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Elementary Navigation, Seamanship

and Survival at Sea

First Edition

Ship's Department 5
Nautical terms 5
Navigational lights 7
Look out 8
Precautions for bad weather 9
Flags used on ships 10
Sound signals 13
Flag semaphore 14
Morse code 14
Survival difficulties and factors 15
Equipment availableon lifeboat 15
Types of Knots 19
Materials used for makingropes 21
Strength care and maintenance 23
Mooring lines and their use 24
Heaving line 24
Rat guards 24
Anchors 25
Bends 26
Hitches 26
Ropes splice 28
Donning of Life Jackets 28
Lifeboat Launching 28
General knowledge of principal stars 31
Sextant 32
Navigationalcompasses 33
Echo Sounder 34
Ship Logand its uses 35
Logbook 35
Barometer 36
Weather classification 36
G.M.T 37
Zonal time 37
Wireless Navigational Instruments 38
Marine Radar 38
Constructionof Lifeboat 40
Constructionof Liferaft 40
Lifeboat Equipment 41
Liferaft Equipment 41
Carrying capacity 42
Davits 43
Davits operation 44
Launching of Life Rafts (Inflatable type) 44
Hydrostatic Release Unit 45
Embarkation into Lifeboat and Life Raft 45
Stowageof Lifeboat 46
Survival Pack 46
Rescue Boat 47
Immersion suit 48
Thermal Protective Aid 48
Manning of Lifeboat and Life raft 49
Muster list 49
Radio signals 50
Alarm signals 51
Distress signal (S.O.S.) 52
Distress Radio signalfrequency 52
Pyro-techniques 52
MARPOL convention and its annexes 54
Regulatory control towards environmental pollution at
sea 54
STCW conventions 57
ISPS code 57
Other maritime codes & conventions 57
Unit 1
Seamanship and Their Duties

Ship Departments
Deck department
Chief Officer
Second officer
Third officer
Able seaman
Ordinary seaman

Engineering department
Chief engineer
Second engineer
Third engineer
Fourth engineer

Steward's department
Chief Steward
Chief Cook

Nautical Terms
The portion of the vessel behind the middle area of the vessel.
The middle section of a vessel with reference to the athwart ships
plane, as distinguished from port or starboard
An object designed to prevent or slow the drift of a ship
A suitable place for a ship to anchor. Area of a port or harbor.
Toward the stern (rear) of a vessel.
The compartment at the bottom of the hull of a ship or boat where
water collects and must be pumped out of the vessel.
The front of a vessel.
Bulbous bow
A protruding bulb at the bow of a ship just below the waterline which
modifies the way water flows around the hull, reducing drag and thus
increasing speed, range, fuel efficiency, and stability.
A container for storing coal or fuel oil for a ship's engine.
A floating object of defined shape and color, which is anchored at a
given position and serves as an aid to navigation.
When a ship or boat lists too far and rolls over, exposing the keel. On
large vessels, this often results in the sinking of the ship.
A large winch with a vertical axis.
A spar formerly used on board ships as a crane to hoist the flukes of
the anchor to the top of the bow, without injuring the sides of the ship.
A partial deck, above the upper deck and at the head of the vessel;
traditionally the sailors' living quarters.

Large rope used for mooring or towing a vessel.
The central structural basis of the hull.
A vertical pole on a ship which supports sails or rigging. If a wooden,
multi-part mast, this term applies specifically to the lowest portion.
The middle section of a vessel with reference to the longitudinal plane,
as distinguished from fore or aft.
Poop deck
A high deck on the aft superstructure of a ship.
A steering device which can be placed at aft.
Navigational instrument used to measure a ship's latitude.
The right side of the boat.
The amount of room for storing materials on board a ship.
A winch mechanism, usually with a horizontal axis.

Navigational lights (Refer: Seamanship Primer by

Capt. J Dinger)
There is a pattern in which these lights are set up on the ships and boats. The
pattern can be explained below:

There is a light at the right-hand side of the boat (known as the

starboard side) which is green in colour.
There is a light at the left-hand side of the boat (known as the port
side) which is red in colour.
A white light is also placed at the back of the boat (known as the
stern side).
The mast of the boat also has to have night lights. The colour of
this light is white in colour. But it needs to be noted that if vessel is
bigger – like a ship, then there needs to be two lights as mast
These lights work in such a manner that they can indicate an approaching
ship about the position of another ship in its path. By understanding the
position and the angle of the lights mentioned, the person at the helm
(steering) of the opposite ship can clearly understand how much change
needs to be done in the ship’s route.

The visibility range of such lights varies between three miles to six miles.
The lights that are used for ships and bigger boats have a longer range of
visibility as compared to the smaller boats. There is also a concept known as
all-round light that certain smaller boats can opt for. If a boat is installed with
an all-round light (it is a light fixed to the mast), then there does not need to
be any further separate lights for the stern and the two sides of the boat.
A lookout is a person at the ship’s bridge who maintains a continuous watch
of the sea to report any kind of hazard that can be an obstacle in the
navigation and cause harm to the ship. a lookout is required to give his
uninterrupted attention at all times to the ship’s navigation in order to inform
the officer on watch (OOW) about other ships, shipwrecks, debris, floating
objects etc.

The lookout should inform the officer on watch when he observes any of the

Any kind of floating object

Navigation mark or lights
Any type of distress signal from other ships or ports
Ice, irrespective of size or form
Any type of ship irrespective of its size
Sandbags or prominent navigational features
Problem with any of the ship’s navigation systems, including
navigational lights
Any kind of hazards or derelicts that can be dangerous to the ship’s
The main duties of a lookout are:

To give utmost attention through sight, hearing, and any other

means in order to assess any change in the operating environment
Detecting and reporting on ships, shipwrecks, debris, shipwrecked
person, and other navigational hazards
Reporting on possibilities of collision, stranding, and other dangers
to navigation
The lookout should remain at his position at all times until he is
relieved from his duties. On relieving, he should provide all the
information to his reliever about things that he has reported.

Precaution for Bad weather

The following are some basic precautions to be taken when in rough weather:

Steering control
In open sea, vessel is normally in auto pilot. It is advisable to
change over to hand or manual control to avoid excessive hunting
of the rudder.
One person should go and check all the oil levels, linkages and
other important parameters of the steering gear in the steering room.
If one motor is running, switch on other motor and run both of them
together to get maximum available torque to turn the rudder.
Sufficient man power including senior officers to be present in the

Machinery control
If engine room is on UMS mode, man the engine room and make
sure sufficient man power is available.
Monitoring all the parameters of the main propulsion plant and
auxiliary power plant machineries.
After getting rough weather warning, all the spares in the engine
room are to be stowed and lashed properly.
In bad weather, propeller will come in and out of water and will
fluctuate the main engine load. Hence rpm is to be reduced or main
engine control setting is to be put on rough weather mode.
Always make sure for correct sump level of all the machineries as
during rough sea ship will roll, resulting in false level alarm which
can even trip the running machine and lead to dangerous situation
in bad weather.
Level of all the important tanks is to be maintained so that pump
inlet should not loose suction at any time.
Stand by generator is to be kept on load until the bad weather
situation stops.
Water tight doors in the machinery spaces to be closed.
Sky light and other opening to be closed.
All trays are to be avoided from spilling in event of rough weather

Other common precautions

It is to be instructed to the crew not to go out on open deck in rough
All the deck items like mooring ropes, lashing equipments, drums
etc. to be stored and lashed properly after their use.
All openings in the deck for cargo and other spaces to be kept shut.
All opening to the accommodation to be kept shut.
Shaft tunnel and other internal access space are to be used to go to
steering room or other compartment.
Everyone must be aware of his/her duties pasted in the muster list.
Elevator to be switched off as during rolling and pitching trip may
occur and can cause trapping of the person inside.
Always wear all the PPE’s and use railings and other support while
walking through any part of the ship to avoid trips and fall.
Be alert and work in team.
Flags Used On Ships
Alphabetical flags (with ICS meaning)

Alphabet ICS Meaning as single flag

A "I have a diver down; keep well clear at slow speed."
B "I am taking in or discharging or carrying dangerous goods."
C "Affirmative."
D "Keep clear of me; I am maneuvering with difficulty."
E "I am altering my course to starboard."
F "I am disabled; communicate with me."
G "I require a pilot."
By fishing vessels near fishing grounds: "I am hauling nets."
H "I have a pilot on board."
I "I am altering my course to port."
J "I am on fire and have dangerous cargo on board: keep well
Juliet clear of me."
"I am leaking dangerous cargo."
K "I wish to communicate with you."
L In harbour: "The ship is quarantined."
Lima At sea: "You should stop your vessel instantly."

M "My vessel is stopped and making no way through the water."

N "Negative."
O "Man overboard." (Often attached to the man overboard pole on
Oscar boats).
With a sinister hoist, the semaphore flag.
P In harbour: All persons should report on board as the vessel is
Papa about to proceed to sea.
At sea: It may be used by fishing vessels to mean: "My nets
have come fast upon an obstruction."
Q "My vessel is 'healthy' and I request free pratique."
R (No ICS meaning as single flag) Or I am commencing my
Romeo approach.
S "I am operating astern propulsion."
T "Keep clear of me."
Fishing boats: "Keep clear of me; I am engaged in pair
U "You are running into danger."
V "I require assistance."
W "I require medical assistance."
Xray "Stop carrying out your intentions and watch for my signals."

Y "I am dragging my anchor."

Z "I require a tug."
By fishing vessels near fishing grounds: "I am shooting nets."

Sound Signals
Sound signals used on the waterways are like the turn light indicators used to
signal intentions on the highways. Sound signals are also like an automobile's
horn used to let other drivers know you are near or to alert them of danger.
All boaters should know proper sound signals, especially those boaters
operating near commercial vessel traffic.

Sound signals are composed of short and prolonged blasts and must
be audible for at least one-half mile:
Short blast—about one second in duration
Prolonged blast—4-6 seconds in duration

Sound signals can communicate a change in direction to other boaters.

One short blast tells other boaters "I intend to pass you on my port
(left) side."
Two short blasts tell other boaters "I intend to pass you on my
starboard (right) side."
Three short blasts tell other boaters, “I am operating astern
propulsion.” For some vessels, this tells other boaters, “I am
backing up.”

Sound signals let other boaters know where you are located during periods of
restricted visibility, such as extreme fog. If you hear the fog signal of a vessel
you cannot see, slow to a minimum speed until you are sure there is not a risk
of collision.

Sound signals are used to warn other boaters or alert them to danger.

One prolonged blast is a warning signal (for example, used when

coming around a blind bend or leaving the dock).
Five (or more) short, rapid blasts are used to signal danger or to
signal that you do not understand or you disagree with the other
boater's intentions.

