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Critical pathways, also known as clinical pathways, are structured care plans designed to guide healthcare

professionals in delivering efficient and evidence-based care.

Critical pathways are standardized, time-bound care protocols that outline the sequence of interventions
for specific medical conditions or procedures. These pathways aim to enhance collaboration among
multidisciplinary teams, reduce variations in care, and improve patient outcomes.
Structured Plan: It outlines the steps healthcare teams should follow when treating a specific condition.
Goals and Timing: Each critical pathway has goals and timeframes.
Interdisciplinary Collaboration: Critical pathways involve nurses, physicians, therapists, and other
healthcare providers.

Why are Critical Pathways Important?

Consistency: Critical pathways reduce unnecessary variations in care. When all team members follow the
same evidence-based guidelines, patient outcomes improve.
Efficiency: By streamlining processes, critical pathways optimize resource utilization. They help hospitals
manage bed occupancy, reduce unnecessary tests, and enhance workflow efficiency.
Patient Centered Care: Critical pathways focus on patient needs. They promote early mobilization, pain
control, and timely interventions, leading to better patient experiences.

How Informatics Fits In?

Electronic Health Record: Informatics systems store critical pathways within EHRs. Nurses can access
and follow these pathways directly from patient records.
Decision Support: Informatics apps provide real-time alerts and reminders based on critical pathway
milestones. Nurses receive prompts for timely interventions.
Data Insight: Informatics helps track adherence to critical pathways. Analyzing data allows hospitals to
identify areas for improvement and adjust care plans.

1. Post-Operative Care Pathway for Hip Replacement Surgery:
Goal: Ensure a smooth recovery after hip replacement surgery.
Day 1: Patient stands up with assistance.
Day 2: Begin walking short distances.
Day 3: Discontinue IV pain medication.
Day 5: Attend physical therapy session.
Day 10: Assess wound healing.
Informatics Application: The nurse accesses the electronic health record (EHR) to track the patient's
progress and adherence to the pathway.

2. Pneumonia Management Pathway:

Goal: Optimize pneumonia treatment and prevent complications.
Day 1: Start antibiotics.
Day 2: Monitor oxygen saturation.
Day 3: Chest X-ray to assess improvement.
Day 5: Evaluate response to treatment.
Day 7: Consider discharge.
Informatics Application: The nurse receives real-time alerts from the clinical decision support system,
reminding them of critical milestones.

Remember, critical pathways are like roadmaps—guiding healthcare professionals toward successful

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