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Numericals of Modern Physics with Hints

1) In the Millikan’s oil drop experiment, a drop is observed to fall with a terminal speed of
1.4mm/s in the absence of electric field. When a vertical electric field of 4.9X10 5V/m is
applied, the droplet is observed to continue to move downward at a lower terminal
speed 1.21mm/s. Calculate the charge on the drop.( density of oil=750kg/m3, viscosity of
air=1.81X10-5Kg/m.s , density of air=1.293Kg/m3)[2072]
HINT: Millikan’s oil drop experiment:
Motion of oil drop under electric field(downward direction)
( )
q = ( )
2) In a Millikan’s apparatus the horizontal plates are 1.5cm apart. With the electric field is
switched off, an oil drop is observed to fall with the steady velocity 2.5x10 -2cm/s. when
the field is switched on , the upper plate being positive, the drop just remains stationary
when the potential difference between the plate is 150V. Calculate the radius of the
drop and the number of electronic charge neglecting air density.( density of
oil=900kg/m3, viscosity of air=1.81X10-5Kg/m.s)[2069supp,2067supp,2066]
HINT: Millikan’s oil drop experiment to determine number og charges on an oil drop:
The radius of oil drop r= ( )
and find r.
where, η=coefficient of viscosity, 𝜌=density of the oil, 𝜎=density of air and
v1=terminal velocity and g=acceleration due to gravity
Again E= V/d=…….
Also, Motion of oil drop under electric field (upward direction)
q= =…..
q=ne and find n.
3) Calculate the radius of a water drop which would just remain suspended in an electric
field of 300V/cm and the charged with one electron.[2070supp]
HINT: For equilibrium position of oil drop between the two plates
Weight of oil drop= Electric force acting on it
Or, mg=qE
Or,( 𝜋𝑟 𝜌)g=neE and find r. Since, q=ne
4) Calculate the potential difference to be maintained between two horizontal conducting
plates separated by a distance of 10mm so that a small charged oil drop of mass
1.31X10-14Kg will remain in equilibrium. Charge in the oil drop is 6.4X10 -19C.[2074supp]
HINT: For equilibrium position of oil drop between the two plates:
Weight of oil drop= Electric force acting on it
Or, mg=qE= and find V.
5) Calculate the p.d. in Volt necessary to be maintained between two horizontal conducting
plates, one 5mm above the other, so that a small oil drop of mass 1.31X10 -14Kg with two
electrons attached to it remains in equilibrium.( g=9.8m/s 2, electronic charge =-1.6X10-
HINT: For equilibrium position of oil drop between the two plates:

Numericals of Modern Physics with Hints
Weight of oil drop= Electric force acting on it
Or, mg=qE= and find V. where q=2e
6) Find the electric field required to keep a water drop of radius 10-5cm just suspended in
vacuum when charged with one electron. (electronic charge =-1.6X10-19C and density of
HINT: For equilibrium position of water drop between the two plates:
Weight of water drop= Electric force acting on it
Or, mg =qE
Or, ( 𝜋𝑟 𝜌)g =qE and find E.
7) An oil drop of mass 3.25X10-15Kg falls vertically with uniform velocity, through the air
between vertical parallel plates which are 2cm apart. When a p.d. of 1000V is applied to
the plates the drop moves to the positively charged plate being inclined at 45° to the
vertical. Calculate the charge on the drop.[2053]
HINT: let v1and v2 be the vertical and horizontal components of velocity v.
For vertical motion: mg =6𝜋𝜂rv1 ……(1)
For horizontal motion: qE =6𝜋𝜂rv2 ……(2)
Dividing (2) by (1) = = =1 and find q.

8) An iron for which the charge per unit mass is 4.40X107C/kg has velocity of 3.52X105m/s
and moves in a circular orbit in a magnetic field of flux density 0.4T. What will be the
radius of this orbit?[2076]
HINT: Motion of electron in a uniform magnetic field:
Magnetic force= centripetal force
Bev= and find r.
9) An electron moving with the speed of 107m/s is passed into a magnetic field of intensity
0.1T normally. What is the radius of the path of the electron inside the field? If the
strength of the magnetic field is doubled, what is the radius of the new path?(e/m=
HINT: Motion of electron in a uniform magnetic field:
Magnetic force= centripetal force
Bev= and find r.
Numericals of Modern Physics with Hints
And use: B’ev= where B’=2B=2X0.1=0.2T and find r’.
10) An electron moves in a circular path of radius 20cm in a uniform magnetic field of
2X10-3T. Find the speed of the electron and period of revolution. Mass of electron =
HINT: Motion of electron in a uniform magnetic field:
Magnetic force= centripetal force
Bev= and find v
( )
So, frequency ( f)=
11) An electron having 500eV energy enters at right angle to a uniform magnetic field of
10-4T. If its specific charge is 1.75X1011C/kg , Calculate the radius of its circular
HINT: Work done = Maximum K.E. i.e. eV= mv and find v.
Motion of electron in a uniform magnetic field: Magnetic force= centripetal force
Bev= and find r.
12) An electron is accelerated through a potential difference of 2000V and then it enters
a uniform magnetic field of 0.02T in a direction perpendicular to it. Find the radius of the
path of the electron in the magnetic field.( mass of electron=9.1X10 -31Kg and charge of
electron e= is 1.6X10-19C.[2071]
HINT: Work done = Maximum K.E. i.e. eV= mv and find v.
Motion of electron in a uniform magnetic field: Magnetic force= centripetal force
Bev= and find r.
13) An electron is accelerated through a potential difference of 2KV and then it enters a
uniform magnetic field of 0.02T, in a direction perpendicular to it. Find the radius of the
path of the electron in the magnetic field. (mass of electron=9.1X10 -31Kg)[2069]
HINT: Work done = Maximum K.E. i.e. eV= mv and find v.
Motion of electron in a uniform magnetic field: Magnetic force= centripetal force
Bev= and find r.
14) An electron having 450eV of energy moves at right angles to a uniform magnetic field
of flux density 1.50x10-3T. Find the radius of its circular orbit.( e/m=
HINT: Work done = Maximum K.E. i.e. eV= mv and find v.
Motion of electron in a uniform magnetic field: Magnetic force= centripetal force
Bev= and find r.
15) A beam of electrons is under potential difference of 1.36X104V applied across two
parallel plates 4cm apart and a magnetic field 2X10 -3T at right angles to each other. If