Flag semaphore
Flag semaphore is the telegraphy system conveying information at a distance
by means of visual signals with hand-held flags, rods, disks, paddles, or
occasionally bare or gloved hands. Information is encoded by the position of
the flags; it is read when the flag is in a fixed position. Semaphores were
adopted and widely used in the maritime world in the 19th century .It is still
used during underway replenishment at sea and is acceptable for emergency
communication in daylight or, using lighted wands instead of flags, at night.

Morse code
Morse code is a method of transmitting text information as a series of on-off
tones, lights, or clicks that can be directly understood by a skilled listener or
observer without special equipment. It is named for Samuel F. B. Morse, an
inventor of the telegraph. In an emergency, Morse code can be sent by
improvised methods that can be easily "keyed" on and off, making it one of
the simplest and most versatile methods of telecommunication. The most
common distress signal is SOS or three dots, three dashes, and three dots,
internationally recognized by treaty.
Unit 2
Survival at Sea
Survival difficulties and factors
Surviving at sea pushes the human body to its limits. In the anticipation of
getting rescued, survivors have to go through near fatal challenges. From
sighting land and withstanding harsh sea conditions, to being psychologically
ill and physically weak, one has to really work hard to stay alive, until

Health related problems at sea such as sea sickness, salt water sores,
hypothermia, constipation, dehydration and sunburn, to name a few, can
become fatal if left untreated.

The following are some of the many dangers a person can face at sea:

Person Overboard/Lost at Sea

Heavy Weather Emergencies
Canoe Disabled Due to Capsizing, Swamping, or Breaking Apart
Personal Injuries
Collision and Hull Damage
Running Aground

Equipment available on lifeboat

1. Oars – The oars used should be free from any short grains or other
defects. They should be made from homegrown Australian,
European or American ash or hickory. You can also use oars with
laminated construction, which are made from the mentioned
2. Crutches – Galvanized wrought iron crutches should be used and
should be attached to the lifeboat by means of a lanyard or a chain
that is secured to the neck of each crutch. It should be positioned in
such a way that at least one crutch is ready for use at each crutch
hole. In case of a damaged crutch, the complete fitting should be
replaced with the spare crutch that is available in the lifeboat.
3. Boat hooks – There should be at least two boat hooks in every
lifeboat. The shaft of the boat hooks should be of a good quality ash
or hickory.
4. Drains – Automatic drain valves that are approved by MCA should
be used. When an automatic plug is attached, a safety plug or a
screwed plug attached to a chain should be provided.
5. Buoyant lifelines – A line must be becketed around the outside of
the lifeboat and it should be clear of the propeller and the rudder.
On fire protected lifeboats, the lines must be made of flexible
stainless wire rope covered with PVC and passed through hardwood
6. Lights – Internal and external lights that comply with the MSM
standard should be provided. The lights should have their own
power supply.
7. Compasses – An operational compass should be present in the
lifeboat. This helps to determine the direction in which the lifeboat
is travelling.
8. Sea Anchors – These are used to anchor the lifeboats in the sea
away from the ship or used when the boat is being towed.
9. Pyrotechnic Distress Signal – All pyrotechnic distress signal
(parachute type and handheld) used in the lifeboat must be of
acceptable standard as specified by MSM. The components,
ingredients and the composition used in the signals are such that
they remain stable for a period of three years from the date of
manufacture when stored under normal conditions.
10. First Aid Kit – A first aid kit with some basic medicines should be
available in the lifeboats. The first box should be of the specified
quality and should be packed in a watertight heavy-duty plastic
11. Electric Torch – An electric torch of acceptable quality, which can
also be used in Morse signaling should be available in the lifeboat
along with a spare set of additional batteries as well as one spare
bulb in a watertight box.
12. Lifeboat boarding ladders – Rope or wire rope ladder can be used in
the lifeboats. The ladders used should be off sufficient length,
which will help to reach the bow or stern to at least 0.4 metres
below the water surface when the boat is in light condition. The
lowest rung should be made of iron or any other heavy material so
that the ladder hangs vertically.
13. Fire extinguisher – Lifeboats must be provided with fire
extinguishing appliances which meets the regulations. A dual seal
type should be used for fire extinguishers with foam type.
14. Survival Manual – A waterproof survival manual should be
included in the lifeboat equipment.
15. Bucket and bailer – Two buckets with a capacity of 9 liters each
and a buoyant bailer with a diameter not less than 200 mm should
be available in the lifeboat.
16. Hatchet – The lifeboats should have two hatchets, one at each end.
They should be single edged, have good cutting edges, attached to
the lifeboat by a lanyard should be readily available.
17. Bow line: The length should not be less than 2 times of distance
between the stow position of lifeboat to the waterline. The quantity
is 2 pieces.
18. Daylight signaling mirror – A daylight signaling mirror of
acceptable quality should be available in the lifeboat.
19. Jack-knife – A jack-knife fitted a tin opener must be available and
should be attached to the lifeboat with the help of a lanyard.
20. Whistles – A good quality whistle which should work efficiently
even after immersion should be available in the lifeboat. It should
be fitted with a lanyard.
21. Manual pumps – A manual pump as per the approved requirement
should be present. The hoses used should be of rubber. The suctions
hoses should be provided with a suitable strainer. Both the suction
and the discharge hoses should be adequate length. The
arrangements should be able to keep the lifeboat clear of any water.
22. Buoyant rescue quoits – Two buoyant rescue quoits attached to not
less than 30 meters of buoyant line must be provided. They should
be capable of floating in water even after 6 hours of submersion.
They should be pliable when wet or dry.
23. Thermal protective aids – Stowage of thermal protective aids
available in the lifeboats should be maintained in such a way that
they will not be damaged.
24. Rescue signal tables – Rescue signal tables available in the lifeboats
should be approved type and must be sealed appropriately to avoid
any damage by water.
25. Radar reflector – The reflectors should be of the approved type and
ensured that appropriate fittings are available to fix the radar
reflector in the lifeboat.
26. Search light – Search lights must be available in the lifeboats and
should be of the approved standard.
27. Fishing line and hook – Fishing line and hooks should be available
in the lifeboat and should be provided with a rot-proofed fishing
line of about 12 meters with two traces. Each trace should have
three mackerel sized hooks spaced at 300 to 460 meters.
28. Tools – Tool kit should be available in the lifeboat and should be
sufficient enough to make minor adjustments to the engine of the
lifeboat and its accessories.
29. Water-proof container – Water proof container with a capacity to
fill freshwater up to 3 kg per person should be present in the
30. Ration – No less than 10000 kg for each person packed in gastight
package and stored in water-proof container should be available in
the lifeboat.
Unit 3
Rope Knots and Mooring
Types of Knots
Overhand Knot
It is use for temporary whipping and preventing the rope unreeving from the
block and provides the foothold for the life line on a life boat.

The sheepshank is used generally for shortening a rope without cutting its
length. It is often used in keel grablines under ships’ lifeboats, and may also
be employed to adjust the length of a boat’s painter when the boat is tied
alongside in tidal waters, as the tide rises or falls.
Reef Knot
This is basically a flat knot, ideal for securing bandages over a wound when
tending injured personnel; the flat knot lies comfortably against the patient
without aggravation. It is also employed in boat work, for the purpose of
reefing sails.

Figure Eight Knot

Used as a stopper knot and employed in many forms, especially at sea, it can
regularly be found in the lifelines of ships’ lifeboats and in the keel grab lines
of boats’ rigging. An all-purpose knot, it prevents a rope from running
through a block.

Probably the most common of all hitches in use at sea is the bowline. If is by
far the best way of making a temporary eye in the end of a rope, whether it be
point line or mooring rope size. It will not slip even when wet, it will not jam,
and it will come adrift easily when no Longer required. It is commonly used
to secure a heaving line to the eye of a mooring rope when running a line
Bowline on the Bight
This is one of several variants of the bowline, made with the bight of the
rope, so forming two eyes. One of these eyes should be made larger than the
other to accommodate the seat, while the smaller of the two eyes would take
the weight under the arms of an injured person. It forms a temporary bosun’s
chair for lifting or lowering an injured person. It may be necessary to protect
the person from rope burn or pressure by padding under the seat and armpits.

Bowline – Running
A slip knot is made by dipping the bight of rope around the standing part and
securing an ordinary bowline on to its own part, so forming a running noose.
It should be noted that it is a common mistake for inexperienced seafarers to
assume that the tail end of rope can be passed through the eye of an ordinary
bowline. This is not only inaccurate but time-consuming, especially if the
length of the rope is considerable, as with a full coil.

Materials used for making ropes

Three common types of ropes are:
Vegetable Fibre Ropes
Synthetic Fibre Ropes
Wire/Metal Ropes
Common Material for Vegetable Fibre Ropes
Manila is obtained from the abaca (wild banana) plant, which grows to about
9 m (30 ft.) in height, largely in the Philippine Islands, and is exported via the
port of Manila, from which it acquires its name. Manila rope is not as durable
as hemp, but is most certainly more pliable and softer. It is gold-brown in
colour, and never tarred. Unfortunately it swells when wet, but despite this it
is considered by far the strongest natural rope made. It is very expensive and
its availability will depend on the political climate. Used extensively where
the safety of life is concerned.
Obtained from the leaves of the plant Agave sisalana, a large plant of the
cactus family. The sisal rope is hairy, coarse and white. It is not as pliable as
manila nor as strong. When wet, it swells up more than manila, as the water
is absorbed more quickly, and it becomes slippery to handle.
It is extensively used in the shipping industry either in its own state or mixed
with manila fibres, a good sisal being similar in strength to a low grade
manila. The cost of production is better suited to the ship-owners, and the
supply is more reliable than manila.
Sometimes referred to as grass line, coir is obtained from the fibres of
coconut husks. It is a very rough, coarse and hairy rope, with only about one
quarter the strength of a hemp rope. However, it is very light and floats,
possessing great elasticity. It is often used as a towing warp or mooring
spring, because of its buoyant and elastic properties.
The coir fibres are short, brittle and thick. These features produce a stiff non-
flexible rope, difficult to manage.
Hemp is obtained from the stem of the plant Cannabis sativa, which yields
flax for the production of canvas. (The word canvas is derived from the Latin
‘cannabis’, which means hemp.) This was accepted as the best rope in the
marine industry from the early developing days of sail.
The hemp fibres are a light cream in colour when supplied to the rope
manufacturer. They have a silky texture and are of a very fine nature: hence
the extra flexibility of the hemp rope compared to a sisal or manila. The
advantage of hemp rope is that it is impervious to water and does not shrink
or swell when wet. For this reason it was extensively used for the rigging of
sailing vessels, and roping sails.
Cotton Ropes are not used on ships because of their water absorption
property that makes them very heavy when wet.

