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TABLE OF CONTENTS............................................................................................ 2
CHAPTER 1.............................................................................................................. 3
INTRODUCTION....................................................................................................... 3
1.1 Background .................................................................................................. 3
1.2 Identification of the Problem........................................................................5
1.3 Scope of the problem....................................................................................5
1.4 Research Questions......................................................................................5
1.5 Objectives of the Study................................................................................5
1.6 Significance of the Study.............................................................................5
CHAPTER II.............................................................................................................. 6
LITERATURE REVIEW............................................................................................ 6
2.1 Previous Studies...........................................................................................6
2.2 Theoretical Framework.................................................................................7
1.2.1 Social Media......................................................................................... 7
1.2.2 YouTube............................................................................................... 7
1.2.3 Writing.................................................................................................. 7
1.2.4 Descriptive Text...................................................................................8
2.2.4 Difficulties in Writing descriptive text................................................8

CHAPTER III............................................................................................................. 9
RESEARCH METHODOLOGY.................................................................................9
3.1 Research design............................................................................................9
3.2 Source of the Data.........................................................................................9
3.3 Location of the Research.............................................................................9
3.4 Population and Samples...............................................................................9
3.6 Methods of Analyzing Data........................................................................11
Bibliography.......................................................................................................... 16


1.1 Background
"Social media refer to the ways in which individuals communicate with one
other through the creation, sharing, trading, and commenting of material in online
communities and networks," (Ahlqvist, 2008) . "Web-based and mobile technologies
are used by social media to build highly interactive platforms that allow people to
share, co-create, discuss, and edit content created by users” (Wolf et al., 2018) . It
significantly and profoundly alters communication for communities, corporations,
and individuals.

Social media platforms have quickly spread throughout several industries,

including education (Faizi et al., 2013) . With the help of social learning and current
technologies, knowledge is more easily accessible. Today's students would much
rather utilize online social media platforms as their first source of knowledge and
interaction than physical resources like books, newspapers, or printed journals.
English language learners may use this innovative literacy tool to improve their
writing abilities.

(Kaplan, 2016) Offers an alternative interpretation of social media,

characterizing it as an assemblage of web-based applications that expand upon the
ideas of Web 2.0 and enable the creation and dissemination of user-generated
content. One term for YouTube is a social media tool. Because sharing content with
"followers"—subscribers—allows you to create communities through engagement
and conversation. It's classified as a video-sharing website on YouTube. As their
name suggests, video-sharing social networks are devoted to promoting video

Because it is a social networking website that enables users to engage with

videos by liking, commenting, and joining in on debates in the comments section,
YouTube is regarded as social media. It is similar to other websites like Instagram
and Facebook. Additionally, users may sign up for a channel to get updates and
notifications when new content is added. YouTube is a social networking site that
provides free user-generated content. Users may create and share free videos,
including instructional videos, comedic movies, and new tools, which makes sharing
material simple. Like other social media platforms, YouTube facilitates the
development of a sense of community by linking users with shared interests through
its hundreds of influencers.

Regarding the connection between social media and English,

(Lukman et al., n.d.)
contend that the number of people using social media for education grows
yearly. Despite social media being designed primarily for non-educational purposes,
students have a favourable attitude while utilizing it to learn English.

The author chose YouTube as the subject since it is a social media platform
with which many groups, including SMP 47 Makassar students, are familiar. In
addition to video sharing, YouTube features may instruct pupils. For this reason,
people in our period liked to use it as an associate. Undoubtedly, many kids these
days need to be more active readers. As a result, YouTube may serve as a
substitute for traditional classroom materials since it allows students to watch
videos with audio, saving them the trouble of reading. Meanwhile, YouTube videos
with text typically use motion to keep viewers from getting bored. YouTube may be
a fantastic teaching resource that adds excitement and insight to learning
(Hussaeni et al., 2020)

YouTube is a social media platform where content creators share videos,

news, entertainment, and instructional stuff. Many content creators' creations and
uploads aimed to educate a broad audience. One of the videos from @YM Media
that is now quite popular among YouTube viewers, particularly students, is about
teaching foreign languages.

