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Terms of Reference Independent Villas Development (90.

925 Acres), Sector-61, Village Ullawas, Gurgaon

1.0 Project Background:

Ireo Pvt. Ltd. is proposing to develop an Independent Villas Development Project, at
Sector 61, District-Gurgaon, in the State of Haryana as a part of its vision to develop
state of- the-art infrastructure for the Nation. The proposed Villas Development, located
at Sector-61, Gurgaon will be developed in an area of 90.925 acres, which comprises of
441 Independent Villas . Each Villa has a S+2 Level. The built-up area of the proposed
project is 4,66,766.46 sq. m including single basement. The establishment of this
upcoming project will bring more developmental activities in the area and there will be
an enhancement in the living standards of local people.

As per EIA Notification 2006 and its subsequent amendments, the proposed project is
listed as project/activity 8(b) under category ‘B’– “Township & Area development
projects” and will need to be appraised on the basis of Form 1, Form 1A, conceptual
plan and EIA report. All projects or activities included as Category ‘B’ in the Schedule
will require prior environmental clearance from the State/Union territory Environment
Impact Assessment Authority (SEIAA). The SEIAA shall base its decision on the
recommendations of a State or Union territory level Expert Appraisal Committee
(SEAC) as to be constituted for in the notification. Therefore, the proposed project
qualifies for environmental clearance (EC) from State Environment Impact Assessment
Authority (SEIAA) and requires submission of Form 1, Form 1A, TOR as well as an
Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) study also need to be undertaken. In addition
to it, the proposed development will require the Consent of Establish (CTE) from the
State Pollution Control Board.

2.0 Terms of Reference – EIA Study

The Terms of Reference (ToR) for the EIA study to be undertaken for the proposed
project is prepared based on the review of initial reconnaissance surveys, discussion
with stakeholders and professional judgment. The key purpose of the ToR is to identify
key environmental and social concerns associated with project having pre construction,
construction and operational phases and formulate specific management plans to
effectively prevent and mitigate them in accordance with requirements of nodal

The ToR for the EIA study has been structured as follows:

 Section 1 – Project Description

Terms of Reference Independent Villas Development (90.925 Acres), Sector-61, Village Ullawas, Gurgaon

 Section 2 –Policy, legal and institutional framework

 Section 2 – Description of the Environment
 Section 3 – Impact Assessment
 Section 4 – Environment Management Plan
 Section 5 – Project Environmental Monitoring Plan

2.1 Project Description

This section of the EIA report will provide a comprehensive description of proposed
project encompassing

 Project need and objectives;

 Nature, size and location of the project;
 Project Site Settings including identification of environmental and social
sensitivities within the study area defined.
 Key project component including utilities viz. water treatment systems, water
supply and harvesting system, sewerage and storm water drainage, solid waste
recycling/disposal, parking facilities, landscaping, power supply, fire fighting
facilities etc.
 Construction phase activities including resource requirements viz. water, raw
material, vehicles, power supply, manpower etc
 Project implementation schedule and investment.

The project description section will be substantiated with relevant maps, site plans,
satellite imagery as appropriate, and include information on location, integrated project
facilities and site surrounding features within 15 Km radius .

2.2 Policy, Legal & Institutional Framework

The regulatory chapter of the EIA report will entailed a detailed review to establish the
applicability of the following national legislations/guidelines/best management

 Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 with Rules.

 EIA Notification, 2006 in supersession of 1994 notification

 Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1981 with Rules.

 Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974 with Rules.