Synthetic Fibre Ropes

This is the strongest of all the man-made fibre ropes. It has good elasticity,
stretching up to 30 per cent and returning to its original length. It is used for
such functions as shock-absorbing when coupled with a mooring wire: the
nylon forms a rope tail which takes the heavy shocks as a vessel ranges on
her moorings. It is also used in a combination tow line – one section steel
wire and one section nylon rope.
Nylon ropes are light to handle, twice as strong as an equivalent sized manila
and give the appearance of a smooth slippery surface. They are impervious to
water, have a high melting point, 250°C, and in normal temperature are
pliable, being suitable for most forms of rigging.
The disadvantages of nylon ropes are that they do not float, and in cold
climates they tend to stiffen up and become difficult to handle. Nylon is
expensive, but its life may be considered to be five times as long as its manila
A heavy rope compared to the nylon and not as strong, but nevertheless some
of the polyester’s properties make it a worthwhile rope to have aboard. It is
considered to be more resistant to acids, oils and organic solvents than its
nylon counterpart, while its strength remains the same whether in a dry or
wet condition. It is used for mooring tails and mooring ropes.
This is probably the most popular of the man-made fibres at sea. The ropes
are cheap, light to handle, have the same strength whether wet or dry, and
they float. They are used extensively for mooring ropes and running rigging.
The melting point is low compared to nylon, 165°C. It is resistant to chemical
attack by acids, alkalis and oils, but solvents and bleaching agents may cause
deterioration. It neither absorbs nor retains water, and because of this fact has
recently been used for the inner core of wire ropes, the advantage being that
inner corrosion in the wire is eliminated. However, the wire would still need
to be lubricated externally.

Steel Wire Ropes

A steel wire rope is composed of three parts – wires, strands and the heart.
The heart is made of natural fibre, though recently synthetic fibre has been
used when resistance to crushing is required. With the many changes in the
marine industry the needs in wire rope have altered considerably from the
early production days of 1840.Then the first wire ropes, known as sel-vagee
type ropes, were constructed of strands laid together then seized to form the

Strength care and maintenance

The mariner should carefully inspect a rope, both internally and
externally, before it is used. Man-made fibre ropes show deterioration
after excessive wear by a high degree of powdering between the
Ropes should be kept out of direct sunlight. When not in use, they
should be covered by canvas or other shield, or, if the vessel is
engaged on long sea passages, stowed away.
When putting a splice in a synthetic fibre rope, use four full tucks,
followed by two tapered tucks (strands halved and quartered).The
length of the protruding tails from the completed splice should be left
at least three rope diameters in length. Any tail ends of strands should
be sealed by tape or similar adhesives.
A stopper should be of the same material as that of the rope being
stoppered off. The one notable exception to this rule is that a nylon
stopper should never be applied to a nylon (polyamide) rope.
A minimum number of turns should be used when heaving manmade
fibre ropes about winch barrels or capstans. Friction-generated heat
should be avoided, and to this end no more than three turns should be
used on drums. Where whelped drums are being used, it may be
necessary to increase the number of turns so as to allow the rope to
grip; if this is the case, then these turns should be removed as soon as
Never surge on man-made fibre rope. Should it be required to ease the
weight off the rope, walk back the barrel or drum end, as when coming
back to a stopper.
When making fast to bitts, make two round turns about the leading
post, or two turns about both posts, before figure-eighting.

Mooring lines and Their Uses

A typical mooring scheme
Number Name Purpose
Keep forward part of the ship
1 Head line
against the dock
Forward Breast
2 Keep close to pier
3 Forward Spring Prevent from advancing
4 Aft Spring Prevent from moving back
5 Aft Breast line Keep close to pier
6 Stern line Prevent forwards movement

1. Mooring lines should be arranged as symmetrically as possible about

the midship point of the ship.
2. Breast lines: Mooring lines leading ashore as perpendicular as possible
to the ship fore and aft line. Breast lines restrain the ship in one
direction (off the berth).
3. Head lines: Mooring lines leading ashore from the fore end or
forecastle of a ship, often at an angle of about 45 degrees to the fore
and aft line.
4. Spring lines: Mooring lines leading in a nearly fore and aft direction,
the purpose of which is to prevent longitudinal movement (surge) of
the ship while in berth. Spring lines restrain the ship in two directions
headsprings prevent forward motion and backsprings aft motion.
5. Stern lines: Mooring lines leading ashore from the after end or poop of
a ship, often at an angle of about 45 degrees to the fore and aft line.

Heaving line
A light line that has a weight on the free end and the other end attached to a
heavier line (as a hawser) and that can be thrown across intervening space
and used to draw the heavier line to a desired position (as for mooring a ship
at a wharf)
Rat Guards
Rat Guard is a disk of sheet metal fitted around a hawser to prevent rats from
boarding a vessel moored at a dock. If the ship has no rat guards fit, then all
cargo loading operation will be stopped or delayed by the port health

A closely woven, heavy cloth of cotton, hemp, or linen that is used for
making sails, they are used on sails to catch the wind for the ship sail on the

A heavy forging or casting shaped to grip the sea bottom, and by means of a
cable or rope, holds a ship or other floating structure in a desired position
regardless of wind and current.
Procedures to Drop Anchor
To drop the anchor, prepare the anchor and the required cable prior to the
final approach.
Release any lashings or securing pins on the anchor bow roller.
Assess water depth and allow the minimum of three times the depth for the
amount of cable required. This length allows for an effective anchoring and
also makes allowances for expected tidal height.
This length is prepared on deck and ready to run without snagging and then
When the boat has reached the anchoring spot, and is stopped or moving
astern, let go the anchor.
It should be lowered and not dropped free
The cable is allowed to run out under control until the anchor reaches the
Pay out the cable as the yacht drifts away from the anchor and then snub the
cable which then sets the anchor.
Take a bearing on two or more points on shore to check that the anchor is not
If the anchor drags, feed out more cable and if still dragging, haul the anchor
up and try another spot.

Procedures to Weigh Anchor

The ease in recovery of a boat anchor or to weigh anchor depends on the
weight of anchor and cable, the depth of water, wind and sea conditions,
along with the strength of the crew or anchor windlass in weighing the
Bring the boat over the anchor by pulling in the cable or in strong conditions,
with the help of the engine or sails.
When the bow of the boat is over the anchor, the crew informs the skipper
that the anchor is ready to break out.
The anchor is hauled up by the cable either by hand or windlass until the
anchor [ breaks out ] of the seabed.
The yacht is motored or sailed slowly until the foredeck crew have stowed
the anchor.
If the anchor is unable to be broken out by hand or windlass, haul the cable
tight then cleat it using the power of the engine or sails to break it out.
Single sheet bend/ Double sheet bend
Used to join two rope of the same size, it is also to be used to tying the sheets
with the clew of a sail.

Carrick Bend
It is used to join two hawsers together when the joint has to pass over the
warping drum.

Half Hitch
It is used as a part of the other Hitches
Clove Hitch
It is used to secure a rope to a spar or guard-rail or with the similar fittings.

Marline Spike Hitch

It is used for hitching a rope to a marline spike or similar object.

Rope Splice
Rope splicing in rope work is the forming of a semi-permanent joint between
two ropes or two parts of the same rope by partly untwisting and then
interweaving their strands. Splices can be used to form a stopper at the end of
a line, to form a loop or an eye in a rope, or for joining two ropes together.
Splices are preferred to knotted rope, since while a knot typically reduces the
strength by 20–40%, a splice is capable of attaining a rope's full strength.
However, splicing usually results in a thickening of the line and, if
subsequently removed, leaves a distortion of the rope. Most types of splices
are used on 3-strand rope, but some can be done on 12-strand or greater
single-braided rope, as well as most double braids.
Donning of Life Jacket
Life jacket is a sleeveless jacket made up of buoyant or inflatable material
used to keep human body afloat in water.
Loosen all buckles and straps so that you can pull the life jacket on.
Adjust the waist straps first. Buckle and tighten the straps. Straps should not
be as tight around the chest as they are around the waist.
Adjust the shoulder straps so that they are snug but not so tight that they
restrict your shoulder and arm movements.
Check all straps to make sure there aren't any straps hanging loose. If there
are any straps that are too long once adjusted, make a few over hand knots in
them to shorten them and get them out of the way.
Check that the vest will not ride up higher than your shoulders if you need to

Lifeboat Launching
There are two types of lifeboat releasing mechanisms on load and off load.
These mechanisms release the boat from the davit, which is attached to a wire
or fall by means of a hook. By releasing the hook the lifeboat can be set free
to propel away from the ship.
Lifeboat Davit
A davit is any of various cranes like devices used on a ship for supporting,
raising, and lowering boats Davits can also refer to single mechanical arms
with a winch for lowering and raising spare parts onto a vessel and for
lowering any other equipment from the deck of a vessel or a pontoon to the
Off load mechanism:
The off load mechanism releases the boat after the load of the boat is
transferred to water or the boat has been lowered fully into the sea. When the
boat touches the surface of water, the load on the fall and hence the hook
releases and due to its mechanism the hook detaches from the fall. If the
detachment dose not takes place, any of the crew members can remove the
hook from the fall. Most of the times the offload mechanism is manually
disengaged in case of malfunction; however, in case of fire, it is dangerous to
go out and release the hook.
On load mechanism:
On load mechanism can release the lifeboat from the wire, with the ship
above the water level and with all the crew members inside the boat. The load
will be still on the fall as the boat would not have touched the water.
Normally the height of about 1 m is kept for the on load release, so that the
fall is smooth without damaging the boat and harming the crew inside. A
lever is provided inside the boat to operate this mechanism. As the lever is
operated from inside, it is safe to free the boat without going of the out
lifeboat, when there is a fire on ship.

Hoisting of Life boat

Hoisting a life boat is bringing the lifeboat onboard using the life boat davit.
The hoisting time for the boat launching appliance should not be less than 0.3
m/sec with the boat loaded to its full capacity.

