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Vehicular Communications 13 (2018) 104–113

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Vehicular Communications

EPA-CPPA: An efficient, provably-secure and anonymous conditional

privacy-preserving authentication scheme for vehicular ad hoc
JiLiang Li a , Kim-Kwang Raymond Choo b , WeiGuo Zhang c,∗ , Saru Kumari d ,
Joel J.P.C. Rodrigues e,f,g,h , Muhammad Khurram Khan i , Dieter Hogrefe a
Institute of Computer Science, University of Goettingen, Goettingen 37077, Germany
Department of Information Systems and Cyber Security, University of Texas at San Antonio, San Antonio, TX 78249, USA
State Key Laboratory of Integrated Services Networks, Xidian University, Xi’an 710071, China
Department of Mathematics, Ch. Charan Singh University, Meerut, Uttar Pradesh, India
National Institute of Telecommunications, Santa Rita do Sapucaí, MG 37540-000, Brazil
Instituto de Telecomunicações, Lisboa 1049-001, Portugal
ITMO University, St. Petersburg, Russia
University of Fortaleza (UNIFOR), Brazil
Center of Excellence in Information Assurance (CoEIA), King Saud University, Saudi Arabia

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Unlike wired networks, vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs) are subject to a broader range of attacks due
Received 5 April 2018 to its wireless broadcast nature. One of the potential cryptographic solutions to ensure authentication
Received in revised form 15 May 2018 and privacy preservation is conditional privacy-preserving authentication (CPPA) schemes. Although a
Accepted 8 July 2018
number of CPPA schemes have been proposed in the literature, existing approaches generally suffer
Available online 18 July 2018
from limitations such as the security problem of system private keys, high computation requirement
Keywords: during certificate generation and message verification phases. To resolve these issues, in this paper,
Authentication it presents a provably-secure CPPA scheme for VANETs and demonstrates that the proposed solution
Privacy-preserving provides both security and privacy required in a VANET application. It also demonstrates its utility in
Provably-secure terms of computation and communication overheads and owns an optimal performance compared with
Vehicular ad hoc networks rather related schemes.
© 2018 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction are not usually resource constrained in terms of power, storage

space and computing capability. A typical VANET includes trusted
Due to constant and rapid advancements in the development authorities (TAs), RSUs (e.g. placed on road sides or other installa-
of wireless communication and network technologies, vehicular tions), and onboard units (OBUs) equipped on vehicles [3,11,12] –
ad hoc networks (VANETs) have regained renewed interest due to see Fig. 1.
their capability to support vehicles with wireless devices to com- Communications in VANETs, such as vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V)
municate with other vehicles and roadside units (RSUs) and ensure and vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I), use dedicated short range com-
traffic safety and enhance driving efficiency [1–5]. Other benefits munication (DSRC), which is a short medium range communica-
associated with VANETs include collision avoidance, lane merging, tions protocol [11]. Every vehicle could communicate with adjacent
traffic optimization, toll collection, location-based services, info- vehicles and the nearby RSUs located at the roadside through the
tainment, etc. [6]. In the literature, such settings have also been
OBU installed in the vehicle and DSRC protocol. For example, on-
considered Internet of Vehicles and smart cities [7,8].
vehicle OBUs periodically broadcast traffic-related information cov-
One can think of VANETs as a combination of mobile ad hoc
ering factors such as position, weather conditions, direction, speed,
networks (MANETs) with vehicles (e.g. cars, buses, trucks and mo-
and traffic situation. Such information allow participating vehicles
torcycles) and RSUs [3,9,10]. Unlike nodes in a MANET, vehicles
in the vicinity to take the required actions, for example take an
alternate route to avoid a traffic accident, traffic congestion, etc.
* Corresponding author. [13,14]. RSUs and other vehicles can also transmit traffic-related
E-mail address: (W.G. Zhang). information (e.g. an accident that has just taken place) to the traf-
2214-2096/© 2018 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
J.L. Li et al. / Vehicular Communications 13 (2018) 104–113 105

• Second, this paper presents an efficient, provably-secure and

anonymous CPPA protocol for VANETs. To improve efficiency
further, the proposed CPPA scheme added the function of
batch verification.
• Third, this paper proves the security of the proposed CPPA
scheme deeply (e.g. taking the advantage of the random ora-
cle model) in order to demonstrate the proposed efficient and
anonymous CPPA scheme could satisfy security and privacy re-
quirements within VANETs.
• Finally, we also conducted an analysis of the computation
overhead and the communication overhead to prove that the
proposed efficient and anonymous CPPA scheme processes
more favorable performance compared with existing solutions
for VANETs.

