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Assignment 2 - QMP EduStream


1.1 Purpose of the Project Quality Management Plan

This Project Quality Management Plan (QMP) documents the necessary information required
to effectively manage quality issues from project planning to delivery. This QMP, therefore,
defines the EduStream project’s quality policies, procedures, criteria, areas of application,
and the roles, responsibilities and authorities allocated to involved stakeholders.

1.2 Objective

The objective of this QMP is to help ensure that the EduStream project is delivered in
accordance with the identified specifications, so it satisfies stakeholder requirements.
Additionally, it is intended that this QMP, and the associated procedures, will reduce the cost
of quality, by helping to avoid costly re-works, cost non-conformity, deficiencies,
unnecessary future maintenance and repair costs. In practice, this means that the quality
approach defined in this QMP aims to help ensure that the project will be completed
successfully, and in-line with identified success criteria detailed in the associated project

Quality management for this project shall focus on project Quality Assurance (QA) and
Quality Control (QC) (including service quality from the Service Desk) and Document
Control (DC). Project QA will, therefore, be concerned with improving our joint processes.
DC will manage the documentation processes under the overarching requirements for QA.
QC is focussed on what is delivered (in line with the defined specifications and

Figure 1 shows the technical overview of the EduStream Project.

Figure 1: Technical overview of EduStream Project

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Assignment 2 - QMP EduStream

The EduStream project is being undertaken to take EdMI to the forefront of delivering the
best experience for learning, online and on-demand. The success of this project will increase
our potential customer base, respond to the maturing consumption including mobile and on
the go content such as video, audio and interactive.
EduStream will deliver various content including content owned and licenced via the internet
compared to EdMI’s traditional methods such as DVDs and Blu-Rays. The reduced amount
of content being distributed by EdMI via traditional means has reduced the income and
slowed growth in recent years. The EdMI Project is in response to the decrease income from
lowering volume of content and reviewing opportunities from feedback from our customer
The success of this project will be directly measured through the increase of customers,
subscriptions, keeping customers active and therefore sales and income. The product will
provide a clean and easy to use interface to encourage use and increase the time spent on the
The EduStream solution will be built using robust and proven technology in a planned and
pragmatic manner. Standards and quality measures are developed from the start with
expectations set clearly for use throughout the project. Due to the nature of our customers,
some underage and the need to process financial data, security will be considered along the
way of the project including proof of concept. EdMI is concerned about the recent news of
security issues reported in Australian media about local companies and has been required to
ensure security is considered at every stage in the project.
Numerous resources will be relied upon for the project including hiring resources internally,
some of whom will stay on after the project has completed, service providers, consultants and
hardware providers.


3.1 Specific Roles in the Organisation

The Project Quality Management Team (QMT) will be a part of EdMedia International’s
(EdMI) EduStream Project Office (PO). The personnel listed in Table 1 will be responsible
for implementing Quality Assurance (QA) (including DC) and Quality Control (QC) across
the entire team. Contractors will be responsible for ensuring that EdMI’s mandated QA and
QC procedures are implemented effectively, in conformance with the requirements specified
in the engagement contracts.

The relationships between each of these roles are discussed in more detail within Section 3.3.
Table 1: EduStream Project – Project Quality Team Members

Project Quality Team Members

Name Role Responsibilities
Chitra Lal Shrestha Project Manager Oversee the Quality Management Team’s
(QMT) activities and ensure that these
procedures and methods reflect appropriate best
Resource planning, organize, control, and
monitor progress of team members.

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Project Quality Team Members