Unit 4
Knowledge of Principle Stars
Alpha Centauri
Alpha Centauri is the star system that is closest to the Earth. The dimmest
star in the system, Proxima Centauri (Alpha Centauri C), is the closest star to
us (other than our sun). The stars Alpha Centauri A and Alpha Centauri B are
close binary stars.
Canis Major
Canis Major (The Great Dog) is a constellation near Orion. The brightest star
in Canis Major (and the brightest star in the sky) is Sirius, also known as the
Dog Star. Canis Major is one of the constellation Orion's hunting dogs
(together with Canis Minor).
Sirius (meaning "scorching" in Greek), also known as the Dog Star, is the
brightest star in the sky (except for the sun). It is in the constellation Canis
Major (The Great Dog). Sirius is a main sequence star that is about 70 times
more luminous than the sun. It is about 8.6 light-years from Earth. It has an
apparent magnitude of -1.46 and an absolute magnitude of +1.4. Sirius has a
companion star (called the Pup), which is a white dwarf.
North Star
The North Star is a star that is located almost due north and is useful for
navigation. Polaris is currently the pole star of the Northern Hemisphere.
Polaris (alpha UMi) is the current pole star for the Northern Hemisphere; it is
1 degree from the exact Northern celestial pole. Polaris is a blue-green
Cepheid variable star. Polaris has a relatively dim companion star (9th
magnitude). Polaris' distance from Earth has been estimated to be from 360 to
820 light years. At its brightest, Polaris is about 6,000 to 10,000 times
brighter than our Sun. Polaris is also called the Lodestar or the Cynosure.
Proxima Centauri
The closest star to us is the Sun. Other than that, the closest star is Proxima
Centauri, aka Alpha Centauri C (the dimmest star in the Alpha Centauri
system). Proxima Centauri is about 4.2 light-years from the Sun. It has an
absolute magnitude of 15.5 and an apparent magnitude of +11.05 (variable).
Rigel (beta Orionis) is the brightest star in the constellation Orion and one of
the brightest stars in the sky. It is a blue (very hot) supergiant, over 60 million
miles in diameter (almost 100 times bigger than the sun). It is more than
50,000 times more luminous than the Sun. It has an absolute magnitude of
-7.1 and an apparent magnitude of +0.12. It is over 900 light-years from
The Sun is a star at the center of our solar system. Our Sun is a medium-sized
yellow star that is 93,026,724 miles (149,680,000 km) from Earth. Its
diameter is 865,121 miles (1,391,980 km). At its core, nuclear reactions
produce enormous amounts of energy, through the process of converting
hydrogen atoms into helium atoms (nuclear fusion). Its absolute magnitude is
+4.83. The solar mass is 1.99 x 1030 kg. Light from the Sun takes
approximately 8 minutes to reach the Earth.

A sextant is an instrument that measures the angle between two objects that
are visible. Primarily, it is used to measure the angle between a celestial body
and the horizon, a process normally known as sighting the object or taking a
sight. The angle measured and the time at which it was measured is then used
to identify the location of the user on the grid map of the world. Thus
sextants are basically navigational tools and have been successfully used by
seaman and even other travelers over the years. The most common process of
this is to sight the sun at noon to find the latitude of one’s location.
The Principle of the Sextant
The optical principle used in a sextant is this: given that a ray of light is
reflected from two mirrors in succession, then the angle between the first and
last direction of the ray is twice the angle between the mirrors. This is the
angle that is read off on the ‘arc’ after the navigator ‘shoots a star’ (takes an
When a ray of light is reflected twice by two mirrors in the same plane, the
angle between the original incident ray and the final emergent ray is twice the
angle between the mirrors.
OR we could say that
When a ray of light is reflected twice by two mirrors in the same plane, the
angle between the incident and reflected ray is twice the angle between the
Sextant has two mirrors, one of them fixed on the body of the sextant and the
other is fixed on the index arm which is called the pivot and changes its angle
with the fixed mirror.

Navigation compasses
Magnetic compass
A Magnetic compass (as opposed to a gyroscopic compass) consists of a
small, lightweight magnet balanced on a nearly frictionless pivot point. The
magnet is generally called a needle. One end of the needle is often marked
"N," for north, or colored in some way to indicate that it points toward north.
On the surface, that's all there is to a compass.
Limitations of Magnetic Compass
Sensitive to any magnetic disturbance.
Useless at the magnetic poles and is sluggish and unreliable in areas
near the poles.
Deviation (explained later) changes as a ship’s magnetic properties
change. The magnetic properties also change with changes in the
ship’s structure or magnetic cargo.
Deviation changes with heading. The ship as well as the earth may be
considered as a magnet. The effect of the ship’s magnetism upon the
compass changes with the heading.
Does not point to true north.
A Gyrocompass (gyroscopic compass) is similar to a gyroscope. It is a non-
magnetic compass that finds true north by using an (electrically powered)
fast-spinning wheel and friction forces in order to exploit the rotation of the
Earth. Gyrocompasses are widely used on ships. They have two main
advantages over magnetic compasses:
They find true north, i.e., the direction of Earth's rotational axis, as
opposed to magnetic north.
They are not affected by ferromagnetic metal (including iron, steel,
cobalt, nickel, and various alloys) in a ship's hull. (No compass is
affected by non-ferromagnetic metal, although a magnetic compass
will be affected by any kind of wires with electric current passing
through them.)

Echo Sounder
Echo sounding is a type of SONAR used to determine the depth of water by
transmitting sound pulses into water. The time interval between emission and
return of a pulse is recorded, which is used to determine the depth of water
along with the speed of sound in water at the time, this information is then
typically used for navigation purposes or in order to obtain depths for
charting purposes.
Principle of Echo Sounder operation
Echo sounder measures the depth of water by measuring the time for a
pulse of energy to travel to the sea bed and back and work on the
principle of reflection of acoustic energy.
Short pulse of sound energy is transmitted vertically down from the
This pulse having been reflected from the sea bottom returns to the
ship in the form of an echo.
Travel time (t) taken for its return, depends upon the depth of water
(d), and on the velocity of sound (v) through the water.
Time taken (t) = (2 x d) / v or d = (v x t)/2
Performance of a sonar system depends on the accuracy with which the
velocity of source propagation is measured.
Working of Echo Sounder
The recorder sends a signal to the pulse generator which triggers a
pulse and simultaneously starts the recorder trace.
The rate may be between 5-600 pulses a minute depending upon the
depth to be measured.
Lesser the depth scale, faster the Pulse Repetition Frequency.
The pulse from the Pulse Generator activated the transmitter which
sends a powerful electric pulse to the Transducer.
The transducer converts the electric energy into sound energy
producing a pulse.
The sound energy travels to the bottom, hits the bottom and gets
reflected back to the transducer.
The transducer converts the received sound energy of the echo into an
electric pulse and sends it to the receiver.
In the receiver the received pulse is processed and then amplified and
sent to the Recorder.
At the recorder, the stylus which has been at a speed proportional to
the speed of sound creates a physical mark on a paper or a visual blip
or a digital signal for the recorder.
Ship Log and its uses
The chip log or ship log was a crude speedometer invented in 16th century to
determine a vessels speed. It was considered important first navigational tool
for dead reckoning. Before the chip log was invented, a ship’s speed was
measured by dropping a small wooden piece in water just ahead of the ship’s
forward. The time taken by the ship to move away from the wooden piece
was then noted with the help of sandglass and on that basis an approximate
speed was calculated. This log was known as Dutchman's Log. The log had
been used by mariners for a long time. Then this wooden piece was tied with
a rope and used. The line was knotted and used for measuring the speed of a
vessel. Over time, the log was standardized in construction.
The ship log was made with a quadrant (quarter circle) shaped wooden board
attached to a log line. Log line was knotted at regular intervals and attached
to the board with a bridle of three lines connected to the holes made at
uniform spacing on the board. Just to ensure that the wooden log properly
floats in water, the lower side of the board was made of lead or piece of lead
at the centre of the circular side. The log line was wound on a free turning
Front cover: Contains ship’s particulars, date and place of opening and
closing official log book.
Record of seamen employed in the ship.
Entries of birth and deaths, deceased seaman’s property, death inquiry.
Record of musters, boat drills and fire drills, training of crew,
inspection of life saving appliances and firefighting equipment.
Record of test drills and inspections of ship’s steering gear.
Record of tests and inspection of pilot hoists.
Record of inspection of crew accommodation.
Record of inspections carried out in accordance with ILO convention
no. 68 of 1946 of supplies of food and water provided for the crew.
Load line, depth of loading.
Dates of departure from and arrival at each port with draught of water
and freeboard.
Sailing shorthanded.
Accidents, distress incidents, reasons for not going to assistance.
Wage disputes, discharges of crew, crew left behind, and property of
crew left behind, illnesses and injuries.
Code of conduct breaches by crew.

Barometer is an instrument used to measure the atmospheric pressure. The
barometer denotes the atmospheric pressure in milibars or hecto-pascals
(where 1 milibar = 1 hecto - pascal)
The common types of barometers are:
Water based barometers
Mercury barometers
Aneroid barometers
The most common barometer used on ships is the aneroid barometer. An
aneroid barometer is an instrument for measuring pressure as a method that
does not involve liquid.

Weather Classification
There may be two types of changes in barometric tendency /
Decreasing pressure (low pressure)
Increasing pressure (high pressure)
Low pressure: Low pressure means the prediction suggests the mariners
that upcoming weather may be rough including heavy rain, strong winds,
heavy seas and long swells which are not advisable for the safe navigation of
a ship as the ship will roll and pitch heavily causing the discomfort to the
crew members, passengers etc. and also the unwanted shift of cargo, damage
to cargo and over all threat to mariners and ships.
High pressure: High pressure means the prediction suggests the mariners
that upcoming weather may be quite good, including no wind or light air,
calm seas and no swells etc. which are the desirable conditions for the safe
navigation of the ship. In high pressure areas ship remains quite stable, very
little or no roll and pitch is experienced which is good for all crew,
passengers and cargo.

Aneroid Barometer
Aneroid Barometer
The name "ANEROID" itself means 'without water’, that gives clear
indication that there is no involvement of water. Its construction includes a
thin metal chamber which is sealed but having partial vacuum inside. This
chamber is fitted with certain levers and spring mechanism to which a needle
is connected, which shows the barometer readings in milibars or hecto-
pascals projected on a graduated circular card. The thin metal chamber has
elastic properties, when atmospheric pressure increases this chamber gets
compressed, when atmospheric pressure decreases, the chamber gets
expanded, this inward and out ward movement of the chamber acts on the
needle mechanically and the needle then registers a reading on the graduated
card. The accuracy of the reading depends upon the size of the metal
chamber, if the chamber is large, accuracy will be better.
Principle: A metal box partially exhausted of air (vacuum) will undergo
changes of shape as the outside pressure varies. These small movements of
the box are transmitted to a pointer displayed on the face of the aneroid
barometer by a system of levers.
Construction & Working: Its construction includes a thin metal
chamber which is sealed but having partial vacuum inside. This chamber is
fitted with certain levers and spring mechanism to which a needle is
connected, which shows the barometer readings in milibars or hecto-pascals
projected on a graduated circular card. The thin metal chamber has elastic
properties, when atmospheric pressure increases this chamber gets
compressed, when atmospheric pressure decreases, the chamber gets
expanded, this inward and out ward movement of the chamber acts on the
needle mechanically and the needle then registers a reading on the graduated
card. The accuracy of the reading depends upon the size of the metal
chamber, if the chamber is large, accuracy will be better.

