Energy Systems Notes

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Energy Systems 28-04-2023

Adenosine triphosphate
● Our body stores energy in the form of Adenine Triphosphate (ATP)
● ATP made up of 1 Adenosine molecule and 3 phosphate molecules
● This is where TRIphosphate comes from

● Our body requires energy, this energy comes from the breakdown of ATP in our cells
● Breakdown of ATP=Energy=Movement
● All energy for cellular activity comes from ATP

● Adenosine-P-P-P = ATP
● Adenosine-P-P x P = Adenosine-P-P+P+P+Energy
● Adenosine-P-P=Adenosine Diphosphate (ADP)

How ATP is generated

● Our cells can't get energy directly from food
● Needs to be stored as a useable form of energy ATP
● The food we eat contains energy (kilojoules)
● This energy is used to produce ATP molecules
● Energy is stored in ATP like a battery

3 types of nutrients we can get energy from
- Carbohydrates
- Protein
- Fats

We digest these nutrients to convert them to other forms so we can use them to generate ATP.

Energy Systems
● ATP is generated through 3 different energy systems
● The energy system the body generates it through depends on the intensity and the duration of the
exercise being performed
● ATP-PC system = very quick explosive exercise
● Lactic ACid system = Moderately intense exercise lasting several minutes
● Aerobic system = Long-duration exercise
Anaerobic and Aerobic Systems
● An anaerobic energy system is one that does not require oxygen to generate ATP
● An aerobic energy system is one that does require oxygen to generate ATP

ATP-PC System
● Is an anaerobic energy system
● Used for explosive exercises lasting 8-10 seconds
● Generates ATP very quickly but only limited supply (runs out quickly)
● The most inefficient energy system

ATP-PC System - How it works

● ATP is stored in the muscles and liver for quick access
● ATP stores run out in 2-3 seconds
● When you move ATP is broken down to ADP+P to generate energy for the body to use
● When the Phosphate is split that’s where the energy comes from
● ATP stores in the muscle run out very quickly therefore we must generate more
● VERY useful for quick explosive exercises, generate ATP very quickly but also runs out quickly
● Phosphate creatine (PC) is another compound stored in the muscle
● Is broken down to P+C to release energy for ADP to combine with the extra Phosphate
● However, PC stores also run out quickly and that is why the ADP+PC system only lasts for 10 seconds
● PC stores back to 98% after 3 minutes of rest

Lactic acid energy system

● Also known as the Anaerobic energy system
● Breaks down glucose and glycogen to form ATP
● Generating ATP through this energy system also produces lactic acid
● Lactic Acid causes our body to fatigue
● Therefore can only be used for exercises lasting 2-3 minutes
● The lactic buildup makes muscles feel heavy and tired

When is it predominantely used?

● Intense exercises lasting 2-3 minutes 400-800m run
● Many team sports - netball, football etc.

Lactic acid energy system - How it works

● When the muscles run out of PC stores must generate ATP another way- lactic acid energy system
● Body breaks down glucose or glycogen to generate ATP through a process called Anaerobic glycosis or
just glycosis
● If oxygen is not present the body will also produce lactic acid in the process
● 1 molecule of glucose will produce 2 molecules of ATP
● 1 molecule of glycogen will produce 3 molecules of ATP
● Glycogen is stored in the muslces and liver

Aerobic energy system

● Most efficient energy system - also slowest
● Can only generate ATP in the presence of oxygen
● Is used for long distance events or exercise lasting longer than 5 minutes

Aerobic energy system - How it works

● Begins the same way as the lactic energy system does - breakdown of glucose and glycogen
● If oxygen IS present lactic acidd will not be produced and instead more ATP is formed through Aerobic
● Generates ATP much slower than Anaerobic glycolysis and even more slower than ATP-PC system
therefore is used for low intensity/long duration

When is it used?
● Continuous exercise lasting longer than 5 minutes e.g marathon, long-distance cycling

Using multiple energy systems

● An exercise can use more than one energy system - many exercises do
● For example a swimmer diving off the blocks to swim 1500m will initially use ATP-PC system to dive off
the blocks quickly but then switch to the aerobic energy system to swim 1500m
● A football player will use the ATP-PC system to have a quick run to make a tackle, nut the switch to
aerobic when high-intensity movement is not required

Advantages and Disadvantages


ATP-PC Lactic Acid Aerobic

Fast energy system Produces moderate amount of Efficient


Can be used for very powerful Can be used for longer than the Produces a lot of ATP
movements ATP-PC system

Does not require oxygen Does not require oxygen


ATP-PC Lactic Acid Aerobic

Very limited duration Produces lactic acid (causes Slowest energy system

Most inefficient energy system Can be only used for around 3 min

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