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Question 2.3 Suggested Solution

(a) Based on the information provided above, identify and explain five (5) business risks that XYZ Manufacturers
Ltd faces.
(b) For each of the risks identified in part (a), provide one (1) recommendation on how XYZ Manufacturers Ltd
could mitigate the risk.
# Business Risks Marks Recommendation Marks
1. Competition Risk (1) The company should invest in research and
There is a risk that XZY Manufacturers fail to 2 development to stay ahead of the competition and 1
keep up with technological advancements in the differentiate its products from its competitors. (1)
manufacturing of parts. It could lose its
competitive edge, which results in a loss of
customers/sales. (1)
2. Product substitution Risk (1) XZY Manufacturers should enter into formal
There is a risk that customers will source their 2 agreements with customers to ensure continued 1
parts from cheaper manufacturers in China as sales of their products. (1)
XYZ's parts are expensive, and the industry is OR
highly competitive. This can result in a loss of XZY Manufacturers should investigate alternative
customers/sales. (1) production methods to reduce production costs.
3. Supply chain risk (1)
There is a risk that the entire supply chain could 2 XZY Manufacturers should implement a 1
be disrupted due to imported parts not being contingency plan using local suppliers instead of
available as they take longer to arrive. This will foreign ones. (1)
result in delayed production and loss of
sales/future sales. (1) OR


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# Business Risks Marks Recommendation Marks

The company sources its raw materials from XZY Manufacturers should implement a vetting
multiple suppliers, which can lead to supply process to ensure they only source from suppliers
chain disruptions if the suppliers do not deliver who deliver on time and quality parts. (1)
on time or deliver inferior quality parts. This will
result in delayed production and loss of
sales/future sales. (1)
4. Currency Risk (1)
XZY Manufacturers are exposed to currency 2 XZY Manufacturers should buy currency options 1
fluctuations due to importing raw materials from to buy foreign currencies at a predetermined price.
other countries and paying them in volatile (1)
foreign currencies. This could result in
currency losses, increased input costs, and
lower profits. (1)
5. Liquidity Risk (1)
XYZ Manufacturers has high fixed costs, such 2 XZY Manufacturers company should closely 1
as salaries and rent, which can become a monitor its cash flow and have a financial
burden if the company experiences a decrease contingency plan to manage unforeseen
in product demand. This could result in expenses. (1)
financial losses or cash flow problems. (1)
6. Environmental Risk / Reputation Risk (1)
As a manufacturing company, XYZ 2 XYZ Manufacturers should adopt environmentally 1
Manufacturers has a negative impact on the friendly practices and consider investing in green
environment. The impact on the environment technology to reduce their carbon footprint. (1)
can lead to legal action, fines, and damage to
the company's reputation. (1)

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# Business Risks Marks Recommendation Marks

7. Transport Risk (Operational Risk) (1)
There is a risk that the parts being transported to 2 XYZ Manufacturers should buy insurance on the 1
customers are damaged, resulting in a loss of items being transported. (1)
sales or the cost of replacing the damaged parts. OR
(1) XYZ Manufacturers can use third-party transport
services that take responsibility for the items being
OR transported (insurance). (1)
There is a risk that these automotive parts, which XYZ Manufacturers can require their customers to
are generally expensive, are stolen/looted make their transport arrangements to collect the
while being transported. (1) parts (transfer ownership). (1)
8. Regulatory Risk (1)
As a manufacturing company, XYZ 2 XYZ Manufacturers should stay up to date with 1
Manufactures is subject to several regulations regulatory changes and ensure that all employees
and laws that govern its operations. Any non- are aware of the regulations that affect their work.
compliance with these regulations can lead to
fines, penalties, and damage to the
company's reputation. (1)
9. Any other valid risk (1) and explanation (1). 2 Any other valid recommendation. 1
Available Marks 18 Available Marks 9
Maximum Marks 10 Maximum Marks 5

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