Numericals of Modern Physics with Hints
two fields produce no deflection in the electronic beam, Calculate a) the velocity of
electrons b) the radius of the orbit in which the beam will move, if the electric field is
made zero.( mass of electron=9.1X10-31Kg)[2067]
HINT a) Motion of electron beam in cross field (electric & magnetic field):
Force on electron due to electric field is Fe=eE
Force on electron due to magnetic field is Fm=Bev
When the beam is undeflected then Fm=Fe or, Bev=eE or,
v = = ….
b) if electric field is zero then Motion of electron in a uniform magnetic field:
Magnetic force= centripetal force
Bev= and find r.
16) A beam of proton is accelerated from rest through potential difference of 2000V and
then enters a uniform magnetic field which is perpendicular to the direction of proton
beam. If the flux density is 0.2T, calculate the radius of the path which the beam
describes. (mass of proton=1.7X10-27Kg and electronic charge =-1.6X10-19C)[2061]
HINT: Work done = Maximum K.E. i.e. eV= mv and find v.
Motion of proton in a uniform magnetic field: Magnetic force= centripetal force
Bev= and find r.
17) A beam of proton is accelerated from rest through a p.d. of 2000V and then enters a
uniform magnetic field which is perpendicular to the direction of the proton beam. If the
flux density is 0.4T, calculate the radius of the path which the beam describes. mass of
proton=1.7X10-27Kg and electronic charge =-1.6X10-19C)[2054]
HINT: Work done = Maximum K.E. i.e. eV= mv and find v.
Motion of proton in a uniform magnetic field: Magnetic force= centripetal force
Bev= and find r.
18) Two plane metal plates 4cm long are held horizontally 3cm apart in a vacuum, one
being vertically above the other. The upper plate is at a potential of 300V and the lower
plate is earthed. Electrons having a velocity 107mls are injected horizontally midway
between the plates and in a direction parallel to 4cm edge. Calculate the vertical
deflections of the electron beam as it emerges from the plates.{e/m for the

Motion of electron in electric field:

For vertical motion of electron beam H=uy t + ay t2
Numericals of Modern Physics with Hints

Or, y= 0 + ay t2 = ay t2 = ay t2 where, ay = = = = and t=

So, y= { }2 where, V=potential difference, d= distance between two plates,
D=length of each plate, m=mass of electron, e= charge of electron and v= velocity of
19) A beam of electrons, moving with velocity of 10 7m/s, enters midway between two
horizontal parallel plates in the direction parallel to the plates which are 5cm long and
2cm apart and have p.d.of V volts between them. Calculate V if the beam is deflected so
that it just grazes the edge of the plate.(e/m= =1.8X1011C/kg)[2072]
HINT: Motion of electron in electric field:
For vertical motion of electron beam H=u y t + ay t2

Or, y= 0 + ay t2 = ay t2 = ay t2 where, ay = = = = and t=

So, y= { }2 and find V. Here, y=d/2= 0.02/2= 0.01m
20) A beam of electrons, moving with a velocity of 10 6m/s enters midway between two
horizontal parallel plates in a direction parallel to the plates. Each plate is 4cm long.
These plates are kept 2cm apart and a potential difference V is applied between them.
Calculate V if the beam is deflected so that it just grazes the edge of positive plate..( e/m
HINT: Motion of electron in electric field:
For vertical motion of electron beam H=u y t + ay t2

Or, y= 0 + ay t2 = ay t2 = ay t2 where, ay = = = = and t=

So, y= { }2 and find V. Here, y=d/2= 0.02/2= 0.01m

21) A beam of electrons, moving with a velocity of 10 7m/s, enters midway between two
horizontal parallel plates in a direction parallel to the plates. Each plate is 5cm. These
plates are kept 2cm apart and a potential difference of 90V is applied between them.
Calculate the velocity of the electron beam with which it just grazes the edge of the
positive plate.(e/m= =1.8X1011C/kg)[2070]
HINT: vx=ux + axt= v + 0 x t = v
vy = uy + ayt = o + aYt= aYt where, ay = = = = and t=

So, v= v +v =… and tan𝜃= =…

22) An electron beam after being accelerated from rest through a potential difference of
5KV in vacuum is allowed to impinge normally on a fixed surface. If the incident current
is 50𝜇A, Determine the force exerted on the surface assuming that it brings the electron
to rest. (mass of electron=9.1X10-31Kg)[2070]
HINT: Work done = Maximum K.E.i.e. eV= mv and find v.
Also, F=ma=m = nme = me v=… {Since, m=nme , q=ne and I= = and = }

Numericals of Modern Physics with Hints
23) In a Thomson experiment, voltage across the plates is 50V and the distance between
them is 3cm. The magnetic field applied to make the beam undeflected is 10 -4T. What is
the velocity of the electron passing between the plates?[2069]
HINT: Motion of electron beam in cross field (electric & magnetic field):
Force on electron due to electric field is Fe=eE
Force on electron due to magnetic field is Fm=Bev
When the beam is undeflected then Fm=Fe or, Bev=eE or,
v = = =…. (since, E=V/d)
24) A clean nickel surface of work-function 5.1eV is exposed to light of wavelength
235nm. What is the maximum speed of the photoelectrons emitted from its
HINT: Einstein Photoelectric equation:
hf = φ + mv and find v. since, K.Emax= mv max and c=fλ
25) Sodium has a work function of 2eV. Calculate the maximum energy and the speed of
the emitted electrons when sodium is illuminated by a radiation of 150nm. What is the
threshold frequency of radiation for which electrons are emitted from sodium
HINT: Einstein Photoelectric equation:
hf = φ + mvmax2 and find vmax.
again, φ=hfo where fo=threshold frequency=?
26) Radiations of wavelength 5400𝐴̇ fall on a metal surface whose work function is
1.9eV. Find the energy of the photoelectrons emitted and their stopping potential.
Planck’s constant(h)=6.62X10-34J.s[2074]
HINT: Einstein Photoelectric equation:
hf = φ + K.Emax and find K.Emax (Since, K.Emax = mvmax2)
Again: Stopping potential (Vo):
Work done by stopping potential= Maximum K.E. of photoelectron
eV0=K.Emax and find V0.
27) Light of frequency 5x1014Hz librates electrons with energy 2.3X10-19J from a certain
metallic surface. What is the wavelength of ultraviolet light which liberates electrons of
energy 8.93X10-19J from the same surface?{ Planck’s constant(h)=6.62X10 -34J.s and C=
HINT: Einstein Photoelectric equation: mv max =hf-hf0 = hf - ∅ = - ∅
Or, K.Emax = - ∅ …….(1)
Case(1): K.E1 = - ∅ …….(2)
Case(2): K.E2 = - ∅ …….(3)
Finally: subtract (1) from (2) and find 𝜆 .
28) 400nm wavelength of light falls on a photo sensitive material of work function 2.3eV.
Compare the maximum energy of photoelectrons.[2073]