Fig. 1. An example of VANETs. The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 provides
an overview of some related works in this field. Some background
knowledge is prepared in Section 3. Section 4 presents an efficient
fic administration department or other relevant department (e.g. and anonymous conditional privacy-preserving scheme. Section 5
law enforcement or fire department), so that the necessary actions and Section 6 evaluate the security and performance of our pro-
can be undertaken [15]. Hence, it is not surprising that VANETS posed method respectively. At last, we conclude this paper in Sec-
and the many variants (e.g. Internet of Vehicles, intelligent trans- tion 7.
port systems, and smart cities) have received recent attention [6].
Similar to other wireless networks, there are a number of other 2. Related literature
features important to VANETS, such as the following:
Security: Once attackers have control over the communication This section briefly reviews existing literature on CCPA schemes
channels, they could easily eavesdrop, tamper, replay or even drop designed for VANETs.
messages sent within VANETs. In other words, designers of VANETs In 2006, Gamage et al. [18] introduced an identity-based ring
need to ensure the system is secure against a wide range of attacks signature solution to ensure privacy for VANETs applications. How-
such as masquerading, replaying, tunneling, message modification, ever, the presented approach does not provide traceability and this
key and certificate replication attacks [6,11,15]. For example, a ma- implies a lack of conditional privacy. A year later in 2007, Raya
licious adversary may hijack and modify the initial messages or et al. [6] introduced a CPPA solution based on anonymous cer-
masquerade one legitimate vehicle to broadcast ‘fake’ messages, tificates. Specifically, to mask the vehicle’s real identity, a large
resulting in chaos or traffic incidents [15]. Hence, the capability number of public/private key pairs and corresponding certificates
to ensure the authenticity of messages from vehicles in VANETs is based on Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) are preloaded into the
crucial. memory space of vehicles’ OBUs and the OBU randomly selects
Anonymity: In addition, if the vehicle user sends his/her identity a pair of public/private key that can be used for authentication.
to RSUs or other vehicles without masking, a malicious attacker This imposes storage requirements for each vehicle (e.g. to store
may track the user’s routes through capturing of the messages. its public/private key pairs and corresponding certificates), and the
The leakage of routes may have real-world consequences such as TA (e.g. to store all vehicles’ certificates). For a large system with
physical stalking, kidnapping, and assassination (e.g. a malicious vehicles constantly joining and leaving, it is not a trivial task to
adversary intercept and replace intercepted messages with fabri- search for and identify a misbehaving vehicle in practice. In 2008,
cated messages in order to reroute the victim’s vehicles). Therefore, a new CPPA solution using bilinear pairing is designed by Lu et
anonymity is another key feature in VANETs [16]. al. [20]. In this solution, the RSU sends a temporary anonymous
Traceability (and conditional privacy): If a misbehaving vehicle certificate to the vehicle which passes by the region of the RSU.
transmits malicious or suspicious information to RSUs or nearby The RSUs also provide the vehicles a new anonymous certificate
vehicles, then the system needs to have the capability to identify periodically to enforce conditional privacy. However, this solution
the vehicle (and the owner) so that the vehicle (and the owner) has a low efficiency. In the same year, Lin et al. [23] provided
can be taken to task (e.g. monetary penalties to other criminal a privacy-preserving protocol utilizing group signature technique,
sanctions). Thus, both traceability and conditional privacy are im- which provides traceability. However, in Lin et al.’s solution, each
portant features [15]. Conditional privacy restricts to the TA being vehicle has to store the revocation list to avoid communicating
the only party who can extract the vehicle’s real identity. with the ‘blacklisted’ vehicles. Therefore, as the number of revoked
Conditional privacy-preserving authentication (CPPA) schemes vehicles increases, the vehicles will need to spend considerably
such as those presented in [3,6,9,15–22] can be used to achieve amount of time on the verification phase alone. This is clearly not
both security and privacy related properties in VANETs. There are, practical.
however, limitations in these existing schemes as discussed in Sec- In 2008, Zhang et al. [22] constructed an identity (ID)-based
tion 2. batch authentication protocol based on pairing-based cryptogra-
In this paper, it introduces an efficient, provably-secure and phy. In their approach, both vehicles and RSUs do not need to store
anonymous conditional privacy-preserving solution for VANETs in any certificate. Moreover, their solution provides batch verification
order to overcome limitations in existing CPPA schemes. To be spe- for multiple messages. In other words, this CPPA solution over-
cific, four main contributions of our work are described as follows. comes the limitation in the approaches of Raya et al. [6] and Lu et
al. [20]. However, in the approach of Zhang et al. [22], a long-term
• First, the vulnerabilities of existing schemes are retrospected system master secret s is embedded in the vehicle’s tamper-proof
and analyzed. Meantime, several security weaknesses of these devices, which could be extracted by an adversary (e.g. via side-
schemes are pointed out. Then, it gives the vehicular system channel attacks [24]), particularly when the adversary has physical
architecture consisting of network model and design goals. access to the tamper-proof devices.
106 J.L. Li et al. / Vehicular Communications 13 (2018) 104–113

In 2009, Jiang et al. [19] presented an authentication scheme

using the binary authentication tree (BAT), in which the RSU could
quickly differentiate the fabricated messages from the legitimate
ones. However, Shim [9] demonstrated that an adversary can suc-
cessfully forge an aggregate signature on two bogus messages in
the scheme of Jiang et al. [19]. Shim [3] also introduced a CPPA
solution using pseudo-identity (PID)-based signature for secure
VANETs. Liu et al. [25], however, revealed that Shim’s solution in
[3] has an error in the batch verification phase. In 2013, Li and Liu
introduced a lightweight identity authentication scheme for VANET
to improve the efficiency of the authentication process while con- Fig. 2. The network model of VANETs.
cealing the sensitive information of the vehicle simultaneously
[26]. Then, Lee and Lai proposed a secure batch verification pro-
and sends these parameters to the vehicles offline. It could recover
tocol with group testing for VANET [27]. In 2015, He et al. [15]
the real identity of a vehicle from the transmitted message.
proposed an ID-based CPPA solution for VANETs utilizing Schnor-
RSUs: RSUs are stationary infrastructures deployed on the road-
r’s signature [30]. In the proposed solution, the system’s private
side or some installations (e.g. bus stops). RSUs serve as the ‘inter-
key is pre-loaded on the vehicle’s tamper-proof device. In other
face’ between the TA and vehicles, and utilizes the dedicated short
words, the proposed solution suffers from the same limitation as
range communication (DSRC) [34] protocol for V2V and V2R wire-
the solution of Zhang et al. [22]. In 2016, Oulhaci et al. also de-
less communications. It could authenticate traffic messages from
signed a secure and distributed certification system framework for
vehicles and process them locally or forward them to traffic au-
security message authentication in VANETs, which is against fake
thority center (e.g. TA). In our solution, RSUs are semi-trusted. If
public-key certification [28]. In the same year, Lee et al. uses the
an RSU is found to be compromised, then the TA could detect and
Chinese remainder theorem to build a safer and quicker batch key-
either reset the compromised RSU or remove/replace it.
agreement protocol for establishing communication channels [29].
Vehicle: Every vehicle is equipped with an OBU, which allows
More recently in 2016 and 2017, Shao et al. [16] and Azees et al.
the vehicle to communicate wirelessly with other vehicles and
[17] proposed a group signature-based CPPA solution for VANETs
RSUs using the DSRC protocol. Each OBU has a tamper-proof de-
and an authentication solution based on short-time anonymous
vice (TPD) to protect stored sensitive information such as secret
certificates and public keys, respectively. The proposed solution
keys, and location information (e.g. those from the global position-
of Azees et al. [17] does not support batch verification. In ad-
ing system – GPS).
dition, the adversary against Azees et al.’s protocol cannot resist
bogus message attack, framing attack and sybil attack. The rea-
son of suffering from the above attacks is because the authors use 3.2. Design goals
a temporarily generated number as the private key to sign traffic
message, which is an invalid signature and easily counterfeited by Based on the literature [15–17,20,21,36], a secure and efficient
adversary. In 2017, Zhang et al. [31] proposed a novel distributed CPPA solution for VANETs should satisfy the following require-
aggregate privacy-preserving authentication solution for vehicular ments or goals.
ad hoc networks. In their solution, one roadside unit (RSU) is re- Identity privacy preservation: RSUs, vehicles and third-party
sponsible for a subgroup of VANET and holds a private key used participants are not capable of extracting the vehicle’s actual iden-
to produce secret shares for vehicles. Although, they give some as- tity from the messages transmitted from any vehicle.
sumptions guaranteeing that no other items can learn the secrets Message authentication and integrity: Each message transmit-
in a vehicle’s tamper-proof device (TPD), if a vehicle is corrupted ted by a vehicle is verified by RSUs, and RSUs are capable of
in one RSU, the private key of the RSU would be calculated by the detecting any modification or fabrication of received messages.
malicious adversary. Later, Zhang et al. gives a novel method to Traceability: The TA is the only party capable of extracting the
establish cryptographic mix-zones which resist malicious attackers vehicle’s actual identity when the need arises (e.g. a complaint
and reinforce privacy protection in VANETs [32]. In 2018, Asaar et against a misbehaving vehicle).
al. proposed a novel identity-based message authentication scheme Unlinkability: RSUs, vehicles and third-party participants are
using proxy vehicles (ID-MAP) [33]. not capable of tracing the vehicle’s behavior by analyzing its trans-
mitted messages. That is, they cannot link and determine whether
3. Vehicular system architecture two messages are transmitted from the same vehicle.
Bogus message attack: The adversary may transmit bogus in-
In this section, it will present the network model and design formation around the VANET system in order to achieve his/her
goals in the proposed CPPA solution. specific goal. For example, an adversary would transmit fake traf-
fic information to his/her nearby vehicles for the sake of obtaining
3.1. Network model an optimal traffic route.
Impersonation attack: Such attacks are generally targeted at
As shown in Fig. 2, the two-level network model is pretty other legal vehicles. They are executed by sending fake messages
adaptable for VANETs, in which the trusted authority (TA) is set to other vehicles in which the adversary attempts to masquerade
as the first-level, and RSUs as well as vehicles are set as the sec- as a trusted vehicle.
ond level, respectively. The functions of these three entities are Full batch verification: It is not practical for the receiver to ver-
described as below. ify the validity of the received messages one at a time; thus, full
Trusted authority: TA is fully trusted by all parties in the batch verification in a CPPA scheme is an essential feature (i.e. a
VANETs and has sufficient computation, communication and stor- verifier can check the authenticity of multiple messages from ve-
age capabilities. The TA is also responsible for the generation of hicles simultaneously).
system parameters and the registration of RSUs and vehicles. In No map-to-point operation: It is expensive and complicated
addition, upon successful completion of their registration, the TA to execute the map-to-point operation, and consequently, it will
generates the initial security parameters for all vehicles and RSUs, degrade the performance of the VANET system. Therefore, map-to-
J.L. Li et al. / Vehicular Communications 13 (2018) 104–113 107

