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Putin za rat krivi Zapad, suspenduje pakt o nuklearnom razoružanju

,, "We have already begun and will continue to build up a large-scale program for the socioeconomic
recovery and development of these new subjects of the Federation," Putin said in his address, referring
to territory annexed from Ukraine. We are talking about reviving enterprises and jobs in the ports of the
Sea of Azov, which has again become an inland sea of Russia, and building new modern roads, as we did
in Crimea.”- odgovoran (Putin)

,, DW's chief international editor Richard Walker said Putin's speech was largely "war-time propaganda,"
saying claims about pedophilia being a norm in the West are "almost laughable." – autoritaran (Putin)

,, Walker said such messages were intended to make Russians see the West as a strategic, moral and
cultural threat to their country. [Putin] said that this [war] is about the very existence of the Russian
state. And in the Russian nuclear code, it says that they would only use nuclear weapons if their state's
very existence was threatened," Walker said. “ - uticajan (Putin)

,,Putin's message in his speech was that the West "started this war" and Russia is only using force to
stop it, Goncharenko said, adding: "Which is, of course, a lie." – nije moralan (Putin)

2. Zelenski se zahvaljuje Nemačkoj na podršci - kao da se desila

“"They are literally fighting for freedom, humanity and peace," Von der Leyen said. "They are bleeding
and they are laying down their lives to safeguard the future of their children and of ours." President
Zelenskyy and the people of Ukraine know exactly what they're fighting for and they have understood
what Europe and our union is all about," she added.” - odgovoran , moralan (Zelenski)

,, Zelenskyy is due to receive the prestigious Charlemagne Prize for services to Europe. The prize was
awarded to the president and the Ukrainian people in December for fighting not only for their country
"but also Europe and European values." - uticajan (Zelenski)

3. Zelenski kaže da je Rusija ,,svetska najveća anti-evropska sila"

"Europe will be with us until our victory. I've heard it from a number of European leaders… about the
readiness to give us the necessary weapons and support, including aircraft." - odgovoran
,,When speaking to European lawmakers earlier Thursday, Zelenskyy opened and closed his speech with
the words "Slava Ukraini'' — "Glory to Ukraine'' and thanked European lawmakers for the support
offered to Ukraine so far.” – rodoljubiv

,,He highlighted the importance of democracy for the whole of Europe and said that this was "our
people's way home."” – nije autoritaran (poziva na demokratiju)

“"Europe will always be, and remain Europe as long as we are together and as long as we take care of
our Europe, as we take care of the European way of life,'' he said. Zelenskyy praised and applauded
Europeans who had supported his country in "this historic battle" against Russia.” – moralan, odgovoran

,,Ahead of his address, Zelenskyy appeared with his hand on his heart in front of the blue and yellow
Ukrainian flag while the European Parliament played his country's national anthem. There was heavy
applause and a standing ovation as he prepared to speak, introduced by the legislature's president,
Roberta Metsola.” - ekstrovertan (javni nastup dramatičan i upečatljiv)

4. Putin tvrdi da se ,,pravi rat" vodi protiv Rusije

,,President Vladimir Putin told Russians the world was at a key turning point and they were engaged in a
patriotic struggle for the future of their country.” - patriota

,, Putin, the target of an International Criminal Court arrest warrant” – nemoralan, prestupnik

,, Since coming into power, Putin has promoted a cult-like reverence around the 1945 Soviet day of
victory over Nazi Germany.” – uticajan, propagandista

5. Ukrajinske Novosti: Putin posetio okupirani grad Marijupolj

,,The visit comes after Putin visited Crimea to mark the ninth anniversary of the Black Sea peninsula's
annexation from Ukraine, a move most of the world has condemned as illegal.” – nemoralan

,, "As befits a thief, Putin visited Ukrainian Mariupol, under the cover of night. First, it is safer. Also,
darkness allows him to highlight what he wants to show, and keeps the city his army completely
destroyed and its few surviving inhabitants away from prying eyes," the ministry said on Twitter.” –
nemoralan (nazivaju ga lopovom)
,, "The criminal always returns to the crime scene... the murderer of thousands of Mariupol families
came to admire the ruins of the city and (its) graves. Cynicism and lack of remorse," Podolyak said on
Twitter.” – opet kriminalac, nemoralan

,, Meanwhile the arrest warrant against Putin is comfortably the highest profile of its kind ever issued,
making its implentation, at the very least, difficult.” – uticajan, važan

6. Putinova senka nadvila se nad Minhenskom Bezbednosnom Konferencijom

,, Ukraine can not be safe as long as Vladimir Putin remains in power” – uticajan, opasan

,, Putin was not invited to the annual gathering of diplomatic, security and defense leaders, but he was
mentioned — by name or indirectly — by almost every speaker. “ – opet uticajan

,, "We need to end this war with the respect of territorial integrity and also with a clear understanding
that aggressors will pay for aggression," Estonian Foreign Minister Urmas Reinsalu told DW on the
sidelines of the conference.” – aggressor, nemoralan, autoritaran

7. EU nema precizan rok za članstvo Ukrajine

"Your determination to forge ahead is impressive," she said. In a video address after the meeting,
Zelenskyy said: "Tonight we can say that Ukraine is moving toward its goal." - odgovoran

8. Bosansko-srpski lider nagradio Putina počasnom medaljom

,, The medal was to recognize the Russian president's "patriotic concern and love" for Bosnia's Serb-
controlled half.” - odgovoran, uticajan

,, "Thanks to the position of Vladimir Putin and the strength of the Russian Federation, the voice and
position of Republika Srpska has been heard and respected," he said on Sunday.” – odgovoran, uticajan,

,, Putin is responsible for developing and strengthening cooperation and political and friendly relations
between RS (Republika Srpska) and Russia,'' Dodik said.” – odgovoran, prijateljski nastrojen, pruža

9. Napadi u Rusiji uništavaju mit o Putinovoj nepobedivoj vojsci

,, Russian President Vladimir Putin hasn't publicly expressed much concern about the attacks on the
border regions.” – samouveren

,, he was calmly taking questions from schoolchildren, one of whom wondered whether he was more
powerful than Santa Claus.” – uticajan
,, Putin's strategy is to "keep quiet where possible, to present failures as successes, and to not dwell on
the attacks: then there will be no need to react or make excuses.” – propagandista, nemoralan,
autoritaran, samouveren

,, But Stanovaya thinks Putin's usual playbook has begun to backfire. "People want to see strong
leadership, but right now, that leadership is looking increasingly helpless and confused," she wrote.” –
bespomoćan, loš lider

10. Rat u Ukrajini: Šta misle oni koji govore ruski u Nemačkoj?

,, Some 22% said their image of Russia's president has changed "fairly negatively" in the past 14 months,
and nearly twice as many answered "strongly negatively," putting the total percentage at 65% whose
opinion of Putin has turned for the worse.” – negativna slika, opada podrška

,, This, he argued, explains why Putin is viewed so negatively here: "People who live in Germany have
access to sources of information that show the atrocities and name them as such," Warkentin told DW.
"This is in complete contrast to those who live in Russia and are only supplied with information by state
propaganda." – nemoralan, autoritaran, propagandista

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