of composting. Similar to
(Table 8). There are many benefits associated with manure recycling the composting process, the economic success of the vermicomposting
and foremost among them is environmental. Manure discarded as waste process depends on the initial setup cost and market price for its pro-
will lead to GHGs emission and will contribute to global warming. On duct, i.e., vermin-compost and earthworm [119]. Anaerobic biorefinery
the other hand, if the waste is not treated properly, then it will be of based on the AD process has emerged as a novel concept in the man-
great concern for human health due to the growth and spread of agement of manure. Manure can serve as the feedstock of this process;

M.K. Awasthi, et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 111 (2019) 115–131

Fig. 7. Holistic acidogenesis system for energy and carboxylate stage for bio-products utilizations (First prime and tributary products) [135].

Table 8 furthermore, a plethora of products comprising platform chemicals,

Degradable organic waste methane production potential. fuels, polymers, etc. can be generated. The process can pass immense
Degradable Organic matter Degradable rate Methane economic benefits to households and is capable of improving the
organic waste content (dry % production (m3/t) standard of living in developing countries [41]. Using fly larvae in
matter)% manure recycling has been found to be economically successful in
various instances. Larvae produced during the recycling process are
Chicken manure 85–90 90 620–670
Duck manure 85–90 90 620–670
used as animal feed or for production of biofuel, whereas residue is used
Pig manure 80–86 70 450 as fertilizers [120]. Use of black soldier flies (BSF) to recycle human
Cow manure 80–83 70 450 waste was found to be economically viable in Tanzania. BSF larvae
Horse manure 83–84 95 583 could be used as an animal feed and in biodiesel production, and the
estimated annual profit from three latrine wastes was estimated to be
63,000 US$. However, for the project to be successful, several chal-
lenges need to be overcome, and one of them is the negative perception
of the use of animal waste grown larvae for chicken feed [121]. In

Fig. 8. Overall organic manure recycling for renewable circular bio-economy and sustainable energy approach through fusion-combined approaches for multi-
functional utilizations [135].

M.K. Awasthi, et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 111 (2019) 115–131

Fig. 9. Economic cost analysis of organic manure recycling and management.

Table 9
Economic potential of organic manure recycling.
Organic Manure Process for their management/recycling Economic analysis Reference

Cow manure and food waste Vermicomposting by earthworm species Yearly profit for 450 and 220 kg cow was 200 and 100 USD respectively; return on [167]
Eudriluseugeniae investment for 5 year period was in range of 170–280%
Pig manure and agro-industrial Continuously stirred tank reactor biogas Total electricity production was in range of 500–112- kWEE; Net annual profit was [168]
crop plant 366–1338 k€
Pig manure Bioconversion using house fly larvae Annual profit of 67,900 US$ in 2008 and 210,000 US$ in 2010 [122]
Animal manures Manure application to soil Manure application cost ranged from 18% (chicken manure) to 136% (cow manure) [169]
to the cost of chemical fertilizers
Human excreta Composting toilets Payback period of less than 10 years at discount rates of 0–12% [170]
Manure and different bulking On-farm composting plant Cost of compost production was 10–30 €/ton; cheaper than commercial compost [106]
agent available in Italian market
Chicken Manure Biogas plant Annual benefit of RMB 12 million; generates 14 million KWh of power; annual [171]
reduction of 84,000 t of CO2 and 2600 t of gravel in chicken manure

