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A MICRO-PROJECT REPORT. ON “Water Level Control & Monitoring” Submitted By 1) Mr.Ajinkya Pandurang Shinde Roll No. 24 2) Mr.Aditya Sanjay Jagadale Roll No. 29 3) Mr.Mihir Makarand Patwardhan Roll No. 38 In the partial fulfillment of the requirement of Diploma in Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering Approved By, Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education, Mumbai UNDER THE GUIDANCE MR. A.B.Rupnar SVERI Department of Electronics and Tele-Communication Engineering Shri Vithal Education & Research Institute's COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING (POLYTECHNIC), PANDHARPUR Year 2023-2024 SVERI Shri Vithal Education & Research Institute's COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING (POLYTECHNIC), PANDHARPUR Certificate This is to certify that, Ajinkya Shinde(2110740389), Aditya Jagadale (2110740405) & Mihir Makarand Patwardhan (2110740410). of TY Electronics and T Communication Engineering have satisfactorily andsuecessfully completed their micro project entitled as, “Water Level Control & Monitoring” And have submitted this micro project report in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Subject Embedded System (22532) of the MSBTE during academic year 2023-24 Date: Project Guide H.O.D. (Mr, A.B.Rupnar) (Mr. P.S.Valte) Principal (Dr.N. D. Misal Water Level Control & Monitoring: 1.0 Aim of microproject : 1. The objective of this project is to notify the user the amount of water that is present in theoverhead water tank and don’t waste water. 2.0 Cource Outcomes a. Select the relevant microcontrollers for various industrial applications. . Interpret the communication standards of embedded systems. €. Develop basic applications using embedded systems. 4. Interpret features of Real Time Operating System. 3.0 Proposed Methodolo; a. Firstly, a discussion with the group members on “Prepare a Report on Water level Control &Monitoring.” . The topic will be divided into Several modules and each and every group member will be assigned one of them. A through research will be on modules specified to group members which will include all the key concept related to it. All modules shalll be perfectly arranged into the specified format and all the Error/mistakes committed will be submitted to the concerned coordinator. 4.0 Action Plan: Name of St. | Details of activity | Planned start date | Planned End Responsible No. date ‘Team Member Discussion of Topic 10/10/2023 13/10/2023 z Mr. A.P. Shinde Collection of Data 16/10/2023 17/10/2023 | Mir. A.S. Jagadale Discussion of 18/10/2023 25/10/2023 | Mr.M.M Patwardhan content Editing of content 26/10/2023 31/10/2023 ‘Approvement of 01/11/2023 03/11/2023 Project Final Submission 11/11/2023 15/11/2023 5.0 Required Resources: Name of Resource Specifications Intel Core i7 11™ generation Laptop system with broad specification Internet, > Name of Team Members with Roll No: 1) Mr.Ajinkya Pandurang Shinde Roll No:24 2) Mr.Aditya Sanjay Jagadale Roll No:29 3) Mr.Mihir Makarand Patwardhan Roll No. 38. (Mr, A.B.Rupnar) Signature of Subject Teacher ABSTRACT Water is an essential element of life. Due to the global environmental situation, ‘water management and conservation are vital for human survival. Considering this, the interest in the field of consumer-based humanitarian researches with the aid of the Internet of Things (IoT) technology is rapidly developing. This paper discusses an IoT based water monitoring system that measures water level in real-time, using an ultrasonic distance sensor while calculating the volume of the water in real-time, This project gives us a proper insight into water conservation through the application of a water level monitoring system. Industries and homes where water is used to a large extent can implement the given model to get the information about the water level in real- time. An ultrasonic sensor and a NodeMCU microcontroller are used to achieve the given results. Using the power of internet, simplification can be further achieved for the users as they will be able to view the data from anywhere and thereby giving the users the power to monitor it from anywhere and giving them the power to achieve the control of water loss from everywhere. The need for this control arises due to the fact that water loss is happening at a critical rate and if not controlled the situation will worsen further. Water Level Control & Monitoring 1.0 Brief Description: Today we will be working on a Water level indicator whose data can be monitored through a webpage over a local area network. The water level will be detected by using an ultrasonic distance measurement sensor. We have previously built another IoT based tank water level monitoring system using a float sensor, but in this project, we will use an ultrasonic sensor for detecting the level of water. You must have seen several water level indicators but most of them use special float sensors that are not easily available and neither simple to use. But in this tutorial, we will be using an ultrasonic sensor for measuring the water level. You will come to know how further in the article. For making the project more user friendly, we will be integrating it with a local webserver through which you can monitor the data from any device connected to the same Wi-Fi as your ESP board 2.0 Aim of Micro-project: The objective of this project is to notify the user the amount of water that is. present in the overhead water tank and don"t waste water. 