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Foundation year UM 1 SBA 2022

1. Which one of the characteristic features is seen in acute inflammation? Select the
single best answer from the list below.
A. Emigration of macrophages
B. Emigration of neutrophils
C. Longer duration of onset
D. Persistent offending agent
E. Severe tissue necrosis
2. Various pathways of repair, what is the most likely cause of healing by first intension?
A. Abscess
B. Clean surgical incision
C. Infarct
D. Surface wound with large defect
E. Ulcer
3. In cellular events of acute inflammation, extravasation of leucocytes to chemotactic
factors. Which leucocyte is the most important for parasitic infestation?
A. Basophil
B. Eosinophil
C. Lymphocyte
D. Monocyte
E. Neutrophil
4. Lymph node biopsy result shows small, nodular collections of granulomatous
reaction, which one is most essential cell for diagnosis of granuloma?
A. Epithelioid cell
B. Foreign body type giant cell
C. Lymphocyte
D. Monocyte
E. Plasma cell
5. A 30-year old man present with pain at right forearm and has a history of burn on his
right forearm. On examination, he has skin blister on his right forearm. Which is the
type of this inflammation?
A. Fibrinous inflammation

Foundation year UM 1 SBA 2022
B. Hemorrhagic inflammation
C. Pseudomembranous inflammation
D. Purulent inflammation
E. Serous inflammation
6. Which of the following is the most likely characteristic of aphthous ulcer of the
A. Diffuse inflammatory reaction
B. Localized collection of pus
C. Localized defect of the surface of the mucosa
D. Necrosis and rupture blood vessels
E. Replaced by connective tissue
7. Which one of the characteristic features is seen is chronic inflammation? Select the
single best answer from the list below.
A. Emigration of Macrophages
B. Emigration of Neutrophils
C. Exudation of Fluid
D. No tissue necrosis
E. Shorter duration of onset
8. When cell or tissue loss is more extensive, the repair process involves a combination of
regeneration and scarring known as healing by secondary union. Which of the
following condition is most likely seen in secondary union?
A. Clear margins
B. Exuberant granulation
C. Neat linear scar
D. Re-epithelialization
E. Uninfected injury
9. Histological findings of myocardial infarct reveal overlyng pericarditis. What is the
most likely type of exudate which occurs adjacent to infarct area?
A. Fibrinous exudate
B. Hemorrhagic exudate
C. Mixed exudate

Foundation year UM 1 SBA 2022
D. Serous exudate
E. Suppurative exudate
10. Non-dividing tissues contain cells that have left the cell cycle and cannot undergo
mitotic division in postnatal life.
Which of the following organ is composed of non-dividing tissues?
A. Brain
B. Cervix
C. Kidney
D. Liver
11. On microscopic examination of the edema fluid show protein less than 5G/L, a few
mesothelial cells, no blood coagulum and specific gravity is less than 1.012. The
following aetiology according to that nature of oedema fluid is most likely due to
A. Appendicular abscess
B. Heart failure
C. Lymphangitis
D. Myxoedema
E. Tuberculosis
12. In CPVC liver, the following morphologic feature is significantly provided on gross
A. Centrilobular haemorrhage
B. Fatty change in periportal hepatocytes
C. Fibrosis
D. Haemosiderin laiden macrophage
E. Nutmeg liver
13. The exudate nature of oedema fluid most likely will have found in
A. Acute glomerulonephritis
B. Filiriasis
C. Cirrhosis of liver
D. Malnutrition
E. Protein losing gasteroenteropathy

Foundation year UM 1 SBA 2022
14. In long standing passive venous congestion, haemosiderin laiden macrophages called
heart failure cells as a pathonomonic feature are commonly seen in
A. Brown induration of lung
B. Cardiac cirrhosis
C. Congestive splenomegaly
D. Nutmeg liver
E. None of the above.
15. In chronic venous congestion of lungs, the following morphologic feature is
significantly found
A. Alveolar septal edema
B. Engorged alveolar capillaries
C. Focal Intra-alveolar hemorrhage
D. Heart failure cells
E. Gandy Gamna nodules
16. Which of the following characteristic finding is most likely to be found in severe renal
A. Dependant oedema
B. Generalized oedema
C. Non inflammatory oedema
D. Pitting oedema
E. Periorbital oedema
17. Which of the following type of shock is most likely in patient resulting from low
cardiac output after massive hemorrhage in RTA
A. Anaphylatic shock
B. Cardiogenic shock
C. Hypovolemic shock
D. Neurogenic shock
E. Toxic shock
18. In long-standing, severe hepatic congestion, which of the following complication most
likely be possible
A. Chronic hepatitis

Foundation year UM 1 SBA 2022
B. Cirrhosis of liver
C. Fatty changes
D. Hepatic encephalopathy
E. Hepatocellular carcinoma
19. Overwhelming infection and resulting vasodilatation can lead to the following type of
A. Anaphylatic
B. Cardiogenic
C. Hypovolemic
D. Septic
E. Neurogenic
20. After surgical removal of tumour of breast and axillary lymph nodes, the patient
would present with oedema of upper arm unilaterally. Which of the following
pathophysiologic condition of odema may most likely be
A. Lymphatic obstruction
B. Increased hydrostatic pressure
C. Reduced oncotic pressure
D. Sodium retention
E. Vascular inflammation
21. Select the feature of anaplasia from the following features.
A. Abnormal mitosis
B. Maintenance of polarity
C. N:C ratio reduced
D. Normochromatic nuclei
E. Uniform cell and nuclear size
22. Select the feature of a benign neoplasm from the following ones.
A. Slow growth
B. Frequent mitoses
C. Necrosis
D. Invasion
E. Aggressive in nature