According to (Dwi et al., 2019) , writing is a linguistic ability used to

communicate indirectly when individuals cannot speak to each other face-to-face.
There are several ways to understand the idea of writing, one of which is the social
perspective. According to a similar evaluation of Sperling, writing is generally
analogous to language, which means that tasks must be completed independently,
socially, and socially (Yuliawati et al., n.d.) .

In the writing pattern, description and narrative are inextricably intertwined,

particularly when people narrate stories or narratives; humans seldom describe
something in isolation. Once they have mastered descriptive writing, students can
write various texts, such as narrative, recount, and report texts. For example,
students need to be able to include enough description in a narrative work to draw
readers in. This necessitates that they explain things in great detail
(Ismayanti & Kholiq, 2020).

Based on the author's research, students are introduced to descriptive texts at

7th grade of junior high school. Therefore, the author choose to conduct research
on 7th grade students because the author felt it was necessary to strengthen
learning from the start so that future learning would be easier for students. The
author took SMPN 47 Makassar as a place to research because the author has
teaching experience there after participating in the "Kampus Mengajar 5" program
so that the author already knows how the learning situation is at SMPN 47
Makassar. Therefore, the writer conducted a research entitled: “The Effectiveness
Of Using Social Media Through Youtube To Improve Student Ability In English
Writing Descriptive Text : A Case Study In Smpn 47 Makassar”
1.2 Identification of the Problem
From the background above, the writer identified several issues related to the
effectiveness of using social media through YouTube to improve students' ability to
write descriptive text. Like students' ignorance of the benefits of online English
learning via YouTube, students' difficulty in developing imagination from images or
information provided, and measuring the effectiveness of YouTube as an additional
Online learning media to improve students' writing skills in English Literature

1.3 Scope of the problem

Due to the large number of social media that are easily accessed by the public,
the writer will only focus on using YouTube (a video publication-based social media)
as a means of social media, as well as improving the ability to write descriptive
English as the subject of this research.

1.4 Research Questions

1. How do students improve their English descriptive writing skills using
2. How effectively does YouTube video improve students' descriptive writing

1.5 Objectives of the Study

1. To describe how students improve their English descriptive skills using
2. To explain the effectiveness of YouTube videos in improving the student's
descriptive writing skills.

1.6 Significance of the Study

After completing this study, the author aims to contribute to both the academic
and practical realms, with hopes like:

1. Academic Significance: The result of this study may help students learn
more about English through video, especially in writing descriptive text.
2. Practical Significance: This study's findings should be helpful to other
researchers examining the relationship between different types of social
media and students' English writing skills.

2.1 Previous Studies

After reading various issues related to this research, the writer decided that
researching learning through social media is an appealing and engaging topic.
Several studies that are relevant to this study come from
(Asafo-Adjei et al., 2023; Olasina, 2017)

(Olasina, 2017) Conducted study entitled "An evaluation of educational values

of YouTube videos for academic writing". His research is to determine whether
YouTube videos significantly affected students in improving academic writing
performance. He used a semi-experimental research method. In summary, the
findings indicate that YouTube contributes to a more profound comprehension of
students' engagement with videos in the context of acquiring specific writing skills
like grammar, vocabulary, organization, referencing, and collaborative writing. This
understanding is facilitated through exploring broad themes derived from focus
group and interview data and observations of the writing process.

(Asafo-Adjei et al., 2023) In what ways might social media help students write
better in English? They studied how students' social media usage affected their
academic performance, especially when it came to writing in English. The findings
of observations made during one semester of the school year 2021–2022 allowed
them to conduct this investigation. Scholars have examined several topics,
including students' social media platforms and the connection between social media
addiction and English writing proficiency. Even though the topic is getting a lot of
attention, there aren't many studies specifically looking at the relationship between
social media and senior high school (SHS) students in Ghana's ability to write in

The significant similarity between my research and previous studies is that it

relates to the same field of research, that the researched want to find how social
media can have an impact on skills for academic writing skills.

