Categories of Teaching Methods

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3 Direct instruction technique

1. INDUCTIVE AND DEDUCTIVE METHODS  In this technique, the teacher initially provides
2.LECTURE METHOD information which will be adopted, supported, and
affirmed by the students. The teacher should:
2.1 Outlining technique
a. explain further the initial exposition;
 Involves a cognitive framework in which the b. provide more and different pertinent
subject matter is presented from general to specific example.
(from a broad topic to sub-topic, from the sub- c. re-state the teacher's point;
topics to sub-sub-topics) In outlining technique d. substantiate and support the ideas
there is hierarchy of ideas developed from big to presented.
small, from complex to simple and from general.
3.4 Panel discussion technique
2.2 Component technique
 It is a direct, conversational, and interactional
 exactly the reverse of the outlining technique that
discussion among a small group of experts. In the
is instead of breaking up the whole into parts the
actual panel discussion conducted in the
lecturer should organize his ideas from small to
classroom, the panelist should not be students
large. Hence, the process of synthesis is involved.
themselves instead, they are teachers or may be an
As the lecturer proceeds, more pertinent data are
outside resource speaker. Even the moderator
presented resulting to the crystallization of one
should be one who is adept in conducting group
pervasive idea.
2.3 Sequential technique
3.5 Recitation technique
 Provides the most effective cognitive framework
around which the whole lecture revolves. It  The class is greatly engaged in a question-and-
provides a very logical presentation of ideas like: answer session. From the preconceived questions
a. The chronological arrangement of events in assigned to the class, the teacher usually makes
history; follow-up questions which are to be answered by
b. The stages in the cycle of communications; students.
c. The development of a story plot or a novel;
3.6 Interview technique
d. The operation of the law of supply and
demand; * calls for an active interaction between the
2.4 Relevance technique interviewer and the interviewee. Interview is done to:
 consists of four main steps namely: a. make an in-depth treatment of a subject or an
a. presentation of a central thought or the issue;
singular idea; b. clarify certain points;
b. giving all impressions about this idea; c. to provide the interviewer the first-hand
c. separating the correct impressions from the information about an interesting topic
incorrect ones
d. concentrating the lecture on the explanations 4. REPORTING METHOD
of the correct impressions
4.1 Morrisonian technique
2.5 Transitional technique
 To approach the topics as organized and integrated
 an in-depth treatment of a particular topic. It aims
body, showing relevance and cognitive
to expand and provide different but acceptable
relationship. The teacher assigns every unit or
perspectives about the topic.
chapter as the lesson of the class activity.
e.g When you discuss about the philosophy of
education, you discuss it on several schools of thought 4.2 Individual or group reporting
namely idealism, realism, naturalism pragmatism and
4.3 Reading and story-telling technique
existentialism. Each philosophy views educational
goals and priorities distinctively. 4.4 Schematic technique
3. DISCUSSION METHOD  A type of reporting which considerably makes use
3.1 Small group discussion technique of hardware of instruction. Hence, the products of
 breaking down the whole class into small groups instructional technology are extensively used to
in order to encourage and maximize free exchange aid the reporter.
of ideas about the topic.
3.2 Socialized classroom discussion technique
involves a free exchange of ideas between the
class and the teacher; the teacher acts as moderator 4.5 Symposium technique
guiding and directing the class discussion.
 Closely identified with school forums which is 6.2 Field Trip technique
open to all faculty members and students
 A well-planned trip to a special location which
Symposium involves the following phases:
provides students an opportunity to manipulate
1. Identifying the theme
knowledge they possess; an out of the classroom
2. Breaking down the theme into three or more
experience, primarily for the purpose of observing
specific topics
natural phenomena which cannot be brought into
3. Selecting appropriate speakers
the classroom because of their immediacy, are best
4. Allotting adequate time for each speaker
studied in their natural setting.
5. Giving time for the open forum whereby
students ask questions. 6.3 Dramatization technique
5.INVESTIGATORY METHOD  one that involves telling a story in one's own
distinctive way. The story is told through acting on
5.1 Laboratory technique
a stage by actors before an audience.
* a technique in which students actively manipulate
6.4 Role playing
and study a given situation upon which a given
problem lies  it involves an activity which a student or. a group
of students dramatizes his or her real reactions to
Types of Laboratory technique
certain problematic situations.
5.1.1 Laboratory exercise-designed to help the
6.5 Simulation (game) technique
students acquire fundamental knowledge and skills e.g.
speech exercises like reading of poetry, accentuation  involves a contrived experience previously
ect. done in speech laboratory. prepared and aimed at providing students with an
illusion of real experience.
5.1.2 Laboratory investigation-a deeper and more
serious undertaking that requires careful planning and 6.6 Brainstorming technique
doing on the part of the researcher.
 it calls for an activity in which a deliberate attempt
5.1.3 Confirmatory type of laboratory technique- is made to think and speak out freely and
tends to be traditional since the teacher explains the creatively about all possible approaches and
concept or principle to students before they undertake solutions to a given problem.
the investigation. The investigation only concretizes
the basic data expounded by the teacher. 6.7 Debate technique