Name Role Responsibilities
Albert Einstein EdMI Quality Team Responsible for coordinating the
Manager (QTM) implementation of all aspects of QA and QC
across the entire team.
Report to PM for any troubles if cannot be
Nikola Tesla EdMI QC Team Responsible to the QTM for coordinating all
Leader (QCTL) QC related activities (including system
Issac Newton EdMI Document Responsible to the QTM for the coordination,
Controller (DC) management and storage of the project and
design documentation.
Monitor progress of documentation and report
it to QTM
Marie Curie Quality Lead Responsible to:
StreamTech  the EdMI QTM for coordinating all QA
 the EdMI QCTL for all QC related
activities; and
 the EdMI DC for the development of all
documentation, in line with EdMI’s
associated with StreamTech’s workshare.
Charles Darwin Quality Lead DemSet Responsible to:
 the EdMI QTM for coordinating all QA
 the EdMI QCTL for all QC related
activities; and
 the EdMI DC for the development of all
documentation, in line with EdMI’s
associated with DemSet’s workshare.
Thomas Edison EdMI Test Manager Responsible to the EdMI QCTL for planning
(TM) and implementing all aspects of testing across
the entire joint team.
Leonardo da Vinci StreamTech Test Lead Responsible to the EdMI TM for planning and
implementing all aspects of testing across
StreamTech’s (and their subcontractor’s)
developments/systems (including all aspects of
Unit, Integration, System and Acceptance
Ada Lovelace DemSet Test Lead Responsible to the EdMI TM for planning and
implementing all aspects of testing across
DemSet’s developments/systems (including all
aspects of Unit, Integration, System and
Acceptance Testing)
Alan Turing DCPlus Quality The DCPlus Quality Manager is the point of
Manager (QM) liaison for coordinating QM issues related to

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Project Quality Team Members

Name Role Responsibilities
the datacentres.
Check for Knowledge Base and Service Desk
Management System(SDMS) decision tree and
FAQ website.
Stephen Hawkins MBSD Quality Lead The MBSD QL will be the point of liaison and
(QL) coordination for implementing the Quality
systems developed by EdMI and implemented
through the Service Desk.
Socrates Shrestha StreamTech Project The StreamTech Project Manager is the point of
Manager (PM) liaison for QA(DC) and QC of StreamTech and
EdMI Project Manager.
Pablo Picasso DemSet Project The DemSet Project Manager is the point of
Manager (PM) liaison for QA(DC) and QC of DemSet and
EdMI Project Manager.
Mona Lisa DCPlus Client The DCPlus Client Manager is the point of
Manager (CM) liaison for QA(DC) and QC of DCPlus and
EdMI Project Manager.
Ernest Hemingway MBSD The MBSD Implementation Manager is the
Implementation point of liaison for QA(DC) and QC of MBSD
Manager (IM) and EdMI Project Manager.
James Cook PH Quality Leader The PH Quality Leader (QL) is responsible for
(QL) QL StreamTech Quality Lead only

3.2 Overview of the General Requirements

Table 2 outlines elements of the key activities required to achieve the QA (including DC) and
QC roles. Please note that this table only provides an overview and is not an exhaustive
Table 2: EduStream Project – Roles necessary to achieve

Quality Assurance & Document Control Quality Control

 Review material submittals  Update project records and  Inspect materials and
and methods statements registers equipment as a part of the
 Verify compliance with  Receive and register procurement and test
quality criteria relevant documents and processes
 Evaluate inspection records upload these into the  Coordinate testing in
 Identify training needs project Knowledge Base accordance with the Test
(as necessary) Plan and associated
 Evaluate project records
 Distribute documents to methods
 Conduct audits of project
stakeholders (as necessary)  Produce appropriate
 Develop and maintain other checklists, forms and other
documentary or knowledge records to facilitate testing
related materials (as  Implement tests as outlined
necessary) in Appendix 1.

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Assignment 2 - QMP EduStream

3.3 Team Organisation and Lines of Responsibility

The relationships between the roles outlined in Table 1 are illustrated in Figure. These
relationships and the lines of authority/responsibility are discussed in the following

Figure2 : The EduStream Project Quality Management Team

In, QMG Organization Chart, Figure we can see we have different roles as we can see in
Table 1. They have different responsibility, authority and escalations in it that defines how
they are interconnected with each other.
i. Lines of responsibility/authority
Responsibility refers to a duty with someone to help them in their work and
authority refers to power to give orders and make decisions.
For example:
In Figure, StreamTech PM, DemSet PM, DCPlus CM, MBSD IM and EdMI QTM
are responsible to do work for Project Manager of edMI. And we can say Project
Manager is the authority here.

ii. Escalation
Escalation is another key aspect that refers to passing problems to another higher-
level authority in hierarchy so that problems can be solved faster.
For example:
In Figure, Let’s say QL DemSet (Quality Leader) disagrees and refuses to work
given by EdMI QCTL (QC Team Leader). Then EdMI QCTL asks EdMI QTM
(Quality Team Manager) rather than Project Manager directly. If EdMI QTM can’t
solve the problem given by EdMI QCTL he asks Project Manager to resolve the

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Assignment 2 - QMP EduStream

As we know PM has a lot in hand. This helps to decrease workload and make
things faster in a project.