 Water Cess Act, 1977

Terms of Reference Independent Villas Development (90.925 Acres), Sector-61, Village Ullawas, Gurgaon

 Noise Pollution (Regulation and Control) Rules, 2000

 Hazardous Waste (Management and Handling Rules, 2003 (as amended)

 Municipal Solid Waste Rules, 2000

 Bio-Medical Waste (Management and Handling) Amendment Rules, 2000

 Central Ground Water Authority (CGWA) Notification

 Energy Conservation Building Code (ECBC)

 Haryana State Environment Impact Assessment Authority (HSEIAA)/

 Haryana State Expert Appraisal Committee (HSEAC)

 Haryana Urban Development Authority (HUDA) Administration

 Statutory National Capital Region (NCR) Regional Plan-2021

2.3 Description of the Environment

The key components to be studied as a part of this chapter under physical, biological
and socio-economic environment have been elaborated in Table 1 below
Table 1: Environmental Components and Parameters for Baseline Study

SN Components Study Parameters

1 Physical Environment
a Topography  Land Use
 General terrain
 Contour plan of the proposed site
 Relief and slope of the area
b Geology  General geology of the area
c Tectonics  Seismo-tectonic nature of the study area
d Soil Quality  Establishing the physico-chemical characteristic
of soil at the project site based on soil sampling
and analysis. The soil parameters to be
analyzed for approx 1 monitoring location
along with the sampling methodology is
discussed below:-
Parameters: pH, electrical conductance, ,

Terms of Reference Independent Villas Development (90.925 Acres), Sector-61, Village Ullawas, Gurgaon

SN Components Study Parameters

Sodium Absorption Ratio (SAR), water holding

capacity, phosphorous, Copper, Zinc, iron, ,
sodium, potassium, boron, Nitrogen, bulk
density, organic content texture, Lead,
Moisture content, particle size distribution etc.,
Methodology: Composite grab samples of the
soil would be collected from 3m depths and
mixed to provide a representative sample for
 Soil permeability test for rain water harvesting
 Soil erosion assessment in view of the soil
characteristics, topography, and rainfall pattern
e Drainage  Establishing the study area drainage through
interpretation of Survey of India Toposheets
and contour mapping. The same will be
suitably presented through preparation of
study area drainage map characterized by
flowing water bodies etc.
 Establishing storm water drainage network and
rain water harvesting system to recharge the
ground water table
f Land use pattern  Establishing land use pattern of the study area
based on interpretation of satellite imagery and
Survey of India Toposheets. The same will be
suitably represented on study area land use

g Climate & Meteorology  Profiling of prevalent micrometeorological

conditions based on collection and collation of
secondary meteorological data (temperature,
relative humidity, rainfall, wind speed and
direction) obtained from nearest IMD station.
Further this will be substantiated with onsite

Terms of Reference Independent Villas Development (90.925 Acres), Sector-61, Village Ullawas, Gurgaon

SN Components Study Parameters

monitoring of meteorological parameters

(relative pressure, temperature, humidity, wind
speed, wind direction, total rain) during the
course of the study.
h Hydrogeology and  Hydro-geological investigation
ground water quality  Aquifer characteristics, flow regime, pre and
post monsoon ground water levels.
 Ground water sampling and analysis of to
establish the potable nature of water at the
project site in accordance to IS: 10500 standards.
The following parameters will be analyzed as
part of ground water for (approx 2) monitoring
Parameters - Color, Odor, pH, turbidity, taste,
total hardness, calcium, magnesium, chlorides,
flouride , nitrate, manganese, sulphate,
phenolic compounds, copper, mercury,
cadmium, selenium, arsenic, Cyanide, lead,
zinc, Anionic detergent, chromium, Iron,
mineral oil, dissolved solids ,polynuclear
aromatic hydrocarbons, boron, aluminium,
alkalinity, pesticides coliform, Escherichia coli
i Surface water resources  Surface water resources in the study area.
 The following parameters will be analysed as
part of surface water monitoring for (approx 1
no) of monitoring location.
Parameters: PH, colour, chemical oxygen
demand, biochemical oxygen demand, oil and
grease, total suspended solids, total dissolved
solids, lead, iron, total chromium, sulphate,
chloride, arsenic, cadmium, fluoride, DO,
hardness, salinity, free ammonium, calcium,
magnesium, total coliform, faecal coliform etc.

