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“ Thousands have lived without love , but no one without water . “ Good Morning all of you present
here . I am Ridam Sahu of Class 8B . Today I am standing in front of you to speak for the motion on topic
should water be taxed .

Water is undeniably crucial resource for sustaining all forms of life on our planet. However, we
witness changes in climate patterns, growing population pressures, and increasing demand for
water in various sectors, we find ourselves facing intricate challenges in ensuring equitable
access to this limited resource. The per capita water availability has come down from 5177 cubic
meter in 1951 to 1820 cubic metre in 2001. The annual extraction rate of groundwater in India is
highest in the world which has lowered the water table to dangerous. in India.

water may be plentiful in some place as there may have access to water in the rivers, lakes or
ponds, it costs a huge amount of resources to supply purified piped chlorinated water. If the
user does not pay, then the cost had to paid by the town municipality which is supplying piped
water. That means, the municipal tax revenue is also being used up to pay the water subsidy
which ultimately leads to leaving less resources for other essential services provided by the
municipality like bad infrastructure compromised quality of water etc.

Even if we will impose a reasonable tax on water consumption we can make people to use
water responsibly , factories and industries will think of alternative of water , encourage resource
conservation, and fund vital water infrastructure projects as Water is essential for life, and it's our
responsibility to ensure its availability for generations to come.


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