G.M.T (Greenwich Mean Time)

Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) is the mean solar time at the Royal
Observatory in Greenwich, London. GMT was formerly used as the
international civil time standard, now superseded in that function by
Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). Due to Earth's uneven speed in its
elliptical orbit and its axial tilt, noon (12:00:00) GMT is rarely the exact
moment the sun crosses the Greenwich meridian and reaches its highest point
in the sky there.
The Greenwich Meridian (Prime Meridian or Longitude Zero degrees) marks
the starting point of every time zone in the World. GMT, the abbreviated
form of Greenwich Mean (or Meridian) Time, is the mean (average) time that
the earth takes to rotate from noon-to-noon.

Zonal Time
A time zone is a region of the globe that observes a uniform standard time for
legal, commercial, and social purposes. Time zones tend to follow the
boundaries of countries and their subdivisions because it is convenient for
areas in close commercial or other communication to keep the same time.
Nautical Time Zone
A ship within the territorial waters of any nation would use that nation's
standard time, but would revert to nautical standard time upon leaving its
territorial waters. The captain is permitted to change the ship's clocks at a
time of the captain's choice following the ship's entry into another time zone.
The captain often chooses midnight. Ships going in shuttle traffic over a time
zone border often keep the same time zone all the time, to avoid confusion
about work, meal, and shop opening hours. Still the time table for port calls
must follow the land time zone.

Wireless Navigational Instruments

Marine GPS Systems (Satellite Navigation)
Global Positioning System (GPS) has changed the way the world operates.
This is especially true for marine operations, including search and rescue.
GPS provides the fastest and most accurate method for mariners to navigate,
measure speed, and determine location. This enables increased levels of
safety and efficiency for mariners worldwide.
It is important in marine navigation for the ship's officer to know the vessel's
position while in open sea and also in congested harbors and waterways.
While at sea, accurate position, speed, and heading are needed to ensure the
vessel reaches its destination in the safest, most economical and timely
fashion that conditions will permit. The need for accurate position
information becomes even more critical as the vessel departs from or arrives
in port. Vessel traffic and other waterway hazards make maneuvering more
difficult, and the risk of accidents becomes greater.
The Long Range Tracking and Identification (LRIT) System
LRIT system forms a very important ambit in the SOLAS convention. LRIT
was designed as per the recommendations of one of the Maritime Security
Committee (MSC) resolutions. The ship tracking system has been
specifically incorporated. This has been done so that the countries that fall
under the purview of the SOLAS convention can share the necessary marine
security information along with all other required information about the ships
that sail through the countries’ coastal boundaries.
Marine Radars
Marine radars are usually short range radars that are used by ships to pinpoint
locations about other ships and land in the area. The frequencies with which
these radars are operated are known as x-band or s-band frequencies. The x
stands for secret, as the ship radar was mainly a hidden frequency while used
for the purpose of tracking ship during the Second World War. The s stands
for small range in the second type.
With the help of ship radar, accidents can be prevented in the oceanic area.
However, even while the ships are docked in the port, with the help of these
radars, the coast guard and the other authorities can use them to monitor the
traffic in the small radar range. The ship radar has a screen that displays all
the objects that are present in the immediate range of the radar. Since all the
objects are clearly visible on the screen, navigating and monitoring the
position of the ship becomes really feasible.
Unit 4
Lifeboat and Liferafts

Construction of Lifeboat
A life boat shall:
Be constructed with non-combustible material, and strong material.
Be rigid strong enough to with stand to the weight under fully loaded
Be able to move stability and safely with the speed of 5 knots.
Be constructed with enough free board
Be with inherent buoyancy or has some buoyant material filled inside
the boat.
Have the maximum capacity of 150 persons.
Be capable of rapid boarding by all persons in 3 min.
Have a compression ignition engine with either a manual or a power
starting with in 2 min. at the temperature -15°C.
Have sufficient fuel for running under fully loaded boat for at least 24
hrs. at 6 knots speed.
Be fitted with a device to slip the forward painter when under tension.
Have arrangements for erecting the antennae of radar transponder
beacon and portable radio apparatus.
Have electric flash light at not less than 50flashes/min. is fitted on top
of the lifeboat and burns for at least 12 hrs.
Construction of Liferafts
Life raft shall:
Be constructed with suitable materials that capable of withstanding
exposure of 30 days in all sea conditions.
Be tested for its capacity to withstand when it is dropped from a height
of at least 18m.
Have a canopy to protect the persons inside
Provide good insulation against heat and cold.
Be capable of withstanding repeated jumps on to it from a height of at
least 4.5 m above its floor both with and without the canopy erected.
Have pleasing interior colour.
Be provided with one or two entrances for entering the raft with prefect
closing arrangements.
Have at least one viewing port in the canopy to view the outside.
Have the provision for collecting the rainwater from the canopy.
Be fitted with lifeline in and around the raft.
Have a portable radio, EPIRB and SART in working condition the life
It shall be provided with an efficient painter of at least fifteen meters.
Be suitably constructed for towing at a speed of 3 knots in calm water
with its full load of persons, equipment and with one sea-anchors.
Be fitted with mooring rope of length equal to not less than 10 m plus
the distance from the stored position to the waterline in the lightest
seagoing condition or 15 m whichever is the greater.
Be packed in a container that is constructed to withstand the hard
conditions encountered at sea
Be marking required on liferafts equipped in accordance with LSA
code regulation
Be fitted with a certificate of approval, containing the following
a. Manufacturer’s name and address;
b. Lifeboat model and serial number;
c. Month and year of manufacture;
d. Number of persons the lifeboat is approved to carry; and
e. Approval information including the Name of the Administration
which approved it, and any operational restrictions.

Lifeboat Equipment
3 litters of fresh water for each person for which lifeboat is permitted
to accommodate An approved desalting apparatus capable of
producing 1/2 litters of drinking water per day per person from sea
water can replace 1 litter/person from above mentioned 3 litters
sufficient buoyant oars
Two boat hooks
Crutches with lanyard
One buoyant bailer
Two Buckets
An approved survival manual
A binnacle containing approved compass
A sea anchor
Two hatchets, one at each end of the lifeboat
Two sufficient painters of a length equal to not less than twice the
distance from the stowage position of the lifeboat to the water line in
lightest sea going condition or 15 meter whichever is greater.
A rust proof dipper with lanyard
A rust proof graduated drinking vessel
Food rations not less than 10000KJ /person. Ration should be kept in
air tight bags
Four rocket parachute flares
Two buoyant smoke signals
Six red hand flares
One water proof electric torch with spare set of batteries and spare bulb
in a water proof container
One, day light signaling mirror with instructions
One nonmetallic whistle
First aid out fit in water proof case
6 doses of anti-sickness medicines and one sea sickness bag for every
A jack knife attached with lanyard
3 tin openers
A manual pump
One set of approved fishing kit
Two buoyant rescue quoits attached to not less than 30mtrs of buoyant
Tools for minor adjustment to the engine
Fire extinguisher for oil fire
Radar reflector
Thermal protective aid not less than 2 or 10% of boat complement.
Search light
Liferaft Equipment
One buoyant bailer for life raft up to 12 men life raft and 2 bailers for
those of 13 and above men
2nos. buoyant paddles
One first aid kit
Pyro techniques:
1. 2nos. buoyant smoke floats
2. 4nos. rocket parachute flares
3. 6nos. red hand flare
One radar reflector
One fishing line with six hooks
One graduated drinking vessel
One bellow pump
One safety knife (non-folding type)
Two sponges
Three tin Openers
Whistle with lanyard
One water proof torch
Day light signaling mirror
2 nos. sea anchor with shock resistant drogue hawser
One copy of life saving signal Manual
Anti-seasickness tablets 6doses/person
One survival manual in water proof cover
Thermal protective aid for 10% of the number of persons, life raft is
permitted to carry or 2 of whichever is greater
Fresh drinking water (1.5ltr/person)
Foods ration (not less than 10000KJ/person)

Carrying Capacity
No liferaft shall have a capacity less than 6 people
Free Fall Lifeboats are mandatory in tankers

Case A
100% totally enclosed lifeboats
100% liferafts capable of being launched from either side, If the
liferafts are not possible to launch from either side, 100 % at each side
Additional liferaft if the lifeboats are more than 100 m from the bow or
the stern
Rescue boat

Case B

100% free fall lifeboat aft

100% liferafts
Rescue boat
Additional liferaft if the lifeboats are more than 100 m from the bow or
the stern

Case C

100% liferafts capable of being launched at either side. If the liferafts

are not possible to launch from either side, 150 % at each side
Rescue boat
With 1 lifeboat out of service, 100% of the capacity at each side

Passenger Ships – are ships with the capacity to carry more than 12

A davit is any of various crane like devices used on a ship for supporting,
raising, and lowering boats, anchors, etc. Davit systems are most often used
to lower an emergency lifeboat to the embarkation level to be boarded, Davits
can also be used as man-overboard safety devices to retrieve personnel from
the water.
Davits are:
Designed to launch a lifeboat fully equipped and manned, from the
stowage position down to the water level, by gravity
Are capable of launching with the ship trim angles up to 15° and heel
angles up to 20°
Equipped with electric winches
Lifeboat Davit
A davit is any of various cranes like devices used on a ship for supporting,
raising, and lowering boats Davits can also refer to single mechanical arms
with a winch for lowering and raising spare parts onto a vessel and for
lowering any other equipment from the deck of a vessel or a pontoon to the
Davit operation
There are two types of lifeboat releasing mechanisms on load and off load.
These mechanisms release the boat from the davit, which is attached to a wire
or fall by means of a hook. By releasing the hook the lifeboat can be set free
to propel away from the ship.
Off load mechanism:
The off load mechanism releases the boat after the load of the boat is
transferred to water or the boat has been lowered fully into the sea. When the
boat touches the surface of water, the load on the fall and hence the hook
releases and due to its mechanism the hook detaches from the fall. If the
detachment dose not takes place, any of the crew members can remove the
hook from the fall. Most of the times the offload mechanism is manually
disengaged in case of malfunction; however, in case of fire, it is dangerous to
go out and release the hook.
On load mechanism:
On load mechanism can release the lifeboat from the wire, with the ship
above the water level and with all the crew members inside the boat. The load
will be still on the fall as the boat would not have touched the water.
Normally the height of about 1m is kept for the on load release, so that the
fall is smooth without damaging the boat and harming the crew inside. A
lever is provided inside the boat to operate this mechanism. As the lever is
operated from inside, it is safe to free the boat without going of the out
lifeboat, when there is a fire on ship.

