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 Romanticism took place during the American Revolution and the French Revolution, and saw its
crowning artists across a host of different counties
 Romanticism saw an emphasis on the self, as well as a rejection of the kind of order that the
Enlightenment had imposed in favor of a more chaotic approach to life.

 Realism was the first movement to finally reject all the drama, intensely exaggerated emotion,
and grandeur of other art styles for a more grounded approach to human nature.
 The working class ruled the era of Realism, at least as far as art went.
 Impressionism might have been one of the first purely aesthetic art periods, a style focused on
capturing a visual phenomenon rather than an intensely political or religious one. Painters like
Monet, Manet, and Cassatt were known during this time
 Post-impressionism was the logical follow-up to impressionism, an art style that maintained its
philosophy – a rejection of traditional art rules and its focus on perfection – but also rejected its
supposed limitations
 Post-impressionism carried on impressionism’s free style and unrestricted brush techniques, but
applied it to more common scenes, and also painted forms rather than just impressions. Notable
post-impressionists include Rousseau, Toulouse-Lautrec, and van Gogh.
 Expressionism and its cousin Fauvism were partially products of wartime. Matisse, a Fauvist
painter, usually kept things very light.
 The era of Cubism, Futurism, Supremativism, Constructivism, De Stijl saw shapes, abstract
objects, and highly deconstructed renders of landscapes and other things used as a means of
expression, rather than traditional techniques seen before This was a bold period for art, and
saw talents like Picasso leading the way.
 Elements of dreams and the subconscious were explored with this style, as well as wartime
horrors (it overlapped World War II and the atomic bombings of Japan). The Dadaists meant to
subvert classical ideas of expression, as well as question what art itself even means: Notable
surrealists include Salvador Dali and Magritte
 Postmodernism and Deconstructivism was during the 1970 CE. Much of postmodern art is
deconstructing styles of the past and reinterpreting them.
 The Neoclassical era toned down the extremity of Baroque while still capturing the grace and
aesthetic perfection of Greco-Roman art periods

 The word “Renaissance” is a French term meaning rebirth, which is exactly what the Renaissance
movement was. It was a cultural rebirth of art, literature, and intellect after a vast period of
darkness, disease, and war. Music, art, science, philosophy, and other schools thrived during this
era, which gave birth to such greats as Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, Donatello,

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