5.1.4 Exploratory type of laboratory technique-  *A formal presentation of arguments on both sides
closely resembles a scientific investigation. Students of a question before an audience in accordance
are not given the expected generalization instead they with standardized procedure.
are made to feel that they are responsible in actively 7.DEMONSTRATION METHOD
searching for it.
7.1 Teacher-directed technique
5.2 Problem-solving technique
 the teacher performs the demonstration, especially
 Requires a learner to work actively in the solution when there is only one set of materials available
of a difficulty or an undesirable situation. for instructional purposes.
5.3 Research technique 7.2 Student-directed technique
* a creative and systematic work undertaken to  the teacher gives the instruction while the selected
increase the stock of knowledge". It involves the student follow them.
collection, organization, and analysis of information to
increase understanding of a topic or issue. 7.3 Teacher-student directed technique.

5.4 Field study technique  the teacher performs the demonstration with the
students helping in the handling of materials over
* a technique in which the student investigates a given to the teacher.
situation by being an integral component of it.


6.1 Project technique

 Calls for an activity that is directly planned,

controlled, executed and evaluated by students in 7.4 Resource speaker-directed technique
order to accomplish a specific goal. The teacher
 *the resource speaker may be found more effective
energizes his students to action to accomplish a
as he can provide the class with the necessary
learning task.
know-what and know-how in line with his own
expertise and special training


8.1 Programmed instruction

 a system of teaching and learning within which

pre-established subject matter is broken down into
small, discrete steps and carefully organized into a
logical sequence in which it can be learned readily
by students.

8.2 Mastery learning

 patterned after Morisson's mastery formula which

is an instructional procedure recommended for
securing mastery of subject matter and defined as
“pre-test, teach, test the result, adapt procedure,
teach and test again to the point of actual learning.

8.3 Modular learning technique

 a technique which allows student to proceed at his

own pace;


9.1 Lecture-discussion technique

 a technique that uses the “three-pronged strategy”

which includes careful organization of the course
material, student interaction, and discussion

9.2 Lecture-demonstration technique

 *a technique wherein the lecture part precedes the

demonstration. The combination aims at
concretizing the teacher's lecture with an actual

9.3 Film-showing-discussion technique

 the use of films, videos

 includes 3 phases: 1) introduction and raising
questions 2) film-reviewing 3) answering the
questions formed and discussing salient points
seen in the film.

9.4 Reporting-discussion technique

 *a technique wherein after the student makes a

report, the class can actively engage in the
discussion. The teacher can enliven the session by
asking some questions and by adding relevant and
clarifying ideas.

Note: These are the time-tested teaching methods. We

may also use modern teaching
methods/strategies/approaches in designing our course
plans like flipped classroom, gamification, design
thinking, spaced learning, cross-over learning, VAK
learning, cooperative learning etc. The selection of
methods/approaches/techniques to be used depends on
the type of lessons that we have. We just have to take
note po on the constructive alignment of our teaching
method/s and the learning activities and other entries in
our learning plan. Thank you.

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