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Ovit -Tr Un Bonding in Metab Complexes IE cFT Za CFT was developed by Bethe and | Yanlk in 1430 Laer origel popslised Ye ce tn dn-organte chervistay Saltent Featuves of CFTI— “> According 40 CET the fateraction, between mela fon and soorounding Kgavds 4s porely electro chatic that is (007, 10 2 According | do CFT, -Ve) changed Aigands (doxic Higands) consi ~dev as port changes andy ventabl Hgande consider as dipoles \ ie => The ligond molecule aloo s approches dhe central metal tow, with their -ve end: => CFT docent , consider the _oveylapping geod and metal - dow > Te elechors of ligand andthe Iigords metal fon are highly weplasive. These replusive forces are nesponsible fox he epliting of d-orbital oF centred! mela on: —> dn the abscence of ligand ielde ° the! '52 dorbitals af cerleal meal fon ave | in degenerate state. Thal) a these ane energilvealhy equal gan Fields, the degeneracy 7 bw presence of osbilale ae | | Atkbed dhe gpliting ie! Know as Caysta Chel “Spliling « <> The no-of Ligand (ov) thee amangementL about fe combs, cede fon wil predik he eyelet hell ey example, CG Ligands —~ oe Kedacl : 5 - Ligand — dca Bt pyran / Square pyramidal W = Hgnods —> Tehran $ Plana 3 — Ligands 5 Fy qe pliner a Ligande — Linear TP Poe to the Spliting of cowbitale the energy of cml ~o as decree and cowplex qe stabilised: Thus the Ise oF energy due to opting of d-orbitals in presence of ligands de known ax Crystal Sie stabikisalion energy OSE expressed fn keeal Cor) kedoules — The colour and spectral properties of complexes can be explained by bas on elechonic transtHons bho vasious ener “gy bevels of derbi by absorbing the aadtation of UV- visible raga “On the boasts of CFT, we can explain high spin, Low Spin -compley. Types of 4 - orbitals :— >A d-orbitals are i a equal: Therefore degenerate LTT TT dry dyx dex diy” de 7 The orientation of fobes of deorbilals eith respect to co-ordination axis (x, YPare different’ ee dry dyx athe tobe of dry dy, dra, tes fn bly the coordtdation axis hence shea one called as Non-aytal orbitals These orbitals represented by tag (Muon Syebot) +-driply de ales b- drip degenerate Re Asyornelrie with plane of symmetry 4% Syrometate with centre of inversion a 4 * dy id > The Lobes of bear, dat lies along the axis- Hence, they ane called as axial orbitals: 7 Recording do Mulikon the set i labelled as eq - en Sbands for coos “degenerate 4 — Syemmehic with certbre of inversion: Crys Field Spitting an Octahedral Compleres — all the 5-dorbilak are de, adn cow of free metal don emerate tel ws consider an octahediad complex [ont] which the central metal aon M"* place at the centre of the octahedral and G-|igands sovrounded by 6 cgeners of the octahedvals AN the 6 ligands Apprches the central enetat son Abreugh. co-ordination axis - on the lobes of aqost of orbitate qe highly crepes -fre and they evist igh energific fevels and bg - -seb exit few enevfitic dae to Vigh ‘replasion. —aThe seperate of bg and 4 orbitals are represented by A0- where Q fs octehedrol freld- 1 Aq [iva chy aye dey drop’ de Sa are of ligand | Degenerate orbitals hy i | i Sn presence of YURI taand Field crs -ory x x tq 2+ 016x gh} | + : Crypto Field Spl King fo Tchahedrdl complexes s-— ates the Tegand ie Blakes AL