The differences between the author only focuses on one social media platform,
YouTube, while (Asafo-Adjei et al., 2023) using the term social media which can
include several platforms in improving students writing ability. In addition, there are
also difference in object of the research (Olasina, 2017) using the term academic
writing where it has a wide range while the author uses descriptive text as the
object of research.
2.2 Theoretical Framework
1.2.1 Social Media
"Social media employ mobile and web-based technologies to create highly
interactive platforms through which individuals and communities share, co-create,
discuss, and modify user-generated content," (Wolf et al., 2018) . It significantly and
profoundly alters communication for communities, corporations, and individuals.
Another definition of social media given by (Kaplan, 2016) is a group of web-based
applications that expand upon Web 2.0 concepts and enable creating and
distributing user-generated content. Among the numerous advantages of social
media are the freedom to connect online, stay informed about world events, and
build friendships.

Globally, the use of social media has been rising quickly because it offers both
interactive and multimedia-based teaching resources, including games and movies,
which are far more engaging than conventional pedagogical techniques, as well as
entertainment (AL-Dossary et al., 2022) .

1.2.2 YouTube
We may express ourselves, reach our potential, and engage with other users or
the public on YouTube. Because we are all connected and communication plays a
significant role in our lives as humans, we can't exist without them. YouTube is an
app that facilitates the sharing of videos on social media. Users can upload
instructional films in order to share entertaining ones. YouTube mobile social
networking and video-sharing app users may post videos publicly or privately on
YouTube and through several other social networking sites and apps, including
Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube. On February 14, 2005, Steve Chen,
Chad Hurley, and Jawed Karim registered YouTube.

Researchers and educators have been paying close attention to YouTube as a

teaching tool lately (Maziriri et al., 2020) . Social media may be utilized in various
ways to help students' writing. Students may use YouTube as a platform to learn
new languages and vocabulary, as well as to share videos and find entertainment.
YouTube was the most used social media platform for nursing education in Saudi
Arabia, according to (AL-Dossary et al., 2022) data (46.2%).

1.2.3 Writing
Writing assessments may be used both within and outside the classroom for
several goals, such as certifying competency, assessing programs, putting students
in appropriate courses, assisting with their learning, and assigning a grade.
According to (Asiah et al., 2020) students may convey their feelings, knowledge,
and ideas via writing; therefore, developing their writing abilities is essential.

Academic writing supports students’ use of their interpretation and

understanding of subjects. However, teachers do not have insight into students’
thoughts about the subject, nor do they know how students have interpreted and
integrated their knowledge with earlier experience about the subject (Friberg &
Lyckhage, 2013; Lavelle et al., 2013)

1.2.4 Descriptive Text

“Descriptive text includes descriptions of objects, people, animals, places, and
so on.” (Iryna Ushchapovska, 2020) This statement is supported by
(Urunami et al., 2017)
, who states that descriptive text is information on a specific item, such as a
written description of an object. It details the person, the incident, and their actions.
A descriptive paragraph thoroughly and precisely describes an item, person,
animal, thing, or location. In this instance, the stated item is visualized by the
readers. As a result, the reader can visualize, feel, and obtain a general idea of the
topic being read, and the writers will be able to express their feelings and provide a
clear image of the thing described. Additionally, a description activity explains an
object to readers so they may comprehend what is being described.

(Rusmawan, 2017) Claims that the two general structures of English

descriptive writing are description and identification. The identification process
involves outlining the topic's broad description and the unique qualities of the
people, locations, or objects being discussed. The description includes an example
of the physical characteristics, a purpose statement, an explanation of the persons
involved, an explanation of the features and how they are used, an explanation of
some fascinating facts, and a description of the attributes. Students can identify the
subject during identification. The student presents the material in this section.
Students can explain an object's specific features, attributes, and parts in a
description. In addition, pupils must use linguistic elements while crafting descriptive

1.2.5 Difficulties in Writing descriptive text

Writing a text can be difficult for pupils, especially for junior first-year high school
students who are only beginning to learn to write more extensive texts. Creating
evocative writing is among these difficulties. This occurs due to the pupils'
requirement to focus on the specific thing that will be described and utilize proper
grammar. To define an object is to explain every aspect of it and give the reader a
true sense of what it is like.

Many students still need help to write a book that will tie together.
(Ismayanti & Kholiq, 2020)
students may have various writing difficulties and problems at
different stages of their education. (Novita, 2017) reports that throughout her
research, the students indicated they had trouble producing descriptive texts: first,
general structure; second, grammar; and third, spelling.