Terms of Reference Independent Villas Development (90.925 Acres), Sector-61, Village Ullawas, Gurgaon

SN Components Study Parameters

j Ambient Air Quality  Profiling of ambient air quality and pollutant

characterization of the study area will be
undertaken based on primary monitoring of air
quality within the study area. The selection of
the monitoring stations (approx 5 nos) will be
based on local topography, prevalent micro
meteorological conditions and presence of
ecological and social sensitive areas/locations.
The ambient air quality will be monitored for
key environmental pollutants viz. PM10,
PM2.5,, SOx, NOx, and CO in accordance with
the CPCB Ambient Air Quality Monitoring
 Air dispersion modeling to find out and
mitigate the impacts of environmental
pollutants on ambient air quality
k Ambient Noise Quality  Profiling of the ambient noise quality of the
study area is important to assess the noise
quality impacts during project construction and
operations stage and in formulating necessary
mitigation measures to address. The noise
monitoring stations (approx 5 nos) will be
selected near settlements, institutional
establishment, eco-sensitive areas (if any) etc
that are likely to affected during construction
and operational activities. Noise will be
continuously monitored for 24 hrs once during
the study period to compute the equivalent day
and night noise levels to check for possible
deviations/compliance with respect to CPCB
Ambient Noise Standards.
 Noise mitigation plan with the provision of
green belt development

Terms of Reference Independent Villas Development (90.925 Acres), Sector-61, Village Ullawas, Gurgaon

SN Components Study Parameters

l Traffic Density  Profiling of the traffic quality of the study area

is important to assess the traffic quality impacts
during project construction and operations
stage and in formulating necessary mitigation
measures to address it. The traffic monitoring
stations (approx 1 no) will be selected on the
basis of impact on traffic infrastructure on main
road connecting to the project site.
 Traffic management plan including parking
and loading/unloading areas
m Green Belt Development  Development of green belt to mitigate the
impact on noise and ambient air generated due
to the proposed project
n Solid Waste  Establishing the solid waste management plan
in addition to other solid waste like e-waste,
bio-medical waste, hazardous waste etc. and
their disposal
 Arrangements for recyclable and biodegradable
waste utilization
o Renewable Energy  Establishing use of renewable energy sources
Sources such as solar water heating, street lighting etc.,
for energy conservation
2 Ecological Environment
a  Ecologically sensitive areas in the study region
like sanctuaries, national parks, endangered
species and wildlife corridors, if any.
 Profiling of floral diversity (crop species;
medicinal plants; residential tree species) and
faunal diversity (wild species; domesticated
species; bird species; aquatic species; terrestrial
species) including endangered, rare and
threatened species.
 Migratory path, breeding seasons, foraging

Terms of Reference Independent Villas Development (90.925 Acres), Sector-61, Village Ullawas, Gurgaon

SN Components Study Parameters

habitats etc.
3 Socio-economic Environment
a  Demographic Profile - Population structure and
Household Size; Sex ratio; Schedule caste and
Schedule tribe population;
 Education and literacy – Literacy Rate; Literate
and Illiterate Population;
 Economic Activity and Livelihood Pattern –
workers and Non workers ; Workforce
 Socioeconomic Infrastructure – Educational
facilities; Medical facilities; Drinking water
Facilities; Post and Telegraph; Power supply etc

Impact Assessment

Impact Assessment section of the report will help in the identification, analysis and
evaluation of key environmental and social impacts that may arise during project
construction and operational phases. This section will help to distinguish between
significant positive and negative impacts, direct and indirect impacts and immediate
and long term impacts associated with the proposed project and provide information on
alternate design options. Avoidable as well as irreversible impacts will be identified and
cumulative impacts of proposed project and other proposed and/or existing
developments will be explored. Appropriate qualitative and quantitative prediction
tools and socio-economic data will be utilized in analysis and evaluation of significant
impacts. The potential significant impacts that may result from proposed project
activities during aforesaid phases will be accordingly represented through an impact
assessment matrix.

