Biaxial Column - Lecture 31

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Lecture 31 - Biaxial Column

November 13, 2002

CVEN 444
Lecture Goals

• Short Column Biaxial Design

Biaxial Column Example

The section
Th i off a short
h tiedi d
column is 16 x 24 in. and is
i f d with
i h 8 #10 bars
b as
shown. Determine the
ll bl ultimate
li load
l d on
the section φ Pn if its acts at
ex = 8 in.
i andd ey = 12 in.
i UseU
fc = 5 ksi and fy = 60 ksi.
Biaxial Column Example

Compute the
h P0 load,
l d compression
i with
i h no moments

Ast = 8 (1.27
1 27 in 2 ) = 10.16
10 16 in 2
P0 = 0.85 f c ( Ag − Ast ) + Ast f y
= 0.85 ( 5 ksi ) ( (16.0 in.)( 24.0 in.) − 10.16 in 2 )
+ (10.16 in 2 ) ( 60 ksi )
= 2198.4 k
Pn00 = rP0 = 0.8 ( 2198.4 k ) = 1758.7 k
Biaxial Column Example

Compute Pnx, by
C b starting
i with i h ey term andd assume
that compression controls. Check by
2 2
ey = 12 in. ≤ d = ( 21.5 in.) = 14.33 in.
3 3

Compute the nominal load, Pnx and assume second

compression steel does not contribute
assume small
Pn = Cc + Cs1 + Cs2 − T
Biaxial Column Example

Th components off the

The h equilibrium
ilib i equation
i are:

0 85 ( 5 ksi
Cc = 0.85 k i )(16 in.
i )( 0.8
0 8c ) = 54.4
54 4 c
Cs1 = 3.81 in 2 ( 60 ksi − 0.85 ( 5 ksi ) ) = 212.4 kips
T = 3.81 in 2 ( fs )
⎛d ⎞ ⎛ 21.5 in. ⎞
fs = ⎜ − 1⎟ ( 29000 ksi )( 0.003) = ⎜ − 1⎟ ( 87 ksi )
⎝c ⎠ ⎝ c ⎠
Use similar triangles to find the stress in the steel, fs
Biaxial Column Example

Compute the
h moment about
b the
h tension
i steel:
⎛ β1c ⎞
Pn e′ = Cc ⎜ d − ⎟ + Cs1 ( d − d ′ )
⎝ 2 ⎠
e′ = 9.5 in. + 12 in.
9 5 in in = 21
21.55 in.
Pn ( 21.5 in.) = 54.4c ( 21.5 in. − 0.4c )
+ 212.4 k ( 21.5 in. − 2.5 in.)
Thee resulting
esu g equation
equa o is:

Pn = 54.4c − 1.01c 2 + 187.7

Biaxial Column Example

C bi theh two equations
i andd solve
l forf Pn using
i an
iterative solution
Pn = 54.4
54 4c + 212.4
212 4 − 3.81
3 81 fs

Pn = 54.4c − 1.01c 2 + 187.7

Set the two equation equal to one another and sole for fs
fs = 0.265c 2 + 6.483
andd the
th definition:
d fi iti
⎛ 21.5 in. ⎞
fs = 87 ⎜ − 1⎟
⎝ c ⎠
Biaxial Column Example

C bi theh two equations
i andd solve
l for
f c using
an iterative technique
⎛ 21.5 in. ⎞
87 ⎜ − 1⎟ = 0.265c 2 + 6.483
⎝ c ⎠

You are solving a cubic equation

c (in.) fs (ksi) RHS
15 37.7 66.12819
10 100.05 32.99194
13 56.88462 51.28315
33 53.6391
53 639 53.37471
53 3
13.315 53.48066 53.48054
Biaxial Column Example

Ch k the
Check h assumption
i that
h Cs2 is
i close
l to zero
⎛ 12 in. ⎞ ⎛ 12 in. ⎞
fs2 = ⎜1 − ⎟ ( 87 ksi
k i ) = ⎜1 − ⎟ ( 87 ksi
k i)
⎝ c ⎠ ⎝ 13.315 in. ⎠
= 8.59
8 59 kksii
Cs2 = 2.54 in 2 ( 8.59 ksi − 0.85 ( 5 ksi ) )
= 11.0 kips