point operation is supposed to be avoided in a CPPA scheme for Vehicle message signing: In order to guarantee message au-
VANET. thentication and integrity, each message issued by a vehicle should
No certificates management: The complexity and overhead of be signed and verified before it is accepted by the RSUs or other
certificates management increase with the number of the vehicles. vehicles. The signature on one traffic-related message M i by V i is
In addition, it is necessary to verify the authenticity of the certifi- explained as follows.
cate prior to use. To guarantee better feasibility and performance
in the vehicular system, it is capable of supporting no certificates a. V i randomly selects a private key S K i ,l , a corresponding P K i ,l
management in the design of a CPPA scheme. and pseudo-identity P I D i ,l from the sets S K i∗ , P K i∗ and P I D ∗i
No verifier table: To avoid governance issue and attacks relating separately. Then, V i chooses a random r i ∈ Z q∗ and com-
to verifier table, a CPPA protocol for VANET must be capable of putes R i = g ri , H i = H 2 ( M i , P I D i ,l , P K i ,l , R i , T i ) ∈ Z q∗ , Sig i =
supporting no verifier table. ( H 3 ( R i ) − S K i ,l · H i ) · r i−1 , where T i is the current timestamp
Provable security: The security of the cryptographic scheme
that supports the freshness of a valid signed message.
is demonstrated using a widely accepted security model [35]. In
b. Then, V i issues the signature message Msgs = { M i , P I D i ,l ,
other words, without the preciseness of a security proof, the cus-
P K i ,l , R i , T i , Sig i } to a nearby RSU.
tomers would not be sure of the security of the cryptographic
system. Therefore, a CPPA scheme is supposed to be proved se-
Single message verification: Once an RSU has received a single
curely under a security model.
message signed by V i , RSU will authenticate the message in or-
der to ensure that the sender is a legitimate user rather than an
4. Our proposed CPPA scheme
adversary impersonating some legitimate user.
The proposed CPPA protocol consists of two parts, namely: an
a. After receiving Msgs = { M i , P I D i ,l , P K i ,l , R i , T i , Sig i } signed
anonymous CPPA solution for the vehicle and a similar anonymous
CPPA solution for the RSU. For each part, there are five phases – by V i , the receiver checks the freshness of timestamp T i . The
i.e. system parameters setup phase, pseudo-identity generation and verifier drops the message if it is not fresh.
private key extraction phase, message signing phase, single mes- b. If T i is valid, the receiver then computes H 1 ( P I D i ,l ), H i =
H 2 ( M i , P I D i ,l , P K i ,l , R i , T i ) ∈ Z q∗ and verifies whether R i
Sig i
sage verification, and batch message verification. ·
H 1 ( P I D i ,l )· H i
A pub = g H 3 ( R i ) . If the equation is satisfied, then the re-
4.1. Anonymous CPPA scheme for vehicle
ceiver accepts the validity of the message M i ; otherwise, the
receiver rejects it.
System parameters setup: Prior to the arrangement of the
VANETs, TA generates the system parameters P arams as follows:
Batch messages verification: When there are a large number of
vehicles in the communication range of an RSU, single message au-
a. Given a security parameter k ∈ Z + , TA generates a prime q and
thentication for vehicle users may result in computation overhead
a group G of the order q, where g is a generator of G. TA also
on each RSU due to verification delay. Therefore, this paper also
chooses four cryptographic hash functions H 0 : G × G → Z q∗ ,
presents a batch verification method so that RSU can efficiently
H 1 : {0, 1}∗ → Z q∗ , H 2 : {0, 1}∗ × {0, 1}∗ × G × G × {0, 1}∗ → Z q∗
and H 3 : G → Z q∗ . verify multiple messages from vehicles at the same time. This will
b. TA selects a random number a ∈ Z q∗ and sets A pub = g a , where significantly reduce verification delay. Upon receiving n messages
a is a master secret key for private key extraction and is only { M 1 , P I D 1,l , P K 1,l , R 1 , T 1 , Sig 1 }, { M 2 , P I D 2,l , P K 2,l , R 2 , T 2 , Sig 2 },
known to TA. A chooses a random number b ∈ Z q∗ and sets · · · , { Mn , P I D n,l , P K n,l , R n , T n , Sign } simultaneously, RSU uses
P arams = {q, G , g , A pub , B pub , H 0 , H 1 , H 2 , H 3 } to authenticate
B pub = g b , where b is a master secret key for traceability and
batch messages, as follows.
is only known to TA.
c. Finally, TA publishes system parameters P arams = {q, G , g ,
a. RSU checks the freshness of { T 1 , T 2 , · · · , T n }, and rejects the
A pub , B pub , H 0 , H 1 , H 2 , H 3 }.
messages if some of them are not fresh.
b. RSU randomly selects n numbers {1 , 2 , · · · , n }, where i ∈ R
Pseudo-identity generation and private key extraction: Utiliz-
[1, 2m ] for i = 1, 2, · · · , n and m = 80 is typically adequate
ing the pseudo-identities ( P I Ds) that are uniquely associated with
the corresponding real identities I Ds allows us to achieve anony-
mous conditional privacy-preserving authentication in our solution. c. RSU computes H 1 ( P I D i ,l ), H i = H 2 ( M i , P I D i ,l , P K i ,l , R i , T i ) ∈
Z q∗ for i ∈ {1, 2, · · · , n} and checks whether the below verifica-
a. A legitimate vehicle V i transmits information including its tion equation holds.
unique identity I D i (e.g. license plate number) to TA. Upon
confirming the validity of I D i , TA selects a group of private n 
i · Sig i
(i · H 1 ( P I D i ,l )· H i )
g i =1 (i · H 3 ( R i )) = Ri · A pubi=1 .
random numbers {ki ,1 , ki ,2 , · · · , ki ,z } ∈ Z q∗ and computes the
corresponding public values P K i∗ = { P K i ,1 , P K i ,2 , · · · , P K i ,z }, i =1