Launching Of Liferafts
Check that one end of the painter of the raft is well secured to a strong
point on ship’s deck or structure.
Remove the lashing from the container of the raft and open the way to
portable rail if available.
Check the ship side where the raft to be launched is clear.
Two people should lift the container from both sides horizontally and
throw the container.
Make sure the painter is still fixed at a strong point so that the raft
should not be waved away by waters.
Pull the painter with a hard jerk to fire the gas bottle to inflate the raft.
The life raft will take 20-30 sec to inflate.
Board the life raft one by one using ladder or rope.
Avoid sharp objects like knives, shoes and other sharp objects etc.
which may damage the raft surface.
When everybody is aboard, after a headcount, cut the painter with a
sharp knife.

Launching Raft by Davit:

Open the lashing and remove the raft container from HRU by opening
the manual slip hook or bottle screw arrangement.
Tie up the one end of the painter of raft into a strong point at deck.
Keep the container in the open and attach the davit hook to the given
eye in the canister/ container
Take up the raft load by davit and keep the container hanging at
embarkation deck area.
Pull the painter and inflate the raft. Have a thorough check on the
inflated raft.
Start boarding the raft without the shoes and other sharp object.
After the boarding is completed, check the bottom is clear and release
the securing lines, if any.

Hydro Static Release Unit (HRU)

A hydro-static release unit or HRU is a pressure activated mechanism
designed to automatically deploy when certain conditions are met. In the
marine environment this occurs when submerged to a maximum depth of four
meters. The pressure of the water against a diaphragm within the sealed
casing causes a plastic pin to be cut thereby releasing the containment bracket
casing, allowing the emergency position-indicating radio beacon to float free.

The Working of HRU:

HRU acts as a connecting media between life raft container and ship
deck, where it is stored.
The HRU comes in action under the pressure of water exerted on HRU
when the ship sinks below 4m of water level.
The HRU consists of a sharp knife or chisel which is used to cut the
strap lashed over the container carrying life raft, but it still holds the
painter at the weak link.
The HRU is connected to the container through a lashing arrangement
which can be disengaged quickly by means of slip hook when
launching the raft manually.
The HRU is connected to a strong point on deck through a weak link.
When vessel sinks, the HRU cuts the rope and the container floats to
the surface of water.
As vessel sinks further, the tension in the painter causes the life raft to
inflate out of the container.
The tension acting on the weak link will cause it to break making the
life raft free from the ship.
When vessel sinks, the HRU cuts the rope and the container floats to
the surface of water.

Embarkation into Lifeboat

The IMO Life Saving Appliances (LSA) Code states: “Every
passenger ship lifeboat shall be so arranged that it can be boarded by its full
complement of persons in not more than 10 minutes from the time the
instruction to board is given.” The larger cruise ships will generally be fitted
with 150 person capacity lifeboats, the largest allowed by the LSA code. This
in essence gives an average of four second for each person to enter and be
seated in the lifeboat. Quite understandably the lifeboat embarkation tests
will generally be conducted in daylight in good weather conditions and with
disciplined volunteers of reasonable health and mobility.

LSA Code states: “No lifeboat shall be approved to accommodate

more than 150 persons.” However, the codes do provide procedure for
alternative design to demonstrating an equivalent level of safety for lifeboats
with capacity beyond 150 persons.
In a real emergency situation on a cruise ship lifeboat embarkation will of
course take longer than the design idea of 10 minutes. A typical cruise
contains a fair portion of passengers with impaired mobility. People will
generally pass quickly through the doors to enter the enclosed or partially
enclosed lifeboats. They will have had plenty of time to observe the doors
and many will have watch their fellow passengers pass through, however,
when they are actually inside it might well be quite a different matter. Many
will be disorientated and stand still, some looking for the best seats, others
will be looking for friend or family member to sit next. The rate of seating
occupancy slows up progressively as the boat fills and random empty places
become much harder to fill.

Stowage of Lifeboat
Life boats shall be stowed:
In such a way that do not interfere with none of the other lifeboats or with the
rescue boat
As close to the water surface as possible and safe
Ready so that 2 crew members can prepared for embarking and launching in
less than 5 minutes
Completely equipped
In a position as sheltered as possible from damages from fire and explosion

General requirements for Lifeboat

Every survival craft shall have sufficient strength to:
– Be launched with a complete load of people and equipment
– Be capable of being launched and towed, in still waters,
when the ship is moving forward with a speed of 5 knots.
Shall have sufficient strength to resist side impacts against the ship’s
hull with a minimum speed of 3.5 m/s and water impacts from a height
of at least 3 m.
The capacity shall NEVER exceed 150 persons.
The arrangement shall allow its total capacity of people to embark, in a
time interval not greater than 3 minutes.
Survival Pack
Lifeboat survival kits are stowed in inflatable or rigid lifeboats or life rafts;
the contents of these kits are mandated by coast guard or maritime
regulations. These kits provide basic survival tools and supplies to enable
passengers to survive until they are rescued. In addition to relying on lifeboat
survival kits, many mariners will assemble a "ditch bag" or "abandon ship
bag" containing additional survival supplies. Lifeboat survival kit items
typically include:
Safety equipment
Life jackets
First aid kit
Fire extinguisher
Communications and navigation
Distress beacons or (EPIRBs) to alert the Cospas-Sarsat rescue
consortium, an international satellite-based search and rescue
distress alert agency and identify the registered beacon owner's
specific information from their registration file
Red flare, rocket parachute flare, and/or smoke signal flare
Laser pointer for signaling aircraft (red is color of distress, but
green color is higher power and will be seen farther), with lithium
cells, in double waterproof plastic pouch (pointers of high power
are a theoretical hazard to eyes of low-flying pilots at night)
Radar reflector (to help rescuers locate the raft)
Lantern and fuel, the fuel doubles as fire starter
Radio transceiver, standard VHF marine when operating near
inland shore, 121.5 MHz AM VHF guard channel capable aircraft
band transceiver to contact rescuers and high overflying
commercial and military aircraft visible by contrails, an optional
amateur radio if a licensed radio amateur, (see Ham Radio) or
an AM/FM/Weather/Shortwave radio receiver to receive precise
time for celestial navigation as well as weather information
GPS navigation device
Food and water
A knife, multi-tool, and/or Swiss army knife
Fishing kit
Rainwater collection equipment
Seawater desalination kit
Water (typically 3 liters/person/day)
Emergency high-calorie rations/food (not as important as water).
Chocolate has a superior calorie/weight ratio
Other tools and boating items
Waterproof flashlight
Heaving line
Bilge pump
Boat hook
Sea anchor (also called a "sea drogue")

Rescue Boats
Can have a rigid, inflatable or mixed construction and shall:
– Have a length not less than 3.8 m and not greater than 8.5 m
– Have capacity for at least 5 people seated and one lying
Unless they have the adequate sheer, they shall have a cover forward in
an extension not less than 15% of its length.
The recovery time of a rescue boat shall not be greater than 5 minutes
Shall have the capacity of maneuvering at speeds up to 6 knots,
keeping the speed for a period of at least 4 hours.
Shall have sufficient mobility and maneuverability at sea to:
– Allow the recovery of people in the water
– Tow liferafts and the largest lifeboat on board the ship, when
totally loaded with people and equipment

Immersion Suits
Required for all the members of the crew of the rescue boat, or those
whom operate the evacuation systems.
Fabricated with waterproof material
Can be dressed-up in less than 2 min.
Shall cover all the body with the exception of the face
Can be used together with a life-jacket
When made with insulating material it must guarantee that the
temperature of the body does not lower more than 2ºC after a period of
6 hours of immersion in water with a temperature 0ºC < t < 2ºC

Thermal Protective Aid

Fabricated with waterproof material
Have a conductivity less than 0.25 W/(m.K)
Shall reduce the loss of convective and evaporative heat of those who
use it
Shall cover all the body of a person that is using a life-jacket, with the
exception of the face
Shall allow to whom is using it to be remove in the water in less than 2
Shall function properly in air temperatures in the range -30ºC < t <
Unit 6
Abandon Ship
Manning of Lifeboats and Liferafts
Manning of Survival Craft
There must be a sufficient number of trained persons on board the vessel for
mustering and assisting untrained persons.
There must be a sufficient number of deck officers, able seamen, or
certificated persons on board the vessel to operate the survival craft and
launching arrangements required for abandonment by the total number of
persons on board.
There must be one person placed in charge of each survival craft to be used.
The person in charge must -
-Be a deck officer, able seaman, or certificated person. The OCMI,
considering the nature of the voyage, the number of persons permitted on
board, and the characteristics of the vessel, may permit persons practiced in
the handling and operation of liferafts or inflatable buoyant apparatus to be
placed in charge of liferafts or inflatable buoyant apparatus; and
-Have a list of the survival craft crew and ensure that the crewmembers are
acquainted with their duties.
There must be a second-in-command designated for each lifeboat. This
person should be a deck officer, able seaman, or certificated person. The
second-in-command of a lifeboat must also have a list of the lifeboat crew.
There must be a person assigned to each motorized survival craft who is
capable of operating the engine and carrying out minor adjustments.
The master must make sure that the persons required under paragraphs (1),
(2), (3), and (4) of this section are equitably distributed among the vessel's
survival craft.
Manning of Lifeboats an Liferafts
The provisions of this section shall apply to all vessels equipped with
lifeboats and/or liferafts.
The master shall place a licensed deck officer, an able seaman, or a
certificated life boatman in command of each lifeboat or liferaft. Each
lifeboat or liferaft with a prescribed complement of 25 or more persons must
have one additional certificated life boatman.
The person in charge of each lifeboat or liferaft shall have a list of its
assigned occupants, and shall see that the persons under his orders are
acquainted with their duties.

Muster List
As per SOLAS chapter III, Regulation 8 (Muster list and emergency
A muster list provides crew members with a plan to manage emergency
situations. It gives clear instructions to be followed in the event of an
emergency for every person on board and ensures that all vital duties are
assigned. The muster list also ensures that, on the sounding of the emergency
signal, crewmembers and passengers know where to muster. This allows
everyone on board to be readily accounted for at the outset of an emergency.
Muster list is prepared on ship so that ship crew must be ready all the time
to tackle and fight against any kind of emergencies which can arise due to
reasons such as rough weather, machinery malfunction, pirate attack, human
error etc. Such emergencies can lead to fire, collision, flooding, grounding,
environmental pollution, and loss of life.