3.0 Cource outcomes: a, Select the relevant microcontrollers for various industrial applications. b. Interpret the communication standards of embedded systems. ©. Develop basic applications using embedded systems. d, Interpret features of Real Time Operating System 4.0 Actual Methodology: Procedure that will be adopted during the completion of micro-project are as follows: Firstly, a discussion with the group members on “Prepare a Report on Water Level Control & Monitoring”. The topic will be divided into Several modules and cach and every group ‘member will be assigned one of them. A through research will be on modules specified to group members which willinclude all the key concept related to it. All modules shall be perfectly arranged into the specified format and all the 5.0 Actual Resources: Name of Resource Laptop system with broad specification Specifications Intel Core i7 11" generation Internet NODE MCU ESP8266/ESP32 Ultrasonic Sensor HC-SR04 Foam sheet 22 Buzzer Sv Uploading cable Water pump Sv ‘Connecting Wires LED & Resistor LCD Display As per requirement 0.3v 2700hm 16*2 6.0 OUTPUT A.lntroduction The topic of our project is Water Level Control & Monitoring. We intend to design a system which can monitor the level of water from water tanks. We know that the resources of water are continuously depleting, so we need to keep a check on our usage so that no extra water goes unutilized. If we monitor the water level in tanks ‘we ensure that the tank never overflows and hence no extra water loss would happen Water is one in all the foremost vital basic desires for all living beings The sensor sends a pulse of ultrasonic waves and the waves after hitting the water source, again are reflected back towards the sensor. The NodeMCU microcontroller computes the time taken for the journey and also computes the distance After that a pump is used to always help to maintain the water level between 30-70 so that the users ean always have adequate amount of water supply at their home The internet has become a requirement for the world community. With the internet, people can communicate with each other very easily and quickly. With internet people from different continent easily can interact with people from another continent, The internet is not just connecting people but things can also communicate with other objects. That concept is called an Internet of Things, The concept Internet of Things (IoT) is the concept where object have the ability to transfer data over the internet without requiring human to human or human to computer interaction . A Things in IoT can be an object that we use every day such as heart implant monitoring, a sensor that can remind driver when tire pressure is low, a trash can that will inform a user when the box is full. Internet of things very closely associated with the machine to machine communication. Internet of Things is usually supported by the device/controller that used to carry sensors and actuators such as Intel Edison, Intel Galileo, Raspberry Pi, Arduino based processor and so on. By using those boards, data from sensors can be monitored and controlled remotely via the Internet. In the future Internet of Things is used to get all kind of data from the sensor, so the data can be used to analyze the market, provide data for the company for reference when creating a product, and many more. The water container is one of the items we use daily to hold water before being used for bathing, washing clothes and so on especially in Indonesia. Whenever it is used, the water in the container must be decreases and we have to fill it up with the water so that it can be reused by other people who will use it later. In the process of filling the water usually, we have to wait for the water in the water container to be full. That's time to wait we often forgot to close pump or valve when filling the water container because the time to wait for the water to be full is so long and often we lazy to wait and leave the pump or valve. So When we forgot to close the pump or valve and the water container is becoming full, this is the point when water is overflowing and being wasted. Ultrasonic Sensor: The HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor uses sonar to measure distance to an object. It offers excellent range accuracy and stable readings in an easy-to-use package. It