China, a profitable pig manure recycling process by the use of house fly heat, a large number of volatile compounds, and obnoxious gases thus
larvae was setup. The project has an annual profit of 63,000 US$. The leading to air pollution and health hazards to staff [120]. Composting
majority of the revenue (96%) resulted from the sale of larvae to a local and vermicomposting processes are also a source of secondary pollution
fish and poultry feedstuff manufacturer and a biotech company in through the emission of GHGs, thus, diminishing the environmental
Shanghai [122]. Some of the management practices in manure re- benefits of recycling. However, this shortcoming can be overcome by
cycling and their economic analyses are presented in Table 9. It can be fortifying waste with mature compost and carbon bulking agents [119].
concluded that proper manure management practices along with gov- Proper manure management practices can help to mitigate the emission
ernment intervention for incentives and favorable policies can make of GHGs such as methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O). Manipulating
manure recycling economically viable. animal diet with less nitrogen intake, decreasing the manure storage
time and temperature, and using semipermeable covers to reduce CH4,
6. Challenges, recommendations and future perspectives NH3, and odor emission are some feasible steps to control the emission
of GHGs. AD is the method of choice to capture most of the CH4 from
Several challenges have been posed in manure recycling and fore- manure and convert it into renewable energy. However, its use is lim-
most among them is the release of odors and GHGs. Animal manures ited in cold climates as its operation is not suggested below 15 °C
have a high ammonia content (12 g N/kg TS), thus leading to im- without the supplementation of heat and temperature control [124].
mediate odor emission after composting [123]. Odor emission is a The modern practices of raising livestock have led to excesses in
consistent challenge, irrespective of the varied processes applied for antibiotics, heavy metals, and hormones in animal manure. This affects
recycling. For instance, the use of fly larvae in composting releases microbial growth cause environmental deterioration when applied to

M.K. Awasthi, et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 111 (2019) 115–131