4.1 Project Quality Management Methodology

Figure provides an overview of the Quality Management Methodology (QMM) that will be
applied to successfully deliver the EduStream project. This methodology is explained in
more detail within the following paragraphs of this section.

Figure3: An overview of the EduStream Project Quality Management Methodology

Figure, show the Project Quality Management Plan Methodology which is agile in nature. We
will have this in EduStream project. Agile methodology is iterative and incremental which is
best suit for project like EduStream. Agile methodology is very well suited for rapid software
development. With Microsoft Project Management as a project management tool and all
works are done in a single file in the cloud with repository so that version control can
increase code quality, and everyone can be on same page while developing system.

Because of agile methodology continuous improvement while developing system is made

possible, standards and compliance can be checked time to time, everyone’s involvement can
be seen, and project can be of better quality at the final because of its nature.

This has process levels involved in it:

a. Plan Quality Management

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Input Tools & Techniques Output

Project Charter Professional decisions Quality management plan

Project Management Plan Gathering data with Improvement plans for

Brainstorming, involved process
- Requirement and risk interviews,
management plan benchmarking

- Scope

Project documents Cost of quality and cost- Quality metrics

benefit analysis
- Logs

- Requirement documentation

- Stakeholder and risk registers

Data representations Risk management plan and

with flowcharts, mind scope base
mapping, data model
stakeholder register, lesson
learned registers

b. Manage Quality

Input Tools & Techniques Output

Project management plan Data gatherings Quality reports

- Quality management plan

Project documents Document analysis, Test and evaluation

alternative analysis, documents
- Quality control documents process analysis,

- Risk report

- Lesson learned registers

Multi criteria in decision PMP Updated

making process
Quality management plan,
Flowcharts, histograms, issue logs, risk registers,

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scatter plots, audits, lesson learned registers

quality improvement

c. Control Quality

Input Tools & Techniques Output

Project management plan Data gathering with Quality control

- Quality management plan questionnaires and Deliverables
Project documents Change requests

- Quality metrics Project management plan

- Lesson learned register
Issue logs

Risk registers

Lesson learned registers

Evaluation documents

4.2 Associated Documents

This Quality Management methodology is intrinsic to all elements of the project.

Consequently, this QMP forms a part of the overall Project Management Plan, and is closely
associated with the following EduStream project documents:
a) Project Scope Management Plan,
b) Project Requirements Management Plan,
c) Project Schedule Management Plan,
d) Project Cost Management Plan,
e) Process Improvement Plan,
f) Project Human Resource Management Plan,
g) Project Communication Management Plan,
h) Project Test Plan,
i) Project Risk Management Plan,
j) Project Procurement Management Plan,

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k) Project Stakeholder Management Plan,

l) Project Financial Management Plan, and
m) Project Health and Safety Management Plan.


The quality standards listed in Table 3 shall be applied for the EduStream project.
Table 3: EduStream Project – Project Quality Standards


Project Management/ Procedural Standards
ISO/IEC GUIDE 37:2012 Documentations and instructions
Instructions for use of products by consumers

ISO/IEC 30071-1:2019 User Interfaces

Information technology — Development of user
interface accessibility
ICS 33.160 Audio and visuals that will be used
Audio, video and audio visual engineering in EduStream
AS/NZS ISO 19158-2013 Data supply between the content
Geographic information - Quality assurance of data delivery nodes

ISO/IEC 20648:2016 Storage specifications

Information technology — TLS specification for
storage systems

AS/NZS ISO 19157 Amd 1:2019 EduStream Content Quality

Geographic information - Data quality
AS ISO 3664-2012 Graphical contents for various users
Graphic technology and photography - Viewing based on their age
AS 2805.2:2015 Amd 1:2016 Payment systems used in EduStream
Electronic funds transfers - Requirements for
interfaces - Message structures, format and content
Product System Standard

