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Mature: completely functioning male and female
● Heteroxenous
reproductive organs ○ At least 1 IH
GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS ○ Gravid: may uterus and eggs ○ Hymenolepis nana: one host

● Dorsoventrally: flattened
● Bilaterally symmetric
● Acoelomate & tripoblastic
● Tegument: syncitial membrane
● No circulatory organ
● Digestive tract
○ Absent (Cestodes)
○ Incomplete (Trematodes)
● Nervous system
○ Ladder type
○ Anterior: with paired ganglia
○ Posterior: nerve trunk
● Excretory: flame cell or protonephridium
○ With flagella extending into tubule
● Craspedote: proglottids overlap with one another
● Most are monoecious or hermaphroditic
● Acraspedote: no overlapping
○ Some dioecious: Schistosoma
● Apolytic: detached or rupture with mature eggs still
● Most are heteroxenous
○ Few are monoxenous
● Anapolytic: detach after exhausting eggs
● Greek kestos: girdle or ribbon
● Exclusively parasitic
● Monoecious
● Segmented tape-like worms
● Generally one set
● Common names: reflect hosts or morphology
○ Two sets: Dipylidium caninum
● Self-fertilization and cross fertilization
● Human
● Female reproductive system
○ DH: intestinal infection
○ Uterus
○ IH: tissue infection
■ Lobulated: Hymenolepis
○ Exception:
■ Reticulate: Dipylidium
■ Hymenolepis nana: larva and adult
■ Branched: Taenia
develop in human intestine
■ Coiled: Diphyllobothrium
■ Taenia solium: ova develop into larvae
○ Pseudophyllidea
in tissues
■ Genital pores have common opening on
the ventral surface of the worm
○ Cyclophyllidea
GROSS MORPHOLOGY ■ Genital opening on the lateral margin of
● Scolex: organ for attachment the proglottid
○ Rostellum/ Hooks ○ Genital pores
○ Sucker ■ Unilatera: Hymenolepis
● Neck: organ for growth ■ Irregulat: Taenia
● Strobila (chain): composed of proglottids ■ Bilateral: Dipylidium
● Proglottids

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