prefer do fawn Tetrahedea Ce) The Uigonds with weak Freld prefer to fora Febrahedell con -plexe . Exi— holides ~2D0,Ds,dip metal, the metal ton with fow-oxidation stale aan Be : prefer fo form Tetwahedral congpler | |e cose Tebrahed sol qromely a spedal relly bfw orientalis a | of enbitats of melel: ton’ the appreocking Utgands ane aevense do that of octahedral» Hence the Sling pattern ie reves that = alt Coptshed eel ‘comple » ‘because the, Fegands) dipped (4s, metal dé-orbitals 9 blo the covrdination axis. Revalky he, mon-ayial orbttel gets moors replasive and exist as move ener He tere - ne the, iMobes of axel onbttals ts less eplasi -Ne and exist os towet wep el The ener qt bho a-orbitals i | “ed | Eres ed og D4 y ae z t be piled i hee Ul WE Wy ela dey 0.4 te Aq /i0 AF dyy dye dhe doy da CFSE = oor? +0 toh at P| CF Splitting 0 Distarted Cclahedl complex ( Tohn —Ellar Distartion ]3— | | > Any non-finear — jolewdar system am ovbitally degenes ~te — dlechonkt State would be -lsed by un-stable and pat tt stabi | zometry and shes | rnd by Causing a split aad tn ths orbtlally de-genewle hte % known as Tohn -Tellay abject - under ving distralion io tk 7 The Aowerieg of Syometay of the von —lineay system duc 40” ohn - Tella elbeck always absorbs in a mannes which wesulls deeveases dn dhe energy of Sy seen sae And On, ‘Symmetrical onbileds -— hy’. + tig — Symmetrical: by er a ey + tig —r Ui symmetai al: vel ea? q: eg! > Summetvicdl ® 4 oo os ni i ’ \ et ef reg? 7 Un Sy canpetat eal Conditions of Distvation. s— 7 When tag and eq ate symmehiad thee % no distrat mobilen be % syrametried and tg Hun Syeamabtety Shory diskar Hon « — When tag as tan -Sywaen cbaical and “4 ac Symmelrieal, a shite diskartton - FEE us consider an octahedval compler, [c wl 49),) , Gia sateae dey” (deay)! - 8 , [av [v eH L 4 | FT a ue! - y + 7 The bn jenge (CP) the dulorbi ted charge dene! thy As higher > %- dineclion. thes, ay -dineclion. the \megakive change on the \tgand s along Bon dinécton., will, sbe fees altracked bi ‘| nudear dara on, iq Coppex (ed) thin and y= divecltons. bs a mesult dhe Irgavd along x Irom metal ton. cdivection , will rote away Resulk alongated dislavted complex. Lee d qeroate stale - “ho zg alongated — bn cose GD), the d-elechon diweclion then 2 ave. The aye % and yp direelion which jane oa chong oe ale Result in bond alony my dineelion’ ‘and bone along 2- divection. ae octohedral qorehy . | charge is higher abrg mY changes on the ligand along less altyadted by the nucle elongation of metal Wigand | attnaclion of metal legend € well compressed distorted { Comsanrences of John - Teller dtafeation 1, | > 6 -co- ordinated as el ore | (Pont. jo! peas distarted | octohedral shrichutes Due to Hae effect, (eacua,J complex ” | has a distarted “OW skawcture , 4 near Ho molecules fn %y plane and $a Ho waleodes ene. ao. also effects te edi 2-H moleud e¢ z- plane. The distartion ae ‘ealglerss (outa i fo this alorg Rayis shchadaes more. vet ‘Yan Ake 4-H molecules jn xy ae CF Splting fn Square Plana Compleres :— —> The Square planer compleres axe formed by only a few mekeds the besk known are 8 speets guch as Ne pd AL ote. the Sqpore planeer comple ses ae grésulked by cone “He removal on a Atgands from ‘Oh’ qeomdny. Stree there one no Itgands along! the z-axis by