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Balete Community College

Balete, Aklan
Detailed Lesson Plan in Science Grade V

At the end of the 60 minutes lesson, the pupils will be able to do the following:
i. Identify the heavenly bodies in the solar system
ii. Draw the solar system’s Terrestrial planets and label it
iii. Appreciate the importance of the composition of the solar system.


a. Topic: The Solar System: Sun and the Terrestrial Planets
b. References:
c. Instructional Materials: Images, Visual Aids
d. Value Focus: Humility, Kindheartedness, Cooperation and Teamwork
e. Time Allotment: 60 minutes



1.Preparatory Activity
a. Prayer
“Before we start our learning, let’s all rise and “Our Father” …… Amen.
feel the presence of the Lord.”
“_________ please lead the prayer.
b. Greetings
“Good Morning Class!” “Good Morning Ma’am!”

“How are you class?” “(Answers may vary)”

” I hope everyone is good. How about you

greet your classmate a good morning with a “(Do as told)”
smile and tell them; all is well.”

“Good job everyone! Let’s start our day with


2. Developmental Activity

a. Review
“Okay class let’s have a quick review, who “Our lesson last meeting is all about the stars
among you can still remember what we have teacher.”
discussed last meeting?”
“Yes _________?”

“Very good! It’s all about the stars. Now, who “It’s color red Ma’am!”
can tell me the color of the Betelgeuse?
Yes __________?”
“Yes, very Good! How about the Rigel? What “Color Blue Ma’am.”
its color? Yes __________?”

“Great! How about the sun? Yes ________? “The color of our Sun is Yellow Ma’am.”

“Good job Everyone!”

b. Motivation
“To start our lesson for today, we are going to “Yes!”
sing a song. Do you want to sing class?”

“Great! Now let’s all stand up.” “Do as told”

“Okay, this song is entitled “the planet song”.

After singing every verses, we’re going to “Yes ma’am”
clap our hands four times and then bend a
little and tap our thighs with our hands for
four times also. Did you get it?”

“Now let’s sing together and let me hear your

golden voices”


Let’s explore the awesome planets

We’ll fly in our rocket ship
Let’s explore the awesome planets
We’ll have an exciting trip

Mercury is the smallest planet

The very first one that we see
It’s really hot with lots of craters
Just as dry as it can be

Venus is the second planet

Shining brightly in the sky
Having lots of cloud and gases
Make it hot and bare and dry

Earth is third, it is our home

There’s oxygen and water here
Everything we need for living
Plus a moon that’s very near

Mars is fourth
The planet that is red with rust all over
We wanted to explore this world
So we sent up the rover

c. Presentation of the Lesson

“Based on our song, do you class have an idea “Yes teacher. It is about the Planets.”
what is our lesson for today? Yes
“Yes the Planets. What else? “Yes “About the moon”

“Very Good, it includes the moon. What “The solar system Ma’am.”
else? “Yes _________?”

“Correct! Our lesson for today is all about the

solar system.”

“Very Good! It’s good to know that most of

you have an idea about the solar system.”

iv. Lesson Proper

“So, the solar system is consist of the sun and

all other object that travels around sun. These
objects include planets, asteroids (pieces of
rocks), natural satellites, meteoroids, comets,
dwarf planets, dust and gases. The sun is the
center of our solar system and exerts
tremendous gravitational pull on planets,
comets, asteroids, satellites and other objects.
Our solar system is a part of the Milky Way
Galaxy. There are many such galaxies in the

“Did you understand something class?” “Yes Ma’am.”

“So, the Solar System is consists of what?” “Planets!”

“Very good. What else?” “The Sun.”

“Great! What else? Anyone?” “Moon Ma’am.”

“Yes very good! The moon or it is also called “Asteroids and comets Ma’am.”
Natural Satellites. Are there more? Yes

“Very good everyone. Now who can tell me “Our Solar system is part of the milky way
in what galaxy does our solar system part of? galaxy.”
Yes _________?”

