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Thời gian làm bài: 60 phút, không kể thời gian phát đề
Họ, tên thí sinh:…………………………………..
Số báo danh: ……………………………….…….. ĐỀ SỐ 01
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs
from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
Question 1. A. sign B. kill C. give D. spin
Question 2. A. although B. through C. thankful D. threaten
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other three
in the position of the primary stress in each of the following questions.
Question 3. A. explore B. provide C. order D. require
Question 4. A. dangerous B. various C. organise D. important
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following
Question 5. Covid 19 epidemic_______ throughout our country thanks to the efforts of everyone.
A. control B. has controlled C. has been controlled D. will control
Question 6. These brochures are free, _______?
A. are they B. don’t they C. aren’t they D. do they
Question 7. When Tim _______ at university, he used to go out for a coffee with his friends at weekends.
A. will be B. was C. had been D. has been
Question 8. No one is _______ than a mother whose child gets a place at a university.
A. as happy B. the happier C. the happiest D. happier
Question 9. After a period of probation , you’ll be offered a written _______ of employment.
A. contract B. certificate C. degree D. licence
Question 10. The boy ________the first prize in the Speaking Contest is my best friend’s son.
A. give B. given C. was given D. giving
Question 11. Martin tried to _______ his thoughts before he could answer my question.
A. collect B. assemble C. compile D. convene
- collect (v): thu thập → collect oneself/ one’s thoughts: kiểm soát bản thân, cố gắng giữ bình tĩnh (sau
khi sốc, ngạc nhiên,…)
- assemble /əˈsem.bəl/ (v): tập hợp
- compile (v): biên soạn, thu thập
- convene /kənˈviːn/ (v): triệu tập
Tạm dịch: Martin đã cố gắng bình tĩnh trước khi anh ấy có thể trả lời câu hỏi của tôi.
Question 12. The Iphone 13 Pro Max is very popular with young adults _______ its notable nổi bật
A. because B. although C. because of D. despite
Question 13. The concert is expected to attract a lot of audience, so you should book the
A. with B. on C. by D. in
Question 14. Nam has been extremely happy _______.
A. when he got the exam results B. since he got the exam results
C. once he gets the exam results D. after he had gotten the exam results
Question 15. It’s very hard to _______ when this pandemic will end.
A. predictable B. prediction C. predict D. predictably
Question 16. ASEAN is _______ to promote economic development and cultural diversity among its
member states.
A. cut down B. set up C. found out D. taken over
Question 17. Mary was _______ a sweet dream when her phone rang.

A. taking B. leaving C. saying D. having
Question 18. ______computers are by far considered the most important invention of human beings
A. a B. an C. no article D. the
Question 19. One of the biggest investors’ withdrawal left the company in a _______ spot.
A. deep B. narrow C. low D. tight
a tight spot: tình huống khó khăn
Sự rút lui/ thu hồi của một trong những nhà đầu tư lớn nhất đã khiến công ty rơi vào tình thế khó khăn.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the
underlined bold word(s) in each of the following questions.
Question 20. Many people share the viewpoint that having a university degree doesn’t necessarily mean
you’ll succeed in the future.
A. opinion B. review C. image D. feedback
Question 21. This course will be essential for any expectant parents because they’ll be equipped with
useful information about upbringing.
A. intelligent B. positive C. necessary D. quick
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the
underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
Question 22. If you want to win the next match, you’ll have to put your shoulder to the wheel.
A. have a balanced diet B. stop practising hard
C. eat what you want D. make a real effort
put your shoulder to the wheel: nỗ lực >< stop practising hard
Tạm dịch: Nếu bạn muốn chiến thắng trận đấu tiếp theo, bạn sẽ phải thật sự nỗ lực.
Question 23. She wore a very elegant thanh lịch suit to make a good impression on the potential
A. formal B. careful C. stylish D. unattractive
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the most suitable response to complete
each of the following exchanges.
