Plate 3 Loads and Structures - Determinacy and Stability of Structures

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Plate 2 Loads and Structures. Determinacy and Stability of Structures.

Loads and Structures

Problem 1 The floor of a light storage warehouse is made of 150-mm-thick cinder concrete. If the floor is
a slab having a length of 3 m and width of 2.4 m, determine the resultant force caused by the dead load
and that caused by the live load.

Problem 2 A building wall consists of 300-mm clay-brick and 50 mm x 100 mm unplastered wood studs
on both sides. If the wall is 2.4 m high, determine the load in kN per meter length of wall that it exerts on
the floor.

Problem 3 The T-beam is used in a heavy storage warehouse is made of concrete having a specific weight
of 19.6 kN/m3. Determine the dead load per meter length of beam, and the live load on the top of the
beam per meter length of beam. Neglect the weight of the steel reinforcement.
Problem 4 The floor of a classroom is made of 125 mm thick lightweight plain concrete. If the floor is a
slab having a length of 8 m and width of 6,, determine the resultant force caused by the dead load and
live load.

Problem 5 A three-story building has interior columns spaced 10m apart in two perpendicular directions.

Given design loads:

Roof: DL= 4 kPa LL=0

Floor: DL= 8 kPa (typical each floor) LL= 3.6 kPa (3rd floor) LL= 12 (2nd floor)

In accordance with NSCP provisions, reduced floor live load.

Where: Lo= unreduced live load A1= influence area (equals 4 times tributary area for a column) Based on
the tributary area of an interior column.

a. What is the total axial load on a column at the second floor due to service live load?

b. What is the total axial load on a column at the ground floor due to service live load?

c. What is the total dead load on a column at the ground floor level?
Determinacy and Stability of Structures

Classify each of the structures as statically determinate, statically indeterminate, or unstable. If

indeterminate, specify the degree of indeterminacy.

Set A
Set B
Set C
Set D
Determinacy and Stability of Trusses

Set A
Set B

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