where P K i ,l = g ki,l and l ∈ {1, 2, · · · , z}. Then, TA generates a If it is equal, then RSU accepts the messages; otherwise, RSU
group of P I Ds for V i as P I D ∗i = { P I D i ,1 , P I D i ,2 , · · · , P I D i ,z }, rejects the messages.
where P I D i ,l = I D i ⊕ H 0 ( P K ib,l , B pub ) and l ∈ {1, 2, · · · , z}. The correctness of the batch messages verification is demon-
Hence, the real identity I D i of vehicle V i is concealed in the strated as follows:
pseudo-IDs P I D ∗i .
b. After computing the P I D ∗i , T A computes private keys S K i∗ = 
n n
(i · H 1 ( P I D i ,l )· H i )
i · Sig i
{ S K i ,1 , S K i ,2 , · · · , S K i ,z }, where S K i ,l = a · H 1 ( P I D i ,l ) and l ∈ Ri · A pubi=1
{1, 2, · · · , z}. i =1
c. Finally, TA sends system parameters P arams and { P I D ∗i , S K i∗ ,

P K i∗ } to vehicle V i via a secure channel delivering a tamper- =
 · Sig i · H 1 ( P I D i ,l )· H i
( R i i i · A pub )
proof device for V i .
i =1
108 J.L. Li et al. / Vehicular Communications 13 (2018) 104–113

−1 accepts the validity of the message M j ; otherwise, V i rejects
= (( g ri )i ·( H 3 ( R i )− S K i,l · H i )·ri · ( g a )i · H 1 ( P I D i,l )· H i ) it.
i =1

−1 Batch messages verification: To handle the situation when a
= ( g ri ·i ·( H 3 ( R i )−(a· H 1 ( P I D i,l ))· H i )·ri · g a·i · H 1 ( P I D i,l )· H i ) vehicle receives multiple signed messages from the same RSU in
i =1 a time interval, a batch verification method is also presented. This

allows the vehicle to efficiently verify multiple messages from ve-
= ( g ri ·ri ·i ·( H 3 ( R i )−(a· H 1 ( P I D i,l ))· H i ) · g i ·a· H 1 ( P I D i,l )· H i ) hicles at the same time. Specifically, after receiving t messages
i =1 { M 1 , R I D 1 , Y 1,l , W 1 , T 1 , Rsig 1 }, { M 2 , R I D 2 , Y 2,l , W 2 , T 2 , Rsig 2 },

n · · · , { M t , R I D t , Y t ,l , W t , T t , Rsigt } simultaneously, the vehicle veri-
= ( g i · H 3 ( R i )−i ·a· H 1 ( P I D i,l )· H i · g i ·a· H 1 ( P I D i,l )· H i ) fies them using the following steps.
i =1
a. The vehicle checks the freshness of { T 1 , T 2 , · · · , T t }, and re-

= ( g i · H 3 ( R i )−i ·a· H 1 ( P I D i,l )· H i ·+i ·a· H 1 ( P I D i,l )· H i ) jects the messages if some of them are not fresh.
b. The vehicle randomly selects t numbers {ς1 , ς2 , · · · , ςt },
i =1
where ς j ∈ R [1, 2m ] for j = 1, 2, · · · , t and m = 80 is typically

adequate [25].
= g i · H 3 ( R i )
c. The vehicle computes R H j = H 2 ( M j , R I D j , Y j ,l , W j , T j ) ∈ Z q∗ ,
i =1
n H 1 ( R I D j ) for j ∈ {1, 2, · · · , t } and checks whether the below
=g i =1 (i · H 3 ( R i ))
verification equation holds.

t t t
4.2. Anonymous CPPA scheme for RSU ς j · Sig j (ς j · H 1 ( R I D j )· R H j )
Wj · A pubj=1 =g j =1 (ς j · H 3 ( W j )) .
The system parameters setup phase in anonymous CPPA solu- j =1

tion for RSU is the same as those described in Section 4.1; thus, If it is equal, then the vehicle accepts the messages; otherwise,
this section omits this phase in the discussion that follows. the vehicle rejects the messages.
RSU-identity generation and private key extraction: TA gen- The correctness of the batch messages verification is demon-
erates a unique identity R I D j for each RSU, which includes its strated, as follows.
corresponding location information. Then, TA computes the private

t t
key for RSU as follows. ς j · Sig j (ς j · H 1 ( R I D j )· R H j )
Wj · A pubj=1
a. For a given RSU’s identity R I D j , TA selects a group of private j =1
random numbers {x j ,1 , x j ,2 , · · · , x j ,z } ∈ Z q∗ and computes the 
ς · Rsig i ς · H 1 ( R I D j )· R H j
corresponding public values Y ∗j = {Y j ,1 , Y j ,2 , · · · , Y j ,z }, where = (W j j · A pub
Y j ,l = g and l ∈ {1, 2, · · · , z}.
x j ,l
j =1
b. T A computes private keys R S K ∗j = { R S K j ,1 , R S K j ,2 , · · · ,

ς j ·( H 3 ( W j )− S K i ,l · R H j )· w −j 1
R S K j ,z }, where R S K j ,l = a · H 1 ( R I D j ) and l ∈ {1, 2, · · · , z}. = (( g w j ) · ( g a )ς j · H 1 ( R I D j )· R H j )
c. Finally, the TA sends P arams and { R I D j , R S K ∗j , Y ∗j } to RSU via j =1
a secure channel. Then, RSU stores its private key { R S K ∗j , Y ∗j }

w j ·ς j ·( H 3 ( W j )−(a· H 1 ( R I D j ))· R H j )· w − 1
with its corresponding identity R I D j into its storage memory.
= (g j

j =1
RSU message signing: In the event when an RSU broadcasts
location-based traffic information to nearby vehicles, the signature · g a·ς j · H 1 ( R I D j )· R H j )
on a traffic-related message M j generated by the RSU is as follows:  t
w · w −1 ·ς ·( H ( W )−(a· H 1 ( R I D j ))· R H j )
= (g j j j 3 j
a. RSU chooses a private key R S K j ,l from the set R S K ∗j , a cor- j =1
responding Y j ,l from the set Y ∗j , a random w j ∈ Z q∗ and com-
· g ς j ·a· H 1 ( R I D j )· R H j )
putes W j = g w j , R H j = H 2 ( M j , R I D j , Y j ,l , W j , T j ) ∈ Z q∗ , and
Rsig j = ( H 3 ( W j ) − R S K j ,l · R H j ) · w − 1
, whereby T j is the cur-
j = ( g ς j · H 3 (W j )−ς j ·a· H 1 ( R I D j )· R H j · g ς j ·a· H 1 ( R I D j )· R H j )
rent timestamp which supports the freshness of a valid signed
j =1
b. Then, RSU broadcasts the signature message Msgs = { M j , 

