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My First Novel

Draft 1 : 13/4/2023

Plan – Title: The Mermaid Scales

Genre: Fantasy

Maybe Addings: Why would I do

that? Ugh!!.

Chapter 1: The Regret

“Why would I do that?” “What is wrong with
you, Anestala!!” “Just because of your stupid
phase a poor young boy is suffering”. “His
family abandoned him, his city hates him and
he has no one to look up to!!” Hi, my name is
Anestala Carnio, I am born to a breed of Siren.
Don’t get me wrong, I never wanted to be like
my mom or my dad or ancestors.

It was 18BC. In the coldest winters, the water

would freeze, which means no luring sailors
into our doom with our sweet songs. Being
born in the winters are not fun, you are blessed
with everything a siren has except a sweet and
melodious voice.

“A princess is born” raged my grandmother.

My childhood was tough and shattered since
everyone saw at me as a shame to my breed.
Whispers! whispers were all I could think, see
and hear! Even my own mom says that I am a
disgrace as I can’t lure in even one sailor!
Draft 1 continuation : 14/04/2023

“A princess is born” raged my mother. This

broke me into pieces, making my childhood
tough. Whispers! whispers were all I could
think, see and hear! Even my own mom says
that I am a disgrace as I can’t lure in even one
But somewhere deep down my heart a small
hope was present. Why? Well, I might have
lied to you guys, because not everyone hated
me, I still had my grandmother, a sweetheart
who was kept away for being born during the
I was specially told stories on how hard times
were before, how if anyone was born during
the winters would be abandoned after their
18th birthday…
Many people told me that I was a lucky girl as
I will never be kept away. Times change and
few could be bad or good. But the change that
happened to me was harsh, cruel and
remorseful. This is something I will never
It wasn’t long ago, just a month back…. When
I was swept into the shore after a huge wave
hit us inside the water. I do not remember
much, but I do recall myself taking support of
a rock to stand up and the next thing I did was
walk over to a coffee shop to get some latte.
But if I am siren, how did I get legs instead of
tail?? Where did I get the money?? Aren’t
these the questions popping in those brains of
yours? Well, us sirens are exact replica of the
mermaids, which means we can do spells,
swim and anything and everything they can
do, but the twist is we are EVIL!

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