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"The seven husband of Evelyn Hugo "is the story revolving around the popular

star Evelyn Hugo. After decades of leaving Hollywood, she decided to reveal her
complicated life stories to Monique Grant who is a journalist.

Throughout the journey starting from Evelyn's arrival in Los Angeles in the 1950s
to her decision to leave the film industry in the 1980s are stories that reveal
surprising truths about ambition, friendship, love, and the seven husbands who
played significant roles in Evelyn Hugo's life.

Author Taylor Jenkin Reid with her captivating storytelling, gives a picture of
Hollywood in the late twentieth century. After becoming a renowned actress on
the big screen. She held the prestigious Oscar. Yet, few know that behind Evelyn's
success, she had to make numerous sacrifices. Also, she had to face the analyzed
eyes of the public, no one can please everyone. They watch Evelyn through the
lens of the camera, believing they understand her decisions.

In addition, we can see the issue of gender discrimination common in this era. At
that time Hollywood was still a world Where men ruled, where women's worth was
determined by their beauty, charm, and obedience. Women can be easily blamed
first, while men are not like that. The man would safely escape the mud pool with
his reputation unbroken.

In summary, EvelynHugo is still a human like somebody else. She just wanted to
get the job she loves, the person she confides in. But everyone tried to find a
mistake in her through the camera lens. That gives them a reason to speak harshly
at her. Instead, why don't they put themselves in the idol's shoes to understand
and empathize before making any comments?

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