“Very Good! It’s good to know that you’re

listening class. Now let’s proceed. Today
we’re going to discuss about the Sun and the
Four Terrestrial planets”

“Now who can tell me anything about the

sun? anyone? Yes __________? “The sun is hot ma’am”

“Yes indeed it is very hot. Very good. What

else?” Yes ________?” “It is very important to the plants ma’am”

“Very good. Of course the sun is important to

the plants for them to grow and do the process
of photosynthesis.”

“So class, the sun lies in the center of the

Solar system. It is massive ball of burning gas
called a star. It is around 100 times bigger
than our earth. Sun looks bigger because it
closer to the earth than the any other stars.
Sun is very hot because of continuous huge
explosion of gases happening in the sun. It
gives heat and light to planets in the system.
Light from the sun reaches earth in
approximately 8 minutes.

“Based on what I’ve discussed, where does

the sun lies? Yes, _________?” “It lies in the center of the solar system
“Yes very good. How big is the sun compare
to earth? Yes __________?” “The sun is 100 times bigger than the earth”

“Correct. Now how long does it take for the

sunlight to reach the earth? Yes _________?” “Approximately 8 minutes ma’am.”

“Very good! Nice job everyone. Now let’s

proceed to the Four Terrestrial Planets.”

“Okay so what do you know about the planet

mercury class? Yes ________?” “It’s the first planet in the solar system

“Yes correct. What else? Yes ________?”

“It is the smallest planet in the solar system

“The closest planet to the sun is Mercury. It

has rocky surface with large holes called
craters. These craters were made by fast
moving rocks hitting into the planets from the
space. When we look at mercury from earth,
these craters looks like dark spot. Mercury
has no atmosphere. Life is not possible on
mercury because it is either too hot or too
cold. Mercury has no moon. Its orbit around the
Sun takes 87.97 Earth days, the shortest of all the
Sun's planets.”

“Is it Venus ma’am?”

“So who can tell me the second planet in the
solar system? Yes ____________?”

“Correct. Venus is the second planet in the “It’s very hot in there ma’am.”
solar system. So what do you know about the
planet Venus?”

“None ma’am”
“Very Good! Venus is very hot. It’s even
hotter than the planet mercury making Venus
the hottest planet in the solar system. So what
else? Anything about Venus?”

“Okay so let’s proceed. Venus is the second

planet from the sun. It is almost as big as
earth. It has thicker atmosphere compared to
earth. The sun ray’s passes through the thick
clouds and warms the planet’s surface but the
cloud stop the heat from escaping which
makes the planet very hot. Venus is the
hottest planet in the solar system and so life is
not possible there. Venus has no moons. It
revolves around the Sun every 225 Earth days.”
“It’s almost as big as Earth ma’am.”
“So now what did you learned about the planet
Venus? Yes _________?”

“True. It’s as big as earth and is also labeled as

“Because it’s so hot in there ma’am”.
the twin planet of the earth. Why life is not
possible on Venus? Yes ___________?”

“It’s the Earth ma’am!”

“Yes very good. So now let’s proceed to the
next planet. Who can tell me what is the third
planet in the solar system? Yes ________?”

“Nice! The third planet in the solar system is

the earth. What can you say about the earth?” “It’s our home planet ma’am.”
Yes _______?”
“Correct. What else? Yes _________?”
“It’s the only planet that can support life”

“Very good. Anything else? Yes ________?”

“It has oceans and trees ma’am.”
‘Nice answer! Very good. You’re doing a
great job class!”

“Okay so The earth is at the right distance

from the sun and has right mixture of air, heat
and water which makes life possible on earth.
It is the only planet where life is known to
exist. Earth is 7926 miles in size. About 70%
of the earth is covered with water and 30%
with land. Earth has one moon. Moon is
natural satellite. Earth revolves in orbit
around the sun in 365 days.”

“Did you understand class?”

“Yes ma’am”

“Now let’s move on to the next planet. Who

can tell me what the next planet is? Yes “It’s Mars ma’am!”

