Aai Varanasi Amc Po

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赫 曹

R9■ No」 AA1/RIIQぃ R)ENGGに ソDG/Varahasν 2018.19ノ ="ノ 501 1)ate:10109.2018

‐ ° ・

:` (), 0■ 辞
│ヽ 1/s Stcrling and Wilson l)()、 vcrgcn l)vt.1ン ld , 轟 油 お 飾 輌 齋証 機
鋪 ぎマ

1()oF,1り nivcrsal MalcstiC,1),1ッ :Ю khande Marg, 101諏 ,い 浦伐
L― 珊t
(111さ mblir(ヽVc■ ),Munlblli 400()43 毎 (載 )蓼 -400043
. ´

∩N… J"wd蒙

力 中 こtⅢ 赫 驀 赫 最 可 Ⅲ Ⅲ lお 調 轟 了
― ・

t兼 爵 議 詭 お 浦 配 穏 ボ l ,

Su h: .\nnual ntainlcnancc c'onlrrcl inclusive ol"supply of sparc parts fbr Ml'U hrakc
IXI sets al.Vitranasi airport tor threc years under pro.iect tJtkarsha.

RCl1 1).I` hiS 011lce lJ― lnail datCd 22106.2018:

訂赫 おざ油 飾 122.0620181

' せ

11 │()tll()「 iミ 〕 (latcd 06.t,7.2018:

' 3T阿 ぎ}論 赫 b6:07.2918 1 ・: ‐, ・

3, Yoし :I nC80tiation clllail datedて :31.07.2018.

― cP ttnd卜え3ぜ 含可彙同十巨31.0■ 2018 ‐ 、
nc」 mall dttbd o9.o82018.
1)` :our clム rittca面 。 イ

:`諏 番 が 議 轟 汗でお 議 。9.98.2011 ■ l
5)5Ч 23含 助 kT甲 Jき こ J「 Ⅲ lJ齢 ぞJ田 ど ,町 ゴ 青 ,… 5粁 論 瑠 可 識 も憤 含 蒸≒ 可 合 硼 7■ き

、RIN希 ¬ i ta ttt膏 甲 硬 3椰丁目菅可舎
面ヽ砕城も新衡 16.12,826ぃ (言庁て 論 sl之 3 3g更
J薄 命 覇は ,)`11 _
Your offbr lk)r thc work lllё ntionё d abovc is hcrebyゝ cccpted 6n bchalf 6f!he(lhair,laに
Airpoits Authority of lndia aftcr ncgOtiation at thc itein rates totalintt fO Rs.16,121826/―
[± 笙 』 地 坐 型 工 二 製 上 辿 里
車 鯉 聾 ユ 鯉 虹 £ 工 旦 工 :)(W汁 hOut

(〕 Sζ I` )。 1
6デ 鄭 訂 呵 希輔 請 奇 係 ン含 10間 〕お 無 山 Fl面 1,61'83た 1爺 赫 豪 Ta郡 獅
泌 お口 青■ 洒 おJ蓼薇 誦爺 θ新)(Ⅲ Ⅲ 満 鮨 含Φlc計 司暉腎│ :

PIcaギ dcpoSit Rso LttL283/.towards Sccurity I)cposit within 10 days from thc′ lite ol

issuc 61` this lcttcr,1可 li,g"hiChithc samc shall be dcductё d`fr6nl your running bills.

