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Concept: Force, motion and Work (Asset Topic)

I. Fill in the blanks.

1. Force could be a…………..or a………….. (Answer : push or a pull.)

2. Friction always opposes……………between the surfaces in contact with each other. (Answer : motion)

3. Magnetic force is a……………force. (Answer : non-contact)

4. Friction force is an example of……………force. (Answer : contact)

5. Friction opposes the……………..of a moving object. (Answer : motion)

II. Write T for True and F for False statements.

1. Force can change the shape of an object. (Answer : True)

2. Force can make an object disappear. (Answer : False)

3. A push or a pull acting on an object is called force. (Answer : True)

4. Force can change the direction of a moving object. (Answer : True)

5. Friction always acts in the same direction as the motion. (Answer : False)

6. Frictional force depends on the types of surfaces in contact. (Answer : True)

III. Solve Problems:

Work=Force x Distance

1. Amy uses 20N of force to push a lawn mower 10 meters. How much work does she do?

Ans: W = F x d, W = (20 N) x (10 m) = 200J. Therefore, the work done is 200 J.

2. How much work does an elephant do while moving a circus wagon 20 meters with a pulling force of

Ans: W=200 x 20 = 4000J

3. The baseball player does 1234 Joules of work when hitting a baseball into left field. Assuming the
baseball landed 100 meters away from home plate, how much force did the player use to hit the ball?

Ans: W=1234J, d=100m; F= W ÷ d = 1234/100=12.34N

4. A strong adult pulls a desk to the right. At the same time, a small child pulls the desk to the left. Draw a
force diagram of this situation. What direction will the desk move? Why do you think it will move in
that direction?
Ans: Force = 200N, Distance moved = 1.1 m Work = force x distance = 200x 1.1 = 220J

5. In a tug of war, a fat man pulls with a force of 100 N on a side, and a lean man pulls with 90 N on the
other side. Determine the net force.

100N 90 N


Force F1= 100 N, Force F2 = -90 N

The net force formula is given by FNet = F1 + F2

FNet = 100 – 90 = 10 N

Therefore, the net force is 10 N.

IV. Differentiate between balanced and unbalanced forces?

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