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Good day everyone, I'm Hannah Jane Doroon and I am here to share my personal recounts titled "My experience

on my father's side family''

Reflecting on my experiences with my father's

side family. I am filled with a sense of warmth
and belonging to the family they treat me like
a princess because every time i go there they
care about me. Even when they are busy they
would gonna give time to prepare me a
homemade meals prepared by my
grandmother. From our family gatherings and
reunions i have cherish moments of laughter
storytelling and we even do movie marathon
with my aunts and cousins.The bond we share
transcends distance and time, and I am
grateful for the deep connections and lifelong
relationships I have formed with my father's
side family.
The family gatherings were a sight to behold.
The aroma of my grandmother's home-cooked
meals wafting through the air, the sound of
my cousins' laughter echoing through the
halls, and the sight of my aunts and uncles
sharing stories of their youth – these are
memories that I will forever cherish. Each
gathering was a celebration of our shared
heritage and an opportunity to strengthen our

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