Potential environmental and social impacts that will be assessed as part of the proposed
project includes:

Impact on Air Environment: The impact on ambient air quality due to point and
fugitive emissions envisaged during construction and operational stages of the

Terms of Reference Independent Villas Development (90.925 Acres), Sector-61, Village Ullawas, Gurgaon

proposed project from raw material storage and handling, operation of DG sets,
vehicular movement etc will be assessed and evaluated using qualitative or quantitative
techniques as applicable. Appropriate computer based mathematical models will be
used for quantitative assessment and compared with existing Ambient Air Quality

Impacts on Water Environment: Evaluation of impact on water environment shall

include water balance statement, capacity of the proposed source of water, recycling of
treated wastewater, diversion of water from other users, incremental pollution load
from wastewater discharge (if any), rain water harvesting

Impact on Land Environment: This will include estimation of impacts of project on land
uses, landscape, topography, drainage and hydrology.

Impact on Socio Economic Environment: The potential impact on socio economic

environment that may arise from loss of land, change in land use pattern, influx of
workforce, sharing of common resources, economic development, enhancement of
livelihood opportunities will be assessed and evaluated during the course of the study
Impact on Biological Environment: This section will discuss the potential impacts that
may arise on floral and faunal habitat of endangered/threatened species (if any),
migratory route (if any) and foraging areas due to the proposed project

Impact on Transport Infrastructure: Evaluation of impacts on transport infrastructure

shall include adequate parking space for vehicles, details of the present level of
transport infrastructure and measures proposed for improvement including the traffic
management at the entry and exit point to the project site.

2.4 Environmental Management Plan

An environmental and social management plan (EMP) will be prepared to prevent and
mitigate any potential significant environmental, social and cultural impacts identified
in the impact assessment section with respect to the proposed project. The EMP will
cover the following:

 Project organizational structure with specific roles and responsibilities of project

personnel involved in environmental management.
 Summary of mitigation measures likely to adopted and implemented by the
proponent as part of specific management plans prepared. This includes:

Terms of Reference Independent Villas Development (90.925 Acres), Sector-61, Village Ullawas, Gurgaon

a. Air & noise quality management in sensitive areas, agricultural lands and
habitations likely to be affected from operation of crushers, DG sets
haulage and transportation of raw materials and vehicular movement.
b. Management of solid waste and debris generated from construction camp
and site clearance activities respectively.
c. Management of waste water and storm water run-off generated from the
proposed project during construction and operational stages.
d. Rain water harvesting plan and ground water recharging measures
during operations stage.
e. Management measures to ensure safe and convenient passage for vehicles,
pedestrians and livestock along the project access and approach road
during both construction and operations
f. Green Belt Development Plan to improve visual and aesthetic value.
g. Occupational health and safety management plan to address the potential
health and safety risks of onsite workers during construction phase.
h. Disaster management Plan to address natural (earthquake) and man-made
disasters (fire etc).
 Budget for implementation of proposed environmental management measures.

The following best practices/guidelines would be taken into consideration in

formulating the EMP:

 MoEF Manual on norms and standards for environmental clearance of Large

Construction Projects;
 National Building Code promulgated by the Bureau of Indian Standards;
 Energy Conservation Building Code;
 Fire Protection Manual drafted by the Tariff Advisory Committee;

2.5 Project Environmental Monitoring Plan

The Project Environmental Monitoring Plan will identify and describe the monitoring
measures that will be employed to track the effectiveness of the environmental & social
management plan and ensure compliance with regulatory requirements during project
implementation. It will describe the environmental parameters to be monitored,
monitoring methods, sampling locations, frequency, costs, detection limits and

Terms of Reference Independent Villas Development (90.925 Acres), Sector-61, Village Ullawas, Gurgaon

thresholds that would be monitored and evaluated to indicate corrective actions. It will
also outline the monitoring & reporting procedures and define organizational
responsibilities for implementation of this plan.


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