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Shivaji University , Kolhapur

Question Bank For Mar 2022 ( Summer ) Examination

Subject Code:PCCETC501 Subject Name : SIGNALS AND SYSTEM

Common subject Code (if any) --------------------------------

1. A signal is any physical quantity that varies with time, space or any other.........
A. dependent variable
B. independent variable
C. quantity
D. parameter
2. A system is said to be time invariant only if.......
A. a shift in the input signal also results in the corresponding shift in the output
B. a shift in the input signal does not exhibit the corresponding shift in the output
C. a shifting level does not vary in an input as well as output
D. None of the above

3. A system represented by equation y(t) = tx(t) is.......

A. linear system
B. non-linear system
C. neither linear nor non-linear system
D. None of these

4. Which among the following operations is not involved with the linear convolution of
discrete time signal?
A. Folding Operation
B. Shifting Operation
C. Multiplication Operation
D. Integration Operation

5. The associative property of convolution is....

A. x(t)*h(t)=h(t)*x(t)
B. x(t)*[h1(t)*h2(t)]=[x(t)*h1(t)]*h2(t)
C. x(t)*[h1(t)+h2(t)]=[x(t)*h1(t)]+ [x(t)*h2(t)]
D. None of the above

6. The distributive property of convolution is....

A. x(t)*h(t)=h(t)*x(t)
B. x(t)*[h1(t)*h2(t)]=[x(t)*h1(t)]*h2(t)
C. x(t)*[h1(t)+h2(t)]=[x(t)*h1(t)]+ [x(t)*h2(t)]
D. None of the above

7. Which mathematical notation specifies the condition of periodicity for a continuous time
A. x(t) = x( t +T0)
B. x(n) = x( n+ N)
C. x(t) = e-αt
D. None of the above

8. A signal x(t) can be transformed to x(at) by using which of the below operation ?
A.time reversal
B.tine shifting
C.time scaling
D.All of the above

9. The Fourier transform of a unit step function is given as

A. F (jω) = 1/jω
B. F (jω) = jω
C. F (jω) = j/ω
D. F (jω) = ω/j

10. Which one of the following is correct? Energy of a power signal is

A. Finite
B. Zero
C. Infinite
D. Between 1 And 2
11. When x(t ) is said to be non-periodic signal?
A) If the equation x (t) = x (t + T) is satisfied for all values of T
B) If the equation x (t) = x (t + T) is satisfied for only one value of T
C) If the equation x (t) = x (t + T) is satisfied for no values of T
D) If the equation x (t) = x (t + T) is satisfied for only odd values of T
12. Determine the nature of the given system: y(t)=x(sint)
A) Causal, Non-linear
B) Causal, Linear
C) Non-Causal, Non-linear
D) Non-causal, Linear
13. Which of the following represents a stable system?
A) Impulse response decreases exponentially.
B) Area within the impulse response in finite.
C) Eigen values of the system are positive and real.
D) Roots of the characteristic equation of the system are real and positive.
14. Analog signals can be converted into discrete-time signals by
a. Sampling
b. Coding
c. Quantizing
d. None of the above
15. If x(n) and X(k) are an N-point DFT pair, then X(k+N)=?
A. X(-k) B. -X(k)
C. X(k) D. Not Mentioned
If X1(k) and X2(k) are the N-point DFTs of X1(n) and x2(n)
respectively, then what is the N-point DFT of x(n)=ax1(n)+bx2(n)?
A. X1(ak)+X2(bk) B. aX1(k)+bX2(k)
ak bk
C. e X1(k)+e X2(k) D. X1(k/a)+X2(k/b)
DFT of discrete signal x(n) is given by
A. X(k) = B. X(k) =
C. X(k) = D. X(k) =

In DTFT, the limits of integral is defined from –π to π because of

_______ property
A. Time scaling B. Time reversal
C. Periodicity D. Time shifting

What is DTFT of sequence give x(n) = u(n)


What is DTFT of sequence give x(n) = {1, -1 , 2, 2}

20 A. 1- +2 + B. 1- +2 +
C. 1+ +2 + D. 1+ -2 -

What is Value of
21 A. - + B. +
C. - D. - -

What is the set of all values of z for which X(z) attains a finite value?
22 A. Radius of convergence B. Radius of divergence
C. Feasible solution D. None of the mentioned

What is the z-transform of the following finite duration signal?