R I D j , Y j ,l , W j , T j , Rsig j } to nearby vehicles. = ( g ς j · H 3 (W j )−ς j ·a· H 1 ( R I D j )· R H j ·+ς j ·a· H 1 ( R I D j )· R H j )

j =1
Single message verification: When a vehicle V i receives single 
message signed by an RSU, V i will have to authenticate the mes- = g ς j · H 3 (W j )
sage in order to ensure the legitimacy of RSU. j =1
=g j =1 (ς j · H 3 ( W j ))
a. After receiving Msgs = { M j , R I D j , Y j ,l , W j , T j , Rsig j } signed
by the RSU, V i checks the freshness of timestamp T j and drops
the message if T j is not fresh. 5. Security and soundness proofs
b. If T j is valid, then V i computes R H j = H 2 ( M j , R I D j , Y j ,l ,
Rsig j In this section, it will demonstrate that the presented CPPA so-
W j , T j ) ∈ Z q∗ , H 1 ( R I D j ) and verifies whether Wj ·
lution for VANETs achieve the security and privacy requirements
H 1 ( R I D j )· R H j
A pub = g H 3 (W j ) . If the equation is satisfied, then V i outlined in Section 3.2.
J.L. Li et al. / Vehicular Communications 13 (2018) 104–113 109

5.1. Security model H1 oracle: I maintains a list L H 1 in the form of {ϒ, π1 }, which
is empty initially. When A issues a query ϒ to I , I checks
The definition of security for our proposed solution is given by whether the tuple {ϒ, π1 } is in the list L H 1 . If so, I issues π1 =
a game executed between a polynomial-time adversary A and a H 1 (ϒ) to A, otherwise, I selects a random nonce π1 ∈ Z p , issues
challenger I . In the game, A mounts a number of oracle queries π1 = H 1 (ϒ) to A and appends {ϒ, π1 } to the list L H 1 .
to I as follows, which can be requested adaptively. H2 oracle: I maintains a list L H 2 in the form of { M i , P I D i , P K i ,
Setup: This query simulates the initialization of the VANET sys- R i , T i , π2 }, which is empty initially. When A issues a query
tem. When receiving this query, I creates the master keys and { M i , P I D i , P K i , R i , T i } to I , I checks whether the tuple { M i , P I D i ,
P arams, and returns P arams to A. P K i , R i , T i , π2 } is in the list L H 2 . If so, I issues π2 = H 2 ( M i , P I D i ,
H i : After A sends the query with the information I , I selects P K i , R i , T i ) to A, otherwise, I selects a random nonce π2 ∈
a random number πi ∈ Z q∗ , stores ( I , πi ) in the list L H i and returns Z p , issues π2 = H 2 ( M i , P I D i , P K i , R i , T i ) to A and appends
πi to A, where i = 0, 1, 2, 3. { M i , P I D i , P K i , R i , T i , π2 } to the list L H 2 .
GenerateVehicle: Upon receiving the vehicle V i ’s identity I D i , H3 oracle: I maintains a list L H 3 in the form of { R i , π3 }, which
I produces V i ’s pseudo-identities P I D ∗i , private keys S K i∗ and is empty initially. When A issues a query { R i } to I , I checks
stores { I D i , P I D ∗i , S K i∗ } in the list L vehicle . whether the tuple { R i , π3 } is in the list L H 2 . If so, I issues π3 =
CorruptVehicle: Upon receiving the vehicle V i ’s identity I D i , H 3 ( R i ) to A, otherwise, I selects a random nonce π3 ∈ Z p , issues
I transmits V i ’s pseudo-identities P I D ∗i and private keys S K i∗ π3 = H 3 ( R i ) to A and appends { R i , π3 } to the list L H 3 .
to A. GenerateVehicle oracle: I maintains a list L vehicle in the form
Signature: Upon receiving A’s message M and pseudo-identity of { I D i , ki , P K i , P I D i , S K i } which is empty initially. Once A sends
P I D i , I generates and returns the corresponding signature mes- this query to I , A checks whether the tuple { I D i , ki , P K i , P I D i ,
sage Msgs to A. S K i } is in the list L vehicle . If so, I returns P K i to A; otherwise I
Upon executing the aforementioned queries, A fabricates a sig- executes the steps as below.
nature Sig i∗ of a traffic message M i∗ associated with V i∗ ’s identity
I D ∗i . 1) If I D i = I D ∗i , I selects three random numbers ki , π0 and
A wins the above experiment if all the below conditions are π1 , computes P K i = g ki and holds { P I D i , S K i }. I stores
{ I D i , ki , P K i , P I D i , S K i }, {, B pub , π0 } and {ϒ, π1 } in the lists
L vehicle , L H 0 and L H 1 respectively. At last, I returns P K i to A.
1) Sig i∗ is legitimate, namely: Verification( M ∗ , V i∗ , I D ∗i , Sig i∗ ) = 1.
2) If I D i = I D ∗i , I selects three random numbers ki , π0 and π1 ,
2) A has not made a CorruptVehicle query associated with V i∗ ’s
computes P K i = g ki , P I D i = I D i ⊕ π0 , S K i = a · π1 . I stores
identity I D ∗i .
3) A has not made a Signature query associated with V i∗ ’s
{ I D i , ki , P K i , P I D i , S K i }, {, B pub , π0 } and {ϒ, π1 } in the lists
L vehicle , L H 0 and L H 1 respectively and finally returns P K i to A.
pseudo-identity P I D ∗i and message M i∗ .