輛 押 m.呻 れ

m繭 :_tゼ 魚群 1loo37-_250-7軸 ‐島 1
R― ・ ・ 0-∫ u,檄 D‐ 110037議 :2-7ヒ :… “
・ 1
■ … … :… …
、 ¬臓 臓甫 …可

書虐 1 1‐
7)訴 お ,F中 晨El● 師 繭 er● /蒻 町 ■ER'7嚇
膏 硼 府 Cl● (訴 晰 n― 師
"田 'F椰

),銅 岬 蒻 甜 き,は 3r― 詢 1卸曾 ― J円 部首 謙 き甲

=奇 … 5き
亀 哉 命赫 蒙。で。l腋 轟 計お欽 諭 呵 3● ・ 1弼 -25.092018“

赫 「 きdu_奉 ぃFぎセ│お фT ttR■ 円1100/-0含 き

蒙 ∩τ織綺 缶 ■ lぐ 〔 dЧ lに 円 Ⅲ 研 覇 赫 マlo● IЧ l■ l中 │:│ …

SM/A(〕 M/DGM/Jt(〕 M Engg(I]),Varanag Airport will bc Enginccr― in― Chargc of thc

work You arc rcqucstcd to contact SM/AGM/DGM/Jt GM Engg(E),Varanasi Allpon
tO sign&complctc thc agrccmcnt on or bcforc 25 09 2018 Thc contract agrccment shan
bccxccutcdonanonludiCialstamppapcrofvalueofRs 100/ and thc cost ofthC stamp
papcr sha‖ bc bornc by you

u"赫 き 1970お J脅齢蒻 3FFCr郷 F鰈 蒻


鋼輸 f櫛師 きき J:Ч 漱お 象 dЧ l 1971お

静 諭 (― oЧ l o¶ ぼ口 )● おこoЧ Iマ !W劇 て∞にき

キ河 昴酎謙呵 」た f精■ き

哉 J■ Чl“ 輌●彙

You arc rcqucstcd to comply with thc Provisions of Contract Labour(Rcgulation and
Aboli■ on)Actof 1970 and Contract Labour(Rcgulation&Abolllon)Ccntral Rulcs
1971&Nlinimuin Wagcs Act&Rulcs thcrc of Ccntral&Statc Covcrnmcnts

― f嗚 む食口T■ Iol=fお Jπ 可まT罰い0… /劇 。Ч∞耳罰 /」 q覇 び Ч qσ 口Φ/● ■‐ 瓦ロ

Чqσ 口Φ (昴 お 楡 奇― ■ F) ― 含m可 ― ゛ c命輸 β 報 πで輸 │?Ч Ч l、 I

希 cpt a n фl.事nttf計 輸 .JЧ 3劇 輌 き奇 奇 15()9.20180含 ■ ■l甲 ll l

You arc dircctcd to contact SM/AGM/DGM/JtGM Engg(E), Varanasi Airport

immcdiatcly 、 vho 、vll arrangc to hand over thc sitc to you Plcase notc that thc timc
allowcd for carrying outthc work is 3 vears which shall bc rcckoncd■ om 15.09.2018.

10)感 ま` お ― ■ Jtt фTずだ ■ Ч,1・ 、 司漱対 口o′ ●oЧ ∞ 町 Чq・・●∞ /3Ч ■7"q口 ∞ ′ももい
「 "頭
印 口Φ (赫 ―
亀 ),祠 き刺 面 お 哺 蒙 合可

1中 ‖ 1


ヽny ftlrthcr correspondcncc
ン in conncction vith this contract should norma‖
、 y bc
addrcsscd to SM/ACM/DGM/Jt GM Engg(E),EnginccrJn― chargc ofthc work

ll)― 調 飾 輛 呵 蒻 お 可 輛 詢 1

/、 n thc lcttcrs rcfcrrcd above shan fOrm part of contract

12)お 奇 f赫 銅 006齢 派 5覇 翻 面
き。 6諭 含飾 ■■lψ 11 1
]hc dcfcct liabil■ y pc● od is 06 month aftcrthc actual datc ofcomplcdon
13)F町 ― cP浦 │

Plcase ackno、vlcdgc the reccipts.

14)「 rcight Chargcs of Rs. 10000/― or actual paid whichever is lcss shaH paid per ycar
inclusive of GST liDr supply of spares parts as per BOQ.Documentary evidcncc is this
rcgard shaH be subrllitted to Engincer― in― charge.