3.1 Research design
The author employed descriptive quantitative research techniques to carry out
this study. In this study, the writer's information was needed in the form of a score
while producing descriptive text, and a description was created to indicate the score
in order to address the study's research questions.
Quantitative research, in contrast to qualitative research, deals with numerical
data that can be converted into numbers (Sheard, 2018) .

3.2 Source of the Data

To carry out this research, the author needs to gather information. Then, the
research was conducted in several meetings. Each meeting was a different action.
The instruments used to collect data were questioner (pre-test), treatment,
questioner (post-test).

3.3 Location of the Research

This research was conducted in SMPN 47 Makassar,located in Maccini Sawah
Street No,1 Kecamatan Makassar, Kelurahan Maccini, Makassar, South Sulawesi.

3.4 Population and Samples

The 8th grade students served as the study's sample. Inhabitants 30 students
from one class as the sample. Random sampling was used to choose the samples.

3.5 Techniques of Collecting Data

Pre-Experimental Design
This design uses a typical experimental research design but does not use a
control group. Pre-experimental designs include the One Shot Case Study, the One
Group Pretest-Post test, and the Static Group Comparison.

1. Pretest

The author offered the students a pretest in order to collect the data. Students
were required to creating descriptive texts for this pretest. To obtain the necessary
data, a research instrument must first be created consisting of:

Table 1: Instrument Pre-test

Writing Descriptive Text

1. Do the following questions as best as you can.
2. Answers are written on the answer sheet provided.
3. Use good and correct English.
4. Working time 45 minutes.
Write a descriptive text with a free theme.
a. Make an outline of your essay first based on the ideas you have
b. Develop the essay framework that has been created into descriptive text!
c. Give it a suitable title!
d. Pay attention to spelling (punctuation, capital letters, prepositions, and
e. Pay attention to the choice of words and the logic of the essay!

2. Treatments
As part of the treatment, students were instructed to follow and watch several
videos on the YouTube educational about descriptive text.

3. Post-test

After the students were given the treatment of watching YouTube videos
containing lessons on descriptive text. The author gives a post-test which is to
make descriptive text based on the treatment that has been given. To obtain the
necessary data, a research instrument must first be created consisting of:

Table 2 : Instrument Post-test

Writing Descriptive Text

1. Do the following questions as best as you can.
2. Answers are written on the answer sheet provided.
3. Use good and correct English.
4. Working time 45 minutes.
Write a descriptive text with theme “environment at SMPN 47 Makassar”
a. Make an outline of your essay first based on the ideas you have
b. Develop the essay framework that has been created into descriptive text!
c. Give it a suitable title!
d. Pay attention to spelling (punctuation, capital letters, prepositions, and
e. Pay attention to the choice of words and the logic of the essay!
The test analysis was carried out by determining the assessment components
of writing descriptive texts with a scale for each assessment aspect. The following
are details of the assessment guidelines for writing descriptive texts with necessary
changes, which were developed by looking at the assessment model in the ESL
(English as a Second Language) program (modified from Nurgiyantoro, 2013: 441).

2. Questionnaire

The author gave 9 questions on whether YouTube had an impact on improving

descriptive writing skills to the students. In collecting data the author used Google
Form as a medium for distributing the questionnaire.

No Question
1. In your opinion, does the use of YouTube videos affect student learning
outcomes in writing descriptive text?
2. Do you think YouTube content will affect students' writing skills, such as
Descriptive text,Narrative text,Recount text,Procedure text, and Report
3. text?
In your opinion, imitating someone exactly as shown on YouTube will affect
students' writing skills such as grammar , accuracy in writing?
4. In your opinion, doing regular learning activities through YouTube videos
will help you in assessing learning outcomes
5. An activities such as watching material on youtube, watchingcarefully to
videos, taking notes on new vocabulary, practicing a few sentences, do you
think the above activities will help you improve your writing skills?
6. In your opinion, does learning through YouTube videos worsen your
learning outcomes in writing classes?
7. In your opinion, does studying through YouTube not help in improving your
8. Iwriting skills?
feel bored and disconnected when studying through YouTube?
9. I need a long time to choose a suitable video to watch?

