The Future of Fashion British English Teacher

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1 Warm-up

Have you ever rented any items of clothing?

2 Key words

Match the terms on the left to the definitions on the right.

1. overconsumption a. a piece of clothing

2. a garment b. a place where rubbish is buried

3. landfill c. buying and using more than is needed

4. disposable d. designed to be thrown away after one or a few uses

5. overhaul e. making an agreement to pay to use something for a specific period

of time
6. repurpose f. the length of time that something is good enough to use

7. leasing g. to adapt something so it can be used in a different way

8. a lifespan h. to examine a system carefully and make changes to improve it

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3 Find the information

Before you read, guess the answers for each of the questions below, then read the text on the next
page to confirm or correct answers.

1. How much in weight of clothing does the average American throw away every year?

a. 17kg b. 27kg c. 37kg

2. How much is the global fashion industry worth?

a. US$1.2 trillion b. US$2.4 trillion c. US$3.6 trillion

3. How many items of clothing are produced worldwide annually?

a. 40 billion b. 70 billion c. 100 billion

4. What could the clothing rental market be worth in the UK?

a. £875 million b. £923 million c. £995 million

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Clothing rental could be the key to a stylishly sustainable

fashion industry
by Naomi Braithwaite

An astonishing 235 million items of unwanted 7.
Recycling has become an important way to address
clothing were predicted to be dumped in UK landfill this. H&M, for example, has a successful garment
in 2017, while the average American is estimated to collection scheme, where they repurpose their
bin 37kg of used clothing annually. Overconsumption consumers’ unwanted clothing. However, the
and disposal of unwanted clothing has become a recycling process is problematic environmentally. It is
worrying global problem - and in many cases, this energy intensive and may require use of further fresh
clothing is unnecessarily thrown away. materials. Additionally, while it resolves some of
Filling landfill with clothing and textiles costs the UK fashion’s sustainability issues, it does not adequately
alone an estimated £82m every year. However, the address the problem that consumers buy too much.
consumption of clothing is hugely important to the We must reconsider how fashion is sold, encourage
economies of many countries, too. Research from consumers to waste less, and ensure that garments
The British Fashion Council, for example, found that have a longer lifespan.
fashion contributes £28 billion directly to the UK 8.
Leasing has been identified as an innovative business
economy - and globally, it is a US$2.4 trillion industry. model that gives clothes a longer service life, while
Despite this, materialistic values and a widespread reducing material use and carbon dioxide emissions.
desire for having new things, together with the fact The possible value of the clothing rental market in
that the fashion industry constantly creates and sells the UK is predicted to be £923m and the model is
different styles, have reduced the functional value of already well-established for certain items, such as
clothing, making it easily disposable. 100 billion items dinner jackets and wedding suits for men. Despite
of clothing are being produced annually, and 50% of this, there are currently just a handful of fashion
fast fashion* pieces are disposed of within a year. companies that are using a leasing model.
Fashion and sustainability have historically had an
Research found there were opportunities for clothing
uncomfortable relationship. Growing concerns over rental at the luxury end of the market, but there was
sweatshop labour have seen fashion companies resistance to renting lower priced items, which were
overhaul their social and environmental policies. just too easy to buy.
Consumers, meanwhile, have grown increasingly 10.
If consumers are to engage, rentals need to be
concerned about where and how garments are made. convenient, cheap, accessible and fulfil the desire
But while fashion makes efforts to become ethical, for having something new. Clothing rental has the
there are still serious concerns over its environmental potential to reduce waste and increase the lifespan of
impacts. garments, but to achieve a more sustainable industry
Fashion is considered one of the world’s most a systemic change in business practice and consumer
polluting industries - from toxic chemical use to water behaviour is needed.
pollution and waste. Some 35% of the global total Adapted from, July 31st 2018, by
of microfibres in the oceans comes from clothes and Naomi Braithwaite, Senior Lecturer in Fashion Marketing
textiles. and Branding at Nottingham Trent University
So what’s the solution? While fashion brands are *Fast fashion is a term used to describe clothes based on
working to limit their levels of pollution through catwalk designs that are made and put quickly on display
the creation of organic, environmentally conscious in shops.
collections, there is still a need to reduce the huge
volume of waste that fashion creates.

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4 Checking understanding

Read the article again. Then put ‘T’(True) or ‘F’ (False) next to each of the statements below. Say why
the false answers are not true.

1. Shoppers are increasingly more interested in how their clothes are made.
2. Around a quarter of ‘fast fashion’ items that people buy are thrown away within the first year.
3. Recycling doesn’t have any environmental impacts.
4. One of the benefits of leasing is that clothes will not be disposed of so quickly.
5. Luxury items are harder to rent to consumers.

5 Find the words

Find a word or phrase in the text which means.....

1. designed to be practical and useful (adj., P.3):

2. people working in factories with bad conditions and very little pay (two word noun, P.4):

3. thin, light, artificial threads used for making cloth (noun - plural, P.5):
4. deal with (verb, P.7):
5. solves (something) (verb, P.7):
6. successful and having existed for a while (adj.,P.8):
7. a small number (noun, P.8):
8. easy to get (adj.,P.10):

6 Adverbs

Choose the correct adverb to complete the definitions below.

additionally adequately annually historically increasingly unnecessarily

1. : not needing to be done

2. : once a year

3. : having existed for a long time

4. : more and more

5. : as well as what has been mentioned before

6. : in a way that is good enough or satisfactory

Now, create your own sentences using each of the adverbs.

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7 Talking point

Answer the questions below in pairs or small groups.

1. Was there anything in the article that surprised you?

2. Do you like the idea of renting clothes? Why or why not?
3. Do you think that clothing rental has the potential for growth in your country?
4. Do you think it is possible to change the way that people buy clothes? Why or why not?

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1. Warm-up

Encourage a short discussion.

2. Key words

Give examples of each word where necessary. Students can work alone and check in pairs.

1. c 2. a 3. b 4. d 5. h 6. g 7. e 8. f

3. Find the information

Students can work in pairs and then check their answers in the text.

1. c 2. b 3. c 4. b

4. Checking understanding

Students can work in pairs and check answers with the teacher.

1. T
2. F - 50% of fast fashion items are thrown away within the first year.
3. F - It is energy intensive and often needs fresh materials.
4. T - The leasing model gives clothes a longer ‘service life’.
5. F - There were more opportunities to rent luxury items, cheaper goods were just too easy to buy.

5. Find the words

1. functional
2. sweatshop labour
3. microfibres
4. address
5. resolves (some of fashion’s sustainability issues)
6. well-established
7. a handful
8. accessible

6. Adverbs

The students can create sentences with the adverbs in the lesson or for homework.

1. unnecessarily 2. annually 3. historically

4. increasingly 5. additionally 6. adequately

7. Talking point

Monitor the activity. Make a note of any typical errors and write useful vocabulary on the board.

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