remo ving « ommplelly from central metal fon. Phe d-osbihd “along the aeaxis(di%) and allong the ay (xy) and jn the ys —phre (4yx) vill experience fess er vreplast eplesion forces Lrong the Yyands then the: do to oh” conple and that energy of ombthats stl] dréer) than the Lees in alongted disfartion compleyes - Tate to asaa ——> Square planer. coro Degenerate State [7 Woe uodey the taflaence of Square planar qeomeby the | Aeqenarey of «4 and Aq - sek ae reverse. Sn eg the ener 14 of dyer ae araiseds + While the energy of dx” orbital is Lees. —> The iq -sek of doy orbital rsiced while the energy of | des, dyx orbital lowered - / | The Spliling patiem. has more value, ft Sp > oh > Ta: CFT Spitting ao ul prove pyro compleves t— Degenerate ~orbibel Ther an eqvare pyramid complex , CET Spliting As Stmflay Jo dhe $+ planar became removal of one Vigan along the z-axis from an Oclahedred comples « ; The dey” abit 4s crepwled by 4 ligands which are proent in the Xy-plare - white the dx’ orbital a epaled by only one Wgand. thence dry orbikel 4% more unshable and energy of this onbital 4s iawisen The dry -orbitel & rove wn-stable compare to dradyr -orbttals i —2Ths the onder’ of energy of d/—ovbthls 0S pyietl Complex as as Sollows- ary 5 dx”> xy > dye =dyz CFT Spliding an Thigonal bipyranad compherst — bie ~ ! ' A Wl L om Lege Degenerate ovbi - ted 1 7 The “+ orbital Ansteracliny divectly with approach ng. Higards allong the Zraxis: Resulk Fhe onbited ts highly un ugtoble and exper cence qeretlen weplasive forces: thence he energy of orbital, te roised te a grates extent: — Aw electvon aw ayy ond dysyorbitals which) are lining An the proxivity of equatorial orbital ge stable than dx and dxx dye hus the onder oF energy oF various dconbinls to Hge -ral Lipyravid qeoneelny 1s o dx”> dazedya a da any CFT Splitting an Trigonal planar complexes s— dx onal planar geome tay i oblained by removing. of hoo -lgands from TBP: adn Ani > As lhe day dx-y™ orbitals are Hietng fn the near of approaching ligawde fn Yycplne This te experiences green aeplasion ‘wrees. Hence the energy of these sek Ae wrolsed as the nod ligands on z-axis of da” orbital qs more shitty Result, the energy of orbitals as Follows, abi’ i> dry 7dyxaxe Spliting of d -ovbitals fo near Complexes — mM —> Kinecr Complen ¢ r Loa Dejenenate orbitals . dx dee pe a ae 4 ieee fn 54 plone: © wht As the da” orbital dincelly tnkeraetiag sith agp aching in Zplanes Hence the energy of ool ie vatsed adr iys dey onbitals enperctenes Jess replaston and qek more — stability- | Reulk, the order of energy of these orbitals, da” > ny adya ary ad] Sok a sing cf)! Fado wPlucnces the CAI CCystad field Sting - There ave 3 Saclors affects OFS © Nalure of metal: @ Nalure of Higand 8 Geometry of Conipley Orlabuse of Metal Zon s— ahs ow change on the metal Gon Mes the CFS also ses | Dac do Maes fn elechocltie | athvactton forces bho postive | metal fon and negalive charged Ieqard : : ovtdeliow Stabe : [or] oe Clg: Charge ow meal pe FAT biog wae tt 0 (Fels) “frwg]? (ow z ll @ [eenayy"” | {eocyo, J) i “[eocya, J —> Same charge on catton drfferent poof electrons, which one have fess nook clechions 49 d-orbital ql more cFs oe vw " ‘ (eeu) ae! [ce ca), | 7 > Qyaan'tiewy of deorbitals Nees CFS Rees upto 30-50% fees ‘Lim 3d bo Sd) 5d orbital