Question 24. Susan and Kathrine are discussing family life.
- Susan: “Nowadays parents and children both live together in harmony.”
- Kathrine: “_______. There are sometimes conflicts between parents and their teenage children.”
A. I don’t quite agree B. I think so
C. I couldn’t agree with you more D. You’re right
Question 25. Nam is inviting Hoai to his birthday party.
- Nam: “It will be great if you can join me on my birthday this Friday.”
- Hoai: “_______”
A. Sure. See you then! B. Thanks. I’m fine.
C. That’s alright. D. Don’t mention it.
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to choose the word or
phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 26 to 30.
Life in cities will be very different from how it is today. Energy, especially oil, will be very expensive,
so (26) _______ people will probably work at home, or have their workplaces close to where they live.
There'll be less traffic on the roads, and it'll be easier for people to be close to their families. For these
reasons, cities won't have just one centre (27) _______ everyone goes to work and shop. (28) _______,
we'll probably see cities with many different centres.
It will be difficult to (29) _______ enough water, gas and electricity for really big cities, so these will
probably stop growing. Many people from the countryside will move to smaller cities of 500,000 people or
less. Transport over long distances will be a lot more expensive than it is now, so people will have to use
food and energy from the countryside around their cities. They’ll use local (30) _______ for building, and
perhaps traditional styles of architecture, too.
(Adapted from English Unlimited by Alex Tilbury et al.)
Question 26. A. every B. another C. much D. many
Question 27. A. whom B. where C. whose D. which
Question 28. A. Moreover B. However C. For example D. Instead
Question 29. A. offer B. recover C. supply D. provide
offer sth to sb supply sth to sb provide sth for sb
offer sb sth supply sb with sth provide sb with sth
Question 30. A. documents B. ingredients C. materials D. flavours
- document (n): tài liệu, hồ sơ - ingredient (n): nguyên liệu (nấu ăn)
- material (n): nguyên vật liệu - flavour (n): mùi vị
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct
answer to each of the questions from 31 to 35.
Two years ago, Yinan Wang was a student at a school in Beijing, China. (35C ĐÚNG) Then his father
got a job at an aerospace company near London, so the whole family moved from Beijing to London. Yinan
Wang continued his studies at a very large secondary school near their home.
(32D) When he arrived in England, Yinan Wang could only speak a few words of English. ‘At first I
was very lonely', he says. 'I couldn't speak to anyone, so I couldn't make friends.' However, his teachers
could see that he was very intelligent. In fact, he was a genius. He was especially good at mathematics and
Now, two years later, Yinan Wang is going to Oxford University to study science. (35D ĐÚNG) At the
age of 14, he is one of the youngest students to study at this famous university. However young he is, he
could do his jobs excellently. One teacher says, (35B ĐÚNG) 'He had special classes in English and he is
now fluent. He also recently got 98% in a university maths exam.'
Yinan Wang is not the first child to go to Oxford University. Ruth Lawrence was only 13 when she
went to Oxford to study mathematics. However, are young teenagers really mature enough for university?
Many universities do not take students below the age of 17 or 18. People say they cannot enjoy university
life. Other people disagree and say that very clever children should not wait.
(Adapted from New Headway Academic Skills by Richard Harrison)
Question 31. Which could be the best title for the passage?
A. Find Your True Talent! B. Too Young for Oxford?
C. A Day at Oxford University D. University Life of students
Đoạn văn nói về các sinh viên nhỏ tuổi đến từ đại học Oxford. Có hai luồng ý kiến, một bên cho rằng
các cô cậu bé này còn quá nhỏ để có thể tận hưởng cuộc sống đại học, trong khi số khác lại cho rằng tài
năng thì không cần đợi tuổi.
==> Đoạn văn nói về tranh cãi về vấn đề tuổi tác của sinh viên Oxford
Question 32. According to the passage, when Yinan Wang moved to London, _______.