This value is small relative to the others

Biaxial Column Example

This Cs2 = 11 kips

Thi ki relatively
l i l small
ll verses the
overall load, which is

Pn = 54.4c + 212.4 − 3.81 fs

= 54.4 (13.315 in.) + 212.4 k − 3.81( 53.48 ksi )
= 733.0
733 0 k

So Pnx = 733.0 kips

Biaxial Column Example

Start with
S i h ex term andd assume that
h compression
2 2
ex = 8.0 in. ≤ d = (13.5 in.) = 9 in.
3 3

Compute the nominal load, Pny and assume second

compression steel does not contribute
assume small
Pn = Cc + Cs1 + Cs2 − T
Biaxial Column Example

Th components off the

The h equilibrium
ilib i equation
i are:

Cc = 0.85 ( 5 ksi )( 24 in.)( 0.8c ) = 81.6 c

3 81 in 2 ( 60 ksi − 00.85
Cs1 = 3.81 85 ( 5 ksi ) ) = 212
212.44 kips
T = 3.81 in 2 ( fs )
⎛d ⎞ ⎛ 13.5 in. ⎞
fs = ⎜ − 1⎟ ( 29000 ksi )( 0.003) = ⎜ − 1⎟ ( 87 ksi )
⎝c ⎠ ⎝ c ⎠
Biaxial Column Example

Compute the
h moment about
b the
h tension
i steel:
⎛ β1c ⎞
Pn e′ = Cc ⎜ d − ⎟ + Cs1 ( d − d ′ )
⎝ 2 ⎠
e′ = 5.5 in + 8 in.
5 5 in. in = 13.5
13 5 in.
Pn (13.5 in.) = 81.6c (13.5 in. − 0.4c )
+ 212.4 k (13.5 in. − 2.5 in.)
Thee resulting
esu g equation
equa o is:
Pn = 81.6c − 2.42c 2 + 173.07
Biaxial Column Example

C bi theh two equations
i andd solve
l for
f Pn using
i an
iterative solution
Pn = 81.6
81 6c + 212.4
212 4 − 3.81
3 81 fs

Pn = 81.6c − 2.42c 2 + 173.07

Set the two equation equal to one another and sole for fs
fs = 0.634c 2 + 10.324
andd the
th definition:
d fi iti
⎛ 13.5 in. ⎞
fs = 87 ⎜ − 1⎟
⎝ c ⎠
Biaxial Column Example

C bi theh two equations
i andd solve
l for
f c using
i an
iterative technique
⎛ 13.5 in. ⎞
87 ⎜ − 1⎟ = 0.634c 2 + 10.324
⎝ c ⎠

You are solving a cubic equation

c (in.) fs (ksi) RHS
10 30.45 73.76371
8 59.8125 50.92531
8.5 51.17647 56.15911
8 3 54.50602
5 5060 54.02753
5 0 53
8.31735 54.21084 54.21043
Biaxial Column Example

Ch k the
Check h assumption
i that
h Cs2 is
i close
l to zero
⎛ 8 in. ⎞
fs2 = ⎜1 − ⎟ ( 87 ksi
k i)
⎝ 8.317 in. ⎠
= 3.32
3 32 kksii
Cs2 = 2.54 in 2 ( 3.32 ksi − 0.85 ( 5 ksi ) )
= −2.10 kips

This value is negative so it does not contribute

Biaxial Column Example

This Cs2= - 2.1

Thi 2 1 kips
ki relatively
l i l small
ll verses the
overall load, which is

Pn = 81.6c + 212.4 − 3.81 fs

= 81.6 ( 8.317 in.) + 212.4 k − 3.81( 54.21 ksi )
= 684.6
684 6 k

So Pnx = 684.6 kips

Biaxial Column Example

Compute the
h nominal
i l load
l d

1 1 1 1
= + −
Pn Pnx Pnyy Pn0
1 1 1
= + −
733 0 k 684.6
733.0 684 6 k 1758.7
1758 7 k

Pn = 443.2 k ⇒ Pu = φ Pn = 0.65 ( 443.2 k ) = 288.1 k

Biaxial Column Example

Note: the Pnx & Pny include the

corner steel bars in both
calculations a more
conservative solution would be
to use 1/2 the steel in each
direction so As= 2(1.27 in2)
which would reduce Pu .
(Remember fs can not be
greater than 60 ksi, so that Pnx
= 620.3 k and Pny= 578.4 k Pn =
360.7 k and Pu= 234.5 k )
Homework due (11/25/02)
1) Go back and prove the numbers for the last
assumption for biaxial loaded column
2) Determine the load capacity of the column, if the
eccentric loading is at ex= 5.5
5 5 in.
in and ey = 8 in.
and fc = 4 ksi and fy= 60 ksi

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