3-Phase Synchronous Motor

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D.C -Supply

Stator winding

winding Salient pole rotor

Flg. 12.7.1 Schematic representatlon of three phaso synchronous
The synchronous motor construction is basically similar to rotating field type
alternator. It consists of two parts:
) Stator: Consisting of a three phase star or delta connected winding. This is excited
by a three phase a.c. supply.
i) Rotor: Rotor is a field winding, the construction of which can be salient (proj.cted
pole) or non salient (cylindrical) type. Practically most of the synchronous motors use
salient ie. projected pole type construction. The field winding is excited by a separate
d.c. supply through slip rings.

Review Questio
******** ***************"****************************

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1. Explain the construction of three phase synchronous motor.

28 Working Principle of Synchronous Motor

APIAKTU2009. 10 2010-112014-15,2015.16
Rwwww AwWW w.RRARODA ww...ww.NoA

Synchronous motor works on the principle of the magnetic locking. When two unlike
poles are brought near each other, if the magnets are strong, there exists a tremendou
force of attraction between those two poles. In such condition the two magnets are sai
to be magnetically locked. Rotation
of magnet 1
If now one of the two magnets is
rotated, the other also rotates in the same Tremendous
direction, with the same speed due to the force of
force of attraction i.e. due to magnetic ZMaçnet 2
ais geic
locking condition. The principle is shown rotated

schematically in the Fig. 12.8.1.

Fig. 12.8.1 Principie of magnetic tocking
Consider a three phase synchronous
i o r , whose 'ato: s wound for 2 poles. The two magnetic fields are produced in th
synchronouS motor bby exciting both the windings, stator and rotor with three phase aa.c
d.c. supply respectively.

winding is excited by a three phase a.c. supply then the flhux

When thu
phase stator
is rotating magnetic field rotating in space ata
b y the three phase winding
Wre the
The rotating magnetic field creates the effect similar to
produ SVnchronous speed.
called s y n c h r o n d

of magnet in space with a synchronous speed.

cal rotation

N = rp.m. Speed of rotating magnetic field

of understanding let us assume that the stator poles are N and S

The direction of rotation of rotating magnetic field
re rotating at a speed of Ng
is sayclockwise.

d.c. supply, it also produces two

on rotor is excited by a
when the field winding salient type. Let these poles be Na
construction to be two pole,
nies, assuming rotor
and S and S1 while at start rotor is
is rotating N having poles
at N^
Now one magnet poles N2 and S. If
somehow the
second magnet is stationary having
stationary ie. near each other, the magnetic locking
or S and N2 are brought
poles and S2 due to
between stator and rotor
As statorpoles. poles are rotating,
mav get established that of stator poles i.e. in
rotor will also rotate
in the same direction as
magnetic locking, with the same speed i.e. N. Hence synchronous
the direction of rotating magnetic field,
one speed i.e. synchronous
motor rotates at one and only

This is shown in the Fig. 12.8.2.


R Rotor


(a) (b)
Fig. 12.8.2 Working principle of synchronous
from their
Pr the rotor poles
possible for stator poles to pull
not because of rotor inertia.

ary position into magnetic locking condition

synchronous motors are not self
12.8.1 Why Synchronous Motor is Not Self Starting ?
Consider the rotating magnetic field as equivalent to physical rotation of two statee
poles N and S. Consider an instant when two poles are at such a position where stato stator
magnetic axis is vertical, along A-B as shown in the Fig. 12.8.3 (a). stator
Stator pole Stator

N Direction of rotating
magnetic field

( Salient pole rotor

(arbitrary position
at start)

B Axis of stator magnetic fieid B
(a) Action of synchronous motor (b) Action of synchronous motor

Fig. 12.8.3
At this instant, rotor poles
arbitrarily positioned as shown in the Fig. 128.3 (a).