ISO/IEC 23009-1 to 6:2017 Protocol to transfer data over internet

Hyper Text Transfer Protocol
ISO/IEC 11801 Fiber Optics
AS ISO 15706. 1:2004 Amd 1:2017 Documentation wiki and knowledge
Information and documentation – International base
Standards (ISBN)

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ISO/IEC 23000-1 to 5:2011 Video streaming
Standard Creative Common Copyright Educational Videos
ISO/IEC 23001-4:2017 CODEC
ISO/IEC 14496-14 MPEG-4
ISO/IEC 14496-12:2008 FLV
ISO/IEC 23008-8:2018 HEVC
ISO/IEC 23008–2 H.265
ISO 10646 UTF-8 RTSP
ISO/IEC 11172-2:1993 Video Decoding
Oracle ODBC interface
ISO/IEC 9075-1:2003 – ISO/IEC 9075-13:2003 Oracle Database
IEEE Standard Transmission control protocol
Git distributed Version Control system (version 2.62.2) Developing Software with a common git
repository in server
Operating Systems

ISO/IEC/IEEE 9945:2009 Graphical interfaces, DB

Information technology — Portable Operating managements, system configuration,
System Interface (POSIX®) Base Specifications, and I/O considerations of EduStream
Issue 7
Windows 7, Windows 10 PCs
Snow Leopard (10.6) to Catalina (10.15), tvOS9 to Apple computers/phones/tablets
tvOS12, Apple TV 3.0 (Tiger) to 7.0, iPhone OS3
to iOS 13, etc.
Android Éclair 2.0 to Android Kitkat 10.0-Q (API Android devices
HbbTV by Hybrid Broadcast Broadband TV Apple TV, Google TV, Android TV,
association Xbox One, PlayStation TV, Samsung
HTML based middleware application framework Smart TV
Laws and Regulation
Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (Privacy Act) Australian Privacy Principles
Broadcasting Services Act 1992 (Cth) Educational videos, entertainment
materials, audio and promote reflecting
Australian identity
Classification (Publications, Films and Computer EduStream media and games for ACT

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Games) Act 1995
Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Cth) Promotions of EduStream, Fair trading
and consumer protection
Copyright Act 1968 (Cth) EduStream Project, contents or anything
related to this project. All rights are
reserved with EdMI.
Copyright Amendment Act 2006 (Cth) EduStream Project
Education and Care Services National Law Act 2010 Quality of assessment of education
services of the project
National Quality Standard -Quality Area 7 Educational content of project related to
children’s learning and developement.
Education and Care Services National Regulations 2011 Fees and transactions
Freedom of Information Act 1982 Publish information in any form at any
place online or offline
Leadership and Service Management - Standard 7.3 Contents related to children that will be
Professional development of leaders in the field using the system
Trade Marks Act 1995 (Cth) EduStream as a trademark of EdMI
Spam Act 2003 (Cth) Users account registration

Note: The Law and regulations acts were kept under consideration from documents that
can be found at Federal Register of Legislation at: https://www.legislation.gov.au/ , ISO
standards are kept under International Organization for Standard which can be found at
https://www.iso.org/standards-catalogue/browse-by-ics.html and all other are kept in
accordance with their respective governing body.


6.1 Introduction to Project Testing

The detailed project testing approaches, strategies, and techniques are explained in the
associated Test Plans. However, the general principles that are applicable to this project
include the information provided in the following subsections. The table in Appendix 1 also
maps how key functional and non-functional tests will be implemented during the project.

6.1.1 Functional Testing

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It is a software testing method where software testing is carried out against functional
requirements. Functional testing tests each functionality of software by providing appropriate
input and verify output against functional requirement. Figure 2 shows the steps involved in
functional testing.

Figure 2 Functional Testing

The following are the key functional tests that will be applied within the EduStream project:
 Unit Testing.
Unit testing is a level in software testing where individual units of a software are tested. It is
done manually or automated by the developers.
The purpose of unit testing is to achieve validation of each unit in software application
if it performs as designed or not.
For example:
DemSet should test User Interfaces for the EdMI project. A module can be login form.
While unit testing, DemSet can test each individual function like if username field is
taking certain characters or not, if password field is showing password character or
hiding it with black dots that we usually see in login form.
 Integration Testing.
Integration testing tests combines individual units and tests it as a group or modules.
The purpose of integration testing is to achieve faults in system if individual component
work or behave as they should or not.
For example:
As discussed earlier in unit testing, it tested each individual component in the system. So,
integration testing can be applied to whole module. A login can be a module where all
functions like username, password, remember me button are present. Integration testing
tests if all of them works as expected or not without any errors or not.
 System Testing.
System testing is a testing where all integrated software is tested after integration testing is
The purpose of system testing is to accomplish a working system. It finds out if the system
functions properly or not. If integration or unit testing are appropriately running or not.
For example:
When a user logs in if the system redirects to homepage or not, if it is showing correct
content or its misleading or giving errors.

