Procedure NPD 01apqp Hou

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Doc. No.


Process Name :- Process for Advance Product Quality Planning.

Purpose :- CUSTOMER ENQUIRY TO CUSTOMER SOP To establish a procedure for Manufacturing Process Design and to ensure that the new product development is carried out in line
with customer requirements and reduce the lead time of the development continually.

Scope :- This procedure is applicable from development to sop at customer end.

It covers all below catagories:-
A. New Product/Part / New technology
B. ECN in Existing Part Dimensionly
C. Raw Material change
D. Similer Parts
E. Process sequence / layout change
F. Process equipment Change
G. Relocation of Plant
H. Supplier Change
I. Off loaded Tools
J.New tool after life complete

Process Owner :- NPD /QA -Head head is overall responsible for implementation of the requirements given in this Procedure.

Performance Criteria
1. Time Overrun from target time
2. First time ok at customer line trial
3. New Product Development
4. ECN/PCN Change

Documents :

Sr. No. Document No. Document Name Indexing Special Protection Control Authority

----- ----- -------- ------ -------- --------

Records :-
Sr. No. Record No. Record Name Retention Period Disposal Authority

1 HOU/NPD/04 APQP chart with responsibility matrix As per record matrix MR

2 HOU/APQP/02 APQP Timing Plan As per record matrix MR
3 HOU/MKT/F/04 Team Feasibility study As per record matrix MR
5 HOU/PDH/07 Past Defect History Sheet As per record matrix MR
6 HOU/DM/01 DEFECT Matrix As per record matrix MR
7 HOU/NPD/06 Plan Do Check Act (PDCA) As per record matrix MR
8 HOU/MKT/F/03 Enquiry Register As per record matrix MR
9 HOU/NPD/02 CFT member for NPD As per record matrix MR
10 HOU/NPD/03 Drawing review & feasibility As per record matrix MR
Technical specification review sheet supplier/
11 HOU/NPD/08 As per record matrix MR
12 HOU/CA/ Part no. Checking Aids As per record matrix MR
13 HOU/QA/01 Sample Inspection Report As per record matrix MR
14 HOU/PRD/F/05 Production Report As per record matrix MR
15 F/QA/02 First / Last piece inspection report As per record matrix MR
16 HOU/IP/02 Inprocess inspection report As per record matrix MR
17 HOU/PKG/Part no. Packaging Specification data As per record matrix MR
18 HOU/MSA/part no. Gauge R&R As per record matrix MR
19 HOU/PAC/01 Process Audit Checklist-Development As per record matrix MR
20 HOU/NPD/36 List of sp. Characterstics As per record matrix MR
21 HOU/PFD/Part No. Process flow chart As per record matrix MR
22 HOU/PFMEA/Part NO. PFMEA As per record matrix MR
23 HOU/CP/Part NO. Control Plan As per record matrix MR
24 HOU/SPCS/Part No. standard process control sheet As per record matrix MR
25 HOU/QA/14 SPC report As per record matrix MR
26 HOU/NPD/14 Project Review Meeting As per record matrix MR
27 HOU/NPD/05 TGR /TGW As per record matrix MR
28 HOU/NPD/12 NPD Register As per record matrix MR
29 HOU/QA/40 MSA Plan As per record matrix MR
30 HOU/QA/41 SPC Plan As per record matrix MR
31 HOU/NPD/40 APQP Sign off sheet As per record matrix MR
32 HOU/NPD/41 BOM As per record matrix MR
33 HOU/NPD/42 Resource plan As per record matrix MR
34 HOU/NPD/51 BOP PART DEVELOPMENT PLAN As per record matrix MR
Prepared By Approved By
Rev Date 02.02.2024
Title : Advance Product Quality Planning
Sr. Reference /
Input Activity Output Resp. Checkpoint
No. Format

1st Phase( Plan & Define The Programme )

Enquiry register
It can be receive in soft or in hard copy
Enquiry register/ (HOU/MKT/F/03)
1 Customer Dwg., sample, ECN & RFQ Received RFQ(part/drawing/sample/ECN from customer) MKT/MD and if samples received then record in
ECN Engineering Change Note
enquiry register

It should be update at each enquiry Enquiry register

2 Customer Dwg., sample, ECN & RFQ Make And Update Enquiry Register Enquiry register MKT/MD
receipt. (HOU/MKT/F/03)

1. Role & Responsibility should Clear of

CFT Members
CFT Formation
3 Making of CFT Team Making of CFT Nomination of CFT Team With Leader MKT/MD 2. Each member's activity should clearly
mention in CFT & should match with
timing plan & APQP matrix

