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CERTIFICATE (Under Section 65 B of Evidence Act)

Case no : ………………………… /2024
Name : … Complainant
Name : … Respondents
Date : ……………
Certificate 65B of Indian Evidence Act issued in relation to the printout
of the screenshots and/or downloaded copies of ……………………. Dated
……………Mr.………………… Having email id………….I Мг..............................
Son of……………............. working/residing at………………………………………..
State to the best of my knowledge and belief that:
1. That the related printout of the screenshots and/or downloaded copy of dated sent from
email ID ………………………………to headed with ……………………..& downloaded from my email account was
produced by my computer having colour, made by during email and having email ID……………………. was
produced by my computer having model no ………………… Colour, made by during the period over
which was used regularly to store or process information for the purpose of any activities regularly carried on
over that period by me having lawful control over the use of my computer. The printout of the downloaded
copy of (which identifies the electronic record containing the statement) was taken from my own printer
having model no ………………………..colour, made by dully attached with my computer.

2. That the information produced by my computer system during the period over which the computer system
was used regularly to store and process .information for the purposes of different activities of day to day
incidence regularly carried on over that period by me.

3. That during said period, information of the kind contained in the electronic record was regularly fed i nto the
said computer system in the ordinary course of the said activities.

4. I also affirm that throughout the material part of said period, the concerned computer was operating

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5. That the information contained in the electronic record reproduces such information fed into the computer
in the ordinary course of the said activities.

6. I am the person occupying the responsible official position in relation to the operation of the relevant
device or the management of the relevant activities.

The digital audio file in the copy to the originally recorded digital audio file in the original recording device. The
contents of the transcript are absolutely identical and verbatim as the digital audio file in the Audio pen drive
and to the originally recorded digital audio file in the original recording device. That this affidavit, therefore, in
the facts and circumstances of the case, is sufficient compliance of Section 65B of the Evidence Act. The digital
audio file has been copied from deponent's recording device, therefore, can be treated as certified copy.
Annexed Audio CD and the transcript, therefore, are in compliance of the provisions.

Deponent Verification the deponent, do hereby solemnly affirm and verify that the contents of paragraph No.
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 are true to my personal knowledge which all I believe to be true, no material has been
concealed in it and no part of the affidavit is false.

Place Deponent

Verification Verified on this at above stated affidavit is true to my best
of knowledge. That the contents of the

Deponent Drafted, prepared and signed on this (date)


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