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 Acceptance Testing.
Acceptance testing is carried out after the system testing that tests acceptability of a system.
It is carried out to find out whether the system is within business requirement or within
compliance of not. It tests if system is acceptable for final delivery or not.
For example:
When the system is ready and user start submitting their data to our server. We will
have user’s personal data with us like their personal details, address, emails, phones.
So, acceptance testing would be it is placed in database with proper encryption method
or not so that it is safe, and system can used without any hinderance.

6.1.2 Non-Functional Testing

Non-functional testing tests non-functional parts or the software like availability, combability,
compliance, security etc. Some of the common constraints of non-functional testings are:
 Availability
The system should be available to user when they want.
 Compatibility
The ability of system to be backward compatible with old systems as well.
 Compliance
The system has to meet compliance and standard as defined by project quality
 Flexibility
Ability of system to be flexible with different software and hardware.
 Interoperability
Ability of software to check interfaces with other software.
 Performance
Ability of software to check performance
 Security
Ability of software to be secure for users
 Usability
The system has to be user friendly for all ages.

6.2 Practical Implementation

6.2.1 Overview of the Testing Regime for the Client Software

As an example, of the practical implementation of this approach, this section provides an

outline of the testing regime that will be applied for the development of the Client Software
(Workstream 2).

 Unit Testing. Client software developed by StreamTech are located in Sydney. They
will be responsible for coordinating practical side of the testing. EdMI in perth will
manage testing and will monitor development as well. And they will have to travel to
Sydney each time so there is rise in cost in project.

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 Hardware. The hardware needs will be tested by EdMI team in Perth. So, all
the specifications and designs will have to be done early in the project.

 EdMI will have to create specifications and designs prior to Pilot 1.

 The procurement will be done that ensures all equipment will be

delivered to different locations that our servers will be in.

 Various emulations will be done to lower down the cost implications

that it would cause.

 The team will ensure testing of equipment so that they can know all
specification are done.

 Software. StreamTech is doing all the Client Software development in

Sydney. It will shorten the unit testing process with great amount. An IDE of
choice will be setup and code management is done with git version
controlling. Unit testing is carried out by StreamTech while developing with

 Integration Testing.

The integration testing is done with modules or elements, so the functions are
combined in IDE and deployed to our server in Perth. The client software will be
tested to ensure compatibility with OCA, game server as well and front-end as well.

The client software checks operation with front-end created by DemSet and Client
Database. Security will also be checked with software token so that system is
protected from any kind of hacking or attacks.

 System Testing.

Elements will be tested in Wide Area Network connection. We have to talk about
issues of bandwidth connectivity so client will be pointed to another CDN node if
there is when there is too much load on site while data is being transferred. The load
sharing will increase efficiency.

 Acceptance Testing

Acceptance testing will be run in operational environment. Various tests like software
and hardware compatibility will be implemented in this non-functional testing. Load
baring testing will also be tested here.

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Involvement of stakeholders will be in all testing and assistance will be given if

required. Client testing in implementation cycle will help to manage test and manage
accuracy of bandwidth.

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Availability Compatibility Compliance Configuration Interoperability Recoverability Security Performance Regression Usability
Hardware    ? ?   ? ?
Software (Including interfaces)         
Network/Connectivity      ?
Hardware     
Software (Including interfaces)          
Network/Connectivity    
Hardware      
Software (Including interfaces)         
Network/Connectivity      
Hardware    
Software (Including interfaces)        
Network/Connectivity      
Appendix 1
The symbols in the cells of this table mean the following:
 or Yes = This type of test would normally be applied for this element of the testing regime
? = This type of test may be applied to this element of the testing (but it will be situation-dependent)
Blank = This type of testing is typically not done for this type of functional testing.

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