became Quantum number extends -forthes fwte Space and aviterael mnore Strongly with Mtgand- Resulb, more OFS: @ Nebure of Hand ‘i— —y the Mgand which Ankerack with meted by very less etd 40 be weak Cield ligand: whi the ligand whieh” produces Shrong field on central mela] Said Yo strong field Nigand + — Strong fied ligands Antlers with more evesull, more Spliting takes placer while , weak Sield ligand enteracs with hess resull , Ness CFS WN ae 5 Some. coran, ligands are arranged with the “ing ode o ch fil shvength as fulows [Spedeo chert cei}. nyhewreco- i o 3 atecch CoP Nes UOnder the fntlaence of weak Steld Strength the dither ence ho ag and ty ie vy ess fener the dishabstion of Bin there orbitals ‘Taking place according fo Rundi woudl + b “pel hbsA prowt i | Wace fat, 95,9, 10. Crete : Pin, 67,8 Cot" of 43 No. of un-patred, e@ d- or bial = a es a tq) ef { a bg” eg? 2 a 4 eg : 4 a ig? ef ra a> bg eq” 5 as tbalideo~ ft & ne : 4 4 k d 4g eqs : a8 ic | 4 eg a a4 44e of ep ' ae tag® eq4 ° Ct) When \igand 4s Strong Field 5 9 Under the 4oftnence of © hoon Lreld Kigaods ho as lange and distatbdfon of & ay tq and eg devel docsnol follow — Hund’s gute. La] 4, 8,4, 10 LaDy tq" E, 2,3, 4.58 Cont® of jabs d- oxbthat 4 eq Not vopatrel a By a? a ig “ . a kg? 7 i an ta” | - ; a hg? oe d ta’, «° : ° ‘a qe a 48 4 6 oe 2 7 “st . | CH Whew Atgard leak Reld t— Tebrahydrel omplesa. Wr] 3, 4,5, 8,4, 10- = (eel ] Cont? of d-oxbitel © I 4 é a a 3 & ai o - d & CG 4 3 : d a ae el a ey wy a $s a th WW) na,64 Nor oF upatred ry +r w a &. (i) When Atgand s Shoong Selly — 4, [fala] 5, 6,3,4,4,10 A Cone” of d -osbitat a' \ : ° e +9 ; ie en ve gu a3 i te | an ie eM £ Ajo a el y \ # et] fl | 2 gt et ie 3 | a et 4" 2 ys eh a \ 0 e oe CF $6 ¢— t ; PAeconding Lo CET, the d-onbilal of cembval meta) for uvder fnfluence of Ugord Field Spi toto difFeneat keel : stole Te ogy deperde upon noo Qa splitted orbit The energy ie fnoww as CFSE: For oclhedral —comsplenes, fo CEE = —on hg + nrg | 3 for! Helrohedval Complex es , w- — Hs fea iy AS o teu COC > Weak field, Neo ae id oe M5 > [av] 3d? ys \ ee \ - Ox tien +3 4 be On a Mn™ —> [a Jad . c= REET hh Deg enerale orbitals : cRsEs-O4astgigxy t = bdo = -06 Ao © Corconp, Je Nv, —> Hea, Field Kad ni > Ca) 3d® ys” nil?» [ar] 3d? : \ falatals I) nll encadke orbitals Deg CESE = —o-Yx64 O6X2 ‘i = RR bo a " Hp tf pf wo Bo. | Slice era i tf | ba prbsence ot oa sity apg as 5 Mork ag Strong | fad Co, —> [a] at Ge 5 [as] ad arr) ea) : ea a CFSE = —O4x6406Kx0 =- a4 Doe ® [nw Cea}. Co Nigand 4s Shong held - : £). Nye [ar] ad8ys- Ni — [av] ad? ye? WwTnfalafn\ (Lal alar CFSE = ORY + OU NG, = ray ray. = 0: © [may ra ‘Tigand s are weak Sreld. Mn > [Ae] ad? us |i 1, > (ar} 3a? a ue th Tp) eee ate bikin Dagsrerste \ -ocap, ~ orbital. cFgt= “OCXQ+ OY xg = = b2 4 lan = ONE wks of Mag neVis so! > Recording 40 classteal imodel of an clon [eokrs model) dhe electron has 2 types of rotons 5 Orbital notion hide 4 due do the Spin of elechow omound the nucleus fn an orbit - 7 Sin emotion which te neo the Spinning of the © areund (Bis oww axis) { : ; 27he conbination of orbital rekten ard. Spin mores Tt ono ble | for |rmakinekic properties of , Substances - > When’ an subslance, 7e) paged) Bo» the poke ofa magned ( crlernal enagnebe Feld]. The magnetic Field produced .by