CorruptVehicle oracle: A inquiries { I D i , ki , P K i , P I D i , S K i }

,A denote the advantage of A in break-
Let the function Adv 
from L vehicle and issues { P I D i , S K i } to A.
ing conditional privacy-preserving authentication of the presented
Signature oracle: Upon receiving A’s query with message M i
solution .
and pseudo-identity P I D i , I selects two random numbers r i , π2 ,
π3 and computes R i = g ri and Sig i = (π3 − S K i · π2 ) · ri−1 . I stores
Definition 5.1. The proposed solution  is chosen-identity and
{ M i , P I D i , P K i , R i , T i , π2 } to the list L H 2 , { R i , π3 } to the list L H 3
chosen-message secure, if for any polynomial-time adversary A,
CPPA and returns the signature message Msgs = { M i , P I D i , P K i , R i ,
the function Adv  ,A is negligible. T i , Sig i } to A.
Finally, A outputs a signature message { M i , P I D i ,l , P K i ,l , R i , T i ,
5.2. Provable security Sig i } to I with P I D i ,l . If P I D i = P I D ∗i , then I aborts the game.
I checks whether the below equation is correct.
Based on Definition 5.1, the chosen-identity and chosen-mes-
sage security of the proposed solution using random oracles are Sig i H ( P I D i ,l )· H i
proved. Ri · A pub
= g H3(Ri ) (1)

If it is not correct, then I interrupts the game. Based on the

Theorem 5.1. Assuming that the underlying discrete logarithm (DL)
forking lemma in [37], if the challenger repeats the procedure with
problem is intractable, the proposed CPPA solution for VANETs is secure
a different selection H 1 , then A can output another legitimate sig-
in the random oracle model.
nature message { M i , P I D i ,l , P K i ,l , R i , T i , Sig i } with the advantage
Proof. Assume that a polynomial-time adversary A could fabricate ε ≥ 19 . Thus, the following equation is obtained:
a valid signature message Msgs = { M i , P I D i ,l , P K i ,l , R i , T i , Sig i } by
a non-negligible advantage ε , then the challenger I can solve the Sig i H 1 ( P I D i ,l )· H i
Ri · A pub = g H3(Ri ) (2)
DL problem with a non-negligible advantage through executing the
A as a subroutine. Let A pub = g a be an instance of the DL problem, According to the above two equations, the following equations
and the aim of the I is to compute a. First, I issues P arams = are obtained:
{q, G , g , A pub , B pub , H 0 , H 1 , H 2 , H 3 } to A, and A performs random
oracle queries adaptively simulated by I as below. Sig i − Sig i H 1 ( P I D i ,l )·( H i − H i )
H0 oracle: I maintains a list L H 0 in the form of {, B pub , π0 }, Ri = A pub (3)
which is empty initially. When A issues a query {, B pub } to I ,
Sig i · H i − Sig i H i 
I checks whether the tuple {, B pub , π0 } is in the list L H 0 . If Ri = g H 3 ( R i )·( H i − H i ) (4)
so, I issues π0 = H 0 (, B pub ) to A, otherwise, I selects a ran-
dom nonce π0 ∈ Z p , issues π0 = H 0 (, B pub ) to A and appends Hence, based on Equations (3) and (4), the following equations
{, B pub , π0 } to the list L H 0 . could be respectively obtained.
110 J.L. Li et al. / Vehicular Communications 13 (2018) 104–113

Sig i − Sig i H 1 ( P I D i ,l )·( H i − H i )

• Ri = A pub , { P I D i ,1 , P I D i ,2 , · · · , P I D i ,z }, P I D i ,l = I D i ⊕ H 0 ( P K ib,l , B pub ), S K i∗ =
(g) r i ·( Sig i − Sig i )
= g x· H 1 ( P I D i,l )·( H  − Hi i) { S K i ,1 , S K i ,2 , · · · , S K i ,z }, R i = g ri , H i = H 2 ( M i , P I D i , P K i ,l , R i , T i )
∈ Z q∗ , Sig i = ( H 3 ( R i ) − S K i ,l · H i ) · r i−1 . Due to the randomness
r i · ( Sig i − Sig i ) = a · H 1 ( P I D i ,l ) · ( H i − H i ) (5) of ki ,1 and r i , the vehicle could generate random identities and
signatures from which the adversary cannot find the connection
Sig i · H i − Sig i H i 
• Ri = g H 3 ( R i )·( H i − H i ) , between two anonymous identities or two signatures (i.e. not able
   to determine whether they are sent by the same vehicle). Thus,
g ri ( Sigi · H i − Sigi H i ) = g H 3 ( R i )·( H i − H i )
our solution achieves unlinkability.
r i · ( Sig i · H i − Sig i · H i ) = H 3 ( R i ) · ( H i − H i ) (6) No certificate management: In the proposed anonymous CPPA
solution for vehicle, neither vehicle nor RSUs store any certificates
According to Equations (5) and (6), I outputs H 3 ( R i ) · for message verification. The vehicle only needs to memorize the
H 1 ( P I D i ,l )−1 ( Sig i − Sig i ) · ( Sig i · H i − Sig i · H i )−1 as the result system parameters P arams and { P I D ∗i , S K i∗ , P K i∗ }, where P I D ∗i =
of the DL problem. The advantage that I solves the DL problem { P I D i ,1 , P I D i ,2 , · · · , P I D i ,z }, P I D i ,l = I D i ⊕ H 0 ( P K ib,l , B pub ), S K i∗ =
can be analyzed via the following events. { S K i ,1 , S K i ,2 , · · · , S K i ,z }, S K i ,l = a · H 1 ( P I D i ,l ), P K i∗ = { P K i ,1 ,
P K i ,2 , · · · , P K i ,z }, P K i ,l = g ki,l , and l ∈ {1, 2, · · · , z} generated by
1) E pid denotes the event that P I D i and P I D ∗i are equal. the TA is necessary for the message signature. Therefore, TA does
2) E f orge denotes the event that A can forge two legitimate sig- not need to manage any certificate.
natures. Full batch verification: According to the function of batch ver-
ification in Section 4.1, upon receiving n messages { M 1 , P I D 1,l ,
Let N H 1 denote the number of H 1 oracle queries executed in P K 1,l , R 1 , T 1 , Sig 1 }, { M 2 , P I D 2,l , P K 2,l , R 2 , T 2 , Sig 2 }, · · · , { M n ,
the above experiments. Thus, it can be got that P rob[ E pid ] = N1 , P I D n,l , P K n,l , R n , T n , Sign } from different vehicles during the same
time interval, RSUs could verify their legitimacy simultaneously.
P rob[ E f orge | E pid ] ≥ 19 · ε and the advantage that A can solve the
Message modification attack: Each vehicle user broadcasts an
DL problem is as below.
anonymous signature message to nearby RSUs and other vehicles
in the format Msgs = { M i , P I D i ,l , P K i ,l , R i , T i , Sig i }. A has the ca-
P rob[ E f orge ∧ E pid ] = P rob[ E f orge | E pid ] · P rob[ E pid ]
pability to change the content of M i after eavesdropping on the
1 1 ε wireless medium. In order to protect the integrity of the mes-
≥ ·ε· = .
9 N H1 9N H 1 sage, a vehicle’s signature on M i is generated as Sig i = ( H 3 ( R i ) −
S K i ,l · H i ) · r i−1 , where T i is the current timestamp and R i = g ri ,
Therefore I solves the DL problem with a non-negligible advan-
H i = H 2 ( M i , P I D i ,l , P K i ,l , R i , T i ) ∈ Z q∗ . Since the private key S K i is
tage 9Nε due to the non-negligible ε and bounded N H 1 . However,
H1 only known by the particular vehicle, no attacker cannot generate
this is a contradiction with the hardness of the DL problem in G. a valid signature. Besides, the private key S K i is changed peri-
Consequently, this completes the proof. 2 odically. Thus, the presented CPPA solution for VANETs is secure
against message modification attacks.
5.3. Security and attributes analysis Impersonation attack: To execute an impersonation attack,
A has to be able to generate valid Msgs = { M i , P I D i ,l , P K i ,l , R i , T i ,
Message authentication and integrity: Upon receiving Msgs = Sig
Sig i }, where R i i · A pub
H 1 ( P I D i ,l )· H i
= g H 3 ( R i ) . Based on Theorem 5.1,
{ M i , P I D i ,l , P K i ,l , R i , T i , Sig i } from V i , the verifier (one nearby
Sig i H ( P I D i ,l )· H i
A cannot forge such a signature message. RSUs and other vehi-
RSU or vehicle) verifies the correctness of R i · A pub
= cles can check the validity of the messages through verifying the
H3(Ri ) correctness of the aforementioned equation.
g in order to check the message’s validity and integrity. Based
on Theorem 5.1 in Section 5.2, there is no polynomial-time adver- Man-in-the-middle attack: Based on the aforementioned anal-
sary A that could fabricate a valid message when the DL problem ysis for message authentication and integrity, it is easy to infer
is hard. Thus, A cannot obtain the master private key of TA and that authentication between sender and receiver is supported by
generates legitimate information for message authentication and our solution. Therefore, our proposed CPPA method is able to re-
integrity. sist man-in-the-middle attacks.
Traceability: In the pseudo-identity generation and private key Replay attack: Timestamp T i is included in the signature mes-
extraction phase, the vehicle’s genuine identity is in the pseudo- sage Msgs = { M i , P I D i ,l , P K i ,l , R i , T i , Sig i } and is also included in
IDs P I D ∗i = { P I D i ,1 , P I D i ,2 , · · · , P I D i ,z }, where P I D i ,l = I D i ⊕ the generation of Sig i . Thus, the verifier could detect a replay at-
H 0 ( P K ib,l , B pub ) and l ∈ {1, 2, · · · , z}. By knowing the master se- tack when T i is no longer fresh. Thus, the proposed CPPA solution
cret key b of the VANET system, TA could extract the real identity for VANETs is replay attack resilience.
I D i = P I D i ,l ⊕ H 0 ( P K ib,l , B pub ). Consequently, the function of trace- Stolen verifier table attack: The adversary is not capable of
ability is provided by the proposed CPPA solution. stealing any verifier table since there is no verifier table main-
Identity privacy preservation: In the pseudo-identity genera- tained by RSUs or vehicles. Therefore, the presented CPPA solution
tion and private key extraction phase, the vehicle’s genuine iden- for VANETs is stolen verifier table attack resilience.
tity is concealed in the P I D ∗i = { P I D i ,1 , P I D i ,2 , · · · , P I D i ,z } by TA, Full batch verification: It is necessary for the receiver to verify
the validity of multiple received messages at the same time; there-
where P I D i ,l = I D i ⊕ H 0 ( P K ib,l , B pub ) and l ∈ {1, 2, · · · , z}. To reveal
fore, we provided the full batch verification in the presented CPPA
the real identity I D i from P I D i ,l = I D i ⊕ H 0 ( P K ib,l , B pub ), A needs scheme.
to compute P K ib,l = g ki,l ·b based on P K i ,l = g ki,l and B pub = g b . No map-to-point operation: It is expensive and complicated to
This, however, contradicts the hardness of CDH problem. Therefore, execute the map-to-point operation, thus, map-to-point operation
the proposed CPPA solution for VANETs preserve identity privacy. is avoided in our CPPA scheme for VANET.
Unlinkability: TA selects a group of private random num- No certificates management: The presented CPPA scheme does
bers {ki ,1 , ki ,2 , · · · , ki ,z } ∈ Z q∗ in the pseudo-identity generation not use the certificate verification in order to decrease the com-
and private key extraction phase and the vehicle also chooses plexity and overhead of certificates management with the increas-
random r i ∈ Z q∗ in the message signing phase, where P I D ∗i = ing number of the vehicles.
J.L. Li et al. / Vehicular Communications 13 (2018) 104–113 111