Numericals of Modern Physics with Hints
HINT: Einstein Photoelectric equation: mv max =hf-hf0 = hf - ∅ = -∅
Or, K.Emax = - ∅ and find K.Emax.
29) Sodium has a work function of 2eV. Calculate the maximum energy and the speed of
the emitted electrons when sodium is illuminated by radiation of wavelength
150nm.(mass of electron=9.1X10-31Kg)[2072supp]
HINT : Einstein Photoelectric equation: mv max =hf-hf0 = hf - ∅ = - ∅
and find vmax. Finally, K.Emax= mv max =…
30) The work function of the surface of aluminum is 4.2eV. How much potential
difference will be required to stop the emission of maximum energy of electrons
emitted by light of wavelength 2000𝐴̇? (Planck’s constant(h)=6.62X10-34J.s)[2072]
HINT: Einstein Photoelectric equation:
hf = φ + K.Emax and find K.Emax (Since, K.Emax = mvmax2 and c=fλ
Again: Stopping potential (Vo):
Work done by stopping potential= Maximum K.E. of photoelectron
eV0=K.Emax and find V0.
31) Light of wavelength 5x10-7m falls on a sensitive metal plate with photoelectric work
function 1.90eV. Find the kinetic energy of the photoelectrons emitted and stopping
potential. (Planck’s constant(h)=6.62X10 -34J.s)[2071]
HINT: Einstein Photoelectric equation:
hf = φ + K.Emax and find K.Emax (Since, K.Emax = mvmax2 and c=fλ)
Again: Stopping potential (Vo):
Work done by stopping potential= Maximum K.E. of photoelectron
eV0=K.Emax and find V0.
32) Ultraviolet light of wavelength 3.5X10-7m is made to fall on a smooth surface of
potassium. The work function of potassium is 2eV. Determine maximum energy of
emitted photoelectrons and stopping potential.[2071,2057]
HINT: Einstein Photoelectric equation: hf = φ + K.Emax
Or, hf = φ + eV0 and find V0. (Since c=fλ
Again: Stopping potential (Vo):
Work done by stopping potential= Maximum K.E. of photoelectron
eV0=K.Emax and find K.Emax.
33) Electrons with maximum kinetic energy 3eV are ejected from a metal surface by
ultraviolet radiation of wavelength 1.5X10-7m. Determine work-function, threshold
wavelength and the stopping potential of the metal. (Planck’s constant(h)=6.62X10 -
HINT: Einstein Photoelectric equation: hf = φ + K.Emax
Or , = φ + K.Emax and find φ
again, φ = and find 𝜆
Stopping potential (Vo): Work done by stopping potential= K.Emax of photoelectron
eV0=K.Emax and find V0.

Numericals of Modern Physics with Hints
34) The photoelectric threshold wavelength of a Tungsten surface is 272nm. Calculate
the maximum velocity of the electrons ejected from this tungsten surface by ultraviolet
radiation of frequency 1.45X1015Hz. (Planck’s constant(h)=6.62X10-34J.s, mass of
electron=9.1X10-31Kg and C=3X108m/s)[2070]
HINT: Einstein Photoelectric equation: mv max = hf- and find vmax.
35) When ultraviolet light with a wavelength of 400nm falls on a certain metal surface,
the maximum kinetic energy of the emitted electrons is 1.10eV. What is the maximum
kinetic energy of the photoelectrons when light of wavelength 300nm falls on the same
HINT: Einstein Photoelectric equation: mv max =hf-hf0 = hf - ∅ = - ∅
Or, K.Emax = - ∅ …….(1)
Case(1): K.E1 = - ∅ …….(2)
Case(2): K.E2 = - ∅ …….(3)
Finally: subtract (3) from (2) and find and find K.E2.
36) Light of wavelength 6000𝐴̇ falls on a photosensitive plate of work function 1.9eV.
Find the speed of the photoelectrons emitted. (Planck’s constant(h)=6.62X10 -34J.s and
mass of electron=9.1X10-31Kg)[2068]
HINT: Einstein Photoelectric equation: mv max = - ∅ and find vmax.
37) What will be the change in the stopping potential for photoelectrons emitted from a
source if the wavelength of incident light is reduced from 400nmto 360nm?[2068]
HINT: Einstein Photoelectric equation: mv max =hf-hf0 = hf - ∅ = - ∅
Or, K.Emax = - ∅ …….(1)
Case(1): K.E1 = - ∅ …….(2) where, K.E1 = eV1
Case(2): K.E2 = - ∅ …….(3) where K.E2= eV2
Finally: subtract (3) from (2) and find V2-V1
38) The maximum energy of photoelectrons emitted from a metal plate is 1.2eV. If the
threshold wavelength is 2.48X10-9m, calculate the wavelength of incident light. (Planck’s
HINT: Einstein Photoelectric equation: mv max =hf-hf0 = hf - ∅ = - ∅
Or, K.Emax = - and find 𝜆.
39) When a light of frequency 5.4X1014Hz is incident on a metal surface, the maximum
energy of the electrons emitted is 1.2X10-19J. If the same surface is illuminated with light
of frequency 6.6X1014Hz, the maximum energy of the electrons is 2x10-19J. Find the value
of Planck’s constant.[2064]
HINT: Einstein Photoelectric equation: mv max =hf-∅
Or, K.Emax = hf-∅ …….(1)
Case(1): K.E1 = hf1 - ∅ …….(2)

Numericals of Modern Physics with Hints
Case(2): K.E2 = hf2 - ∅ …….(3)
Finally: subtract (3) from (2) and find h.
40) A UV light of 400nm strikes a cesium surface of work function 1.9eV. Find the velocity
of electron emitted from the cesium surface. (mass of electron=9.1X10 -31Kg ,
C=3X108m/s and h=6.62X10-34J.s.)[2059]
HINT: Einstein Photoelectric equation: mv max =hf-∅
Or, mv max = - ∅ and find v.
41) The maximum kinetic energy of the electrons emitted from a metallic surface is
1.6X10-19J when the frequency of the radiation is 7.5X1014Hz. Calculate the minimum
frequency of the radiation for which electrons will be emitted. (h=6.62X10 -34J.s.)[2055]
HINT: Einstein Photoelectric equation: mv max =hf-hf0
Or, K.Emax =hf-hf0 and find f0.