Foundation year UM 1 SBA 2022
23. The biopics were performed on patients who had palpable mass lesions on digital
rectal examination. Of the following microscopic findings, which is most likely to
indicate that the neoplasm is malignant?
A. Pleomorphism
B. Atypia
C. Invasion
D. Increased nuclear/cytoplasmic ratio
E. Necrosis
24. Select the mixed tumour from the following tumours.
A. Chondroma
B. Fibroma
C. Leiomyoma
D. Lipoma
E. Pleomorphic adenoma
25. Select the Precancerous, lesion from the following ones.
A. Barrett esophagus
B. Leiomyoma
C. Nodular goiter
D. Squamous cell papilloma
E. Tubular adenoma of colon
26. Following features are morphology of tumour. Select the feature on which staging of
cancer is based.
A. Nuclear morphology
B. The degree of differentiation of tumour cells
C. The number of mitoses within the tumour
D. The presence/absence of distant metastases.
E. The shape of primary lesion
27. Select the tumour marker from the following lists.
B. Ki67

Foundation year UM 1 SBA 2022
28. Carcinoma can spread by many pathways. Select the most common pathway.
A. Haematogenous spread
B. Lymphatic spread
C. Transcoelomic spread
D. Spread by transplantation
E. Local spread
29. Tumour diagnosis is can be made by following methods. Select the gold standard
A. Cytological diagnosis
B. DNA flow cytometry
C. Histological diagnosis
D. Immunohistochemistry
E. Tumour markers
30. A skin biopsy from an anorexic 16-year-old girl showed cellular atrophy. During
atrophy, which of the following features is most likely to occur.
A. The cell disappears
B. Cellular organelles swell
C. Cell size decreases
D. Cell size increases
E. Protein synthesis increases
31. A 35-year-old man is a habitual smoker. If a biopsy is taken from the respiratory
tract in this man, the epithelium of respiratory tract is most likely to show:
A. Mucous hyperplasia
B. Smooth-muscle hyperplasia
C. Squamous cell anaplasia
D. Squamous cell hypertrophy
E. Stratified squamous metaplasia

Foundation year UM 1 SBA 2022
32. Hypertrophy can be physiological or pathological and is caused by increased
functional demand or by specific hormonal stimulation. Hypertrophy can be best
described as:
A. Abnormal deposition in a cell
B. Change in cell morphology
C. Decrease in cell size
D. Increase in cell number
E. Increase in cell size and in its organelles
33. A 42-year-old woman has complained of mild, burning, substernal or epigastric pain
following meals for the past 3 years. The biopsy was taken and it demonstrates the
presence of columnar epithelium with goblet cells. Which of the following mucosal
alternations is most likely to be represented by these findings?
A. Carcinoma
B. Dysplasia
C. Hyperplasia
D. Ischaemia
E. Metaplasia
34. A 25-year-old woman breastfed her first baby for almost 1 year with no difficulties
and no complications. Which of the following cellular processes that occurred in the
breast during pregnancy.
A. Ductal epithelial metaplasia
B. Epithelial dysplasia
C. Lobular hyperplasia
D. Stromal hypertrophy
E. Steatocyte atrophy
35. A 73-year-old woman with long-standing hypertension and aortic stenosis died
suddenly one morning. An autopsy was performed on her body. At autopsy, her heart
weighed 540g. which of the following processes occurs in the myocardial fibers?
A. Fatty degeneration
B. Fatty infiltration
C. Hyperplasia

Foundation year UM 1 SBA 2022
D. Hypertrophy
E. Oedema
36. Metaplasia is a reversible change in which one adult cell type (epithelial or
mesenchymal) is repaired by another adult type. In which the following situations is
the process of epithelial metaplasia most likely to have occurred?
A. Acute myocardial infarction
B. Lactation following pregnancy
C. Tanning of the skin following sunlight exposure
D. Urinary obstruction due to an enlarged prostate
E. Vitamin A deficiency
37. A healthy 26-year-old man fractured his right tibia in a road accident. His right leg
was immnobilised in a plaster cast. The cast has removed from his leg after 8 weeks of
immobilization. Which of the following changes is most likely to have taken place in
his leg muscle after this time?
A. Decrease in the number of muscle fibres
B. Decrease in the number of nerve fibres
C. Increase in the number of fast fibres
D. Increase in the mitochondrial content
E. Increase in the number of satellite cells
38. Which type of atrophy can occur in Corset liver? Select the single best answer.
A. Dis used atrophy
B. Idiopathic atrophy
C. Ischemic atrophy
D. Neuropathic atrophy
E. Pressure atrophy
39. A 60-year-old chronic smoker man with chronic bronchitis came to physician and was
taken bronchial biopsy. Which type of metaplasia can be seen in biopsy of this
A. Columnar metaplasia
B. Chondroid metaplasia
C. Osseous metaplasia

Foundation year UM 1 SBA 2022
D. Squamous metaplasia
E. Tumour metaplasia
40. A 40 year old woman complaint of 4 cm diameter non-tender mass on her right
breast. The mass appears fixed to the chest wall. Another 2 cm non- tender mass is
palpable in the left axilla. A chest radiograph reveals multiple 0.5 to 2cm nodules in
both lungs. Which of the following TNM classification best indicates the stage of her
A. T1 N1 M0
B. T1 N0 M1
C. T2 N1 M0
D. T3 N0 M0
E. T4 N1 M1


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