operation is not affected by sunlight or black material like sharp range finders are (soft materials like cloth can be difficult to detect). Working Voltage: SV (DC), Static Current. Less than 2mA. Output Signal: Electric frequency signal, high level SV, low level OV Sensor Angle: Not more than 15 degrees. Detection Distance: 2 to 450 cm. High Precision. Up to 0.3em. Input Trigger Signal: 10us TTL impulse. Echo Signal: Output TTL PWL, signal mode of connection, VCC, trig (T), echo(R), GND. The basic operation principle is below, use 10 port TRIG to trigger ranging. It needs 10 us high level signal at least module will send eight 40 kHz square wave automatically and will test if there is any signal retumed. If there is signal returned, output will be high level signal via 10 port ECHO. The duration of the high level signal is the time from transmitter to receiving with the ultrasonic. Testing distance duration of high level x sound velocity (340m/s)/2. SAI AwsYN EY Ultrasonic Sensor Module Working Principle: Pull the Trig pin to high level for more than 10us impulse, the module start ranging. The module automatically sends eight 40KHz square wave to detect whether a signal is returned. if you find an object in front, Echo pin will be high level, and based on the different distance, it will take the different duration of high level. So we can calculated the distance easily. The distance = ((Duration of high level)*(Sonie :340m/s))/2. Distance L = 1/2 * Tx C Fig.Ultrasonie Sensor Technical Parameters Use voltage: DC SV Quiescent current: less than 2mA Level output: high SV low 0V Induction angle: no more than 15 degrees(< Detection range: 0.78~196 in/ (2em~500cm) High accuracy: up to 0.12 in(0.3 em) Trigger Input Pulse width: 10uS Dimensions: 1.3 x 0.4 x 0.1 inch/3.03 x I x 0.25 em (L*W*H) » NodeMCU NodeMCU is an open-source LUA based firmware developed for the ESP8266 wifi chip. By exploring functionality with the ESP8266 chip, NodeMCU firmware comes with the ESP8266 Development board/kit i.e. NodeMCU Development board.Since NodeMCU is an open-source platform, its hardware design is open for edit! modify/build. NodeMCU Dev Kit/board consist of ESP8266 wifi enabled chip. The ESP8266 is a low-cost Wi-Fi chip developed by Espressif Systems with TCP/IP protocol. For more information about ESP8266, you can refer to the ESP8266 WiFi Module. There is Version2 (V2) available for NodeMCU Dev Kit ic. NodeMCU Development Board v1.0 (Version2), which usually comes in black colored PCB. For more information about NodeMCU Boards available in the market refer to NodeMCU Development Boards NodeMCU Dev Kit has Arduino like Analog (i.e. A0) and Digital (D0-D8) pins on its board. It supports serial communication protocols i.e. UART, SPI, 12C, ete. Using such serial protocols we can connect it with serial devices like I2C enabled LCD display, Magnetometer HMC5883, MPU-6050 Gyro meter + Accelerometer, RTC chips, GPS modules, touch screen displays, SD cards, etc. 3.3V LOO regulator ‘800 masor223 Buin led espaaset2 FB microuse USB to UART Wa antenna Reset button Specifications & Construction: ESP8266 comes up with 2 switches one is reset and another one is flash button, Reset button is used to reset NodeMCU and flash button is used to download and is used while upgrading the firmware. The board has build in LED indicator which is connected to DO pin. The NodeMCU board also contains a CP2102 USB to UART module to convert the data from USB to serial so that it can be controlled and programmed via computer The esp8266 has 4 power pins: One VIN pin for input power supply and three 3.3V pins for output power supply. Even if SV regulated supply is given through VIN, the voltage regulator will decrease it to 3.3v during output The esp8266 has 3 GND pins which indicate ground supply. Generally, the negative terminals are connected to these pins. Esp8266 board also has 12C pins which can be used both as I2C master and I12C Slave. These pins are used to connect various I2C sensors and peripherals in your project. I2C interface functionality can be controlled via programming, and the clock frequency is 100 kHz at a maximum, Esp8266 NodeMCU has 17 GPIO pins which can be assigned to various functions such as UART, PWM, I2C,IR and Button via programming. When configured as an input pin, the GPIO pins can also be set to edge-trigger or level-trigger to generate CPU interrupts ESP8266 NodeMCU has 2 UART interfaces, i.e. UARTO and UARTI, which offer asynchronous communication, and may communicate at up to 4.5 Mbps. TXDO, RXDO, RSTO & CTSO pins can be used for communication. It supports fluid control. However, TXDI pin features only data transmit signal so, it's usually used for printing log. ESP8266 has two SPI in slave and master modes. These SPIs also support the following general features: 4 timing modes of the SPI format transfer. Up to 64-byte FIFO buffer. Esp8266 has a secure digital 1/0 interface which is used directly control the SD cards. Esp8266 has 4 channels of Pulse width modulation (PWM). The output can be controlled via programming and is frequently used for driving motors and LEDs. The frequency ranges from 100Hz to IKHz. There are three control pins on the esp8266: The enable pin (EN), the reset pin (RST) and the wake pin. The esp8266 chip works when the enable pin is high. When the enable pin is low, the chip works on minimum power. The reset pin is used to reset the esp8266 chip. & The wake pin is used to wake up the chip from deep sleep mode. L.Let’s look at the specification and construction of this module which makes it superior to its counterparts. 