A. he struggled with science subjects B. he managed to study on his own
C. his friends found him unapproachable D. his English wasn’t quite good
Question 33. The word ‘genius’ /ˈdʒiː.ni.əs/in paragraph 2 mostly means a person who _______.
A. is only good at science subjects B. has rare natural ability
C. is very determined and hard-working D. has lots of healthy habits
Question 34. The word ‘they’ in paragraph 4 refers to _______.
A. university students B. universities C. young teenagers D. people
Question 35. Which of the following is NOT mentioned, according to the passage?
A. Yinan Wang was interested in science when he was at primary school in Beijing.
B. Yinan Wang now can speak English easily and well.
C. Yinan Wang’s family relocated to England because of his father’s job.
D. Ruth Lawrence was among the youngest students to study at Oxford University.
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct
answer to each of the questions from 36 to 42.
The need to be challenged. The need to be valued. A desire for financial independence. These are all
powerful motivating factors for young people, an increasing number of whom are setting up their own
businesses and making a success of it. But what drives young entrepreneurs? The Industrial Society has
researched (37) the views of 10,000 young people, aged 12 to 25, on attitudes towards everything from
work to the family. Its study, published under the Society's 2020 Vision campaign, found a number of
(41B SAI) The first is the legacy of the bright1980s where people were encouraged to take risks. The
youngest people in our survey will have only caught the tail end of Thatcher's Britain but will have grown
up watching their elders strike out on their own. A second factor is the change in the nature of work - the
decline in long-term employment prospects and the rise in contract and freelance work. No more jobs for
life. (41C SAI) Many people have realised that the few real advantages of employment - occupational
pensions, sick pay, company cars - are being eroded. They have seen people around them struggle to adjust
to their lives in line with their changing work circumstances. And they have felt the pain it causes.
(41D ĐÚNG) Ironically, the targeting of ‘youth’ culture by everything from drinks companies to Nike
is also influencing their attitudes. Young people are realising that they are the best placed people to exploit
these media and leisure markets because they are living in them - they are in the thick of it. Some of the
most successful young entrepreneurs exemplify nêu gương/ là ví dụ điển hình this - they own companies
which have grown out of their hobbies and leisure activities, such as computer games.
We also identified a new 'work ethic'. It appears that many young people don't believe in buckling
down to trade their time and skills for pay; they are unwilling to make someone else rich. (41A SAI) They
have a broader definition of 'work' which includes doing something productive or beneficial. They will put
up with initial hardship in the hope that they will reap the benefits at a later stage. (42D) They are driven
by their belief in their enterprise, their love of the industry or field in which they work, and their
determination to have more control over their lives than they would as an employee.
It's time business realised that the very people it needs in order to compete and survive - creative,
entrepreneurial youngsters - are choosing to work on their own, because they prefer it and because they can.
(Adapted from Objective CAE by Felicity O’Dell and Annie Broadhead)
Question 36. Which best serves as the title for the passage?
A. Running a Successful Business B. Successful Young Entrepreneurs
Entrepreneurs /ˌɒn.trə.prəˈnɜːr/: nhà doanh nghiệp
C. People to Work Independently D. Young People’s Attitudes to Work
Đoạn văn nói về lý do tại sao nhiều người trẻ hiện nay lại muốn trở thành những nhà khởi nghiệp. Những
lý do bao gồm tâm lý dám chấp nhận rủi ro, sự thay đổi về bản chất công việc, và lợi ích giảm dần của việc
làm nhân viên. Ngoài ra, các định hướng của các doanh nghiệp cũng làm thay đổi thái độ của những người
trẻ về tầm ảnh hưởng của họ trong thị trường, họ cũng muốn tự kiểm soát cuộc đời của mình. Do đó họ
chọn tự gây dựng công ty vì họ thích và họ nghĩ họ có thể làm tốt.
==> Đoạn văn viết về thái độ đối với công việc của những người trẻ
→ Chọn đáp án D
Question 37. According to paragraph 1, the survey was conducted by the Industrial Society to _______.