1) Obtain the de Broglie wavelength of neutron of kinetic energy 150eV.(mass of
neutron=1.675X10-27Kg and Planck’s constant=6.6X10 -34J.S. and 1eV=1.6X10-
HINT: de-Broglie wavelength of a particle of Kinetic energy E is
𝒉 𝒉 𝒉 𝟏 𝟐𝒆𝑽
λ= = = (since , 𝒎𝒗𝟐 =eV ∴ v= )
𝒑 𝒎𝒗 √𝟐𝒎𝑬 𝟐 𝒎
2) Calculate the wavelength of an electron which has been accelerated through a
potential difference of 200V. Take mass of electron=9.1X10 -31Kg and Planck’s
constant=6.6X10-34J.S. and 1eV=1.6X10-19J)[2075,2074]
HINT: de-Broglie wavelength of a particle of a charged particles q accelerated
through potential difference V
𝒉 𝒉
λ= = (since E=eV=qV)
𝒑 𝟐𝒎𝒒𝑽
3) Determine the wavelength of a proton that has been accelerated through a potential
difference of 20KV. mass of proton=1.67X10-27Kg and Planck’s constant=6.6X10-34J.S.
and 1eV=1.6X10-19J)[2074supp]
HINT: de-Broglie wavelength of a particle of a charged particles q accelerated
through potential difference V
𝒉 𝒉
λ= = (since E=eV=qV)
𝒑 𝟐𝒎𝒒𝑽
4) Calculate the de-Broglie wavelength of electron having kinetic energy of
HINT: de-Broglie wavelength of a particle of Kinetic energy E is
𝒉 𝒉 𝒉 𝟏 𝟐𝒆𝑽
λ= = = (since , 𝒎𝒗𝟐 =eV ∴ v= )
𝒑 𝒎𝒗 √𝟐𝒎𝑬 𝟐 𝒎
5) Obtain the de-Broglie wavelength of the electron having the kinetic energy of
3600eV.( mass of electron=9.1X10 -31Kg and Planck’s constant=6.6X10 -34J.S. and
charge of electron=1.6X10-19C[2061]
HINT: :de-Broglie wavelength of a particle of Kinetic energy E is

Numericals of Modern Physics with Hints
𝒉 𝒉 𝒉 𝟏 𝟐𝒆𝑽
λ= = = (since , 𝒎𝒗𝟐 =eV ∴ v= )
𝒑 𝒎𝒗 √𝟐𝒎𝑬 𝟐 𝒎
6) Calculate the energy in electron volts of a quantum of X-radiation of wavelength
0.15nm. ( mass of electron=9.1X10-31Kg and Planck’s constant=6.6X10-34J.S. and
HINT: Energy of Photon (radiation) E=hf=
Where, h=Planck's constant=6.625x10 -34J.S
f=frequency of radiation
λ= wavelength of radiation
7) A hydrogen atom is in ground state. What is the quantum number to which it will be
excited absorbing a photon of energy 12.75?[2075]
HINT: ( given, energy absorption ∆E = 12.75eV)
Energy of H-atom in nth state En = - eV …..(1)
Energy of H-atom in first state E1 =- eV=-13.6 eV…..(2)
Energy gap between nth state and first state of H-atom is ∆E = En – E1 …(3)
Use (1) and(2) in (3) and find n.
8) The first member of Balmer series of hydrogen atom has a wavelength of 6563𝐴̇.
Calculate the wavelength of its second member.[2074supp,2073]
Put n1=2 & n2=3,4,5,6….. ∞.
𝟏 𝟏 𝟏
Wave number(𝛌) = = R [ 𝟐 - 𝟐 ] …..(1)
𝛌 𝟐 𝐧 𝟐
Case(1) for first line of Balmer series put n2 =3
𝟏 𝟏 𝟏
= R [ 𝟐 - 𝟐 ] …..(2)
𝛌 𝟐 𝐧 𝟐
Case(2) for second line of Balmer series put n2 =4
𝟏 𝟏 𝟏
= R [ 𝟐 - 𝟐 ] …..(3)
𝛌 𝟐 𝐧 𝟐
Divide (1) by (2) and find 𝛌 .
9) Calculate the wavelength of the first line of the Balmer series, if the wavelength of
the second line of this series is 4.86X10-7m.[2054]
Put n1=2 & n2=3,4,5,6….. ∞.
𝟏 𝟏 𝟏
Wave number(𝛌) = = R [ 𝟐 - 𝟐 ] …..(1)
𝛌 𝟐 𝐧 𝟐
Case(1) for first line of Balmer series put n2 =3
𝟏 𝟏 𝟏
= R [ 𝟐 - 𝟐 ] …..(2)
𝛌 𝟐 𝐧 𝟐
Case(2) for second line of Balmer series put n2 =4
𝟏 𝟏 𝟏
= R [ 𝟐 - 𝟐 ] …..(3)
𝛌 𝟐 𝐧 𝟐
Divide (1) by (2) and find 𝛌 .
10) Calculate the wavelength of electromagnetic radiation emitted by a hydrogen atom
which undergoes a transition between energy levels of -1.36X10-19J and -5.45X10-19J.(
Planck’s constant=6.6X10-34J.S.[2072supp]