2.Operating Voltage: 2.5 to 3.3V 3.Operating current: 800 mA 4.3.3V 600mA on-board voltage regulation S.It has 2.4GHz 802.11b/g/n Wi-fi with on-board antenna which supports WPA/WPA2. 6.It has 17 GPIO, 11 are usable( 6 are used for communication with the onboard flash memory chip) and some of them support PWM. 7.This GPIO can be used to interface nodeMCU with the external environment through sensors and actuators. 8.It also has UART, SDIO, SPI, 12C, 12S, and IR remote control peripheral interface. operates on 25-3.6V and average 80mA current with temperatures ranging from - 4010 125 € 3-Con-C GIa5-CIE GB Power MP controi MBrzc MBsrei MBspcad Aypwm GBcND GBAvc MBcrIo MBvART GH Reserves Fig.Node MCU ESP8266 > 16x2 LCD display with an 12C interface: Fig. 16x2 LCD display with an I2C interface This is a 16x2 LCD display with an I2C interface. It is able to display 16x2 characters on 2 lines and features white characters on blue background. Usually, Arduino LCD display projects will run out of pin resources easily, especially with Arduino Uno. It can also be very complicated with the wire soldering and connections. This I2C 16x2 Arduino LCD Screen is using an 12C communication interface, meaning it only needs 4 pins from your microcontroller for the LCD display to run: VCC, GND, SDA, SCL. The display comes with a ‘Gadgeteer’ cable which you'll probably not need as the Gadgeteer wiring system is no longer produced! The display does not come with a dedicated cable for the I2C connection - we just use standard jumper wires instead. It will save at least 4 digitaV/analog pins on your Arduino, All connectors are standard XH2.54 (Breadboard type). Specification 1. Compatible with most Arduino-based boards such as Arduino UNO, Leonardo, Mega, 101 (Intel Curie), Micro, Nano, Mini ete T2C Address:0x20-0x27(0x20 default) Backlit (Blue with white character colour) . Supply voltage: SV . Interface:12C/TWI x1,Gadgeteer interface x2 Adjustable contrast > Working of 2C Communication Protocol : I2C stands for Inter-Integrated Circuit. It is a bus interface connection protocol incorporated into devices for serial communication. It was originally designed by Philips Semiconductor in 1982. Recently, it is a widely used protocol for short- distance communication. It is also known as Two Wired Interface(TWD. It uses only 2 bi-directional open-drain lines for data communication called SDA and SCL. Both these lines are pulled high. Serial Data (SDA) — Transfer of data takes place through this pin. Serial Clock (SCL) ~ It carries the clock signal. 12C operates in 2 modes 1. Master mode 2. Slave mode IRs ne HH aes Cres Each data bit transferred on SDA line is synchronized by a high to the low pulse of each clock on the SCL line. According to I2C protocols, the data line can not change when the clock line is high, it can change only when the clock line is low. The 2 lines are open drain, hence a pull-up resistor is required so that the lines are high since the devices on the I2C bus are active low. The data is transmitted in the form of packets which comprises 9 bits. The sequence of these bits are — Start Condition —1 bit Slave Address ~ 8 bit Acknowledge — 1 bit Start and Stop Conditions START and STOP can be generated by keeping the SCL line high and changing the level of SDA. To generate START condition the SDA is changed from high to low while keeping the SCL high. To generate STOP condition SDA goes from low to high while keeping the SCL high. Following are the step wise process of Water level Control & monitoring Step 1: Firstly, arrange these Following Componants. Node MCU ESP8266 Ultrasonic Sensor . Relay Module . LCD Display 16*2 with 12c Module . Motor pump Step 2: Secondly, connect these components. To do this, use the circuit diagram below. LCD Display Step 3: LOAD a below Water level monitoring system program to Node MCU ESP8266 using Arduino App (OR any other apps can support with load the program to NodeMCU ) /*Water level monitoring system. #include include #define BLYNK_PRINT Serial include LiquidCrystal_12C led(0x27, 16, 2); char auth{] ="y/Enter your Auth token char ssid{] = "//Enter your WIFI name char pass{] = ""//Enter your WIFI password BlynkTimer timer; bool pinValue = define trig D3 #define echo D4 define relay DS void