Table 1
Run time of multiple cryptographic operations.

Cryptographic operation Running time (milliseconds)

T bp 4.211 ms
T sm−bp 1.709 ms
T pa−bp 0.0071 ms
T sm−ecc 0.442 ms
T pa−ecc 0.0018 ms
Th 0.0001 ms

Provable security: The security proof of the cryptographic

scheme is widely adopted by cryptography protocols, so that
the customers (e.g. individuals, companies and governments etc.)
would believe the security of the cryptographic system. Therefore,
the presented CPPA scheme is proved securely under a security
Fig. 3. Computation costs of MSG phase.

related to the bilinear pairing and one cryptographic hash func-

6. Performance analysis
tion operations. Thus, the run time of this phase is 1T sm−bp +
1T h ≈ 1.7091 ms. In the S M V phase, the vehicle user needs to
In this section, we analyze the performance of the proposed
perform two bilinear pairing operations, five scalar multiplication
solution as well as those of [15–17], in terms of computation and
operations related to the bilinear pairing, and two point addi-
communication overheads.
tion operations related to the bilinear pairing. Thus, the run time
of this phase is 2T bp + 5T sm−bp + 2T pa−bp ≈ 16.9812 ms. In the
6.1. Computation overheads
B M V phase, the vehicle user needs to perform (1 + n) bilinear
pairing operations, (5n) scalar multiplication operations related to
Notations used are as follows: the bilinear pairing and (2n) point addition operations. Thus, the
run time of this phase is (1 + n) T bp + (5n) T sm−bp + (2n) T pa−bp ≈
a. ê : G 1 × G 1 → G 2 denotes a bilinear pairing. 12.7702n + 4.211 ms.
b. T bp denotes the run time required for a bilinear pairing oper- In the M S G phase of the proposed CPPA solution, the vehicle
ation ê (Û , V̂ ), where Û , V̂ ∈ G 1 . user needs to perform one scalar multiplication operation related
c. T sm−bp denotes the runtime for a scale multiplication opera- to ECC and two cryptographic hash function operations. Hence, the
tion about the bilinear pairing in G 1 . run time of this phase is 1T sm−ecc + 2T h ≈ 0.4422 ms. In the S M V
d. T pa−bp denotes the runtime for a point addition operation phase, the vehicle user needs to perform four scalar multiplication
about the bilinear pairing in G 1 . operations related to ECC, one point addition operations related
e. T sm−ecc denotes the runtime for a scale multiplication opera- to ECC and two cryptographic hash function operations. Therefore,
tion about the ECC in an additive group G. the run time of this phase is 4T sm−ecc + 1T pa−ecc + 2T h ≈ 1.77 ms.
f. T pa−ecc denotes the runtime for a point addition operation In the B M V phase, the vehicle user needs to perform (2 + 2n)
about the ECC in an additive group G. scalar multiplication operations related to ECC, n point addition
g. T h denotes the time required for executing a cryptographic operations related to ECC and 2n cryptographic hash function op-
hash function operation. erations. Therefore, the run time of this phase is (2 + 2n) T sm−ecc +
(n) T pa−ecc + (2n) T h ≈ 0.886n + 0.884 ms. Therefore, the computa-
For a fair evaluation, the same run time in He et al.’s evaluation tion overhead in the M S G, S M V and B M V phases of our solution
[36] is used – see Table 1. are lower than those in Azees et al.’s CPPA solution (see Figs. 3, 4a,
Let M S G, S M V and B M V denote the message signing gen- 4b for details).
eration, the single message verification, and the batch messages Similarly, the computation costs in the proposed CPPA solution
verification, respectively. (i.e. M S G, S M V and B M V phases) are lower than those in [15,16]
A comparative summary for the computation overheads is pre- respectively (see Figs. 3, 4a, 4b for details).
sented in Table 2. Besides, Figs. 3, 4a, 4b are shown to illus-
trate the results visually for computation overheads in M S G, S M V 6.2. Communication overheads
and B M V phases respectively, whereby Fig. 4a demonstrates the
wholly comparative results and Fig. 4b specially demonstrates The communication overheads is now evaluated. According to
those for the proposed scheme and He et al.’s scheme. He et al.’s [15] experiment, let the sizes of the elements in G 1 and
In the M S G phase of Azees et al.’s [17] CPPA solution, the ve- G are 128 bytes and 40 bytes respectively. In addition, let the ele-
hicle user needs to perform one scalar multiplication operation ment in Z q∗ , the value of hash function and timestamp be 20 bytes,