A. only investigate young people’s attitudes towards work
B. get insights into young people’s opinions about different aspects of life
C. get advice from successful young entrepreneurs aged from 12 to 15
D. encourage young people to set up their own businesses
Question 38. The phrase ‘strike out’ in paragraph 2 mostly means _______. bắt đầu sống độc lập
A. start being independent B. deal with difficulties
C. earn a large amount of money D. meet potential clients
Question 39. The word ‘them’ in paragraph 3 refers to _______.
A. attitudes B. young people
C. drinks companies D. media and leisure markets
Question 40. The word ‘reap’ in paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to __. Thu hoạch, gặt hái, hưởng
A. maximise B. obtain C. offer D. share
Question 41. Which of the following is true, according to the passage?
A. Young people set up their own businesses because they want to make a lot of money immediately.
B. The 1980s was a time when it was particularly risky for people to be self-employed.
C. Employee benefits are gradually being improved thanks to fundamental changes at work.
D. Large companies tend to value the existence of young people.
+ They have a broader definition of 'work' which includes doing something productive or beneficial. They
will put up with initial hardship in the hope that they will reap the benefits at a later stage. (Họ có một
định nghĩa rộng hơn về “làm việc” bao gồm làm việc gì đó hiệu quả và có lợi. Họ sẽ chịu đựng những khó
khăn ban đầu với hi vọng rằng họ sẽ gặt hái được lợi lộc vào giai đoạn sau.) A sai
+ The first is the legacy of the bright 1980s where people were encouraged to take risks. (Nhân tố đầu tiên
chính là di sản từ những năm hưng thịnh 1980, khi mà mọi người được khuyến khích mạo hiểm.)→ B sai
+ Many people have realised that the few real advantages of employment - occupational pensions, sick
pay, company cars - are being eroded. (Nhiều người đã nhận ra rằng 1 số lợi ích thật sự từ việc làm -
lương hưu, tiền nghỉ ốm, xe ô tô công ty - đều đang bị xóa bỏ) C sai
+ Ironically, the targeting of ‘youth’ culture by everything from drinks companies to Nike is also
influencing their attitudes. Young people are realising that they are the best placed people to exploit these
media and leisure markets because they are living in them - they are in the thick of it. (Trớ trêu thay, việc
nhắm mục tiêu vào nền văn hóa “trẻ” bằng mọi thứ từ công ty giải khát cho đến Nike cũng đang ảnh hưởng
đến thái độ của họ. Những người trẻ đang nhận thấy rằng họ là những người thích hợp nhất cho việc khai
phá thị trường truyền thông và giải trí này vì họ đang sống trong chúng - họ giữ vai trò chính trong đó.)
→ D đúng
Question 42. Which of the following can be inferred from the passage?
A. Young people’s moral values are the most important when they decide to work on their own.
B. Young entrepreneurs tend to be more determined and patient than previous generations.
C. Big businesses will soon go bankrupt if more young people start to work independently.
D. The freedom of being in charge of their working lives holds much appeal for young people.
They are driven by their belief in their enterprise, their love of the industry or field in which they work, and
their determination to have more control over their lives than they would as an employee. (Họ được thúc
đẩy bởi niềm tin vào công ty của mình, tình yêu với ngành hay lĩnh vực mà họ làm, và quyết tâm được kiểm
soát cuộc sống của mình hơn là làm một nhân viên.)
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs correction
in each of the following questions.
Question 43. Electric bikes are becoming increasingly popular nowadays thanks to its convenience.
Question 44. Bob and his two brothers attend a live concert at the local stadium last night.
Question 45. Some people were made redundant or even lost their relatives during the
unprecedented pandemic, and they just found that life was no longer enduring.
