Toaz - Info Peer Graded Assignment Lego Ideas Exercisertf PR

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Task 1

Please record the names of the three submissions you reviewed.

Please do not exceed 100 words for this task.

1- Historically Accurate Rome

2- SKYLINE Hambur

3- Ghost Train

Task 2

Respond to the question: How did this experience make you feel about LEGO in general? Please do not
exceed 300 words.

It's been a great experience knowing that a huge company like Lego doesn't deal with this as it's only for
money or profit but it's more of encouraging people to create and build and to bring out their creative
skills and also how Lego interacts and values their online customers.

Task 3

Respond to the question: What type of co-creation (i.e., submitting, designing, tinkering,
collaborating) is LEGO employing through this platform? Explain your choice. Please do not exceed 200
words for this task.

In my opinion, I believe that Lego uses the 4 types of co-creation with its ''ideas'' platform allowing
customers to be directly involved in the invention of its products. Ideas asks Lego fans to post their own
designs for new playsets, with the projects that receive over 10,000 votes then being considered for
production. the winner also receives 1% of net sales, giving them a monetary incentive for participation
too. For Lego, the benefits include guaranteed positive feedback and the ability to see what kinds of
products fans like, this helps to create additional value for consumers, for both those who submit ideas
as well as fans who see an idea they have voted for come to fruition.

Task 4

Respond to the question: What is LEGO trying to achieve through this platform? Please do not exceed
300 words for this task.

Determine value for consumers: While an increase in trust is an overall benefit, it’s helpful to consider
what other, more immediate or tangible benefits customers want from co-creation projects. In some
cases, it might be a direct input into a product they want to use. Elsewhere, it might simply be insight,
the ability to interact with an online community or to feel involved.

Show the process: While co-creation can increase transparency itself namely by opening up processes
that are otherwise hidden, it’s even more important that brands are open and honest about how it will

Shape brand strategy: co-creation doesn’t have to stop at informing products or services. It can also be
integrated into wider strategy and positioning. In other words, brands that promote a customer-centric
approach in all aspects are more likely to generate trust.

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