Table 2
Computation overheads: a comparative summary.

Schemes M S G phase S M V phase B M V phase

He et al.’s 3T sm−ecc + 3T h ≈ 1.3263 ms 5T sm−ecc + 1T pa−ecc + 2T h ≈ 2.212 ms (2 + 3n) T sm−ecc + (2n − 1) T pa−ecc + (2n) T h ≈ 1.3298n + 0.8822 ms
solution [15]
Shao et al.’s 12T sm−bp + 2T h + 3T pa−bp 10T bp + 4T sm−bp + 2T h ≈ 48.9462 ms (10n) T bp + (4n) T sm−bp + (2n) T h ≈ 48.9462n ms
solution [16] ≈ 20.5295 ms
Azees et al.’s 1T sm−bp + 1T h ≈ 1.7091 ms 2T bp + 5T sm−bp + 2T pa−bp ≈ 16.9812 ms (1 + n) T bp + (5n) T sm−bp + (2n) T pa−bp ≈ 12.7702n + 4.211 ms
solution [17]
Proposed 1T sm−ecc + 2T h ≈ 0.4422 ms 4T sm−ecc + 1T pa−ecc + 2T h ≈ 1.77 ms (2 + 2n) T sm−ecc + (n) T pa−ecc + (2n) T h ≈ 0.886n + 0.884 ms
112 J.L. Li et al. / Vehicular Communications 13 (2018) 104–113

Fig. 4a. Computation costs of BMV phase.

Fig. 5. Communication costs.

Therefore, the proposed solution incurs a favorable communica-

tion overhead, in comparison to the three other schemes [15–17].

7. Conclusion

VANETs will be increasingly popular and potentially be more

interconnected with our fabrics of our society. For example, in the
future, sensors on vehicles may be used to collect our body data
that can be linked to healthcare and other relevant industries in
order to deliver appropriate services. Security and privacy will re-
main two of several key research topics in such applications, at
least in the foreseeable future.
In this paper, it studied CPPA schemes for VANETs. Specifically,
it presented an efficient and anonymous CPPA scheme, which can
Fig. 4b. Computation costs of BMV phase.
be utilized in safety-related VANET applications. It then proved the
security of the proposed solution as well as evaluating its perfor-
Table 3 mance.
Communication overheads: a comparative summary. In the future, a prototype of the proposed solution for real-
Schemes Sending of Sending of n world evaluation is going to be implemented, for example within
one message messages a closed environment (e.g. within the campus grounds of the au-
He et al.’s solution [15] 144 bytes 144n bytes thors’ institutions in Germany and U.S.). This will allow us to
Shao et al.’s solution [16] 1192 bytes 1192n bytes evaluate and re-define the proposed scheme, in order to be more
Azees et al.’s solution [17] 848 bytes 848n bytes
practical and efficient.
The proposed solution 144 bytes 144n bytes

20 bytes and 4 bytes, respectively. Since the message about traf-
fic status is similar, the size of messages relating to the signature This work was partially supported by the National Natural
and the certificate is only considered in this section. A compara- Science Foundation of China under grant 61672414; by the Na-
tive summary is given in Table 3 and the comparative results is tional Cryptography Development Fund of China under grant
illustrated visually in Fig. 5. MMJJ20170113; by National Funding from the FCT – Fundação para
In He et al.’s solution [15], the vehicle transmits its signa- a Ciência e a Tecnologia through the UID/EEA/500008/2013 Project;
ture messages { A I D i , T i , R i , M i } to the verifier, where A I D i = by the Government of the Russian Federation, Grant 08-08; by
{ A I D i ,1 , A I D i ,2 }, A I D i ,1 ∈ G, A I D i ,2 ∈ G, R i ∈ G, σi ∈ Z q and T i is a Brazilian National Council for Research and Development (CNPq)
timestamp. Thus, the communication overhead is 3 × 40 + 20 + 4 = via Grant No. 309335/2017-5; by FINEP, with resources from Funt-
144 bytes. In Shao et al.’s solution [16], the vehicle transmits tel, Grant No. 01.14.0231.00, under the Radiocommunication Refer-
its signature messages {σ1 , σ2 , σ3 , σ4 , σ5 , σ6 , σ7 , σ8 , σ9 , σ10 , σ11 } ence Center (Centro de Referência em Radiocomunicações – CRR)
to the verifier, where {σ1 , σ2 , σ3 , σ4 , σ5 , σ6 , σ7 , σ8 , σ9 } ∈ G 1 , σ11 ∈ project of the National Institute of Telecommunications (Instituto
Z q∗ , σ10 is a hash operation result. Hence, the communication over- Nacional de Telecomunicações – Inatel), Brazil; and by the Dean-
head is 9 × 128 + 2 × 20 = 1192 bytes. In Azees et al.’s solution ship of Scientific Research at King Saud University through research
[17], the vehicle transmits its signature messages {sig Y k C ertk } group No. (RG-1439-58). Jiliang Li would also like to thank for the
to the verifier, where C ertk = {Y k E i D I D u i γu γ v c λ σ1 σ2 }, scholarship support from China Scholarship Council (CSC) under
{sig , E i , D I D u i , γu , γ v , Y k } ∈ G 1 , {λ, σ1 , σ2 } ∈ Z q∗ , c is a hash op- grant 201606960049.
eration result. Hence, the communication overhead is 6 × 128 +
4 × 20 = 848 bytes. In the proposed solution, the vehicle transmits References
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