the ort and spin, molfor of selechons) anterncle with the exte ~rnally. applied Magnetic Field ,Resulk varios reg nelic pepetlies 0 Dials Manele @ fora nett aol @ Fer = [Fe, co, wi) © Dio ~ Mog nce property. i —r The Substance which dn placed jin, a magnets $ield, Ls the ‘nbensily of Mag nclic Field aie called Dia -rdagnetis om ~ pound The property % called Dia Mey acon he mayne lines” wh? POR tends ab awstl cuetl SubsTances are reprbed by the magnetic Sreld- 7H wo BP wily opposite $4 Spins ane placed in the Save orbital, the mage field produced by’ ‘one. elechon Cancelled y other @ Because, of gach of the R & hag equal awd opposite magnetic. moment | SM fe andependeal on demperdlare tad external magne Vie fidd @® tava Magnetic Tnoperly i he subslowe akc when placed th a magnetic slow the magnetic Field tines of force to ipass through Ther are called Renn magnetic Substances: SE Dee Wel, Shragth of external magnek the behaviows At called of ford Mag neliso.- >A pore magic subslanice tends ts sel ‘self wth Abs length powallel fo the magnetic Helle Thus the paras magn etic subslnce attracted anlo a magnedic Sell. Onigin ot Paes Mognelisn o— —> Pars magnetism of (i.e substance eowsiling of atoms (of) | | : | Aows (or) molecules ave cauced by 1, dhe presence of wipane Ein he orbital —> ‘The qa no of un pained & gives quest para-magne | ~ fis I > Pane. enagaHin ‘nclependent of external magnetic eld and vedippwcal wilh Jemperoduves Magneltc Mornent” from Spin Orly Foxmula s— > Wodn transition metals the coupl 4 of Land § vectors) weak: Hence these vectore maintain thetr fndiviual monents: Oabitel Magnetic moment Mi-4a Jia | Land ¢ Splitking facloy for orbital magnelte: momest = Jy Le 1 Bye el) Spin magnetic moment fhe = 945 [stea0. hande Splitting chelor for Spin moqnelic moment = qs ‘s Gs 72, I sori be ff , fs = a} scsi) : bg = {4 sts): La ' Mas “JAscst + LOL , ae The oboe cyt? 4s qe used 40 colewlate the Value oF jh effect of ons of the Firsk transition Sevies For mebod conpleves due tv overlapping bw enelal and. ie orbitals , melel orbit magnelte mavent # negliq ~ able. a é a ons —y Result, effect becomes [r= 4 ret = BM. ae = J S= Yq xm Sey Ae ar) axn (41) ‘ Han (32) Pele (nd n= no. oF unpaired &. ~y Since the valve of bh elbed fier by equ 4 sot ony = Ji scon bs Saoer)- Whete we wap. of unpaired & No- of wnpatired & oie (5m). M33 ' avg 3 13-94 4 hae Cal eid ate the, magne, moments for the | a -rotlah pi od Complenes. hod © Teor) M=0 M - sant’ © feo 23-8 BM- @ k, [ee cen.) men7s oH @ by [AeCoQ] me 2 © (Fe Cy) b= 485 BM - © Com coy)” poe rte ® [ri epy) pe raed BM | J -Y t [wel] ot (w] aa8 uy —- : nt?” 5 [ar] act “eV teak Silda 4 i alti) 59 Be Inca) = facard) = ase “Expetwedlid AeRhntindlion | of Mog nelie Buspcha bility by Gy bellance Method 3— 1 ee Stance Mask. Cytind cate glass Aube. fi y J Extemel Magnd= Ss Te weet of Sample determined with Stel aff rand. Meld ow. —> the fore (f) achingly ae Sample te meacured a cha the sample fn the magnelic. Feld we coleulale with the help oF he fo the wetghl of Con Following 3 equn™ xy ae oe ae a — x wt of _ Saviple W I vot at | a ube caliberalion constant | > . py % “qe Sueeplabily . x a Cheng io wh ihe Senple i wot the Sample Y Xm = molar suspectabtlity .

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