setup() { pinMode(trig, OUTPUT); pinMode(echo, INPUT); pinMode(relay, OUTPUT); Wire.begin(D2, D1); led.init(); led.backlight(); Serial.begin(9600); Blynk.begin(auth, ssid, pass); timer.setInterval(10L, Wlevel); digitalWrite(relay, HIGH); } BLYNK_WRITE(VO) { pinValue = param.asIntQ; } void loop() { Blynk.runQ);; } void Wlevel() { if (pinValue = 1) { digitalWrite(relay, LOW); led.setCursor(0, 1); led.print("Motor is ON "); } else if (pinValue == 0) { digitalWrite(relay, HIGH); Ied.setCursor(0, 1); led.print("Motor is OFF"); $ digitalWrite(trig, LOW); digitalWrite(trig, HIGH); delayMicroseconds(10); digitalWrite(trig, LOW); long t= pulseln(echo, HIGH); long em =t/ 29/2; Blynk.virtualWrite(V 1, em); Serial.printIn(em); Ied.setCursor(0, 0); led.print("Water Level: "); led.print(em); led.print(""); 5 Code explanation First, includes the Blynk, WIFI, and 12C libraries. include #include #define BLYNK_PRINT Serial Hinelude #inelude Next, create an object for the 12C library and enter the I2C address and LCD size. LiquidCrystal_12C led(0x27, 16, 2); OK, now enter your Blynk Auth token and WIFI connection information. char auth{] = “"y/Enter your Auth token char ssid{] Enter your WIFI name (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || (]).push({}); After, defines the Ultrasonic sensor PINs and relay PIN. define trig D3 define echo D4 #define relay DS In the setup function, these PINs as set INPUT and OUTPUT. Later, the LCD, serial monitor, and Blynk library began. void setup() { pinMode(trig, OUTPUT); pinMode(echo, INPUT); pinMode(relay, OUTPUT); Wire.begin(D2, D1); led.init(); Ied.backlight(); Serial.begin(9600); Blynk.begin(auth, ssid, pass); timer setInterval(10L, Wlevel); digitalWrite(relay, HIGH); } In the void loop, the Blynk library is run. void loop() {;; i The “Wlevel” function contains the main code of this project. This code turns the relay module ON and OFF and prints it on the LCD. void Wlevel() { if (pinValue = 1) { digitalWrite(relay, LOW); led.setCursor(0, 1); led.print(“Motor is ON “); } else if (pinValue == 0) { digitalWrite(relay, HIGH); led.setCursor(0, 1); led.print(“Motor is OFF”); } This code is used to obtain ultrasonic sensor readings. After, These values are sent to the Blynk app and to the LCD. digitalWrite(trig, LOW); delayMicroseconds(4); digitalWrite(trig, HIGH); delayMicroseconds(10); digitalWrite(trig, LOW); Jong t = pulseln(echo, HIGH); long em =t/ 29/2; Blynk.virtualWrite(V 1, em); Serial printIn(em); led.setCursor(0, 0); led.print(“Water Level: “); led.print(cm); Ied.print(” “); } Now, select board and port, Afterward, upload this code to the Nodemcu board. > Applications of Water Level control & Monitoring Agriculture Industries Household . Environmental Activities .. Water Supply Systems: In buildings and apartments, water level controllers are used to automatically control the water motor by sensing the water level in a tank. . Industrial Applications: In industries like iron and steel, food, chemical, pharmaceutical, and semiconductor, electronic liquid level detectors are used. . Agricultural Water Control: Liquid level control for agricultural water is another application. Water Treatment Plants: These systems are used to monitor and control the water levels in treatment plants. > Advantages 1. Power Saver: Water level controllers are ideal at saving power. They limit the amount of electricity used, thus conserving energy. 2. Money Saver: By conserving power, water level controllers also save money. They optimize water regulation, minimizing wasted electricity and water. 3. Automatic: These devices can work on their own thanks to timer switches, climinating the need for manual operation. 4, Water Maximization: Water usage can be maximized with a water level controller. It automatically provides more water during the middle of the day and less water at night. Disadvantages: - Installation Difficulty: It can be difficult to install a water level controller. . Water purier system is not available Durability Issues: The electric water controller showed poor durability due to the high 600 volts used in a wet environment. Inaccurate Readings: Sensor probes will rust at a fast rate, while high mineral content in the water will likely plate to the probes enforcing failure. ‘Water tank monitoring systems are only provided for PC environment Conclusion: In this system we are going monitor the water level in three tanks at a time. By using the Nodemcu, Arduino nano and water level sensor.Here Arduino measures the water content in three tanks and given that information Nodemcu. The Nodemcu will measures the thresholds values. If any will low content of water means intimates to the water department they will switch the motor from anywhere in the world, It usefull continuous monitor the water in tank. Skill developed: Communication skill Leadership Risk management Cost control Task management > OUTPUT (Mr, A.B.Rupnar)

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