As per Crew List Master Overall incharge
As per Crew List Chief officer Incharge of lifeboat
As per Crew List Ships certificates & documents
As per Crew List Incharge of liferaft no.1
As per Crew List Incharge of lifeboat engines
As per Crew List Incharge of liferaft no.2
As per Crew List Asst incharge lifeboat engine
Ensure strng nozzle in mid fwd
As per Crew List position
Disconnect plug/turn battery
As per Crew List switch 'on'
As per Crew List Extra provision and water
Disconnect all lashing
As per Crew List arrangements
Ensure all ropes clear of
As per Crew List launching ramp
As per Crew List Remove safety pin on the hook
As per Crew List On bridge
As per Crew List Sart and epirb
As per Crew List Gmdss walkie talkies
Check for all landing area to be
As per Crew List clear
Ensure all openings are securely
As per Crew List closed
As per Crew List Asst incharge of liferaft no. 1
As per Crew List Asst incharge of liferaft no. 2
As per Crew List Stand by
As per Crew List Stand by

Substitute of Key Personnel:

The Master's substitute will be the Chief Officer

The Chief Officer's substitute will be the Second Officer

The Chief Engineer's substitute will be the Second Engineer

The Second Engineer's substitute will be the Third Engineer

3rdOff and 4thEng are responsible for the maintenance of all

Life Saving Appliances and Fire Fighting Appliances on board
the ship, under the guidance of Chief Officer.

All supernumeraries to stand by on bridge when Emergency alarm


Radio Signals
The prime purpose of radio is to convey information from one place to
another through the intervening media (i.e., air, space, non-conducting
materials etc.) without wires. Besides being used for transmitting sound and
television signals, radio is used for the transmission of data in coded form. In
the form of radar it is used also for sending out signals and picking up their
reflections from objects in their path. For navigation of ships and aircraft the
radio range, radio compass (or direction finder), and radio time signals are
widely used. Radio signals sent from global positioning satellites can also be
used by special receivers for a precise indication of position. Digital radio,
both satellite and terrestrial provides improved audio clarity and volume.
Various remote-control devices, including rocket and artificial satellite
operations systems and automatic valves in pipelines, are activated by radio
signals. The development of the transistor and other microelectronic devices
led to the development of portable transmitters and receivers. Cellular and
cordless telephones are actually radio transceivers. Many telephone calls
routinely are relayed by radio rather than by wires; some are sent via radio to
relay satellites. Some celestial bodies and interstellar gases emit relatively
strong radio waves that are observed with radio telescopes composed of very
sensitive receivers and large directional antennas.

RADAR is an important navigational aid, working with radio waves. The
word RADAR stand for an acronym of Radio Detection and Ranging, the
radar is useful in guiding the navigator especially when sailing in coastal
waters and always when visibility is poor. Radar is used to identify any
objects including ships and buoys and to measure the range, altitude,
direction, or speed of both moving and fixed objects. Radar can also be used
in clear visibility for navigation or collision avoidance purposes by detecting
the objects or targets above the water level. The range of visibility is optional;
medium range radar could be useful up to 100 nautical miles. Sonar is known
for its usage to identify the underwater objects with sound waves, but radar is
using radio waves to find out things above the water level. It is also called as
radio location. The frequency of electromagnetic energy used for radar is
unaffected by darkness and also penetrates fog and clouds. This permits radar
systems to determine the position of airplanes, ships, or other obstacles that
are invisible to the naked eye because of distance, darkness, or weather.

Alarm Signals
The main alarms that are installed in the ship to give audio-visual warnings
are as follows:
1. General Alarm: The general alarm on the ship is recognized by 7 short
ringing of bell followed by a long ring or 7 short blasts on the ship’s
horn followed by one long blast. The general alarm is sounded to make
aware the crew on board that an emergency has occurred.
2. Fire Alarm: A fire alarm is sounded as continuous ringing of ship’s
electrical bell or continuous sounding of ship’s horn.
3. Man Overboard Alarm: When a man falls overboard, the ship internal
alarm bell sounds 3 long rings and ship whistle will blow 3 long blasts
to notify the crew on board and the other ships in nearby vicinity.
4. Machinery Space Alarm: The machinery in the engine room has
various safety devices and alarms fitted for safe operation. If any one
of these malfunctions, a common engine room alarm is operated and
the problem can be seen in the engine control room control panel
which will display the alarm.
5. Abandon Ship Alarm: When the emergency situation on board ship
goes out of hands and ship is no longer safe for crew on board ship.
The master of the ship can give a verbal Abandon ship order, but this
alarm is never given in ship’s bell or whistle. The general alarm is
sounded and everybody comes to the emergency muster station where
the master or his substitute (chief Officer) gives a verbal order to
abandon ship.
6. Ship Security Alarm Signal: Most of the ocean going vessels are fitted
with security alert alarm system, which is a silent alarm system
sounded in a pirate attack emergency. This signal is connected with
different coastal authorities all over the world via a global satellite
system to inform about the piracy.

Distress Signal (S.O.S)

Distress means extreme pain or great danger or difficulty, with a need for
immediate assistance. A distress signal is an internationally recognized means
for obtaining help . Distress signals take the form of or are commonly made
by using radio signals, displaying a visually detected item or illumination, or
making an audible sound, from a distance. A distress signal indicates that a
person or group of people, ship , aircraft , or other vehicle is threatened by
grave and imminent danger and requests immediate assistance.
Following signals are to be used or displayed, either together or separately,
by a vessel (or seaplane on the water) in distress requiring assistance from
other vessels or from the shore
A gun or other explosive signal fired at intervals of about a minute
The International code signal of distress indicated by NC (NC = I am
in distress and require immediate assistance)
A signal consisting of a square flag having above or below it a ball or
anything resembling a ball.
Continuous soundings or any fag signaling apparatus
Radiotelephone signal consisting of the spoken word “MAY DAY”
(Maidez – Freruch wird – meaning come and help)
The signal SOS made by radiotelegraphy.
Orange Distress Flag
Radio telephone or telegraph alarm signal (12 dashes/min).
Slowly and repeatedly rising and lowering of arms outstretched on
either side
Signals transmitted by emergency position indicating radio beacons.

SOS is the International Morse code distress signal (· · · – – – · · ·).The SOS
distress signal is a continuous sequence of three dits, three dahs, and three
dits (sequence of three dots, three dashes, and three dots), all run together
without letter spacing. In International Morse Code, three dits form the letter
S, and three dahs make the letter O, so "SOS" became an easy way to
remember the order of the dits and dahs. In modern terminology, SOS is a
Morse "procedural signal" or "prosign", and the formal way to write it is with
a bar above the letters: SOS.
There is much mystery and misinformation surrounding the origin and use of
maritime distress calls. Most of the general populace believes that "SOS"
signifies "Save Our Ship." This signal [SOS] was adopted simply on account
of its easy radiation and its unmistakable character. There is no special
signification in the letter themselves, and it is entirely incorrect to put full
stops between them [the letters]." All the popular interpretations of "SOS,"
"Save Our Ship," "Save Our Souls," or "Send Out Succour" are simply not

Distress Radio Signal Frequency

The radio frequency 2182 kHz is one of the international calling and distress
frequencies for maritime radio communication in a frequency band allocated
to the mobile service on primary basis, exclusively for distress and calling

Pyrotechnic distress signals

Rocket Parachute: Gives very good visibility & burns for greater than
40 seconds.
Multi star: Gives very good visibility but only lasts 3 to 5
Hand held: Limited surface visibility but burns for over a minute.
Buoyant or Hand: Burns for 3 minutes but is only visible in the
Unit 7
Conventions and Regulations

MARPOL Convention and its Annexes

MARPOL 73/78 is the International Convention for the Prevention of
Pollution from Ships, 1973 as modified by the Protocol of 1978.
("MARPOL" is short for marine pollution and 73/78 short for the years 1973
and 1978.)
MARPOL 73/78 is one of the most important international marine
environmental conventions. It was developed by the International Maritime
Organization in an effort to minimize pollution of the oceans and seas,
including dumping, oil and air pollution. The objective of this convention is
to preserve the marine environment in an attempt to completely eliminate
pollution by oil and other harmful substances and to minimize accidental
spillage of such substances.
The original MARPOL was signed on 17 February 1973, but did not come
into force at the signing date. The current convention is a combination of
1973 Convention and the 1978 Protocol. It entered into force on 2 October
1983. As of April 2016, 154 states, representing 98.7 per cent of the world's
shipping tonnage, are state parties to the convention.
All ships flagged under countries that are signatories to MARPOL are subject
to its requirements, regardless of where they sail and member nations are
responsible for vessels registered under their respective nationalities.
Annex I prevention of pollution by oil & oily water
Annex II control of pollution by noxious liquid substances in bulk
Annex III prevention of pollution by harmful substances carried by sea in
packaged form
Annex IV pollution by sewage from ships
Annex Vpollution by garbage from ships
Annex VI Prevention of air pollution from ships

Regulatory control towards environmental

pollution at sea
Annex I (Regulation for the Prevention of Pollution by Oil)
The first half of MARPOL Annex I deals with engine room waste. There are
various generations of technologies and equipment that have been developed
to prevent waste such as: Oily water separators (OWS), Oil Content meters
(OCM), and Port Reception Facilities.
The second part of the MARPOL Annex I has more to do with cleaning the
cargo areas and tanks. Oil Discharge Monitoring Equipment (ODME) is a
very important technology mentioned in MARPOL Annex I that has greatly
helped improve sanitation in these areas.
Discharge regulations for Oil tankers Discharge of oil from the area
of the cargo tank including pump room (Regulation 34, of Annex 1
MARPOL 73/78

Annex II (Regulation for the Control of Pollution by Noxious

Liquid Substances in Bulk )
It details the discharge criteria for the elimination of pollution by noxious
liquid substances carried in large quantities. It divides substances into and
introduces detailed operational standards and measures. The discharge of
pollutants is allowed only to reception facilities with certain concentrations
and conditions. No matter what, no discharge of residues containing
pollutants is permitted within 12 miles of the nearest land. Stricter restrictions
apply to "special areas".
Annex III (Regulation for the Prevention of Pollution by
Harmful substances carried by sea in packaged form)
It contains general requirements for the standards on packing, marking,
labeling, documentation, stowage, quantity limitations, exceptions and
notifications for preventing pollution by noxious substances. The Annex is in
line with the procedures detailed in the International Maritime Dangerous
Goods (IMDG) Code, which has been expanded to include marine pollutants.

