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Instructor: Bahiru B.
Contact addresses:
Course title: Regulation and Control Engineering
Course code: MEng 5272 Class Year: V (Regular) SEM: II B106 [mechanical engineering staff office]
Credit hours: 3(lec, 2 tut 3) Academic Year: 2017/2018 Contact Hrs. (LT)
Instructor: Bahiru B. •Monday [2:00-6:00]
•Tuesday [8:00-10:00]
•Friday [4:00-6:00]
Course Description:
This course mainly introduces students the fundamental theories of control engineering, which have
a wide application in industries. The course mainly covers the classical control theories that are still
the foundation in control systems of electrical and mechanical systems.

Course Objectives:
A student, successfully completing this course, is expected to be able to:
 Demonstrate how to analyze a system based on the stability and the response characteristics
for both representations, namely, transfer function and state-space representation
 Demonstrate the ability of designing a controller for a system by using (i) conventional
control design methodologies (Root-Locus, Bode, and Nyquist methods), (ii) modern control
design methodologies (pole placement technique)

Course Contents:
1. Introduction to automatic control system
a) Control System
b) Open-Loop Control System
c) Closed-Loop Control System
1 week
2. Mathematical modeling of physical system
a) Modeling of Mechanical Systems
b) Equation of Electrical Networks
c) Transfer Functions
d) Block Diagram and Signal Flow Graph
3. Feedback and its properties
a) Types of Feedback Control Systems
b) Importance of feedback
4. Time Response Analysis of Control Systems
a) Test Signals
b) System Response of 1st and 2nd Order System
c) Time Domain analysis of 1st and 2nd Order System
d) Time Response Specifications
e) Steady State Error

5. Stability of Control Systems

a) The Routh-Hurwitz Stability Criterion
b) Root-Locus Techniques
c) Nyquist Plot
1½ week

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6. Frequency Response Method of Control Systems
a) Frequency Response
b) Frequency Response from Pole-Zero Plots
c) Frequency Response for series elements
d) Bode Plot
e) Experimental Determination of Transfer Functions
7. Controllers
a) Types of Controllers
b) Ziegler-Nichols method for tuning PID
c) Lead/Lag controllers
1½ week
8. Control system design and compensation techniques
a) Using Root-Locus
b) Using Frequency-Response methods
Teaching learning methods:
 Lectures
 Tutorials
 Laboratory exercises
 Case studies
 Assignments

Pre-requisites: Basic electricity and electronics, applied mathematics III

Assessment: Sudden Quiz [5%], Test [30], Case studies [10] and Assignment/Lab report [15]: -60% & Final Exam: 40%
At the end of
Chapter2 Test-1{15%}
Chapter5 Test-2{15%}
Chapter7 Final exam {40%}
Chapter8 Note: The other assessments will be sudden from any chapter& depending on contents of the course

Attendance Requirements:
 Lecture and tutorial attendance (at least 80% of the classes should be attended)
 Laboratory exercise reports (all should be submitted)
 Case study reports (all should be submitted)
 Presentation (all should be attended)

1. Katsuhiko Ogata, Modern Control Engineering, 4th, 2001
2. Norman S. Nise, Control Systems Engineering, 4th, 2003

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Department signature Department seal

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