A. 2 + 4z + 5z2 + 7z3 + z4 B. 2 + 4z + 5z2 + 7z3 + z5
C. 2 + 4z-1 + 5z-2 + 7z-3 + z-5 D. 2z2 + 4z + 5 +7z-1 + z-3

What is the ROC of the signal x(n)=δ(n-k), k>0?

A. z=0 B. z=∞
D. Entire z-plane, except at
C. Entire z-plane, except at z=0
What is the ROC of z-transform of an two sided infinite sequence?
25 A. |z|>r1 B. |z|<r1
C. r2<|z|<r1 D. None of the mentioned

If X(z) is the z-transform of the signal x(n) then what is the z-

transform of anx(n)?
A. X(az) B. X(az-1)
C. X(a z) D. None of the mentioned

What is the inverse z-transform of X(z)= if ROC is

A. {1,3/2,7/4,15/8,31/16,….} B. {1,2/3,4/7,8/15,16/31,….}
C. {1/2,3/4,7/8,15/16,31/32,….} D. None of the mentioned

What is the inverse z-transform of X(z)=log(1+az-1) |z|>|a|?

A. x(n)=(-1)n+1 , n≥1; B. x(n)=(-1)n-1 , n≥1;

x(n)=0, n≤0 x(n)=0, n≤0
C. x(n)=(-1)n+1 , n≥1; D. x(n)=(-1)n-1 , n≥1;
x(n)=0, n≤0 x(n)=0, n≤0

Which of the following is used in the realization of a system?

29 A. Delay elements B. Multipliers
C. Adders D. All of the mentioned

Which of the following is an method for implementing an FIR

A. Direct form B. Cascade form
C. Lattice structure D. All of the mentioned

If number of delays in realization block is equal to the order of

difference equation then realization structure is called_________
A. Linear B. Canonic
C. Non linear D. Non canonic

In Direct form – I first part contains ______

32 A. Zeros only B. Poles only
C. Both zeros and poles D. Not mentioned

In Direct form – II first part contains ______

33 A. Zeros only B. Poles only
C. Both zeros and poles D. Not mentioned
In block realization unit delay is represented by
34 A. B.
C. D. Not mentioned
35. If the sampling rate is inadequate, then

a. A low frequency alias sgnal appears in the recovered signal

b. no aliasing occurs

c. A high frequency alias sgnal appears in the recovered signal

d. None of the above

1. Explain Classification of Signals.

2. Determine even and odd part of following signals

1. x [n] = {-1, -1, -1, 1, l, l, 1 }

2. x (t) = -2t t<o &

= t t>0

3. Discuss the features of discrete time sequence x(n) = A cos ( with reference to

i) Periodicity,

ii) Frequency range

iii) Maximum frequency

4. Plot following signals

i) h [n] ={-2,-3/2,-1,-1/2,0,1/2,1,3/2,2,0}

ii) h [-n]u[n]+h[n]

iii) h [3n]≥Δ[n]

iv) h[n + 1] u [n + 3] -u [- n]

5. Sketch the following signal.

x(t)=r(t)-r(t-2)-u(t-4) -u(t -5)

6. Show that time shifting and folding operations on continuous time signal x(t) are not
commutative .
7. Show that sinusoidal signal x (t) = is periodic and its fundamental period is
8. CONTINUOUS time signal x(t) is shown in fig. sketch and label each of the following