Perform technical feasibility Communicate through mail or hardcopy Team feasibility study
4 Feasibility Report Mail for Feasibility report PLANT HEAD
etc. (HOU/MKT/F/04)

All Requirement to be cleared. i.e.:

Component Drawing Review Drawing review & feasibility
5 Drawing Review Drawing Review Record PLANT HEAD CSR, health & safety, statuary &
regulatory requirement

Consider Man Power planning (New Team feasibility study

6 Feasibility Report Take clarification or inform to customer by mail/letter (if require ) Feasibility Report PLANT HEAD
joinee, Special Training Req. Etc.) (HOU/MKT/F/04)

Is it Feasible Consider all Parameters according to Team feasibility study

Viability Report PLANT HEAD
feasibility study (HOU/MKT/F/04)

Send it to cvustomer through mail or

7 Feasibility Report Make product Pre-Feasibility Report Quotation PLANT HEAD Quotation

8 Enquiry register Make Bill of Material & Supplier Selection ( If requiered) Bill of material MKT/MD Consider it for one nos. of part

Only after customer approval received Purchase order/

9 Quotation Receipt LOI from customer Customer approval PLANT HEAD
further, activity should be started LOI

10 SPEC REVIEW Cunduct SPEC review meeting with customer SPEC REVIEW NPD HEAD Disccusion with customer FRM/ED/051

11 Critical Dimension Make a List of SC/CC characteristics SC/CC Characterstics NPD HEAD Disccusion with customer HOU/NPD/36

APQP development timing plan

1) If there is Sunday then it should be
Prepare detailed APQP Matrix. Prepare APQP Plan in Product Development Plan sheet (HOU/APQP/02)
reviewed on next day or previous day
from Prototype to approval of SOP. APQP timing plan / APQP responsibility Project review Meeting
12 Csutomer approval NPD and record to be kept
Review the Project By CFT in 15 days & once in month by Top Management sheet HOU/NPD/14
2) Capture customer event also in APQP
APQP responsibility matrix
Timing Plan

Preliminary process flow diagramme

13 Drawing Make a preliminary process flow diagramme Preliminary PFD NPD All possible process should include in it.
(HOU/PFD/Part no.)

Technical specification review sheet

Perform technical feasibility and discuss with customer if any required Technical specification review sheet All required technical points should
14 Drawing NPD supplier/ customer
supplier/ customer consider in it
Rev Date 02.02.2024
Title : Advance Product Quality Planning
Sr. Reference /
Input Activity Output Resp. Checkpoint
No. Format

Phase-II (Product design & development)

Consider Man, machine, tool,

Make a resource plan against all requirement Resource plan
15 Resource Plan Resource Plan PLANT HEAD instrument, land, material requirement
in it.

BOP Part Devlopment Resource plan

16 Resource Plan Resource plan PLANT HEAD Material Requierments If Requiered.

Consider beloew stage defect for

minimum six month:-
Past Problem history study & prepare PFMEA defect matrix Past Trouble History Sheet
1. Customer complaint
17 Customer complaint register, warranty failure etc. Past Problem history Sheet NPD (HOU/PDH/07) & PFMEA matrix
2. Internal defect summary
3. Supplier/Incoming defect
4. NPD stage defect

Prepare prototype Control Plan Control plan

18 Preliminary PFD Prototype control plan NPD Sampling qty should be 100% in it
(HOU/CP/Part No.)

As per tool design & feasibility plan, in

Tooling development plan
19 APQP Timing plan Make Tool & gauge manufacturing plan Tool development plan TOOL ROOM house or external sources for tool

Production report
Production report & NPD register
20 Part Drawing Make proto sample parts Production record PRODUCTION should be updated against all proto
NPD Register
production qty

Complete sample inspection should be Sample inspection report

21 Production reocord Make proto parts inspection report Inspction record NPD
done for proto parts HOU/QA/01

Submit PDI report to customer

22 Layout report Proto parts submission to customer and take folow up for approval Invoice Copy NPD Invoice Copy
otherwise send layout inspection report

All parts should be kept in lock & key PDCA Sheet

23 Layout report In case proto parts got reject then analysis them by PDCA cycle PDCA sheet NPD
bin area HOU/NPD/06

Phase-III (Process Design & Development)

Process flow diiagram

24 Preliminary PFD Make prelaunch process flow diagram Proto type PFD NPD Refer similar components

Potential Failure Mode & Effect Analysis

25 Preparation of PFMEA Prepare Process Failure Mode and Effect Analysis PFMEA NPD As per AIAG - 4 (FMEA) Guidelines
(HOU/PFMEA/Part No.)

