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What is propaganda?
● Propaganda is a set of strategies designed to persuade someone to believe in an
idea, support a cause, or buy a product,
● Propaganda is designed to influence or manipulate people
● Propaganda often exaggerates the truth
● Propaganda may contain hidden messages

Propaganda techniques
There are 7 main propaganda techniques:
1. Bandwagon - Jump on board!
This technique encourages you to “jump on board” or take part in something because
everyone else is doing it too.
“Don’t be the only one to miss out on this incredible offer!”
“It’s the treat everyone wants to eat! Buy one today!”

2. Name-calling - Candidate X is a big baby

This technique involves calling the competition of the opposing sides.

3. Testimonial - I use this product and it's great!

This technique involves having a celebrity or other respectable person (like a doctor)
endorse a product, person or cause.

4. Glittering Generality - He’s honest, refreshing, a real change

This technique involves empty words, or words that just sound good to make a
person, product or cause sound good
“I promise to bring hope and change.”
“It’s the greatest toothpaste on the market.”

5. Plain Folks - This is the soda for everyone

This technique seeks to convince people that a product is for the average person or
that a politician is a “regular Joe.”
A politician stops to eat at a local fast-food restaurant.
A luxury car is parked in front of a modest house in a commercial.

6. Card Stacking - It cleans, it rinses, it shines!

This technique involves listing all of the features or good aspects of product, person
or cause.
“Donating to our cause leads to an increase in the number of polar bears, an
increase in pollution and a general feeling that you have done good.

7. Transfer - When you vote for him, you vote for Hitler
Transfer involves connecting a person, product or cause with something good or bad.
A political candidate stands in front of an American flag on a commercial.
The name of1\ a company is displayed next to a destroyed rainforest.

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