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Nanyang Technological University

Internship Journal

Student Name : Ma Qiming

Organisation Name : Qualcomm
Organisation Supervisor : Jiayuam Xu
Date of Submission : 16/02/2023

E-Journal #1

Please note that the prompts provided in this document are meant as guides to help you start the reflection
process. They are not purposed to be exhaustive list of items to consider.

1. Intended learning outcome:

Apply knowledge and skills relevantly and appropriately in the workplace.

Most of my projects require coding skills which I had some experiences on python and I had a
course that taught about python skills as well.
For example, I was required to use python code to pull data to excel, which requires some coding
Also, I was told to use excel VBA to create a dashboard, which is something new I need to learn.

Most of the work is new to me as I did not get in touch with coding a lot previously, hence I will
need to do some self-learning to get all the needed techniques to finish my job, which is really
helpful to my study.

2. Intended learning outcome:

Discuss the internship organisation’s nature and context of business.
Qualcomm is mainly a product selling company and it cooperates with my other famous
companies like Apple, Samsung. Qualcomm is focusing on chip production and recently it also got
involved in automotive areas.

This may not be available as it is company confidential information.

My job is to help the team to facilitate their work by providing a platform which gathers all the
information and tools that they need. I did not get in touch with the production teams so I did not
know much about the details, but I am happy for what I am doing right now as I provide helps to
my seniors.

3. Intended learning outcome:

Reflect on the organisational culture at the internship organisation.
Qualcomm is a goal-orientated company which means they did not require you to be in office
every day, but you must finish your tasks on time. This is a very good culture that we can arrange
Nanyang Technological University
Internship Journal

our schedule according to our pace. Each team consists around 15 to 20 members and most of the
team has one team leader and few group leaders where the group leaders have different job to be
done for their respective group. Our company decisions are made relatively slow as we must
make sure all our products meet the standard.
For myself, if I need to go to the lab, I must be in office to access the lab. If there is no lab session,
I can work from home some of the day if I have the company PC with me at home.

I think the company culture is good as it cares about everyone in the company, even you are just
an intern. Everyone is very kind and all the seniors in my team help me a lot with my coding as I
not so good at it. And I get to have lunch with my seniors weekly to share information.

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