/ʌnˈpres.ɪ.den.tɪd/: chưa từng có trc đây

- enduring (adj): lâu dài

- endurable /ɪnˈdʒʊə.rə.bəl/ (adj): có thể chịu đựng được
Sửa: enduring endurable
Tạm dịch: Một số người đã bị sa thải hoặc thậm chí mất người thân trong cơn đại dịch chưa từng có
trước đây, và họ nhận thấy rằng không còn có thể chịu đựng được cuộc sống này nữa.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to
each of the following questions.
Question 46. Tourists are required to wear face masks when entering the temple.
A. Tourists can wear face masks when entering the temple.
B. Tourists should wear face masks when entering the temple.
C. Tourists would wear face masks when entering the temple.
D. Tourists must wear face masks when entering the temple.

Question 47. “Kate, what will you do next Saturday?” Nam asked.
A. Nam asked Kate what she would do the next Saturday.
B. Nam asked Kate what would she do the next Saturday.
C. Nam asked Kate what will she do next Saturday.
D. Nam asked Kate what she will do the next Saturday.
Question 48. It’s six years since I last went abroad.
A. I didn’t go abroad six years ago. B. I haven’t gone abroad for six years.
C. I have six years to go abroad. D. I have gone abroad for six years.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair
of sentences in the following questions.
Question 49. Tina didn’t read the questions carefully. She didn’t get good grades.
A. Suppose that Tina read the questions carefully, she would get good grades.
B. Tina wishes she read the questions carefully so that she would get good grades.
C. If only Tina had read the questions carefully, she would have gotten good grades.
D. Unless Tina reads the questions carefully, she won’t get good grades.
Question 50. Peter developed cancer at the age of 35. He realised the danger of drinking too much alcohol
only then.
A. Not until Peter had realised the danger of drinking too much alcohol did he develop cancer at the age of
B. Had it not been for his realisation of the danger of drinking too much alcohol, Peter wouldn’t have
suffered from cancer at the age of 35.
C. No sooner had Peter realised the danger of drinking too much alcohol than he contracted cancer at the
age of 35.
D. Only after Peter had developed cancer at the age of 35 did he understand the danger of drinking too
much alcohol.
STT Từ vựng Từ loại Phiên âm Nghĩa
1 vaccine n /'væk.si:n/ vac xin
2 brochure n /'brəʊ.ʃər/ sách quảng cáo nhỏ
3 probation n /prə'beɪ.ʃən/ sự thử việc
4 contract n /'kɒn.trækt/ hợp đồng
5 licence n /'laɪ.səns/ giấy phép
6 certificate n /sə'tɪf.ɪ.kət/ giấy chứng nhận
7 degree n /dɪ'gri:/ bằng cấp
8 dump v /dʌmp/ xả, thải
9 consequence n /'kɒn.sɪ.kwəns/ hậu quả
10 assemble v /ə'sem.bəl/ tập họp
11 compile v /kəm'paɪl/ biên soạn, thu thập
12 convene n /kən'vi:n/ triệu tập
13 notable adj /'nəʊ.tə.bəl/ nổi bật, đáng chú ý
14 feature n /'fi:.tʃər/ đặc điểm, đặc tính