Annex IV (Regulations for the Prevention of Pollution by

Sewage from Ships)
It introduces requirements to control pollution of the sea by sewage from
It is generally considered that on the high seas, the oceans are capable of
assimilating and dealing with raw sewage through natural bacterial action.
Therefore, the regulations in Annex IV of MARPOL prohibit the discharge of
sewage into the sea within a specified distance from the nearest land, unless
otherwise provided.
Annex V (Regulations for the Prevention of Pollution by
Garbage from ships)
It specifies the distances from land in which materials may be disposed of
and subdivides different types of garbage and marine debris. The
requirements are much stricter in a number of "special areas" but perhaps the
most prominent part of the Annex is the complete ban of dumping plastic into
the ocean.
The revised Annex V which entered into force on 1 January 2013 now
generally prohibits the discharge of all garbage into the sea, except as
provided otherwise in regulations 4, 5, and 6 of the Annex, which are related
to food waste, cargo residues, cleaning agents and additives and animal
carcasses. Exceptions with respect to the safety of a ship and those on board
and accidental loss are contained in regulation 7 of Annex V.
Annex VI (Regulations for the Prevention of Air Pollution from
It introduces requirements to regulate the air pollution being emitted by ships,
including the emission of ozone-depleting substances, Nitrogen Oxides
(NOx), Sulphur Oxides (SOx), Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) and
shipboard incineration. It also establishes requirements for reception facilities
for wastes from exhaust gas cleaning systems, incinerators, fuel oil quality,
for off-shore platforms and drilling rigs and for the establishment of SOx
Emission Control Areas (SECAs).
This regulation shall apply to-
Each marine diesel engine with a power output of more than 130 KW
installed in a ship.
Each marine diesel engine with a power output of more than 130 KW that
undergoes a major conversion

The International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) is an
international maritime treaty which requires Signatory flag states to ensure
that ships flagged by them comply with minimum safety standards in
construction, equipment and operation. SOLAS has 162 contracting States,
which flag about 99% of merchant ships around the world in terms of gross
tonnage. The SOLAS Convention in its successive forms is generally
regarded as the most important of all international treaties concerning the
safety of merchant ships.
Chapter I – General Provisions
Surveying the various types of ships and certifying that they meet the
requirements of the convention.
Chapter II-1 – Construction – Subdivision and stability,
machinery and electrical installations
The subdivision of passenger ships into watertight compartments so that after
damage to its hull, a vessel will remain afloat and stable.
Chapter II-2 – Fire protection, fire detection and fire extinction
Fire safety provisions for all ships with detailed measures for passenger
ships, cargo ships and tankers.
Chapter III – Life-saving appliances and arrangements
Life-saving appliances and arrangements, including requirements for life
boats, rescue boats and life jackets according to type of ship.
Chapter IV – Radio communications
The Global Maritime Distress Safety System (GMDSS) requires passenger
and cargo ships on international voyages to carry radio equipment, including
satellite Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacons (EPIRBs) and Search
and Rescue Transponders (SARTs).
Chapter V – Safety of navigation
This chapter requires governments to ensure that all vessels are sufficiently
and efficiently manned from a safety point of view. It places requirements on
all vessels regarding voyage and passage planning, expecting a careful
assessment of any proposed voyages by all who put to sea. Every mariner
must take account of all potential dangers to navigation, weather forecasts,
tidal predictions, the competence of the crew, and all other relevant factors. It
also adds an obligation for all vessels' masters to offer assistance to those in
distress and controls the use of lifesaving signals with specific requirements
regarding danger and distress messages. It is different from the other
chapters, which apply to certain classes of commercial shipping, in that these
requirements apply to all vessels and their crews, including yachts and
private craft, on all voyages and trips including local ones.
Chapter VI – Carriage of Cargoes
Requirements for the stowage and securing of all types of cargo and cargo
containers except liquids and gases in bulk.
Chapter VII – Carriage of dangerous goods
Requires the carriage of all kinds of dangerous goods to be in compliance
with the International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code (IMDG Code).
Chapter VIII – Nuclear ships
Nuclear powered ships are required, particularly concerning radiation
hazards, to conform to the Code of Safety for Nuclear Merchant Ships.
Chapter IX – Management for the Safe Operation of Ships
Requires every ship-owner and any person or company that has assumed
responsibility for a ship to comply with the International Safety Management
Code (ISM).
Chapter X – Safety measures for high-speed craft
Makes mandatory the International Code of Safety for High-speed craft (HSC
Chapter XI-1 – Special measures to enhance maritime safety
Requirements relating to organizations responsible for carrying out surveys
and inspections, enhanced surveys, the ship identification number scheme,
and operational requirements.
Chapter XI-2 – Special measures to enhance maritime security
Includes the International Ship and Port Facility Security Code (ISPS Code).
Confirms that the role of the Master in maintaining the security of the ship is
not, and cannot be, constrained by the Company, the charterer or any other
person. Port facilities must carry out security assessments and develop,
implement and review port facility security plans. Controls the delay,
detention, restriction, or expulsion of a ship from a port. Requires that ships
must have a ship security alert system, as well as detailing other measures
and requirements.
Chapter XII – Additional safety measures for bulk carriers
Specific structural requirements for bulk carriers over 150 meters in length

STCW Convention
The International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and
Watch keeping for Seafarers (or STCW) sets qualification standards for
masters, officers and watch personnel on seagoing merchant ships.
STCW Convention was the first to establish basic requirements on training,
certification and watch keeping for seafarers on an international level.
Previously the standards of training, certification and watch keeping of
officers and ratings were established by individual governments, usually
without reference to practices in other countries. As a result, standards and
procedures varied widely, even though shipping is extremely international by
The Convention prescribes minimum standards relating to training,
certification and watchkeeping for seafarers which countries are obliged to
meet or exceed. The difficulties which could arise for ships of States which
are not Parties to the Convention is one reason why the Convention has
received such wide acceptance. By 2014, the STCW Convention had 158
Parties, representing 98.8 per cent of world shipping tonnage.

The International Ship and Port Facility Security (ISPS) Code is an
amendment to the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) Convention on minimum
security arrangements for ships, ports and government agencies. It prescribes
responsibilities to governments, shipping companies, shipboard personnel,
and port/facility personnel to "detect security threats and take preventative
measures against security incidents affecting ships or port facilities used in
international trade."
The Code does not specify specific measures that each port and ship must
take to ensure the safety of the facility against terrorism because of the many
different types and sizes of these facilities. Instead it outlines "a standardized,
consistent framework for evaluating risk, enabling governments to offset
changes in threat with changes in vulnerability for ships and port facilities."
For ships the framework includes requirements for:
1. Ship security plans
2. Ship security officers
3. Company security officers
4. Certain onboard equipment
For port facilities, the requirements include:
1. Port facility security plans
2. Port facility security officers
3. Certain security equipment
In addition the requirements for ships and for port facilities include:
1. Monitoring and controlling access
2. Monitoring the activities of people and cargo
3. Ensuring security communications are readily available

Other Maritime codes and conventions

The International Maritime Organization (IMO), known as the Inter-
Governmental Maritime Consultative Organization (IMCO) until 1982, is a
specialized agency of the United Nations responsible for regulating shipping.
The IMO's primary purpose is to develop and maintain a comprehensive
regulatory framework for shipping and its remit today includes safety,
environmental concerns, legal matters, technical co-operation, maritime
security and the efficiency of shipping. IMO is governed by an assembly of
members and is financially administered by a council of members elected
from the assembly. The work of IMO is conducted through five committees
and these are supported by technical subcommittees. Other UN organizations
may observe the proceedings of the IMO. Observer status is granted to
qualified non-governmental organizations.
The IMO consists of an Assembly, a Council and five main Committees: the
Maritime Safety Committee; the Marine Environment Protection Committee;
the Legal Committee; the Technical Co-operation Committee and the
Facilitation Committee. A number of Sub-Committees support the work of
the main technical committees.
ICS Convention
The International Code of Signals (ICS) is an international system of signals
and codes for use by vessels to communicate important messages regarding
safety of navigation and related matters. Signals can be sent by flag hoist,
signal lamp ("blinker"), flag semaphore, radiotelegraphy, and radiotelephony.
The International Code is the most recent evolution of a wide variety of
maritime flag signaling systems.
"The purpose of the International Code of Signals is to provide ways and
means of communication in situations related essentially to safety of
navigation and persons, especially when language difficulties arise."
One of the elegant aspects of the ICS is that all of the standardized messages
come in nine languages (English, French, Italian, German, Japanese, Spanish,
Norwegian, and, since 1969, Russian and Greek). It is immaterial if the
sender and receiver(s) are using different languages; each language has a
book with equivalent messages keyed to the same code. This is also useful in
radiotelephony, or even when ships are within hailing distance.

MLC Convention
The Maritime Labour Convention (MLC) is an International Labour
Organization convention as the fourth pillar of international maritime law and
embodies "all up-to-date standards of existing international maritime labour
Conventions and Recommendations, as well as the fundamental principles to
be found in other international labour Conventions".
The convention consists of the sixteen articles containing general provisions
as well as the Code. The Code consists of five Titles in which specific
provisions are grouped by standard (or in Title 5: mode of enforcement):
Title 1: Minimum requirements for seafarers to work on a ship
Title 2: Conditions of employment
Title 3: Accommodation, recreational facilities, food and catering
Title 4: Health protection, medical care, welfare and social security protection
Title 5: Compliance and enforcement

COLREGS Convention
The International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea 1972
(COLREGS) are published by the International Maritime Organization (IMO)
and set out, among other things, the "rules of the road" or navigation rules to
be followed by ships and other vessels at sea to prevent collisions between
two or more vessels.The COLREGs are derived from a multilateral treaty
called the Convention on the International Regulations for Preventing
Collisions at Sea. Although rules for navigating vessels inland may differ, the
international rules specify that they should be as closely in line with the
international rules as possible.
The rules are specified in great detail in the regulations. Certain individuals
are legally required to carry or possess a copy of the rules, such as the owners
and/or operators of certain vessels. COLREG laws exist within each maritime
jurisdiction. Any individual subject to such requirements should be aware of
the complete, official wording.

HNS Convention
The HNS Convention (Hazardous and Noxious Substances by Sea
Convention) is an international convention was created to compensate for
damages caused by spillage of hazardous and noxious substances during
maritime transportation. The convention is officially known as the
International Convention on Liability and Compensation for Damage in
Connection with the Carriage of Hazardous and Noxious Substances by Sea.
An HNS is a substance such as chemicals, which could threaten humans and
marine life and interfere with legitimate uses of the sea, if spilled in the sea.
HNS is considered dangerous goods. Under the convention, it does not
include crude oil. Whether a substance is hazardous or noxious is determined
by its inclusion in the number of conventions and codes of the International
Maritime Organization developed to protect maritime safety and

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