3.6 Methods of Analyzing Data

After getting the data, the writer began to analyze the data and used a
quantitative method by using a certain formula to analyze the data form. The
analvsis started by checking the students' pretest answer then scoring them. To
analyze the data obtained the writer used several techniques, such as:

1. The writer coding the samples as S1, S2, S3.. to S30. These code were
made to keep the students' privacy.
2. The author conducted the test analysis by determining the descriptive text
writing assessment components with a scale for each assessment aspect
developed by looking at the assessment model in the ESL (English as a
Second Language) program (modified from Nurgiyantoro, 2013: 441). The
author changed vocabulary and language use, which the researcher
replaced with grammar and language style aspects. In this scoring section,
the researcher also modified it so that it was no longer a score range.
Modification was done to avoid subjectivity in the assessment.
Tabel 3: Assessment Guidelines for Writing Descriptive Text

No Aspect Criteria Indicator Score

1. Content or Background Title selection is very logical 5
ideas that is title selection Title selection is logical 4
developed Title selection is less logical 3
Title selection is not appropriate 2
Title is missing 1
Accuracy of The writing produced is in
writing with accordance with the theme, very
title precise with the
The writing title
produced is quite in
accordance with the theme, less
precise with the
The writing title
produced is less in
accordance with the theme, less
The with the
writing titlein accordance
is not
with the theme, not appropriate
with the
The title writing does not fit
the theme, very inappropriate with
2. Organization Descriptions of the
entire sentence description in
of content facts in the writing is in the form of 20
sentences describing facts
About 75% of the sentence
descriptions in the writing are 19
facts that are describing
About 50% of the sentence
descriptions in the writing are 18
describing facts
About 25% of the sentence
descriptions in the writing are 17
describing facts
The whole sentence in the writing
is an opinion
Writing a Compilation of cohesive and 15
description coherent paragraphs both
paragraph between sentences in a
paragraph and between
The preparation of cohesive and
coherent paragraphs both
between sentences in a
paragraph and between 14
paragraphs in a whole writing, but
there are some explanatory
sentences that of are
The preparation not and
cohesive in
coherent paragraphs is good
between sentences in a 13
paragraph, but not cohesive and
coherent between paragraphs in a
whole writing.
50% paragraph preparation is not
cohesive and coherent both
between sentences in a 12
paragraph and between
paragraphs in one whole writing
70% paragraph preparation is not
cohesive and coherent both
between sentences in a 11
paragraph and between
paragraphs in a whole piece of
3. Grammar Sentence writing.
Very effective sentence usage 15
effectiveness Effective sentence usage 14
Use of moderately effective
Use of ineffective sentences 12
Sentence usage is not effective at
Communicativ Language use is very
e language communicative
Communicative language use 9
Moderately communicative
language use
Language use is less
Language use is not
4. Style Vocabulary Vocabulary choice is very precise 10
Vocabulary choice is correct 9
Moderately appropriate 8
vocabulary choice
Choice of vocabulary is less
Choice of vocabulary is not
Phrase The expression is very precise 5
The expression is appropriate 4
The expression is quite precise 3
Less precise expression 2
The expression is not appropriate 1
5. Mechanic Word writing Mastering KBBI, no word writing
errors occur
Mastering KBBI, only a few word
writing errors occur
Fairly good at KBBI, some word
writing errors occur
Lack of mastery of KBBI, many
word writing errors occur
Not mastering KBBI, there are
many word writing mistakes
Use of Mastering the rules of writing
punctuation punctuation
There are few errors in the use of
Several punctuation errors occur 3
There are many punctuation
There is a lot of punctuation 1
usage once
Quantity 100

3. To calculating the students' score, the writer used the following formula:
Score = Students correct answer x 100
Number of question
4. After scoring the students' pretest and post-test, the author then classified
the student's score into the following classification:

Range Score Classification

Excellent : Complete knowledge of writing skills . Excellent at
identifying Generic Structure.
Very Good : Good writing skills. Good at identifying generic
79-70 Good : General writing skills. Able to indetifying word meaning.
Fair : Still acceptable writing skills. Still able to identify generic
59-0 Fail : Lack of writing skills knowledge.
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