Numericals of Modern Physics with Hints
HINT: From Bohr’s Second postulate: hf =E - E , where f is frequency of photon's
And c=f𝜆 and find 𝜆.
11) An X-rays tube operated at a dc potential difference of 10KV produces heat at the
target at the rate of 720Watt. Assuming 0.5% of the incident electrons is converted
into X-radiation. Calculate the number of electrons striking per second at the target
and velocity of the incident electrons.(e/m=1.8X10 11C/kg)[2076,2069]
HINT: Power (P) = (100 – x-radiation)% of IV and find I.
Also: Current(I)= = and number of electron per second( ) =
Also, eV= mv and find v.
12) An X-ray tube works at a dc potential difference of 50KV. Only 0.4% of the energy of
the cathode ray is converted into X-rays and heat is generated in the target at the
rate of 600Watt. Estimate the current passed into the tube and the velocity of the
electrons striking the target. ( mass of electron=9.1X10 -31Kg and Charge of
HINT: Power (P) = (100 – x-radiation)% of IV and find I.
Also, eV= mv and find v.
13) An X-ray spectrometer has a crystal of rock salt for which atomic spacing is 2.82𝐴̇ set
at an angle of 140 to the beam coming from a tube operated at a constantly
increasing voltage. An intense first line appears when the voltage across the tube is
9045V. Calculate the value of Planck’s constant.[2072]
HINT: Bragg’s law: 2dsin𝛉 = n λ
Here for first order put n=1 and find λ.
Again: E=hf = ….(1) and E=eV ……..(2) then from (1) and (2): = eV and find h.
14) An X-ray tube works at a dc potential difference of 50KV and the current through
the tube is 0.5mA. Find
a)the number of electrons hitting the target per second
b) the energy falling on the target per second as the kinetic energy of electrons
c) the cut-off wavelength of X-rays emitted.
( mass of electron=9.1X10-31Kg and Planck’s constant=6.6X10-34J.S. and
HINT: Current(I)= = and number of electron per second( ) =
Energy per second or Power (P) = IV=…
Again: E=hf = ….(1) and E=eV ……..(2) then from (1) and (2): = eV and find λ.
15) An X-ray tube operated at a d.c. potential difference of 40KV, produces heat at the
rate of 720W. Assuming 0.5% of the energy of the incident electrons converted into
X-radiation. Calculate
a) The number of electrons per second striking the target
b) Velocity of the incident electrons.(e/m=1.8x1011 C/Kg)[2067]
HINT: Power (P) = (100 – x-radiation)% of IV and find I.
Also: Current(I)= = and number of electron per second( ) =

Numericals of Modern Physics with Hints
Also, eV= mv and find v.
16) Determine the energy that must be given to a hydrogen atom so that it can emit
second line of Balmer series.( Rydberg’s Constant R= 1.097X10 7/m)[2071supp]
Put n1=2 & n2=4, second line of Balmer series
𝟏 𝟏 𝟏
= R [ 𝟐 - 𝟐 ] and find 𝛌.
𝛌 𝟐 𝐧 𝟐
Also : E=hf =
17) Find the wavelength of the radiation emitted from a hydrogen atom when an
electron jumps from 4th orbit to the second orbit. (( mass of electron=9.1X10-31Kg and
Planck’s constant=6.6X10-34J.S. and ∈ =8.85X10-12C2N-1m-2)[2070supp]
HINT: wavelength of radiation: = [ - ] Here n1=2 and n2=4
18) A cricket ball is moving with a speed of 120km/hr. what would be its de-Broglie
wavelength if its mass is 400gm.[2070supp]
𝒉 𝒉
HINT: de-Broglie (duality) Theory: λ = =
𝒑 𝒎𝒗
19) X-rays are incident on the zinc sulphide crystal spacing 3.08X10 -8cm such that the
first order reflection takes place at glancing angle 120. Calculate the wavelength of X-
rays and glancing angle for second order maximum.[2070supp,2069]
HINT: Bragg’s law: 2dsin𝛉 = n λ
Here for first order put n=1 and find d.
20) X-ray beam of wavelength 2.9AU 𝐴̇ is diffracted from the plane of cubic crystal. The
first order diffraction is obtained at an angle of 350. Calculate the spacing between
the planes.[2069,2052]
HINT: Bragg’s law: 2dsin𝛉 = n λ
Here for first order put n=1 and find d.
21) X-rays of wavelength o.36𝐴̇ are diffracted by a Bragg’s crystal spectrograph at a
glancing angle of 4.80. Find the spacing of the atomic planes in the crystal.[2065]
HINT: Bragg’s law: 2dsin𝛉 = n λ
Here for first order put n=1 and find d.
22) Find the wavelength of radiation emitted from the hydrogen atom when an electron
jumps from the third orbit to the second orbit.( mass of electron=9.1X10-31Kg and
Planck’s constant=6.6X10-34J.S. and ∈ =8.85X10-12C2N-1m-2)[2069supp,2067supp]
HINT: wavelength of radiation: = [ - ] Here n1=2 and n2=3
23) If an electron position can be measured to an accuracy of 10-9m. How accurately can
its velocity be measured?( mass of electron=9.1X10 -31Kg)[2062]
If ∆𝒙 is uncertainty in position(x) & ∆𝒑 is uncertainty in momentum;
∆𝒙. ∆𝒑 ≥
∆𝒙.𝑚 ∆𝒗 = and find ∆𝒗.

Numericals of Modern Physics with Hints
24) An electron of energy 20eV comes into collision with a hydrogen atom in its ground
state. The atom is excited into a higher state and the electron is scattered with
reduced velocity. The atom subsequently returns to its ground state with the
emission of photon of wavelength 1.216X10 -7m. Determine the velocity of the
scattered electron. (mass of electron=9.1X10-31Kg)[2055]
HINT: Energy of electron before collision= energy of emitted photon + energy of
scattered electrons
i.e. E= + mv and find v.
1) Calculate the binding energy per nucleon of 26Fe56. {Atomic mass of 26Fe56 is 55.9349u
and that of 1H1 is 1.00783u and mass of 0n1= 1.00867u and 1u=931MeV}.[2076,2070]
HINT: Mass defect = sum of masses of the constituent nucleon - Rest mass of nucleus
∆𝐦 =(Zmp+Nmn) - M
where, Z = atomic number, mp = mass of proton , mn = mass of neutron
BINDING ENERGY: EB=(∆m ) X 931 Mev =….
2) Calculate the binding energy per nucleon of calcium nucleus (20Ca40).{ mass of 20Ca40 is
39.962589u and that of proton( 1H1 )is 1.007825u and mass of neutron( 0n1)=
1.008665u and 1u=931MeV.}[2076,]
HINT: Mass defect = sum of masses of the constituent nucleon - Rest mass of nucleus
∆𝐦 ={Zmp+(A-Z)mn} - M
where, Z = atomic number, mp = mass of proton , mn = mass of neutron
BINDING ENERGY: EB=(∆m ) X 931 Mev =….
3) A city requires 107Watts of electrical power on the average. If this is to be supplied by
a nuclear reactor of efficiency 20%. Using 92U235 as the fuel source, calculate the
amount of fuel required per day.( Energy released per fission92U235=200MeV)[2075]
HINT: η% = and find Pin.
( ) ( ) ( )
Again, Power(Pin) = =
( )
Or, N X Q= Pin X t
Or, N= =
Now, 6.023X1023 atoms have mass of Uranium= 235gram
So, 1 atoms have mass of Uranium = gram
Therefore, (N=…) atoms have mass of Uranium= X N = gram
4) A nucleus of 92U235 disintegrates according to 92U235→ 90Th234+2He4 Calculate
a) The total energy released in the disintegration process
b) The KE of the 𝛼-Particle, the nucleus at rest before disintegration.
(Mass of 92U235 =3.859X10-25Kg, Mass of 90Th234 =3.787X10-25Kg, Mass of 2He4 =6.648X10-
Kg) [2075,2067]