15)PricC liSt of OEM to be subnlitted to Engineer― in{harge for verincation beforc passing
thc paymcnt ibr thc supply of spares Listcd pricc of OEM or cluoted ratc、 vhichevcr is
lcss sha‖ bc paid.

町 含 可 ,鋼 飾 t`ql“ 劇 /AAI,RHQ,NR.
or and on behalf ofthe(Ξ hairman,

/ゝ irp()rts Authority of lndia.

輛 :Schedule ofQuantities

赫 :

1. 叩 囁師 (訂漸 薇 派 い ),満 ,罰 飾 ,Ч dld可 赫 ,岬 │

叩 薇師 (齢 ),満 ,鋼 消 ,Ч dl“ q赫 ,Ⅲ 蝸
D 酬 硬 lЧ ●σ師 (3舟 爺 綸 鈍 口 ),新 新 ,鋼 お ,Ч di“ ■下面 酬 ,新 ゞ

4 蒻 H61Ч ●σ田市(3網 僣添断計fミ F),赫 ∩国岡囁日 ,マ ロ可計 │

Чsσ 師 (3介 爺 浦 鈍 口 ),新 新 ,鋼 消 ,Ч uld可 赫 ,新ゞ │

油 赫 頭 ,赫 │

赫 赫 ,赫 │

?ril-q6 T6r qdEercF /A.G.M.Engg(E)

gilftqr, g-.rS Ad g=-qrdq / AAI,RHQ, NR.
' Schedule of Quantaties
Name of work- Annual maintenan.e contract inclusive supply of spare parts for MTU make DC sets at Varanasi Airport for Northem Region for three yeats
under proiect Utkarsha.

Sr No Description Unit QTY Rate (w/o GST)

For First Year


Item No.1 AMC of 3 Nos 725 KVA MTU make DG sets complete with engine & Visit 1339800 160″6
Altemator including all conhol panels & Accesscries mouflted on engine.
The work involves monthly visit by service engineer for DC s€ts, minor
repair works, attending to breakdown calls/complaints and taking
rectification action, ensuring serviceability & satisfactory working condition
of the system and carrying out preventive & rheduled maintenance
including B-Checks & otier maintenance as per recommendation of OEM
(excluding cost of spares & Iubiriant )(Ihe rate is inclusive for all 03 Nos 725
KVA DG sets per month)
TOtal 16077600
D scount02% 3215.52'
Tota (A) After dis(ounl 15756000`
Total SH■ 1 15756000`
Supply of following mentioned spares required for B{heck for 3X725 KVA MtU
ltem No 2
DC sets at Varanasi airDort. -
lnsert (Part No:- 5200180035) ' No 6 v79.50 ' 3287700ヽ
Eaッ ー Change Filter(Part No― XIXl142421) `
No 2 1656270 3312540 ヽ
01 Fliter cart No lX131845301)` NO 4` 515183 ( 2060732 `
Separo Filter(Pa“ No‐ 12111 llXlη ` No 2` 2250.38 \ 45111176
Lid CaskOt(Part N0 1210 1005) ヽ
N0 2 1028.50.' 205700 `
Casket(Part No 53101α Ю21) `
(う No 2 97965 2351160
Air Filtt・ r(Part N0 0180945802) `
(3) N0 4` 1935814` 7743256 (

Totalllem No 2 194111.64 \
Itenr No.3 Supply of oilfOr 3X725 KVA lvrrU
On Cat2 15W40(50 Lts)(Pat No-63333/D 25274 3791100
Tota1ltem No 3 3791100
A Total SH-2 (Item No 2 & 3) 23202264
Dlsco■ nt@15%On A `
C Total After Dirount (A-B) 22854230
D Total SH■ 2 22854230