Sampling qty should be double as per Control plan

26 Preparation of control plan Prepare prelaunch Control
121 Plan Pre launch Control Plan NPD
production control plan (HOU/CP/Part No.)

Prepare work instruction, process parameter sheet & Trainings etc. Standard Process Control Sheet
1. Keep a training record. (HOU/SPCS/Part No.)
27 Operation standard Operation standard/ Training QUALITY
2. Provide external trainings if require Training attendance sheet

Production record
After tool & gauge validation, perfrom production trial run T0, T1 etc (Using tooling & HOU/PRD/F/05
28 Prelaunch control plan gauges) and maintain the record in NPD register Production record PRODUCTION Do 100% inspection
NPD Register

Check the parts & make sample inspection report Consider all parameters including Sample inspection report
29 Prelaunch control plan Sample inspection report NPD
appearance HOU/QA/01

Submission of sample to customer with required document Sample inspection report

30 Prelaunch control plan Sample inspection report NPD Along with challan or invoice etc.

Sample approval report from customer (if required take corrective action & review of Plan do check act
31 Customer feedback change required documents) Nomination of CFT Team With Leader NPD As per customer Feedback

Plan do check act

32 Customer Feedback Feedback Analysis / Corrective Action in PDCA PDCA sheet PRODUCTION As per customer Feedback

MSA Plan
Make a plan for MSA & SPC Study MSA Plan (HOU/QA/40)
33 Prelaunch control plan NPD If required
SPC Plan SPC Plan

Prepare Packing standard All packing requirement(Primary & Packaging Specification data
34 Prelaunch control plan Packing standard QUALITY
secondary) should consider in it (HOU/PKG/Part no.)
Rev Date 02.02.2024
Title : Advance Product Quality Planning
Sr. Reference /
Input Activity Output Resp. Checkpoint
No. Format

Phase - IV ( Product & Process Verification)

35 MSA / Gauge R & R Study MSA Report

MSA / Gauge R& R Plan MSA/ Gauge R&R Result NPD Follow the MSA procedure
HOU/MSA/part no.

Sample inspection report

Defect matrix
Production Trial Run for Pilot lot & make a inspection report and submit to customer Consider sampling qty and inspection
36 Pre launch Control plan Defect summary for trial NPD HOU/DM/01,
(As agreed by customer for considering pilot lot as a PPAP lot), otherwise submit frequency as per Prelaunch Control Plan
Daily production Report
separate PPAP lot to customer. HOU/PRD/F/05

If pilot lot qty is collected from more

than one production lot than each lot
37 List of Special characterstics Capability Result QUALITY SPC report
observation should consider in study
Process Capability Evaluation (Cp &Cpk Study) (HOU/QA/14)

Process Audit Checklist-Development

It should cover all paramaters as per
Make a process & product audit report to ensure the availability and adherence of all HOU/PAC/01
38 Production planning Process audit QUALITY checksheet & control plan should be
inputs whichever required Control Plan
attached for process wise.
(HOU/CP/Part No.)

Refer AIAG PPAP docket or use customer

39 Prepared PPAP Documents Make PPAP Documents in relevant formats and submit to customer Customer Approval NPD fromat PPAP Package

Customer signoff evidence should be

40 Customer approval Customer Approval NPD ------
Receive PPAP approval & approved PSW or sample report from customer

Phase -V (Feedback and Corrective Action)

Plan do check act
41 Customer Feedback Feedback Analysis / Corrective Action PDCA sheet PRODUCTION As per customer Feedback

Reviewed all the required documents and implement on shop floor and make a TGR/TGW
Consider all right & wrong learnings in
42 In process inspection report summary of TGR & TGW. Things gone wrong & things gone right NPD HOU/NPD/05
this format.

Customer SOP Control plan

43 Customer approval & Pre launch control plan Control plan PRODUCTION Inspection frequency reduced

All required eliments should include in APQP Signoff sheet

44 Customer approval Make a APQP sign off sheet and handover the project to production APQP Signoff Sheet NPD
it (HOU/NPD/40)

45 Prepare Mass Production Plan Production Plan PRODUCTION As per Customer Schedule
Initial supply announcement & start the IPC

Prepared By Approved By

Revision History:-
S. No. Rev. No. Date of change Change description Remarks
1 0 10.03.21 Initial Issue
2 1 25.05.22 Regular Review and format no. add
3 2 02.02.2024 Rev as per MACE requierment

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