Numericals of Modern Physics with Hints
Mass defect (∆𝐦 )= Decrease of mass in reaction=mass of reactant – mass of product
BINDING ENERGY or total energy : EB=(∆m ) X 931 Mev =….
b)K.E of the 𝛼-Particle=[ ]X EB = ( Since, 𝛼-particle is Helium).
5) The Mass of 17Cl35 is 34.9800amu. Calculate its binding energy and binding energy per
nucleon. Mass of proton( 1H1 )is 1.007825amu and mass of neutron( 0n1)=
1.008665amu and 1u=931MeV.[2074]
HINT: Mass defect = sum of masses of the constituent nucleon - Rest mass of nucleus
∆𝐦 ={Zmp+(A-Z)mn} - M
where, Z = atomic number, mp = mass of proton , mn = mass of neutron
BINDING ENERGY: EB=(∆m ) X 931 Mev =….
6) What will be the amount of energy released in the fusion of three alpha particles into a
C12 nucleus if the mass of He4 and C12 nuclei are respectively 4.00263amu and
HINT: Given reaction, 3 X 2He4 → C12 + Q
Mass defect (∆𝐦 )= Decrease of mass in reaction=
=mass of reactant – mass of product
= 3 X 4.00263-12
BINDING ENERGY or energy released : EB=(∆m ) X 931 Mev =….
7) The Mass of the nucleus of the isotope Lithium (3Li7) is 7.014351u. Find its binding
energy and binding energy per nucleon. (. Mass of proton( 1H1 )is 1.007825u and mass
of neutron( 0n1)= 1.008665u and 1u=931MeV.[2072supp,2069]
HINT: Mass defect = sum of masses of the constituent nucleon - Rest mass of nucleus
∆𝐦 ={Zmp+(A-Z)mn} - M
where, Z = atomic number, mp = mass of proton , mn = mass of neutron
BINDING ENERGY: EB=(∆m ) X 931 Mev =….
8) 28Ni62 may be described as the most strongly bound nucleus because it has the highest
BE per nucleon. Its neutral atomic mass is 61.928349amu. Find its mass defect, its total
binding energy and binding energy per nucleon. Mass of proton( 1H1 )is 1.007825amu
and mass of neutron( 0n1)= 1.008665amu and 1u=931.5MeV.[2072]
HINT: Mass defect = sum of masses of the constituent nucleon - Rest mass of nucleus
∆𝐦 ={Zmp+(A-Z)mn} - M
where, Z = atomic number, mp = mass of proton , mn = mass of neutron
BINDING ENERGY: EB=(∆m ) X 931 Mev =….
9) Calculate the binding energy per nucleon for a helium nucleus. Mass of Helium
nucleus=4.001509amu, Mass of proton( 1H1 )is 1.007825amu and mass of neutron(
0n )= 1.008665amu and 1u=931MeV.[2071]

Numericals of Modern Physics with Hints
HINT: Mass defect = sum of masses of the constituent nucleon - Rest mass of nucleus
∆𝐦 ={Zmp+(N)mn} - M
where, Z = atomic number, mp = mass of proton , mn = mass of neutron
BINDING ENERGY: EB=(∆m ) X 931 Mev =….
10) The most common isotope of Uranium 92U235 has atomic mass 238.050783u. Calculate
the mass defect, binding energy and binding energy per nucleon. Mass of proton( 1H1
)is 1.007825amu and mass of neutron( 0n1)= 1.008665amu and
HINT: Mass defect = sum of masses of the constituent nucleon - Rest mass of nucleus
∆𝐦 ={Zmp+(A-Z)mn} - M
where, Z = atomic number, mp = mass of proton , mn = mass of neutron
BINDING ENERGY: EB=(∆m ) X 931 Mev =….
11) Assuming that about 200MeV energy is released per fission of 92U235 nuclei. What
would be the mass of U235 consumed per day in the fission reactor of power 1MW
( ) ( ) ( )
HINT: Power produced = =
( )
Or, N X Q= P X t
( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
Or, N= = = = 2.7 x 1021 atoms
( ) .
Now, 6.023X1023 atoms have mass of Uranium= 235gram
So, 1 atoms have mass of Uranium = gram
Therefore, 2.7 X 10 atoms have mass of Uranium= X 2.7 X 1021 =1.05gram.
12) The energy liberated in the fission of a single Uranium -235 atom is 3.2X10 -11J.
Calculate the power production corresponding to the fission of 1.5Kg of Uranium per
HINT: Here, 235 gm of Uranium contains= 6.023X1023atoms
So 1 gm of Uranium contains= atoms
Therefore, 1.5Kg(i.e.1500gm) Uranium contains = X 1500 atoms = N
Power produced =
( ) ( )
Where, Q= energy liberated by fission of U235 atom= 3.2X10-11J
13) The energy liberated in the fission of a single Uranium -235 atom is 3.2X10 -11J.
Calculate the power production corresponding to the fission of 1Kg of Uranium per
day. Assume Avogadro constant as 6.02x1023mole-1. [2054]
HINT: Here, 235 gm of Uranium contains= 6.023X1023atoms
So 1 gm of Uranium contains= atoms

