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History of Hungary 1849-1914

Historical expressions:

1. emigration: After the breaking down of the war of independence a lot of major historical people
such as Bertalan Szemere József Bem and Lajos Kossuth left the country. Kossuth aimed at organizing and
preparing a new war of independence with the help of other nations.
2. passive resistance represented by Ferenc Deák. This group wanted to achieve Hungarian
constitutional separation. The supporters refused to co-operate with Habsburg authorities, denied to execute
royal decrees, didn’t pay taxes and didn’t fill in offices.
3. Easter Article: It was written by Ferenc Deák in which he talked about preserving of constitutional
status of the Empire and Hungary want to sign a compromise or make an agreement with the Habsburgs.
4. The Compromise: Finally in 1867 Austria and Hungary achieved to form Dual monarchy in which
each country has equal rights and a common ruler based on the earlier negotiations of Pragmatic Sanction
and concept of personal union.
5. common affairs: After signal of the document of the Compromise Austria and Hungary agreed on
treating common affairs: foreign, military and financial affairs together wtih the help of delegates of both
countries. It aimed at opposing another war of impendence in Hungary. Hungary had to accept this situation
because the compromise provided development for the country.
6. The question of public law: The relationship between Hungary and Austria and the relationship
between the ruler and Hungarian governmental bodies which control the work of the state institutions. This
≈ was an important issue in Hungarian policy because the governing party supported while the independent
oppositional parties were against this kind of relationship.
7. Dualist Monarchy: = Austria-Hungary /Austro-Hungarian Monarchy had two centres/poles: Pest-
Buda (from 1872/73 Budapest) and Vienna. There were trials to create the Monarchy to trialistic because
Bohemia wanted to join (because Bohemia was a province with less rights inside the Empire.)
8. Liberal Party: in 1873 overproduction crisis started which couldn’t be solved by any of these
parties so 1875 (by that time the crisis ended) the fusion of Deák Party and Left-Middle Party fused and
Liberal Party was born led by Kálmán Tisza
9. gentry: from Landowners Nobility – they had difficulties under the passive resistance. They
owned 200-800 acres but they were unable to modernize their lands. They moved to towns, cities and
became officers or officers in the army. Although they lost their lands, they preserved nobiliary traditions.
They debased – lesüllyed. They lived the ‘urizáló’ lifestyle.
10. assimilation: Hungarians tried to assimilate coming nationalities. its tools were education, Act of
Nationalities. But 1879, 1907 Hungarian language learning became compulsory in nationalities schools too
which meant stronger steps towards the assimilation. When two or more nationalities melt together.
11. millennia: One thousand anniversary of Hungarian Conquest in 1896 when Hungarians
celebrated the existence of the state with huge building programme in Budapest and with other feasts.
12. secret or open ballot: The electing citizens can vote secretely while during open ballot the voters
say to the a committee the name of the elected representative. Voting can happen with the help of raising
hands. – It provides possibility of cheating.
13. Independent Party: Such a political party which opposed the compromise. It was formed in 1874
which later fused with the 48 Independent Party led by Lajos Mocsáry.
14. Hungarian Social democrat Party: It was formed in 1890 which later fused with Hungarian
Communist Party in 1948. In the future they played a major role during the period of Hungarian Soviet
15. Demographic boom: The reasons for growing of Hungarian population were better hygienic
circumstances and natural birth growth.
16. Urbanization: More and more towns and cities were formed during the Dualistic period which
provided better living conditions for citizens where public services existed. More and more people left the
countryside and moved to these cities and towns.
17. Emigration: One type of migration when several people left Hungary and moved to the USA mostly
because of political reason. E.g. Lajos Kossuth and Bertalan Szemere.
18. Act on Education: József Eötvös was the minister of education who helped to form this law which
aimed at decreasing illiteracy.
19. autonomy: Inside a given country each territories or ethnicities could achieve this status e.g.
independence in education, administration. Providing territorial autonomy was againt the concept of nation
states. During dualism only Croatia enjoyed this autonomous position

Historical persons:
Gyula Andrássy: He was the new prime minister of Hungary who was a foreign minister earlier. He
helped to form dual alliance.
Ferenc Deák: He was a Hungarian statesman and Minister of Justice. He was known as "The Wise Man of
the Nation". Petition Party was led by him. Programme: April laws are the maximum, acceptance of Francis
Joseph as king.
József Eötvös:He was a Hungarian writer and statesman. He worked out the Act of Nationalities in 1868,
it guaranteed wide usage of mother tongue for nationalities. He was a member of Opposition Party,
Centralists and Deák Party.
Kálmán Tisza: Declaration party was led by him and László Teleki-. Programme: April Laws are the
minimum, Hungary must become a free independent state. Kálmán Tisza’s premiership was between 1875-
1890 it was very calm period of Dual system.
Gábor Baross: He was the minister of infrastructure who supported the development and helped the
formation of MÁV – Hungarian State Railways was formed.
Sándor Wekerle: prime minister three times in Hungarian history. His measures: Crown – common
currency was placed upon the value of Gold to provide its strength, he played major role in acceptance of
Jewish faith and civil marriage.
István Tisza: His premiership was between 1903-1905. He wanted to consolidate the dualism. Modification
of rules of parliament: he introduced voting after handkerchief.
Tivadar Puskás: He was a Hungarian inventor, telephone pioneer, and inventor of the telephone exchange.
He was also the founder of Telefon Hírmondó.
Kálmán Kandó: He was a Hungarian engineer, and a pioneer in the development of electric railway
Abraham Ganz: He was a Hungarian iron manufacturer who founded the Ganz factory.
Ignác Semmelweis: The “rescuer of mothers” who recognized the importance of sterilization of hands
during birth.
Manfréd Weis: The founder of Iron and Steel Factory of Csepel.

1848/1867-1916: The reign of Francis Joseph.
1867: Austria and Hungary achieved to form Dual monarchy in which each country has equal rights and a
common ruler based on the earlier negotiations of Pragmatic Sanction and concept of personal union.
1868: Several negotiations: Economic Compromise, Compromise with Croatia ( 1868/XXX. Article), Law
of ethnic minorities, Industrial Law and Act on Education.
1873: Overproduction crisis started which couldn’t be solved by any of the parties, so 1875 ( by that time
the crisis ended) Deák Party and Left-Middle Party became Liberal Party led by Kálmán tisza.
This year unification of Budapest happened.
1896: The Millennia Celebration – commemorating the 1000 years old history of Hungary and Magyar
conquest of the Carpathian Basin.

Austro Hungarian Monarchy: In 1867 Austria and Hungary achived to form Dual monarchy in which each
country has equal rights and a common ruler based ont he earlier negotiations of Pragmatic Sanction and
concept of personal union.
Budapest: One of the centre of the Dualistic system. Earlier it was called Pest-Buda, from 1872/73
Fiume: The most important harbour was Fiume. River regulations resulted in foundation of high-seas
navigation through Fiume and Hungarian Royal River and Seas Navigation Join-stock Company. The
official language was Italian in fiume.

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