Fo! Second Year
Ite No.l AMC of 3 Nos 725 KVA MTU make DG sets complete with engine & Visit 1473780 1768536
Altemator including all control panels & Accessc es mounted on engine.
The work involves monthly visit by service engineer for DG sets, minor
repair works, attending to breakdown ca[s/complaints and taking
rectificadon action, ensuring serviceability & satisfactory working condition
of the system and carryring out preventive & scheduled maintenance
including B-Checks & other maintenance as per recommendation ofOEM
(excluding cost of spares & lubiriant )(Ihe rate is inclusive for all 03 Nos 725
KVA DG sets per month)
TOtal 17685360
D scount02% 3537 07 \.
T"t"t (A) Aft"r dL*.r.t 17331700
Total SH:I 1733■ 700
Itcm No 2
supply of following m""@
DG sets at Varanasi airyort. a
inse武 鮨 Nα ‐ 521X118∞ 55` No 9ゝ 6027.4i 5424705
“ 里些螢聖些里壁2gЮ 嘔2421)じ
聖堅≦壁聖狙 N(〕 3・ 瑯 691
型 型笙l Can Ng CX131845301)ヽ i NO 6` 566701 蜘 0206
XPare rllter(Parl No 1210 1rXlη
No 3 247542 742626`
Lid Casket cart No-1211110051 No 3′ 1131.35' 339405`
(g) Casket ca“ No 5310160021)` NO 36' 1077.62 ' 38794.32
Totalltem No 2 19252065
Itcm No.3 SuPPly of oilfor 2X725 KVA NfrU
s `
[ 「
Oil Cat 2 15W40 (50 LtrsxPart No.- 63333/P) Ltr 250 27801 6950250
Totallteln N0 3 6950250
A Total SH-l (item no 2 & 3) 262023.15 \
B Dlscount@15%on A 393035 `
C Total After Discount (A-B) 58092.80 \
D TOtal(SH‐ p{4/2.ao
II) '


For Third Year


Itcm No l AMC of 3 Nos 725 KVA MTU make DG seS complete with engine & Visit 1621158 19453896
Altemator including all control panels & Accesscries mounted on engine.
The work involvesi monthly visit by service engineer for DG s€ts, minor
repair works, attending to breakdown calls/complaints and taking
rectification action, ensuring serviceability & satisfactory working condition
of the system and carrying out preventive & scheduled maintenance
including B-Checks & other maintenance as per recommendation ofOEM
(excluding cost of spares & lubiriant )(Ihe rate is inclusive for all 03 Nos 725
KVA DG sets per month)
Total 19453896
D scount02% 3890.78 \.
Total (A) Aftcr dis.ounl 19取800
Total SH: I 19064800

Item No.2
Supply of following mentioned spares required6iEdEIEiIIEEIMTf
DC sel\ at Vdranasidirporl _
In史 J(pn Ng「 5m18叩 5) No 9 6630" 5967180
Easy Chang∈ FJter cart NJ[又 lXxM2421'` No 3 2脚 87' a122.61 '
αl Futer cart No Ю0318453C11戸 可 No 6 623371 1 3740226`
斃Pare Fnter cart No-121● 1∞ ぅ し NO 3 272296 `
811D888 `
Lid CasketlPart No 12111 1005)`
No 3 124449 ` 373347
(rl 厖I下 No \
Air i■ er(Part No Ю180945802)
No 6 2● 2335 14054010

Tolalltem No 2 35231280

Itcnl N0 3 Supply of oil for 2X75 KVA MTU


^i7;;=;;;;;--:-- 250 33639 8409750

‐‐ ,― ■
― 4υ り
、 ヽ :di:1` 0-入 Wの ″ `
, 80 2t8.29 " 17746320N

Tctallteln No 3 261550.70\
10tal bH 1 0tem po 2&3) 613873.50 \
υ lxount 91 Dる On A 92081()
lotal Aitel DiscOulⅢ (A‐ Bl 504665.40
l olJI 60466540

lυ :AL υibH‐ ■&Si2FOR THIRD YEAR 79531340・

⊆Fand TOtal for 03 Years,VithOut Cst) 1612826.00

ACM(Engg E) │十

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