“Correct. The fourth planet in the solar

system is mars. What do you know about the “It’s color red ma’am”
planet mars? Yes _________?”

“Very good! What else? Yes _____?” “It’s the second smallest planet in the solar
system ma’am.”
“Nice answer. It is the second smallest planet “Mercury ma’am.’
because the smallest planet is what? Yes

“Yes very good. Is there more?”

“None ma’am.”
“Okay Mars is cold and fourth planet from the
sun. It has two moons. It is a rocky planet. Its
surface is covered with red dust and hence
called red planet. As Mars orbits the Sun, it
completes one rotation every 24.6 hours”.

“Did you understand class?”

“So do you have any questions about the four

terrestrial planet?”

“Do you have any questions about our lesson “Yes ma’am.”
for today? Yes __________?”
“None ma’am.”

“Very good question. Pluto was considered a

planet till 2006. It is now considered as dwarf
“What happened to Pluto ma’am? I thought it
planet because it did not meet the three
was a planet?”
criteria the IAU uses to define a full-sized
planet. So any questions? Yes_________?”

“What is that ma’am?”

“Okay. So that is called Asteroid belt. The
asteroid belt is a region of space between the
orbits of Mars and Jupiter where most of the
asteroids in our Solar System are found
orbiting the Sun. The asteroid belt probably
contains millions of asteroids. Any more
questions class?” “None ma’am.”

e. Application/ Activity
“Okay class Group yourselves into 2. I have a
bond paper, color pencils and crayons here

“So now, I want you to draw the sun and the

four terrestrial planet together with your
groupmates and label it. I will give you 10 “Yes ma’am.”

“Time’s up everyone! Please pass your work.

Don’t forget to write your name.” “Yes ma’am.”

f. Generalization
“Based on our discussion earlier, what do you
think is the importance of the sun to our life? (Pass their papers)
Yes, ______________?”
“Very Good. Anyone? Yes _________?”

“Great! What else? Yes ________?” “It gives light”

“It keeps the plant alive”

“Yes, it gives Vitamins to our skin. Yes
“It has Vitamins”
“Yes it could be like solar energy. Very
Good. Yes ______?”
“It is a source of energy teacher”

“Very good. What else? Yes ______?”

“It is an important part of water cycle.”

“Correct. Any more answers? Yes

“That’s right. All your answers are correct. Very

Good!” “It kills germs and dries our clothes ma’am.”

“It warms the atmosphere”

“Now that we know the importance of the
sun. What do you think will happen if there is
no sun? What will happen to our beloved
Earth? Yes _______________?”

“Very Good! Class do you think that if there

is no sun, life could still be possible?” “All the living things here on Earth will die”

“Yes. Without the sun, life is not possible on

earth. In the absence of sun our earth would
be just a ball of ice coated rock.”
“No ma’am”

g. Evaluation
“I think you already understand our lesson for
today. So I want you to answer this work
sheet and answer this questions.

1. It lies in the center of the Solar
system. Without it, life is not possible
on earth.
2. It is the fourth planet from the sun.
Its surface is covered with red dust
and hence called red planet.
3. It is the second planet from the sun. It
is almost as big as earth. 1. SUN
4. It is the only planet where life is
known to exist.
5. The closest planet to the sun. It has 2. MARS
rocky surface with large holes called
“Alright. Pass your paper everyone. This 4. EARTH
paper will serve as your attendance for
“Do you have any questions about today’s

“Good. Let’s give a big round of applause to

yourselves class. You’ve done great today.”

IV. Assignment
“None so far.”
“For your assignment, copy this in your
notebook and look for the definition of these
(Claps their hands)
1. Jupiter
2. Saturn
3. Uranus
4. Neptune
5. Jovian Planets

“Thank you class and I hope you learned

something today. See you next meeting.
Goodbye and Have a great day.”

“Goodbye and thank you ma’am.”


(Pre-Service Teacher)


(Cooperating teacher)




(Program Dean)

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