At this instant, rotor is stationary and unlike poles will

try to attract each other. Due
to this rotor will be subjected to an instantaneous torque in anticlockwise direction
shown in the Fig. 12.8.3 (a).
Now stator poles are rotating
very fast i.e. at a speed N, r.p.m. Due to inertia, betore
rotor hardly rotates in the direction of anticlockwise
torque, to which it is
stator poles change their positions. Consider an instant half a
period latter where stator
poles are exactly reversed but due to inertia rotor is unable to rotate from its mu
This is
position. shown in the Fig. 12.8.3 (b)
At this instant, due to the unlike poles trying to attract each other, the rotor w illlbe
subjected to a torque in clockwise direction. This will tend to rotate rotor in te
direction of rotating magnetic field.
But before this happens, stator poles again change their positions reversing
direction of the torque exerted on the rotor.
As a result, the average torque exerted on the rotor is zero. And hence

motor is not self starting.

vteweestions ns
operation of synchronous motor.
theprinciple of
L LExplain

APJAKTU 2009.10, 2010-11, 2014-15, Mark 5

W h ysymchron
ronous motor is not selfstarting? APJAKTU: 2015-16 Marke 5 **************** ****.**************

Starting Synchronous Motor

1 2 9Methods

Methods of
synchronous motor is not self starting. It is necessary to rotate the
s e e n

ve near to synchronous speed. This is possible by various methods in
at a methods to start the synehronous
motor are,
r o t o r .

v a n o u s

P at
2,Øsing damper winding
1. Using 4. Using small d.c. machine coupled to it.
i n d u c t i o n motor
3.Aga slip
Using Pony
291 to the synchronous speed with the help of
method, the rotor is brought
In t motor. Such an external device
is called Pony
like small induction

the dc. excitation to the rotor is

attains the syrnchronous speed,
the rotor The motor
established pony motor is decoupled.
the synchronism is
on. Once
Switched motor.
continues to rotate as a synchronous

2.9.2 Using Damper Winding

synchronous motor, in Damper
In a

addidion to the normal field winding, winding

the additional winding consisting
copper bars is placed in the slots
the pole faces. The bars are short
dircuited with the help of end rings.
Such an additional winding on the
rotor is called damper winding. This
Winding as short circuited, acts as a
squirrel cage rotor winding of an
rotor winding
induction motor. The schematic
as a squirrel cage l.M.
representation of such damper Fig. 12.9.1 Starting
winding is shown in the Fig. 12.9..
tator is excited by a supply, the motor starts
three phase
rotating an
dtoction iven to the field
motor at subsynchronous speed. Then d.c. supply and starts rotaing
at a
partid a
paricular instant motor gets pulled into synchronism
relative monon
at synchronous
speed, the
r o t o r rotor rotates
between damper winding and the rotating magnetic field is zero. Hence when mot
running as synchronous motor, there cannot be any induced e.m.f. in the dam
motor is
winding. So damper winding is active only at start, to run the motor as an indu. damper
motor at start. Afterwards it is out of the circuit. As damper winding is short circ
and motor gets started as induction motoc, it draws high current at start so inductio
motor starters like star-delta, autotransformer etc. are used to start the synchrone
motor as an induction motor.

12:9.3 As a Slip Ring Induction Motor

The above method of starting synchronous motor as a squirrel
cage induction motor
does not provide high starting torque. So to achieve this, instead of
shorting the damper
winding, it isdesigned to form a three phase star or delta connected winding. The three
ends of this winding are brought out through slip rings. An external rheostat then can
be introduced in series with the rotor circuit. So when stator is excited, the motor
as a slip
ring induction motor and due to resistance added in the rotor, provides
starting torque. The resistance is then gradually cut off, as motor gathers
motor attains speed near
speed. When
synchronous, d.c. excitation is provided to the rotor, then
motor gets pulled into
synchronism and starts rotating at synchronous speed. The
damper winding is shorted by shorting
the slip rings. The initial resistance added in the
rotor not only provides high starting torque but also limits high inrush of
current. Hence it acts as a rotor resistance starter.
The synchronous motor started this method is called
by a
slip ring induction motor
as shown in the Fig. 12.9.2.
3 phase
supply Slip rings
0000 1/2 Shaft



D. C. w
supply ww
Rur Start
TPDT switch
Fig. 12.9.2 Starting as a slip ring LM.
It can be observed from the i g 1292 that the same three phase rotor winding acs

as a normal rotor winding by shorting two of the phases. From the positive terminal
sitive terminal,


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