SEUIS20MIT136 Assignment 1

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MIT21013: Human Resource Management

Bachelor of Science in Management and Information Technology (BSc in MIT)
Academic Year: 2nd Year, Semester - I

Reg. No : SEU/IS/20/MIT/136

South Eastern University of Sri Lanka

People's Bank

People's Bank is a state-owned commercial bank in Sri Lanka. The second largest commercial
bank in Sri Lanka. Established on 1 July 1961, it has its head-offices at Sir Chittampalam A.
Gardiner Street in Colombo. People's Bank is one of the largest and oldest state-owned banks in
Sri Lanka. It plays a significant role in the country's banking and financial sector.

Our Vision

Inspiring the Nation towards Transformational Growth

Our Mission

We are in the business of providing financial services that contribute to the quality of life,
and enterprise development, via affordable, accessible, and efficiently delivered solutions

We empower and develop our human resources, so that they will care for and protect our

We contribute to national economic development, while being competitively profitable

We believe in ‘giving back’ to the society we operate in, while being sustainable in our
business practices
The bank also continues to play an important role in encouraging various industries including
agriculture, real estate, commercial development, small and medium enterprises and exports and
this in turn has helped support communities across the country. People’s Bank has always been a
driver of financial inclusivity and was also the first bank in the country to commence bilingual
operations in Sinhala and Tamil, and thereafter also introduced Sri Lanka’s first trilingual cheque
book. People’s Bank proudly launched its new logo recently to reflect the Bank’s evolution to
keep pace with new global banking trends and to cater to fast-changing aspirations of customers.
Reflecting trust, sophistication and efficiency, the symbolic hands in the new logo represent
good governance and the peoples’ co-operation and unity.

This initiative reflects People’s Bank’s dynamic digitalization drive in addition to its impactful
sustainability agenda that is leading the national bank to break new ground in offering
revolutionary banking solutions.

Brand Finance has calculated the brand value of the People's Bank brand 10 times between 2012
and 2023. The People's Bank brand valuation has featured in 11 brand rankings, including the
biggest Banking brands and the best Sri Lanka brands.

The Human Resource Management (HRM) process for employee selection at People's Bank in Sri
Lanka may include several stages.

Job Posting:
People's Bank announces job vacancies through various
channels, such as their official website, newspapers, and
job portals.
Application Submission:
Interested candidates submit their applications along with
relevant documents through the prescribed application
Screening of Applications:
HR professionals review the applications to ensure that candidates meet the basic qualifications
and requirements for the positions.
Based on the initial screening, a shortlist of candidates is created.
Written Tests or Assessments:
Depending on the position, candidates may be required to undergo written tests or assessments to
evaluate their skills and knowledge.
Shortlisted candidates are invited for interviews, which may include HR interviews, technical
interviews, and managerial interviews.
Reference Checks:
HR may contact the provided references to verify the candidate's work history and qualifications.
Job Offer:
Successful candidates receive a formal job offer outlining the terms and conditions of
Medical Examination:
Some organizations, including banks, may require candidates to undergo a medical examination
to ensure they meet health requirements for the job.
Once candidates accept the job offer, they go through the onboarding process, which includes
orientation, paperwork, and training.

The selection process at People's Bank, like any other organization, is crucial for various reasons.
The importance of the selection process lies in its impact on the overall performance, culture,
and success of the bank.
Talent Acquisition:
The selection process is instrumental in acquiring and attracting top talent. Identifying and hiring
individuals with the right skills, knowledge, and experience is essential for the bank's success.
Organizational Performance:
The people employed through the selection process contribute directly to the overall performance
of People's Bank. Selecting individuals with the right competencies ensures that the organization
has a skilled and motivated workforce.
Customer Service Excellence:
Frontline staff in banking, including customer service representatives, play a crucial role in
shaping the customer experience. Selecting individuals with excellent interpersonal skills and a
customer-centric mindset is vital for maintaining high levels of customer satisfaction.
Risk Management:
In the banking sector, where risk management is crucial, the selection process is essential for
identifying candidates with a strong understanding of risk factors and compliance requirements.
This helps mitigate potential risks associated with financial operations.
Innovation and Adaptability:
Banking is an industry that undergoes continuous changes due to technological advancements
and market dynamics. The selection process is crucial for identifying candidates who are
innovative, adaptable, and capable of navigating the evolving landscape of the financial sector.
Employee Retention:
A thorough selection process helps in identifying
candidates who are likely to stay with the organization
for the long term. This contributes to employee
retention, reducing recruitment costs and ensuring a
stable workforce.
Workforce Diversity:
A well-designed selection process is essential for promoting diversity within the organization. By
considering factors such as gender, ethnicity, and background during the selection process,
People's Bank can build a more inclusive and diverse workforce.
Succession Planning:
Identifying and selecting individuals with leadership potential is crucial for succession planning.
The selection process helps in identifying employees who can be groomed for higher-level
positions within the organization.
Legal Compliance:
A robust selection process ensures compliance with labor laws and regulations, helping People's
Bank avoid legal issues related to hiring practices.


The selection methods used by People's Bank, or any other organization, can vary based on the
positions they are hiring for, industry standards, and their specific organizational needs.
Application and Resume Review:
The initial step often involves reviewing applications and resumes to ensure that candidates meet
the basic qualifications for the position.
Face-to-face or virtual interviews are a common selection method. This may include different
types of interviews such as:
Structured Interviews: Consistent set of questions for all candidates.
Behavioral Interviews: Focused on past behavior to predict future performance.
Panel Interviews: Conducted by multiple interviewers.
Written Tests:
Depending on the position, candidates may be required to take written tests to assess their
knowledge, skills, and abilities relevant to the job.
Technical Assessments:
For certain roles, technical assessments or skills tests may be conducted to evaluate a candidate's
proficiency in specific areas, such as banking regulations, financial analysis, or software
Psychometric Assessments:
Personality assessments, aptitude tests, and other psychometric tools may be used to evaluate a
candidate's suitability for the role and their compatibility with the organizational culture.
Group Discussions or Assessment Centers:
Candidates may participate in group discussions or assessment centers to observe how they
interact with others, solve problems, and handle simulated work scenarios.
Reference Checks:
Contacting provided references to verify the candidate's work history, performance, and other
relevant information.
Background Checks:
Conducting background checks to ensure that candidates have the necessary qualifications and
have a clean record in terms of criminal history and other relevant factors.
Medical Examinations:
Some positions, particularly those related to customer service or involving specific physical
demands, may require candidates to undergo medical examinations.
Final Interview with Senior Management:
In some cases, a final interview with senior management may be conducted to assess a
candidate's suitability for leadership roles or positions with higher responsibilities.

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