Numericals of Modern Physics with Hints
Therefore, 1Kg(i.e.1000gm) Uranium contains = X 1000 atoms = N
Power produced =
( ) ( )
Where, Q= energy liberated by fission of U235 atom= 3.2X10-11J
14) The energy liberated in the fission of single uranium-235 atom is 3.2x10 -11J. Calculate
the power production corresponding to the fission of 1g of uranium per day. Assume
Avogadro constant as 6.02x1023mole-1.[2073supp,2072,2070supp,2068]
HINT: Here, 235 gm of Uranium contains= 6.023X1023atoms
So 1 gm of Uranium contains= atoms = N.
Power produced =
( ) ( )
Where, Q= energy liberated by fission of U235 atom= 3.2X10-11J
15) The energy released by fission of one U235 atom is 200MeV. Calculate the energy
released in KWH, when one gram of uranium undergoes fission.[2071]
HINT: Here, 235 gm of Uranium contains= 6.023X1023atoms
So 1 gm of Uranium contains= atoms = N.
Total energy released(E)= N X Q
Where, Q= energy liberated by fission of U235 atom= 200MeV= 3.2X10-11J
16) Calculate the speed of a particle if the mass of it is equal to 5 times its rest
Hint: From the relativistic formula for the variation of mass with velocity is given as
m= and find v. (Here, c=3 X108m/s and m=5m0 where m0 is rest mass of

17) Calculate the Q-value of the reaction and mention the type of reaction(endothermic
or exothermic) Mass of proton( 1H1 )is 1.00814amu and mass of Helium( 2He4)=
4.00377amu, Mass of Nitrogen( 7N14 )is 14.00783amu and mass of Oxygen( 8O16)=
4.00377amu [2052]
HINT: Given reaction, 7N14 + 2He4 → 8O17 + 1H1 + Q
Mass defect (∆𝐦 )= Decrease of mass in reaction=
=mass of reactant – mass of product
= 3 X 4.00263-12
BINDING ENERGY or Q-value of reaction: EB=(∆m ) X 931 Mev =….
Here, Q-value is negative so the reaction is endothermic.
1) Find the Half-life of U238,if 1 gm of it emits 1.24x104 𝛼-particles per second. Avogadro
constant as 6.025x1023mole-1[2076,2075,2069]
Hint: 238gram of Uranium contains 6.025 x 1023 atoms

Numericals of Modern Physics with Hints
So, 1 gram of Uranium contains atoms = N.
Now, Rate of decay ∝ Number of atoms .i.e. ∝ N or, = 𝜆N …..(1)
And Half-life 𝑇 / = ……..(2)

From (1) and (2): ={ }N and find T1/2.

2) The isotope Ra-226 undergoes 𝛼-decay with a half- life of 1620years. What is the
activity of 1g of Ra-226? Avogadro constant as 6.02x1023mole-1[2074]
HINT: 226gram of Radium contains 6.025 x 1023 atoms
So, 1 gram of Radium contains atoms = N.
Now, Rate of decay ∝ Number of atoms .i.e. ∝ N or, = 𝜆N …..(1)
And Half-life 𝑇 / = ……..(2)

From (1) and (2): ={ }N and find activity( ).

3) Calculate the mass in gram of a radioactive sample Pb-214 having an activity of 3.7x10 4
decay/sec and a half life of 26.8minutes. Avogadro constant as 6.02x1023mole-1[2074]
HINT: Now, Rate of decay ∝ Number of atoms .i.e. ∝ N or, = 𝜆N …..(1)
And Half-life 𝑇 / = ……..(2)

From (1) and (2): Activity ( )={ }N and find N.

Now, 6.025 x 1023 atoms of Pb have mass of 234 gram.

So, 1 atom of Pb has mass of gram
Therefore N atoms of Pb has mass of X N gram=…..=mass(m).
4) A radioactive source has decayed to one tenth of one percent of its initial activity in
one hundred days. What is its half life period?[2073supp,2056]
HINT: By question: A= of 1% of A0 where, A0 be initial activity and A be activity after
time t.
We know, Activity of radioactive substance: A=A0 e-λt …….(1)
And Half-life 𝑇 / = ……..(2)
Then from (1) and (2): A=A0 e- ( )t
….(3) and take log on both sides of (3) then

find 𝑇 /

5) Half –life of Ra226 is 1620years. Estimate its mass when its activity is 0.5Curie.
(1 Curie= 3.7X1010 dis/sec)[2073]
HINT: Rate of decay ∝ Number of atoms .i.e. ∝ N or, = 𝜆N …..(1)

Numericals of Modern Physics with Hints
And Half-life 𝑇 / = ……..(2)

From (1) and (2): Activity ( )={ }N and find N.

Now, 6.025 x 1023 atoms of Ra have mass of 226 gram.

So, 1 atom of Ra has mass of gram=
Therefore, N atom of Ra has mass of X N gram=….=mass(m).
6) After a certain lapse of time, the fraction of radioactive Polonium undecayed is found
to be 12.5% of the initial quantity. What is the duration of this time lapse if half-life of
polonium is 139 days.[2072]
HINT: Given, fraction of undecayed polonium { }=12.5%=12.5/100
We know, Decay equation of radioactive substance: N=N0 e-λt …….(1)
And Half-life 𝑇 / = ……..(2)
Then from (1) and (2): N=N0 e- ( )t
….(3) and take log on both sides of (3), then

find time(t).