15 turnout n /'tɜ:n.aʊt/ lượng người tham gia
16 book v /bʊk/ đặt
17 pandemic n /pæn'dem.ɪk/ đại dịch
18 predict v /prɪ'dɪkt/ dự đoán
19 predictable adj /prɪ'dɪk.tə.bəl/ có thể dự đoán được
20 promote v /prə'məʊt/ thúc đẩy, khuyến khích

21 diversity n /daɪ'vɜ:.sə.ti/ sự đa dạng
22 costly adj /'kɒstli/ đắt tiền
23 withdrawal n /wɪð'drɔ:.əl/ sự rút khỏi, rút lui
24 investor n /ɪn'ves.tər/ nhà đầu tư
25 feedback n /'fi:d.bæk/ phản hồi
26 expectant adj /ɪk'spek.tənt/ có tính trông đợi
27 equip v /ɪ'kwɪp/ trang bị
28 upbringing n /'ʌp.brɪŋ.ɪŋ/ sự nuôi dạy con cái
29 elegant adj /'el.ɪ.gənt/ thanh lịch, nhã nhặn
30 potential adj /pə'ten.ʃəl/ tiềm năng
31 conflict n /'kɒn.flɪkt/ xung đột, mâu thuẫn
32 workplace n /'wɜ:k.pleɪs/ nơi làm việc
33 architecture n /'ɑ:.kɪ.tek.tʃər/ kiến trúc
34 ingredient n /ɪn'gri:.di.ənt/ nguyên liệu nấu ăn
35 material n /mə'tɪə.ri.əl/ nguyên vật liệu
36 flavour n /'fleɪ.vər/ mùi vị
37 desire n /dɪ'zaɪər/ khao khát, khát vọng
38 financial adj /faɪ'næn.ʃəl/ /fɪ'næn.ʃəl/ thuộc về tài chính
39 entrepreneur n /ɒn.trə.prə'nɜ:r/ doanh nhân
40 attitude n /'æt.ɪ.tʃu:d/ thái độ
41 campaign n /kæm'peɪn/ chiến dịch
42 legacy n /'leg.ə.si/ di sản
43 buoyant adj /'bɔɪ.ənt/ phát triển, tăng trưởng
44 prospect n /'prɒs.pekt/ triển vọng
45 freelance adj /'fri:.lɑ:ns/ làm nghề tự do
46 pension n /'pen.ʃən/ lương hưu
47 erode v /ɪ'rəʊd/ làm xói mòn, giảm
48 adjust v /ə'ʤʌst/ thích nghi
49 struggle v /'strʌg.əl/ chiến đấu
50 ironically adv /aɪ'rɒn.ɪ.kəl.i/ trớ trêu
51 exploit v /ɪk'splɔɪt/ khai phá, khai thác
52 exemplify v /ɪg'zem.plɪ.faɪ/ chứng minh
53 ethic n /'eθ.ɪk/ đạo đức
54 initial adj /ɪ'nɪʃ.əl/ ban đầu
55 hardship n /'hɑ:d.ʃɪp/ khó khăn
56 reap v /ri:p/ gặt hái
57 enterprise n /'en.tə.praɪz/ công ty
58 aerospace n /'eə.rə.speɪs/ hàng không vũ trụ
59 genius n /'ʤi:.ni.əs/ thiên tài
60 fluent adj /'flu:.ənt/ thông thạo
61 mature adj /mə'tʃʊər/ trưởng thành
62 redundant adj /rɪ'dʌn.dənt/ thừa thãi, dư thừa
63 unprecedented adj /ʌn'pres.ɪ.den.tɪd/ chưa từng có
64 enduring adj /ɪn'ʤʊə.rɪŋ/ lâu dài
65 endurable adj /ɪn'ʤʊə.rə.bəl/ có thể chịu đựng
66 alcohol n /'æl.kə.hɒl/ rượu
67 cancer n /'kæn.sər/ ung thư
STT Cấu trúc Nghĩa
1 collect yourself/your thoughts kiểm soát bản thân, giữ bình tĩnh (sau khi sốc, ngạc nhiên,...)
2 in advance trước
3 cut down something cắt giảm cái gì
4 set up thành lập
5 give in nhượng bộ
6 ask somebody out rủ ai ra ngoài
7 have a dream mơ
8 a tight spot tình huống khó khăn
9 equip somebody with sth trang bị cho ai cái gì
10 put the shoulder to the wheel nỗ lực
11 make an impression on sb tạo ấn tượng với ai
12 in harmony hòa hợp
13 strike out on your own sống tự lập
14 in the thick of sth ở phần quan trọng nhất, bận rộn nhất,... của cái gì
15 buckle down cố gắng, nỗ lực
16 put up with sb/sth chịu đựng ai/cái gì
17 develop cancer mắc bệnh ung thư

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