land [125]. Antibiotics in manure are a major concern, as their dis- manure recycling management and technology installations also need
charge in the field is harmful to human health and the environment. It to be mulled over. The establishment of a stable and flourishing market
can cause antibiotic resistance in microbes. The composting process and supply chain for manure-recycled products is also essential for
helps to mitigate/destroy persistent organic compounds and resistance enhanced profit. Technological advancement is one area that is lacking
genes [126]. Manure is known to have pathogenic microbes, and their in current manure recycling. Scale-up, monitoring, uniform product,
containment during recycling is also a demanding problem. For ex- performance, etc. need to be improved with continued research and
ample, chicken manure contains Escherichia coli, Salmonella, Clos- innovations. The government should also encourage entrepreneurship
tridium, Campylobacter, Streptococcus, and Listeria etc. [127]. High- in the manure recycling business. Furthermore, technological ad-
temperature stages of AD and composting help in containing and vancement should add to the range of products that are derived from
bringing the number of pathogens to a safe level. However, for the manure recycling to take it beyond organic fertilizers and biogas. Given
removal of persistent pathogens, an additional treatment such as pas- the environmental concerns and economic benefits that are related to
teurization is required. The thermo-chemical treatment also generates manure recycling, the area will be in the spotlight in the future.
ashes with a low content of trace elements and is devoid of pathogens One of the fastest growing areas in the manure anaerobic codiges-
[128]. However, additional treatment processes need technological tion (AcoD) [132]. Innovative process development is desirable to grow
advancement and increase the cost of manure recycling. Environmental cohesive food waste (FW) pretreatment capacity through a consecutive
regulations limit the use of manure-recycled fertilizers that have toxic progression; for instance, the cutting and separation of FW. On the basis
elements, antibiotics, and pathogens above a safe limit. For instance, of constituent part proportions, the desired particle size could be
roxarsone use in broiler chicken industry resulted in arsenic pollution in achieved for more available organics (because of a higher superficial
the environment. Thus, Maryland authorities banned arsenic additives area) available to microbes. Consequently, the AcoD procedure is used
except nitarsone, in poultry feed [129]. Public acceptance of manure for improved energy recapture which would treat the organic manure
recycling is also a challenge. Farmers and associated nearby commu- alongside FW in suitable dimensions and proportion. Such a method
nities should be educated about the societal, economic, and environ- would, perhaps also increase the overall proceeds of waste water
mental benefits of manure recycling. The local public is generally op- treatment plants (WWTPs) as a better recovery procedure, and most
posed to setting up recycling plants as it emits an odor. They are also stimulating for FW valorization, with reduced environmental influences
wary of the spread of pathogenic microbes and other environmental on nearby civilizations. In the approaching future, the combined di-
problems. Governments should protect the public with strict environ- gestion process might be a revolution aimed at the WWTPs, and CH4
mental and other recycling plant regulations [114]. The public also has can be a capable alternative dynamism; however, additional expansions
a negative perception of products that are derived from animal waste are desirable to form such a financially viable procedure through ex-
recycling, which leads to a reduction in their sales and price. ecuting the multitasking methods. In the present assessment, numerous
This challenge of a negative perception could be overcome by public constraints have been studied. For sustainable AcoD, several critical
involvement and convincing them with proper scientific reasoning. operative constraints need to be improved with limited revisions with
Scaling-up the recycling process is also a big challenge that is associated manure toward evading the progression let down; in addition an easy
with each method. The use of fly larvae for recycling is hampered by the procedure should be adopted for easy functioning. Furthermore, nu-
scaling-up of the process, knowledge of fly biology, and the require- merous biological production methods are inspected, for instance, pre
ment of space for the operation [130,131]. Normally, fly larvae could operated approaches, reformed container plans through bioaugmenta-
not dig more than 7.5–10 cm. Thus, the process will need a large tion and solitary- or dual-phase digester, etc. By many researches, the
number of shallow trays or basins; this limits the volume of manure to microaeration, premanagement, bioaugmentation, nutrients addition
be recycled. To overcome this, technological innovations are required and electron transference approaches have revealed helpful con-
for the successful operation of recycling and for cutting the production sequences for progression enrichment and upgraded methane forma-
cost [120]. Government policies regulating the use of compost as soil tion. Similarly, the thermophilic and unremitting system strategy has
amendments cannot always satisfy the public. However, the regulations offered improved CH4 profit and better-quality FW conversion, al-
for quality control such as having a uniform nutrient level and treat- though the financial viability has been the main issue.
ment for pathogen removal can help in establishing a uniform market. If Additionally, organic waste is typically measured as an energy re-
some policies and adherence to environmental regulations need an serve and commercial prospect for transformation. The combined di-
additional treatment step, then the cost of operations would increase gestion of FW with SS can reduce the waste residues on open dump
[115]. This extra economic burden of farmers should be shared by sites, it can lower GHG discharges and diminish the use of fossil re-
governments through incentives. Setting up of a centralized cooperative sources for power production, thus benefiting the environment. The
and government-run large recycling plants can help in the generation of relevant investors and the China Environmental Protection Department
products with uniform quality. This will also help in convenient op- should attempt to collect the necessary guidelines for the combined
eration and adherence to government set regulations, but the cost of digestion of organic manure with SS and/or FW to build an en-
transportation could affect the economy. vironmentally friendly Hong Kong in upcoming years. It is therefore
As previously noted, population and economic growth have resulted imperative to discuss the subsequent information gaps in the AcoD
in increased manure generation. Given the detrimental effects of un- scheme, which is possible with more studies in the future:
managed waste, manure recycling is imperative. The Chinese govern-
ment has a larger part to play in manure management through educa- • To advance the innovative dual-phase system strategy through a
tion for concerned farmers, public involvement, incentives for farmers, mixture of pre handling, the feed nature, ratio and specific microbes
policies and environmental regulations. Contemporary manure re- for better efficiency;
cycling management strategies are inefficient in handling the large • To increase more awareness of reactor conditions for instance, C/N
amounts of manure that were generated. Farmers and the general ratio, VFAs, unstable solid, and nutrient necessities;
public are unaware of the harmful effects of unmanaged waste. Waste • The wide-ranging investigation of the microbial instability role,
storage, transportation, and application in fields need to be managed dispersal outlines of the microorganism population through an in-
well to address environmental deterioration. The government must take hibitory alternating stage and recapture from action letdowns due to
initiatives to impart knowledge to the concerned public for the man- bioaugmentation, which requires further investigation with specific
agement of manure. Scientific awareness also needs to be created ratios;
among the public regarding the handling and recycling of manure. • Although the alteration of the accumulated transitional products in
Setting up cooperatives and a public-private partnership model for the energy is extended with an inhibitory procedure, it might be

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