7) If 15% of the radioactive material decays in 5days, what would be the percentage of
amount of original material left after 25days?[2071supp]
Hint: If 15% of radioactive material decays in 5 days then remains material is 85% of
original material so, { }=85%=85/100=0.85.
We know: N5=N0 e-λt and find λ. [ Use t= 5days=…sec]
Again: From N25=N0 e-λt find { } [ Use t=25days=…sec]
8) The mass of the radium is 226g. It is observed that 3.67x1010 𝛼-particles are emitted
per second from 1g of radium. Calculate the half life of radium. (Avogadro constant as
6.02x1023 /mole)[2071]
Hint: 226gram of Radium contains 6.025 x 10 23 atoms
So, 1 gram of Radium contains atoms = N
Now, Rate of decay ∝ Number of atoms .i.e. ∝ N or, = 𝜆N …..(1)
And Half-life 𝑇 / = ……..(2)

From (1) and (2): rate of disintegration ( )={ }N and find 𝑇 /

9) Measurements on certain isotopes show that the decay rate decreases from 8318
decays/min to 3091decays/min in 4days. What is the half-life of this isotope?[2070]
HINT: Given, initial activity A0 = 8318 decays/min= 8318/60 decays/sec
Final activity A = 3091 decays/min= 3091/60 decays/sec
We know, Activity of radioactive substance: A=A0 e-λt …….(1)

Numericals of Modern Physics with Hints
And Half-life 𝑇 / = ……..(2)
Then from (1) and (2): A=A0 e- ( )t
….(3) and take log on both sides of (3) then

find 𝑇 /

10) At a certain instant, a piece of radioactive material contains 10 12 atoms. The half life
of the material is 40days. Calculate the number of disintegrations in first one
HINT: Decay equation of radioactive substance: N=N0 e-λt = N0 e - ( )t
and find N.

And the rate of disintegration = 𝜆N …..(1)

Also, Half-life 𝑇 / = ……..(2)

From (1) and (2): rate of disintegration ( )={ }N =…

11) At a certain instant, a piece of radioactive material contains 10 12 atoms. The half life
of the material is 30days. Calculate the number of disintegrations in first one
HINT: Decay equation of radioactive substance: N=N0 e-λt = N0 e - ( )t
and find N.

And the rate of disintegration = 𝜆N …..(1)

Also, Half-life 𝑇 / = ……..(2)

From (1) and (2): rate of disintegration ( )={ }N =…

12) At a certain instant, a piece of radioactive material contains 10 12 atoms. The half life
of the material is 30days. Calculate the rate of decay after 30days have elapsed.[2053]
HINT: Decay equation of radioactive substance: N=N0 e-λt = N0 e - ( )t
and find N.

And the rate of disintegration = 𝜆N …..(1)

Also, Half-life 𝑇 / = ……..(2)

From (1) and (2): rate of disintegration ( )={ }N =…

13) The initial number of atoms in a radioactive element is 6 X1020 and its half life is
10Hours. Calculate the number of atoms which have decayed in 30hours and the
amount of energy liberated if the energy liberated per atom decay is 4X10 -
HINT: We know, Decay equation of radioactive substance: N=N0 e-λt …….(1)
And Half-life 𝑇 / = ……..(2)

Numericals of Modern Physics with Hints
Then from (1) and (2): N=N0 e- ( )t

Total energy liberated= N X E=….

14) If the half-life period of a radioactive substance is 2 days, after how many days will
1/64th part of the substance be left behind?[2067]
HINT: Given, N= 1/64 of N0 so, { }=1/64
We know, Decay equation of radioactive substance: N=N0 e-λt …….(1)
And Half-life 𝑇 / = ……..(2)
Then from (1) and (2): N=N0 e- ( )t
….(3) and take log on both sides of (3), then

find time(t).

15) A small volume of a solution which contains a radioactive isotope of sodium had an
activity of 12000 disintegrations per minute when it was injected into the blood
stream of a patient. After 30 hours, the activity of 1cm3 of the blood was found to be
0.5 disintegrations per minute. If the half life of the sodium isotope is 15hours,
Estimate the volume of the blood in the patient.[2066]
HINT: Let V be total volume of blood then
Activity of V cm3 of blood = 12,000 dis/min
So, Activity of 1 cm3 of blood = 12000/V dis/min= A0
Final activity per cm3 Volume(A)=0.50dis/min
Time(t)=30 hrs And Half life( T1/2)=15hrs
Now, Activity of radioactive substance: A=A0 e-λt …….(1)
And Half-life 𝑇 / = ……..(2)
Then from (1) and (2): A=A0 e- ( )
and find V.

16) A sample of Ra-226 has half-life of 1620years. What is the mass of the sample which
undergoes 20000 disintegration per second?[2063]
HINT: Rate of decay ∝ Number of atoms .i.e. ∝ N or, = 𝜆N …..(1)
And Half-life 𝑇 / = ……..(2)

From (1) and (2): rate of disintegration ( )={ }N and find N.

Now, 6.025 x 1023 atoms of Ra have mass of 226 gram.

So, 1 atom of Ra has mass of gram=
Therefore, N atom of Ra has mass of X N gram=….=mass(m).
17) The isotope C14has a half-life5700years. If the sample contain 1X10 22 carbon 14
nuclei. What is the activity of the sample?[2062]
HINT: the rate of disintegration or Activity = 𝜆N …..(1)

Numericals of Modern Physics with Hints
Also, Half-life 𝑇 / = ……..(2)

From (1) and (2): Activity ( )={ }N =…

18) The unstable isotope of potassium-40 has a half life of 2.4X10 8years. How many
decays occur per second in a sample containing 2X10-6gm of potassium-40?[2059]
HINT: 40gram of potassium contains 6.023 x 1023 atoms
So, 1 gram of potassium contains atoms
Therefore, 2X10-6 gram of potassium contains X 2X10-6 atoms=N
Now, Rate of decay ∝ Number of atoms .i.e. ∝ N or, = 𝜆N …..(1)
And Half-life 𝑇 / = ……..(2)

From (1) and (2): ={ }N =….

19) A radioactive source which has the half life of 130days, contains initially 1X10 20
radioactive atoms, and the energy released per disintegration is 8X10-13J, Calculate the
activity of the source after 260days have elapsed and the total energy released during
this period.[2057]
HINT: Rate of decay ∝ Number of atoms .i.e. ∝ N or, = 𝜆N …..(1)
And Half-life 𝑇 / = ……..(2)
Decay equation of radioactive substance: N=N0 e-λt …….(3)

From (1), (2) and (3):

. . .
Activity after 260days, ={ }{ N0 e-λt } = { }{ N0 e- ( )t
/ / /

Where, T1/2=130 days=…. Sec, and N0 =1 X 1020 and t=260 days=…sec

Also, N=N0 e-λt = N0 e- ( )t

Finally, The required energy released= (N0 – N) E=… where, E=8X10-13J

20) If 4g of radioactive material of half life period of 10 years disintegrates, find out
mean life of the given sample.[2055]
Half-life 𝑇 / = and Mean-life τ =
From equation (1)&(2): mean life τ = . / =……

Numericals of Modern Physics with Hints


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