9. Determine even and odd parts of signal



10. Sketch the discrete signal & evaluate odd and even signal

1 for 0≤t≤2

x(n) = 1/2 for -3≤t≤-1

0 elsewhere

11. Discuss the properties of systems with examples.

12. Check whether following systems are linear or not

1.dy/dt +3ty(t)=t^2x(t)


13. What is mean by system? Explain Classification of System.

14. Find convolution of two sequences.

X[n] = 1 for 0≤n ≤4 Y[n] = (2)n for 0≤n≤6

= 0 Elsewhere = 0 Elsewhere
15. Derive the equation for convolution sum for response y(n) of discrete time LTI system
having impulse response h(n) & input x(n). Also moodily the same equation for causal
input and causal system.
16. Convolve the sequences x(n):{2,3,1,4} and h(n)={-1,2,3} using graphical method.
17. Check following systems for time variant or invariant

1. y(n)=x(-n)

2. y(t)=x^2(t)

3. y(t)=x(t^2)

4. y(n) = x(n).x(n -2)

18. Prove that any CT signal can be represented as a sum of shifted scaled unit impulse
sequences. Also explain convolution integral.
19. Derive and explain condition for causality.
20. Derive and explain condition for stability.
21. Explain properties of Fourier Transform.
22. Find the Fourier Transform of the Gate function.

23. Find the Fourier Transform of the following signal. Sketch the magnitude
& phase spectrum.
24. Find the F.T. of signal x(t) given in equation using frequency shifting property, x(t) =

25. Find the F.T. of signal p(t) given in equation using time shifting property, p(t) = m(t -to)
+ m(t + to).
26. Explain limitations for fourier transform.
27. Find the Fourier Cosine transform of e-ax , a > 0.
28. Find the Fourier Sine transform of
i) e-3x

29. State and prove the convolution theorem for Fourier Transforms.
30. State and prove the Change of scale property of FT.
31. State and explain different properties of DTFT.
32. State and explain different properties of DFT.
33. Explain properties of Z transform
34. Explain properties of ROC
35. What is significance of ROC
36. State and prove initial and final value theorem in Z transform
37. Explain discrete time system realization
38. What is Direct form – I system realization explain with example
39. What is Direct form – II system realization explain with example
40. Find DTFT of following
a. x(n) = u(n)
41. Find DTFT of following
a. x(n) = u(n-3) – u(n-5)
42. Find DTFT of following
a. x(n) =
43. Find DTFT of following
a. x(n) = for - 2 ≤ n ≤ 2

=0 otherwise

44. Prove that

a. F[ n x(n)] = j X( )

45. Prove that

a. F[ x1(n) * x2(n)] = X1( ) X2( )
46. Find DTFT of following
a. x(n) = sin (

47. Find DTFT of following

a. x(n) =
48. Find DTFT of following
a. x(n) =

49. Find 4 point DFT of following

a. x(n) = {-1 , 2 , 5 , 4}

50. Find 4 point DFT of following

a. x(n) = sin (

51. Find IDFT of Following

a. X[K] = {4, 1-2j, 1, 1+2j}
52. Find IDFT of Following
a. X[K] = {8, 2-j, 3, 2+j}
53. Find Z Transform of following
a. x(n) = |a| < 1
b. x(n) =

54. Find Z Transform of following

a. Sin (ω0n) u(n)
b. Cos (ω0n) u(n)
55. Find f(∞) if x(z) given by



56. Find inverse Z transform using Long Division Method

a. ROC |z| >2

57. Find inverse Z transform using Partial Fraction Method

a. ROC |z| >3

b. ROC a ≤ |z| ≤ 1/a

58. Find inverse Z transform using Residue Method

a. x(z) =

b. x(z) =

59. Develop direct form I and II realization of difference equation

a. y(n) = bo x(n) + b1 x(n-1) + b2 x(n-2) + b3 x(n-3) - a1 y(n-1) - a2 y(n-2) - a3 y(n-3)
60. Develop direct form I and II realization of following function

a. H(Z) =

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